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Long Live The Empire - CHAPTER 7 – MILITARY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS 12.01.2025


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017

Maintaining a real empire requires a constant effort to keep all relations and interconnections between one’s allies. The Empire we are talking about, our future Empire, will have to be an alliance of mutual interests and benefits rather than an empire of occupation and oppression. The principles of NATO, the European Union, the United Nations and BRICS in their definitions, are not bad at all. It is not the institution, but the one at its rudder that decides the strategies and subsequently, the destinies of so many people.

The Soviet Union, by its correlated ideology, was a system of oppression that could have even morph into something worse. Having Karl Marx’s ideology at the core, if it managed to eliminate all its opposition around the world, we would have seen the destruction of the fundamentals of society and life to a much more aggressive degree than what we see in our present, given the constitution and governing of that empire.

This is why the Gods given Aryan journey is what would make the world evolve and grow in a natural direction, not communism, not Christianity, not Islam or Judaism, not corruption and materialistic nothingness.

The Empire must have the Gods’ vision in its journey which is the development of both the individual and the collective community as both are linked in a functioning society.

A global empire in the context of modern-day technology, communication and fast transportation capabilities, if managed without any enemy rule or influence, would almost completely invalidate the need for wars and conflict for the purpose of gaining resources, land and large geographical logistical capabilities.

Many people, including some aspiring members from the Joy of Satan, would see White Supremacy as the enemy’s definition of it and not realize that the comfort we have right now, including the opportunity we all had to join our community is due to the Western Empire. Although mostly controlled by the Jew at this point, the work and effort put in creating, maintaining and educating our Western societies was achieved by white people and further outsourced to other external groups. A country who is constantly worrying about its border security, relations with neighbors and trade contracts will never be able to focus on energy research or communication and transportation technology. That requires time, resources, money and a certain solid degree of peace and comfort.

We must keep all our advancements and grow further from them in order to focus on those objectives rather than falling back to the past and waging war for land, resources and control.

A military alliance must be for the protection of both interests. If we have military installations on certain foreign countries, they must come with regional security guarantees for that country as well. The forms in which they are agreed and built can be many, foreign troops, mixed military units, native forces with advisors and foreign infrastructure and so on.

Of course, another interest is to have an enemy territory as far away from your core countries. This is the fundamental idea of NATO as well, you guarantee security and commit foreign troops to Poland, Romania and the Baltic states through rotation, you keep the Russian border as far away as possible from the center, but at the same time, the bulk of troops stays at the border where they are most needed.

Let's say in either the near or distant future, Sudan is under our control instead of the enemy and that we have secured most of the white nations creating the Western Empire. Corporations and state relations are affiliated with the US and Europe, but race and their culture and way of life is respected to the fullest. Some moral debates spring through the world about the "evil west and whites being occupiers" and that each country should have no external or corporate influence over their government. We take our corporations, embassies and maybe troops out of there, then China comes in. They do not bother their minds with such matters, they import their resources for cheap prices, resources that we struggle to produce at decent prices on our soil. Sudan is now under Chinese puppet control so imports towards Europe are either halted or resumed at unnaturally high prices. Also, a military air base is placed there along with some ICBMs. Debate changes subject to whether all those moral concerns were worth it or not and we start recognizing the seed of an old enemy's thinking that made us weak on this decision.

Then, the Western coalition draws out of the Middle east for the same considerations. Russia comes in and monopolizes 50% of the Earth's energy through Lukoil and Gazprom. Then puts ICBMs and air bases at the border of our empire in striking grange of military bases and oil facilities in Eastern Europe. Europe then, has a choice to either go 80% on green energy and fail due to the lack of sustainability or buy Russian oil and gas at the expense of demands of control over some of our institutions. Bribery and blackmail work fantastically and Europe now has to make all sorts of concessions.

Corporations and Western companies on foreign land must always keep in mind why they are there in the first place. This is for the benefit of both the company and the well being and good jobs of the locals. An Empire maintained on true loyalty surpasses any form of forced manipulation, fear or negative propaganda. One must earn the loyalty of their allies through real, solid results. It is much more plausible that one’s allies will come to his aid if they remember what he did for them

It would be wise if The Empire would have a constitution or a code based on those principles of natural common sense. Loyalty, trust and control must be earned and maintained analogous to a family or a community.

When managing a foreign area, to maintain proper control, one must earn the locals' trust and develop their communities rather than suppress them as the enemy does. Ceding land can also be fatal in terms of resources, commerce and military whether there is an enemy or an enemy might appear in time. As an Eastern European, I do not mind that foreign stronger European powers have a strong degree of control over our government, as long as they do not cause open immigration policies, heavy tax evasion, ideological and election meddling or non-profitable trade agreements. As long as trade is fair and politics are for both our benefits, I welcome such forms of collaboration. Without this, we would not have such cheap opportunities to travel of access to brands such as Volkswagen, Renault and so on. One must be wise enough to recognize the benefits of a fair collaboration.

We are not necessarily bound to start all over from scratch, but the future has many possible paths. Ideally, we could use the infrastructure, organizations and alliances we already have and are at least declared to be Western friendly. NATO can be continued as a project as a powerful imperialist military can keep us for many years outside of the danger of wars, but not totally guaranteed. The chances are lower to be attacked and if we do end up in an unfortunate military conflict, we have a greater chance of victory than by waging war independently, our countries being taken over one by one.

Of course, The Empire and its leaders, institutions, citizens and counter spy agencies must always look after internal infiltrators and conspiracy as once an enemy like the Hebrew takes over, it is hard to kill bacteria that has developed antibiotic immunity. Prevention is ideally the best way to manage such situations and expose the foreign infiltrators and subverters.

Those are subjects that must be contemplated on with great care.

The keys are balance and wisdom. An empire can turn into a force of evil, not only due to an infiltrator with subversive skills that sabotages the fabric of society, but also due to incompetence, corruption, stupidity and a lack of consideration. One must have a vision and maintain it.

The idea is that as long as a major achievement or breakthrough takes place in a certain part of the Empire, it can be later, after it has been successfully tested, be exported and implemented throughout the Empire. This is why in the past, in certain areas of the world, societies have improved, despite all the hypocritical whining about colonialism and foreign control. The technology and medical products we have exported and the systems we have outsourced, have made the death rate in areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa, decrease by a lot. Now families can focus on raising, educating and loving their children instead of burying half or more of them because of lethal diseases. The problem is that if technology or medical advancements such as those are ahead of human advancement it may have repercussions such as a dangerous boom in population. This happens due to poor demographic management and a total lack of education and natural understanding.

I have made my point repeatedly about the overall level of natural understanding of humans and what our current stage is and that I would rather centralize power for at least a while to guide our societies and give them a direction in our collective journey. For the collective to work the individual must first and foremost learn how to take care of himself and grow himself.

Truth remains that both democratic and authoritarian systems have done both positive and negative deeds. Ultimately, it all goes back to the vision, intentions and understanding of humans. If the intention is to develop the human being and this intention is kept religiously, then we will always find solutions. If humans are only seen as a resource of exploitation for someone’s benefit and their intellect and strength is perceived as a danger, then regardless of the system, the ill willed will always find ways to oppress and suppress the growth of their citizens.

Concluding the whole idea of an Empire, the benefits are clear as it has to do with the strength of many cultures being allied, properly preserved and advanced, all working towards certain common goals. Achieving breakthroughs in fields such as medical research and products, infrastructure, communication, transport and logistics, military strength and legal, financial and political ideologies outsourcing can be done through peaceful ways and based on mutual benefit instead of conflict. A wise person will understand the analogy between a divided community where selfishness and individualism dominate and countries separated for the same reasons. The enemy has tried its best to pervert this exact idea to mix different races and replace whites, purposefully not taking into considerations that even inside alliances you must have separated groups to flourish on their own individual similarities as in nature different groups and racial elements have both separate and individual missions as well as common goals, but the wise man must discern between the two and root out the enemy’s perversions and subversions.

Long Live The Empire!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
