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New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

Greetings to all of our beautiful family,

I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.

In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.

As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as the is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.

Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.

As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent.

Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism. Further, MARAX is one of other blasphemous Names attributed to her, also related to death.

This is unacceptable for Gentiles to have to speak these words and blaspheme their own Holy Gods due to disinformation. As a result, all of this will be blotted out.

Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. These will not be too many. Minor Demons will also get their Rituals. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.

As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.

All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.

This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.

Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.

Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.

May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:
So the god DAGAN lost his original people that is sad and hopefully with this ritual he will heal in time . There is so much damage one can take and matt I love her she is a awesome goddess 😍
That is correct, Maat is Athena/Minerva in the Hellenic and Roman mythology.
I'm pretty sure HP HC said Maat is actually Nemesis and she's a different Goddesses than Athena: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/...f-basic-numbers-1-10.74710/page-2#post-368295

Anyway, here's a beautiful hymn no Nemesis I've been saving the post for the occasion:

Nemesis, winged tilter of scales and lives,
Justice-spawned Goddess with steel-blue eyes!
You bridle vain men who roil in vain
Against Your adamantine rein.
Great hater of hubris and megalomania,
Obliterator of black resentment,
By Your trackless, churning, wracking wheel
Man's glinting fortunes turn on earth.
You come in oblivion's cloak to bend
The grandeur-deluded rebel neck,
With forearm measuring out lifetimes,
With brow frowning into the heart of man
And the yoke raised sovereign in Your hand.
Hail in the highest, O justice-queen

Nemesis, winged tilter of scales and lives,
Immortal Judge! I sing Your song,
Almighty Triumph on proud-spread wings,
Lieutenant of fairness, Requiter of wrongs.
Despise the lordly with all Your art
And lay them low in the Tartarus.

Νέμεσι πτερόεσσα βίου ῥοπά,
κυανῶπι θεά, θύγατερ Δίκας,
ἃ κοῦφα φρυάγματα θνατῶν,
ἐπέχεις ἀδάμαντι χαλινῷ,
ἔχθουσα δ’ ὕβριν ὀλοὰν βροτῶν,
μέλανα φθόνον ἐκτὸς ἐλαύνεις.
ὑπὸ σὸν τροχὸν ἄστατον ἀστιβῆ
χαροπὰ μερόπων στρέφεται τύχα,
λήθουσα δὲ πὰρ πόδα βαίνεις,
γαυρούμενον αὐχένα κλίνεις.
ὑπὸ πῆχυν ἀεὶ βίοτον μετρεῖς,
νεύεις δ’ ὑπὸ κόλπον ὀφρῦν ἀεὶ
ζυγὸν μετὰ χεῖρα κρατοῦσα.
ἵλαθι μάκαιρα δικασπόλε

Νέμεσι πτερόεσσα βίου ῥοπά.
Νέμεσιν θεὸν ᾄδομεν ἄφθιτον,
Νίκην τανυσίπτερον ὀμβρίμαν
νημερτέα καὶ πάρεδρον Δίκας,
ἃ τὰν μεγαλανορίαν βροτῶν

νεμεσῶσα φέρεις κατὰ Ταρτάρου.
I'm pretty sure HP HC said Maat is actually Nemesis and she's a different Goddesses than Athena: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/...f-basic-numbers-1-10.74710/page-2#post-368295

Anyway, here's a beautiful hymn no Nemesis I've been saving the post for the occasion:

Nemesis, winged tilter of scales and lives,
Justice-spawned Goddess with steel-blue eyes!
You bridle vain men who roil in vain
Against Your adamantine rein.
Great hater of hubris and megalomania,
Obliterator of black resentment,
By Your trackless, churning, wracking wheel
Man's glinting fortunes turn on earth.
You come in oblivion's cloak to bend
The grandeur-deluded rebel neck,
With forearm measuring out lifetimes,
With brow frowning into the heart of man
And the yoke raised sovereign in Your hand.
Hail in the highest, O justice-queen

Nemesis, winged tilter of scales and lives,
Immortal Judge! I sing Your song,
Almighty Triumph on proud-spread wings,
Lieutenant of fairness, Requiter of wrongs.
Despise the lordly with all Your art
And lay them low in the Tartarus.
Νέμεσι πτερόεσσα βίου ῥοπά,
κυανῶπι θεά, θύγατερ Δίκας,
ἃ κοῦφα φρυάγματα θνατῶν,
ἐπέχεις ἀδάμαντι χαλινῷ,
ἔχθουσα δ’ ὕβριν ὀλοὰν βροτῶν,
μέλανα φθόνον ἐκτὸς ἐλαύνεις.
ὑπὸ σὸν τροχὸν ἄστατον ἀστιβῆ
χαροπὰ μερόπων στρέφεται τύχα,
λήθουσα δὲ πὰρ πόδα βαίνεις,
γαυρούμενον αὐχένα κλίνεις.
ὑπὸ πῆχυν ἀεὶ βίοτον μετρεῖς,
νεύεις δ’ ὑπὸ κόλπον ὀφρῦν ἀεὶ
ζυγὸν μετὰ χεῖρα κρατοῦσα.
ἵλαθι μάκαιρα δικασπόλε

Νέμεσι πτερόεσσα βίου ῥοπά.
Νέμεσιν θεὸν ᾄδομεν ἄφθιτον,
Νίκην τανυσίπτερον ὀμβρίμαν
νημερτέα καὶ πάρεδρον Δίκας,
ἃ τὰν μεγαλανορίαν βροτῶν

νεμεσῶσα φέρεις κατὰ Ταρτάρου.
Thanks for the correction.
Maat's sigil, when meditated upon, can align certain energies in the soul correctly. I highly recommend spending time gazing on Her sigil after doing Her ritual :)
Should everyone put this sigil as profile picture? At least for these days.
What amusing timing for Dagon/Zagan's ritual to be posted as this show is airing staring a main character named after him.

Not a great show by any means, but nice if you like very soft cute characters/humor. It portrays the sorcerer's in the world as all named after Demons and mostly unfairly persecuted by the church. (There's a few evil characters named after demons sadly, so that's points against it.)
I felt really beautiful effects from these Rituals, in line with what HPS Lydia said.

Hail beautiful Lady Ma'at, arbiter of harmony and truth!

Hail Lord Dagon, lord of the unknown minds!
Oh and on the end of Dagon's ritual:

For the last step of the Ritual, vibrate the following triad, 10 times:

"Dagan, Zagan, Dagan!" - Repeat this x10 times.

No, it's correct as is.

Thank you for your excellent work HP Hoodedcobra, we look forward to seeing all the Gods in their former glory and moving forward together with the sole purpose of freeing the world from the enemy.

Absolutely, it is happening.

Damn this new pace is incredible!

I want to thank you HPHC these rituals have truly helped me, my ability to communicate with the Gods has been greatly amplified after finishing the last schedule and has allowed me to get some very important information I needed for my development.

Hail Satan!

This is excellent news. These Rituals will accelerate even those who struggle a lot by a large margin. Thank you for the necessary feedback.

Gosh, these are extremely beautiful and important rituals. Concerning my level, I don't get blessed by all rituals, but I felt these ones really well. Especially Maat's.
These two rituals are very good for general advancement.

Not all Rituals will affect the same everyone as everyone is different, but they will help everyone with 100% certainty. Later in one's development, they can do major work for them, but maybe not at the present.

Will I feel like a bull from this ritual?

It depends, it's very likely for some SS to get this effect and it's good if you do.

Thank you HPHC for all the work you do. I'll say this a million times

I will appreciate it every million of these times. Thank you.

I am impressed by how everything aligns perfectly. Perhaps postponing working on the Demons section was a good idea. The rank names did seem quite outlandish to me. I'm happy that the Demons section is finally being purified and updated.

I am focusing first on the very essential things, that's why and it's the best way to go about this. Thanks for understanding.

Thank you to HP Cobra for his tireless efforts in restoring our great Pantheon. Think of it all, if you will, like a beautiful painting of nature. Our Gods work in collective harmony with one another, each adding something integral to the aether of this world. With every Demon ritual, we restore something else to this portrait. The trees, the river, the wind. One could not begin to fathom the essential things that we and this world have been without. With each thread on the tapestry restored, one day, the full image of splendour will be complete.


All said, one may see the link between these two divinities. Dagan is a God of prosperity. And a society which follows the Law of Ma'at is a prosperous one. Understanding of this Law is not just a conscious act, but a subconscious one also, that must be felt in your heart of hearts.

You have excellent understanding of all of these matters, including also internal thought processes taking place. Thank you for this response.

Being alive in this era where we can acknowledge and live the reborn of our Gods' truth and their identity restored is something that we cannot even comprehend. When in the future people will join our ranks, they will find all these rituals already there. But we, right now, can experience these moments unlike anybody else, and cheerish them in our souls. Thank you for these gifts Clergy.
Hail Lady Maat!
Hail Lord Dagon!

We are all blessed to have each other and the Gods.

You are unspeakably wonderful and doing such a work that I just cannot put into words. I'm completely sure that these exceptional, accurate, and most holy knowledge will remain eternally on Earth once for all, serving as a most important aid for Humanity, Unaltered, thanks to you and technology. I'm beyond words happy about this.

Thank you my brother. Make sure to take the knowledge of our Gods and promote it into eternity for our future generations.

Thank you for clarifying this very important topic. The amount of corruption, defamation and blasphemy the Gods have sustained is absolutely insane.
I have referred to Maat many times using the jewish corrupted name but that will now change.


Please do, thank you. The Gods do not have a problem with this, but after we know we must change our course to show our progression and respect.

I can't help but cry for the loss of Dagan's people... I feel really sorry for all of them and for this wonderful God. Sometimes this reality can be sad, another example is when I felt sorry for the fact that Demons like Lucifius Focalor have seen their own planet and their own people destroyed and enslaved. I'm really sorry...

I love my Gods very much and I would like these injustices against them simply not to exist. I know it's "for kids" because that's not how the universe works, but it's really painful to hear about certain things. And obviously everyone continues to remember the holocaust without even knowing who Dagan is...

It devastated me to do this Ritual, I felt the same way...

Thank you for these wonderful Rituals High Priest and thank you for your hard work and dedication in bringing our Gods to their true light.

Thank you all for encouraging me and giving me the necessary support so we can all move forward.

Thank you for this HP!!!
I have a question tho, do the Gods inform you which God/Goddess will have their Power Ritual in the future or is that to you to decide?

They do, in accordance to their plan. I only had a choice in a couple, no more than this.

I'm pretty sure HP HC said Maat is actually Nemesis and she's a different Goddesses than Athena: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/...f-basic-numbers-1-10.74710/page-2#post-368295

Correct, Lady Ma'at is Nemesis. Astarte is Athena.

Should everyone put this sigil as profile picture? At least for these days.

These things should be treated as sacred things, and wearing them like this is not necessary. They are liturgical things. The regular sigil can suffice for honor purposes.

I love so much Dagon. Is Dagon a Avatar of Cuthulu? I read it in the description of the enn of Dagon in Satania.

Cthulu is a symbol that was generated out of the mind of an occultist, Lovecraft. It is not a "real entity", it is a symbol. Dagon is not Cthulu.

What amusing timing for Dagon/Zagan's ritual to be posted as this show is airing staring a main character named after him.

Not a great show by any means, but nice if you like very soft cute characters/humor. It portrays the sorcerer's in the world as all named after Demons and mostly unfairly persecuted by the church. (There's a few evil characters named after demons sadly, so that's points against it.)

Thank you for this information, I truly had no clue. That is very good news!
High Priest, thank you!!

Doing Lord Dagan's ritual I felt a lot of sympathy for him. I am glad he has a new home now and will be loved and appreciated for eons to come!

Lady Maat's ritual is very beautiful. She feels like the type of Goddess who doesn't mess around and is to be taken seriously and with respect. It's fascinating!
The ending of the ritual was beautiful!
To everyone who translated the rituals already, both rituals have received some minor changes, please update your translations from the attached files. Thank you.


  • Dagon's Power Ritual Revisions.pdf
    39.1 KB · Views: 84
  • Maat's Power Ritual Revisions.pdf
    34.6 KB · Views: 72
Thanks for clarifying, as far as I can see Astarte in Greek mythology has 5 or 6 different avatars.

The 4 Crowns do divide themselves in sub-divisions, this is necessary for human psychological understanding of pure forces that are represented by them.
You are blessed for eternity Hp.

it should be underlined how great everything you are doing is not just changing the name by which our Gods are called.

you are literally the first in history for 2 thousand years now, to give back the title they deserve to the Gods of all humanity.

that's how great your work is! Proud to be in your army forever!
Maat energy is just awesome, I felt her power very well and I recognize that I am already in close with her, I also felt her prestige and dignity
She commands respect from everyone، and very wise and Mysteriousness

Who the hell is Izfet & Garagah

Aslo i said her name like this (ماعت) it's like maa-ع-t and I think it's correct because in the last of the ritual i felt wonderful energy when I said her names, there is no letter in English like ع in Arabic

I didn't do Dagon ritual for today but I will do it twice tomorrow.

Thank you HPHC 13 thousand blessings on you in the name of the Gods
So if Apollo is also Roman Sol, who is Nyx?
Interesting that I felt the energy of Dagan descend downwards through my head to my heart chakra feeling much like elemental water but far more refined his association with the ocean being made clear, meanwhile Maat's energy true to form felt very ordered moving in a very regimental way up my soul from by base chakra I could feel very strong pressure in certain areas of my soul and then a release as well as flashes of light in my vision, both energies were extremely powerful, flow and structure in tandem, I wonder if thats why these rituals were released together.

Theres definitly a lot more to these Gods energies than meets the eye, they both felt similar to Thoth, Anubis and Amon Ra in the sense that they seem to have a particular focused intent on how they affect the soul, their energies feel highly specialised.

Awesome rituals HPHC as always, one thing though on Maat's ritual one of the Lagur vibrations is spelt Logr I know they mean the same thing but it tripped me up and I did different pronounications for each (no big deal, just letting you know for editioral purposes).
Greetings to all of our beautiful family,

I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.

In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.

As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as she is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.

Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.

As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent.

Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism. Further, MARAX is one of other blasphemous Names attributed to her, also related to death.

This is unacceptable for Gentiles to have to speak these words and blaspheme their own Holy Gods due to disinformation. As a result, all of this will be blotted out.

Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. These will not be too many. Minor Demons will also get their Rituals. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.

As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.

All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.

This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.

Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.

Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.

May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:
This was amazing to do. Welcome home Dagon; I have used this as my user name in a lot of things since I was a child it is so heartwarming to hear he has a home with us. Maat, thank you for guiding us on your straight path, thank you for your blessings of knowledge and truth. May great blessings fall on you Maat and Dagon

Hail Satan
Greetings to all of our beautiful family,

I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.

In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.

As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as she is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.

Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.

As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent.

Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism. Further, MARAX is one of other blasphemous Names attributed to her, also related to death.

This is unacceptable for Gentiles to have to speak these words and blaspheme their own Holy Gods due to disinformation. As a result, all of this will be blotted out.

Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. These will not be too many. Minor Demons will also get their Rituals. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.

As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.

All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.

This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.

Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.

Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.

May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:
May you HPHC666 be Blessed eternally for bringing our old true Gods closer to us in this world of prison.
I read it in the description of the enn of Dagon in Satania or in the Channel of Brother Tsoker, and say that Dagon are one avatar of Cuthulu or vice-versa I don't remember. I love Cuthulu and Moloch they are of our path. I feel the presence of Moloch when I listen the enn of him and are beautiful.
You are connecting to enemy thoughtforms. I would advise you to stop doing that right now and clean your soul thoroughly.
Greetings to all of our beautiful family,

I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.

In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.

As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as she is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.

Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.

As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent.

Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism. Further, MARAX is one of other blasphemous Names attributed to her, also related to death.

This is unacceptable for Gentiles to have to speak these words and blaspheme their own Holy Gods due to disinformation. As a result, all of this will be blotted out.

Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. These will not be too many. Minor Demons will also get their Rituals. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.

As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.

All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.

This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.

Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.

Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.

May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:
Thanks for sharing this updated retuals :love:
I read it in the description of the enn of Dagon in Satania or in the Channel of Brother Tsoker, and say that Dagon are one avatar of Cuthulu or vice-versa I don't remember. I love Cuthulu and Moloch they are of our path. I feel the presence of Moloch when I listen the enn of him and are beautiful.
You should stop wasting your time with corrupted sources of grimoires created by Jews and stop evoking random enemy entities and focus on JOS and your spiritual advancement.

With those corrupt sources in the best case you will not advance and achieve anything and in the worst case your soul can be tied and linked to the energies of the enemy and can damage your soul irreversibly as it happens with the "occultists" who are immersed in the enemy doctrines.
Ahhhh, Dagan! I know Dagan. Wonderful God.

One of my neighbors placed a little winged statue in my garden once saying "I gave you an angel to protect your garden". I was pissed off, like, what are you doing putting paraphernalia from your religion in my garden, you know? Very rude. It wasn't actually an angel statue though, I believe the wings had confused her.

When I looked at it, the little statue had long straight hair and what seems to be Eastern clothing. I immediately thought "You're not an "angel"...you're clearly a Daemon. You're a Daemon, and your name is Dagan, isn't it...". And so I left the statue and greeted it joyfully by his name every day. My garden went absolutely wild with life, confirming my belief in who this little stone idol represented. I have a great big mulberry tree in my yard that produces some of the biggest and juiciest, healthiest berries I've ever seen and tasted, and I attribute that to his influence, for example.

Maat is a name I know, but the Goddess behind this name I am not as familiar with, only really understanding having a vague understanding of her importance, influence and power. I'm eager to become more acquainted.

It's really inspiring to hear your disposition and determination to bring the Gods back to their glory, in their truest form and names, HP Cobra. These rituals are absolutely invaluable in so many ways. I've recently taken on the task of constructing invocational prayers to each under our Pantheon, to be preformed after the initial invocation to Father Satan; I've discovered nothing but extremely blasphemous and disrespectful invocations in all the books of the aforementioned "Demonology" practices. Absolutely unacceptable and highly frustrating, totally dangerous for the Mages wishing to engage, so I tasked myself with amending this, and these rituals are so invaluable in this process due to the direct influence and level of understanding they provide.

I'll pass these invocation prayers on soon enough, but only when I'm sure of the perfection and precision of each, which means getting the approval of each God and Daemon these are connected to, and as everyone should understand, this may take time with some due to how busy and important some of these beings are. Step by step, piece by piece, the Divine Temple and it's Holy Practices will be restored. But the pace we're moving at is incredible, the momentum has been really picking up!

I'm excited to begin these rituals! Thank you once again for your relentless work, HP!
Amazing Rituals!

The energies of Goddess Maat are strong and they are like a mother's embrace. Infact it is very interesting that Mata or Matr means mother in Sanskrit, in Ancient Greek is Meter and in Latin is Mater, maybe it is correlated with the name of the Goddess.

The energies of God Dagan are very particular because of the Philistines and what happened to them. The energies are also correlated to the mind, infact they appear to be silent, the silence of the mind but also the silence of an inevitable justice that suddendly strikes even after centuries.
Oh, these rituals are simply beautiful. It was the second day of their implementation and I feel such bright feelings towards Dagan. Every time I say this part, I can hardly hold back my tears:

Do not mourn, Great God, for you are an immortal.
The memory of your People will live in the aeons, and so will you!
Bless us to carry you forth into the minds and souls of mankind!

I hope Dagan receives as much love and care as possible from Joy of Satan.
Those golden sigils are a nice touch. Thanks to whoever is responsible for that.

Thank you, it's my initiative as the red is a very nice color, but an aggressive color. Gold is more royal, fitting for the sigils.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
