This was a very nice and interesting Ritual schedule, Thank You very much!
The golden Sigils are beautiful and fitting for the energy of Lady Maat and Lord Dagan and invited me to stay meditating on the Sigils for longer.
The effect of lawful/correcting Order has been noticeable for me throughout this week. Suddenly I had the urge to switch up my daily routine just a little bit, but a few little changes that I didn't think of before has made the whole process running smoother and more effective. I also feel like my thoughts are less drifting off in unnecessary directions. Excessive daydreaming has always been a problem for me. Doing Void Meditation helped a lot so far but these Rituals, or rather the Godess / God these are directed to have made me even more aware of different ways this habit creeps up on me.
My dreams had also a noticeable theme every day this week. At first, there was often someone or something that tried to scare me or some sense of "danger". But it always resolved pretty quickly, as I realized the things I was dealing with were not scary
at all.
A beast that was attacking me turned out to be a little wasp that I simply put into a glass and let outside through the window.
Someone was scared of monsters but I pointed out it was just regular people in bad looking costumes.
Being "poisioned" was just a drink that was spoiled which I could easily pour away...etc.
Reflecting these dreams the next day, I often thought of Izfet and Garagah and how they are to be destroyed by Lady Maat

It really feels like they lost some of their power.
Something that I found interesting is that the day before the start of the schedule I was looking for inspiration for drawing. I stumbled upon some art of Triton (a mythological being that is half man, half fish)

Seeing that Lord Dagan is also described as Patron of Inspiration and Creativity it is very fitting
I wonder if there is a connection between Triton and Dagan or are they unrelated?