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The Vril Society

Absolutely fantastic! Thanks a great deal High Priest Carlson.Can't wait for part two! HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!HAIL THE ARYAN GOD!HAIL THE ARYAN RACE!WOTAN MIT UNS!
On May 26, 2016, at 21:50, "hammerofthegods_666@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Here is some information about the Vril Society of the Third Reich that some of you may or may not already know.  Enjoy!
The Vril Part One
http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.co ... lsociety2/


High Priest Jake Carlson


So the inferior races are not of father Satan? 
Oh, this is some fire right here, I love it! 
Thus you've left me in suspense at the end my brother... 
Can't wait for part two. 

Brother Jake, I just finished reading your two articles. Man they are amazing! They motivate me and do they light me up...
The more reason I need to keep feeding fire, to clean up the garbage on this Earth. The Nordic race, people of pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes, is what drives me to keep on living!
 We can not let what makes the white race white, die. We must destroy the enemies before they destroy our beautiful Nordics forever. Eradicate them all, even we have to terraform this whole planet again!
I have to keep feeding fire! There is no stopping this train... 
Hail Satan!Hail the Nordic race forever! 
A thing I have noticed about that serpent story is, HP Maxine wrote on the site that the key to awakening and rising the kundalini is FREE. Be free in thought, feeling, emotion, action, energy etc. The judgement and labelling of some things as "good" and other things as "evil" constantly, is what stops us from being truly free in so many ways. Keeping us constantly guilty and inhibiting our true desires and feelings and this is one of the things that prevents spiritual growth and the activitation of the kundalini serpent. Pretty much, it is also the sole reason why the White race is 'dying' and haven't just destroyed all of the Jews who try to corrupt and subvert our society.

It all comes back to this idea of "good" and "evil" - that is the sole reason why the White race has NOT become Gods yet. - The enemy in the book of genesis has reversed this totally and deliberately.
Without the concept of good and evil poisoning it's mind, any creature which recognized an enemy in it's midst would destroy it without a second thought. But because of the idea of good and evil, you will surely die!

That is just a very philosophical physical way of looking at it, but the restriction of our free flow of emotion and energy is the biggest obstacle preventing the further evolution of the soul.
@... I think the difference is kind of like family and non family, a non White, so long as they're gentile can be close to Satan and the Gods at an individual level if they are true Satanists, but they're not his people by blood as descendants of the Gods the same way Whites are. And if they turn away from the Gods, they will just be neutral to the Gods and of no importance. Whites on the other hand the Gods naturally care for as we are children of the Gods, even though many of our people may stray from the Gods and make mistakes. The Gods still work to save our people because we are children of the Gods. This is at the soul. Whites at the soul are from the same Satanic source. Each race has it's own source.

Additionally the spiritual potential of Whites is much higher than non Whites. This is why, there are many White Satanists here with risen Kundalini serpents, but in India where the Aryan population is largely mixed, it is still a very rare occurance despite having far far far more spiritual devotees than in White countries.

That is just my take on it based on experience.

HAIL SATAN! Praise Be To The Gods!
When I was done reading your articles, I got so hyped up that there were all of a sudden flashes of light...
I continue to hone my metals, every day. Everything I do, ultimately, is to positively affect, in every way, the survival of the Nordic race.

Within our race, why is the dark trying to take over the light? 
You are correct by stating that Nordic genes (blond hair, blue eyes) are becoming scarce within our midst. That's unacceptable.  
Today's a non-void moon and I have a plan. 

---In [email protected], <yc28@... wrote :

Brother Jake, I just finished reading your two articles. Man they are amazing! They motivate me and do they light me up...
The more reason I need to keep feeding fire, to clean up the garbage on this Earth. The Nordic race, people of pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes, is what drives me to keep on living!
 We can not let what makes the white race white, die. We must destroy the enemies before they destroy our beautiful Nordics forever. Eradicate them all, even we have to terraform this whole planet again!
I have to keep feeding fire! There is no stopping this train... 
Hail Satan!Hail the Nordic race forever! 
Gotta fucking INCINERATE everything that stands in our way. 
Look in every rock and behind every tree, even if I have to TERRAFORM this planet again!
By that, I meant I have more garbage to clean up. 
Jews are lower than garbage.
I only care about one race; the white (Nordic) race. 
I continue to hone my blade... 

---In [email protected], <kyleshand@... wrote :

@... I think the difference is kind of like family and non family, a non White, so long as they're gentile can be close to Satan and the Gods at an individual level if they are true Satanists, but they're not his people by blood as descendants of the Gods the same way Whites are. And if they turn away from the Gods, they will just be neutral to the Gods and of no importance. Whites on the other hand the Gods naturally care for as we are children of the Gods, even though many of our people may stray from the Gods and make mistakes. The Gods still work to save our people because we are children of the Gods. This is at the soul. Whites at the soul are from the same Satanic source. Each race has it's own source.

Additionally the spiritual potential of Whites is much higher than non Whites. This is why, there are many White Satanists here with risen Kundalini serpents, but in India where the Aryan population is largely mixed, it is still a very rare occurance despite having far far far more spiritual devotees than in White countries.

That is just my take on it based on experience.

HAIL SATAN! Praise Be To The Gods!
Kyle that sounds close to the truth but it's very rare to see a non-White who is like that. Even in the main Joyofsatan group many of times non-Whites have lashed out at Whites for no reason, other than they was standing up for their race, especially Negroes and these are non-Whites who claim to be Satanists. I've only been here six weeks and I already saw it several times.

The only exception is usually Hindus, Japanese and Yezidis. And all of these peoples have the same things in common 1) at least some Aryan DNA. 2) They have remained close to the Gods throughout the ages, Hindus and Yezidis we know of and the Japanese are descendants of the Sun God. 3) They usually have positive attitudes towards Whites, in my experience at least. I never met a Yezidi in person but the Japanese and Hindus definitely.

India and Japan also both supported the third reich.
Japaneses are Asians. Not white, let alone Nordic. They don't look white therefore they are NOT white. I have no sympathy for Asians. 
I know. I never said they was White lol. What message are you reading? I said they have SOME Aryan DNA. As do some of the ancient Chinese royal bloodlines, check out the ancient Aryan mummies found in China.
But my point was a response to someone else about how the Gods see non Whites, so unless you know what I am responding to, you won't get the context. The only point was some non White races and nations are more hostile to Whites than others but the ones that aren't so anti White, usually are the ones who have some Aryan DNA back from ancient times, when Whites were in the middle east and far east. The Japanese in my experience are far more positive about Whites than, Negroes and Jews.

I don't support mixing with Japanese or any non Whites, neither would I allow them to mass immigrate to any country I controlled, I still respect them because they have contributed a lot to the world over the years and were allies with Hitler in WWII.
The Japanese would just LOVE to be white. They have a lot creams to whiten their skin and also do plastic surgeries. I saw a documentary where an European woman was told, IN HER FACE, that the Japanese wanted to look like her. 
I just feel like you were going soft there. Like many whites are going soft these days. Racial mixing here and there. As if the blood does not really matter anymore. This drives me insane. 
The Japanese WERE white, not anymore. That's what you get for racial mixing with a bunch of brown fucking mongrels. 

---In [email protected], <ashleyslade0124@... wrote :

I know. I never said they was White lol. What message are you reading? I said they have SOME Aryan DNA. As do some of the ancient Chinese royal bloodlines, check out the ancient Aryan mummies found in China.
But my point was a response to someone else about how the Gods see non Whites, so unless you know what I am responding to, you won't get the context. The only point was some non White races and nations are more hostile to Whites than others but the ones that aren't so anti White, usually are the ones who have some Aryan DNA back from ancient times, when Whites were in the middle east and far east. The Japanese in my experience are far more positive about Whites than, Negroes and Jews.

I don't support mixing with Japanese or any non Whites, neither would I allow them to mass immigrate to any country I controlled, I still respect them because they have contributed a lot to the world over the years and were allies with Hitler in WWII.
Not soft lol, there is just a saying, hate your enemies, love your own and leave everyone else alone.

So long as a non White race, is in their own land minding their own business and aren't swarming into our country then I have no issue with them. And the Japanese nation has contributed a lot to the world overall so I'm just giving credit where it's due.

As for the non Whites mass immigrating into White countries, beating their chests and chimping out over "racism" and "inequality" or trying to spread their religion of 'peace', I don't want to say what I want to see happen to them cause it would probably break group rules. x3

And considering so many of these people have mass immigrated to our countries, I wouldn't rule out taking land and territory off of some weak little country in Asia or Africa somewhere in the future as a possibility in order to build a White homeland.
I didn't think of that before and thats a good point. They deserve to lose some of their land for trying to take away ours, especially Africans and Arabs. Just look at how they are behaving. We need to deal with them as wild animals because they haven't proved they're capable of living any better than that. They have the most resource rich parts of the planet all to themselves and yet Africa is still a cesspool of poverty, disease and corruption all because these people are so fucking incompetent.

*sarcasm* Because putting whites in non-white lands has always prevented race mixing and warring *sarcasm*
That simply would not work and have the total opposite effect to what is intended. 
Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!

On Saturday, May 28, 2016 2:16 PM, "ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Not soft lol, there is just a saying, hate your enemies, love your own and leave everyone else alone.

So long as a non White race, is in their own land minding their own business and aren't swarming into our country then I have no issue with them. And the Japanese nation has contributed a lot to the world overall so I'm just giving credit where it's due.

As for the non Whites mass immigrating into White countries, beating their chests and chimping out over "racism" and "inequality" or trying to spread their religion of 'peace', I don't want to say what I want to see happen to them cause it would probably break group rules. x3

And considering so many of these people have mass immigrated to our countries, I wouldn't rule out taking land and territory off of some weak little country in Asia or Africa somewhere in the future as a possibility in order to build a White homeland.

To add to that, the bullshit that "colonialism is what caused modern day Africa to be like this" needs to be dispelled. Germany is also blamed for this despite being the least imperial empire in Europe. Africa would be much worse off if it didn't receive the literally billions of dollars it has from white nations, but you never hear about that, but instead you hear "apartheid" being repeated a million time in the same way 6 million is, despite the fact that not only was slavery in Africa started by Jews, but it is dangerous for whites to live in areas like S. Africa. Also, literally every single Nigerian I have met has an anti-white sentiment and repeats the slogan "blacks can't be racist, only whites can" and then go on to preach about how whites should be punished and bs along those lines
What you said in regards to black Africa, I agree with, but, the Arabs and Middle east have made full use of their resources quite competently and became the richest areas in the world. Look at Qatar or Abu Dhabi or Dubai, which although I find concrete jungles to be ugly, easily surpasses most other major world cities. Along with that, there are multi billion dollars desalination pants and solar power plants and gigantic irrigation schemes and what not. Problem is, that money is going to (1) buying the population to shut them up (2) into funding islamic terrorist activities and groups like ISIS and (3) to the Jews. 
The solution to the retarded arabs who chose to bring shit to Europe is to end Islam in the ME which will almost immediately destroy every problem. With that, the arabs had a fair bit of land taken of them in 1948 anyway and that just served to make a new jewish world capital. 
Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!

On Saturday, May 28, 2016 3:09 PM, "kyleshand@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I didn't think of that before and thats a good point. They deserve to lose some of their land for trying to take away ours, especially Africans and Arabs. Just look at how they are behaving. We need to deal with them as wild animals because they haven't proved they're capable of living any better than that. They have the most resource rich parts of the planet all to themselves and yet Africa is still a cesspool of poverty, disease and corruption all because these people are so fucking incompetent.

Another thing is, as Zionist as this sounds, we can't have these people possessing nukes and other dangerous weapons just sitting on our ass and hope some towel head Islamo tard decides never to use them. As far as I'm concerned the moment the A bomb was invented, these people lost the right to be a bunch of subhuman primitive fucks and so did every race for that matter. Remember Rwanda, look at what they did to each other just with machettes! A tool you can pick up at your local hardware store they managed to kill a million of each other with. Now imagine if they had possessed nukes, what would the situation have been? They would probably have blown themselves up and the rest of us with them.

I actually think the policy of western governments propping up dictators in the middle eastern region was a good thing, it kept those stupid Islamist fundamentalist groups at bay, kept the oil flowing and much of the region was peaceful. It was actually George Bush and his Jew friends who went forward with the agenda of trying to remake the middle east in "our image", but of course democracy has been a failure in the western world already, it's just a more obvious failure in the middle east where the average IQ is 80.

If you want a peaceful and prosperous world, the lesser races, NEED telling what to do by the superior races, for their own benefit as much as ours. Just the same as lesser individuals of the same race need telling what to do by superior individuals. There is no such thing under the Sun as equality.
Fourth Reich,  I am not saying it's what we necessarily should do, just that I don't rule it out. Wherever and however White nationalists have a chance to take power, we need to go for it by any means. And if that means taking over a non White country who can't fight back and ethnically cleansing the people, so be it.

If Whites are not given the right by the world to self determination, then why should we respect anyone elses?

I don't get what you're saying about putting Whites into non White countries, that is exactly what Australia and America was and it didn't lead to race mixing until the policies made that possible. There is still millions of Whites in the US and Australia today.

Obviously if a group of armed, committed White nationalist settlers move to a territory, they're not going to be interested in race mixing and we wouldn't allow it. The anti miscegenation laws in the US worked. Plus White nationalist settlers are going to be a lot different to Paddy the Irishman getting on a boat to the US and hooking up with a Negro slave. A White nationalist settler isn't going to be into mixing.

Also I don't know if you've noticed this or not but EVERYWHERE is getting turned into a non White land! Europe and America. So in 50 years, what difference would it even make if a White nationalist group takes a piece of territory from Canada or Madagascar? The only difference I see is, it'd be a lot easier to do it in Madagascar with it's small population and weak military.

The White race is a tenth of the worlds people and declining while the rest of the world is expanding and millions of non Whites are entering Europe and North America every year, there is no nice way out of this situation. Non Whites, need their numbers lowered, territory and resources taken from them so that their numbers can no longer continue to expand and Whites need to start gaining more territory and resources and expanding in numbers. And wherever we get a chance to do that we need to make it happen. Bottom line. Doesn't matter how or where.

And btw, we should NOT be open about this stuff I am saying here to those without, just don't rule anything out in your own mind, we need to be ruthless.
I never said "colonialism is what caused modern day Africa to be like this" s: What are you talking about? I am actually in between the two of you on this, I am not as hardline as Ashley and yc28 are because I believe Whites do have to be careful how many enemies we make in the world at this point, given that we already have a lot of enemies and we are small in number and of course the possibility of nuclear wars, taking over a non White territory, with the amount of human rights laws and how globalized politics is today, probably wouldn't work, I agree. But at the same time, the point that was made by yc28 about being too soft is correct. If the opportunity presented itself for us to cease territory I would not say no to it, wherever it was. We have no racial territory right now. Saying no to land in Africa or Asia would be like saying no to water because it's not soda.
Ashley, I think you need to seriously consider what you are talking about. How long have you been dedicated?I remember answering your questions a couple days ago, and let me be crystal clear: There is a MAJOR difference between building our glorious Aryan people up, and ethnically cleansing a African country. Let's look to our Führer shall we? Adolf Hitler wanted our Aryan people to look INWARD for our salvation, to our own ancestral homelands and nations. This is why He stressed rebuilding His homeland, and for the German people to not rely on aid from outside sources. By this he meant colonies and foreign aid from other countries. Ashley, you must also understand the change in our times. When my forefathers settled here is America, they had astoundingly advanced technology compared to the natives. However, Aryans have spread their technology to all parts of the globe now, and even the most backwards nations still use Aryan technology. This would make settling in a new land very difficult, as the natives would heavily resists. Not to mention the jewish response which would probably be the kikes making WHITE soldiers kill the White settlers. Also, what's wrong the the Irish? They have some of the most pure Aryan blood in all of Europe. The Irish immigrants to America very rarely race mixed. You also seem to miss the fact that a group of White National Socialists CANNOT beat a highly trained military force, supported with trillions of dollars. You do understand that we are National Socialists, not just Nationalists right? How about, instead of fleeing our ancestral homelands, we do RTR's (which actively help), and online warfare to awaken people. This way we will eventually get these non whites out of our lands. I'm not saying that it won't be violent, but I am saying that we need to protect our lands now more than ever, as us Aryans are connected to our lands. And please know that I am in NO way attacking you, I just want to make sure that you see the whole truth. HAIL SATAN!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!WOTAN MIT UNS! 
On May 28, 2016, at 17:50, "ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Fourth Reich,  I am not saying it's what we necessarily should do, just that I don't rule it out. Wherever and however White nationalists have a chance to take power, we need to go for it by any means. And if that means taking over a non White country who can't fight back and ethnically cleansing the people, so be it.

If Whites are not given the right by the world to self determination, then why should we respect anyone elses?

I don't get what you're saying about putting Whites into non White countries, that is exactly what Australia and America was and it didn't lead to race mixing until the policies made that possible. There is still millions of Whites in the US and Australia today.

Obviously if a group of armed, committed White nationalist settlers move to a territory, they're not going to be interested in race mixing and we wouldn't allow it. The anti miscegenation laws in the US worked. Plus White nationalist settlers are going to be a lot different to Paddy the Irishman getting on a boat to the US and hooking up with a Negro slave. A White nationalist settler isn't going to be into mixing.

Also I don't know if you've noticed this or not but EVERYWHERE is getting turned into a non White land! Europe and America. So in 50 years, what difference would it even make if a White nationalist group takes a piece of territory from Canada or Madagascar? The only difference I see is, it'd be a lot easier to do it in Madagascar with it's small population and weak military.

The White race is a tenth of the worlds people and declining while the rest of the world is expanding and millions of non Whites are entering Europe and North America every year, there is no nice way out of this situation. Non Whites, need their numbers lowered, territory and resources taken from them so that their numbers can no longer continue to expand and Whites need to start gaining more territory and resources and expanding in numbers. And wherever we get a chance to do that we need to make it happen. Bottom line. Doesn't matter how or where.

And btw, we should NOT be open about this stuff I am saying here to those without, just don't rule anything out in your own mind, we need to be ruthless.
We need to completely wipe out any threats towards the Nordic race. 
With me just knowing that the inferiors are not of father's creation that's all I need to know in order to act. 
It's sad to see our own take us for granted. Almost like a hit and miss. 
We are showing the world one day, once the serpent rises; awakes and dominates.
I believe our own fire will save us, brother. It always has. With the fire begins and with the fire will end. 

---In [email protected], <sam.hinkley17@... wrote :

Ashley, I think you need to seriously consider what you are talking about. How long have you been dedicated?I remember answering your questions a couple days ago, and let me be crystal clear: There is a MAJOR difference between building our glorious Aryan people up, and ethnically cleansing a African country. Let's look to our Führer shall we? Adolf Hitler wanted our Aryan people to look INWARD for our salvation, to our own ancestral homelands and nations. This is why He stressed rebuilding His homeland, and for the German people to not rely on aid from outside sources. By this he meant colonies and foreign aid from other countries. Ashley, you must also understand the change in our times. When my forefathers settled here is America, they had astoundingly advanced technology compared to the natives. However, Aryans have spread their technology to all parts of the globe now, and even the most backwards nations still use Aryan technology. This would make settling in a new land very difficult, as the natives would heavily resists. Not to mention the jewish response which would probably be the kikes making WHITE soldiers kill the White settlers. Also, what's wrong the the Irish? They have some of the most pure Aryan blood in all of Europe. The Irish immigrants to America very rarely race mixed. You also seem to miss the fact that a group of White National Socialists CANNOT beat a highly trained military force, supported with trillions of dollars. You do understand that we are National Socialists, not just Nationalists right? How about, instead of fleeing our ancestral homelands, we do RTR's (which actively help), and online warfare to awaken people. This way we will eventually get these non whites out of our lands. I'm not saying that it won't be violent, but I am saying that we need to protect our lands now more than ever, as us Aryans are connected to our lands. And please know that I am in NO way attacking you, I just want to make sure that you see the whole truth. HAIL SATAN!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!WOTAN MIT UNS! 
 Fourth Reich,  I am not saying it's what we necessarily should do, just that I don't rule it out. Wherever and however White nationalists have a chance to take power, we need to go for it by any means. And if that means taking over a non White country who can't fight back and ethnically cleansing the people, so be it.

If Whites are not given the right by the world to self determination, then why should we respect anyone elses?

I don't get what you're saying about putting Whites into non White countries, that is exactly what Australia and America was and it didn't lead to race mixing until the policies made that possible. There is still millions of Whites in the US and Australia today.

Obviously if a group of armed, committed White nationalist settlers move to a territory, they're not going to be interested in race mixing and we wouldn't allow it. The anti miscegenation laws in the US worked. Plus White nationalist settlers are going to be a lot different to Paddy the Irishman getting on a boat to the US and hooking up with a Negro slave. A White nationalist settler isn't going to be into mixing.

Also I don't know if you've noticed this or not but EVERYWHERE is getting turned into a non White land! Europe and America. So in 50 years, what difference would it even make if a White nationalist group takes a piece of territory from Canada or Madagascar? The only difference I see is, it'd be a lot easier to do it in Madagascar with it's small population and weak military.

The White race is a tenth of the worlds people and declining while the rest of the world is expanding and millions of non Whites are entering Europe and North America every year, there is no nice way out of this situation. Non Whites, need their numbers lowered, territory and resources taken from them so that their numbers can no longer continue to expand and Whites need to start gaining more territory and resources and expanding in numbers. And wherever we get a chance to do that we need to make it happen. Bottom line. Doesn't matter how or where.

And btw, we should NOT be open about this stuff I am saying here to those without, just don't rule anything out in your own mind, we need to be ruthless.

---In [email protected], <sam.hinkley17@... wrote :

Ashley, I think you need to seriously consider what you are talking about. How long have you been dedicated?I remember answering your questions a couple days ago, and let me be crystal clear: There is a MAJOR difference between building our glorious Aryan people up, and ethnically cleansing a African country. Let's look to our Führer shall we? Adolf Hitler wanted our Aryan people to look INWARD for our salvation, to our own ancestral homelands and nations. This is why He stressed rebuilding His homeland, and for the German people to not rely on aid from outside sources. By this he meant colonies and foreign aid from other countries. Ashley, you must also understand the change in our times. When my forefathers settled here is America, they had astoundingly advanced technology compared to the natives. However, Aryans have spread their technology to all parts of the globe now, and even the most backwards nations still use Aryan technology. This would make settling in a new land very difficult, as the natives would heavily resists. Not to mention the jewish response which would probably be the kikes making WHITE soldiers kill the White settlers. Also, what's wrong the the Irish? They have some of the most pure Aryan blood in all of Europe. The Irish immigrants to America very rarely race mixed. You also seem to miss the fact that a group of White National Socialists CANNOT beat a highly trained military force, supported with trillions of dollars. You do understand that we are National Socialists, not just Nationalists right? How about, instead of fleeing our ancestral homelands, we do RTR's (which actively help), and online warfare to awaken people. This way we will eventually get these non whites out of our lands. I'm not saying that it won't be violent, but I am saying that we need to protect our lands now more than ever, as us Aryans are connected to our lands. And please know that I am in NO way attacking you, I just want to make sure that you see the whole truth. HAIL SATAN!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!WOTAN MIT UNS! 
On May 28, 2016, at 17:50, "ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
 Fourth Reich,  I am not saying it's what we necessarily should do, just that I don't rule it out. Wherever and however White nationalists have a chance to take power, we need to go for it by any means. And if that means taking over a non White country who can't fight back and ethnically cleansing the people, so be it.

If Whites are not given the right by the world to self determination, then why should we respect anyone elses?

I don't get what you're saying about putting Whites into non White countries, that is exactly what Australia and America was and it didn't lead to race mixing until the policies made that possible. There is still millions of Whites in the US and Australia today.

Obviously if a group of armed, committed White nationalist settlers move to a territory, they're not going to be interested in race mixing and we wouldn't allow it. The anti miscegenation laws in the US worked. Plus White nationalist settlers are going to be a lot different to Paddy the Irishman getting on a boat to the US and hooking up with a Negro slave. A White nationalist settler isn't going to be into mixing.

Also I don't know if you've noticed this or not but EVERYWHERE is getting turned into a non White land! Europe and America. So in 50 years, what difference would it even make if a White nationalist group takes a piece of territory from Canada or Madagascar? The only difference I see is, it'd be a lot easier to do it in Madagascar with it's small population and weak military.

The White race is a tenth of the worlds people and declining while the rest of the world is expanding and millions of non Whites are entering Europe and North America every year, there is no nice way out of this situation. Non Whites, need their numbers lowered, territory and resources taken from them so that their numbers can no longer continue to expand and Whites need to start gaining more territory and resources and expanding in numbers. And wherever we get a chance to do that we need to make it happen. Bottom line. Doesn't matter how or where.

And btw, we should NOT be open about this stuff I am saying here to those without, just don't rule anything out in your own mind, we need to be ruthless.
I said the first point in support of your statements. 

Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!
-fourtheich666 http://fourthreich666.com http://fourthreich666.com/naziarchive
On Sat, 28 May, 2016 at 23:21, kyleshand@... [666BlackSun]<[email protected] wrote:   I never said "colonialism is what caused modern day Africa to be like this" s: What are you talking about? I am actually in between the two of you on this, I am not as hardline as Ashley and yc28 are because I believe Whites do have to be careful how many enemies we make in the world at this point, given that we already have a lot of enemies and we are small in number and of course the possibility of nuclear wars, taking over a non White territory, with the amount of human rights laws and how globalized politics is today, probably wouldn't work, I agree. But at the same time, the point that was made by yc28 about being too soft is correct. If the opportunity presented itself for us to cease territory I would not say no to it, wherever it was. We have no racial territory right now. Saying no to land in Africa or Asia would be like saying no to water because it's not soda.
Again,  what you said about Africa, I agree with on that. 
Democracy wasn't for the middle east and the middle east never wanted it to be implemented to begin with.  From 1940's on,  the middle east wanted pan aran socialism and pan Arab nationalism which was taken almost directly from German Nationalism in the third Reich.  Arabs never invited democracy,  it was pushed upon them and thus ended all hopes of national socialism in the ME.....  
Western governments have never put dictators in the ME,  but have tried to annihilate them. It's not true what you said,  it's slowed down oil produce significantly, Western governments supported Israel entirely and even went ahead to help Israel in war efforts to destroy national socialism in Egypt thus giving power to the Muslim brotherhood.  It destroyed national socialism in Iraq and it destroyed nation socialism in Syria (Ba'ath party was founded solely on a strictly secular national socialist and racially preserving natire).  This is not the fault of Europeans,  as they have no say,  the Jewish Un,  EU,  European governments and NATO leaders make these decisions behind their backs. 
George Bush was a flat out idiot working for the new masters .  But  this democracy in out image came far before bush.  It started in 1948. The destruction of Iraq and Syria are proclamations in the Torah and this is why these areas have been targeted.  In one of our RTRs,  we reversed where the Torah proclaimed Syria's destruction. 
Nukes arent a good thing in any way for anyone,  they are the Jewish gift to humanity. 
The A bomb never reached the ME and no country there has a nuke aside from Israel,  so how could that have made them what they are today? As I said the cause of that is Islam. 
For future reference,  what women wear in the ME is a filthy disgusting rag only suitable for cleaning shit. What men wear is actually for sun protection and you could have found it in Mesopotamia,  Ancient Egypt and was in the ME long before Islam. I'm not picking one you or some shit like that and I'm not try to be politically correct either,  I just thought you should know.  Remember the sun is always shining and it goes up more than 40 ° in some areas. 
What I'm getting at is,  your idea would just get hijacked  you Jews,  cause immense issues and warring and makes no sense : reversing the order of non whites going into white lands is doing nothing because there will still be race mixing.  What you do is deport the non whites and white lands. Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!
-fourtheich666 http://fourthreich666.com http://fourthreich666.com/naziarchive
On Sat, 28 May, 2016 at 22:02, ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]<[email protected] wrote:   Another thing is, as Zionist as this sounds, we can't have these people possessing nukes and other dangerous weapons just sitting on our ass and hope some towel head Islamo tard decides never to use them. As far as I'm concerned the moment the A bomb was invented, these people lost the right to be a bunch of subhuman primitive fucks and so did every race for that matter. Remember Rwanda, look at what they did to each other just with machettes! A tool you can pick up at your local hardware store they managed to kill a million of each other with. Now imagine if they had possessed nukes, what would the situation have been? They would probably have blown themselves up and the rest of us with them.

I actually think the policy of western governments propping up dictators in the middle eastern region was a good thing, it kept those stupid Islamist fundamentalist groups at bay, kept the oil flowing and much of the region was peaceful. It was actually George Bush and his Jew friends who went forward with the agenda of trying to remake the middle east in "our image", but of course democracy has been a failure in the western world already, it's just a more obvious failure in the middle east where the average IQ is 80.

If you want a peaceful and prosperous world, the lesser races, NEED telling what to do by the superior races, for their own benefit as much as ours. Just the same as lesser individuals of the same race need telling what to do by superior individuals. There is no such thing under the Sun as equality.
America was something wanted by the God's for satanic purposes.  
Whites didn't want to be in Australia,  they were forced into there.  It was a prison colony as well and a place where whites were forced into as slaves. 
For another example,  look at South America,  where pure whites went and ended up having carmel skinned children. Places like South America became a cesspool of race mixing,  cultural Marxism and what not. 

Ethnic cleansing is not what satanists nor national socialists do. That is a very Jewish term. The problem for whites is non-whites in white lands so how does going to some nation far away from white lands help the white people in any way whatsoever. So not ethnic cleansing, but destroying what goes in the why man's way.
Reversing the order of non-whites going into white lands does nothing. You still have race mixing and warring. 
Yes I've noticed it and it's truly disgusting.  I do not know of the solution to this but the closest I'm thinking off is mass deportations,  but there are millions of them and some have settled. 
Resource 'exploitation' isn't a bad thing if it is regulated: no Jews,  no gangs and no blood diamonds.  If you mean oil,  that belongs to that Arabs. 
Non-white breeding needs to be reduced,  definitely,  when white breeding needs to increase. 
Hitler never promoted your idea and was in fact against it as he believed all races should stay only where they came from,  and if they refuse you take action even violence if necessary which it is most times. 
Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!
-fourtheich666 http://fourthreich666.com http://fourthreich666.com/naziarchive
On Sat, 28 May, 2016 at 22:50, ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]<[email protected] wrote:   Fourth Reich,  I am not saying it's what we necessarily should do, just that I don't rule it out. Wherever and however White nationalists have a chance to take power, we need to go for it by any means. And if that means taking over a non White country who can't fight back and ethnically cleansing the people, so be it.

If Whites are not given the right by the lworld to self determination, then why should we respect anyone elses?

I don't get what you're saying about putting Whites into non White countries, that is exactly what Australia and America was and it didn't lead to race mixing until the policies made that possible. There is still millions of Whites in the US and Australia today.

Obviously if a group of armed, committed White nationalist settlers move to a territory, they're not going to be interested in race mixing and we wouldn't allow it. The anti miscegenation laws in the US worked. Plus White nationalist settlers are going to be a lot different to Paddy the Irishman getting on a boat to the US and hooking up with a Negro slave. A White nationalist settler isn't going to be into mixing.

Also I don't know if you've noticed this or not but EVERYWHERE is getting turned into a non White land! Europe and America. So in 50 years, what difference would it even make if a White nationalist group takes a piece of territory from Canada or Madagascar? The only difference I see is, it'd be a lot easier to do it in Madagascar with it's small population and weak military.

The White race is a tenth of the worlds people and declining while the rest of the world is expanding and millions of non Whites are entering Europe and North America every year, there is no nice way out of this situation. Non Whites, need their numbers lowered, territory and resources taken from them so that their numbers can no longer continue to expand and Whites need to start gaining more territory and resources and expanding in numbers. And wherever we get a chance to do that we need to make it happen. Bottom line. Doesn't matter how or where.

And btw, we should NOT be open about this stuff I am saying here to those without, just don't rule anything out in your own mind, we need to be ruthless.
Get hijacked BY**** Jews for the last part of my reply.  I don't know how that happened. 
Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!
-fourtheich666 http://fourthreich666.com http://fourthreich666.com/naziarchive
On Sun, 29 May, 2016 at 7:17, Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [666BlackSun]<[email protected] wrote:   Again,  what you said about Africa, I agree with on that. 
Democracy wasn't for the middle east and the middle east never wanted it to be implemented to begin with.  From 1940's on,  the middle east wanted pan aran socialism and pan Arab nationalism which was taken almost directly from German Nationalism in the third Reich.  Arabs never invited democracy,  it was pushed upon them and thus ended all hopes of national socialism in the ME.....  
Western governments have never put dictators in the ME,  but have tried to annihilate them. It's not true what you said,  it's slowed down oil produce significantly, Western governments supported Israel entirely and even went ahead to help Israel in war efforts to destroy national socialism in Egypt thus giving power to the Muslim brotherhood.  It destroyed national socialism in Iraq and it destroyed nation socialism in Syria (Ba'ath party was founded solely on a strictly secular national socialist and racially preserving natire).  This is not the fault of Europeans,  as they have no say,  the Jewish Un,  EU,  European governments and NATO leaders make these decisions behind their backs. 
George Bush was a flat out idiot working for the new masters .  But  this democracy in out image came far before bush.  It started in 1948. The destruction of Iraq and Syria are proclamations in the Torah and this is why these areas have been targeted.  In one of our RTRs,  we reversed where the Torah proclaimed Syria's destruction. 
Nukes arent a good thing in any way for anyone,  they are the Jewish gift to humanity. 
The A bomb never reached the ME and no country there has a nuke aside from Israel,  so how could that have made them what they are today? As I said the cause of that is Islam. 
For future reference,  what women wear in the ME is a filthy disgusting rag only suitable for cleaning shit. What men wear is actually for sun protection and you could have found it in Mesopotamia,  Ancient Egypt and was in the ME long before Islam. I'm not picking one you or some shit like that and I'm not try to be politically correct either,  I just thought you should know.  Remember the sun is always shining and it goes up more than 40 ° in some areas. 
What I'm getting at is,  your idea would just get hijacked  you Jews,  cause immense issues and warring and makes no sense : reversing the order of non whites going into white lands is doing nothing because there will still be race mixing.  What you do is deport the non whites and white lands. Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!
-fourtheich666 http://fourthreich666.com http://fourthreich666.com/naziarchive
  Another thing is, as Zionist as this sounds, we can't have these people possessing nukes and other dangerous weapons just sitting on our ass and hope some towel head Islamo tard decides never to use them. As far as I'm concerned the moment the A bomb was invented, these people lost the right to be a bunch of subhuman primitive fucks and so did every race for that matter. Remember Rwanda, look at what they did to each other just with machettes! A tool you can pick up at your local hardware store they managed to kill a million of each other with. Now imagine if they had possessed nukes, what would the situation have been? They would probably have blown themselves up and the rest of us with them.

I actually think the policy of western governments propping up dictators in the middle eastern region was a good thing, it kept those stupid Islamist fundamentalist groups at bay, kept the oil flowing and much of the region was peaceful. It was actually George Bush and his Jew friends who went forward with the agenda of trying to remake the middle east in "our image", but of course democracy has been a failure in the western world already, it's just a more obvious failure in the middle east where the average IQ is 80.

If you want a peaceful and prosperous world, the lesser races, NEED telling what to do by the superior races, for their own benefit as much as ours. Just the same as lesser individuals of the same race need telling what to do by superior individuals. There is no such thing under the Sun as equality.
 @ yc28 There is a limit to how far you can take that though. We can't just destroy everyone and everything in existence that could possibly fire a weapon and call it protecting our race, you have to draw the line somewhere between defending your race and having no respect for life. I admire the devotion you and Ashley have but you guys need to temper it with reason a little bit more.
Oh okay not to worry brother. I was just confused cause you had quotation marks is all. Just a misunderstanding.

HAIL SATAN! Praise Be To The Gods!
I understand what you are saying and I know Hitler didn't support my idea, but then he didn't need to, he wasn't in the situation we are in today. He had Germany and was ruling a National Socialist regime, which was nearly all White, at a time when there was many all White countries. Whilst today there are no all White countries left, we have no political power and we're on our way to become the minority in the US as well as everywhere else.

I think we will have to agree to disagree, you are not wrong in what you are saying though, I just think we should be as opportunistic and ruthless as possible when it comes to getting a homeland and not limit ourselves by some moralistic nonsense and not focus on any particular country or territory. Take land wherever we can to build a White racial state or take power through the electoral system of an existing majority White country. I don't care where in the world we do it or whatever means we use to go about it. I just care what is the best chance of succeeding.

Also lets keep in mind, there are many parts of Canada, Russia, Africa and other places which are EMPTY! Vast amounts of empty land, so it doesn't necessarily have to mean ethnically cleansing anyone, it coud just mean taking territory away from a state which claims the land.

There is no room for ethics or morality when it comes to the survival of your race. When we are safe and our survival is assured, then we can think about morality and fairness, but not before that.

Look at the natural world, no animal would limit it's chances of survival, be it territory, food or whatever because of ethics. And since no morality is being shown to Whites at this point, in affording us a homeland, we don't owe any to anyone else either. That's just my view. We can agree to disagree like I said. It's good for us to debate things as comrades even if we disagree.
I'm glad that for the first time in a long time a conversation like this can be held without argument, it is healthy.
Hitler was in a terrible position. There were about 18 million Aryans that died in WWI, about 4.2 million of them being German or Austrian. There was heavy race mixing, especially along the Rhine. Birth rates reduced significantly for a period of about 4 years, which seems small but is huge. Germans couldn't afford more than 2 children if even 2 and that reduced the white population especially in western Europe.
Whites already have a vast homeland, filled with beautiful white culture that evolved of a long time. There are vast areas empty, but migrating their would be a problem. If whites migrate there, there would be no white culture in those areas. If the German, the French, The Irish and what not go to an area, the german, the french and the irish culture will be non-existent in those areas because it will disspear. America, from what I gather has almost lost all traced of the culture the German and other Europeans brought with them As you said, look at the Natural World, catfish dont swim in the same waters as piranhas. Lions try to avoid hyena territory and vice versa.   Personally, I don't know how the racial problem in the US will be tackled - will blacks have to leave? Will they stay? Separated? - I don't know, thats why I don't like to use the US as an example in topics like these. 
Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!

On Sunday, May 29, 2016 8:38 AM, "ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I understand what you are saying and I know Hitler didn't support my idea, but then he didn't need to, he wasn't in the situation we are in today. He had Germany and was ruling a National Socialist regime, which was nearly all White, at a time when there was many all White countries. Whilst today there are no all White countries left, we have no political power and we're on our way to become the minority in the US as well as everywhere else.

I think we will have to agree to disagree, you are not wrong in what you are saying though, I just think we should be as opportunistic and ruthless as possible when it comes to getting a homeland and not limit ourselves by some moralistic nonsense and not focus on any particular country or territory. Take land wherever we can to build a White racial state or take power through the electoral system of an existing majority White country. I don't care where in the world we do it or whatever means we use to go about it. I just care what is the best chance of succeeding.

Also lets keep in mind, there are many parts of Canada, Russia, Africa and other places which are EMPTY! Vast amounts of empty land, so it doesn't necessarily have to mean ethnically cleansing anyone, it coud just mean taking territory away from a state which claims the land.

There is no room for ethics or morality when it comes to the survival of your race. When we are safe and our survival is assured, then we can think about morality and fairness, but not before that.

Look at the natural world, no animal would limit it's chances of survival, be it territory, food or whatever because of ethics. And since no morality is being shown to Whites at this point, in affording us a homeland, we don't owe any to anyone else either. That's just my view. We can agree to disagree like I said. It's good for us to debate things as comrades even if we disagree.

I actually agree with you, ashleyslade0124, we need to be ruthless. 
Look at what happens at us for being nice, just and right on this day and age. 
We let the jew slip out countless of times. 
Sensitivity to others is our greatest weakness.  
We need to become as proud and shining as the sun at the 13th hour. Thus exterminating the inferior, weak and frail. 
For our survival! 

---In [email protected], <ashleyslade0124@... wrote :

I understand what you are saying and I know Hitler didn't support my idea, but then he didn't need to, he wasn't in the situation we are in today. He had Germany and was ruling a National Socialist regime, which was nearly all White, at a time when there was many all White countries. Whilst today there are no all White countries left, we have no political power and we're on our way to become the minority in the US as well as everywhere else.

I think we will have to agree to disagree, you are not wrong in what you are saying though, I just think we should be as opportunistic and ruthless as possible when it comes to getting a homeland and not limit ourselves by some moralistic nonsense and not focus on any particular country or territory. Take land wherever we can to build a White racial state or take power through the electoral system of an existing majority White country. I don't care where in the world we do it or whatever means we use to go about it. I just care what is the best chance of succeeding.

Also lets keep in mind, there are many parts of Canada, Russia, Africa and other places which are EMPTY! Vast amounts of empty land, so it doesn't necessarily have to mean ethnically cleansing anyone, it coud just mean taking territory away from a state which claims the land.

There is no room for ethics or morality when it comes to the survival of your race. When we are safe and our survival is assured, then we can think about morality and fairness, but not before that.

Look at the natural world, no animal would limit it's chances of survival, be it territory, food or whatever because of ethics. And since no morality is being shown to Whites at this point, in affording us a homeland, we don't owe any to anyone else either. That's just my view. We can agree to disagree like I said. It's good for us to debate things as comrades even if we disagree.
On the topic of the racial problems in America, the blacks will need to leave.It's the only way that we can ever hope of becoming what we were meant to be, a shining paragon of Satanic knowledge and enlightenment. I don't know where you get this idea that "America has lost all of its cultural roots", this is not true. There are still many people here who are healthily aware of their culture. Since 1930s onwards have our people began to degenerate due to the kikes. But there is still hope for America, there are many Militia's in various states across the nation, and many people don't like what is happening to America. It's only a matter of time until people are through with the jew's bullshit. In fact, many people I know already have anti-jew feelings. This truly warms my heart. HAIL SATAN!!! 

Sent from my iPhone
On May 29, 2016, at 4:52, "Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I'm glad that for the first time in a long time a conversation like this can be held without argument, it is healthy.
Hitler was in a terrible position. There were about 18 million Aryans that died in WWI, about 4.2 million of them being German or Austrian. There was heavy race mixing, especially along the Rhine. Birth rates reduced significantly for a period of about 4 years, which seems small but is huge. Germans couldn't afford more than 2 children if even 2 and that reduced the white population especially in western Europe.
Whites already have a vast homeland, filled with beautiful white culture that evolved of a long time. There are vast areas empty, but migrating their would be a problem. If whites migrate there, there would be no white culture in those areas. If the German, the French, The Irish and what not go to an area, the german, the french and the irish culture will be non-existent in those areas because it will disspear. America, from what I gather has almost lost all traced of the culture the German and other Europeans brought with them As you said, look at the Natural World, catfish dont swim in the same waters as piranhas. Lions try to avoid hyena territory and vice versa.   Personally, I don't know how the racial problem in the US will be tackled - will blacks have to leave? Will they stay? Separated? - I don't know, thats why I don't like to use the US as an example in topics like these. 
Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!

On Sunday, May 29, 2016 8:38 AM, "ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I understand what you are saying and I know Hitler didn't support my idea, but then he didn't need to, he wasn't in the situation we are in today. He had Germany and was ruling a National Socialist regime, which was nearly all White, at a time when there was many all White countries. Whilst today there are no all White countries left, we have no political power and we're on our way to become the minority in the US as well as everywhere else.

I think we will have to agree to disagree, you are not wrong in what you are saying though, I just think we should be as opportunistic and ruthless as possible when it comes to getting a homeland and not limit ourselves by some moralistic nonsense and not focus on any particular country or territory. Take land wherever we can to build a White racial state or take power through the electoral system of an existing majority White country. I don't care where in the world we do it or whatever means we use to go about it. I just care what is the best chance of succeeding.

Also lets keep in mind, there are many parts of Canada, Russia, Africa and other places which are EMPTY! Vast amounts of empty land, so it doesn't necessarily have to mean ethnically cleansing anyone, it coud just mean taking territory away from a state which claims the land.

There is no room for ethics or morality when it comes to the survival of your race. When we are safe and our survival is assured, then we can think about morality and fairness, but not before that.

Look at the natural world, no animal would limit it's chances of survival, be it territory, food or whatever because of ethics. And since no morality is being shown to Whites at this point, in affording us a homeland, we don't owe any to anyone else either. That's just my view. We can agree to disagree like I said. It's good for us to debate things as comrades even if we disagree.
Ashley, you are wrong on many counts. 1. Hitler very well could have adopted your idea of the future. In the 1920s, Germany was declining, on the path to ruin. As Fourth Reich pointed out, race mixing was occurring at an unprecedented scale, the economy was in ruins, and the jews were in power. Hitler had a LARGE (almost 6 million people) armed wing of the Nazi party, the Stormtroopers. Hitler could have said "alright, we are going to leave Germany, and take over some shit African country." And they would have followed Him. But why didn't He? Because he knew, that the minute you leave your homelands when it is in need, you become a coward. If you don't fight tooth and nail to preserve your ancestral lands, then you are nothing. My ancestors fought for this land, bled for it, tilled it, and died for it. All of this happened so that we could inhabit our lands. Don't get me wrong, we need to boost our numbers, but exterminating the other races will only make us look worse in the eyes of the world. It will only provoke a jewish response that we can't deal with. You are also wrong saying that there are no White counties left. Poland ( a white country) had a Nationalist march of over 10 million people recently. All shouting and screaming anti-islam sentiments. This is the first step in the right direction. The only time when our race will fully realize what is happening, is when they are pushed up against a wall. We are getting close to that happening. 

We already HAVE homelands! Have you read Understanding National Socialism? I'm speaking directly to Ashley and yc28 when I say this. You guys really need to read up on your National Socialism. What you are saying makes no sense,  "and not focus on any particular country or territory" we already HAVE counties where millions of Whites live, we already have territories where whites live. Why leave? We leave and try to forcefully settle somewhere else and do you know what we become? MINORITIES. Why are you so keen on leaving our homelands? We haven't even begin to fight for them yet. And these empty pieces of land in Russia and Canada are empty FOR A REASON, because it is unrealistically difficult to support life there. Plus, the Russian and Canadian governments would definitely force you to leave, with military force if necessary. And since you won't have the backing of a huge armed forces, and trillions of dollars, you will lose. And probably die. And if that happens then you will not be able to help us here. I'm not talking about fairness, I'm talking about securing the prosperity of our race in the BEST possible way that does not involve us having to give our homelands to savages and rapists, because if we leave our homelands, they win. HAIL SATAN!!Sent from my iPhone
On May 29, 2016, at 3:38, "ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I understand what you are saying and I know Hitler didn't support my idea, but then he didn't need to, he wasn't in the situation we are in today. He had Germany and was ruling a National Socialist regime, which was nearly all White, at a time when there was many all White countries. Whilst today there are no all White countries left, we have no political power and we're on our way to become the minority in the US as well as everywhere else.

I think we will have to agree to disagree, you are not wrong in what you are saying though, I just think we should be as opportunistic and ruthless as possible when it comes to getting a homeland and not limit ourselves by some moralistic nonsense and not focus on any particular country or territory. Take land wherever we can to build a White racial state or take power through the electoral system of an existing majority White country. I don't care where in the world we do it or whatever means we use to go about it. I just care what is the best chance of succeeding.

Also lets keep in mind, there are many parts of Canada, Russia, Africa and other places which are EMPTY! Vast amounts of empty land, so it doesn't necessarily have to mean ethnically cleansing anyone, it coud just mean taking territory away from a state which claims the land.

There is no room for ethics or morality when it comes to the survival of your race. When we are safe and our survival is assured, then we can think about morality and fairness, but not before that.

Look at the natural world, no animal would limit it's chances of survival, be it territory, food or whatever because of ethics. And since no morality is being shown to Whites at this point, in affording us a homeland, we don't owe any to anyone else either. That's just my view. We can agree to disagree like I said. It's good for us to debate things as comrades even if we disagree.
I didn't say all Americans lost all cultural roots, what I said was the individual cultures from the nations that went to America has become diluted, those are two different things. 
From experiencing raw German culture in many aspects, you won't find that culture the same way it is in America and I get that straight from a German-American friend. 
I doubt you would find statues of King Ludovic, or german beer houses or gardens or people drinking out of steins in bars in Washington or in Rhode Island (just two random, examples off the top of my head). If there are these things they are probably very rare. 
Having never gone to the US before, you may know more than me and this guy may be only a single case.

Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!
-fourtheich666 http://fourthreich666.comi http://fourthreich666.com/naziarchive
On Sun, 29 May, 2016 at 14:30, Sam sam.hinkley17@... [666BlackSun]<[email protected] wrote:   On the topic of the racial problems in America, the blacks will need to leave.It's the only way that we can ever hope of becoming what we were meant to be, a shining paragon of Satanic knowledge and enlightenment. I don't know where you get this idea that "America has lost all of its cultural roots", this is not true. There are still many people here who are healthily aware of their culture. Since 1930s onwards have our people began to degenerate due to the kikes. But there is still hope for America, there are many Militia's in various states across the nation, and many people don't like what is happening to America. It's only a matter of time until people are through with the jew's bullshit. In fact, many people I know already have anti-jew feelings. This truly warms my heart. HAIL SATAN!!! 

Sent from my iPhone
On [/IMG]fourth_re[/IMG][email protected] wrote:

  I'm glad that for the first time in a long time a conversation like this can be held without argument, it is healthy.
Hitler was in a terrible position. There were about 18 million Aryans that died in WWI, about 4.2 million of them being German or Austrian. There was heavy race mixing, especially along the Rhine. Birth rates reduced significantly for a period of about 4 years, which seems small but is huge. Germans couldn't afford more than 2 children if even 2 and that reduced the white population especially in western Europe.
Whites already have a vast homeland, filled with beautiful white culture that evolved of a long time. There are vast areas empty, but migrating their would be a problem. If whites migrate there, there would be no white culture in those areas. If the German, the French, The Irish and what not go to an area, the german, the french and the irish culture will be non-existent in those areas because it will disspear. America, from what I gather has almost lost all traced of the culture the German and other Europeans brought with them As you said, look at the Natural World, catfish dont swim in the same waters as piranhas. Lions try to avoid hyena territory and vice versa.   Personally, I don't know how the racial problem in the US will be tackled - will blacks have to leave? Will they stay? Separated? - I don't know, thats why I don't like to use the US as an example in topics like these. 
Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!

On Sunday, [/IMG]ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]" <<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect">[email protected] wrote:

  I understand what you are saying and I know Hitler didn't support my idea, but then he didn't need to, he wasn't in the situation we are in today. He had Germany and was ruling a National Socialist regime, which was nearly all White, at a time when there was many all White countries. Whilst today there are no all White countries left, we have no political power and we're on our way to become the minority in the US as well as everywhere else.

I think we will have to agree to disagree, you are not wrong in what you are saying though, I just think we should be as opportunistic and ruthless as possible when it comes to getting a homeland and not limit ourselves by some moralistic nonsense and not focus on any particular country or territory. Take land wherever we can to build a White racial state or take power through the electoral system of an existing majority White country. I don't care where in the world we do it or whatever means we use to go about it. I just care what is the best chance of succeeding.

Also lets keep in mind, there are many parts of Canada, Russia, Africa and other places which are EMPTY! Vast amounts of empty land, so it doesn't necessarily have to mean ethnically cleansing anyone, it coud just mean taking territory away from a state which claims the land.

There is no room for ethics or morality when it comes to the survival of your race. When we are safe and our survival is assured, then we can think about morality and fairness, but not before that.

Look at the natural world, no animal would limit it's chances of survival, be it territory, food or whatever because of ethics. And since no morality is being shown to Whites at this point, in affording us a homeland, we don't owe any to anyone else either. That's just my view. We can agree to disagree like I said. It's good for us to debate things as comrades even if we disagree.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
