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Should we become our own tribe? (Rant)

Jun 23, 2014
Have you ever wondered what is it about us White Spiritual Satanists, that in spite of all of the Jewish brainwashing programs, Christianity, Communism, Multiculturalism, etc it never worked? Even though most Whites fall for it so helplessly everytime. All it takes for most Whites is some idealistic bullshit like "We are all one and equal, we're all the same in the eyes of God, lets spread love, not hate." and then they are putty in the kikes hands.

When I look at most Whites today and from when I was at school growing up, I was nothing like them. I don't think, feel or react ANYTHING like most other Whites who are not Spiritual Satanists apart from a small number of people I happened to meet, who I am sure are from Satan in previous lives.

I am not idealistic, individualistic, compassionate, liberal, or any of the other things which seems to come natural to most Whites.  Even most White identity groups seem to pride themselves on things which are alien to me and it's not just the Jewish brainwashing I am talking about.

I was always very tribal and cynical and exclusive and pretty much amoral by nature, I may as well be a different race from most White people honestly. I hate to say it, but I feel like I have no great love for my own people anymore. In fact I am starting to resent them because they put me on this sinking ship with them! When all I ever wanted is what is best for my own race, most of them will hate me just for thinking like that. All because of their own stupid compassion and tolerance bullshit.

I really wish that Whites who are like us could just somehow isolate ourselves from the rest of the White population and become our own tribe and procreate only with ourselves and eventually become our own new race. Leave the rest of the Whites to just get on with whatever they're doing.

I know Jewish influence is what it is but the truth is the kind of weapons Jews use against Whites only worked because Whites are hopelessly idealistic and moral bound by nature and I hate it.

All it took is to convince Whites it's morally righteous to commit racial suicide and they were ready to go for it. It's so fucking pathetic. Even a Negro wouldn't fall for that. Can you imagine any non-White race doing that just to be "good people"? Can you imagine the people of Nigeria letting themselves become a minority in their own country just to be "good people" and because it's "racist" not to? Who else is that pathetically moralistic that this trick of the Jews could even work?

Sometimes I wish I had just be born Japanese or something. Yeah I would be short, weird looking and no longer have God potential but least my existence would make some sense.

Never underestimate the Rituals posted by High Priestess Maxine to awaken the White Race.  Also, don't ever forget that White people are Satan's people, and since he still hasn't given up on us, neither shall we give up on our people.  Satanism is the White Racial Religion, just like the Negroes have their Voodoo-Hoodoo, the Latinos have their Santeria, the Japanese their Buddhism, and the Chinese their Taoism.

Focus on the HOPE and the REALITY of the White Race of Satan awakening, not continuing to remain divided by the enemy through enemy programs like Christianity, multiculturalism, Marxism, and other Race-mixing and Race-destroying creeds, philosophies and programs.

As for myself, I have a difficult task in waking THIRD SEX, or what the enemy has labeled "LGBT" and the rest of the alphabet for people who aren't strictly heterosexual by nature.  This is difficult for reasons that I need not explain due to how obvious it should be, but I keep on pushing on and on, day in and day out, knowing that I am making a difference in somebody's life each day.

Whenever you feel that there isn't any hope, do a ritual.  You don't know how many of our people you are helping. 


High Priest Jake Carlson


Thanks for reading my post and answering me High Priest Jake. I regret making this post, I wrote it out of emotion and not reason and to do with things in my own personal life more than anything to do with sensible plans for SS people.

It just comes from the pain I feel from my isolation, there is hardly anyone I ever know in my life who is like me and nobody I can relate to, I only know Spiritual Satanists online and a few Pagan White nationalist youtubers who I watch that I can relate to.

95% of all people I ever meet, White or non-White, I have nothing in common with whatsoever. If I make friends with anyone, most of the time I am silent because my head is filled with thoughts which I can't share with them and what they're saying is so boring.

I am diagnosed with Schizoid Personality. So this is just my own personal problem I think, that I really wish I had been born to a tribe or clan of some kind of people who were like me, everyones like me, connected by blood, with no diversity of race, culture or even personality, that would be perfect but this is just my own dream not a realistic aim for SS or Whites as a whole.

What I said has nothing to do with the White racial struggle. It's just my own personal problem of not being able to connect with other people of my race or any race for that matter. I realise I was just projecting now that I think about it.
I agree with you on some points,Our Aryan race has become so polluted with judiasm that it is revolting to think about.And I agree, some people are not worthy, and will never be. But you must remember some things as well.If we isolated ourselves, we would be more easily defeated by the enemy. An isolated enemy is easier to fight than one that is embedded. And you must NEVER lose the love of your people.Our Aryan race is the greatest of all, we are the Master race, the children of Gods, their Holy Progeny. And because of the corruption that has taken hold of our race, it is the duty of every Aryan who is awakened to fight his or her hardest against it. To have every waking moment dedicated to the utter destruction of the enemy, and the liberation of our Aryan race! Everything else is secondary. EVERYTHING!Do not hate our Aryan race for it's natural characteristics, for that is something an enemy of us would do. No, look to our natural characteristics as examples of our strength! And do not ever, EVER try and put others above our race as you did in your second to last paragraph. And do not wish to be another race, you were born Aryan! A child of the Gods! With the most pure and noble blood imaginable! That of the Gods themselves! Your existence DOES make sense, serve and worship Satan our Eternal Allfather, breed to continue the Aryan race (if heterosexual), and to achieve your Holy birthright, to become a God yourself! HAIL SATAN FOREVER! HAIL THE ARYAN GOD, HAIL THE ARYAN RACE!
On Feb 9, 2017, at 16:26, ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Have you ever wondered what is it about us White Spiritual Satanists, that in spite of all of the Jewish brainwashing programs, Christianity, Communism, Multiculturalism, etc it never worked? Even though most Whites fall for it so helplessly everytime. All it takes for most Whites is some idealistic bullshit like "We are all one and equal, we're all the same in the eyes of God, lets spread love, not hate." and then they are putty in the kikes hands.

When I look at most Whites today and from when I was at school growing up, I was nothing like them. I don't think, feel or react ANYTHING like most other Whites who are not Spiritual Satanists apart from a small number of people I happened to meet, who I am sure are from Satan in previous lives.

I am not idealistic, individualistic, compassionate, liberal, or any of the other things which seems to come natural to most Whites.  Even most White identity groups seem to pride themselves on things which are alien to me and it's not just the Jewish brainwashing I am talking about.

I was always very tribal and cynical and exclusive and pretty much amoral by nature, I may as well be a different race from most White people honestly. I hate to say it, but I feel like I have no great love for my own people anymore. In fact I am starting to resent them because they put me on this sinking ship with them! When all I ever wanted is what is best for my own race, most of them will hate me just for thinking like that. All because of their own stupid compassion and tolerance bullshit.

I really wish that Whites who are like us could just somehow isolate ourselves from the rest of the White population and become our own tribe and procreate only with ourselves and eventually become our own new race. Leave the rest of the Whites to just get on with whatever they're doing.

I know Jewish influence is what it is but the truth is the kind of weapons Jews use against Whites only worked because Whites are hopelessly idealistic and moral bound by nature and I hate it.

All it took is to convince Whites it's morally righteous to commit racial suicide and they were ready to go for it. It's so fucking pathetic. Even a Negro wouldn't fall for that. Can you imagine any non-White race doing that just to be "good people"? Can you imagine the people of Nigeria letting themselves become a minority in their own country just to be "good people" and because it's "racist" not to? Who else is that pathetically moralistic that this trick of the Jews could even work?

Sometimes I wish I had just be born Japanese or something. Yeah I would be short, weird looking and no longer have God potential but least my existence would make some sense.
   Your want for that means the jews have won you over. They want you to think that way and feel like that. Not one jew or grey wants you to feel love for your people nor compassion nor priding yourself on the fact your an Aryan and you have a people to be with. We are a tribe. The most advance one on earth. We Aryans are the strong spiritual kin of Satans seed. We have endlessly strove to be better but when that better is confused in our programming and good becomes evil and evil good we end up fighting so hard for the wrong side. Just look at how quickly Germany rose to power with the guidance of good strong powerful people. 
   The reason why we few have come here is because in a past life we where all once spiritual or have only been reincarnated a few times so that the jews programming is not to deep that we can no longer resist. Our souls are stronger then the rest of our kind. Even still though it could be a combination or even we simply have had a life to lead us away. What ever the reason we are here, and in the Fuhrer's own words "The most important thing in life you have is your own people." Let that resonate with you. Let his wisdom attach itself to your core. You see your blood is not your own. It is your peoples and your ancestors. If you resent attack or dilute your blood in anyway, such as race mixing, you have harmed your people heavily. Now to get rid of a bad person within your kind is a noble act because it is all our job to call our people on their own bullshit. To make them as great as they can be. At the end of the day you are Satans your family and the whole of the Aryan race. Be proud. Be strong. Be a warrior in Satans glorious name.

On Thursday, February 9, 2017 3:55 PM, "ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Have you ever wondered what is it about us White Spiritual Satanists, that in spite of all of the Jewish brainwashing programs, Christianity, Communism, Multiculturalism, etc it never worked? Even though most Whites fall for it so helplessly everytime. All it takes for most Whites is some idealistic bullshit like "We are all one and equal, we're all the same in the eyes of God, lets spread love, not hate." and then they are putty in the kikes hands.

When I look at most Whites today and from when I was at school growing up, I was nothing like them. I don't think, feel or react ANYTHING like most other Whites who are not Spiritual Satanists apart from a small number of people I happened to meet, who I am sure are from Satan in previous lives.

I am not idealistic, individualistic, compassionate, liberal, or any of the other things which seems to come natural to most Whites.  Even most White identity groups seem to pride themselves on things which are alien to me and it's not just the Jewish brainwashing I am talking about.

I was always very tribal and cynical and exclusive and pretty much amoral by nature, I may as well be a different race from most White people honestly. I hate to say it, but I feel like I have no great love for my own people anymore. In fact I am starting to resent them because they put me on this sinking ship with them! When all I ever wanted is what is best for my own race, most of them will hate me just for thinking like that. All because of their own stupid compassion and tolerance bullshit.

I really wish that Whites who are like us could just somehow isolate ourselves from the rest of the White population and become our own tribe and procreate only with ourselves and eventually become our own new race. Leave the rest of the Whites to just get on with whatever they're doing.

I know Jewish influence is what it is but the truth is the kind of weapons Jews use against Whites only worked because Whites are hopelessly idealistic and moral bound by nature and I hate it.

All it took is to convince Whites it's morally righteous to commit racial suicide and they were ready to go for it. It's so fucking pathetic. Even a Negro wouldn't fall for that. Can you imagine any non-White race doing that just to be "good people"? Can you imagine the people of Nigeria letting themselves become a minority in their own country just to be "good people" and because it's "racist" not to? Who else is that pathetically moralistic that this trick of the Jews could even work?

Sometimes I wish I had just be born Japanese or something. Yeah I would be short, weird looking and no longer have God potential but least my existence would make some sense.

Sam I am still a Spiritual Satanist, I still believe in national socialism and race and kinship and I am still going to do the RTRs. All I am saying is, from now on, I am opting for a more narrower definition of  - my people - than the entire White race.

Instead, it's just Whites who are like me, namely Spiritual Satanists and of course direct family that I consider my own. But I intend to make those two one and the same, I want to meet a Satanist and have children with him this way I will raise my children the same religion as me.

When I look at these Trade Unionist protesters on my streets and feminist and spoilt brat marxist protesters and race mixers and as HP Jake just said the Third Sex people who have been infected with these" LGBT" mind poison and all of the other degenerates which I have never fit in with and who would never accept me if I was my true self in front of them, I just don't want to call them "my people". It feels like such a relief to just disidentify and disconnect myself from them.

I fight for myself and I also fight for you and the others here, I will fight for the Whites who are racially aware and loyal. But I am indifferent to the remainder of them now until they decide to be for their people.

There are Whites who I look at and feel love for and proud to call my own like Hitler and the High Priests so I will go with that.
Ashley, although it may be a relief to dis-identify with the degenerates among our Race, but they ARE members of our race. They have the same blood as us, and yes, some are very degenerate, and yes some have crossed the line and will never be one of us, but they are still Aryan. And we need to make the greatest effort that we can to try and liberate them. Because we can't help everyone, but we should help all that we can help. Remember that Germany in the 1920s and 30s was in economic disrepair, and a decent bit of the population has been corrupted by jewish ideals. Ask yourself, did Adolf Hitler dis-identify himself with the German people? Did he decide to leave them to their fate? No, Adolf Hitler strove to free the German people from the shackles of jewish oppression. And we must do the same for our Aryan peoples who can be saved. HAIL SATAN!!!
On Feb 10, 2017, at 08:57, ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Sam I am still a Spiritual Satanist, I still believe in national socialism and race and kinship and I am still going to do the RTRs. All I am saying is, from now on, I am opting for a more narrower definition of  - my people - than the entire White race.

Instead, it's just Whites who are like me, namely Spiritual Satanists and of course direct family that I consider my own. But I intend to make those two one and the same, I want to meet a Satanist and have children with him this way I will raise my children the same religion as me.

When I look at these Trade Unionist protesters on my streets and feminist and spoilt brat marxist protesters and race mixers and as HP Jake just said the Third Sex people who have been infected with these" LGBT" mind poison and all of the other degenerates which I have never fit in with and who would never accept me if I was my true self in front of them, I just don't want to call them "my people". It feels like such a relief to just disidentify and disconnect myself from them.

I fight for myself and I also fight for you and the others here, I will fight for the Whites who are racially aware and loyal. But I am indifferent to the remainder of them now until they decide to be for their people.

There are Whites who I look at and feel love for and proud to call my own like Hitler and the High Priests so I will go with that.
@Sam You are correct. My hurt just got the better of me last week and I didn't have anyone else to turn to except my brothers and sisters in this group! So thanks for answering me! :)  I agree with what you say about Hitler, I just wish I had as much resolve and intelligence as him, there is so much I would do for our people.
awwww :'-) well H[/IMG] we are the hope of our people. 

---In [email protected], <ashleyslade0124@... wrote :

@Sam You are correct. My hurt just got the better of me last week and I didn't have anyone else to turn to except my brothers and sisters in this group! So thanks for answering me! :)  I agree with what you say about Hitler, I just wish I had as much resolve and intelligence as him, there is so much I would do for our people.
+light_algur  That he is! I have even been thinking about praying to him or doing some rituals to pay my respects to Hitler. There is no one like him who ever lived on this planet. When you realise how fucked up the world is you realise what a beacon of light the National Socialist regime and Hitler was.
No problem Ashley, I really understand where you are coming from. The Aryan race has truly fallen low because of the corrupting influence of the jew. But this will only strengthen our resolve, and we will overcome this. And you ARE helping our people Ashley, by being an Aryan, and staying within the race, by doing RTR's, by advancing, THAT is how we help our people now. It is great to hear that you have the resolve to give your all to help our race, the more people like you that we have, the better. HAIL SATAN FOREVER!GLORY TO THE ARYAN GOD!GLORY TO THE ARYAN RACE!

On Wednesday, February 15, 2017 4:47 AM, "ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Sam You are correct. My hurt just got the better of me last week and I didn't have anyone else to turn to except my brothers and sisters in this group! So thanks for answering me! :)  I agree with what you say about Hitler, I just wish I had as much resolve and intelligence as him, there is so much I would do for our people.

All for the people. AUM! 

---In [email protected], <sam.hinkley17@... wrote :

No problem Ashley, I really understand where you are coming from. The Aryan race has truly fallen low because of the corrupting influence of the jew. But this will only strengthen our resolve, and we will overcome this. And you ARE helping our people Ashley, by being an Aryan, and staying within the race, by doing RTR's, by advancing, THAT is how we help our people now. It is great to hear that you have the resolve to give your all to help our race, the more people like you that we have, the better. HAIL SATAN FOREVER!GLORY TO THE ARYAN GOD!GLORY TO THE ARYAN RACE!

On Wednesday, February 15, 2017 4:47 AM, "ashleyslade0124@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected] wrote:

 @Sam You are correct. My hurt just got the better of me last week and I didn't have anyone else to turn to except my brothers and sisters in this group! So thanks for answering me! :)  I agree with what you say about Hitler, I just wish I had as much resolve and intelligence as him, there is so much I would do for our people.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
