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  1. S

    jewish dna

    Every single DNA testing place is fake today. Seriously, you an find cases of them faking results for every single major company.  However one would probably know if they were a jew, as their are certain traits that they all share.  Also, there is no such thing as having jewish ancestry and not...
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    Suicide or Beginning of a new life

    Suicidal tendencies are usually due to hang ups in your past life, you can overcome these feelings that you currently have. Hell, if you dedicate to Satan you will give yourself a re-found sense of purpose, the greatest undertaking in Human history. Go to joyofsatan.org and read and study all...
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    Race question

    Absolutely not, that is COMPLETELY race mixing. To be honest, it shocks me how little people know about racial theory and eugenics. I have been studying racial theory for years using the SS and NSDAP's own books on the subject, so let me tell you that what you are saying IS race mixing. If you...
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    Purpose of Humanity?

    Yes it is true that Father Satan said "the meaning of life is to better yourself and the universe" However our long term goal has ALWAYS been the expansion of our genetics. High Priest HoodedCobra even says as much in his book, the Satanic Revelation. It's a great read, I highly recommend it. ...
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    White Child Hung by Black Rapper in Music Video

    I'm sorry, do you understand what is going on today? Or do you just believe what you are told?Everything you hear about how the The "nice and kind black people who are just trying to spread the word of jesus and didn't do nuffin wrong!" is bullshit.The point of this disgusting piece of filth...
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    Need spell advice?

    Before committing to a huge working that can drain your energy, maybe first sit yourself down and think about whether it's best to get back with this girl. And I mean REALLY think about it, take into account whether or not you could do all your meditations and RTR's while also dating this...
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    The Half-Awakes and Satan's Kingdom

    Fantastic sermon my High Priest! All soldiers of Satan : fight for your future! Fight harder then you have ever fought before! For Satan our God!HAIL SATAN!!!
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    Rune advice please

    When you are very tired like this, usually this could mean you don't have enough energy in your system. Do you eat well? Fruits, veggies, carbs etc.? Do you do meditations that build energy? Such as the energy meditation where you breath it into your aura, or the aura empowerment meditation. If...
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    Am i protected anyway or what's next? self empowerment guide 40 days

    You are not protected at all without doing the dedication ritual. What you are doing is called dabbling. And let me clear, this is not to scare you, but if you are not going to dedicate then stop. If you keep doing meditations without dedicating you will be attacked by the enemy because you have...
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    Testosterone and Muscle Meditations?

    I have had great gains made by using blue energy and an affirmation.So maybe for raising testosterone and muscle mass do something like so : Surround yourself in blue energy, make sure it covers every inch, and is inside of you. Then program it similar to this "I am permanently increasing my...
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    A lost Comrade

    Hell yeah High Priest HoodedCobra! Every SS needs to understand that traitors and cowards are not your friends. If you know someone who has betrayed or left the Satanic Truth, then they are no longer your friend. If they don't have the strength to stay with Satan through thick and thin, then you...
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    You are still believing in lies that have been told to you over your whole life. Like how National Socialism can't have gays, or that Adolf Hitler hated them. This is blatantly untrue. We even have a Homosexual High Priest who is extraordinarily dedicated to Satan and Nazism and has a website...
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    Video Game "DOOM"

    Voice of Enki has the right idea here. Video games, TV, movies, are all distractions. Every single Spiritual Satanist needs to meditate, and do spiritual warfare every single day of their life. We should all also be focusing on improving ourselves in every way, physically, spiritually...
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    Religion in school

    First, try and do a very powerful aura of protection. Secondly, if your teacher keeps doing that, tell him it makes you uncomfortable and that he should stop before you report him. Try and sit as far away from him as possible as well.HAIL SATAN!!!
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    I was happy until being confused by this, i had to know!

    People commonly confuse Nazism with hating all who are not Aryan. This is not the case,If you are dedicated to Father Satan, and you want what is best for your people, then you will follow National Socialism (Nazism).It is highly encouraged that everyone read the "Understanding National...
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    Are Jews Enemies Of Satanism?

    Yes, they are enemies of Satan. Satan created the Gentiles, and his enemies created the jews. We are different, and are total enemies. HAIL SATAN!!!
  17. S

    I need accurate books

    First, it's important to read and study all of joyofsatan.orgSecondly, after dedicating, you can download everything you could ever want from Satan's Library. HAIL SATAN!!! On Jul 14, 2017, at 19:22, Keaton Mohler ttar2pro@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
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    energy buzz

    I usually just lie down on my back like it says for 20 minutes and don't move at all. Like try to stay absolutely still. You can even watch something if you want, just try to keep as still as possible. HAIL SATAN!!! On Jul 10, 2017, at 20:05, makesyouperfect@... [JoyofSatan666]...
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    energy buzz

    A great meditation for energy is the RAUM meditation. It is so powerful that it was dedicated to the High Priesthood PERSONALLY by the Antichrist. It is what we used to power our RTR's with, now we use the 666 meditation. Anyways, give it a try. HAIL SATAN!!!
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    Need Help to Stop Smoking Badly.

    I agree that Ecigs may be a way to stop addiction, but picking them up just to put cigarettes down is useless.  Ecigs really aren't as much of a "miracle" as everyone says, there is still harmful chemicals in the juice going into your body. If you are able to just straight up quit cigarettes, do...
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    Need Help to Stop Smoking Badly.

    While having never been addicted to cigarettes I know many who have been, and can hopefully offer some helpful advice. Try to start using the patch or the gum. This works for some people, but it just doesn't stick for others. See if you can buy a electronic cigarette that is MEANT to help you...
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    Famous Satanists

    As said by Akemi, the Founding Fathers of America were Satanists. Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hess, Reinhard Heydrich and other elite members of the Nazi party were Satanists and the Schutzstaffel was modeled on purely Satanic principles. Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun actually achieved...
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    Oops, wasn't able to finish haha. Anyways, communication is important, just make sure you do it in a respectful and proper manner.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Not quite sure if many people here will disagree with what you are saying, Daniel. Communication with Father Satan is important.  Sent from my iPhone
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    If you are an absolute FIRM believer in Satan, have felt no aversion to Nazism or Adolf Hitler, and want to do everything in your power to fight for The Gods, then you are most likely not a jew.You can also analyze your physical characteristics and last name using the "how to identify a jew"...
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    does yoga help with waking up, or going to sleep?

    Yoga gives amazing amounts of energy if utilized properly. Some people do Yoga in the morning to get them ready for the day, while others do it at night. Just be prepared that you may not be tired if you do Yoga close to your bedtime. HAIL SATAN!!!
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    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule [May 31 - June 16]

    Thank you so much High Priest HoodedCobra! A quick question, to maximize effectiveness, is it best to do let's say 3 repetitions of the most important ritual on any given day, or to only do one repetition of each ritual?  SIEG HEIL!HAIL SATAN FOREVER! HAIL HIS LEGIONS OF HELL!  On May 30, 2017...
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    Losing faith

    Clean your aura every day, do an aura of protection every day as well, start the 40 day program. Most of these thoughts is from a lack of meditating. Do RTR's as well, these help fight for Satan. HAIL SATAN!!!
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    Goats ritual

    Greetings to all JOS members here present and happy new week and month  to you all Here is an issue face with. Few weeks ago as I mediated for my 40 days attracting large amount of money one faithful night Father Satan spoke to me for the first time that He is with me in a very pleasant voice...
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    White supremacy

    HP HoodedCobra: Mudslimes is a slur directed at Muslim enemies, not really an ethnic group. Many of us have a lot of hatred for them, and even just cursing them with slurs can alleviate some of that anxiety and hatred a tiny bit. Not trying to be argumentative, just explaining. HAIL SATAN!!!
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    White supremacy

    Damn right brother! Soon enough those mudslime fucks will wish they had never been born!  HAIL SATAN!!!
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    White supremacy

    Daniela, what you have run into is not disturbing in the slightest. The jews have programmed you through brainwashing into believing that White superiority is wrong. Think about all the arguments that jews make. They say how it isn't right for whites to be proud! How they shouldn't think they...
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    Re: Mixed Races

    Damn straight High Priest Carlson! Any who cannot understand or refuse to believe what HP Carlson just said, you are not wanted here.We SS only want the strong, the dedicated, and those who are faithful to Nazism and to Our Gods. ANY who do not meet those categories are not wanted here, they are...
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    Re: Mixed Races

    The question has been answered unanimously by SS who are active members of this community. Race mixing is fundamentally against what WE stand for. By breaking with that, and committing what is no less than a crime against Satan by race mixing, you have separated yourself from us. There is no...
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    Re: Mixed Races

    If he led you to joyofsatan then he either 1. Doesn't understand what we stand for or 2. Chose to ignore what we stand for. If he is of a different race then you, then you WERE NOT meant to be together. Race mixing is against Satan, for He wants all races to be different and separate like He...
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    Some memes I created

    By the Gods Egon, these are fantastic! Love the Zyklon one XD HAIL SATAN!!! 
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    So you are gonna be just another person smoking weed on 4/20? That's disgusting. April 20th is our Führer's birthday, you are seriously going to smoke on such a day? What does that say about your conviction to fight?Seriously, what really hinders people who try to stop is the "oh I'll quit...
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    Yes, anybody with ANY jewish blood is an enemy. Treat them as you would a full jew. It doesn't matter if someone has 1% jewish blood or 50%, some jew traits will come thru.  HAIL SATAN!!!
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    Please, before that shit ruins you, put it down. That shit will poke holes in your aura and make you weak.You shouldn't have to smoke to think and open your mind, you should be able to do it naturally with meditation. It does not depend on the person, it will hurt you, and you will regret...
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    Who are Aryans?

    That is a lie that jews created to mess with what the idea of The Aryan is. The myth that you must have blonde hair and blue eyes even be considered Aryan is made up by the jews and corrupted from what the Nazi party considered "The perfect Aryan", which was in fact inspired by our Gods. The...
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    Who are Aryans?

    The Aryan race is the White race. People call it the White race today because they do not fully understand what Aryan means. The Aryan race is the race of people's who's common traits are fairer skin then the blacks and Asians, hair in the ranges anywhere from black to white blonde, eyes in the...
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    sorry for misinterpreting Enlil as Jehova and a dick

    Don't worry about it, friend. It's good to see that you have the maturity to admit that you were wrong. Best wishes for you on your journey.HAIL SATAN!!!
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    Our Battle

    Hell yes brother, And for anyone who is fighting for Satan, if you are feeling sick, or weak, or having no interest in continuing the fight,THAT IS THE ENEMYIf I remember correctly, High Priestess Maxine or High Priest HoodedCobra said that the things we are "reversing" so to speak are protected...
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    Let us all be totally clear, DO NOT SMOKE POT. End of story, there you go.Now, from personal experience let me tell you how it just wears down your soul until there is nothing left to protect you. Then you get attacked. The last time this happened to me, I got a pain in my chest on my heart...
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    basic guidelines for health??

    Health is very important for any truly dedicated SS, remember that The Gods are spiritually and physically perfect. For anyone that does not want to lift weights because they do not have access to a gym, body weight exercises are always good. Things like push ups, pull ups/chin ups, sit ups are...
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    I have summoned Vapula for the same reason. She is a very pleasant Demoness, but like all of our Gods she does not want Her time wasted. Lay out a plan of what you want, and how you are going to make it up to her. What I've done is a certain number of RTR's each day for a set number of days...
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    Race Mixing

    The racially mixed can still join, but they must stay with the group that is more dominant. For example, a half Aryan half black person will retain the qualities of the black side, and therefor needs to stick with that race. Aryan qualities are recessive, therefore when mixed with other races...
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    Race Mixing

    Hitler sent SS expeditions to Tibet to gather spiritual information from the monks out there. What they found was that yes, the people of that area had certain Aryan qualities, such as blue/grey eyes, blonde/light hair, and bone structure that was more similar to Aryans that to Asians. The...
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    Ritual to awaken Blacks

    Greetings HP Shannon; I am a little confuse and seeking awareness of this matter. I am concern because of my past. I was once a Mormon Priest that visited Temple twice a year performing rites, endowments, and ceremonies. My concerns has to do with father Satan unfinished work upon humanity...
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    Race Mixing

    No, the races that Satan created are not meant to be in possibly sexual relationships with each other. The races are meant to have their own areas on this Earth, and that each race does not mix with the others. The races are incompatible with each other because they were created differently, and...
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    Latin as in Latino? Well we had a discussion not too long ago about how "Latino" is not a race nor really a good grouping due to the fact that many so called "Latinos" can be very different in soul and appearance. Where are you from? What do you look like? What is your family's background? These...
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    Clean your aura heavily, then start doing a working to find your phone. Look on the witchcraft part of joyofsatan.org to learn a bit more. And just a reminder, this part of the e-group (HellsArmy666) is meant to be for spiritual warfare only, please use the main group for these kind of questions...
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    Anti-Whites Upset by Stagnation of Mixed-Race Couples in Canada

    Fuck those anti-White shits. They will get what they deserve for promoting the destruction of Father Satan's Holy Blood. HAIL SATAN FOREVER! HAIL THE ARYAN GOD! HAIL THE ARYAN RACE! 
  54. S

    Where do I start?

    Read and study ALL of joyofsatan.org and see_the_truth.webs.comThese are where you find the Truth. HAIL SATAN!!! BIS UM TOD!
  55. S

    What's up with all the hate?

    Why do people hate Satan? Think about what it is Satan stands for,Our Allfather Satan is our ancestor, our Father, the enemy hates Him because they can never be like Him, they can never be as noble or perfect or powerful as He is. Father Satan stands for justice, for power to the righteous, the...
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    What Nazi Germans saw in Russia when came

    Thank you Edward for posting these. Everyone should read through these all deeply to see just how badly the brainwashing has set in. If people knew and believed that the boshlevik scum committed these heinous crimes, and that our troops were not to blame, then our peoples would have a very...
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    Should we become our own tribe? (Rant)

    Ashley, although it may be a relief to dis-identify with the degenerates among our Race, but they ARE members of our race. They have the same blood as us, and yes, some are very degenerate, and yes some have crossed the line and will never be one of us, but they are still Aryan. And we need to...
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    Should we become our own tribe? (Rant)

    I agree with you on some points,Our Aryan race has become so polluted with judiasm that it is revolting to think about.And I agree, some people are not worthy, and will never be. But you must remember some things as well.If we isolated ourselves, we would be more easily defeated by the enemy. An...
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    black pharaoh

    As High Priest Shannon said, who mind you is BLACK, those who are weak will leave.We do not need weaklings here, in fact, we do not want them. Only those who can understand the Truth, and learn to live with it will be wanted here. We do not need blacks who have an incredible inferiority complex...
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    One thing to take away from this right now :STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEM!They are made to hurt you, regardless of what anyone tells you, they are all artificial pieces of poison that hurt you slowly and slowly.Do not take those "miracle smart drugs" which supposedly increase your concentration...
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    On Race - Yeah Let's Move On!

    LOL, sounds like someone's a little salted about being banned! HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Former "Christian"

    I totally understand where you are coming from, and let me say, you have made the right choice.To begin your journey, read and study all of joyofsatan.orgI hope to hear that you dedicate :)HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Im 17

    Satanism is a long process, it is a commitment that lasts a lifetime. You should read and study all of joyofsatan.org HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Oath to Baphomet

    That is all totally and completely false. Whoever told you that has no idea what they are talking about. To find the real Truth about Satan, the Baphomet, and our Gods, read and study ALL of joyofsatan.orgHAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  65. S

    Difference between spiritual satanism and Anton Laveys

    Satan does not empower the fucking bastards who molest children, those people are jews who attempt to empower their false god through the torah, Talmud, etc. Those who say that Satan helps them are not only wrong, but have he total wrong idea. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    The lottery is most likely a scam. Think about it like this, most people put $20 on lotto tickets right? And hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people play the lottery.So they jews are making even more money, and are trying to convince people that they have a legitimate chance of making...
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    is Donald Trump dangerous?

    Yes, he certainly is. Donald Trump is a jewish puppet that the jews use to try and convince everyone that things are okay and that he will make America Great again. Donald Trump is a jew himself! Just take one look at a picture of his dad and all your good thoughts about him will be...
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    On Race

    Yes, once you ascend to Godhood your DNA is purified and you become a totally pure blooded Aryan. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    On Race

    I agree with Lydia, I have heard of ancient Aryans possessing such features. I don't know where the red hair comes from, possibly a mutation, but I don't know how those ancient peoples would have got them thru race mixing. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Guardian demon

    Go to the Demons section on joyofsatan.orgHAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    No problem, friend. Just make sure that they will be ones to accept the Truth, as Aldric posted Father Satan does not want us to share His knowledge with those unworthy of it. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  72. S

    Re: One question

    Satan has eyes that are of the bluest sky, and golden blonde hair. And yes, much of the Nordic race of Gods have blonde hair and blue eyes. That is true. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Who we are

    The ancient Aryan race was spread all over the world. We were not just solely based on one small place. That is why we have evidence of civilizations much older than we think because the jews are trying to hide our past from us. HAIL SATAN!!!  Sent from my iPhone
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    Who we are

    I am in agreement with Ljóss. @..., it has been said before that the first Aryans were not from the Slovak lands, nor were they Slavs. According to The Third Reich's own material (I am referencing the Hitlerjugend race manual here) the Slavic race is not the main "tree" so to speak of the Aryan...
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    I was once in your position, and i can give you some tips.When showing your open minded friends The Truth, make sure they know that they can always see it on their own.Also, they are bound to ask questions, so when they do if you are not 100% sure of the answer, then tell them that you are new...
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    One question.

    It is completely untrue that brown hair and brown eyes are a product of race mixing. Lydia and Akemi both make good points, that even extraordinarily pure blooded Aryans can have brown hair and brown eyes. Take for example our Führer Adolf Hitler.Adolf Hitler is an extremely pure blooded Aryan...
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    I hail Satan forever.

    You need to study all of joyofsatan.org and if you are truly serious about connecting with our AllFather forever, then you should perform the dedication ritual. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Satan is Giving Me a Sign

    A good friend once told me "there is no such thing as coincidence." I completely understand your case, you see 666 abnormally often. This is most likely Satan and the Gods re-assuring you that you are with them, and that all will be well. When you get to know Gods more personally, you will...
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    salem burke

    Salem Burke was a High Priest but is no longer.He made some wrong choices, hence why he is with us no more. HAIL SATAN!!!
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    Proper skin treatment

    Thanks everyone for your replies, I will definitely take what you all said into consideration.It seems that everyone recommends Tea Tree Oil, so I'll buy some of that a Kessa glove, and some Kojic soap. Thank you all,HAIL SATAN!!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Proper skin treatment

    Hail Brothers and Sisters! As with most things today, there is so much false info and attempts to confuse Gentiles. Therefor I ask for your opinions on the topic of skin care, more specifically in the treatment of acne scarring. I currently use proscribed 1.2%/5% Clindamycin Phosphate and...
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    SURYAE - soul or aura?

    When you are using SURYAE, cover your entire aura in white-gold energy, let it fill you and cover every part of your being for ultimate protection. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    You can masturbait whenever you wish, however much you wish. However it's important that you do masturbait, as it is mentally healthy, and doing the ascending energy meditation is great for opening and empowering chakras. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Dates for Workings - January 2017

    Thank you lydia, Satan knows I'm not the best with astrology lol.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Dates for Workings - January 2017

    Thanks a ton Lydia, Satan knows I'm not th  best  Sent from my iPhone
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    Dedication reg.

    You didn't disgrace Father Satan if you followed the dedication ritual on joyofsatan.orgHAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Fluoride in Tap Water

    No sun gazing will NOT help your pineal gland.We had a discussion on this a while back, sun gazing can negatively effect your eyes. However, being in sunlight for about 20 minutes each day can help make your pineal gland more active. What helps more than anything however, is meditating on it.The...
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    Chakra spinning

    Try and spin them the way that feels natural to them. You should try spinning each one way, and if they go that way with no resistance, keep it going that way.If you get resistance, just reverse. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Reason I'm leaving the group

    From my research, they would be Asian because there are almost never cases of 50/50 splits in characteristics. There is MUCH more to race than skin and hair color. If this person was the child of an Aryan and Asian, they would be Asian.HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION! Sent from my iPhone
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    Sexual arousal?

    Yes this is normal.When you meditate, you awaken the parts of your body that may have been dormant, for you it seems it is your sex drive.Don't repress it, it is natural.HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION! Sent from my iPhone
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    Right now, my personal opinion is to stay out of the US military.Right now, our great nation is under the control of jews,  people who don't care for you or I, or any other Gentile.I have great respect for all members of the US military, but right now you are of more benefit and help more people...
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    Thank's for accepting + questions

    Just give it a couple minutes after doing a AOP. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    alien races

    Just to name a few,There are the Nordics, who are our Gods and the ancestors of the Aryan race.The enemy Nordics who are called Angels, they are enemies who went against Satan.Grey's, soulless husks that follow the orders of reptilians.Reptilians, ancestors of the jews, mortal enemies of...
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    Need to know more about my race

    If you are from North East India, then you are not Aryan. It is true that the Aryans settled India in the past, but that was thousands of years ago, and there are very few, if any, people who exhibit Aryan traits and are natives of India. From my research the modern day inhabitants of Northern...
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    Re: The Thunder of the Heart

    Don't you DARE disrespect Lord Beelzebub like that ever again.Beelzebub is not some animal you can command to attack, nor will he stoop to your low "demands".Wyrm has done nothing wrong, so grow up, and move on. Or are you an infiltrator, trying to mask yourself as one of us? HAIL SATAN!!!
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    72 Name of Gawd and AUM

    Go ahead, it won't do anything negative I don't think. HAIL SATAN!!!WOTAN FUR IMMER! 
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    Eternal Satan

    "Beelzebub is the Patron of all of the Orient [Far East], Martial Arts and Asian Culture. He was Prince of the Seraphim and He has a raspy voice" I took this directly from the JOS page on Lord Beelzebub. HAIL SATAN!!! GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!On Nov 30, 2016, at 23:18...
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    Eternal Satan

    Good to hear comrade :)HAIL SATAN!!!
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    black pharaoh

    What you are saying is simply wrong, You are saying opinions that are not backed up by fact. It is true that the Aryan race is the children of Satan, and He loves us. But wouldn't you if you have/had children?  Just because We are His children doesn't mean that He hates the blacks or Asians and...
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    They see me cursin'

    Every single time I read this I keep dying of laughter! This is hilarious brother! HAIL SATAN!!!HAIL THE ARYAN GOD! HAIL THE ARYAN RACE!b
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    Hanged man and Empress as Tarot Cards.

    I won't lie, I don't know much about the Tarot, but I understand the symbol of the hanged man. It symbolizes sacrifice for knowledge. It comes from the Ancient Nordic story about Odin hanging Himself from Yggdrasil to gain knowledge. That's all I can put forward in help of this, I am sorry.HAIL...
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    I want to know the truth.. Teach me.

    Well holy shit Chris, that was goddamn near perfect!Good job on getting all that down! HAIL SATAN!!  Sent from my iPhone
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    RTR 2 Simple Questions

    AUM is vibrated : AAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUMMMMMMAnd yes you go as follows : AUM AffermationsAUM Repeat 9 times.HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE ALLFATHER!  Sent from my iPhone
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    Past Life Human Soulmate Question

    If you are certain that this is not a trick of the enemy, then this is a soulmate attempting to make contact with you to see how you are. Think of it as them checking in :)You can also ask for their intentions, however before doing so make certain that they swear before the Almighty and...
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    Eternal Satan

    I am sorry devilsadvocate if I come off as rude or arrogant, but I perfectly understand what I said. And I do understand what it means to post here on the groups, I have been a member here for approximately 3 years, and dedicated for nearly 4. It was linked later in this topic, The Satanic...
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    JoS Online Store [Azazel's Marketplace] 

    This is fantastic to hear! Thank you High priest HoodedCobra, the rest of our High Priesthood, and Azazel! HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!
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    black pharaoh

    The Aryan race are the literal children of the Gods, we have their blood in our veins. The black and Asian races were created by the Gods.HAIL SATAN!!!  Sent from my iPhone
  108. S

    Eternal Satan

    I agree with this to a certain extent, but there is just one piece of clarification I have. You are correct in saying that Father Satan wishes to spread his children through the stars, that is His wish. However we will still be a part of His Glorious Empire of Orion. It has always been our...
  109. S

    Re: "We Are Gods"

    Thanks Allison :)Don't self deprecate, what you said was great, it was filled with emotion and you said what you feel. That is a VERY good skill. HAIL SATAN!!!
  110. S

    Re: "We Are Gods"

    Although this is an interesting thought process, I believe it is not right to call ourselves Gods. Yes we are His children. However we have been dragged down by the jews and their works. Being a God does not just mean that you are a child of Satan, to be a God you must elevate yourself to a...
  111. S

    If Satan created us, who created Satan?

    From my understanding from a few years of on and off research it goes something like this; The Universe always has been, and will be. It is infinite, and has no boundaries. Therefor it may be impossible to know what was the first being in existence. What we do know however, is that the people of...
  112. S

    nazi ?

    Let's start off with the simple fact of the matter, you are extraordinarily brainwashed. Now let that settle in. You have been programmed to believe these things that you are saying, when in fact ALL of them are untrue. Yes, Our Gods ARE Nazi's. And yes, we also follow Nazism. We follow true...
  113. S

    Jewish Hollywood

    I too have seen Fury, and it was revolting and just downright evil. First off, there is no way an entire detachment of Waffen-SS would be stopped by a SINGLE tank crew, the idea is ridiculous. And I agree, the scene where they execute the German solider for no reason is just downright wrong...
  114. S


    I understand your feelings, the enemy will stop at nothing to blaspheme our most Holy and Sacred Gods. I have seen most the movie that you are talking about, and it is FILLED with kike shit. Such as the scene with the "evil spirit" or whatever the fuck that nun-looking bitch was in the husbands...
  115. S

    The Aryan Warrior Ethos

    Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra for this sermon.I feel our total victory coming closer and closer with each day! HAIL SATAN FOREVER! HAIL THE ARYAN GOD!HAIL THE ARYAN RACE!WOTAN FUR IMMER!
  116. S

    Am i unworthy?

    First off, there are many different races with various traits and abilities. 1. Your great grandfather being Spanish doesn't make you half Spanish unless your entire family on that side is still Spanish. If not you'd be either 1/4 Spanish, or less. You can not change your race, but what you can...
  117. S

    I can't live with this anymore

    A way you a can tell the jews from Gentiles is that something feels "off". I mean when you look at them, something isn't right. They have jewish traits even though they have lots of Gentile blood. HAIL SATAN!!!
  118. S

    Our Victory!

    People need to understand this.Satan is a God, He does not need to be reincarnated because he does not die.  HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  119. S

    Teacher needed

    There are no meditators in Satanism.The Gods are the only teachers we need.Read and study all of joyofsatan.orgHAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  120. S


    There is a Satanic marriage ceremony on the JOS website.It's in Satanic rites and celebrations.joyofsatan.orgHAIL SATAN!!!GOT MIT UNS!  Sent from my iPhone
  121. S

    Blue Aura of Protection?

    If you are quite sure that you can't use white-gold, then use electric blue Satanic flame. Program it like you would normally. After you get a better AOP you can switch back to white-gold since it is more powerful. HAIL SATAN!!!GOT MIT UNS!  Sent from my iPhone
  122. S

    Speaking with Satan

    Looking into Father Satan's sigil is a great way to communicate. Just stare at His sigil, and feel His love, His warmth. Let it fill you with purpose. Then speak. And be respectful, as I said before, this is THE Allfather Satan. HAIL SATAN!!!GOT MIT UNS!! Sent from my iPhone
  123. S

    How to find my Guardian Demon?

    I never said it was impossible. I said it was not impossible, but more unlikely. HAIL SATAN!!!GOT MIT UNS!  Sent from my iPhone
  124. S

    Our Victory!

    Not necessarily.  Just keep doing RTR's and this will be over sooner than later.HAIL SATAN!!!GOT MIT UNS!  Sent from my iPhone
  125. S

    Circles on Jewelry[Allowed?]

    It would be better to sell it or change it. The pentagram is a sacred symbol of Satanism, putting a circle around it is degrading and disrespectful.HAIL SATAN!!!GOT MIT UNS!  Sent from my iPhone
  126. S

    What can a "newbie" do? [QUESTION]

    Everyone, regardless of how newly dedicated, can and should participate in RTR's. However, you should also continue your meditations to advance and learn.HAIL SATAN!!!GOT MIT UNS!  Sent from my iPhone
  127. S

    I'm planning to absorb energy

    I have never heard of something like this happening, but it may be possible. If you were to do as you said, then you should program with vibrant green energy with specks of gold. You could just do the money meditation twice a day, which would draw money to you as well.  And for future reference...
  128. S

    How to find my Guardian Demon?

    It is not impossible for a high ranking God/Goddess to be your GD, but it is more unlikely. That being said, it is better to wait for your GD to "reveal" them self to you. The Gods are very busy, and it is better to not bother them with matters like this. HAIL SATAN!!!GOT MIT UNS!   Sent from...
  129. S

    List of Jewish Surnames

    Not necessarily.Adoptions can happen, and surnames might have changed. That being said, it's always better to analyze features to see if someone is a jew, and to try and feel their aura.It is almost always super disgusting and nasty. HAIL SATAN!!!GOT MIT UNS!  Sent from my iPhone
  130. S

    Restrictions on mastrubation?

    There are no restrictions  on masturbation. If you feel like you want to, go right on ahead. You can generate a lot of energy through masturbation, and that energy can be used for many purposes. Read the topic on the ascending energy meditation on joyofsatan.orgHAIL SATAN!!!GOT MIT UNS!  Sent...
  131. S

    How can I talk to Father Satan?

    Thanks a lot brother! You are also doing a great job on the groups Aldrick, no need to naysay about yourself. I especially like how some of your posts have a sense of humor to them. If it's one thing that many forget, it's to have a good laugh!But with all sincerity, thank you.HAIL SATAN!!!
  132. S

    Love spell to seduce someone?

    Hey ceasar, you better watch your mouth. Having known Zola I can say that she is a Satanist to the core, and many of her brothers and sisters can say the same. She has proved that she is dedicated to Satan's cause and has cursed the enemy enough to prove it.How about you show a little respect to...
  133. S

    I start my journey tonight

    Congratulations! Welcome to the family! HAIL SATAN!!!WOTAN MIT UNS! 
  134. S

    Women: Traditions & Duties of Time

    Thank you very much for this Lydia! Although I am not a woman, it is easy to see how the enemy tries to destroy natural order, and the family unit. Upon which civilization itself is built.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  135. S

    My only problem...

    Here is what you can do to tackle this fear. Learn to remember the sigil of Father Satan. Then go to your room or a place you can be alone, and turn off the lights. Stand right next to the switch, and imagine Father Satan's sigil, feel his warmth, his love. Let it fill you with energy. Then say...
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    History has been contorted to fit the kikes wishes. Alexander did not die, he achieved Godhead. Him dying was probably kike bullshit.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Those who have achieved Godhead are no longer on Earth. Alexander the Great achieved Godhead in 323 BC.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Your funeral is totally up to you. There is no Satanic Funeral rite because we are trying to achieve Godhead. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  139. S

    Re: Need Opinions...

    The kikes have been pushing this fake "racism" against blacks for years now in America. You can see this in what happened in Baltimore not too long ago,  where a hoodlum tried to grab a police officer's weapons after robbing people on the street and the officer shot him. This sparked riots in...
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    The goal of being a SS is to achieve Godhead and live forever. That being said, if a dedicated SS does die they do go to Duat/Hell/ValhallaHAIL SATAN!!!  Sent from my iPhone
  141. S


    Before you do black magic make sure you check if it is a void moon or not. You can check by googling "Lunarium" and going on their website. Void moons mean that anything you start will fail and may backfire on you. Since it is your first time doing black magic, you can ask your Guardian Demon to...
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    Stop doing so much of it. This can cause serious damage to the nervous system. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  143. S

    Can I worship Satan ?

    Yes you can worship Satan. Read and study all of joyofsatan.orgIt doesn't matter what your parents worship.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  144. S

    Soul Stretching/Spine Stretching.

    I understand what you mean, but doing things such as straightening the spine and growing in height using magic requires a extremely large amount of power, which you just cannot get without years of meditation. You can however use squares to change little things.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  145. S

    Native Americans, Where They Satanists?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting down the non Roman cultures. Many great achievements happened under them as well. Chariots made by the ancient Iceni people, large trading settlements and advances in naval exploration by the ancient Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians. There are many great things...
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    You can stop and take a breath whenever you need to. It should go like this :Half a second between words is fine, I do it a little faster, but to each his own.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  147. S

    Native Americans, Where They Satanists?

    You have it wrong friend, The Roman Empire was COMPLETELY Satanic up to the Flavian dynasty which brought about christianity, was controlled by jews, and fucked up the world. Other than that, Rome was a glorious Satanic empire that lasted for 2,000 years, and brought about incredible...
  148. S

    A grave mistake (will Satan forgive?)

    It is safe to say that Father Satan forgives you. That being said, don't do that again. Father Satan needs loyal and trustworthy followers, do not let Him down in that regard. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  149. S

    Soul Stretching/Spine Stretching.

    Biokinesis is an extremely advanced skill, that takes years of spiritual advancement and empowering to complete. I am sorry to say that you are not ready to do it. When you have advanced enough to the point of being able to do Biokinesis, you will know. For now, you should advance yourself...
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    You can take as long as you need. As you advance, it might become easier to vibrate the words, and you might be able to do it faster. The most important part is that you do the RTR totally and completely. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  151. S

    Who is Who

    Are you jewish?If not, read all of joyofsatan.orgHAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  152. S

    Pictures of Western Enrichment [Warning: Gore]

    Mudslimes are savages, plain and simple. Thank you for this High Priest Hooded Cobra, this will be good to show those who continue to believe the islam is a religion of peace bullshit. HAIL SATAN!!!
  153. S

    Please do read, i'm confused

    Yezidi's are also an ethnic group of people. So it would be wrong to say that we are Yezidi's, as we are not. Melek Taus is Satan, but the Yezidi's have different ways of worship and traditions than us.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  154. S


    Why so much hate? How can you not utterly DESPISE the kikes? They have relentlessly murdered, raped, and destroyed my people. Millions of innocent lives have been lost because of them. The world teeters on the brink of COLLAPSE, because of them. And you ask why we hate them so much? I don't...
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    As of 9:40 PM EST the JOS website is down, however access can be gained thru the Wayback machine. HAIL SATAN!! Sent from my iPhone
  156. S


    Holy fuck this is bad. Everyone, get to Satan's library right now and download everything that you can! If this is as bad as it seems, we are going to have a long road ahead. HAIL SATAN!WOTAN MIT UNS!  Sent from my iPhone
  157. S

    Success! Thanks Satan!!!!

    I can see you take inspiration from one of those two :)I'm sure you'll be a great pilot, HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  158. S

    Success! Thanks Satan!!!!

    Congrats brother, Let's hope they make a Red Baron out of you! HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  159. S

    Should we be more positive?

    Think about it like this Kyle. We are at war now. This is not a small war, as it has been going on for thousands of years. Our Aryan people have been raped, tortured, and murdered for just being children of Satan. Our past has been systematically destroyed, and we are facing total...
  160. S

    I asked you all to FIGHT

    I highly disagree. Time is most certainly on our side. As time goes on, we only get more and more people dedicating. I saw somewhere that we get got 700 in a week? If everyone that joined does just one RTR a day, that's 700 RTR's a day. This devastates the enemy. Not to mention if they wish to...
  161. S

    how to disable windows 10 update

    Same here, Windows 7 was by far the best, and we can't go back to it...HAIL SATAN!! Sent from my iPhone
  162. S

    the 5 reasons drug use is forbidden

    Nice being off for 8 months  Sent from my iPhone
  163. S

    I asked you all to FIGHT

  164. S

    The Vril Society

    Ashley, you are wrong on many counts. 1. Hitler very well could have adopted your idea of the future. In the 1920s, Germany was declining, on the path to ruin. As Fourth Reich pointed out, race mixing was occurring at an unprecedented scale, the economy was in ruins, and the jews were in power...
  165. S

    The Vril Society

    On the topic of the racial problems in America, the blacks will need to leave.It's the only way that we can ever hope of becoming what we were meant to be, a shining paragon of Satanic knowledge and enlightenment. I don't know where you get this idea that "America has lost all of its cultural...
  166. S

    the 5 reasons drug use is forbidden

    More new people need to see this, thanks for writing this Fake Name.  Let me also add that from personal experience, YOU WILL HAVE NO FREE WILL! The more pot you smoke, the more addicted you become. And yes, you can get addicted to pot. I see people nowadays, their entire life revolves around 2...
  167. S

    The Vril Society

    Ashley, I think you need to seriously consider what you are talking about. How long have you been dedicated?I remember answering your questions a couple days ago, and let me be crystal clear: There is a MAJOR difference between building our glorious Aryan people up, and ethnically cleansing a...
  168. S

    White Europe Is Satanic Europe!

    Great read High Priest Danko,I would like to ask for your permission to use this for online warfare. All credit will of course be given to you and the JOS. HAIL SATAN!!!WOTAN MIT UNS! 
  169. S

    The Vril Society

    Absolutely fantastic! Thanks a great deal High Priest Carlson.Can't wait for part two! HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!HAIL THE ARYAN GOD!HAIL THE ARYAN RACE!WOTAN MIT UNS!
  170. S


    I understand what you mean brother.It seems the grey's tactics towards me have changed. They used to think they could scare me into leaving Satan, that didn't work.Then they thought they could trick me into believing I was a kike, that failed also.But then they use people around us to fuck with...
  171. S


    Hello brother,I am interested where you heard that thing about milk. But anyway, all dairy products are pretty high in calcium and are easily digestible.I have also heard that green veggies has calcium and vitamin K. Vitamin K possibly regulates calcium and bone formation in the body ( I say...
  172. S

    Non-SS Whites (Rant)

    This is a very important thing for all of us to look at. Here is my view on this topic. Our race is the most evolved. We are the bearers of civilization. We are conquerors, we are scholars, we are historians, and we were Gods. Sticking together comes naturally for all Aryans. However our true...
  173. S

    New powerful meditation routine

    Fake Name, We all advance at certain paces, and some in more areas than others.For example, from your posts it seems that you are advancing quite well, yet you can't see and hear your GD. I completely understand, as I can't fully either, only at certain times.This doesn't mean that you aren't...
  174. S

    New RTR 04/April/2016

    Thank you very much High Priestess Maxine, and all others who helped bring us this ritual! Time to show the enemy what Satan's Legions are made of! HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  175. S

    Father Satans Power

    Visualize Satan's sigil and send energy into His sigil. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  176. S


    I'm sorry but the joyofsatan.org is working fine for me. Do you live in a country where such material on the website could be blocked? HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  177. S

    I feel like my influence over people is increasing dramatically.

    I am experiencing very similar things Brother.Whenever I am in public, people just want to be around me. Now this really freaked me out, but I was told by a few people that I am "glowing", not in the conventional way, but that I literally radiate good feels to people. Meditating helps in so many...
  178. S

    Sleep questions

    Hello Brothers and Sisters, I am wondering if any of you can answer some questions about sleep that I have been wondering. 1. What is the best way to sleep? I have seen many different answers for this, but so far it seems that sleeping on the back is best. This may just be jew age BS though...
  179. S

    Trump, Won't Get Fooled Again?

    You see, you don't understand.Trump is as bad as a jew. His daughter is married to a kike, as is his son.The jews will make no compromises with us SS, and we will make none with them. HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION! Sent from my iPhone
  180. S

    Overdoing a breathing excersize

    Your just gonna have to deal with it. But now you have learned a valuable lesson...  Breath of Fire can fuck you up! HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  181. S

    How have we won?

    There is no easy way to put this, but what you just said is wrong. Every single country that you listed on Satan's side, is run by and infested by jews. You look at this the wrong way. WE are on Satan's side. No nation is loyal to Satan right now. The war is being fought RIGHT NOW.You as a...
  182. S

    Wearing A turban?

    I highly doubt that wearing a turban helps, and that hair is an antenna for energy. They both sound like BS. That would mean that bald people aren't getting as much energy as people with hair. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  183. S

    The Smiling God

    Thank you for this amazing sermon High Priest HoodedCobra.And I must say, there was only one thing I heard in my head while I read... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SJUhlRoBL8M I mean what's better than slandering the kikes, and the xtians?Being able to laugh while you do it! HAIL SATAN!!! Sent...
  184. S

    What is the anti-christ supposed to so?

    I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but yes you are totally wrong.The Anti-christ is meant to be our leader. He is chosen by Satan to do this task. He achieved Godhead, and is now waiting.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
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    Is it a Pentagram necklace? Or is it a Pentagram in a circle necklace. If it is a PART of the necklace, as in attached to the necklace, then it is fine. If it has a circle around it, then is attached to the necklace, That is not okay.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  186. S

    I am new here and am very interesting in learning more.

    As long as you aren't a jew, you can be a Satanist. Read and study all of joyofsatan.orgHAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  187. S


    That dream you had is UTTER BULLSHITThat is not in the slightest what we do here. The enemy might be fucking with your head to keep you away from Satan.Read and study all of joyofsatan.org and decide for yourself. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  188. S

    New to Satanism

    Read and study ALL of joyofsatan.orgHAIL SATAN!!' Sent from my iPhone
  189. S

    World Jewish Congress and Official German Jewry Welcome Nonwhite Inv

    I agree with you Fake Name, But don't disrespect the Wehrmacht. There were officers who were anti-Hitler yes, but the Wehrmacht was the front line. The fought very bravely, valiantly, and honorably. The common soldier fought for Hitler, for National Socialism. Had the war been won, they would...
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    The Gods who are Nordics are a different type of Nordic from the Aryan sub-race. Nordic Aryan areas are Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, and more. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  191. S

    Sexual Repression

    Both.You need to NOT race mix under ANY circumstance.It is a crime against Satan.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  192. S


    You need to dedicate first.HAIL SATAN!! Sent from my iPhone
  193. S

    Demon Names & Hello...

    What he meant was that we don't like Satan, we LOVE Him. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  194. S

    Re: I am New, somebody PLEASE HELP.

    How many fucking times do we need to say this!DO NOT EVER GIVE OUT ANY PERSONAL INFO HERE!THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO HURT YOU!(infiltrators) What compels you to put your phone and email #'s up like that? If I were you, I would throw out those phones, and buy new ones, and change your phone...
  195. S

    how do I find like-minded people

    The sad truth is, you shouldn't.DO NOT tell average people that you are a SS, even your best friends. They will see you differently. I have experience with this, is too dangerous right now to go seek out SS.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  196. S

    Concerning my Rage

    If you have a good reason for it, you can preform black magic. It is a great way to vent hatred and anger. HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  197. S

    Sexual Repression

    Yes, it is a HUGE problem if you chose to stick with your mother's race. #1, you will be race mixing (which you are doing now, and which is UNACCEPTABLE) , and #2 you will be hurting yourself spiritually.So please, for the sake of Humanity, stop race mixing, it is a easily preventable crime.HAIL...
  198. S

    please explain

    Our Anti-christ IS a reincarnation of Ramses II.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone
  199. S

    Sexual Repression

    Satan created the three races (white, black, and Asian) to be separate.  Each race has a different "blueprint" for their soul, race mixing destroys this blueprint, and can be very harmful.You can still advance but you CANNOT race mix.HAIL SATAN!!! Sent from my iPhone

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
