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European Politics - There Is Hope


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2022
I want to rise attention to this very important topic, as I have seen, a lot of people are confused on whom they should vote on.
Well I cannot tell you whom to vote to, but I must rise some attention to the following parties.

The European Parliament has a new group called "Europe of Sovereign Nations", and it's members are as follows:

-Germany: Alternative for Germany (AfD)

-Hungary: Our Homeland Movement (MHM)

-Bulgaria: Revival (Възраждане)

-Czech Republic: Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD)

-France: Reconquest (REC)

-Lithuania: People and Justice Union (TTS)

-Poland: New Hope (NN)

-Slovakia: Republic Movement (Hnutie Republika)

The head of this alliance is the German AfD party. It looks like, by sweeping trough these wiki pages, that they are very well aligned. However, I cannot speak about any other party than the Our Homeland Movement from Hungary, because that's the only party I know well and trust. If you have your country listed here, you'll need to look further into the party and please share if you find something wrong with it. If any of you have something against these parties, please share it.

It looks like, that all of these parties can be described as:

Anti-Globalist, Nationalist, Nazis, Anti-LGBTQ, Euro skeptic, Anti-Semite, Pro-White, Anti-Immigration.

These are some fancy and promising things.
As for some bad traits, they seem to be Christian, but this is very contradictory to their acts.

As for how reliable these parties are, again I can only speak about the MHM.

As for the MHM, they are very much reliable and they have proven their legitimacy MANY times. They say they are Christians, but they are the least Christian I have ever seen besides SS here. The only thing they think they are Christian is because they like to keep traditions which is very Satanic.

-They have exposed all Hungarian and a lot of European Parties (they are all financed by Globalist Jews)
-They have exposed Jews as being the head of capitalism, and that they rule the word this was.
-They have a program to rise Hungarian economics, by supporting Hungarian production (Especially agriculture) that can be sold to other countries. (SUPPORTING HUNGARIAN ORGANIZATIONS, AND NOT INTERNATIONAL ONES, THAT ACTIVELY ROBS NATIONS)
-They support White families to breed as much kids as they can.
-They want to solve the Gypsy question. They have actively been acting against Gypsies and also immigrants. Toroczkai is behind the Hungarian boarder fence, that would work perfectly if the ruling party wouldn't purposely let immigrants in.
-They have actively been acting for all these things mentioned above, and they are the only party in Hungary that really does something instead of preaching blank words and promises.

And I probably did not mentioned everything as there are so much rightful things they have been doing. And doing, not just saying. I'm 100% sure that this is a fully legitim party in Hungary and that they are almost perfectly aligned with our Satanic will.
I have also heard some good of the AfD German party.

From HPHC:
"All beautiful women must vote for AfD. Leave other parties for the ugly ones, German Girls."

Hope this helps and gives a direction. Any observation and opinion are welcomed.
I've read through the Lithuanian wiki you provided, plus their website and they seem very pro-white, which is nice to see for once!
Thanks for sharing this. :)
Unfortunately AfD allegedly has jewish members and there are oppositie thinkings inside the party, between some members...
I think they are already infiltrated. But still they seem to be the "best choice" now.

Similar for Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland Movement)...
One thing that they are brainwashed with christianity, but another thing is to openly work together with jews: like the jewish Schiffer András, ex member of liberal LMP party and the ex lawyer of TASZ (Hungarian Civil Liberties Union) which is openly against Hungarians. And what is even worse, they invited jew(s) into their party's councel too as presidential advisor! Tóth Gy. László, cryptojew, the ex advisor of the jewish-gypsy Orbán Viktor. Also he had connections to the most liberal and most jewish ex party, SZDSZ.
It's crazy.

The infiltration of Mi Hazánk party was already started. Jews wants to observe, control and infiltrate them even if they know that most of the party members and most of their sympathizers are christards, and they laugh on them, of course they also hate them too because their members and their followers are a bit more "intelligent" and more "awaken" than the mainly zombie retard followers of pseudo-patriot, globalist FIDESZ.

And unfortunately the above other parties too, not all of them, but more of them allegedly support Israel.

To say that Mi Hazánk is
"almost aligned with our satanic will" is a big exaggeration. Sorry, but I am claiming this not as an opinion but as a fact.
You wrote that "they say they are christians..." well, they are not only saying this but they are practiciong it too, most of them, in a way or other. Many of them do not follow catholic christianity but almost all of them the bigoted follower of Jewsus Christ.
But you might know this, Jewsus can be worshipped in many form, even in the form of "Scythian-Partian Imanuel Jesus"...
And many of them believe in the good jew-bad jew myth as well.

Just enough to see their members' facebook pages and accounts, many of them share and push christian posts and some of them almost always even criticize and mock pagans in their stupid posts. Generally the harmful christian narrative is present in many of their posts.

Just because they are against LGBT movement and support White families and antiglobalists, they are still christards unfortunately and in the end only this will matter. Just like HP Cobra said not long ago if I remember well (I can't quote him now) that if christians were to go against true satanists they would unite with the jews without hesitation. They actually did in the past and do now too. And we should NEVER forget this. This is why we also should never trust in a christan...

Also let's not forget that Toroczkai said few times he thinks, in the future renewed pairlament they should invite the leaders of the catholich and other churches as "members" into the Felsőház of Pairlament. It would give them even more right to decide in important matters of Hungarian pairlament.

Toroczkai also talked about freedom of religion few times earlier but you can be sure if they would be the ruling party they would push christianity as they just can.

He also almost never allowed me to post any pagan comment on his blog site, once I was in a thread with some people there on his site and I was asked by a person about my thoughts and when I wrote what I follow and I am a pagan, he removed/deleted my comment later. He or his admin did not allow any comment which agreed with national socialism either. He did some brutal discriminations against me and against some other Hungarian SS members!
Once I mentioned about this already here...
And those few comments of mine were very well written, well-mannered, educational and normal, without any possibly immature style and without any "attacking". Yet he or his admin was not able to handle it and discriminated me. He made a big ass of his mouth with this because he claimed that his site allows free speech.
Yes if you worship the never existed jewsus and write cliches and stay silent about national socialism then you can stay and make comments...

Also...maybe this is the most important. I know some of their members directly and I also know and talked with some people who have much deeper insight into Mi Hazánk party...
I also worked for them earlier. So I really got to know some things, more than their average followers.

That is why I write here what I write.

Sorry but I just should correct what you wrote about them because now some people could misunderstand it and they might even believe or suppose that there can be some hidden satanist members (or influence) amongst them secretly or what not. Which is just a false idea of course.

However some Hungarian satanist comrades are openly supporting Mi Hazánk. Some of them were borderline "obsessed" too.
In a level, I also support them. Like now I signed their new petition about the forced medical examinations which will come soon. I also voted on them earlier but this will not mean I will ever trust them. As they already invited jews themselves amongst them besides those cryptojews and those hidden agents whom they do not know about yet...
You know with jews you will always lose. And with christians too.

What is also true that their Virradat program is quite good, I agree with many ideas and aspects of it. They actually stole some ideas from Mein Kampf. Too bad only few members of them are true sympathizers of real nazism and even those few too are bigoted christians.
Even if I disliked his discriminative behaviour and his naivity, Toroczkai seems to be basically a good hearted person to me, who really wants to reveal the truth and pursue the truth.
Also he really did some good and useful things. Like many of his exposings.

I posted some of his videos in earlier topics here. (Unfortunately one of the topics were fucked up because of that psychopath troll Ariton who was banned already...)

But yes, for now, they obviously would be better than any other globalist shit fake party here in Hungary.
We'll see what will happen...

I wished they would be secular and/or atheist or agnostic instead of christians...
Similar for Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland Movement)...
One thing that they are brainwashed with christianity, but another thing is to openly work together with jews: like the jewish Schiffer András, ex member of liberal LMP party and the ex lawyer of TASZ (Hungarian Civil Liberties Union) which is openly against Hungarians. And what is even worse, they invited jew(s) into their party's councel too as presidential advisor! Tóth Gy. László, cryptojew, the ex advisor of the jewish-gypsy Orbán Viktor. Also he had connections to the most liberal and most jewish ex party, SZDSZ.
It's crazy.

Tóth Gy. László was an advisor for Orbán when they were more promising and nationalist. I don't know how you know that he is a Jew (I couldn't find information on this), but in anyways, Toroczkai wants people close to him who are aligned with his views. TGYL, seemingly aligns with him, whether he is an impostor or not.

Yes, they are brainwashed with Christianity but they are still against Communism and basically all other product of Jewry other than Christianity. If they would be blue pilled about this, I think they would let go of this or at least Toroczkai. But they have to realize this in their own accord.

To say that Mi Hazánk is
"almost aligned with our satanic will" is a big exaggeration. Sorry, but I am claiming this not as an opinion but as a fact.
You wrote that "they say they are christians..." well, they are not only saying this but they are practiciong it too, most of them, in a way or other. Many of them do not follow catholic christianity but almost all of them the bigoted follower of Jewsus Christ.
But you might know this, Jewsus can be worshipped in many form, even in the form of "Scythian-Partian Imanuel Jesus"...
And many of them believe in the good jew-bad jew myth as well.

The type of christanity we have today basically is a God-worshipping cult and that's it. Most of these people doesn't purposefully practice anything harmful, obviously they don't know that it is harmful to them to connect to this energy, but this isn't intentional on their end. Christianity is basically undoing and unliving whilst these people do and live.

In one sentence, they aren't purposefully stupid and they stand for what they think is right.

They have reasonable and common ethical views, they aren't the middle aged Christards. Again, this is only their conservative / tradition keeper side, the idea itself is not bad.

Christianity is not the opposite of Satanism, but rather a perverted form of it. They don't know much about the reality of the dark ages. I don't see the negative aspect of Christianity in their philosophy.

He also almost never allowed me to post any pagan comment on his blog site, once I was in a thread with some people there on his site and I was asked by a person about my thoughts and when I wrote what I follow and I am a pagan, he removed/deleted my comment later. He or his admin did not allow any comment which agreed with national socialism either. He did some brutal discriminations against me and against some other Hungarian SS members!
Once I mentioned about this already here...
And those few comments of mine were very well written, well-mannered, educational and normal, without any possibly immature style and without any "attacking". Yet he or his admin was not able to handle it and discriminated me. He made a big ass of his mouth with this because he claimed that his site allows free speech.
Yes if you worship the never existed jewsus and write cliches and stay silent about national socialism then you can stay and make comments...

Toroczkai doesn't really have time for this. There are other people who are managing this. I cannot say anything else as I don't know what you wrote.

As the party is now, SS wouldn't be oppressed or anything under his rule. I cannot say for sure that what influences will be on him later, but currently they wouldn't lawfully discriminate SS.

I hope the Gods will help him on the way. We can take it as a fact that they want the best for their people and this is what matters most. They just need to stay pure.
I have faith in them besides some of the bad aspects they have. Do not think that they would be the one who would turn Hungary to the dark ages, this is far away from them.
Of course you did not find any infos about the jewishness of Tóth Gy. László. Because he is a cryptojew, very possibly. Decent and correct people from MIÉP party told about this...
Also about his connection to the most jewish party, SZDSZ.

Nationalist?! WHO? Fidesz was NEVER was nationalist. They were always pseudo-nationalist, fake party.

Many christians are against communism, especially today.
I hope you know that they are opposing communism mainly because they believe that communism is satanic!
Almost every day one or more members of the party share some post about "satanic" communism...I and other Hungarian SS members know this very well, as I said, because we literally observed and still observe and follow their FB accounts and pages.
Even if they are not christians of the Dark Age, they are still very brainwashed and programmed, many of them almost to extreme level.

So it just has no sense to portray them otherwise. If you or others think otherwise you have false perception about them.

And sorry but what? Christianity is not the opposte of Satanism but a perverted form of it?!
Where did you read this?
Christianity in all forms is the opposite of Satanism since all abrahamic filths are the reactions on the original pagan religions of humanity.

@Hp. Hoodedcobra666 said:

"Christianity existed in the FIRST PLACE, as a reaction to the religious, moral and ethical values of the Roman and Non-Jewish tribes of people, their religions, their tenets, and them as a racial species. Christianity is a reactionary program, so is Judaism, a mere reaction to the old Pagan religious and moral values. This is in the Bible..."

Just because judeo-christianity contains many stolen, corrupted and perverted element, it does not make it any kind of "version" of satanism ever. So forget this nonsense.

You don't see the negtive aspect of Christianity in their philosophy? I mean, are you serious? Either you do not know much about them and you did not follow daily their posts, or you seriously misunderstood something.
I will not say either "you lie" because you seem to be honest and seem to be a person who have no real clue about the philosophy and beliefs of the members of Mi Hazánk...

Again, it is not my mere opinon what I wrote about them but a fact, based on the observations of mine and others too.
Do not make me qoute tons of posts from them and share bunch of screen shots of their accounts' and pages, please!
In their basic philosophy, in the basic philosophy of the party there IS christianity. If someone do not see this, then unfortunately one is blind.

Yes they are somewhat "different" than witnesses of Jewhova or than the total braindead christard followers of FIDESZ, it still will not make them even similar to any pagan.
The only similar things between them and satanists that they are or (rather feel) themselves antiglobalist and anticommunist, even if they regularly fail to see that christianity is the jewish twin of communism, and they are against LGBTQ+ ...but today many people oppose these programs in a level.

Earlier you even mentioned that they are "antisemitic". Well THEY ARE NOT. Just because 3 or 4 members of them (they are the nazi sympathizers who respect nazism in secret or in half secret) are antisemitic, the party was not and will not be antisemitic.
They are not the openly antisemitic Nyilas party from many years ago, which was lead by Szálasi who was also a hardcore christian unfortunately but who still realized and managed the jewish problem much better than Mi Hazánk.
It is not a coincidence that not only sympathizing with national socialism is not allowed inside the party but also sympathizing with Nyilas party. One of their main members shared a memorial post of Szálasi and he was literally told off later.
One of other members was an ex-member of a radical group which was openly sympathizing with Nyilas party and he openly named the jews as the criminal leaders of the world. Of course he believes too that jews are spawns of Satan, unfortunately.
When he became a member of Mi hazánk of course he needed to drop his Nyilas ideology. As in a former video interview Toroczkai referred it, "he already talked with the person and he understood it..."

So please just refrain to write such falsehoods.
Years ago in a long video Toroczkai mentioned "how bloody was the holocaust" when he was talking about WW2 to his audience. I will find it if it is necessary.
There are some of them who knows that holoco$t is a lie of course but the most members think it was true at least in a way.

I strongly recommend to you to read every former JoS sermon about the so called "antisemitism" of the christards.

"...Xianity created "anti-semetic" wings in the 15th century, when the hatred of jews was too powerful to be contained any longer. This hate emerged due to Pagan and Hellenistic education, and the European people being treated like deplorable animals for centuries by Jewish Christianity. The jews opened up an "Anti-Semetic" wing with xianity, to contain this rage, and make sure it never comes to any fruit. .."

You wrote:
"Toroczkai doesn't really have time for this. There are other people who are managing this..."

Wow I did not know that you know this as a fact! Lol
Well, yes he mentioned he often asks help to manage his blog, rather sharing new post whe he has no time.
BUT then, few times he was the one who discriminated. It is actually confirmed, because an older member of the party who is in contact with Toroczkai's secretary mentioned that most of times, even if he is busy, he logs into his blog to see/manage the comments and read private messages etc.
But whatever. This counts the least, not really important.

You said: "They just need to stay pure..."
Yes they SHOULD HAVE stayed pure. But they could not. Collaborting with jews and inviting jews into their party cannot be seen as purity.
Also they can't be pure when they are embracing judeo-christianity in any form and also they can't be pure when they follow and invite the old moron Drábik János who was spreading 24/7 the "jews are satanists and it's Satan New World's order agenda.
I am sure many of them are fond of that disgusting Henry Makow too, they see him as a sort of "good and decent" jew who became Christ's follower. 😂

You also wrote "I cannot say for sure that what influences will be on him later, but currently they wouldn't lawfully discriminate SS."

There ARE already tons of negative influences on him and on his followers. They would not lawfully discriminate satanists, yes as they are not the ruling party. Maybe only maybe he would keep his word then and would allow freedom of religion but I am sure that they would constantly push christianity, not in a threatening manner or in a forcing manner but they would put more weight on it obviously.
And of course they would be against us generally. They are now too.
As any christians even if they do not do it intentionally...

The help of the Gods in this case can be useful if there will be ever a real TRUE nationalist party, like NSDAP, in the future and then the true nationalist party can replace them. But this seems to be very far...
I used to have hope for politics, but not anymore.
But eventually, it will have to change.
I don't feel much right now though.
The head of this alliance is the German AfD party.

Unfortunately AfD allegedly has jewish members and there are oppositie thinkings inside the party, between some members...
I had a discussion with a really intelligent 17 old NS German girl on Gab. She affirmed that AfD is another jewish honey pot, redirected me on an article about that...
There was this picture in the article which prove nothing of course, but I'm sure there is no political solution, because what we call politic today is no more than an endless jewish democratic game, made of predefined scenarios with formatted seducing actors who are professional salesmen.

When you need something and want it because you are entitled to it, you manifest and assert yourself or take it on your own.
You will not loose a day to throw a paper with the name of the guy who affirm you will be rewarded with what common sense tells you you deserve if he's elected.
It's as dystopian as it is childish.
In a little association why not, but at a national level for national interests, no. What we need is a good king, not a democracy.

AfD - Kasher German RightWing.jpeg

The jewish dictatorsheep will stop when sheeps will stop to return to the barn to have food and water.

I know a little about sheeps.
Sheeps stay in their condition because :
  • They don't realize they don't need the shepherd
  • They are afraid of the sepherd's dogs who lead them
  • They are against the other dogs who are already with them whose role is to protect them from wolves
At end, prisonners of a psychologic triangulation made of vital necessity, fear and ingratitude, they end to the slaughterhouse.
In fact, when the sepherd leaves them in the pasture, instead to be omnibulated by the grass under their feet, all they have to do is to escape on all sides and the sepherd loose his herd.

The metaphore of the sepherd and the loosed sheeps appears often in the jewish scriptures, with poetry as usual. How cynical it is !

To end, we fail because not able to any organisation, making our money... instead of that, we distrust each other and vote for employees of a big sepherd who have contracts with a slaughterhouse :(
Doing the RTR, making translations or else for JoS, create an enterprise or exchange with local producers are more concrete things than voting for me.

Look, I'm not saying that they are perfect, but they will definitely won't be the one who enslave us. Fidesz is much more Jewish in all kinds of way and they haven't enslaved us completely still.

At least MHM is much more right minded than any of the parties. MHM isn't financed by Jews and they don't want to be financed, this is literally what they are exposing other parties about.

This or we can let Fidesz stay. So what would you choose?

In today's world, no politician could ever say openly that they are Nazis. When Szálasi lived, Nazism was pretty okay and acceptable. We have 90+ years of brainwashing since and Hitler is literally depicted as the worst being in the universe. What party do you think would succeed as openly Nazis? They would be killed.

Toroczkai doesn't want "openly Nazi" people in their party because that's an attack point for the media. Currently they can only lie that Toroczkai is a Nazi and that is an advantage for him.

Again, this party is not perfect but definitely better than Fidesz. They would never be as corrupt as Fidesz.

Also have some empathy, you have all this knowledge that is on JoS and related websites, they don't have any of this. If you wouldn't had read the JoS you would have no idea about any of this. How are they supposed to know?

Thank you for telling me all this tough, I definitely searched for a catch. However, I still think that they are a decent party. I do think they could build a ground where better parties can rise.
It is definitely a work for a very advanced SS soul, like in NS Germany, to take back the word and make in completely Satanic. Compared to this, Toroczkai is just a peasant who at least have a right mind.
Look, I'm not saying that they are perfect, but they will definitely won't be the one who enslave us. Fidesz is much more Jewish in all kinds of way and they haven't enslaved us completely still.

At least MHM is much more right minded than any of the parties. MHM isn't financed by Jews and they don't want to be financed, this is literally what they are exposing other parties about.

This or we can let Fidesz stay. So what would you choose?

In today's world, no politician could ever say openly that they are Nazis. When Szálasi lived, Nazism was pretty okay and acceptable. We have 90+ years of brainwashing since and Hitler is literally depicted as the worst being in the universe. What party do you think would succeed as openly Nazis? They would be killed.

Toroczkai doesn't want "openly Nazi" people in their party because that's an attack point for the media. Currently they can only lie that Toroczkai is a Nazi and that is an advantage for him.

Again, this party is not perfect but definitely better than Fidesz. They would never be as corrupt as Fidesz.

Also have some empathy, you have all this knowledge that is on JoS and related websites, they don't have any of this. If you wouldn't had read the JoS you would have no idea about any of this. How are they supposed to know?

Thank you for telling me all this tough, I definitely searched for a catch. However, I still think that they are a decent party. I do think they could build a ground where better parties can rise.
It is definitely a work for a very advanced SS soul, like in NS Germany, to take back the word and make in completely Satanic. Compared to this, Toroczkai is just a peasant who at least have a right mind.
I know of course today no party can be openly nazi. But they are not nazis in secret either. Except those few individuals who are sympathizing with nazism. Although they believe that nazis were christians...

Yes FIDESZ is much worse of course.

By the way they (some of them) already know aboht Hungarian SS community but yeah as usual they think we are wrong and the deluded ones, as some of them expressed his dumb assumptions about us. They are also paranoid too. One of their member (he is very close to Toroczkai as friend and his "bodyguard") is a typical arrogant christian, who thinks he is right in everything and he wrote very hurtful and also very stupid assumptions to a satanist girl in a message when he got to know about the hungarian pagans and saw their posts about Satan.
If I know well one of the fellow Hungarian SS even used to share our writings and send some material to few of them. Because she was in a sort of friendly talking with few members.

I also posted regurarly on my account and also in comments. Not spamming them at all, only to introduce ourselves and share the most basic things which really they should know.
Only one dude who used to mail to me, wrote that our worldview is interesting and that he is more like "pagan" as he finds it good and he is not sure if jewsus really existed...
Toroczkai and also few others already knows some things about us and possibly already saw our forum too but actually spiritual satanism is not welcomed at all, they are also confused with paganism too as they think of the neopagans.

So the information is out and one can go deeper, it is already known and reachable to them but as they are stupid, prejudiced and paranoid they do not make even the slightest effort to get to know at least a bit more about what is real satanism. They already have their brainwashed beliefs and they just stick to that and oppose any other information...I mean most of them are like that, unfortunately.


I am tired of them and of their followers too. If I still will be here in this country then I will vote on them but that is all.
I do not communicate with them and I do not really make any comments anymore. I see where this is going possibly so...
I've read through the Lithuanian wiki you provided, plus their website and they seem very pro-white, which is nice to see for once!
Thanks for sharing this. :)
As Lithuanian I could say that the chairman (Petras Gražulis) is face swapping homosexual and is involved in many scandals. He says he is agains homo, but in 2020 he was caught with half naked dude in his apartment on remote conference . And this is only one example. I am not in politics, and I ma not the person who is very interested in it, but I can't trust that man. Yes, he says a lot of things to gain trust from people, but that's it.

"Petras Gražulis was impeached from Lithuanian parliament and is not allowed, as of 2024, to participate in any national elections."

I'm not talking about the whole People and Justice Union, but that man I can't trust.

I think you did the right thing to influence them.
However, I don't know if you have read HPHC comments on X, maybe it will seem weird at first but I think he is doing this right. He basically leaves short comments leaving his thoughts. Affirming the right thoughts, and maybe getting some of yours into it also. I think this is a better way to influence a group, rather than write articles to them that is opposing their believes very much.

I haven't had touch with their community, I informed myself from his YouTube videos and site. I think infiltrating their groups could be fruitful. Perhaps within the frame of the outreach project, in the future.
Tóth Gy. László was an advisor for Orbán when they were more promising and nationalist. I don't know how you know that he is a Jew (I couldn't find information on this), but in anyways, Toroczkai wants people close to him who are aligned with his views. TGYL, seemingly aligns with him, whether he is an impostor or not.

Yes, they are brainwashed with Christianity but they are still against Communism and basically all other product of Jewry other than Christianity. If they would be blue pilled about this, I think they would let go of this or at least Toroczkai. But they have to realize this in their own accord.

The type of christanity we have today basically is a God-worshipping cult and that's it. Most of these people doesn't purposefully practice anything harmful, obviously they don't know that it is harmful to them to connect to this energy, but this isn't intentional on their end. Christianity is basically undoing and unliving whilst these people do and live.

In one sentence, they aren't purposefully stupid and they stand for what they think is right.

They have reasonable and common ethical views, they aren't the middle aged Christards. Again, this is only their conservative / tradition keeper side, the idea itself is not bad.

Christianity is not the opposite of Satanism, but rather a perverted form of it. They don't know much about the reality of the dark ages. I don't see the negative aspect of Christianity in their philosophy.

Toroczkai doesn't really have time for this. There are other people who are managing this. I cannot say anything else as I don't know what you wrote.

As the party is now, SS wouldn't be oppressed or anything under his rule. I cannot say for sure that what influences will be on him later, but currently they wouldn't lawfully discriminate SS.

I hope the Gods will help him on the way. We can take it as a fact that they want the best for their people and this is what matters most. They just need to stay pure.
I have faith in them besides some of the bad aspects they have. Do not think that they would be the one who would turn Hungary to the dark ages, this is far away from them.

hey man, not gonna engage in politics discussion as I have no clue about European parties

but Christianity just a perverted form of Satanism? what the fuck ?

Christianity is the OPPOSITE of satanism and ancient religions, from the get go. If you truly believe this is the case, re-read everything about what satanism is about and then compare it with the goals, beliefs and practices of Christianity, cause that is complete bullshit
As Lithuanian I could say that the chairman (Petras Gražulis) is face swapping homosexual and is involved in many scandals. He says he is agains homo, but in 2020 he was caught with half naked dude in his apartment on remote conference . And this is only one example. I am not in politics, and I ma not the person who is very interested in it, but I can't trust that man. Yes, he says a lot of things to gain trust from people, but that's it.

"Petras Gražulis was impeached from Lithuanian parliament and is not allowed, as of 2024, to participate in any national elections."

I'm not talking about the whole People and Justice Union, but that man I can't trust.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I was viewing the whole of the People and Justice Union.

I am not very into politics myself, I was just viewing both the wiki and their website.
but Christianity just a perverted form of Satanism? what the fuck ?

Christianity is the OPPOSITE of satanism and ancient religions, from the get go. If you truly believe this is the case, re-read everything about what satanism is about and then compare it with the goals, beliefs and practices of Christianity, cause that is complete bullshit

Basically 99% of modern "Christian" traditions is from paganism, they changed a lot for sure, for example they doesn't worship the Gods but a Jewish though form, but still similar practices.
Than there are the 1% that are inherently bad practices.
Basically the whole Bible is a collection of Pagan mythologies, it got re-worded so that it favors the Jews, but on some places, the bible correspond perfectly to a Pagan writing from word to word.

Yes, it has different goals and beliefs, but it's content is basically paganism in a Jewish mask. That's what I meant by my words.
hey man, not gonna engage in politics discussion as I have no clue about European parties

but Christianity just a perverted form of Satanism? what the fuck ?

Christianity is the OPPOSITE of satanism and ancient religions, from the get go. If you truly believe this is the case, re-read everything about what satanism is about and then compare it with the goals, beliefs and practices of Christianity, cause that is complete bullshit
Please be easy, I already reacted on that. I think AFODO possibly meant it because of the many stolen and corrupted pagan elements. He just expressed it incorrectly/wrongly.
I corrected it also because of others who are new and may not know...
I think he surely knows that goals of the abrahamic programs are the opposite of the satanism...
The Alternative for Norway is probably also notable since it's an alliance of the Nordic Resistance Movement.

Again I don't know much about them, but at least they are openly National Socialist (but unpopular for this reason)..
The Alternative for Norway is probably also notable since it's an alliance of the Nordic Resistance Movement.

Again I don't know much about them, but at least they are openly National Socialist (but unpopular for this reason)..
Wikipedia says they are against immigration, that is an excellent point today.

Some political parties of the right are in favor of the "legal immigration", that means they want immigrants in their own nation, and they also tolerate islam.

A National Socialist party must be against immigration and against islam, and against all other abrahamic programs as judaism, christianity and communism.
Basically 99% of modern "Christian" traditions is from paganism, they changed a lot for sure, for example they doesn't worship the Gods but a Jewish though form, but still similar practices.
Than there are the 1% that are inherently bad practices.
Basically the whole Bible is a collection of Pagan mythologies, it got re-worded so that it favors the Jews, but on some places, the bible correspond perfectly to a Pagan writing from word to word.

Yes, it has different goals and beliefs, but it's content is basically paganism in a Jewish mask. That's what I meant by my words.
Oh no...then I misunderstood you or thought you got it why it was wrong what or how you wrote.
But you wrote weirdly again.
there are the 1% that are inherently bad practices.
Only 1 %? No, everything in Christianity is bad or related to some negative. Actually even if the practices stayed somewhat similar or elements are quite similar, they are bad.
Yule tree for us, but Christmas tree for the christians, the same tree but not the same story and not the same meaning....

You also said: "Its content is basically paganism in a Jewish mask" Well not really, it is not paganism in any way, anymore because the pagan elements were stolen and corrupted. Even if there are some parts which "correspond perfectly" to pagan writings, we rather should not say that way, "paganism in Jewish mask".

The problem is that I have a sort of deja-vu unfortunately, suddenly some of the weird posts of Don Danko just came to my mind which reeked of "hidden" new age christian theosophy... :(

Let's try to talk exact as much as possible I think.
Basically 99% of modern "Christian" traditions is from paganism, they changed a lot for sure, for example they doesn't worship the Gods but a Jewish though form, but still similar practices.
Than there are the 1% that are inherently bad practices.
Basically the whole Bible is a collection of Pagan mythologies, it got re-worded so that it favors the Jews, but on some places, the bible correspond perfectly to a Pagan writing from word to word.

Yes, it has different goals and beliefs, but it's content is basically paganism in a Jewish mask. That's what I meant by my words.

no, that's not what the bible and christianism is. its not "paganism in a jewish mask" - christianism has no actual practice, physical, intellectual or spiritual other than taking a knee to "god" and ask for forgiveness for being born "dirty" the whole "religion" revolves around the sin and worshipping the saviour of the people all the time, there is not one sentence that favours society or human beings, there is not one drop of power given to practitioners.

this is the core characteristic and it cannot be bent much less say it is a perverted form of satanism. it is the polar opposite. there are no valuable teachings, no wisdom, nothing of value given to those who practice such thing. the only more or less down to earth things the bible says are the ones stolen from US in the first place.

the reason they took older writings was to disguise the fact that the book is a giant curse, as in most cases they took the original writings and modified them to include their own curse, blasphemy or curse the gods, human race, to empower the jew, or manifest their stupid "holy" predictions.

when they could disguise and sell this shit, was when the bible actually began to be accepted, you have to remember the jew was known scum at the time and the only way they could infiltrate was creating fairy tales using existing ancient writtings cause THEIR book (torah) was a blatant curse to the gentiles; thus with such crap they would have never been able to sneak in and get the power that they got.

to say christianism is a perverted form of satanism is downright insulting to our practices and beliefs. im not sure if there's a langauge barrier here maybe english is not your first language, but you have to understand what you say is not correct.
As Lithuanian I could say that the chairman (Petras Gražulis) is face swapping homosexual and is involved in many scandals. He says he is agains homo, but in 2020 he was caught with half naked dude in his apartment on remote conference . And this is only one example. I am not in politics, and I ma not the person who is very interested in it, but I can't trust that man. Yes, he says a lot of things to gain trust from people, but that's it.

"Petras Gražulis was impeached from Lithuanian parliament and is not allowed, as of 2024, to participate in any national elections."

I'm not talking about the whole People and Justice Union, but that man I can't trust.
May be that they made the clown of him, because this party was better.

Need to not forget who owns media and manipulates government and the rest.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
