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  1. A

    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/islamic-persecution-of-hindus-in-pakistan/
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    Astrology Is our life written in astrology?

    With https: //jos-astro.com/ one can verify the Natal Chart and other astrological factors. The astral energies are very important, you can first understand them by studying astrology, then evolving yourself with the Magickal Squares and the meditations, and especially the connection with Satan...
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    Expressing Gratitude To Your GD

    If you had felt the energy of your GD, you can go in Trance and try to connect to that energy, then you should understand Who is your GD.
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    A Mission we will do

    The Gods Rituals are very important both for Satanists in positive ways and for the enemy in negative ways.
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    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Ho terminato la traduzione di The Black Cube Kaaba Tuttavia questo link https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islam-is-materialism/ non funziona, pertanto non l'ho tradotto, e questo link rimanda ad un video che è stato censurato: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1OLcMHPsKcps/, quindi...
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    [Trad-WDoI] L'aldilà dei “goyim” stupidi

    L'aldilà dei “goyim” stupidi https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/afterlife-of-the-dumb-goyim/ “Goyim”, come sappiamo, è il termine gergale ebraico per indicare le persone che hanno accettato prontamente l'Islam ed il Cristianesimo. Si tratta di due programmi ebraici che si spacciano...
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    [Trad-IEvil] Come i Musulmani ingannano - Parte II

    How Muslims Deceive – Part II https://islamicevil.com/how-muslims-deceive-part-ii/ L'inganno può assumere molte forme ed i Musulmani sono tutt'altro che limitati nell'applicarle. Con il passare del tempo, una buona parte delle persone che sono diventate più scaltre nei confronti dell'Islam...
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    Question #5798: Absolutely stop being nervous

    https://www.satanisgod.org/Trance.html Going in Trance everyday has good benefits for removing stress. This Sermon of HPS Lydia is important: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-benefits-of-trance.74755/
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    Question #5791: Meditation phenomenon

    If you want to contact Satan, you should do the Dedication: https://www.satanisgod.org/SATANIC.html Then you could do His Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/satan-absolution-ritual.html and His Psalm: https://josrituals.org/ritual/psalm/satan-psalm-1.html After that bad experience...
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    Question #5795: Ancient knowledge and frtr, god rituals

    Ancient Libraries were destroyed by christians and muslims.
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    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/how-muslims-deceive-part-ii/
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    [Trad-IEvil] Come i Musulmani ingannano - Parte I

    How Muslims Deceive – Part I https://islamicevil.com/how-muslims-deceive-part-i/ Come il resto dei suoi empi fratelli all'interno del Cristianesimo e dell'Ebraismo, l'Islam cercherà spesso di indossare una maschera di moralità quando si presenterà al mondo. Gli ignari sciocchi Occidentali...
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    [Trad-WDoI] Il sabbath nero

    Black Sabbath https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/black-sabbath/ Gli ebrei scrivono nei loro testi che il sabato è il giorno in cui si maledice, ci si collega e si inviano forme di pensiero contro il nemico gentile. Saturno è il giorno della maledizione nel giudaismo. Cosa pensate...
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    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/how-muslims-deceive-part-i/
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    [Trad-WDoI] La più grande debolezza dell'Islam

    Islam’s Greatest Weakness https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islams-greatest-weakness/ Smascherare l'islam per l'orrenda menzogna ed il programma di schiavitù che è può sembrare un po' più difficile che smascherare l'altrettanto orrenda e schiavizzante menzogna del cristianesimo...
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    H O L O C A U S T

    The jews use the numerology as a weapon to enslave/exterminate Gentiles. For more informations you can see: https://holocaustexposed.org/
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    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Ευχαριστώ για τις μεταφράσεις @Hellenic SS
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    Q. about sigils and demons?

    Read again all the pages in that link, especially the Hieratic informations of the Gods.
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    [Trad-WDol] Il cubo nero del comunismo

    The Black Cube of communism https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/the-black-cube-of-communism/ Il Cubo Nero, la Kaaba, i tefillin, la stella a sei punte, Saturno, il “santo dei santi” della Mecca, il tempio Cristiano, la sinagoga ebraica ed ogni casa ebraica... è il simbolo dell'anima...
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    Question #5762: Summoning an angel as an SS

    https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/shattering-jewish-soul-protection.html You should do this ritual, which contain LEH-EE RUU, that may be the inverse of that entity, also with the other 2 RtR every day...
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    Question #5759: Best resources to learn astrology

    https://www.satanisgod.org/FURCAS.html https://jos-astro.com/
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    Question #5752: What system of numerology is effective?

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    Question #5747: Ritual

    The books of the jews are full of human sacrifices and mass homicides. The massacre in Palestine is a tremendous vortex of death energies that the jews use both against Gentiles and for their power. They want to establish a greater israel and enslave/exterminate Gentiles, as it is written in...
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    [Trad-WDoI] Il cubo nero dell'olocausto

    Black Cube of holyhoax https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/black-cube-of-holyhoax/ L'olocaustismo è una nuova religione ebraica del XX secolo, basata sul culto dei fantomatici 6 milioni di grandi martiri ebrei che sarebbero morti in mitiche camere a gas, stufe, ecc. Sebbene un tale...
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    Q. about sigils and demons?

    https://www.satanisgod.org/AllDemons.html Here you will find a lot of important pages about Gods and Demons.
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    Question #5737: Help with mentality for combat sports

    You can check on JoS calendar when you can start a Mars Square.
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    Question #5710: Amun Ra and Zeus parallel

    https://satanisgod.org/Beelzebub.html https://satanisgod.org/BeelzebulHC.html https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/beelzebul-power-ritual.html https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/amonra-power-ritual.html
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    [Trad-WDoI] Il cubo nero di Saturno

    Black Cube of Saturn https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/black-cube-of-saturn/ Tutta la cosiddetta magia xiana di John Dee ed Edward Kelley ruota attorno al Cubo Nero con la stessa rapidità delle folle di subumani alla Mecca. Quello che segue è un estratto di un articolo di un...
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    How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

    Nothing in excess, as it is written on the entrance of the Temple of Delphi. Moderation can lead to understand the notion of Time.
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    Few questions about Pacificism

    They are useful idiots.
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    [Trad] Quando diventi veramente Satanista Spirituale?

    È anche possibile che alcune personalità agiscano in modo molto illusorio anche dopo aver intrapreso questo cammino. Non voglio giudicare, ma solo darvi dei fatti validi su tutto questo, in modo che possiate crescere e fare del vostro meglio. Supponiamo, per esempio, che uno abbia seguito uno...
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    [Trad] Quando diventi veramente Satanista Spirituale?

    When Do You Truly Become A Spiritual Satanist? https://ancient-forums.com/threads/when-do-you-truly-become-a-spiritual-satanist.291812/ Molte persone sembrano credere erroneamente che quando ci si Dedica, allora si è un “Satanista Spirituale Dedicato”. Il Satanismo Spirituale è un percorso di...
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    [Trad-WDoI] Il stadio nero della pietra filosofale: un'esposizione completa di dove e perché la “reliquia” islamica è stata rubata

    Partendo dal fatto che ho sbagliato l'articolo determinativo ad inizio titolo, comunque sia il termine "stadio", in base al contenuto del testo tradotto, si riferisce ai 3 stati alchemici Nigredo, Albedo e Rubedo, anche con l'allusione alla Citrinitas, quindi ritengo che il termine stadio vada...
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    When Do You Truly Become A Spiritual Satanist?

    Very important words, thanks for the Sermon!
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    When Do You Truly Become A Spiritual Satanist? https://ancient-forums.com/threads/when-do-you-truly-become-a-spiritual-satanist.291812/
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    [Trad-WDoI] Il stadio nero della pietra filosofale: un'esposizione completa di dove e perché la “reliquia” islamica è stata rubata

    The Black Stage of the Philosopher’s Stone: a full exposure of where and why the islamic “relic” was stolen https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/the-black-stage-of-the-philosophers-stone/ Dato che la Pietra Nera stessa è rubata dalla nostra Pietra Filosofale, quelle che seguono sono...
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    [Trad-WDoI] Il cubo nero: la residenza del dio ebraico

    Per sapere che cos'è esattamente il loro patto, consultare Hexahedron. “Venuto dal Paradiso” - Il Sole Nero o la Pietra Filosofale Bruciata Bianca è un oggetto tradizionale conservato in Paradiso, che nei miti europei e russi era spesso rappresentato dalle isole Makarei, Avalon e Buyan. “Venuto...
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    [Trad-WDoI] Il cubo nero: la residenza del dio ebraico

    Black Cube: the residence of jewish god https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/the-residence-of-jewish-god/ “Satana verrà da ognuno di voi e dirà: Chi ha creato questo e quello? Dice questo finché non chiede: Chi ha creato il tuo Signore? Quando arriverà a questo, dovreste cercare...
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    Suggestions for a newbie?

    Welcome to Spiritual Satanism! You can read: https://www.satanisgod.org/ You can also start the https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf and the https://www.satanisgod.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Spiritual_Warfare_Training.html
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    Nuovo gestore della Biblioteca di Satana e del sito; nuovi traduttori dei post di Guerra Spirituale e Rituali degli Dèi

    Complimenti @SaqqaraNox per il tuo incarico! Sarò più che lieto di aiutarti se mi sarà concesso.
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    Politica italiana

    Penso che sia una delle migliori descrizioni che si possa fare della politica italiana e della politica in generale quella scritta da Aquarius. Non è un caso che i più grandi Allievi degli Dèi nella storia, moltissimi Filosofi, hanno detto che solo i Filosofi sono in grado di capire la...
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    Which mantra is best?

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    YouTube does NOT like JoS contents!

    Youtube is run by jews, so they try to censor everything that is related to the Truth, that is Spiritual Satanism.
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    [Trad] "Libero arbitrio" & la falsa resistenza degli umani contro gli Dèi

    "Free Will" & False Resistance Of Humans Against the Gods https://ancient-forums.com/threads/free-will-false-resistance-of-humans-against-the-gods.291496/ Molte persone pensano di avere il “libero arbitrio”. La realtà è che siete nati in uno stato simile a quello di schiavi, con ignoranza e...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    "Free Will" & False Resistance Of Humans Against the Gods https://ancient-forums.com/threads/free-will-false-resistance-of-humans-against-the-gods.291496/
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    Actors demand action over 'disgusting' explicit video game scenes

    The jews run a lot of videogame companies, they want to degradate and to degenerate the human figure and the woman figure.
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    Crisis of pessimism

    If a person is with Satan and the Gods, there is no pessimism and no nihilism.
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    An acquaintance of mine was conctacted by an angel, what should i do?

    You should cleaning your aura and do an aura of protection every day, you should also do RtR and Gods Rituals. Don't reveal to this person that you are a Spiritual Satanist.
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    Israeli protesters rally for 'the right to rape' prisoners

    The books of the jewish religion are full of rapes, for jews is normal to rape.
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    Question #5605: I haven't been able to meditate well in years.

    For the fact that vitamin D is low, you should contact a doctor. For the meditations, https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf and https://www.satanisgod.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Spiritual_Warfare_Training.html are very important.
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    [Trad-WDoI] Esaedro

    Hexahedron https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/hexahedron/ "Dio trasformò la pietra sotto i piedi di Abramo in qualcosa di simile all'argilla, in modo che i suoi piedi vi affondassero. Questo fu un miracolo. È stata trasmessa l'autorità di Abu Ja'far al-Baqir (che la pace sia con...
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    [Trad] Riguardo il pozzo senza fondo di stupidità: NON entrare

    About the Bottomless Pit Of Stupidity: Do NOT Get In https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-the-bottomless-pit-of-stupidity-do-not-get-in.291197/ La specie umana anche se genera un sacco di illusioni su se stessa [aprire i social media per questo], è ancora intrinsecamente non molto...
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    Obsessions: Detach, Sublimate, Manage

    Thanks High Priestess! For the detaching, are mantras as Munka and Ganesha useful?
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    About the Bottomless Pit Of Stupidity: Do NOT Get In

    The JoS is one of the best of opportunities that the Gods gave to Humanity.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    About the Bottomless Pit Of Stupidity: Do NOT Get In https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-the-bottomless-pit-of-stupidity-do-not-get-in.291197/
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    [Trad-IEvil] Pedofilia contro i bambini

    Pedophilia Against Boys https://islamicevil.com/pedophilia-against-boys/ Un grande equivoco dei non-Musulmani è che l'unica forma di pedofilia verso i ragazzi nei Paesi Islamici sia il cosiddetto "bacha-bazi" (il gioco dei ragazzi). Alla gente viene fatto credere che si tratti di una forma di...
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    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto questo si collega al Cubo Nero

    This All Ties into that Black Cube https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/this-all-ties-into-that-black-cube/ L'articolo che segue è vecchio. Proviene dal Fronte di Liberazione Luciferiano. Come ho già detto in precedenza, il cubo nero che gli Ebrei ortodossi portano sulla fronte, il...
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    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/pedophilia-against-boys/
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    the number 666

    Number 13 is considered unlucky becuase, if I remember well, the templars were attacked by the pope on friday 13 October 1307. You can visit the page of Satan, 13 is a number of Satan.
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    UK Government going Full Orwellian

    Orwell wrote "1984" based on the informations he obtained inside the Fabian Society. That group is an English marxist group, they had planned this marxist dictatorship!
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    [Trad] Bestialità nell'Islam

    Ho dimenticato di specificare nel titolo che è [Trad-IEvil].
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    [Trad] Bestialità nell'Islam

    Bestiality in Islam https://islamicevil.com/bestiality-in-islam/ Chiunque abbia sentito critiche rivolte ai Musulmani è probabilmente a conoscenza dello stereotipo degli uomini musulmani che fanno sesso con le capre. È probabilmente il concetto memetico più duraturo, a parte l'iconografia del...
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    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Alcuni articoli sono stati scritti da quello che ho capito essere il "traditore"-"infiltrato" mageson. In alcuni siti in lingua originale il suo nome è stato rimosso e sostituito con: JoS Contributions. Quando traduco un suo articolo devo mettere il suo nome? O metto Contributi della GdS?
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    any tips on spinning chakras faster

    You could visualize them in a state of trance and you can read the page that Carla Luz suggest. With the time, your chakras will spin faster.
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    Would anyone like to be my friend?

    We are a community, you can write posts in the forums and you can reply to other posts, here you will find brothers and sisters!
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    Do the gos advise against smoking?

    Smoking is an addiction. Addictions damage the brain and they create holes in the aura. The grey color of the smoke also damage the aura, since grey is a negative color.
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    Questione riguardo Nietsche

    Non ti piace ciò che percepisci di lui? Ha scritto opere interessanti da un punto di vista Satanico. Poi ognuno la pensa come vuole.
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    Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics

    The students of the Gods had spread mathematics around the world, so since the math is a gift of the Gods, the jews consider math to be antisemitic. That "book" called talmud is against math, since they consider one jew equivalent to a lot of Gentiles, but 1=1, 1 is not equal to 500. It may be...
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    Smascherare persone

    Nel calendario della GdS puoi vedere le date migliori sia per la magia bianca sia per la magia nera. Ti suggerisco di proseguire le operazioni di protezione su te e la tua ragazza. Per quanto riguarda una eventuale magia nera volta a "smascherare" non saprei dirti, forse delle rune volte a...
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    Riots in UK

    This is very important. Satanists must be safe from dangers as riots and physical violence. The war is first of all spiritual.
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    UK Riots - Enough is enough

    During the english king ceremony the police neutralized every demonstrator against the monarchy. If a muslim rapes a white children the police do nothing.
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    Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

    Thank you High Priest. The future of the JoS is bright!
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    Riots in UK

    96% of media are run by jews.
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    Riots in UK

    Why there is this anti-white behaviour of the police? Do they receive orders from jews and freemasons?
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    The Ritual of God Asmodeus is rich of beautiful energies!
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    [Trad-IEvil] L'Islam, il culto abramitico della morte di sangue: che cos'è veramente l'Islam [AS. Hoodedcobra666]

    Islam, the Abrahamic Blood Death Cult: What Islam Really Is [Hp. Hoodedcobra666] https://islamicevil.com/islam-the-abrahamic-blood-death-cult-what-islam-really-is-hp-hoodedcobra666/ Articoli come questo vengono rimossi da Internet. L'articolo proviene dal Daily Mail UK, ed è stato rimosso dopo...
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    Foundation meditation and workout

    During the physical training, after you absorbe the energy, you can focus on feeling it and circulating it in the muscles you've trained, but is also essential to circulate the energy all over the entire body.
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    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/islam-the-abrahamic-blood-death-cult-what-islam-really-is-hp-hoodedcobra666/
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    FBI caught lying about Trump shooter

    Members and collaborators of the democratic party will do anything possible to hide the fact that the shooter was a leftist and an antifa.
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    I have done God Hephaistos Ritual today, during the Ritual I felt the importance of geometry, chakra shapes and runes. I have a question, what "ΣΙΠΤΑΧΟΥ" means?
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    Happy Lughnasadh!

    Happy Lughnasadh! Hail Apollon!
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    [Trad-IEvil] Islam e le mutilazioni genitali femminili - Parte II

    Islam and Female Genital Mutilation – Part II https://islamicevil.com/islam-and-female-genital-mutilation-part-ii/ Una delle principali bugie sulle MGF è quella secondo cui si tratterebbe di una pratica moderna, di una deviazione o di una qualche pratica tribale africana che si è magicamente...
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    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Dal link non si vede, è The Black Cube Kaaba
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    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Se nessuno l'ha prenotato, prenoto: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/the-black-cube-kaaba/
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    Thanks to High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 , JG ApolloAbove and JG PowerOfJustice for the Rituals! Today I did the Ritual of Demon Alastor, His energies are very strong and protective!
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    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/islam-and-female-genital-mutilation-part-ii/
  87. A

    [Trad-IEvil] Islam e mutilazione genitale femminile - Parte I

    Islam and Female Genital Mutilation – Part I https://islamicevil.com/islam-and-female-genital-mutilation-part-i/ La discrezione dei lettori per questo argomento è altamente consigliata, poiché il contenuto in esso è particolarmente ripugnante, anche per gli standard Musulmani. Per coloro che...
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    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    I 4 link rimandano ad un elenco di articoli, tali articoli quindi non sono stati tradotti? In caso i singoli articoli non siano stati tradotti, si prenotano i singoli articoli oppure direttamente uno dei 4 link?
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    Need help understanding a past experience.

    The Ether "is ultra-violet, very similar to what is known as a black light." The fact that one could not move and at the same time he felt calm is a characteristic of the trance state. I don't know your level of meditation, but if you have done beginning and intermediate levels of meditation...
  90. A

    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/islam-and-female-genital-mutilation-part-i/
  91. A

    [Trad] La Polonia non sta avendo il multiculturalismo

    Poland ain't having multiculturalism https://ancient-forums.com/threads/poland-aint-having-multiculturalism.290656/ In una recente partita di calcio i tifosi del Legia Varsavia in Polonia hanno preparato una coreografia in cui “accoglievano” i rifugiati con un messaggio audace rappresentato da...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Poland ain't having multiculturalism https://ancient-forums.com/threads/poland-aint-having-multiculturalism.290656/
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    [Trad-IEvil] Islam e mutilazioni genitali maschili (castrazione)

    Islam and Male Genital Mutilation (Castration) https://islamicevil.com/male-genital-mutilation-castration/ La castrazione è un'altra caratteristica infinita degli orrori dell'Islam che si sovrappone alle simili porcherie diffuse dagli Xiani. I ragazzi schiavi Slavi (Saqaliba) e Nubiani erano...
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    Potresti allenare la mente con la meditazione sul vuoto, questo per imparare a gestire meglio la concentrazione durante le meditazioni ed i lavori energetici.
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    The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

    Very interesting knowledge! In the future, the downward spiral of the fallen andrapod will be reversed? Or is it impossible?
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    Grand Ritual

    https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html It is posted in this website: https://josrituals.org/
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    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/male-genital-mutilation-castration/
  98. A

    [Trad] Ladri, calunniatori e traditori: un avvertimento

    Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning https://ancient-forums.com/threads/thieves-slanderers-and-traitors-a-warning.290578/ Sembra che nelle vicinanze della Gioia di Satana ci siano persone che compiono atti deplorevoli. Questo invita alla ritorsione, che è attesa da tempo. Ho avvertito...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning https://ancient-forums.com/threads/thieves-slanderers-and-traitors-a-warning.290578/
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    [Trad-IEvil] I pericoli del fondamentalismo wahhabita

    Dangers of Wahhabi Fundamentalism https://islamicevil.com/dangers-of-wahhabi-fundamentalism/ La maggior parte delle persone al giorno d'oggi, è consapevole dell'apparente ricchezza e del fascino delle città dell'Arabia Saudita, che nel contesto della regione, è seconda solo a Dubai negli...
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    Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning

    Theft is really bad, Justice is needed!
  102. A

    Woke Agenda-Enemy’s Tool?

    Marx and Engels both wrote the communist manifesto in 1848. For more information you can visit: https://www.deathofcommunism.com/en/
  103. A

    Biden drops out; Trump now the oldest nominee in US history

    Trump is better than the two possible candidates of the democratic party Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama
  104. A

    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/dangers-of-wahhabi-fundamentalism/
  105. A

    [Trad-IEvil] Mostrando la verità sui mali della cultura islamica

    Aggiungo che avevo inserito i dovuti spazi tra le righe come nella pagina originale ma in alcuni casi gli spazi sono spariti, inoltre avevo posto le parole in lingua araba sulla detsra come nella pagina originale, ma una volta pubblicato sono sulla sinistra.
  106. A

    [Trad-IEvil] Mostrando la verità sui mali della cultura islamica

    Non ho tradotto: "Islamic Evil", in quanto è il titolo del sito e non so quale traduzione è stata scelta. Inoltre non ho inserito i link, che sarebbero stati raggiungibili cliccando la frase: "to conquer the world" e l'immagine alla fine, poiché rimandano a pagine in lingua inglese.
  107. A

    [Trad-IEvil] Mostrando la verità sui mali della cultura islamica

    Showing the Truth about Evils of Islamic Culture www.Islamicevil.com L'Islam è un programma nefasto che è stato issato sull'umanità per quattordici lunghi secoli. È una bufala di proporzioni astronomiche che sta portando l'umanità ad uno stato di totale barbarie. Proprio come il suo gemello...
  108. A

    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto la traduzione per la parte di sito introduttoria, quella che inizia così: "Islam is a nefarious program that has been hoisted on humanity for fourteen long centuries. It is a hoax of completely astronomical proportions that is leading humanity to a state of total barbarism."...
  109. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Fratelli e Sorelle come ci organizziamo per tradurre il nuovo sito: www.Islamicevil.com ? Sono già iniziate le traduzioni? Se devono iniziare, oggi posso tradurre la pagina introduttiva. Se ci organizziamo bene, possiamo tradurre il sito in poco tempo e renderemo onore agli Dei ed ai Fratelli...
  110. A

    NEW SITE - Destroying Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com

    Thanks JG Karnonnos, Arcadia and all people who contributed! In Italy there are some city neighborhoods and city districts with all arab islamic residents, they pray en masse in public squares and hold religious processions in the streets. The new site is very important to reveal how horrible...
  111. A

    Informational Graphic about Israel and my perspective on advertising.

    If you want to translate it into other languages, I can help with the Italian language.
  112. A

    Satan Edit for Tiktok/YT Shorts/IG Reels

    If you do that for different countries and languages, I can help you with the Italian translations.
  113. A

    [Trad] Sviluppando tuttavia controllando l'immaginazione e la mente per progredire

    Developing Yet Controlling Your Imagination and Mind to Further Your Advancement https://ancient-forums.com/threads/developing-yet-controlling-your-imagination-and-mind-to-further-your-advancement.290450/ L'immaginazione deve essere utilizzata per favorire il nostro progresso, e generare la...
  114. A

    Quick Tips to Beat the Heat

    Thank you HPS Lydia for the tips.
  115. A

    Developing Yet Controlling Your Imagination and Mind to Further Your Advancement

    Thank you HPS Lydia, this Sermon is very important for studying.
  116. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Developing Yet Controlling Your Imagination and Mind to Further Your Advancement https://ancient-forums.com/threads/developing-yet-controlling-your-imagination-and-mind-to-further-your-advancement.290450/
  117. A

    BREAKING NEWS - Global IT outages

    Who controls Microsoft? Bill Gates? If I remember well, the world economic forum simulated a massive and total blackout. They used a global emergency to stop Trump once ( covid), they could elaborate a new world crisis ( blackout, maybe with consequent economic problems). Infact, also in...
  118. A

    Why Are There Ethics In Spiritual Satanism?

    Excellent Sermon! Ethics is a gift that the Gods taught us.
  119. A

    [Trad] Tentato omicidio contro Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt https://ancient-forums.com/threads/donald-trump-assassination-attempt.290355/ Come tutti i telegiornali stanno mostrando, Donald Trump è stato recentemente bersaglio di un attentato durante un suo recente comizio. Fortunatamente i servizi segreti hanno...
  120. A

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    If I recall correctly, here in the forum someone had said that red bracelets are used by jews to indicate among themselves who is psychic, I remember that the person who wrote it also showed a picture of the president of the anti defamation league wearing it.
  121. A

    Dove sto sbagliando?

    Chiedo scusa ho mandato i link in inglese, ora li mando in italiano: https://josita.org/X%20SEZIONE%20MEDITAZIONI/Energia%20Anima.html https://josita.org/X%20SEZIONE%20MEDITAZIONI/MEDITAZIONE%20DI%20BASE.html https://josita.org/MAGIA%201001.html https://josita.org/MAGIA%20TRE%20PASSI.html...
  122. A

    Dove sto sbagliando?

    Oltre ai rituali è necessario potenziare se stessi nel corso del tempo. Migliore è la qualità dell'operatore magico migliore è la qualità del rituale. Se pensi ti serva un tutorial da zero, questi link fanno per te: https://www.satanisgod.org/Soul_Energy.html...
  123. A

    re: Assassination Attempt upon Trump | A coincidence, cohencidence or trollage for media being played?

    The time of the attempt is 6.11 p.m. Number 6 or 9 with number 11 ( as 9/11) are used by jews in black magick.
  124. A

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    I hope Trump will win the election! The democratic party has some difficulties to remove Biden from the candidacy for president, so since the globalists cannot remove Biden, they try to remove Trump.
  125. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt https://ancient-forums.com/threads/donald-trump-assassination-attempt.290328/
  126. A

    Trump nearly got killed

    That is an assassination attempt, fortunately it failed. From the news it seems that the attacker is dead and Trump is good. I wish there are not innocent victims in the crowd.
  127. A

    Xianty is like an undead cult?

    The nature of the jews is obscure, so everything correlated to them is obscure, as christianity and islam. About christianity: https://exposingchristianity.info/
  128. A

    Bes Dwarf Demons

    Hail Bes!
  129. A

    False Sense Of Entitlement In Spiritual Satanism

    Very beautiful Sermon!
  130. A

    European Politics - There Is Hope

    Wikipedia says they are against immigration, that is an excellent point today. Some political parties of the right are in favor of the "legal immigration", that means they want immigrants in their own nation, and they also tolerate islam. A National Socialist party must be against immigration...
  131. A

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    First of all he is a High Priest, not a Priest, and he is a High Priest of Satan. As HPS Maxine is the Mother of the JoS, HP Hooded Cobra 666 is the the Father and he also lead the Jos. You have not done one thousandth of what he has done for this community, the only obscene words here are yours.
  132. A

    European Politics - There Is Hope

    This group seems interesting. Maybe in the future more political parties from other european nations will join it.
  133. A

    The Situation With European Politics

    Probably the european goverments are influenced by some forces as jews, jesuits, freemasons, etc...
  134. A

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    Thank you HPS Lydia for this Sermon. Lies are bad in a society.
  135. A

    About Disease And Healing

    Very interesting knowledge.
  136. A

    How to generate a powerful aura of protection

    It is also important elevating the vibrations. The Complete Yogic Breath and the Merkaba Meditation are perfect.
  137. A

    Oklahoma dept. of education to require bible-studies and bible-based education in public schools

    This "christian nationalism" has nothing to do with real nationalism, because the first is based upon a jew, the second is based upon our true origins and the Gods. The "christian nationalism" is only a plan B of the jews.
  138. A

    [Trad] Razze aliene, rettiliani, grigi, persone stravaganti ecc

    Alien Races, Reptilians, Greys, Kooky People etc https://ancient-forums.com/threads/alien-races-reptilians-greys-kooky-people-etc.290133/ Ora nel Satanismo Spirituale si fa menzione di entità ed alieni. Abbiamo detto la verità su questi argomenti. Tuttavia, a causa della natura di questi...
  139. A

    Alien Races, Reptilians, Greys, Kooky People etc

    Very important and interesting Sermon!
  140. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Alien Races, Reptilians, Greys, Kooky People etc https://ancient-forums.com/threads/alien-races-reptilians-greys-kooky-people-etc.290133/
  141. A

    Account recuperato. Lezione imparate. Stato ebraico

    Ottimo che sei riuscito a recuperare l'account. Per quanto riguarda israele, le varie sinistre del mondo nonostante seguano l'ebreo marx, accusano i partiti di destra israeliani di voler creare la "grande israele" espandendo il loro territorio dall'Egitto fino all'Iran ed all'Iraq, ciò dovrebbe...
  142. A

    The ritual of Christianity ACTUALLY decoded

    The new testament was written by jews in a form of koine Greek, specifically to infiltrate and destroy Greek Spirituality and all Gentile Spirituality. By destroying the spirituality, then all other social factors collapse.
  143. A

    Opening the 6th Chakra

    You could try the Complete Yogic Breath and verify if you feel better the 6th Chakra and the Crown Chakra.
  144. A


    Jews steal everything.
  145. A

    [Trad] Accettare la mancanza di conoscenza: per non diffondere la confusione

    Accepting Lack Of Knowledge: To Not Spread Confusion https://ancient-forums.com/threads/accepting-lack-of-knowledge-to-not-spread-confusion.289974/ Spesso c'è il caso che uno non conosca un determinato argomento. Eppure, gli umani sentono il bisogno costante di speculare, inventare...
  146. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Accepting Lack Of Knowledge: To Not Spread Confusion https://ancient-forums.com/threads/accepting-lack-of-knowledge-to-not-spread-confusion.289974/
  147. A


    What were the allegations against Assange? What are the allegations against the people in the list of epstein? Why the legal system prosecutes Assange and not the people in the list of epstein? epstein was a jew and the members of his list are jews, there is even one rothschild in the list.
  148. A

    Thank you post to Lord Anubis

    Hail Anubis!
  149. A

    Bhagavad Gita Pensieri? Interpretazioni?

    La penso anche io così. Leggere l'opera, con un'interpretazione che può essere appresa dallo studio della Gioia di Satana, può essere illuminante.
  150. A

    Race, Nationality, Wars & Peace

    Excellent post! It is very sad that people with only 0.1% of difference fight each other, as has been the case throughout history, only the Souls of Satan noticed that there were people whose percentage of difference was much higher: the jews. They use racial magic warfare to hide and to...
  151. A

    A "un-chosen one" publicly admits that "Sorcerers" are to be put to Death <

    This jew who wrote that on X, how can he justifies the jewish kabbala and the jewish kabbalists? Don't they practice sorcery? Does he know the talmud? It is full of horrendous rituals.
  152. A

    send back the curses

    Don't reveal personal information. You can start the RtR when you feel ready, maybe after the 40 day meditation program for beginners and maybe during the Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists. You can start the Ritual for the Gods now.
  153. A

    send back the curses

    No. You should start them during a waxing Moon and when the Moon is not void of course ( you can verifiy in the JoS calendar) , then you could them everyday after the RtR.
  154. A

    send back the curses

    You should check these 2 pages: Returning Curses Part 1 and Returning Curses 2. I quote the first page: "This aura of protection works best when begun and performed during a waxing Moon [make sure the moon is not void of course when you begin this working] and should be applied when your aura...
  155. A

    Israeli "ultra-orthodox" now to be drafted to war.

    Not only israel, but the entire judea in the world is going to have some negative transits, I don't remember if the negative transit is about Uranus or Neptune.
  156. A

    How to increase goals in life?

    You should first fulfill your goals, then you can set up other and more elevated goals. Anyway you can check your natal chart to verify your potential.
  157. A

    Una domanda

    Non mi pare si possa fare quello che hai scritto. Al più possono esserci messaggi privati tra membri.
  158. A

    [Trad] Riguardo l'invidia, l'avarizia, l'odio, la rabbia, la lussuria, la gola

    Volevo fare una domanda per chi fa le correzioni. L'utilizzo della maiuscole è per i nomi propri, ma per quanta riguarda i nomi comuni, le maiuscole possono essere usate per nobilitare il termine, come le virtù, oppure no? Inoltre ci sono termini che sono sia nomi propri sia nomi comuni, come...
  159. A

    [Trad] Riguardo l'invidia, l'avarizia, l'odio, la rabbia, la lussuria, la gola

    About Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger, Lust, Gluttony https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-envy-greed-hate-anger-lust-gluttony.289645/ Dal titolo, si potrebbe pensare che questo argomento qui sarà giudicato con disprezzo o con la redazione e l'emissione di sanzioni per coloro che si impegnano in...
  160. A

    An angel killing me in my dream

    Did you do the 40 day meditation program for beginners? Are you doing the Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists? They are both essential. Anyway you can start the Rituals of the Gods when you want. You should do the actual schedule: The Ritual of Goddess Maat and the Ritual of God...
  161. A

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Amazing Rituals! The energies of Goddess Maat are strong and they are like a mother's embrace. Infact it is very interesting that Mata or Matr means mother in Sanskrit, in Ancient Greek is Meter and in Latin is Mater, maybe it is correlated with the name of the Goddess. The energies of God...
  162. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    About Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger, Lust, Gluttony https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-envy-greed-hate-anger-lust-gluttony.289645/
  163. A

    "Sabbia del Sahara"

    Durante il Solstizio d'Estate il Sole era coperto da suddetta nube, al punto che riuscivo a guardarlo direttamente senza che mi provocasse fastidio agli occhi. Avrei voluto assorbire l'energia del Sole nel mio terzo chakra durante il Solstizio ma ho avuto difficoltà, non si sentiva neanche il...
  164. A

    Riguardo l'acqua, Astarte e il passato

    Grazie per la tua condivisione, è di una bellezza e di una profondità unica.
  165. A

    Is morality being used and exploited against us in an unexpected way?

    Jews are parasites, they cannot create anything so they subvert what already exists.
  166. A

    Terror Attack in Russia

    Joy of Satan always said to not tell anybody about being Spiritual Satanist and never reveal personal indentity. Silence is Gold. Joy of Satan also demonstrated what is islam and how the quran is very destructive. Putin doesn't stop islam religion because he is a jew and he works to destroy...
  167. A

    The revolution of 1960s

    Technically "Revolution" means "change of order", the biggest change of order in the 20th century is National Socialism. Hitler, the Nazi Party and the SS changed the world in few years. They had a strong influence in the world even after the second world war. Today we need to focus on the Joy...
  168. A

    Hello Nazi (for restoring earth)

    I am not sure to use that Sigil since It is not in the Jos. The Black Sun symbol is good to use, infact It is in the page of Satanic Symbols.
  169. A

    I wrote down my goals for this life

    I am sure you will be successful! HAIL SATAN!
  170. A

    Hello Nazi (for restoring earth)

    Very interesting. In this page: https://blacksun666.org/Symbols666.html there is a paragraph about the Black Sun that I quote: "The reverse swastika of the Nazis represents the "Black Sun" as it is backwards. The Black Sun is of the void. It is a blackhole where all light is drawn in and...
  171. A

    Tunnel Jew: Stain Seen on Mattress Is Blood From Corpse

    The police of every nation should investigate every synagogue, the tunnel is only the tip of the iceberg. The police should also verify the correlation between some homicides and what is wrote in the talmud.
  172. A

    Hello Nazi (for restoring earth)

    In the JoS there is not the Sigil of God Sorath. The Sigils found on Internet are not appropiate.
  173. A

    First Official JOS Marriage

  174. A

    [Trad] Riguardo le traduzioni: fine del 2024

    Grazie SaqqaraNox sia delle correzioni sia dei complimenti. Continuerò con le traduzioni.
  175. A

    Is it dangerous to live with Jews?

    New York has 8 million citizens, unfortunately 1.5 million of them are jews. Probably it is the city with most rabbis and kabbalists outside israel, so a big number of andropoda can become their golem/spiritual-mental slave. With the passing of time, RtR will free them and will destroy the...
  176. A

    Happy Summer Solstice!

    Happy Summer Solstice! Best wishes to all!
  177. A

    Witches Esbat

    It means that the 1 day working could be done between the Nightfall of Friday and the Afternoon of Saturday.
  178. A

    Is it dangerous to live with Jews?

    Spiritual Satanists can't die because of jews, especially if one does the Gods Rituals and the RtR. The protection of Satan is beyond any imagination. It is however very dangerous to live with them, it should be avoided at all costs.
  179. A

    Babies, Lies Told to Women

    There are a lot of aspects of Goddesses that represent Motherhood, because it is essential both for humanity development and individual development. Thank you High Priestess Lydia for this beautiful post! Unfortunately there are some people against this aspect of Nature, they try to sabotage...
  180. A

    Rune per protezione della casa

    Erotavlas se senti di voler fare un rituale ti suggerisco il Rituale di Bando. Ricorda sempre di pulire l'aura ed i chakra dopo il Rituale.
  181. A

    About Translations: End Of 2024

    Thank you High Priest. I would like to help with the projects, my JoS Projects account is not approved yet. As soon as I can I will start to donate to JoS.
  182. A

    About Translations: End Of 2024

    Not to me, Hail to HP Hooded Cobra 666 because he made this happen and Hail to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich because she is the Divine Mother of the Joy of Satan.
  183. A

    Witches Esbat

    These 2 links could help: https://www.satanisgod.org/Sabbats.html https://ancient-forums.com/threads/advanced-knowledge-witches-sabbath-the-lunar-month-purification-circle-updated.58191/
  184. A

    [Trad] Riguardo le traduzioni: fine del 2024

    About Translations: End of 2024 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-translations-end-of-2024.289551/ Un saluto a tutti nella Comunità della Gioia di Satana, Dato che la Gioia di Satana è in crescita, è fondamentale per noi pensare a tutte le milioni di persone che possiamo salvare nelle...
  185. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    https://www.josita.org/FAQv1.0.pdf Ciao Virael_ dal regolamento del pdf non risulta che una persona per poter tradurre debba essere abilitata. In caso ci siano altre regole al di fuori del pdf mi scuso eventualmente per averle violate. Da quello che ho capito, prima di poter inviare i...
  186. A

    About Translations: End Of 2024

    Wonderful post! I am sure that the JoS will succeed to spread the Satya in every part of the world and in every language. I am honored to have just joined the Italian translators. In Italy and in the world, after centuries of persecutions, the message of the Gods will triumph. And I am sure that...
  187. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    About Translations: End of 2024 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-translations-end-of-2024.289551/
  188. A

    Dedica a Satana

    Non sapevo di questi due siti. Grazie mille!
  189. A


    It depends, 150 day of meditation can be different from one person to another. It depends also by the type of meditation that you have done, for example, did you follow the 40 day meditation program for beginners of HP Hooded Cobra 666? The final part about instructions for after the period of...
  190. A

    Dedica a Satana

    Come è andata la dedica? Se ti va, puoi raccontarlo. Se hai appena iniziato questo Percorso, ti suggerisco di leggere tutto il sito web: https://gioiadisatana.com/ Inoltre potresti iniziare il Programma di potenziamento di 40 giorni dell'Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666...
  191. A

    Woke Agenda-Enemy’s Tool?

    https://archive.org/details/DeceptionWasMyJob As Yuri Bezmenov explained, these are useful idiots who unwittingly promote a big brother government in Washington D.C. and at the same time they subvert the culture. Both with Frankfurt School and kgb infiltration, the jews destabilized western...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
