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The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Soon, the most major task of updating the Joy of Satan Gods & Demons Section [will be renamed], will begin.

Currently, the Joy of Satan Dedication Ritual has received the following updates: Prayer, FAQ expanded, visuals.

The Dedication Ritual has been updated, to illustrate where you are going with this. The Godhead and to Dedicate to the Gods, means that one reverses the flow of the Andrapoda path, and wants to become human and then a God.

The Gods have many Ranks, these will be the Central Ranks here as to not create needless confusion. Any "Names" by the enemy will be blotted out, to cease the jewish confusion on the topic. Words like "Angels, Arch-Angels" and so on, are Ancient Greek in origin, but will be explained in another more elaborate topics (they are words that we won't use here, to avoid falsehood and correlation).

More analysis of this is forthcoming. Only very broad explanations are needed for now. At the end of this knowledge, one will know exactly who or what they are dealing with.

Here, there are not included more subdivisions. These are also not for "Humans to decide". Humans who go around parading they are "something else" are not only digging their own ignorance and diving in deeper, but they cannot fool people who will know the full criteria of these.

For example, unless a person can deliberately manifest exceptional changes in humanity, or display other powers, they are not in anyway part of certain ranks. This also has an internal character to it.

Ranks are not shared to procure delusions, but rather to banish them.


"Head Gods"
- This Crown is synonymous with the Crown Chakra, the highest Human Chakra. According to Proclus, these are named "First Ones" or "Πρώτιστοι". These are the highest Gods. The Gods are tasked with making men as Gods directly, with the help of all the other Ranks of Divine Beings. They are the highest ones, and they are the highest of the highest of Ranks. About their powers, they will be described in other sections and more internal knowledge. These teach and are on the highest of the highest spiritual domains, nothing less. The fewest beings will be presided by these. The powers here are to change the Fate of humans, and other Demons, and other miraculous forces that are beyond conception.

"Gods" - These are exceptionally advanced Demons, who draw closer to the Highest Crowns or Gods. They are also of exceptional power. For lack of a better term, they will be called "Demi Gods". They preside on applying the will of the Crowned Princes.

"Demons" - On this level, while these beings are Gods to us [comparable to humans] these Beings are still inconceivably more advanced compared to humans. We call them Gods but some are Demons. Many "Ancient Great Humans" are already in this rank, after exceptional development.

"Half Demons" - This is a very large category, of Heroes who have not fully transitioned to the higher level of being Demons. They can have impressive powers and Siddhis, they are still Gods to human beings.

"Heroes" - Souls of Humans who have reached the transitional level on upward ranking. Compared to humans, again of inconceivable powers. Herein are the "Greatest Humans of History". Previously, these were Human beings. They can act as Guardians to Human beings, humanity and human society, very directly. They are most helpful, as they reside still close to Humans. Still Gods compared to Human beings.

Human Ranks:

"Advanced Human"
- Humans of elevated powers, spiritually awakened for real [not imagined, or deluded to be as such]. Not Heroes or Demons yet, but with affinity to go upward rather than downward. They have many of the actual powers of the Demons.

"Human" - Everything is called human nowadays even if it does not behave as a true human. When one naturally sees these people, they can tell these people are not fully human just yet. What we would refer to as a Human nowadays, here has transformed from an Andrapod permanently to a Human. They no longer have most of the plights of humans, such as random evil, outbursts, ignorance is far less; ignorance is comprehended and attempted to truly be overcome.

As such I have put many codes in the Ethics section; one of them being "Into a Human". Many people think they are human, but they are not fully human yet. Spiritual, ethical intellectual and material advancement is required to get to this rank. That is a miracle. If many of these people existed on earth, we would already be in a form of "Golden Age".

"Aspiring Human" - These beings are good, higher types of people, who are more capable and able to advance. Their trajectory has started to be upward; still, there is strong tendency to evil and ignorance, but one is fighting against it, and they are succeeding for the most part in that task.

"Awakened Human" - Humans recently awakened to spirituality or goodness, basic powers, basic spiritual affinities. Already a huge attainment for a soul, as the entropic pull when one is an Andrapod is of exceptional force. Smart people, good people, people of good vocation. Even if one reaches here in their lifetime, they should be very satisfied; a very large portion of sub-humanity and andrapodism has been removed.

"Andrapod" - Here is where most souls begin. What we falsely call a "Human being" nowadays, is actually an Andrapod, at the bottom of the evolutionary chain of the Gods. Completely unawakened human, very close to animal consciousness, human only in potential form, can be tentative to Good or Evil. Education and spirituality, can kickstart the being from this level, to start becoming more and more human, going upward. Some of these are going to fall in the lesser levels or remain here. A percent is meant for upward movement. Spiritual Satanism concerns ourselves only with those of either higher ranks, or cases where upward movement can happen.

"Fallen Andrapod" - Can have many categories, from "falling" to totally irredeemable. Totally evil, on the downward spiral, bordering anywhere from equal to animals or even beneath them. To call them animals in human form would be a mistake toward all animals, who are noble. Faculties start to not represent humans, but the vile sides of animals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Excellent description and clarification, HP Cobra. I hope this brings understanding to people.

In line with this, I also hope people understand that much of the behavior described on Islamicevil concerns the last two areas, but mostly the first of the last two. Malleable people can get into all kinds of things when influenced by the negative, retarded and abusive - which isn't an excuse and they should be monitored and (earthly) punished to the fullest extent for what they do, but this is why the Gods don't just 'dissipate and destroy' everyone immediately for wrongdoing. The fallen category takes some systematic going to, even though quite a few of these lower-than-animals are among us.
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Thank you for this post, sir 💜
Insane I was literally just marking up a list of how I assumed the hierarchy of the Gods is established like I started 10 minutes ago, so often I find myself thinking about something and then boom a post that hour about just that.

Thank you HPHC I always love getting more information about the occult and the Gods specifically.
Soon, the most major task of updating the Joy of Satan Gods & Demons Section [will be renamed], will begin.

Currently, the Joy of Satan Dedication Ritual has received the following updates: Prayer, FAQ expanded, visuals.

The Dedication Ritual has been updated, to illustrate where you are going with this. The Godhead and to Dedicate to the Gods, means that one reverses the flow of the Andrapoda path, and wants to become human and then a God.

The Gods have many Ranks, these will be the Central Ranks here as to not create needless confusion. Any "Names" by the enemy will be blotted out, to cease the jewish confusion on the topic. Words like "Angels, Arch-Angels" and so on, are Ancient Greek in origin, but will be explained in another more elaborate topics (they are words that we won't use here, to avoid falsehood and correlation).

More analysis of this is forthcoming. Only very broad explanations are needed for now. At the end of this knowledge, one will know exactly who or what they are dealing with.

Here, there are not included more subdivisions. These are also not for "Humans to decide". Humans who go around parading they are "something else" are not only digging their own ignorance and diving in deeper, but they cannot fool people who will know the full criteria of these.

For example, unless a person can deliberately manifest exceptional changes in humanity, or display other powers, they are not in anyway part of certain ranks. This also has an internal character to it.

Ranks are not shared to procure delusions, but rather to banish them.


"Head Gods"
- This Crown is synonymous with the Crown Chakra, the highest Human Chakra. According to Proclus, these are named "First Ones" or "Πρώτιστοι". These are the highest Gods. The Gods are tasked with making men as Gods directly, with the help of all the other Ranks of Divine Beings. They are the highest ones, and they are the highest of the highest of Ranks. About their powers, they will be described in other sections and more internal knowledge. These teach and are on the highest of the highest spiritual domains, nothing less. The fewest beings will be presided by these. The powers here are to change the Fate of humans, and other Demons, and other miraculous forces that are beyond conception.

"Gods" - These are exceptionally advanced Demons, who draw closer to the Highest Crowns or Gods. They are also of exceptional power. For lack of a better term, they will be called "Demi Gods". They preside on applying the will of the Crowned Princes.

"Demons" - On this level, while these beings are Gods to us [comparable to humans] these Beings are still inconceivably more advanced compared to humans. We call them Gods but some are Demons. Many "Ancient Great Humans" are already in this rank, after exceptional development.

"Half Demons" - This is a very large category, of Heroes who have not fully transitioned to the higher level of being Demons. They can have impressive powers and Siddhis, they are still Gods to human beings.

"Heroes" - Souls of Humans who have reached the transitional level on upward ranking. Compared to humans, again of inconceivable powers. Herein are the "Greatest Humans of History". Previously, these were Human beings. They can act as Guardians to Human beings, humanity and human society, very directly. They are most helpful, as they reside still close to Humans. Still Gods compared to Human beings.

Human Ranks:

"Advanced Human"
- Humans of elevated powers, spiritually awakened for real [not imagined, or deluded to be as such]. Not Heroes or Demons yet, but with affinity to go upward rather than downward. They have many of the actual powers of the Demons.

"Human" - Everything is called human nowadays even if it does not behave as a true human. When one naturally sees these people, they can tell these people are not fully human just yet. What we would refer to as a Human nowadays, here has transformed from an Andrapod permanently to a Human. They no longer have most of the plights of humans, such as random evil, outbursts, ignorance is far less; ignorance is comprehended and attempted to truly be overcome.

As such I have put many codes in the Ethics section; one of them being "Into a Human". Many people think they are human, but they are not fully human yet. Spiritual, ethical intellectual and material advancement is required to get to this rank. That is a miracle. If many of these people existed on earth, we would already be in a form of "Golden Age".

"Aspiring Human" - These beings are good, higher types of people, who are more capable and able to advance. Their trajectory has started to be upward; still, there is strong tendency to evil and ignorance, but one is fighting against it, and they are succeeding for the most part in that task.

"Awakened Human" - Humans recently awakened to spirituality or goodness, basic powers, basic spiritual affinities. Already a huge attainment for a soul, as the entropic pull when one is an Andrapod is of exceptional force. Smart people, good people, people of good vocation. Even if one reaches here in their lifetime, they should be very satisfied; a very large portion of sub-humanity and andrapodism has been removed.

"Andrapod" - Here is where most souls begin. What we falsely call a "Human being" nowadays, is actually an Andrapod, at the bottom of the evolutionary chain of the Gods. Completely unawakened human, very close to animal consciousness, human only in potential form, can be tentative to Good or Evil. Education and spirituality, can kickstart the being from this level, to start becoming more and more human, going upward. Some of these are going to fall in the lesser levels or remain here. A percent is meant for upward movement. Spiritual Satanism concerns ourselves only with those of either higher ranks, or cases where upward movement can happen.

"Fallen Andrapod" - Totally evil, on the downward spiral, bordering anywhere from equal to animals or even beneath them. To call them animals in human form would be a mistake toward all animals, who are noble. Faculties start to not represent humans, but the vile sides of animals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I noticed the coding when I was reading the ethics, I found it interesting and now I know exactly what that means; I wanna be human :) I will always try every day in every way to achieve even being close .
Hail Satan
Excellent heirarchy. Sometimes I think about how different I am from who I was before dedication, but I also never forget how far I am from where I should be.

An idea for artists is to create a scene that represents each tier, like the 9 circles of hell in Dante's inferno.
Are the powers of the Gods as much as they reveal to humanity? So the reason and condition for dividing them into these categories is that any God in this category is there because he/she helped humanity to that extent. Are there also Gods who are less close to humanity but are high and powerful in the hierarchy of demons and gods? Do we position them this way from an earthly perspective, or does it apply to the entire universe?

I tried to write my question in different ways. I hope I could explain.
Are the powers of the Gods as much as they reveal to humanity?

No, humans can only partake to an extent in accordance to how much they can handle, and how much their soul is ready to handle. That is the same as a toddlers eyes which cannot yet look at the sun directly, or an adults which cannot look at it for very long.
I noticed the coding when I was reading the ethics, I found it interesting and now I know exactly what that means; I wanna be human :) I will always try every day in every way to achieve even being close .
Hail Satan

If the Gods and the higher Entities see a man taking all the way up, they will love them with a love of love and care for them tremendously.

Excellent heirarchy. Sometimes I think about how different I am from who I was before dedication, but I also never forget how far I am from where I should be.

An idea for artists is to create a scene that represents each tier, like the 9 circles of hell in Dante's inferno.

That would be phenomenal if anyone can make this art. Thank you for the great comment. More clarifications will arrive.
Very interesting knowledge! In the future, the downward spiral of the fallen andrapod will be reversed? Or is it impossible?

The most important thing to mind is that where one is going. These types are going to perish on their own eventually. A so called "salvation" of a soul that has fallen that far down, is not to the benefit of any other soul. Better souls rather profit from not engaging them. Their salvation is in many cases also not possible, despite of what Christians say.

The task of life is not to imagine a world without these, but rather for the soul to focus to go upward itself. What vermin does is not very important. When one rectifies and renders these fallen creatures as irrelevant after a point.

These feed on the relevance that the andrapoda give to them, ie, the goyim is what feeds the slavers. On the ranks above, these stand no chance.

From awakened human and upward, they are losing all their power and influence over them. That's why they are mad to keep you on these levels before this, so to maintain the feeding source for their evil.
Excellent description and clarification, HP Cobra. I hope this brings understanding to people.

In line with this, I also hope people understand that much of the behavior described on Islamicevil concerns the last two areas, but mostly the first of the last two. Malleable people can get into all kinds of things when influenced by the negative, retarded and abusive - which isn't an excuse and they should be monitored and (earthly) punished to the fullest extent for what they do, but this is why the Gods don't just 'dissipate and destroy' everyone immediately for wrongdoing. The fallen category takes some systematic going to, even though quite a few of these lower-than-animals are among us.

The truly, bottomless, and beyond fixing, utmost subhuman andrapods, are actually less than 1-2% in civilization. These strive the most for control over others, rather than those who seek to go above. The situation is that these types, tend to draw in many other suspects, from the Andrapod category, which might to some extent serve them, and the danger exists here those "tending to evil" can be a larger percent than the fully corrupted creatures.

And they can also all affect the rest who are prone to these things such as deep Islamism, or repress those who seek to go upward [who would also serve as an axis for human beings to go to].

Essentially, Andrapoda is a place where a contest take place, between the bottom rung and worthless entities, versus those on upper levels, on who is going to take control of the tentative pool of mankind.

Most Andrapoda on their own are not really good or evil, they are hovering on either direction. And most humans have a natural inclination to good, like more than 85 out of 100. But these can also be turned evil if the rest of the 1+14% from the evil ones and those who fell for them, wrestle the rest into evil. So this 85% can get barred from going above. So even if they are "good", their "good" cannot fully unfold.

The job of the True Fallen Andrapod, is to keep everyone else enslaved and sucker them in, no matter what cost it entails. These are people that would be willing to destroy the whole of earth, only so that humans would never have the opportunity to advance. They represent in their "gone" levels, evil or ignorance incarnate.
This gives me an idea of how great and infinite the path is.
I assume I'm in the Aspiring Human
You explained that very well. And yes, we do have our own unique qualities,
Interest and goals which defines us, as we feel as well, knowing that we are achieving in certain levels of advancement on a spiritual level depending on where we are at? And having a healthy mental attitude to go along with it in spite of our problems, knowing who we are and where we stand and being honest about it.
And taking it from there as a human taking responsibility for your own problems and your own actions that you dish out, as a person, or a troubled individual who has overcome drugs and or alcohol, and owns up to it! And takes the responsibility of healing oneself and moving forward. Evolving from the humanoid that was once to that of the better person. And being able to walk away from those that are dragging you down and judging you. Knowing who you are and where you stand and believing in yourself. And taking the responsibility to educate yourself and to take your time and to do things right as well. So that you could advance to a higher level of knowledge and spirituality. Especially to those who take care of their bodies as well! Staying fit is a part of the process as well. And being comfortable with yourself. It all goes hand in hand, when we look at it. And see where we have made progress? And where we need the improvements. In order to achieve a better or higher ranking. 🔥❤ Thank you for sharing this article Brother HP HoodedCobra666. Hail Satan!🙏🔥
Thank you SO MUCH for clarifying this.

For ages I've been thinking what the hell I am, and it's always very obvious that today I'm not a god, but never that I'm a fallen andrapod. Its's not black and white.

Obviously, I remember, "who is really powerful".
>what do you want to see in jos?<

I love you Hp. Hoodedcobra666!
The truly, bottomless, and beyond fixing, utmost subhuman andrapods, are actually less than 1-2% in civilization. These strive the most for control over others, rather than those who seek to go above. The situation is that these types, tend to draw in many other suspects, from the Andrapod category, which might to some extent serve them, and the danger exists here those "tending to evil" can be a larger percent than the fully corrupted creatures.

And they can also all affect the rest who are prone to these things such as deep Islamism, or repress those who seek to go upward [who would also serve as an axis for human beings to go to].

The job of the True Fallen Andrapod, is to keep everyone else enslaved and sucker them in, no matter what cost it entails. These are people that would be willing to destroy the whole of earth, only so that humans would never have the opportunity to advance. They represent in their "gone" levels, evil or ignorance incarnate.
So then exposing those Andropod that block the upward path of others wont do any good in removing them but may help some innocents see who and what the challenge is to their advancement. This can show up much in the ADL and all the censorship of free speech encroaching on the truth. Is it a worthwhile effort to expose those evils to give a slight chance to those that might wake up? It can also possibly create a problem for those trying to expose those destroyers. many countries have prison time as a reward for the truth regarding the crimes of the enemy. Is this type of exposure action of any value to the gods one can do to bring value to the table?
For example, unless a person can deliberately manifest exceptional changes in humanity, or display other powers, they are not in anyway part of certain ranks. This also has an internal character to it.

Interesting post HPHC. I like the new names of ranks. There are no connotations of Jewishness in them, with the exception of Demons, and of course we are reclaiming that as a rank. I appreciate your diligent work on this topic and your creativity in determining the best nomenclature to utilize.

Is there a list somewhere of the powers we should be trying to manifest? Like throwing fireballs? And maybe which powers are advanced and what is lesser? you were going to categorize the family into "levels" a few months ago. I know you've been crazy busy, but have you been able to determine what levels are determined by what achievements? And are the "ranks" in this sermon going to define the Satanic Family's "levels"? Or is it determined by the "Witchcraft" section and what it categorizes as "levels" but not "ranks"? I think I just confused everybody. But "levels" should include MORE achievements than just witchcraft, shouldn't it? I mean there's breathing exercises, different meditations, different yoga's, chakra's, astrology, numerology, tarot, runes, RTR's, the God's power rituals, participation in these forums, etc. What is advanced? And which ranks do what powers, put you in?

Hail Satan!!!
Soon, the most major task of updating the Joy of Satan Gods & Demons Section [will be renamed], will begin.

Currently, the Joy of Satan Dedication Ritual has received the following updates: Prayer, FAQ expanded, visuals.

The Dedication Ritual has been updated, to illustrate where you are going with this. The Godhead and to Dedicate to the Gods, means that one reverses the flow of the Andrapoda path, and wants to become human and then a God.

The Gods have many Ranks, these will be the Central Ranks here as to not create needless confusion. Any "Names" by the enemy will be blotted out, to cease the jewish confusion on the topic. Words like "Angels, Arch-Angels" and so on, are Ancient Greek in origin, but will be explained in another more elaborate topics (they are words that we won't use here, to avoid falsehood and correlation).

More analysis of this is forthcoming. Only very broad explanations are needed for now. At the end of this knowledge, one will know exactly who or what they are dealing with.

Here, there are not included more subdivisions. These are also not for "Humans to decide". Humans who go around parading they are "something else" are not only digging their own ignorance and diving in deeper, but they cannot fool people who will know the full criteria of these.

For example, unless a person can deliberately manifest exceptional changes in humanity, or display other powers, they are not in anyway part of certain ranks. This also has an internal character to it.

Ranks are not shared to procure delusions, but rather to banish them.


"Head Gods"
- This Crown is synonymous with the Crown Chakra, the highest Human Chakra. According to Proclus, these are named "First Ones" or "Πρώτιστοι". These are the highest Gods. The Gods are tasked with making men as Gods directly, with the help of all the other Ranks of Divine Beings. They are the highest ones, and they are the highest of the highest of Ranks. About their powers, they will be described in other sections and more internal knowledge. These teach and are on the highest of the highest spiritual domains, nothing less. The fewest beings will be presided by these. The powers here are to change the Fate of humans, and other Demons, and other miraculous forces that are beyond conception.

"Gods" - These are exceptionally advanced Demons, who draw closer to the Highest Crowns or Gods. They are also of exceptional power. For lack of a better term, they will be called "Demi Gods". They preside on applying the will of the Crowned Princes.

"Demons" - On this level, while these beings are Gods to us [comparable to humans] these Beings are still inconceivably more advanced compared to humans. We call them Gods but some are Demons. Many "Ancient Great Humans" are already in this rank, after exceptional development.

"Half Demons" - This is a very large category, of Heroes who have not fully transitioned to the higher level of being Demons. They can have impressive powers and Siddhis, they are still Gods to human beings.

"Heroes" - Souls of Humans who have reached the transitional level on upward ranking. Compared to humans, again of inconceivable powers. Herein are the "Greatest Humans of History". Previously, these were Human beings. They can act as Guardians to Human beings, humanity and human society, very directly. They are most helpful, as they reside still close to Humans. Still Gods compared to Human beings.

Human Ranks:

"Advanced Human"
- Humans of elevated powers, spiritually awakened for real [not imagined, or deluded to be as such]. Not Heroes or Demons yet, but with affinity to go upward rather than downward. They have many of the actual powers of the Demons.

"Human" - Everything is called human nowadays even if it does not behave as a true human. When one naturally sees these people, they can tell these people are not fully human just yet. What we would refer to as a Human nowadays, here has transformed from an Andrapod permanently to a Human. They no longer have most of the plights of humans, such as random evil, outbursts, ignorance is far less; ignorance is comprehended and attempted to truly be overcome.

As such I have put many codes in the Ethics section; one of them being "Into a Human". Many people think they are human, but they are not fully human yet. Spiritual, ethical intellectual and material advancement is required to get to this rank. That is a miracle. If many of these people existed on earth, we would already be in a form of "Golden Age".

"Aspiring Human" - These beings are good, higher types of people, who are more capable and able to advance. Their trajectory has started to be upward; still, there is strong tendency to evil and ignorance, but one is fighting against it, and they are succeeding for the most part in that task.

"Awakened Human" - Humans recently awakened to spirituality or goodness, basic powers, basic spiritual affinities. Already a huge attainment for a soul, as the entropic pull when one is an Andrapod is of exceptional force. Smart people, good people, people of good vocation. Even if one reaches here in their lifetime, they should be very satisfied; a very large portion of sub-humanity and andrapodism has been removed.

"Andrapod" - Here is where most souls begin. What we falsely call a "Human being" nowadays, is actually an Andrapod, at the bottom of the evolutionary chain of the Gods. Completely unawakened human, very close to animal consciousness, human only in potential form, can be tentative to Good or Evil. Education and spirituality, can kickstart the being from this level, to start becoming more and more human, going upward. Some of these are going to fall in the lesser levels or remain here. A percent is meant for upward movement. Spiritual Satanism concerns ourselves only with those of either higher ranks, or cases where upward movement can happen.

"Fallen Andrapod" - Can have many categories, from "falling" to totally irredeemable. Totally evil, on the downward spiral, bordering anywhere from equal to animals or even beneath them. To call them animals in human form would be a mistake toward all animals, who are noble. Faculties start to not represent humans, but the vile sides of animals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Excellent article!

I'm just curious; what was Adolf Hitler's rank?
Soon, the most major task of updating the Joy of Satan Gods & Demons Section [will be renamed], will begin.

Currently, the Joy of Satan Dedication Ritual has received the following updates: Prayer, FAQ expanded, visuals.

The Dedication Ritual has been updated, to illustrate where you are going with this. The Godhead and to Dedicate to the Gods, means that one reverses the flow of the Andrapoda path, and wants to become human and then a God.

The Gods have many Ranks, these will be the Central Ranks here as to not create needless confusion. Any "Names" by the enemy will be blotted out, to cease the jewish confusion on the topic. Words like "Angels, Arch-Angels" and so on, are Ancient Greek in origin, but will be explained in another more elaborate topics (they are words that we won't use here, to avoid falsehood and correlation).

More analysis of this is forthcoming. Only very broad explanations are needed for now. At the end of this knowledge, one will know exactly who or what they are dealing with.

Here, there are not included more subdivisions. These are also not for "Humans to decide". Humans who go around parading they are "something else" are not only digging their own ignorance and diving in deeper, but they cannot fool people who will know the full criteria of these.

For example, unless a person can deliberately manifest exceptional changes in humanity, or display other powers, they are not in anyway part of certain ranks. This also has an internal character to it.

Ranks are not shared to procure delusions, but rather to banish them.


"Head Gods"
- This Crown is synonymous with the Crown Chakra, the highest Human Chakra. According to Proclus, these are named "First Ones" or "Πρώτιστοι". These are the highest Gods. The Gods are tasked with making men as Gods directly, with the help of all the other Ranks of Divine Beings. They are the highest ones, and they are the highest of the highest of Ranks. About their powers, they will be described in other sections and more internal knowledge. These teach and are on the highest of the highest spiritual domains, nothing less. The fewest beings will be presided by these. The powers here are to change the Fate of humans, and other Demons, and other miraculous forces that are beyond conception.

"Gods" - These are exceptionally advanced Demons, who draw closer to the Highest Crowns or Gods. They are also of exceptional power. For lack of a better term, they will be called "Demi Gods". They preside on applying the will of the Crowned Princes.

"Demons" - On this level, while these beings are Gods to us [comparable to humans] these Beings are still inconceivably more advanced compared to humans. We call them Gods but some are Demons. Many "Ancient Great Humans" are already in this rank, after exceptional development.

"Half Demons" - This is a very large category, of Heroes who have not fully transitioned to the higher level of being Demons. They can have impressive powers and Siddhis, they are still Gods to human beings.

"Heroes" - Souls of Humans who have reached the transitional level on upward ranking. Compared to humans, again of inconceivable powers. Herein are the "Greatest Humans of History". Previously, these were Human beings. They can act as Guardians to Human beings, humanity and human society, very directly. They are most helpful, as they reside still close to Humans. Still Gods compared to Human beings.

Human Ranks:

"Advanced Human"
- Humans of elevated powers, spiritually awakened for real [not imagined, or deluded to be as such]. Not Heroes or Demons yet, but with affinity to go upward rather than downward. They have many of the actual powers of the Demons.

"Human" - Everything is called human nowadays even if it does not behave as a true human. When one naturally sees these people, they can tell these people are not fully human just yet. What we would refer to as a Human nowadays, here has transformed from an Andrapod permanently to a Human. They no longer have most of the plights of humans, such as random evil, outbursts, ignorance is far less; ignorance is comprehended and attempted to truly be overcome.

As such I have put many codes in the Ethics section; one of them being "Into a Human". Many people think they are human, but they are not fully human yet. Spiritual, ethical intellectual and material advancement is required to get to this rank. That is a miracle. If many of these people existed on earth, we would already be in a form of "Golden Age".

"Aspiring Human" - These beings are good, higher types of people, who are more capable and able to advance. Their trajectory has started to be upward; still, there is strong tendency to evil and ignorance, but one is fighting against it, and they are succeeding for the most part in that task.

"Awakened Human" - Humans recently awakened to spirituality or goodness, basic powers, basic spiritual affinities. Already a huge attainment for a soul, as the entropic pull when one is an Andrapod is of exceptional force. Smart people, good people, people of good vocation. Even if one reaches here in their lifetime, they should be very satisfied; a very large portion of sub-humanity and andrapodism has been removed.

"Andrapod" - Here is where most souls begin. What we falsely call a "Human being" nowadays, is actually an Andrapod, at the bottom of the evolutionary chain of the Gods. Completely unawakened human, very close to animal consciousness, human only in potential form, can be tentative to Good or Evil. Education and spirituality, can kickstart the being from this level, to start becoming more and more human, going upward. Some of these are going to fall in the lesser levels or remain here. A percent is meant for upward movement. Spiritual Satanism concerns ourselves only with those of either higher ranks, or cases where upward movement can happen.

"Fallen Andrapod" - Can have many categories, from "falling" to totally irredeemable. Totally evil, on the downward spiral, bordering anywhere from equal to animals or even beneath them. To call them animals in human form would be a mistake toward all animals, who are noble. Faculties start to not represent humans, but the vile sides of animals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Really interesting sermon, esteemed HP! Personally I think I'm somewhere between Aspiring Human and Awakened Human, it might be sad, but considering that before I learned about the JoS I was a Fallen Andrapod (yes, I was: I was a bigoted Christian who hated animals and didn't care about polluting while spending my time being a loser as usual and spamming ads on jewsus.), I'd say I've come a long way so far.

However, I deduce from the sermon that spiritual advancement is not possible without there also being mental and awareness advancement. However, I'm not sad about this because knowing that I started from the lowest possible level gives me the right enthusiasm to try to evolve more and more, it's the right motivation, I thank you as always.
Soon, the most major task of updating the Joy of Satan Gods & Demons Section [will be renamed], will begin.

Currently, the Joy of Satan Dedication Ritual has received the following updates: Prayer, FAQ expanded, visuals.

The Dedication Ritual has been updated, to illustrate where you are going with this. The Godhead and to Dedicate to the Gods, means that one reverses the flow of the Andrapoda path, and wants to become human and then a God.

The Gods have many Ranks, these will be the Central Ranks here as to not create needless confusion. Any "Names" by the enemy will be blotted out, to cease the jewish confusion on the topic. Words like "Angels, Arch-Angels" and so on, are Ancient Greek in origin, but will be explained in another more elaborate topics (they are words that we won't use here, to avoid falsehood and correlation).

More analysis of this is forthcoming. Only very broad explanations are needed for now. At the end of this knowledge, one will know exactly who or what they are dealing with.

Here, there are not included more subdivisions. These are also not for "Humans to decide". Humans who go around parading they are "something else" are not only digging their own ignorance and diving in deeper, but they cannot fool people who will know the full criteria of these.

For example, unless a person can deliberately manifest exceptional changes in humanity, or display other powers, they are not in anyway part of certain ranks. This also has an internal character to it.

Ranks are not shared to procure delusions, but rather to banish them.


"Head Gods"
- This Crown is synonymous with the Crown Chakra, the highest Human Chakra. According to Proclus, these are named "First Ones" or "Πρώτιστοι". These are the highest Gods. The Gods are tasked with making men as Gods directly, with the help of all the other Ranks of Divine Beings. They are the highest ones, and they are the highest of the highest of Ranks. About their powers, they will be described in other sections and more internal knowledge. These teach and are on the highest of the highest spiritual domains, nothing less. The fewest beings will be presided by these. The powers here are to change the Fate of humans, and other Demons, and other miraculous forces that are beyond conception.

"Gods" - These are exceptionally advanced Demons, who draw closer to the Highest Crowns or Gods. They are also of exceptional power. For lack of a better term, they will be called "Demi Gods". They preside on applying the will of the Crowned Princes.

"Demons" - On this level, while these beings are Gods to us [comparable to humans] these Beings are still inconceivably more advanced compared to humans. We call them Gods but some are Demons. Many "Ancient Great Humans" are already in this rank, after exceptional development.

"Half Demons" - This is a very large category, of Heroes who have not fully transitioned to the higher level of being Demons. They can have impressive powers and Siddhis, they are still Gods to human beings.

"Heroes" - Souls of Humans who have reached the transitional level on upward ranking. Compared to humans, again of inconceivable powers. Herein are the "Greatest Humans of History". Previously, these were Human beings. They can act as Guardians to Human beings, humanity and human society, very directly. They are most helpful, as they reside still close to Humans. Still Gods compared to Human beings.

Human Ranks:

"Advanced Human"
- Humans of elevated powers, spiritually awakened for real [not imagined, or deluded to be as such]. Not Heroes or Demons yet, but with affinity to go upward rather than downward. They have many of the actual powers of the Demons.

"Human" - Everything is called human nowadays even if it does not behave as a true human. When one naturally sees these people, they can tell these people are not fully human just yet. What we would refer to as a Human nowadays, here has transformed from an Andrapod permanently to a Human. They no longer have most of the plights of humans, such as random evil, outbursts, ignorance is far less; ignorance is comprehended and attempted to truly be overcome.

As such I have put many codes in the Ethics section; one of them being "Into a Human". Many people think they are human, but they are not fully human yet. Spiritual, ethical intellectual and material advancement is required to get to this rank. That is a miracle. If many of these people existed on earth, we would already be in a form of "Golden Age".

"Aspiring Human" - These beings are good, higher types of people, who are more capable and able to advance. Their trajectory has started to be upward; still, there is strong tendency to evil and ignorance, but one is fighting against it, and they are succeeding for the most part in that task.

"Awakened Human" - Humans recently awakened to spirituality or goodness, basic powers, basic spiritual affinities. Already a huge attainment for a soul, as the entropic pull when one is an Andrapod is of exceptional force. Smart people, good people, people of good vocation. Even if one reaches here in their lifetime, they should be very satisfied; a very large portion of sub-humanity and andrapodism has been removed.

"Andrapod" - Here is where most souls begin. What we falsely call a "Human being" nowadays, is actually an Andrapod, at the bottom of the evolutionary chain of the Gods. Completely unawakened human, very close to animal consciousness, human only in potential form, can be tentative to Good or Evil. Education and spirituality, can kickstart the being from this level, to start becoming more and more human, going upward. Some of these are going to fall in the lesser levels or remain here. A percent is meant for upward movement. Spiritual Satanism concerns ourselves only with those of either higher ranks, or cases where upward movement can happen.

"Fallen Andrapod" - Can have many categories, from "falling" to totally irredeemable. Totally evil, on the downward spiral, bordering anywhere from equal to animals or even beneath them. To call them animals in human form would be a mistake toward all animals, who are noble. Faculties start to not represent humans, but the vile sides of animals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Can I ask you another very important thing, admirable HP? But now that you've updated the dedication ritual, can I do it again since you've updated it? When I did it I was an ex-Christian and what our beloved HPS Maxine proposed suited me well, but now that you have updated it I would like to do it again better, also to be able to say to Satan who is very close to me in this period: "I am here now and forever, I do not abandon you; I want to be here with you, Father".

Since I have always been a Satanist in these years I will use the ritual form "None/Empty" instead of "ex-Christian" or "ex-Muslim". What do you think about it? Is this a stupid idea since I'm actually already dedicated (but dating back to before the update)? Or could it be useful? THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Everyone has their own development process. But you put it very interestingly, Master. Many of us had to be one step ahead of the entire community. Unfortunately, most of this world will fall away. It's not worth fighting for everyone who has to wake up and understand what's going on around them. 20% of our spiritual family will give 80% of the Pareto result. Grand Master, I have a question. Since we are becoming better people, tell us what personality traits we should develop. What should be our main points of character. Personal culture, ability to maintain unity. But, for example, classical music must have been inspired by many people from our God himself.
The Dedication Ritual has been updated, to illustrate where you are going with this. The Godhead and to Dedicate to the Gods, means that one reverses the flow of the Andrapoda path, and wants to become human and then a God.
The new dedication prayer is beautiful and sacred 🙏
This is an extraordinary article. It is both a knowledgeable article, an intriguing and exciting article. health to your hands. can't wait to read it! The most beautiful thing I learned on this path: Patience, help, optimism.
Thank you for this clarification and update, HPHC 666,
Hail All Our Gods and Goddesses!
Hail The JoS!
Beautifully said High Priest!
And in such a perfect time. I used to get so disgusted from humans, while I was rather disgusted from antropods. If I dp things well, soon I can proudly call myself a Human😁
Still have some flaws to honestly call myself one.
Thank you, HP. Being a "human" is something people take for granted. People pass around the term around too flippantly. With the push for mindsets of supposed equality these days, what it means to truly be human has been absolutely perverted beyond recognition. Christians and Christian-minded humanists will have you believe a diseased prison inmate has the same quantifiable value as Socrates and Plato. I've seen "Libertarian" idiots present worthless thought experiments where they gleefully say they would wipe out entire animal species just to save one "AIDS riddled junkie" or something. Nevermind the consequences of such a thing for the planet and for populations of people in turn. People just want a pat on the back for sounding righteous when they're anything but. Yes, people should have the chance to make something better of themselves. It doesn't mean all things are immediately of equal value to the planet.

In a sense, becoming human is about controlling oneself. Think about all the people you've known in a lifetime and consider how ruled the average person is by their emotions. Yes, emotions are normal and healthy in moderation. But in my experience the average person tends to be very outburst prone. Managing to be even be partly in control of emotions like anger and fear is a very good step forward. No, it will not come overnight, even for the best people. It goes without saying that all the worst people you know in your life, ie, abusive people, are people without control over anything, like a husband who gets drunk and hits his wife and kid because someone made him feel small at work and this is what makes him feel big.

On the further end of the spectrum, you'll see the "evil" people of the world are defined by not only having dark urges, but having absolutely no restraint in acting upon them. In times of crisis, it's not historically uncommon for Andrapoda to act like their Fallen brethren. Things like the Witch Trials, which were defined by hysteria and panic, were not events that came out of nowhere. People weren't being burned at the stake because people were being rational. It was the end result of collective ignorance and uncontrolled superstition. Much of the Andropoda of the world are a only few bad days away from being something truly ugly, and mob mentality feeds into this severely. Look at any of the issues Europe is facing from its Islamic migrants. Almost never do they act alone. Things inconceivable to a lone individual can become suddenly conceivable when you mix in peer-pressure, threats, ego, and other factors. This "pack" mindset is very animalistic, though, it's important to keep this in context as to not disparage animal kind needlessly.

For those that are climbing, yes, you will have resistance and struggles. But if it's your nature to become a better version of yourself as opposed to a twisted one after facing such things, you're already fast on your way to dividing yourself from the majority. Christianity and Islam are lures, for people who cannot take responsibility for their "sins" and need to believe they'll be cleansed of them. That way, they'll never have to confront themselves, and their higher self will forever remain an enigma.
I wonder what rank this Chinese deity would fall under, she's considered associated with southern China and Taiwan and Chinese-Southeast Asians.

This blends in so beautifully also with the general roles people assume or get in society. Honest doctors, policemen, firefighters, teachers and animal care-takers always have a genuine slice of nobility in their personality and spirit. On the other-side this cannot be said about criminals, even petty ones.
Soon, the most major task of updating the Joy of Satan Gods & Demons Section [will be renamed], will begin.

Currently, the Joy of Satan Dedication Ritual has received the following updates: Prayer, FAQ expanded, visuals.

The Dedication Ritual has been updated, to illustrate where you are going with this. The Godhead and to Dedicate to the Gods, means that one reverses the flow of the Andrapoda path, and wants to become human and then a God.

The Gods have many Ranks, these will be the Central Ranks here as to not create needless confusion. Any "Names" by the enemy will be blotted out, to cease the jewish confusion on the topic. Words like "Angels, Arch-Angels" and so on, are Ancient Greek in origin, but will be explained in another more elaborate topics (they are words that we won't use here, to avoid falsehood and correlation).

More analysis of this is forthcoming. Only very broad explanations are needed for now. At the end of this knowledge, one will know exactly who or what they are dealing with.

Here, there are not included more subdivisions. These are also not for "Humans to decide". Humans who go around parading they are "something else" are not only digging their own ignorance and diving in deeper, but they cannot fool people who will know the full criteria of these.

For example, unless a person can deliberately manifest exceptional changes in humanity, or display other powers, they are not in anyway part of certain ranks. This also has an internal character to it.

Ranks are not shared to procure delusions, but rather to banish them.


"Head Gods"
- This Crown is synonymous with the Crown Chakra, the highest Human Chakra. According to Proclus, these are named "First Ones" or "Πρώτιστοι". These are the highest Gods. The Gods are tasked with making men as Gods directly, with the help of all the other Ranks of Divine Beings. They are the highest ones, and they are the highest of the highest of Ranks. About their powers, they will be described in other sections and more internal knowledge. These teach and are on the highest of the highest spiritual domains, nothing less. The fewest beings will be presided by these. The powers here are to change the Fate of humans, and other Demons, and other miraculous forces that are beyond conception.

"Gods" - These are exceptionally advanced Demons, who draw closer to the Highest Crowns or Gods. They are also of exceptional power. For lack of a better term, they will be called "Demi Gods". They preside on applying the will of the Crowned Princes.

"Demons" - On this level, while these beings are Gods to us [comparable to humans] these Beings are still inconceivably more advanced compared to humans. We call them Gods but some are Demons. Many "Ancient Great Humans" are already in this rank, after exceptional development.

"Half Demons" - This is a very large category, of Heroes who have not fully transitioned to the higher level of being Demons. They can have impressive powers and Siddhis, they are still Gods to human beings.

"Heroes" - Souls of Humans who have reached the transitional level on upward ranking. Compared to humans, again of inconceivable powers. Herein are the "Greatest Humans of History". Previously, these were Human beings. They can act as Guardians to Human beings, humanity and human society, very directly. They are most helpful, as they reside still close to Humans. Still Gods compared to Human beings.

Human Ranks:

"Advanced Human"
- Humans of elevated powers, spiritually awakened for real [not imagined, or deluded to be as such]. Not Heroes or Demons yet, but with affinity to go upward rather than downward. They have many of the actual powers of the Demons.

"Human" - Everything is called human nowadays even if it does not behave as a true human. When one naturally sees these people, they can tell these people are not fully human just yet. What we would refer to as a Human nowadays, here has transformed from an Andrapod permanently to a Human. They no longer have most of the plights of humans, such as random evil, outbursts, ignorance is far less; ignorance is comprehended and attempted to truly be overcome.

As such I have put many codes in the Ethics section; one of them being "Into a Human". Many people think they are human, but they are not fully human yet. Spiritual, ethical intellectual and material advancement is required to get to this rank. That is a miracle. If many of these people existed on earth, we would already be in a form of "Golden Age".

"Aspiring Human" - These beings are good, higher types of people, who are more capable and able to advance. Their trajectory has started to be upward; still, there is strong tendency to evil and ignorance, but one is fighting against it, and they are succeeding for the most part in that task.

"Awakened Human" - Humans recently awakened to spirituality or goodness, basic powers, basic spiritual affinities. Already a huge attainment for a soul, as the entropic pull when one is an Andrapod is of exceptional force. Smart people, good people, people of good vocation. Even if one reaches here in their lifetime, they should be very satisfied; a very large portion of sub-humanity and andrapodism has been removed.

"Andrapod" - Here is where most souls begin. What we falsely call a "Human being" nowadays, is actually an Andrapod, at the bottom of the evolutionary chain of the Gods. Completely unawakened human, very close to animal consciousness, human only in potential form, can be tentative to Good or Evil. Education and spirituality, can kickstart the being from this level, to start becoming more and more human, going upward. Some of these are going to fall in the lesser levels or remain here. A percent is meant for upward movement. Spiritual Satanism concerns ourselves only with those of either higher ranks, or cases where upward movement can happen.

"Fallen Andrapod" - Can have many categories, from "falling" to totally irredeemable. Totally evil, on the downward spiral, bordering anywhere from equal to animals or even beneath them. To call them animals in human form would be a mistake toward all animals, who are noble. Faculties start to not represent humans, but the vile sides of animals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
What is my rank? What about titles?
What a heart warming sermon and long time coming. Question is which of these rank do the majority of the actual Spiritual Satanists on the Joy of Satan fall in? I would take a hard guess. Majority of Spiritual Satanists are in "Aspiring Human" and "Awakened Human" category. If not we would have manifested the Satya Yuga in out lifetime. I am totally convinced about this. 😏
What is my rank? What about titles?
Take some time and meditate upon the first ranks, you'll find yourself, now the next question is, what rank do you want to reach in the next 5-10-20-50 years?
Meditate on this and keep growing, the ranks themselves are supposed to be the level of advancement itself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
