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#276 Is this a test?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I wish I was trolling. When I talk to women of other races, literally any other race, I always get listened to and usually have a decent time. I haven't had any issues with any woman whether she was black, arab, asian or latina (this last group of women are particularly talkative in my experience). But I cannot, for the love of any god seem to be able to entertain white women. I have no idea what they expect from me at all, and most of them just give me one word answers to everything I say. It's as bad as talking to chatGPT in a flirty way, except chatGPT will generate more tokens at least. Is this by design or something? I don't really change my behavior depending on race, should I behave in a certain way? And before you ask, I have talked to a great variety of them, from gamers to very well-read ones, to normal girls with many different interests. But I usually don't have to know that information when talking to strangers. Like, if I cold approach a black woman or a latina, they will give me a great convo and I'll have a nice time even if nothing else happens and we don't click. But cold approaching white women without at least 3 liters of alcohol in them is just useless, maybe I creep them out, idk. I was white last time I checked, which was in the mirror today. Not an ounce of any other race as far as I am aware, like white as fucking milk, I can't even get proper tans in summer. So idk, it feels weird being able to reciprocate with other races, but behaving in the same way I always do repels my own race. Any advice?
Fuck no, race mixing is nasty. Wtf you’re tanning yourself for girls? Please meditate on it… it is literally disgusting we are NOT to mix
Be around White women more and you'll start to synchronize with their energy. And you'll give more chance to White woman this way, maybe you just attracted the wrong people so far.

You don't have to tan, no White should desire to be brown or something, you are White and this is your beauty, you were meant to be white skinned. Most of our Gods, especially the higher ranking ones are white skinned, so why you don't want to be that? Why you don't want to be what you are genetically? There is a serious underlying problem here.

If you have accepted your Whiteness (you can use the odhal rune for this) then you can start a love working to attract the right partner for you.
Fuck no, race mixing is nasty. Wtf you’re tanning yourself for girls? Please meditate on it… it is literally disgusting we are NOT to mix
Be around White women more and you'll start to synchronize with their energy. And you'll give more chance to White woman this way, maybe you just attracted the wrong people so far.

You don't have to tan, no White should desire to be brown or something, you are White and this is your beauty, you were meant to be white skinned. Most of our Gods, especially the higher ranking ones are white skinned, so why you don't want to be that? Why you don't want to be what you are genetically? There is a serious underlying problem here.

If you have accepted your Whiteness (you can use the odhal rune for this) then you can start a love working to attract the right partner for you.
Tanning, as in the result of sunbathing, with moderation, is good for you, as the Sun is good for you. D Vitamine and all that.
Of course, always in moderation, you shouldn't get burnt.
You're still white even if you're tan.
It wouldn't make much sense to be so much into the Sun as a concept and in reality, if we were to be scared of getting a tan, wouldn't we?
By the way, I'm not tan at all and I really don't like the feeling of sunbathing, so I am not talking to defend myself or anything.

Also, OP didn't say he wanted to race mix, so there is no need to be so aggressive about it. He's actually seeking help because he doesn't want to do that.
Why scold him?

I wish I was trolling. When I talk to women of other races, literally any other race, I always get listened to and usually have a decent time. I haven't had any issues with any woman whether she was black, arab, asian or latina (this last group of women are particularly talkative in my experience). But I cannot, for the love of any god seem to be able to entertain white women. I have no idea what they expect from me at all, and most of them just give me one word answers to everything I say. It's as bad as talking to chatGPT in a flirty way, except chatGPT will generate more tokens at least. Is this by design or something? I don't really change my behavior depending on race, should I behave in a certain way? And before you ask, I have talked to a great variety of them, from gamers to very well-read ones, to normal girls with many different interests. But I usually don't have to know that information when talking to strangers. Like, if I cold approach a black woman or a latina, they will give me a great convo and I'll have a nice time even if nothing else happens and we don't click. But cold approaching white women without at least 3 liters of alcohol in them is just useless, maybe I creep them out, idk. I was white last time I checked, which was in the mirror today. Not an ounce of any other race as far as I am aware, like white as fucking milk, I can't even get proper tans in summer. So idk, it feels weird being able to reciprocate with other races, but behaving in the same way I always do repels my own race. Any advice?
I can't speak for sure, but since there are so many different races you've been able to talk to, I'm gonna make the educated guess that you live in the United States.
It might be just a stereoype, I'd have no way of knowing, but it just seems that "white women" as in actually "white american women" are often unlikable.
The stereotype is born mostly out of the fact that many white women belong to the political liberal left. I'm sure you know at this point that this has become an internet meme.
If the white women you have problem interfacing with are all of the political liberal left, then I might say that you're not missing out a lot.
You should find a white girl with a brain.

To more practical advice.
As with everything, this could be fixed with a working directed to attract a smart white girl who is good for you.
I have nowhere near the experience to come up with a working for you, so we will just hope someone more experienced will come here and do it.
Unless you already are able to come up with your own workings. In that case you could just go ahead and do it.
Fuck no, race mixing is nasty. Wtf you’re tanning yourself for girls? Please meditate on it… it is literally disgusting we are NOT to mix

Be around White women more and you'll start to synchronize with their energy. And you'll give more chance to White woman this way, maybe you just attracted the wrong people so far.

You don't have to tan, no White should desire to be brown or something, you are White and this is your beauty, you were meant to be white skinned. Most of our Gods, especially the higher ranking ones are white skinned, so why you don't want to be that? Why you don't want to be what you are genetically? There is a serious underlying problem here.

If you have accepted your Whiteness (you can use the odhal rune for this) then you can start a love working to attract the right partner for you.
Before you answer, people, read the original post thoroughly so that you really understand what has been conveyed. OP said they have trouble relating to White women despite them being White. White to the point of not getting a tan even if they tried.

Also, being tanned is not being brown-skinned or anything. Some White people who stay outside in certain climates get a tan on and that's just the way they are built and there is nothing "brown or something" about it. It's called adaptation to a climate.
But cold approaching white women without at least 3 liters of alcohol in them is just useless, maybe I creep them out, idk. I was white last time I checked, which was in the mirror today. Not an ounce of any other race as far as I am aware, like white as fucking milk, I can't even get proper tans in summer.
There may be many reasons, I will try to relate ones I am aware of in my (limited) knowledge.
- I learned by direct experience, we may project on others what we "feel" about us. If you are secretly ashamed of being White, because of hidden enemy programming in your subconscious, you may want to avoid your own race. And projecting this on White girls will cause them to be cold at you, even without their knowledge. When a Satanic souls raises in power, may face self-created obstacles due to programming.
- Most reliable though, is you feel an inferiority complex to White girls. For some reasons (childhood, mother, traumas, programming) you feel "not enough" for them so you - again unconsciously - program yourself to avoid them, or be avoided. You feel better with other races because, unconsciously, you feel superior to them - so "you are enough" or more than enough.
- Another possible reason is other races find super-interesting to catch a White fish in their net, so their are interested in you because you are their higher desire.

A mix of those reasons may lead to cold energies between you and your own race.
I have been projected too, changing my way of behaving towards a person projecting onto myself his own problems. This person was feeling very low in self-worth and I sometimes unconsciously and unwillingly treated him in a deameaning manner, without even knowing. Like some words were poured out of my unconscious, before I could even think about those words. This person had a strong planetary influence on my thought process so this may be a cause of this process to happen. But it happens and if you project on White girls insecurity and inferiority you feel, they may treat you strangely even if they did not want that.

To have a proof, try to "scam" yourself. Talk to a White girl by strongly convincing yourself she is not White, think about any other race, talk her like you would talk to another race woman. If her behaviour is different, there we go. Unconscious may be confused with proper ways.
For example, to make this work, take a picture of another race woman with - for example - a green scarf? Then put a green scarf onto a White girl or strongly visualize her with a green scarf while talking. The unconscious may think she is not White by connection.

Hope this may help. I may be overcomplicate but... the mind is tricky sometimes.
And your are no inferior... those girls should be grateful to you for being of Satan and helping the World with your energies.
Before you answer, people, read the original post thoroughly so that you really understand what has been conveyed. OP said they have trouble relating to White women despite them being White. White to the point of not getting a tan even if they tried.

Also, being tanned is not being brown-skinned or anything. Some White people who stay outside in certain climates get a tan on and that's just the way they are built and there is nothing "brown or something" about it. It's called adaptation to a climate.
Yes, you're right Henu. I was just bringing tanning up to illustrate how white I am, I don't tan to attract girls. I do go outside relatively often even during summer, but I only get sunburnt xD.

There may be many reasons, I will try to relate ones I am aware of in my (limited) knowledge.
- I learned by direct experience, we may project on others what we "feel" about us. If you are secretly ashamed of being White, because of hidden enemy programming in your subconscious, you may want to avoid your own race. And projecting this on White girls will cause them to be cold at you, even without their knowledge. When a Satanic souls raises in power, may face self-created obstacles due to programming.
- Most reliable though, is you feel an inferiority complex to White girls. For some reasons (childhood, mother, traumas, programming) you feel "not enough" for them so you - again unconsciously - program yourself to avoid them, or be avoided. You feel better with other races because, unconsciously, you feel superior to them - so "you are enough" or more than enough.
- Another possible reason is other races find super-interesting to catch a White fish in their net, so their are interested in you because you are their higher desire.

A mix of those reasons may lead to cold energies between you and your own race.
I have been projected too, changing my way of behaving towards a person projecting onto myself his own problems. This person was feeling very low in self-worth and I sometimes unconsciously and unwillingly treated him in a deameaning manner, without even knowing. Like some words were poured out of my unconscious, before I could even think about those words. This person had a strong planetary influence on my thought process so this may be a cause of this process to happen. But it happens and if you project on White girls insecurity and inferiority you feel, they may treat you strangely even if they did not want that.

To have a proof, try to "scam" yourself. Talk to a White girl by strongly convincing yourself she is not White, think about any other race, talk her like you would talk to another race woman. If her behaviour is different, there we go. Unconscious may be confused with proper ways.
For example, to make this work, take a picture of another race woman with - for example - a green scarf? Then put a green scarf onto a White girl or strongly visualize her with a green scarf while talking. The unconscious may think she is not White by connection.

Hope this may help. I may be overcomplicate but... the mind is tricky sometimes.
And your are no inferior... those girls should be grateful to you for being of Satan and helping the World with your energies.

You bring up some really interesting points, I have thought about it and maybe you are right, because white girls always seemed so much more demanding to me compared to other girls, maybe I am kind of undoing my odds by being intimidated in some way. I also wanted to ask, since I think it is a bit weird but aren't these girls supposed to be attracted to their own races more? Like, why would it be nice to "catch a White fish" if it's true that people like their own race more? I don't know, I find it weird for them to value me so highly just because of race. I wanted to believe I'm just that charismatic, but who knows xD. Thank you for the motivational words at the end, but I'm not of Satan, I'm just browsing your place for a bit and gauging what you guys do and think. Still grateful for the kind words, though.
You bring up some really interesting points, I have thought about it and maybe you are right, because white girls always seemed so much more demanding to me compared to other girls, maybe I am kind of undoing my odds by being intimidated in some way. I also wanted to ask, since I think it is a bit weird but aren't these girls supposed to be attracted to their own races more? Like, why would it be nice to "catch a White fish" if it's true that people like their own race more?
This should happen in a world without the jews and all the racial-mix propaganda. Most immigrants who came into the White countries are predators, so they want to take all that is ours. including women/man to have intercourse with, because for them winning a White is a "big preize" and they would be instantly married and drawn into the wealth of the White host. Basically they are parasites, most do not even know that, it is unconscious.

I don't know, I find it weird for them to value me so highly just because of race. I wanted to believe I'm just that charismatic, but who knows xD. Thank you for the motivational words at the end, but I'm not of Satan, I'm just browsing your place for a bit and gauging what you guys do and think. Still grateful for the kind words, though.
I think both facts are true. You may be both charismatic and valued for your race at the same time.

You are not of Satan? Gentiles Souls are. Except the highly damaged, criminals, jewish-connected and decaying Gentiles but you do not seem one as you are seeking answers in a place where enlightenment exist. So this makes you one step over others, in any case. Also, if you are trying to be racially aware and you feel something is "wrong" in having intercourse with other races, this is another good sign about the goodness of your mind/soul. So I still consider you of higher than average value.
You may be on the path of joining, many people started out of interest, then went further. It's up to you.
Your message indeed self-explains that you are still navigating into the enemy polluted sea of problems, including racial mix, that most outsider need to face for the whole life.

You may having found a unique opportunity of permanent life change on here. Just think about it. Racial awareness is strongly connected to Satanism.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
