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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
This is the most essential chapter of all possible writings as it contains the fundamental notion and construct of life.

As species exist in nature, they are divided into sub-species and/or races/breeds. It is the fundamental existential fact which gives compatibility, behavior and unique ways to survive, adapt and live inside a group.

Future generations during our administration on Earth will have to be well-educated on this subject. Until recently, this fact was self-implied just like one breathes and drinks water without being told to do so. The enemy has taken advantage of this weakness, of the importance of race not being written anywhere and tried to destroy the white race through genetic mixing, miscegenation, low birth rates and all sorts of exaggerations and madness residing around homosexuality, feminism and other ideologies that feed on frustration and social factors and pressure.

In our future society, the integrity of the white race won’t just be taught in schools, but will be written in legislation and constitution. It will be an element of religion and a set of basic teachings as one learns to eat and protect their own life. No more will the white race be endangered by misplaced hate, lies, hateful propaganda and ungratefulness. The ideology of race and its correlated studies and teachings will have to be exported to the rest of the races and they could in turn understand and preach this to their own people. The balance and interconnectivity of races should be managed and preserved by travel, cultural experience, communication, trade and diplomacy.

Those actions must not be used by any external, hostile factor as the Jew, as an excuse to destroy the construct of race for anyone’s sick desire. Preserving diversity means the opposite of what the false notion of the enemy meant. They enemy played havoc with notions such as “intelligence”, “education”, “courage” and “integrity”, basically turning them into their own antonyms.

Race is strongly related to soul, but for the large spectrum of the population, education can reside for a while on the studies of the physical realm, but in time, spiritual education will be a subject as important as race, economy, law and order are. Our experts on sociology and psychology will have to monitor the social trends and evolutions and influence those in the right ways and when the ground is fertile, certain subjects must be introduced into public debate.

The fact remains that the compatibility of individuals within a race is given by aspects of the soul as it is racial and also related to gender. Genetics also dictate behavior for a large part and give the patterns of creation, intelligence, abilities, creativity and ways to adapt and live withing communities. An individual’s character is determined by four main factors: the natal astrological configuration, natural (genetic) predisposition, education and life experience.

Hereditary traits of character and biological aspects such as immunity, metabolism, behavior, intelligence and other factors can be given by smaller sub-categories than race such as ethnicity or the parental individuals themselves as each individual is unique from the DNA perspective.

When I look back to the history and achievements of my white race, I can say without hesitation that I am proud to be white and I assume millions of other white people feel the same. Just as people from other races feel based on the cultures and traditions that filled their lives with joy and good memories.

Sure, history is filled with wars and dark events as all races, countries and cultures have been in conflict without exception. The geographical reach of each empire was determined by their people’s abilities to travel and navigate. One could enslave or wage war on his neighbor or a country three continents apart. Nobody should be ashamed of being capable to invent the wheel, compass or ship. History has been a constant struggle for land, resources and trade routes.

The global context of our present times along with modern technology, fast travel, advanced communication and all interconnectivity, just make it a fertile land to have peace when the enemy is removed as all above elements make it possible to have all one needs without conflict. Unless one has a parasitic nature and is not tied in any way by land.

Schools must teach the love of one’s race and their achievements. Also, mainstream media, social media and state television will have to create the social trends and pressure that make the preservation of the race the main social validation element. Propaganda can be used for positive advancement, not only for destruction and madness as the enemy has taught us. The enemy will have to be totally removed from society one way or another if they are unable to adapt and so far, they have proven they are unable to. The difference is that white people have taken race for granted our whole history thinking it is self-implied and nobody will ever attack this notion in such a way. The Jew’s religious writings and culture are strongly racial. This gave them a great advantage during the war against nature itself.

Eugenics can also be influenced by messages with a great reach. In its current stage of evolution, humanity mostly goes with the flow, one just has to create the flow and maintain the trends. Once we have the planet which is the subject of the previous book, the job should consist of normal work, but the elite will have to keep training and simulating foreign infiltrations and conspiracies as to always be ready for betrayal and sabotage. Earning a title is hard, but defending it can be even more difficult.

Eugenics should not mean that certain people, based on their physical features are not allowed to form relations and breed, it should only determine who breeds more as long as they are of the race. This ideally, should be done through social validation trends. Basically, we are reversing the enemy’s game with their own playbook. Eugenics should be played very carefully by geneticists, sociologists and psychologists as creating way to strict beauty and acceptance standards could lead to massive social frustration and discrimination. This was played by the enemy and lots of people were rejected from the social meshwork of society based on all sorts of idiotic filtering and unrealistic criteria. As long as the human is still an animal, not being nearly spiritually advanced enough, those trends will have to be made by our elites and they will have to be guided to ensure our own survival. For us few, who have an obsession with integrity and critical thinking, it will be a very difficult mission to accept that the ones around us only behave nice and correct because of our socially engineered norms in which’s absence the same people would betray us and possibly even socially isolate us. One takes reality as it is not as we want it to be, while keeping that destination in mind. Our mission in fact has an infinite number of destinations making it a continuous journey. Once you reach one of them, you understand which is the next one and define your new mission.

Until then, we work with what we have. It is only rational and common sense.

Legislation will also have to contain the preservation of race. Interracting in a respectful and friendly manner with foreigners will be the norm of our society as long as they abide by our laws and rules. The constitutions will need to be gradually updated most likely through referendums, in order to contain the integrity of each country’s race. This means that we will have to achieve ethnostates in lots of countries. For the white race, it will be mandatory, for the rest, they will have to decide their future in regards to race on their own. In the past, it seems race was only used as an excuse for benefits and waging war by some groups, not really demonstrating any real desire to preserve their race. This comes from nature and will have to be observed with great interest. Perhaps some other cultures consider mixing a benefit… this cuts both ways and affects all that are involved.

If the white race can fulfill its mission to save and guide the whole world from the parasitic enemy, it will reserve its right to form enclaves around the world for the benefit of both racial elements residing in each area in question. Business will have to help the locals and develop them while strengthening the relations between both races. Culture, race and internal governing remains a system that needs to be governed by the locals. We can only offer help and guidance in certain areas, but not interfere with each one of their collective destinies.

Military bases around the world must be used for common security goals and cooperation and not for control and exploitation. The Empire will have to be an alliance of countries that collaborate and watch each other’s backs, not a map of enslavement. This concept should not even be possible in modern global cooperation due to all needs being easily fulfilled by trade and modern technology.

Humanity has other future missions to work towards and war should be a thing of the past. Nevertheless, all of us should always be prepared and trained to our maximum potential for war as war finds one when they are least prepared.

This is what makes the difference between the old empires and colonies which minorities and mentally retarded whites whine about obsessively and The New Empire which will be one of cooperation and understanding. This dumb obsession of the past will have to be eradicated, but understood as history will always remain a subject of study and much understanding and wisdom comes from it if one is honest about it.

When one expands and reaches a certain journey, they will always be given a new mission from the Universe. Nobody reaches an unbreakable wall as there is always something else beyond it. If one is able to conquer and advance the Earth, remember that we are not alone in the Universe.

The inability of pre-Imperial humanity to understand and acknowledge race based on the smallest enemy pressure made me realize that the near future will need to be based on guidance, before humanity achieves the necessary natural understanding about this reality and many more.

The human being is a social animal and for him, social validation means much more than money, well-being and health. It even outweighs life and the instinct for survival. This must be taken into consideration when managing our future destiny.

If one manages to create and maintain the social factor which defines his mission, then they have won everything.

Race was the undisputed reality for thousands of years, the fact that any debate on the subject of race is met with the label of “nazi” is due to the enemy’s control in this pivotal point in history. The National Socialist ideology of race was just basic natural understanding. It was practiced in every society prior to Nazi Germany. The easiness of how goyim fall for the enemy’s social pressure is disgusting and an act of treason. One must go through the stage of resource to the stage of child and then eventually end up in the stage of independent adult.

In his book Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler talks about how humans practice eugenics for animals and manage their breeding so carefully and well, but ignore the same processes for humans. How dumb is this in itself.

“The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle in Nature, and in place of the eternal privilege of force and strength sets up the mass and dead weight of numbers. It thus denies the value of the individual among men, combats the importance of nationality and race, thereby depriving humanity of the whole meaning of its existence and culture. It would, therefore, as a principle of the universe, conduce to an end of all order conceivable to mankind. And as in that great discernible organism nothing but chaos could result from the application of such a law, so on this earth would ruin be the only result for its inhabitants.

If the Jew, with the help of his Marxian creed, conquers the nations of this world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of the human race, and the planet will drive through the ether once again empty of mankind, as it did millions of years ago.”

  • Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
I believe Hitler was a manifestation of the Gods in order to combat the manifestation of the Jewish soul that of Marxism. The world at that time was in grave danger of being taken over by the communist doctrine which is the full manifestation of the enemy’s soul and the Torah. It was an exceptional global energetic phenomenon that could have thrown the whole world into perpetual darkness and gradually nullify every nature given notion and concept as the Jew believes in nothing and nothingness without end.

In such dark times, exceptional people look towards the sky and seek guidance. They tend to receive it, but it comes with extremely difficult missions. The nature of the exceptional individual is that he cannot unlearn what he has learned and therefore cannot force himself to turn back from such mission when it is given. It is much more painful and soul breaking to turn back and pretend that everything is normal and peaceful.

The exceptional individual takes on this mission and earns a place of honor in history and among the Gods.
We will produce great teachers and the MEs of civilization will be restored back in the hands of those that are deserving. New tablets will be written for a new humanity to once again be close to the Gods. Even stronger than before and perfected to the point of being worthy to take part in an empire greater than anything we are capable of imagining now.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
