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jewish dna

There are no half, quarter or any less jewish people. If one has a jewish grandparent, so too has it got a jewish parent, thus it is a JEW.

As such, a kike is the embodiment of talmud, the evil incarnate.

Jew does good only when greater evil follows it.


---In [email protected], <uwcbuskq2fom7nbwescqvssqdlg5mjtp576xohet@... wrote :

if someone is partially jewish but mostley aryan, is he/she evil as well? or can we trust them? are all jews evil? even if they do seemingly good things?

The Cohen Gene in the kikes separate them from us gentiles and even if they are "benevolent" people they still work for the reptilians and ceremonial Jews at top...Hitler has stated this before about the mongrels and no matter what they still are driven to serve the mass jew mind whether they are in control at the top or commoner at the bottom rung
Anyone with any amount of Jewish blood isn’t accepted by Satan.

Some people here need to understand that “Jews” are NOT human. They might look like us but this is not the case.

ANYONE can go ahead and doubt this fact^ but if they work on their soul enough and then they around a Jew, they will find the above to be true. Anyone opened enough can feel that the Jews have a different soul then gentiles. And also the Jewish behaviors and mindsets that come out from time to time.

Again, Satan created the non Jews.
The Jews were created by the enemies of Satan, and they are simply wired against gentiles, they can hide this as much as they want but they are connected to the enemies of Satan on a deep level. As we are connected to our gods.

We are enemies on the soul level meaning we could never exists side by side or together.

There is NO good Jews. A Jew is a Jew.

I came to JoS with an opened mind and I’ve experienced for myself things the JoS states and I’ve personally found it to all be true, and I think anyone else will too if they take the time to find answers for themselves and experience awakening and development of the soul.

Sent from my iPhone
Also to add to what I already said, they are definitely NOT to be trusted. Never trust a Jew.

Sent from my iPhone
Jews are jews are jews.

Many times it has been told that no matter how small the jewish DNA is present in a person, this person is a jew. Those bodies are TOTALLY UNSUIT for a gentile soul.

If you think they are right and stuff this is not the place for you.
Attachments :
When I found JoS I was completely in the dark about the jew problem. And no wonder, since all my life I'd never had any contact with them. Oh, I've been aware from an early age that this society is fucked up, that its a slave society that most people for some reason I didn't understand can't seem to see that - I was aware there was an elite at the top making this happen and I hated their guts for it - but I never knew they were jews.
In all my years, only once I had to interact with a jew. She was our boss at a job I once had. I didn't realize it then, what she was - though I understand now. I remember I always thought there was something wrong about her. Something odd, something 'off'. She was such a selfish cold bitch. I couldn't understand what was the matter with her. But it was more than that. It was a feeling she gave me....something different. Something not US. Like she was somehow a different species.
She sat ensconced in the back, in her comfy office while letting me and another white girl deal with the clients in the front - it was a really stressful job as these were hard to deal with people, we had to take their shit and do all the dirty work while she paid us minimum wage - as little as possible – so not even ten dollars an hour - while collecting thirty five + an hour for herself hanging out in her cushy back office doing NOTHING. IE: A PARASITE.
All that time I just thought she was a cold hearted snake.
Then I find JoS and find out I was right - Literally. She IS a parasite, a snake. A Reptilian. A jew. Jews are reptilian hybrids, they are NOT human. They are the antithesis of Gentile humanity and our enemy. They are NEVER to be trusted.
Some are crypto jews, meaning they have interbred with real humans. They do this intentionally, so they can look like us, in order to infiltrate. BUT. They are NOT us.
They operate in the exact same way an invading virus does, in fact. Like the AIDs Virus. it infiltrates, masquerading as a 'good' cell. It joins with one of our best cells, gains entry, uses its host to help it reproduce, then sends out more of the virus to go after and infect more of the host cells.
(As an aside, its kind of ironic and interesting that the AIDS Virus was concocted by jews in a lab and set loose on Gentile Humanity. In just this way, They themselves were concocted in a lab by the Reptilians and set loose in the same way upon Gentile Humanity)
Thats exactly how jews operate. They initially went after our best cells, our aristocracy, the ones who held power - because back then when we were Gentile Nations we operated in a Hierarchy, in accordance with Natural Law, where the ones who deserved the top rank in society actually earned it – they approached those Gentiles, infiltrated the ranks of those Gentiles, reproduced with them. They always infiltrate with humans that they can use. Thats why us regular folks, we didn't get interbred. They had no interest in reproducing with us, and we certainly had no interest to reproduce with them!
No indeed, they have no use for us and we are to them, worthless eaters. I've included a picture of what they do to such (Israeli armoured bulldozers terrorizing on Palestinian Land).
However, they do need crypto jews who look like us, so they can fool the rest of the host 'body' that: Nothing to see here! While they go ahead and infect our body politic, education, medical, media (CNN, for example, all jews), financial, entertainment (heres Lady Gaga with these clowns – all jews or crypto jews), government, in short, went after every organ of our body as a people.
And that body which this virus has infiltrated has become very, VERY 'sick.' Cultural Marxism, PCness, the filth cesspool that is Hollywood and the so-called 'music' industry, the rot within all arms of the Governments, schools, all these institutions rampant with pedophilia and sex slavery (which is LEGAL in Israel), This has started to blow up now – into whats known as pizzagate. The child sex slavery rings, and even worse. They are behind the destruction of the family unit, stealing our children, the list just goes on and on....
Yes, the Gentile Aryan body is SO sick, in fact, that it's lost the ability to recognize enemy virus's! So as the jew floods Europe with muslim Negros (Islam - another HORRIBLE virus – generated by the jew) to genocide White Aryans, many of these Aryans actually welcomed them in!
Literal suicide! The ones who do even worse - and race mix - are traitors to their own race, breeding mongrels. Extermination through mongrelization. This is a crime. A crime against the 'body' of the entire Aryan Race. It's a crime by design (The Kalergi Plan).
What our 'body' needs, is a massive immunization of T cells, white cells, the anti-virus that defend the body from alien invaders. THAT is what the jew is, an alien invader.
HP HC has written in a sermon how a rabbi actually ADMITTED this! That they are NOT us! And isn't it interesting to note that the defenders of the human 'body' (Gentiles) are WHITE cells! The jews know this, too. Thats why they're trying so hard to Genocide US, the White Race, in particular!
If memory serves me, I think it was HPS Maxine Dietrich who stated that a God told her (I think it was Lilith?) that the jew is a virus - and we SS are the ANTI-VIRUS.
Jewry instigated both of the World Wars, huge Gentile blood sacrifices that saw millions and millions of Gentiles dead and not only that, but the result of the amount of ordinance that was used in the shelling in WWII has literally turned great swathes of once fertile land in France and in other areas of Europe into literal dead zones, where nothing can live. See the map I attached as a JPG. This is in France. The red zones are death zones – yellow is significantly contaminated, green moderately, and the blue is untouched! The jew has ruined whole countries and destroyed their environment as well. They are a parasite literally eating our land and our people alive.
They tried almost a hundred years ago to genocide whites, by building the Red Army up in the country they had underhandedly stolen, Russia. Where they murdered 30 million Aryan Russians in their Gulags. 10 million in the Ukraine. That was the Holodomor (see map I attached - everything in red lost 25% and up of their population). It was the Red Terror. This Red Terror was about to be unleashed on ALL of Europe by the jew, Stalin.
Adolf Hitler stood alone against the forces of jewish Bolshevism, the Red Terror. The jew declared war on Germany. Adolf Hitler was forced to fight. His tiny but mighty Germany single handedly, heroically, at an unimaginable cost to themselves, saved Aryan Humanity back then and thus, Germany saved the world. Because if the jew succeeds in snuffing out the white race, the Earth is doomed. Adolf Hitler's  - Germanys - mighty effort and selfless sacrifice bought the rest of humanity some time - He was the greatest Statesman and Hero to the Aryan people that has ever lived. It took Jew controlled Russia, England, France and America to beat Him back - the revenge they took/and still do to this day upon Germany was/is an unspeakable crime....
While we (Aryan Humanity) lost that round to the jew, as many people who died then (WWII), the death toll would have been significantly higher, had Bolshevism taken over all Europa. And so, the War goes on. And now, here they come again, trying to genocide us. AGAIN. It's no co-hencidence that the focal point of the rapefugee invasion is directed onto Germany. They have never forgotten how Germany almost took them down.
And this isn't just a physical invasion/infiltration by the jew. Oh, No. They invented and shoved Xianity down the Pagans collective throats in Europe and murdered those who refused to convert. They Demonized our One True God, Satan, and the other Gods, did their best to completely cut us off from the very people who want to help us be free the most! Xianity was pushed on us because its a soul trap, just as Islam was pushed in the other continent. They brought about the Dark Ages! That lasted a thousand years. And now, they're trying to put the entire world into a Dark Age.
They stole our spiritual power, kept it for themselves and used THAT against us as well. So you see, they pose not just a physical threat, but a spiritual one as well. Hitler fought the Physical War. This fight we are dedicated to waging as SS is an Occult Battle, a Spiritual War. And the Jew is still, as ever, the enemy. Make no mistake about THAT.
And we are hurting them - the proof of it is how they have been so desperate to take out our Forums. Oy Veh! We can't have Gentiles seeing the truth!!! So they took out The old Forums, we have another one up thats even better. They tried to take out our Yahoo Groups. We kept them. They managed to take out Satans Library and all the new Audio work, but it will be up again, don't worry. We will not stop our resistance to their aggression and wish to enslave Gentile Humanity.
Satan Himself has said that: “The Jews are not my people”. This is a matter of blood. So no, anything mixed with jew is not His, not US.
We SS are the ONLY Gentiles equipped to fight Spiritually. We are Dedicated to Satan, and thus, He protects us, as do the other Gods who are with Him, our Guardian Demons. We are free to advance in the Occult Arts, as far as we wish to go. Any Gentile trying to advance in the Occult on their own, being Without, have NO spiritual protection and are taken out. We need our Gods! They also fight for us. Without them we'd already be total slaves! Other Gentiles fight as best as they can, this is true, but they don't know about this part of it, the spiritual part of it, they have no spiritual/occult power to speak of. The jews, the enemy, they are scared to DEATH of Satan and Our Gods! And with good reason! And they are scared of US.
Because, in a very real sense, SS are the spiritual anti-virus cells, the T Cells (maybe we should call them S Cells). The foot soldiers of the Satanic Army.
JoS, we, the Members here who fight for Satan, are literally Satan's Army, Hells Army and His frontline troops here on this Earth. This is why we are the Elite. Because WE ARE the Warriors of Satan, WE ARE the antidote, WE ARE the cure.
WE WILL save the 'body' of our people and of our Earth! This Earth belongs to Satan and His Children! TO US!

Seig Heil! Hail Satan Forever! Hail to All the Gods of Hell! Heil Hitler!
agrees to this ,jewish nation and race other
and I suspect that even a year ago it was written there
Jews can not change to another faith and I suspect they do not have a soul
Hail Satan !

On Monday, December 4, 2017 9:00 PM, "red and black allfortheclergy@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Anyone with any amount of Jewish blood isn’t accepted by Satan.

Some people here need to understand that “Jews” are NOT human. They might look like us but this is not the case.

ANYONE can go ahead and doubt this fact^ but if they work on their soul enough and then they around a Jew, they will find the above to be true. Anyone opened enough can feel that the Jews have a different soul then gentiles. And also the Jewish behaviors and mindsets that come out from time to time.

Again, Satan created the non Jews.
The Jews were created by the enemies of Satan, and they are simply wired against gentiles, they can hide this as much as they want but they are connected to the enemies of Satan on a deep level. As we are connected to our gods.

We are enemies on the soul level meaning we could never exists side by side or together.

There is NO good Jews. A Jew is a Jew.

I came to JoS with an opened mind and I’ve experienced for myself things the JoS states and I’ve personally found it to all be true, and I think anyone else will too if they take the time to find answers for themselves and experience awakening and development of the soul.

Sent from my iPhone

agrees to this ,jewish nation is  race other
and I suspect that even a year ago it was written there
Jews can not change to another faith and I suspect they do not have a soul
no matter whether it is half that has one parent Jew
Using Jews, enemies can control this world they can connect to them and see
and hear and act through them therefore are they dangerous,
through them have access to this world gray and others enemies....
Hail Satan !

On Monday, December 4, 2017 9:00 PM, "taolvanswd@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Jews are jews are jews.

Many times it has been told that no matter how small the jewish DNA is present in a person, this person is a jew. Those bodies are TOTALLY UNSUIT for a gentile soul.

If you think they are right and stuff this is not the place for you.

I agree :)

Hail Satan !

On Monday, December 4, 2017 9:00 PM, "red and black allfortheclergy@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Also to add to what I already said, they are definitely NOT to be trusted. Never trust a Jew.

Sent from my iPhone

crypto jews are jews who have jewish jenes but they are not expressed.
jewish genotype
gentile phenotype
but still a jew
i think
thank all of you for replying to my question.
i cannot deny that jews have a hand in destruction and corruption of gentile nations around the world.
but im still wondering if it is jewish dna or if culture is the blame for this.
but i must admit im new to satanism and not very advanced. it has been adviced to me that further advancement my of soul will reveal more thruth about the jews, i think thats a good advice and im going to do that. also because personal experiences are the best in my opinion. someone said to my that if i think the jews are right then this is not the place for me. i dont agree with that, i didnt came here nowing everything already. i was looking for spiritual power and came across the JOS by coincidence. the JOS is here to teach people the truth. but to learn you cant just accept what your'e being told. by questioning and seeking thruth for yourself you actually learn truth from your own experiences.i want to make clear i trust the JOS more than anything else as everything the JOS has taught me is true. but i must find out for myself the truth about the jews. just because i have questions doesnt mean JOS isnt my home.
even adolf hitler in his book mein kampf stated the at first he was against anti-semitic media because he thought it was unfair to jews whom he thought where normal people. until through experience he learned otherwise (read page 16 https://booksforsatanspeople.files.word ... -19331.pdf)

ps) a special thanks to zolaluckystar for your lengthy explaination. i apreciate it. and i like the way you describe jews as the aids virus.

in s
The jewish soul is closer to an insect than it is to the soul of a gentile. Everything they say is selfish and backwards from the truth and they do everything to hurt and destroy and subvert rather than help and bring everything closer to nature and benevolence. The fundamental existence of jews is alien, they are not naturally congruent with this world's history or future and automatically interfere like a parasite.
Your story really touched me. You know why? Because I also have met parasites in my life.
I think we can defeat the enemy with the tools of the enemy. As jews stole our knowledge and power and used against us, we have to do the very same thing.
You know how we can defeat a parasite? We have to act like a parasite too. If the parasite uses your life force, you have to force the parasite to serve you. To use all the life forces the parasite has gained, Then you will be a REAL COMPETITION, a REAL CHALLENGE for the parasite - and the parasite will think like what the fuck is going on? YOU HAVE TO FORCE THE PARASITE to take a look at him and herself and face the new situation. You have to scare the shit out of them. Either the parasite will leave you or serve you - but I think the parasite will leave you and will search for a new host to suck it dry.
I had a very bitchy boss too, a parasite. She was my third teamleader, she came from another department. I helped her in the beiginning as I taught her the actual job, doing overtime. She called me Lucifer as I gave light and knowledge to her. But very soon she showed her true colors. She loved when people acted the way she wanted them to act. She used to make the coworkers bring food to her and listen to all her shit in the breaks - it was an office job. Being a teamleader she even started to talk behind people's back and started to make the teammembers hate each other because of the filthy things she told about one person to the other one by one. Like you know DIVIDE and RULE. This must have been her motto inside. She talked behind everyone's back, but in your face she acted like a loving mother, like you can tell me everything and stuff...what a bitch. Her tools were like gaslighting when she wanted you to doubt yourself and accusation when somebody had to do overtime because of the other member's failure... She craved knowledge and power. Even if she was the last person Earth I would have not trusted her at all. She gained power when hatred was around - hatred that she caused directly. She felt some kind of levitation when within the team people started to feel bad and bitter about themselves as well because of the tension she had caused. Everytime she was filled with the team's energy, there appeared a wicked smile on her face an started to walk like when somebody starts to walk on air. She was such a filthy whore. She used the people's energy around.But I did not tolerate her shit. I challenged her - that was real hard becuase bullying also took place in our team under her rulership. I started to protect the one who was bullied and made her feel that I rebelled against her - though not in an open way. I learned that sometimes you have to be very careful and you cannot fight openly otherwise you will be defeated. I started to act like her, to rebel against her with her tools - I started to build up a team against her in a sneaky way just as she did against everyone. I collected people who hated her and we fuelled the hatred against her day by day.The outcome of the story is that both the bullied one and me found new and better jobs and we managed to leave the shitty bitch. I had a 2 month notice period. I told that bitch that I had to leave earlier in order to start the new job but she ordered me to write a manual of the work process and if I handed in the document, I could leave earlier. I did it within a month so I told her that I want to leave as we had agreed on before. She did not let me go! So I started to protest again - I started to work less and now openly started to fuel some rage within the team - she realized that I was doing things against her goals so suddenly one day HR and she set up a meeting and let me leave the company the very next day. They had prepared my leaving dicuments before this meeing without my knowledge. But it worked as i wanted to leave. On my last day when I was arranging the paperwork for leaving I was walking in the office, she passed me by but did not dare to look me in the eyes. She was defeated. Of course she did the last bitching as not wanting to sign the last paper in order for me to leave but then she signed and I left them. I gave her a last kiss on her cheeck and my farewell present.
What I learned is that it not just enough to raise my energies, I need to protect them. To develop a superstrong aura of protection around me like a shield so every negative energy that starts to attack me can go back to the sender.
I did not chose to be a victim, I decided to stand up for myself - one more time, not openly like a whining bitch and I had to think it through and I had to be wise and careful that took time, energy and patience from my side along with perseverence. Satan was with me all the time and helped me go through.
If you encounter a situation like this you have respond. You have to take action. So if you happen to be with a parasite you have to become active. If somebody is agressive with you, you have to be aggressive too. To reach the level of the other so the other will understand what you want to say. One trap: never feel survivor guilt. Never even feel guilt at all. This is the survival of the fittest. You have to be cruel, cunning, practical, intelligent and evil. This is the only way to go.
If jews stole our knowledge, then we get it back and we stole thier knowledge. Simple is that.
On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 8:10 PM, uwcbuskq2fom7nbwescqvssqdlg5mjtp576xohet@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  thank all of you for replying to my question.
i cannot deny that jews have a hand in destruction and corruption of gentile nations around the world.
but im still wondering if it is jewish dna or if culture is the blame for this.
but i must admit im new to satanism and not very advanced. it has been adviced to me that further advancement my of soul will reveal more thruth about the jews, i think thats a good advice and im going to do that. also because personal experiences are the best in my opinion. someone said to my that if i think the jews are right then this is not the place for me. i dont agree with that, i didnt came here nowing everything already. i was looking for spiritual power and came across the JOS by coincidence. the JOS is here to teach people the truth. but to learn you cant just accept what your'e being told. by questioning and seeking thruth for yourself you actually learn truth from your own experiences.i want to make clear i trust the JOS more than anything else as everything the JOS has taught me is true. but i must find out for myself the truth about the jews. just because i have questions doesnt mean JOS isnt my home.
even adolf hitler in his book mein kampf stated the at first he was against anti-semitic media because he thought it was unfair to jews whom he thought where normal people. until through experience he learned otherwise (read page 16 https://booksforsatanspeople. files.wordpress.com/2011/05/ mein-kampf-adolf-hitler-19331. pdf)

ps) a special thanks to zolaluckystar for your lengthy explaination. i apreciate it. and i like the way you describe jews as the aids virus.

in s
Being a jew is more than just DNA. It's in the soul. If one might be 1/16th jew, that is still poison. Here - you need iron in your diet. I wouldn't go eat a small bit of a Polar Bear's liver; it is too toxic.

The jew has been kicked out of at least 109 countries at least 109 times in history. People, and different Peoples, don't say the same shit about you for 1700 years if it's not true.

Being a jew is not merely a religion or faith; it is a race, a non-Human/non-Gentile race.

The jew was created to be against Satan and His People - us. The jew was created to be as it is.
I took a dna test and I came back clean! I'm not a jew as much as so many wanted me to believe!
Anywhoo... I have a question. If one has jewish ancestry but has no actual genes of a jew, are they jewish?

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!
Every single DNA testing place is fake today. Seriously, you an find cases of them faking results for every single major company. 
However one would probably know if they were a jew, as their are certain traits that they all share. 
Also, there is no such thing as having jewish ancestry and not having jewish genes. Having ancestors who were jews means that you are their descendent with their genes, jewish genes. 

On Dec 13, 2017, at 00:48, hinesapril300@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I took a dna test and I came back clean! I'm not a jew as much as so many wanted me to believe!
Anywhoo... I have a question. If one has jewish ancestry but has no actual genes of a jew, are they jewish?

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!
DNA tests are false. They say we are mixed with other Races, including when we're not.

Anyone who has DNA tests must revel in the fact that the jew now has your DNA. Well done.
Okay. I know a girl named Laura and she has jewish ancestry but she has a strong desire towards satan and satanism and also a strong drawing toward the gods in general and hates jews... is she jewish?

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
The thing is, Laura told me that she hated Christianity and Christians when she was little. She told me that the image of Jesus makes her sick and always had. She always felt sorry for Satan growing up and believed that he was the good guy and the hero.

She wanted to join spiritual satanism, but settled for traditional satanism. She says she loves satan and wants him to win. She told me that I'd she is a reptilian hybrid, she wants to die and cease to exist.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Lilith!
I'm trying to find jewish traits on jos...but I don't know where to look. HELP!

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!
One drop rule.
All it takes is the tiniest percentage of Jewish dna to make someone a full jew.
There are Jews out there with blonde hair and blue eyes, but make no mistake. They are not Arvans. The are JEWS! They're not even human beings. They were created by the Reptilians.
Thank you. I will cease to talk to her, even though I don't get any bad feelings from her... do jews hypnotize?

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Lilith!
There are inherently Jewish souls and they're amplified the more Jewish the body gets, but for fuck's sake. If you stretch every family tree back on both sides for the last 6,000 years since the Jews arrived, you're bound to find at least one in most of them. I don't see billions of Gentiles as being on the same level as the fourteen million Jews.
What can you say? My great ancestors were filipinos and they married hispanic race (which is also jewish during the anti-jewish riot times). Does this make me a jewish? What is your opinion regarding this one? I'm a filipino with hispanic bloodline. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Thursday, December 14, 2017, 1:13 PM, fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  "I know a jew. Is it a jew?"
Very good trolling.

Look at this picture -
https://i.imgur.com/9J297O7.png  Satan and jews do not mix; they are 100% enemies.
I wasn't trying to troll. I looked up on the forum that Anton Levay was Jewish but had a gentile soul. That's why I asked that.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Lilith!
Hail Hitler!
That has to be the most crazy and absurd things I've ever heard!
The fact is there is NO jew DNA!
I worked in this field for over 5 years and was heavily involved in  bloodline resesrch.
There are various traits of different Semetic bloodlines (jew, as you call it) and not a single authentic "jew" trait.  Anything you hear about "jew only" is pure bullshit!!!
To worsen the issue is that fact that Ashkenazi (the ones you call "jews"l and NOT "jews" by blood.
They are NOT even remotely semetic, but are they are Ural/N. Slav and Ruski and are "jews" only by "contract"... they are ruski-slavs and have no "jew blood (as you would call it), but THEY ARE THE RULING CLASS OF THE "JEWS"!!!

Also, the real bloodline of "the jews" [if it were true] is from India as this is where Abraham [A-Brahman (Indian royalty/priest cast] was exiled from and sent EAst... his offspring mated with every tribe and nation under the sun, eventually formalizing into a version of the "bible" tribes of Abraham lineage, their god was original the Indian Saturn Enlil God Shaitan/Satan.
Don't believe the Zacheria Sitchin bs, it will quickly lead you astray.
Saturn [the cube god] whos is Satan [the ring god] who is Shaitan who is Taus who is Enlil is the same Semetic Indian-Yezidi creator god and god of truth [or true meaning... see my expose on this work]... this Enlil/Saturn/Satan/Shaitan god is the same character, he was clearly a Semetic diety othis is where the EA only people get very confused].
All the ancient artworks, pottery and writings clearly explain all of  this.
The "jew DNA" crap is a modern ruse to create more and more trouble.  There is no real authentic "jew only" DNA because it does not excist and never did!
It became too muddled over 1000 years ago and gas only gotten worse.

On Dec 15, 2017 11:33 PM, "evanthomas1994@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  One drop rule.
All it takes is the tiniest percentage of Jewish dna to make someone a full jew.
There are Jews out there with blonde hair and blue eyes, but make no mistake. They are not Arvans. The are JEWS! They're not even human beings. They were created by the Reptilians.
Satan's Library


If you go to #H, look for "How to Identify a Jew" parts 1 and 2. They can be downloaded for you to read.
On Saturday, December 16, 2017, 2:17:51 AM EST, hinesapril300@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  I wasn't trying to troll. I looked up on the forum that Anton Levay was Jewish but had a gentile soul. That's why I asked that.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Lilith!
Hail Hitler!
nobody wants to get into this with you, the jews are very obviously separate from gentiles on a physical and spiritual level.
this means in order for the blatant physical changes to consistently manifest, that dna is responsible.
whether or not you can take a blood sample and say "you are" or "you are not" a jew is arguable.
it also depends on the definition of jew.
material, or metaphysical

jews are physically different from us and this is clear, enil, and satan are different, saturn is not satan

those who advocate the "one drop rule" are stupid, narrow minded to say the least having a jew in the bloodline 200 years ago might not even influence anything, how can one know which genes have been passed down.

how do the individuals who rant "one drop" even know what their great grand parents look like, let alone their great great grand parents etc.

its impossible to know such things, times are changing and the jews are being discovered so they can be weeded out.
like it or not mr genealogist we are coming for you and your people ;)

 ps dna cant be muddled it is a combination of 4 chemicals, these chemicals never change if the chemicals exist in a certain order, a gene can be what is called jewish, 
genes dont change except through mutation. the jews havnt evolved since. the genes are still transforming entire bloodlines in the same fashion that they were thousands of years ago.

I don't think they were Jews, they were just Kike controlled Xtiantarded people who took over our archipelago like autistic weebs would with anti anime youtube videos. Correct me if I'm wrong. If ever Filipinos are kikes, how come we are allowed here? Even if we did the dedication ritual, you might have done it perhaps and you're alive. I studied so much now about our race and mostly, we are influenced by the hindus. We had Sanskrit here: Refer to the Laguna Copper Plate.
Make this a meme for Philippines when majority of us finally wake up: #BlametheNazarene

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On Saturday, December 16, 2017, 1:35:01 PM GMT+8, Lonshitox Luciftias lonshitoxluciftiaslonsh666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  What can you say? My great ancestors were filipinos and they married hispanic race (which is also jewish during the anti-jewish riot times). Does this make me a jewish? What is your opinion regarding this one? I'm a filipino with hispanic bloodline. 

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On Thursday, December 14, 2017, 1:13 PM, fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  "I know a jew. Is it a jew?"
Very good trolling.

Look at this picture -
https://i.imgur.com/9J297O7.png  Satan and jews do not mix; they are 100% enemies.
"Saturn [the cube god] whos is Satan [the ring god] who is Shaitan who is Taus who is Enlil is the same Semetic Indian-Yezidi creator god and god of truth [or true meaning... see my expose on this work]... this Enlil/Saturn/Satan/Shaitan god is the same character, he was clearly a Semetic diety othis is where the EA only people get very confused]."
You kidding? Satan is not Saturn, his planets are Uranus and Venus: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html
To add though, there is info here that Satan also is tied to the Sun and Jupiter. Can someone get that for me?

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On Sunday, December 17, 2017, 6:37:51 AM GMT+8, Joe Rollins joerollins123@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  That has to be the most crazy and absurd things I've ever heard!
The fact is there is NO jew DNA!
I worked in this field for over 5 years and was heavily involved in  bloodline resesrch.
There are various traits of different Semetic bloodlines (jew, as you call it) and not a single authentic "jew" trait.  Anything you hear about "jew only" is pure bullshit!!!
To worsen the issue is that fact that Ashkenazi (the ones you call "jews"l and NOT "jews" by blood.
They are NOT even remotely semetic, but are they are Ural/N. Slav and Ruski and are "jews" only by "contract"... they are ruski-slavs and have no "jew blood (as you would call it), but THEY ARE THE RULING CLASS OF THE "JEWS"!!!

Also, the real bloodline of "the jews" [if it were true] is from India as this is where Abraham [A-Brahman (Indian royalty/priest cast] was exiled from and sent EAst... his offspring mated with every tribe and nation under the sun, eventually formalizing into a version of the "bible" tribes of Abraham lineage, their god was original the Indian Saturn Enlil God Shaitan/Satan.
Don't believe the Zacheria Sitchin bs, it will quickly lead you astray.
Saturn [the cube god] whos is Satan [the ring god] who is Shaitan who is Taus who is Enlil is the same Semetic Indian-Yezidi creator god and god of truth [or true meaning... see my expose on this work]... this Enlil/Saturn/Satan/Shaitan god is the same character, he was clearly a Semetic diety othis is where the EA only people get very confused].
All the ancient artworks, pottery and writings clearly explain all of  this.
The "jew DNA" crap is a modern ruse to create more and more trouble.  There is no real authentic "jew only" DNA because it does not excist and never did!
It became too muddled over 1000 years ago and gas only gotten worse.

On Dec 15, 2017 11:33 PM, "evanthomas1994@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  One drop rule.
All it takes is the tiniest percentage of Jewish dna to make someone a full jew.
There are Jews out there with blonde hair and blue eyes, but make no mistake. They are not Arvans. The are JEWS! They're not even human beings. They were created by the Reptilians.
I thought that meditation cleans the dna of a person destroying every genes that is different from the soul. With meditation one became of the same race of his soul and  makes the body just like his soul. The soul is inherited from the mother right? So if one born from a gentile mother but had inherited jewish genes from the father still has a gentile soul and this means that with meditation the body too will became of a gentile race. Am i wrong or somethig? 
2017-12-17 4:54 GMT+01:00 Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]:
  Satan's Library


If you go to #H, look for "How to Identify a Jew" parts 1 and 2. They can be downloaded for you to read.
On Saturday, December 16, 2017, 2:17:51 AM EST, hinesapril300@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I wasn't trying to troll. I looked up on the forum that Anton Levay was Jewish but had a gentile soul. That's why I asked that.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Lilith!
Hail Hitler!
Yes, a jew body with a Gentile (non-jew) Soul. That was a very specific and deliberate reason that that happened.

As said, it's in the Soul, as well. Satan and the Gods are powerful enough to have a Gentile Soul attach to a jew body. Surely, that must have been most difficult for LaVey, having to content with the jewishness of his biological family, blood, and jew "culture".

Satan is not jewish/semitic, and Satan is not Enlil; Enlil is Beelzebub, Satan's half-brother. The reptilians created the jew to infiltrate Earth and rape Earth and Her Inhabitants from the knowledge of Satan. As for abraham/a-brahman - the jew has nothing unique nor original of its own. The cohen gene is of the 'top jews', the 'highst rabbis', who must remain pure. The jew knows racial purity is a must, and that's why it promotes Race-mixing among non-jews in order to weaken us and our Souls. The jew trades Souls for materialistic crap - literally.
(Unless I've missed some new information) One of Satan's names is Saturn. The jew is a Saturnine, negative-karma cult, and changed the name of that planet to Saturn to blaspheme Satan, and connect negativity with its karma against Gentiles. The jew has nothing of its own - it needs connections with Satanic occult energies; hence, calling Saturn, the planet of detriment and hardship, Saturn, and using its energies against us.
"The fact [/IMG]Joe th[/IMG]Cla[/IMG]Lacks understand[/IMG]Never asked [/IMG] <b style="color:r[/IMG]http://i0.kym-cdn..com/photos/images/or ... 19/46a.png[/B][/B]

Joe, please don't tell me you are shilling here. Learn about what the Cohen Gene is and the Rabbis are teaching this to kids that Jews are Jews, NOT human.

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On Sunday, December 17, 2017, 6:37:51 AM GMT+8, Joe Rollins joerollins123@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  That has to be the most crazy and absurd things I've ever heard!
The fact is there is NO jew DNA!
I worked in this field for over 5 years and was heavily involved in  bloodline resesrch.
There are various traits of different Semetic bloodlines (jew, as you call it) and not a single authentic "jew" trait.  Anything you hear about "jew only" is pure bullshit!!!
To worsen the issue is that fact that Ashkenazi (the ones you call "jews"l and NOT "jews" by blood..
They are NOT even remotely semetic, but are they are Ural/N. Slav and Ruski and are "jews" only by "contract"... they are ruski-slavs and have no "jew blood (as you would call it), but THEY ARE THE RULING CLASS OF THE "JEWS"!!!

Also, the real bloodline of "the jews" [if it were true] is from India as this is where Abraham [A-Brahman (Indian royalty/priest cast] was exiled from and sent EAst... his offspring mated with every tribe and nation under the sun, eventually formalizing into a version of the "bible" tribes of Abraham lineage, their god was original the Indian Saturn Enlil God Shaitan/Satan.
Don't believe the Zacheria Sitchin bs, it will quickly lead you astray.
Saturn [the cube god] whos is Satan [the ring god] who is Shaitan who is Taus who is Enlil is the same Semetic Indian-Yezidi creator god and god of truth [or true meaning... see my expose on this work]... this Enlil/Saturn/Satan/Shaitan god is the same character, he was clearly a Semetic diety othis is where the EA only people get very confused]..
All the ancient artworks, pottery and writings clearly explain all of  this.
The "jew DNA" crap is a modern ruse to create more and more trouble.  There is no real authentic "jew only" DNA because it does not excist and never did!
It became too muddled over 1000 years ago and gas only gotten worse.

On Dec 15, 2017 11:33 PM, "evanthomas1994@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  One drop rule.
All it takes is the tiniest percentage of Jewish dna to make someone a full jew.
There are Jews out there with blonde hair and blue eyes, but make no mistake. They are not Arvans. The are JEWS! They're not even human beings. They were created by the Reptilians.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
