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Happy Summer Solstice!

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
[For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, Happy Winter Solstice!]

You can check the exact time Sun enters 0 degrees of Cancer, it will be on the SS Calendar of your location. It begins about 12 hours from the time of this post, and the energy will last for about 24 hours, while Sun is in 0 Cancer. This is when magickal workings will be more powerful, divination and communication with our Gods will be clearer, and all solar magick will be stronger.

For more information: https://satanisgod.org/Summer_Solstice.html

For those of you closer to the equator, you won’t notice a huge difference in the length of the day. But for those farther north from the equator, it can be 20 to a full 24 hours long. In modern times, this is considered the beginning of Summer. However, traditionally, in temperate regions of Europe, this was called Midsummer, while May Day was the beginning of Summer.

Interestingly, this Summer Solstice is the earliest one in 228 years, most others fall on the 21st to 22nd. This one is the earliest one since George Washington was president!

This is the longest day of the year. The Earth’s Northern pole is tilted at its maximum towards the Sun, enabling Solar energy to be most powerful, as the pole acts as a channel for the spiritual solar energy to be directed to the planet. This is why even though the Sun is entering a Water sign (Cancer), all solar magick and fire magick are amplified greatly. Love workings are also effective.

This is a time for one-shot solar workings; daily workings can be started when Sun enters its home sign of Leo next month. Doing a one-time working to empower your Solar chakra will have a great boost on this day. The Heart/Center chakra can also be empowered.

If you’ve recently purchased a tarot deck, this is a great day to bless and empower it.

For those of you who are able to, you can have a bonfire and meditate on the flames. For those who can’t have a bonfire, you can meditate on a candle flame. White candle would be preferable, as White is the color associated with this holiday. This is traditionally a day of uniting Water and Fire.

Another great way of celebrating, is doing the Rituals in our current schedule. This is the last day of the schedule.

Have a very enjoyable Solstice, everyone!

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is it okaayyy that i feel over and over excited while reading this article?🤩💖✨
This is a time for one-shot solar workings; daily workings can be started when Sun enters its home sign of Leo next month.
could you suggest some tips HPS 👉🏻👈🏻🫶🏻

thank you a lot for this awesome article 💞💅🏻 #girlhoodforever


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[For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, Happy Winter Solstice!]

You can check the exact time Sun enters 0 degrees of Cancer, it will be on the SS Calendar of your location. It begins about 12 hours from the time of this post, and the energy will last for about 24 hours, while Sun is in 0 Cancer. This is when magickal workings will be more powerful, divination and communication with our Gods will be clearer, and all solar magick will be stronger.

For more information: https://satanisgod.org/Summer_Solstice.html

For those of you closer to the equator, you won’t notice a huge difference in the length of the day. But for those farther north from the equator, it can be 20 to a full 24 hours long. In modern times, this is considered the beginning of Summer. However, traditionally, in temperate regions of Europe, this was called Midsummer, while May Day was the beginning of Summer.

Interestingly, this Summer Solstice is the earliest one in 228 years, most others fall on the 21st to 22nd. This one is the earliest one since George Washington was president!

This is the longest day of the year. The Earth’s Northern pole is tilted at its maximum towards the Sun, enabling Solar energy to be most powerful, as the pole acts as a channel for the spiritual solar energy to be directed to the planet. This is why even though the Sun is entering a Water sign (Cancer), all solar magick and fire magick are amplified greatly. Love workings are also effective.

This is a time for one-shot solar workings; daily workings can be started when Sun enters its home sign of Leo next month. Doing a one-time working to empower your Solar chakra will have a great boost on this day. The Heart/Center chakra can also be empowered.

If you’ve recently purchased a tarot deck, this is a great day to bless and empower it.

For those of you who are able to, you can have a bonfire and meditate on the flames. For those who can’t have a bonfire, you can meditate on a candle flame. White candle would be preferable, as White is the color associated with this holiday. This is traditionally a day of uniting Water and Fire.

Another great way of celebrating, is doing the Rituals in our current schedule. This is the last day of the schedule.

Have a very enjoyable Solstice, everyone!

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Magnificent HPS, most noble, can I ask you a question?
When you say that love spells are strengthened, on the site it says that it is on the eve of the Solstice that they are strengthened, but I didn't have the slightest idea so yesterday I didn't do anything... can I fix it now? And how?
Thank you so much for any response, our fantastic High Priestess!
Looking at that image, I am wondering if it is even a coincidence that Stonehenge was vandalized just day before the solstice.

Happy Solstice everyone.
could you suggest some tips HPS 👉🏻👈🏻🫶🏻
Anything on the JoS, such as Raum mantra, runes Sowilo or Raidho. Go with the amount of repetitions you are comfortable with :) For those with experience invoking elements, invoking Fire into the Solar would be great.

Btw, you might want to change your profile picture if that's you, to protect your safety and privacy.

When you say that love spells are strengthened, on the site it says that it is on the eve of the Solstice that they are strengthened, but I didn't have the slightest idea so yesterday I didn't do anything... can I fix it now? And how?
It can still be done on the Solstice, as Sun is at the critical 0 degrees of Cancer. Or you can wait until Venus is in Libra :)

Looking at that image, I am wondering if it is even a coincidence that Stonehenge was vandalized just day before the solstice.
I didn't even notice that. I doubt it's a coincidence. I wonder if it was muslims angry about such a significant European landmark.
Anything on the JoS, such as Raum mantra, runes Sowilo or Raidho. Go with the amount of repetitions you are comfortable with :) For those with experience invoking elements, invoking Fire into the Solar would be great.
thats a great idea for sure, i will do my best HPS 🫶🫶
Happy Summer Solstice ☀️🌻
Happy Summer Solstice! An amazing post to commemorate it too!

With the ending of the schedule on this day, the ascension of our beloved High Priestess Maxine Dietrich can be celebrated. I also believe the Washington-era Solstice being the last time it was so early is no coincidence. May we all free ourselves from any shackle of tyranny as the founders of the USA did!
[Per quelli di voi che vivono nell'emisfero australe, felice solstizio d'inverno!]

Puoi controllare l'ora esatta in cui il Sole entra a 0 gradi di Cancro, sarà sul calendario SS della tua posizione. Inizia circa 12 ore dal momento di questo post e l'energia durerà per circa 24 ore, mentre il Sole è a 0 Cancro. Questo sarà il momento in cui le operazioni magiche saranno più potenti, la divinazione e la comunicazione con i nostri Dei saranno più chiare e tutta la magia solare sarà più forte.

Per maggiori informazioni: https://satanisgod.org/Summer_Solstice.html

Quelli di voi più vicini all'equatore non noteranno un'enorme differenza nella durata della giornata. Ma per quelli più a nord dell'equatore, può durare da 20 a 24 ore intere. Nei tempi moderni, questo è considerato l'inizio dell'estate. Tuttavia, tradizionalmente, nelle regioni temperate dell’Europa, questo veniva chiamato Mezza Estate, mentre il Primo Maggio era l’inizio dell’estate.

È interessante notare che questo Solstizio d'estate è il primo in 228 anni, la maggior parte degli altri cade dal 21 al 22. Questo è il primo da quando George Washington era presidente!

Questo è il giorno più lungo dell'anno. Il polo settentrionale della Terra è inclinato al massimo verso il Sole, consentendo all'energia solare di essere più potente, poiché il polo agisce come un canale per l'energia solare spirituale da dirigere verso il pianeta. Questo è il motivo per cui, anche se il Sole sta entrando in un segno d'Acqua (Cancro), tutta la magia solare e la magia del fuoco sono notevolmente amplificate. Anche le operazioni d’amore sono efficaci.

Questo è il momento per i lavori solari one-shot; i lavori quotidiani potranno iniziare quando il Sole entrerà nel segno del Leone, il mese prossimo. Fare un lavoro una tantum per potenziare il tuo chakra solare avrà un grande impulso in questo giorno. Anche il chakra del Cuore/Centro può essere potenziato.

Se hai acquistato di recente un mazzo di tarocchi, questo è un ottimo giorno per benedirlo e potenziarlo.

Chi di voi può farlo può accendere un falò e meditare sulle fiamme. Per chi non può fare un falò, si può meditare sulla fiamma di una candela. Sarebbe preferibile una candela bianca, poiché il bianco è il colore associato a questa festività. Questo è tradizionalmente un giorno in cui si uniscono Acqua e Fuoco.

Un altro ottimo modo per festeggiare è eseguire i Rituali nel nostro programma attuale . Questo è l'ultimo giorno del programma.

Vi auguro un Solstizio davvero piacevole a tutti!

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[For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, Happy Winter Solstice!]

You can check the exact time Sun enters 0 degrees of Cancer, it will be on the SS Calendar of your location. It begins about 12 hours from the time of this post, and the energy will last for about 24 hours, while Sun is in 0 Cancer. This is when magickal workings will be more powerful, divination and communication with our Gods will be clearer, and all solar magick will be stronger.

For more information: https://satanisgod.org/Summer_Solstice.html

For those of you closer to the equator, you won’t notice a huge difference in the length of the day. But for those farther north from the equator, it can be 20 to a full 24 hours long. In modern times, this is considered the beginning of Summer. However, traditionally, in temperate regions of Europe, this was called Midsummer, while May Day was the beginning of Summer.

Interestingly, this Summer Solstice is the earliest one in 228 years, most others fall on the 21st to 22nd. This one is the earliest one since George Washington was president!

This is the longest day of the year. The Earth’s Northern pole is tilted at its maximum towards the Sun, enabling Solar energy to be most powerful, as the pole acts as a channel for the spiritual solar energy to be directed to the planet. This is why even though the Sun is entering a Water sign (Cancer), all solar magick and fire magick are amplified greatly. Love workings are also effective.

This is a time for one-shot solar workings; daily workings can be started when Sun enters its home sign of Leo next month. Doing a one-time working to empower your Solar chakra will have a great boost on this day. The Heart/Center chakra can also be empowered.

If you’ve recently purchased a tarot deck, this is a great day to bless and empower it.

For those of you who are able to, you can have a bonfire and meditate on the flames. For those who can’t have a bonfire, you can meditate on a candle flame. White candle would be preferable, as White is the color associated with this holiday. This is traditionally a day of uniting Water and Fire.

Another great way of celebrating, is doing the Rituals in our current schedule. This is the last day of the schedule.

Have a very enjoyable Solstice, everyone!

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Thank you for this article, High Priestess Lydia. Thanks to this article, I spent my day to the fullest.

Happy summer solstice to all of us, my brothers and sisters. Our Allmighty Father Lucifer Satanas bless all of us.
Just wanted to write that I heard the voice of a God for the first time, I had just finished Lord Balaam's ritual and I was getting worked up in my mind about doubts and fears due to my intrusive thoughts and while meditating on Balaam's sigil I hear "be at peace, you are loved" at first I thought it was my intrusive thoughts but then I asked if it was Balaam speaking and I hear "It is" even then I had my doubts I can fool myself and be delusional but then I felt a powerful energetic presence on both my shoulders that felt like hands far beyond any energy I am capable of producing, only then did I look at my clock and see that the time of the summer solstice had literally just begun that minute at my timezone.

Although I was doubtless assisted by the solstice, I still think this is a sign of good progress!

Glory to Balaam!
Hail Satan!
Thank you High Priestess!!
Is it not overall a great date for starting any rune working? In a older SS calendar this was written. If I not remember wrong.

Thanks HPS Lydia for explaining the summer solstice.
I didn't even notice that. I doubt it's a coincidence. I wonder if it was muslims angry about such a significant European landmark.
Was it vandalised? If it was, it's time for retribution.

Coming to the blessed isles and start destroying monuments that have more value than your entire life combined with the lives of your whole family, is not something I look kindly upon.

May Lord Balaam punish them for their behaviour, enemy programming or not!
Happy Solstice to everyone. We are going to have a non stop movement of consistent wins and leaps of growth. Thank you all who are making it possible, may the Gods bless us all.
Happy Summer Soltice for Everyone members new or old members SS around the world !
For gift you HP Cobra and HP Lydia Happy Soltice Summer Gods bless us ! I send photo for us în email .
I have more plants flowers I takes care in my home apartament your my mother .
[For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, Happy Winter Solstice!]

You can check the exact time Sun enters 0 degrees of Cancer, it will be on the SS Calendar of your location. It begins about 12 hours from the time of this post, and the energy will last for about 24 hours, while Sun is in 0 Cancer. This is when magickal workings will be more powerful, divination and communication with our Gods will be clearer, and all solar magick will be stronger.

For more information: https://satanisgod.org/Summer_Solstice.html

For those of you closer to the equator, you won’t notice a huge difference in the length of the day. But for those farther north from the equator, it can be 20 to a full 24 hours long. In modern times, this is considered the beginning of Summer. However, traditionally, in temperate regions of Europe, this was called Midsummer, while May Day was the beginning of Summer.

Interestingly, this Summer Solstice is the earliest one in 228 years, most others fall on the 21st to 22nd. This one is the earliest one since George Washington was president!

This is the longest day of the year. The Earth’s Northern pole is tilted at its maximum towards the Sun, enabling Solar energy to be most powerful, as the pole acts as a channel for the spiritual solar energy to be directed to the planet. This is why even though the Sun is entering a Water sign (Cancer), all solar magick and fire magick are amplified greatly. Love workings are also effective.

This is a time for one-shot solar workings; daily workings can be started when Sun enters its home sign of Leo next month. Doing a one-time working to empower your Solar chakra will have a great boost on this day. The Heart/Center chakra can also be empowered.

If you’ve recently purchased a tarot deck, this is a great day to bless and empower it.

For those of you who are able to, you can have a bonfire and meditate on the flames. For those who can’t have a bonfire, you can meditate on a candle flame. White candle would be preferable, as White is the color associated with this holiday. This is traditionally a day of uniting Water and Fire.

Another great way of celebrating, is doing the Rituals in our current schedule. This is the last day of the schedule.

Have a very enjoyable Solstice, everyone!

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I had a wonderful day since my place decided to make smores today. I at least used the moment to do some meditating on the flames of the open fire while was toasting my marshmallow for my smores. So I had finally did something for one of our great Satanic Holidays. I could have wrote down and did a quick ritual of finally actually doing the full for real dedication of my soul to Father Satan, by writing my name in blood with the written out prayer that is from the church age of the JoS website and then folded the paper in such a small
Amount to then thrown into the open flames to burn secretly while no on was looking. Since most of the people seemed to be in the moment of making s’mores or on their phones anyways. Well at least I now have some experience with working with fire so when I am ready I can go but my paper outside to finally dedicate my soul to Father Satan. Since I had already done the ritual to dedicate my soul several years ago to Father Satan in my created astral Temple.
Hail Satan and Heil Hitler.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
