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Happy Halloween / Samhain! (2024)

Happy Samhain to all SS comrades!
Happy Halloween, everyone!

Halloween is depicted in modern times as being more and more about horror and gore. The enemy throws all this in to insult Satan and scare people away from spirituality and the occult. Halloween is supposed to be about magick, witchcraft, jack-o-lanterns, broomsticks, the occult, spirit communication. Anything a bit spooky with ghosts and shivers down the spine is perfectly fine, but not the outright gore and sick horror that is pushed these days.

For those of you who are not yet dedicated to Satan, you can dedicate on Halloween. It also happens to be my dedication anniversary, 14 years. This has always been a time associated with witches, magick, the occult, and divination, so it's one of the best times of the year to dedicate to Satan.

Halloween is a great time to communicate with the Gods, get guidance from your Guardian Demon, and practice tarot, Ouija boards, or other forms of divination, meditation, and self-reflection. You can spend time reading or re-reading the JoS, to de-program your mind from false beliefs and feel a stronger connection to Satan and your GD.

Holidays are also meant to be enjoyed, so have fun dressing up and handing out candy (if your country celebrates this), or watching a Halloween-themed movie (it's recommended to not watch movies that portray Satan in a blasphemous way). You can also take some time to do a Ritual for one of our Gods, if we don't have a schedule posted yet.

A lot of people have a family tradition of eating specific candy/chocolate/cookies while watching a movie they've seen as a child. My mother used to make cookies that were shaped and colored like jack-o-lanterns, they tasted awful but we ate them anyway because Halloween just wasn't the same without them, lol.

This Halloween in particular happens to be the day before a New Moon in Scorpio. So the following day, November 1, you can begin a new change in your life, or work towards some sort of transformation. Perhaps change up your daily routine a bit, rethink your priorities, strive towards something important to you.

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From the Joy of Satan:
Happy Samhain Everyone! 🎃🧡
I really wanted to send you my most sincere wishes for the anniversary of your dedication: you have become something truly wonderful, High Priestess! All of us Satanists are grateful to Satan for your presence here on the Forum. Many sincere wishes and HAPPY SAMHAIN TO EVERYONE!
I have 9-10 years 2024-2025 celebrated This Way SS when was ... HPS Maxine Dietrich maybe You Don't know me HPS Lydia .
I hope so " wake up" xians voted corectly America , no burns papers outside vote all people's in SUA .
This Halloween is particularly important to me as very recently I set myself a deadline to solve a few remaining health issues I had before Halloween I gave it my absolute 100% and I actually managed to succeed, its early days as of yet but even if I have not fully finished the healing I have clearly found the route to finally fix it and seeing the end in sight has been a tremendous improvement to my life and outlook.

Have a great Samhain everybody!
I hope you succeed 🙏 ✨
Today, it's said the veil between the material and all matters sacred and spiritual is at its thinnest. As has been said, look towards your Gods, your futures, and any divinations you wish to perform. But also don't forget another immensely important thing: it's a holiday. As ever, spend time with your loved ones. Spend some time in nature. Have fun. Give thanks to those who came before you, your departed loved ones, and your ancestors.

This time of year is important to gentiles all over, so don't ever fall prey to the Abrahamic swindling that Halloween/Samhain is simply just an "Anglo tradition" or what have you. Diwali for Hindus is also underway, not to mention other cultural festivities like Dia de los Muertos in Mexico, which is heavily rooted in pre-Christian tradition. If you look, you will find.

Happy Samhain, brothers and sisters.
Happy Halloween, everyone!

Halloween is depicted in modern times as being more and more about horror and gore. The enemy throws all this in to insult Satan and scare people away from spirituality and the occult. Halloween is supposed to be about magick, witchcraft, jack-o-lanterns, broomsticks, the occult, spirit communication. Anything a bit spooky with ghosts and shivers down the spine is perfectly fine, but not the outright gore and sick horror that is pushed these days.

For those of you who are not yet dedicated to Satan, you can dedicate on Halloween. It also happens to be my dedication anniversary, 14 years. This has always been a time associated with witches, magick, the occult, and divination, so it's one of the best times of the year to dedicate to Satan.

Halloween is a great time to communicate with the Gods, get guidance from your Guardian Demon, and practice tarot, Ouija boards, or other forms of divination, meditation, and self-reflection. You can spend time reading or re-reading the JoS, to de-program your mind from false beliefs and feel a stronger connection to Satan and your GD.

Holidays are also meant to be enjoyed, so have fun dressing up and handing out candy (if your country celebrates this), or watching a Halloween-themed movie (it's recommended to not watch movies that portray Satan in a blasphemous way). You can also take some time to do a Ritual for one of our Gods, if we don't have a schedule posted yet.

A lot of people have a family tradition of eating specific candy/chocolate/cookies while watching a movie they've seen as a child. My mother used to make cookies that were shaped and colored like jack-o-lanterns, they tasted awful but we ate them anyway because Halloween just wasn't the same without them, lol.

This Halloween in particular happens to be the day before a New Moon in Scorpio. So the following day, November 1, you can begin a new change in your life, or work towards some sort of transformation. Perhaps change up your daily routine a bit, rethink your priorities, strive towards something important to you.

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From the Joy of Satan:
I Hope everyone to have a
Wonderful Samhain!!!
Hail High Priestess Lydia!! Happy Samhain!! This year for Samhain I will be honoring our Great Ancestors. They dine at the great table in Valhalla so what I shall do is get a bottle of Authentic Mead, a Pound of Brisket and perform our Great Ancestors Ritual, then I will drink my mead and eat my meat with them. 💯🏛️💪🏻⚡❤️
Happy Halloween, everyone!

Halloween is depicted in modern times as being more and more about horror and gore. The enemy throws all this in to insult Satan and scare people away from spirituality and the occult. Halloween is supposed to be about magick, witchcraft, jack-o-lanterns, broomsticks, the occult, spirit communication. Anything a bit spooky with ghosts and shivers down the spine is perfectly fine, but not the outright gore and sick horror that is pushed these days.

For those of you who are not yet dedicated to Satan, you can dedicate on Halloween. It also happens to be my dedication anniversary, 14 years. This has always been a time associated with witches, magick, the occult, and divination, so it's one of the best times of the year to dedicate to Satan.

Halloween is a great time to communicate with the Gods, get guidance from your Guardian Demon, and practice tarot, Ouija boards, or other forms of divination, meditation, and self-reflection. You can spend time reading or re-reading the JoS, to de-program your mind from false beliefs and feel a stronger connection to Satan and your GD.

Holidays are also meant to be enjoyed, so have fun dressing up and handing out candy (if your country celebrates this), or watching a Halloween-themed movie (it's recommended to not watch movies that portray Satan in a blasphemous way). You can also take some time to do a Ritual for one of our Gods, if we don't have a schedule posted yet.

A lot of people have a family tradition of eating specific candy/chocolate/cookies while watching a movie they've seen as a child. My mother used to make cookies that were shaped and colored like jack-o-lanterns, they tasted awful but we ate them anyway because Halloween just wasn't the same without them, lol.

This Halloween in particular happens to be the day before a New Moon in Scorpio. So the following day, November 1, you can begin a new change in your life, or work towards some sort of transformation. Perhaps change up your daily routine a bit, rethink your priorities, strive towards something important to you.

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From the Joy of Satan:
Happy Samhain eve everyone!! Thank you for the beautiful post. I have already started on rituals for the occasion :)
Happy Halloween, everyone!

Halloween is depicted in modern times as being more and more about horror and gore. The enemy throws all this in to insult Satan and scare people away from spirituality and the occult. Halloween is supposed to be about magick, witchcraft, jack-o-lanterns, broomsticks, the occult, spirit communication. Anything a bit spooky with ghosts and shivers down the spine is perfectly fine, but not the outright gore and sick horror that is pushed these days.

For those of you who are not yet dedicated to Satan, you can dedicate on Halloween. It also happens to be my dedication anniversary, 14 years. This has always been a time associated with witches, magick, the occult, and divination, so it's one of the best times of the year to dedicate to Satan.

Halloween is a great time to communicate with the Gods, get guidance from your Guardian Demon, and practice tarot, Ouija boards, or other forms of divination, meditation, and self-reflection. You can spend time reading or re-reading the JoS, to de-program your mind from false beliefs and feel a stronger connection to Satan and your GD.

Holidays are also meant to be enjoyed, so have fun dressing up and handing out candy (if your country celebrates this), or watching a Halloween-themed movie (it's recommended to not watch movies that portray Satan in a blasphemous way). You can also take some time to do a Ritual for one of our Gods, if we don't have a schedule posted yet.

A lot of people have a family tradition of eating specific candy/chocolate/cookies while watching a movie they've seen as a child. My mother used to make cookies that were shaped and colored like jack-o-lanterns, they tasted awful but we ate them anyway because Halloween just wasn't the same without them, lol.

This Halloween in particular happens to be the day before a New Moon in Scorpio. So the following day, November 1, you can begin a new change in your life, or work towards some sort of transformation. Perhaps change up your daily routine a bit, rethink your priorities, strive towards something important to you.

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From the Joy of Satan:
🎃Happy Samhain🎃 Hope all is well and all that is not, to be better!
In Italy there's sometimes pushback against Halloween for being an American tradition and not an Italian one. They're... wrong. It's way older than the U.S.A.
There's also pushback from christians because it's a Pagan and Satanic tradition. They're... right. Lol. Wrong attitude though.
It bothers me so much that christians think they're the traditionalists, the ones true to their roots, and that all of this is some new age bullshit, while they're the one following a reactionary cult born in another continent altogether. It just so happens this reaction has least something more than a millennium.
Happy Samhain to everyone!

A few years ago, I committed myself to Satan, but I had to put my spiritual practice aside because I was hindered in my daily life. Now that I am starting to overcome my difficulties, I plan to take advantage of the Samhain celebration to resume my spiritual practice through daily meditation, the Final RTR each day, and diligent reading of the Joy of Satan website and the forum.

To do this properly, I intend to perform a standard ritual to Satan tomorrow, as well as a special ritual. Can you tell me which one I should choose? I hesitate between the Grand Ritual, the Ritual of Absolution to Satan, the Psalm to Satan, or maybe all three.

I know my message is brief, but it is sincere; I just don’t want to go into too much detail.
This whole time of Autumn is so special to me, it wasn't on Hallows exactly that I dedicated, but around halfway through my 18th October in this life, 15 years ago. Some of those years where wasted I won't lie, but that was then, and this is now. Some of us take a little longer to get it, but what matters is getting it.

Have a wonderful Hallowmas everyone. Blessings unto you all. ❤️
Happy Halloween!

Halloween is my most favorite holiday and I absolutely enjoyed trick or treating with friends and relatives. It gave us the opportunity to explore our neighborhood and get to know everyone a little bit. And the joy of being the treater for the first time and giving back.

I always carve my pumpkins with a third eye and they've always stood out as unique, and roasted pumpkin seeds have been my traditional Halloween food.

Despite some negative stigma around it, this holiday really allows us to connect with each other more than any other holiday. Halloween is truly beautiful in its own right. Perhaps the fear some people have about these things is just the uncertainty of their own faith that they clearly present & deny.

Anyway for those into horror movies, I'd really recommend to watch the Japanese originals if you haven't. It's said the western remakes are watered down and shadows of their originals. A lot of modern horror films are just over exaggerated CGI and jump scares which have gotten boring for me.

But the Japanese horror films live up to their reputation and really know how to make some things disturbing AF while being so simple. Perhaps the effect of being so simple makes it so relatable and immersive?

Some that I've been watching and going to watch later:
RINGU (Japanese original of The ring)
I suggest watching Ringu 2 first to build up the mystery. Amazing story. There was a topic brought up in the movie about spirit photography and scientific studies to try and channel sadakus energy or something and tests to see if ones emotion can affect the nature of water.

Then there's Ju-On, original of grudge series. Again they really know how to make some things so simple and disturbing. The 2nd movie got me good with the corpse crawling down and croaking. Made me focus on one of the gods to get over the fear for awhile lol.

Funny on that night though, I had some kind of sleep paralysis state and something was holding onto me and made the same croaking noise right on my ear ☠️

For readers, I recommend the I am legend novel which had a major influence on modern development of zombie and vampire literature and popularizing the concept of "apocalypse".

Have a good Samhain everyone, make the most of it and have a good one!
Happy Samhain to everyone!

A few years ago, I committed myself to Satan, but I had to put my spiritual practice aside because I was hindered in my daily life. Now that I am starting to overcome my difficulties, I plan to take advantage of the Samhain celebration to resume my spiritual practice through daily meditation, the Final RTR each day, and diligent reading of the Joy of Satan website and the forum.

To do this properly, I intend to perform a standard ritual to Satan tomorrow, as well as a special ritual. Can you tell me which one I should choose? I hesitate between the Grand Ritual, the Ritual of Absolution to Satan, the Psalm to Satan, or maybe all three.

I know my message is brief, but it is sincere; I just don’t want to go into too much detail.
I'd recommend the Ritual to Satan and the Psalm to Satan. We also have a new schedule out, new rituals, so you could do those instead and then Satan's ritual/psalm after the schedule has concluded.
Happy Halloween, everyone!

Halloween is depicted in modern times as being more and more about horror and gore. The enemy throws all this in to insult Satan and scare people away from spirituality and the occult. Halloween is supposed to be about magick, witchcraft, jack-o-lanterns, broomsticks, the occult, spirit communication. Anything a bit spooky with ghosts and shivers down the spine is perfectly fine, but not the outright gore and sick horror that is pushed these days.

For those of you who are not yet dedicated to Satan, you can dedicate on Halloween. It also happens to be my dedication anniversary, 14 years. This has always been a time associated with witches, magick, the occult, and divination, so it's one of the best times of the year to dedicate to Satan.

Halloween is a great time to communicate with the Gods, get guidance from your Guardian Demon, and practice tarot, Ouija boards, or other forms of divination, meditation, and self-reflection. You can spend time reading or re-reading the JoS, to de-program your mind from false beliefs and feel a stronger connection to Satan and your GD.

Holidays are also meant to be enjoyed, so have fun dressing up and handing out candy (if your country celebrates this), or watching a Halloween-themed movie (it's recommended to not watch movies that portray Satan in a blasphemous way). You can also take some time to do a Ritual for one of our Gods, if we don't have a schedule posted yet.

A lot of people have a family tradition of eating specific candy/chocolate/cookies while watching a movie they've seen as a child. My mother used to make cookies that were shaped and colored like jack-o-lanterns, they tasted awful but we ate them anyway because Halloween just wasn't the same without them, lol.

This Halloween in particular happens to be the day before a New Moon in Scorpio. So the following day, November 1, you can begin a new change in your life, or work towards some sort of transformation. Perhaps change up your daily routine a bit, rethink your priorities, strive towards something important to you.

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From the Joy of Satan:
alas hatlas

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
