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Problems I see in Satanist Communities


Jan 1, 2024
Well, I probably gonna be hated because of this but Instead of looking for an answer in my head, it makes more sense to take your thoughts into consideration.

I love Theology of Joy of Satan Ministries and can say the rituals, meditations and other spiritual works inspired by this community helped not just me but so many peoe. Although, there are some problems in the ideology in general (at least according to my point of view). So i want to ask your opinion about it.

1-Conspiracy theories;
Some of the ideologies and beliefs are looks like pure theories. Like Vhril Society, Nazis going to the Space etc...
Isn't it kinda looks problematic? Focusing on National Socialist ideology and justifying it with the Occult knowledge is not making sense to me. In general, National Socialism is a good ideology but focusing the entire teaching of a religion to it seems kinda off to me. Occult teachings has always been associated with political ideologies but Esoteric Nazism is kinda extreme.

2-White Supermacist İdeology;
I saw some members talking about "how people hate whites" or "black people have to leave white countries".
The biggest majority of our world is white people and I have never see or Heard a white person getting hate because of their race or culture. When it comes to Black people, White people were the ones who took black people to Europe and Americabecause of slavery and now we are hating on them cause we enslaved them and leave them from their homeland without their consent? That is just pure racism and everything but not Gentile Brotherhood our Society talks about.

3-Jewish People and Hate;
I see the Anti-Semiticism and it is not only exist in JoS but in so many other Occult and Esoteric teachings. But associating everything we don't like Jews is not making sense. I saw people talking about Gypsies, Communism, Socialism and other things has nothing to do with Jewish Culture and Religion. At this point it feels like we are just acting like Jews, who says "it is Work of Satan" at everything they don't agree with.

UFO theories, Extra-Terrestials, Esoteric Nazism, Neo-Paganism and Modern Spirituality (even tho this community ignore the fact that some of our teaching is purely associated with this teaching) and many things else...

I want to learn other peoples opinions about this things, i am not here to hate (even tho probably i will get lots of hate messages) but to learn.

Have a nice day.
Focusing on National Socialist ideology and justifying it with the Occult knowledge is not making sense to me.
Let me be clear, NS isn't justified by occult knowledge, but it's been confirmed by Satan and the Gods. Also, Hitler is the anti-christ.

However, it's been well established that National Socialism is based in Occult knowledge. Look up the Thule Society, Ariosophy and people like von Liebenfels, Maria Osric and Karl Maria Willigut .These were real and documented, not just "theories".

The biggest majority of our world is white people
No, this is objectively false. Whites are only 8% of the world population. White countries are declining in population and are below replacement rate.

and I have never see or Heard a white person getting hate because of their race or culture.
Really? Then you need to research more, because in US and most Western countries there's a jewish toxic ideology called wokeness or Critical Race Theory or Cultural Marxism that has infiltrated universities and most university students learn anti-White propaganda. And mostly jews are behind it, search on Google "Noel Ignatiev quotes" without quotation marks (Ignatiev was an anti-White jewish professor who said Whites are so bad they have to commit racial suicide). You're from Turkey (assuming that your location in your profile is correct), that's why you aren't aware of it obviously.

There are also companies that blatantly discriminate against White people. One example is BBC, which banned Whites from applying for a certain job:

When it comes to Black people, White people were the ones who took black people to Europe and Americabecause of slavery and now we are hating on them cause we enslaved them and leave them from their homeland without their consent?
First of all, jews enslaved them. Jews were behind slavery. Again if you read past posts here you would know that. There were many examples of slave markets being canceled because they fell on a jewish holiday.

And no, nobody hates them. People are saying that White countries are for Whites, just like Asian ones are for Asians and Africa are for Africans. White people deserve to have their own homeland, like others do. It's pure anti-White hatred to say that only Whites don't deserve their own countries. So, non-Whites living in White countries have to go.

It's especially important because White people are being replaced in these countries. They are projected to become minority White in half a century because of mass immigration, usually from Muslim and third world countries. The UN even has a "replacement migration" program (google it) and jewess Barbara Lerner Spectre said jews will receive hate because they promote multiculturalism and White replacement for White countries:

If you think this isn't a problem and the ones reacting to it are some sort of "White Supremacists", you're anti-White and you hate White people.

I see the Anti-Semiticism and it is not only exist in JoS but in so many other Occult and Esoteric teachings. But associating everything we don't like Jews is not making sense.
The truth is, most of the bad things are jewish created. Have a look at this site:

First of all, jews enslaved them. Jews were behind slavery. Again if you read past posts here you would know that. There were many examples of slave markets being canceled because they fell on a jewish holiday.
More evidence jews were behind the Atlantic slave trade:

Watch this lecture by Black professor Tony Martin on how jews were behind it:

Do you hate slavery? Blame the jews behind it.

I also suspect that the jews were behind the Muslim slave trade too (which lasted longer and was more damaging than the Atlantic slave trade, as they castrated the male African slaves and treated them worse than Whites did. They also enslaved Whites in the Muslim slave trade, so Whites were slaves too). Maybe someone who does their research on that can come up with evidence about it. But it's interesting that nobody mentions the Muslim slave trade and blame Whitey instead.

But it's also interesting that the Whites first abolished slavery. After they abolished slavery, the British visited African tribes to tell them to stop enslaving each other because it's bad and these tribes thought that the British were returning to buy their slaves! Slavery is illegal everywhere thanks to Whites, but despite that there are African and Arab countries that still practice slavery today.
More evidence jews were behind the Atlantic slave trade:

Watch this lecture by Black professor Tony Martin on how jews were behind it:

Do you hate slavery? Blame the jews behind it.

I also suspect that the jews were behind the Muslim slave trade too (which lasted longer and was more damaging than the Atlantic slave trade, as they castrated the male African slaves and treated them worse than Whites did. They also enslaved Whites in the Muslim slave trade, so Whites were slaves too). Maybe someone who does their research on that can come up with evidence about it. But it's interesting that nobody mentions the Muslim slave trade and blame Whitey instead.

But it's also interesting that the Whites first abolished slavery. After they abolished slavery, the British visited African tribes to tell them to stop enslaving each other because it's bad and these tribes thought that the British were returning to buy their slaves! Slavery is illegal everywhere thanks to Whites, but despite that there are African and Arab countries that still practice slavery today.
Thanks for being kind and explain it. I will look at the sources you send. Have a nice day.
Hello. The "problems" that you see in the ideology are not "our problems", our something "wrong" in JoS for bringing them up, these are subjects that are grossly misunderstood by people, who in their vast majority and very ignorant, clueless and uninterested into what is happening in the world. If most people out there don't believe in something, that doesn't make it a "conspiracy theory" etc, most people don't give a damn about what they call "conspiracy theories". As you can probably agree, most people are not exactly very good at identifying what is true or not because most people believe into the worst things possible and the state of the world currently reflects this.

1-Conspiracy theories;
Some of the ideologies and beliefs are looks like pure theories. Like Vhril Society, Nazis going to the Space etc...
Isn't it kinda looks problematic? Focusing on National Socialist ideology and justifying it with the Occult knowledge is not making sense to me. In general, National Socialism is a good ideology but focusing the entire teaching of a religion to it seems kinda off to me. Occult teachings has always been associated with political ideologies but Esoteric Nazism is kinda extreme.
I don't recall seeing in JoS any mention of Nazis going into the space and related. Yes at the time Germany was the most advanced country in the world as far as science, knowledge and evolution are concerned. It took 4 most powerful nations on Earth to defeat Germany in WW2. The reason this sounds "problematic" is because most people have no clue about Nazi Germany and only know what the enemy wrote about it after WW2. I wouldn't call "problematic" or "conspiracy theory" something that I have no idea about other than the obviously biased and subjective sources of the enemy. Also I am not sure where are you getting the conclusion from that the entire Joy of Satan as a religion is based National Socialism. There are a few websites dedicated to showing the truth about Nazi Germany and exposing all of the holocaust and enemy lies about it, other than this there is no other major "focus" on Nazism anywhere on JoS, apart from being mentioned here and there in certain sermons or articles. The most important is that Hitler and his people were followers of the Gods and they attempted to bring ancient paganism/satanism back to humanity. This is where the connection comes from. They followed the ancient Gods just like we do, the rest is mostly misinformation and slander by the people whose ancestors destroyed ancient paganism and replaced it with christianity and islam.

2-White Supermacist İdeology;
I saw some members talking about "how people hate whites" or "black people have to leave white countries".
The biggest majority of our world is white people and I have never see or Heard a white person getting hate because of their race or culture. When it comes to Black people, White people were the ones who took black people to Europe and Americabecause of slavery and now we are hating on them cause we enslaved them and leave them from their homeland without their consent? That is just pure racism and everything but not Gentile Brotherhood our Society talks about.
Again I haven't seen anywhere on JoS even a single claim that White are supreme or anything of the sorts. Yes, Whites are the most spiritual of the human races and historically they have created many civilizations that lasted thousands of years, I guess there is no doubt about that. It is also true that most of the Gods are "White" so to say, in the sense that they have created the White race after their direct expression so to say. That doesn't have anything to do with any supremacy and whatever insanity the mass media is throwing on White people. Spiritual Satanism is a "religion" for all gentiles irrespective of their race. Since humans existed we have all been designed to follow the Gods and learn the crafts they have provided us in order to advance as a civilization. There are depictions of this in ancient pictures or other works.

The problem of "black people have to leave white countries" is not that simple. There is a complex mechanism behind "multiculturalism", how and why it happens but most people try to make it very simple and categorical, it's not. We people just like animals are not designed by nature to race-mix. Historically civilizations where widespread race-mixing occurred slowly started to perish.

3-Jewish People and Hate;
I see the Anti-Semiticism and it is not only exist in JoS but in so many other Occult and Esoteric teachings. But associating everything we don't like Jews is not making sense. I saw people talking about Gypsies, Communism, Socialism and other things has nothing to do with Jewish Culture and Religion. At this point it feels like we are just acting like Jews, who says "it is Work of Satan" at everything they don't agree with.
There are a lot of things you completely misunderstand about the above. Communism as an ideology has been created by jews people with the intend to spread and implement it in gentile nations in order to gain political control over them. This is exactly what happened in Soviet Russia where jewish bankers funded the communist takeover of the country. You seem to think jewish culture and religion only related to judaism and Israel, and anything else is not "jewish". This has all been explained with obvious historical evidence in so many articles and the other sites within JoS. I really wonder if people who call JoS "conspiracy theorist", "nazi", "antisemite" etc. simply jump to these conclusions without reading at all what JoS has to say about these matters? Then this only proves my point above, people are lazy, ignorant and clueless.

It took HPS Maxine Dietrich, HP Hooded Cobra and all other contributing members years and years of study and research to put all this information together, and it takes a normal person just a few hours to read for example the entire Black Sun 666 website (without all websites within), that says a lot about human ignorance and the "comfort" of just being "let be" doing whatever irrelevant things they want like wasting their entire existence on facebook, instagram or tiktok and working like donkeys 8-12 hours a day most of their lives in order to "afford" to exist in this jewish economy while the enemy slowly grabs power over the entire planet. But this is a "conspiracy theory" as well isn't it so perhaps people should't bother with these "antisemite" and "racist" ideas.
1-Conspiracy theories;
Some of the ideologies and beliefs are looks like pure theories. Like Vhril Society, Nazis going to the Space etc...
Isn't it kinda looks problematic? Focusing on National Socialist ideology and justifying it with the Occult knowledge is not making sense to me. In general, National Socialism is a good ideology but focusing the entire teaching of a religion to it seems kinda off to me. Occult teachings has always been associated with political ideologies but Esoteric Nazism is kinda extreme.

Nazism is a product of Satanism, not otherwise. You might have some programming in you about Nazism, otherwise, people would have no problem with it.

White Supermacist İdeology

There is a quote from a Nazi leader, something like "We do not think a specific race is inferior to the other, but we recognize the difference between them."
Furthermore, racial karma is being built by the act of the members of the race, the White race is the oldest race on Earth and they have the longest spiritual history.

The biggest majority of our world is white people

White people is almost the smallest minority on Earth, around 7% percent, and drastically decreasing. It was 35% in Hitler's time.
never see or Heard a white person getting hate because of their race or culture

Than you should open your eyes. Whites are the most hated by Jews and they control the andropod. A White is racist for giving any recognition to his race, but any other race can do this. Whites have been genocides many times in history, by Jews.

When it comes to Black people, White people were the ones who took black people to Europe and Americabecause of slavery and now we are hating on them cause we enslaved them and leave them from their homeland without their consent?

Jews enslaved Blacks, not Whites. Most Black slave owner were Jews
But associating everything we don't like Jews is not making sense

We don't do this and HPHC have said that not everything is the fault of the Jews. But the majority of suffering of the world is at least indirectly but a Jewish work.

Others have said that gypsies have the same soul as Jews, meaning that gypsies are indian Jews. Just like there are Black jews and so on.

Communism was made by Jews and it's political judaism. Every single Communist leader were jews.

I want to learn other peoples opinions about this things, i am not here to hate (even tho probably i will get lots of hate messages) but to learn.

First learn our knowledge, because you clearly haven't read anything, just heard some stuff on the forums.

Hello. The "problems" that you see in the ideology are not "our problems", our something "wrong" in JoS for bringing them up, these are subjects that are grossly misunderstood by people, who in their vast majority and very ignorant, clueless and uninterested into what is happening in the world. If most people out there don't believe in something, that doesn't make it a "conspiracy theory" etc, most people don't give a damn about what they call "conspiracy theories". As you can probably agree, most people are not exactly very good at identifying what is true or not because most people believe into the worst things possible and the state of the world currently reflects this.

I don't recall seeing in JoS any mention of Nazis going into the space and related. Yes at the time Germany was the most advanced country in the world as far as science, knowledge and evolution are concerned. It took 4 most powerful nations on Earth to defeat Germany in WW2. The reason this sounds "problematic" is because most people have no clue about Nazi Germany and only know what the enemy wrote about it after WW2. I wouldn't call "problematic" or "conspiracy theory" something that I have no idea about other than the obviously biased and subjective sources of the enemy. Also I am not sure where are you getting the conclusion from that the entire Joy of Satan as a religion is based National Socialism. There are a few websites dedicated to showing the truth about Nazi Germany and exposing all of the holocaust and enemy lies about it, other than this there is no other major "focus" on Nazism anywhere on JoS, apart from being mentioned here and there in certain sermons or articles. The most important is that Hitler and his people were followers of the Gods and they attempted to bring ancient paganism/satanism back to humanity. This is where the connection comes from. They followed the ancient Gods just like we do, the rest is mostly misinformation and slander by the people whose ancestors destroyed ancient paganism and replaced it with christianity and islam.

Again I haven't seen anywhere on JoS even a single claim that White are supreme or anything of the sorts. Yes, Whites are the most spiritual of the human races and historically they have created many civilizations that lasted thousands of years, I guess there is no doubt about that. It is also true that most of the Gods are "White" so to say, in the sense that they have created the White race after their direct expression so to say. That doesn't have anything to do with any supremacy and whatever insanity the mass media is throwing on White people. Spiritual Satanism is a "religion" for all gentiles irrespective of their race. Since humans existed we have all been designed to follow the Gods and learn the crafts they have provided us in order to advance as a civilization. There are depictions of this in ancient pictures or other works.

The problem of "black people have to leave white countries" is not that simple. There is a complex mechanism behind "multiculturalism", how and why it happens but most people try to make it very simple and categorical, it's not. We people just like animals are not designed by nature to race-mix. Historically civilizations where widespread race-mixing occurred slowly started to perish.

There are a lot of things you completely misunderstand about the above. Communism as an ideology has been created by jews people with the intend to spread and implement it in gentile nations in order to gain political control over them. This is exactly what happened in Soviet Russia where jewish bankers funded the communist takeover of the country. You seem to think jewish culture and religion only related to judaism and Israel, and anything else is not "jewish". This has all been explained with obvious historical evidence in so many articles and the other sites within JoS. I really wonder if people who call JoS "conspiracy theorist", "nazi", "antisemite" etc. simply jump to these conclusions without reading at all what JoS has to say about these matters? Then this only proves my point above, people are lazy, ignorant and clueless.

It took HPS Maxine Dietrich, HP Hooded Cobra and all other contributing members years and years of study and research to put all this information together, and it takes a normal person just a few hours to read for example the entire Black Sun 666 website (without all websites within), that says a lot about human ignorance and the "comfort" of just being "let be" doing whatever irrelevant things they want like wasting their entire existence on facebook, instagram or tiktok and working like donkeys 8-12 hours a day most of their lives in order to "afford" to exist in this jewish economy while the enemy slowly grabs power over the entire planet. But this is a "conspiracy theory" as well isn't it so perhaps people should't bother with these "antisemite" and "racist" ideas.
Thank you for your answers. About Nazis going into the space I read it in Joy of Satan Turkey, i will leave a link here: https://spirituelsatanizm.org/phaeton-mars-vril-cemiyeti-nazi-ufosu-nazilerin-dunya-disina-kacisi/
Jews enslaved Blacks, not Whites. Most Black slave owner were Jews
I did look at the sources both people from this Forum gave me and the sources I found on my own. Most of the academicians accept that Jews had slaves but there are no source about it "becoming with Jews".
Than you should open your eyes. Whites are the most hated by Jews and they control the andropod. A White is racist for giving any recognition to his race, but any other race can do this. Whites have been genocides many times in history, by Jews.
Jews tried to enslave every Gentile, not just whites. I really have a hard time to understand anti-white racism, I tried to talk with people about it but only things I heard about this spesific topic is "why blacks have a special months and whites don't". And to be honest if a person is willingly says that they do not have any idea about what happened in our worlds last decades.
Nazism is a product of Satanism, not otherwise. You might have some programming in you about Nazism, otherwise, people would have no problem with it.
This is not answering my other questions about theories. There are so many things that not supported by any real source. We talk about Phaeton but it is a theory that usually ignored by most of the scientist and academicians. There are "Nazis escape from the world and going to the space" (https://ancient-forums.com/threads/phaeton-mars-vril-society-nazi-ufo-nazis-escape-off-world.19847/) and many more.
I do accept that Nazi leaders were interested in Occult and had inspired by it.
First learn our knowledge, because you clearly haven't read anything, just heard some stuff on the forums.
I am reading your sources and informations posted in offical sites of JoS. We have this Forum because Spiritual Satanism is wide ocean and you can't wait for me to learn, understand and believe everything in that ocean. Even the HPs do not know the all story, this is why they publishing new information and keep learning. This community created in 2002 and it takes year to read all of the published information they published since 2002. This why I am asking questions.
I agree with 2, I think it's one of the few things that prevents jos from moving forward, I'm not talking about the clergy, whenever this subject is discussed they have a good attitude, especially Hp. Hoodedcobra

90% of the time this subject becomes frustrating is in relation to some members talking nonsense (unfortunately Jos attracts these types of people)

The 10% is in relation to blaming everything that the white race did bad on the Jews, yes the Jews started slavery, every Portuguese royal family (slavery in Brazil) was descended from Jews of great power, this is even in the history books, what I find frustrating is forgetting that there was no white revolt defending other races, which makes the white race guilty, when you witness a crime and do nothing, you are also guilty, I read some books that made me reflect on this, the karma of the white man is the ego. Once I was reading a post about someone asking if they'd had an experience with Satan, one person commented "all you need to know is that Satan is a white, blond, blue-eyed man" I thought that was rather stupid, since the Gods appear in various mythologies and in various forms, in Yoruba mythology, all the Gods presented themselves with dark skin
I don't agree with this thing about Gods having color or human races, I'll only believe if a God tells me, I've already asked, and he advised me to have my own thoughts and experiences

I don't think the Jews hate the white race more than anything, if I were in slavery, I would certainly prefer to live in a white family, a thousand times better than as a slave being whipped day and night

The consequences of slavery can still be seen today: black people have the least access to quality education, the least access to leisure and are the majority of the poor and street population. I say this living in Brazil, of course whites also suffer this, but not as much as the black and indigenous masses

Apart from the racial theme, Jos is wonderful and worth following, no one is obliged to believe in these things, live Satanism and have your own experiences
We're not the first people to notice or complain about this
Well, I probably gonna be hated because of this but Instead of looking for an answer in my head, it makes more sense to take your thoughts into consideration.

I love Theology of Joy of Satan Ministries and can say the rituals, meditations and other spiritual works inspired by this community helped not just me but so many peoe. Although, there are some problems in the ideology in general (at least according to my point of view). So i want to ask your opinion about it.

1-Conspiracy theories;
Some of the ideologies and beliefs are looks like pure theories. Like Vhril Society, Nazis going to the Space etc...
Isn't it kinda looks problematic? Focusing on National Socialist ideology and justifying it with the Occult knowledge is not making sense to me. In general, National Socialism is a good ideology but focusing the entire teaching of a religion to it seems kinda off to me. Occult teachings has always been associated with political ideologies but Esoteric Nazism is kinda extreme.

2-White Supermacist İdeology;
I saw some members talking about "how people hate whites" or "black people have to leave white countries".
The biggest majority of our world is white people and I have never see or Heard a white person getting hate because of their race or culture. When it comes to Black people, White people were the ones who took black people to Europe and Americabecause of slavery and now we are hating on them cause we enslaved them and leave them from their homeland without their consent? That is just pure racism and everything but not Gentile Brotherhood our Society talks about.

3-Jewish People and Hate;
I see the Anti-Semiticism and it is not only exist in JoS but in so many other Occult and Esoteric teachings. But associating everything we don't like Jews is not making sense. I saw people talking about Gypsies, Communism, Socialism and other things has nothing to do with Jewish Culture and Religion. At this point it feels like we are just acting like Jews, who says "it is Work of Satan" at everything they don't agree with.

UFO theories, Extra-Terrestials, Esoteric Nazism, Neo-Paganism and Modern Spirituality (even tho this community ignore the fact that some of our teaching is purely associated with this teaching) and many things else...

I want to learn other peoples opinions about this things, i am not here to hate (even tho probably i will get lots of hate messages) but to learn.

Have a nice day.
Hi i also had those moments last year and i am not really excellent or anything but when i found the server and read up on everything i was like wtf, i had to take like multiple encounters with the main page to try to understand what the heck i found

but as much as i like to be open and consider all the possibilities i stuck with the good aspects of this place like the meditations and slowly things started making a hell of alot of sense believe it or not

It’s really intriguing but the thing is to experience other view points and try my best to understand others.!! That’s the key to coexistence i figured

You can advance faster if you just give less of a fuck and embrace the fear. You don’t need to make up excuses to not practice, i did that one time. Your mind will not get satisfied no matter how appealing it could have been. Even investigation into satan being good and stuff is all just to get some ease so you can have a justification, don’t hold yourself back.

Jos really opened me up and i am thankful i had the experiences i had, i just jumpd to embrace the fear and unknown aspects that i can not get relief from to be perfect and master myself. it is a personal thing so when maybe wanting friends and sharing might create too much interest on why things can’t be different.

It’s always good to work on yourself but don’t forget the meditations came from the jos via satan
Well, I probably gonna be hated because of this .
You've been an SS for a year and haven't understood the logical reasoning behind things?
Well, I don't judge you because there are people who don't study and don't look for information on their own that proves things.

Spiritual Satanism makes assertions. You must then look for the proof for yourself.

It saddens me to see someone make this kind of post here because you'll only hear nonsense and idiotic repetitions that won't prove anything to you.
So focus on your studies of these things and preserve your mental health.

There's a lot you'll regret asking because you could have researched it yourself.
what I find frustrating is forgetting that there was no white revolt defending other races, which makes the white race guilty, when you witness a crime and do nothing, you are also guilty
That's absurd logic.

During that time, literally no human on earth cared about the other races. They only cared for themselves and their tribe, because humans are tribalistic by nature. Not even the African tribes cared for other African tribes, as their chiefs sold the slaves they had captured from other tribes to jews in exchange for gunpowder.
Today, most non-Whites are still like that, they only care about their own, according to polls, Only White people are guilt-tripped into caring for non-Whites or "not seeing color", which isn't natural and is the reason why Wokeness is a thing among White nations only. Non-Whites can't be guilt-tripped into caring for the "holocaust" either, this jewish trick only works on Whites because they currently are the most altruistic.
I mean, go to Japan and try to promote wokeness to Japanese and guilt-trip them. It doesn't work, they are simply immune to it.
Another thing, you do realize that there were many Black slave owners too, right?
I don't think the Jews hate the white race more than anything
Yes, they do, as the Romans kicked their asses in 70CE when they destroyed Jerusalem and the Spanish and others expelled them. So the jews have generational grievances against the Europeans for that reason.

The consequences of slavery can still be seen today: black people have the least access to quality education, the least access to leisure and are the majority of the poor and street population. I say this living in Brazil, of course whites also suffer this, but not as much as the black and indigenous masses

Again, this is absurd logic. Ethiopia was never colonized, yet it is one of the poorest countries. In other words, it's a shithole. And if it wasn't invaded by Mussolini for 5 years, it would still have slavery, as the Italians abolished it.

Liberia is a country populated totally by freed slaves. It's a corrupt shithole, and worse than Brazil or America. Blacks in America or Brazil are much better than jn Liberia.

The Blacks in Haiti rebelled and killed all Whites. Their country is now a shithole, they eat cats and practice cannibalism.

So these "consequences" you say have literally nothing to do with slavery. There are those Black people who owned slaves that I mentioned. There's no evidence that their descendants are doing better than others of their race.

Poverty education are correlated to their IQ. You can't expect 80 IQ people to be as rich or educated as 100 IQ people, and Black people generally have much lower IQ. That's why they are poor, as there are equal opportunities and even anti-White affirmative action for them.

It's also obvious as when many Black people see one of their own be interested in education or making money, they shame him for "acting White", and they praise criminals and gangsters. To put it plainly, their culture sucks.
Jews tried to enslave every Gentile, not just whites.

I said Jews hate Whites the most. Whites have been cursed the most and the Jews try to make everyone hate Whites. At this point anything a White does is racist,, a White cannot have an identity based on his race because that's very racist. Any other can have pride freely.

If you don't understand this, I can't do anything more about that.

Furthermore, most people from other races are waaaay more racist than most Whites. Hitler never killed Blacks, in fact, they were good allies with some African Blacks. Many Blacks from Africa was a national socialist. Whites have been too kind in fact, all over in history, but they have been programming the exact opposite in your mind, and people associate Whites with terror, racism, and etc.

People nowadays are softy soyboys, There was nothing wrong with racial separation in the ancient world. There would be no one getting any kind of citizenship when visiting other race's cities. People nowadays are disgusted with even the idea of races, and they deny their own existence and roots.

There are so many things that not supported by any real source.

They are supported by ancient knowledge. People from that age Knew that the Gods are extraterrestrials and extraterrestrials exists. It's all over in mythologies. The other "theories" are also supported, you just have to know more.
We talk about Phaeton but it is a theory that usually ignored by most of the scientist and academicians.

There is an asteroid belt which couldn't have formed in much more other ways. Overall, this is something that doesn't matter too much now.

There are so many things that not supported by any real source.

So you think. Many things came out much years after the JoS knew that. The truth is out there, scattered all around the place. Members are bringing the truth here to the forums from these little pieces that are hard to find and put together.
I agree with 2, I think it's one of the few things that prevents jos from moving forward, I'm not talking about the clergy, whenever this subject is discussed they have a good attitude, especially Hp. Hoodedcobra

90% of the time this subject becomes frustrating is in relation to some members talking nonsense (unfortunately Jos attracts these types of people)

The 10% is in relation to blaming everything that the white race did bad on the Jews, yes the Jews started slavery, every Portuguese royal family (slavery in Brazil) was descended from Jews of great power, this is even in the history books, what I find frustrating is forgetting that there was no white revolt defending other races, which makes the white race guilty, when you witness a crime and do nothing, you are also guilty, I read some books that made me reflect on this, the karma of the white man is the ego. Once I was reading a post about someone asking if they'd had an experience with Satan, one person commented "all you need to know is that Satan is a white, blond, blue-eyed man" I thought that was rather stupid, since the Gods appear in various mythologies and in various forms, in Yoruba mythology, all the Gods presented themselves with dark skin
I don't agree with this thing about Gods having color or human races, I'll only believe if a God tells me, I've already asked, and he advised me to have my own thoughts and experiences

I don't think the Jews hate the white race more than anything, if I were in slavery, I would certainly prefer to live in a white family, a thousand times better than as a slave being whipped day and night

The consequences of slavery can still be seen today: black people have the least access to quality education, the least access to leisure and are the majority of the poor and street population. I say this living in Brazil, of course whites also suffer this, but not as much as the black and indigenous masses

Apart from the racial theme, Jos is wonderful and worth following, no one is obliged to believe in these things, live Satanism and have your own experiences
We're not the first people to notice or complain about this
I believe that was the best answer that i got. Thank you for sharing your ideologies.
Thank you for your answers. About Nazis going into the space I read it in Joy of Satan Turkey, i will leave a link here: https://spirituelsatanizm.org/phaeton-mars-vril-cemiyeti-nazi-ufosu-nazilerin-dunya-disina-kacisi/
I found the English article that was translated from, which is this:

But keep in mind that it has been written by a former member of the Clergy who was weeded out so anything written by him is to be taken with a pinch of salt.
On one hand the German did have space research programs and so did the Russians and Americans, but if you refer to the part where it says that Hitler and other top SS have been rescued out of Earth, the only thing that I am going to say is that the claim that he committed suicide was a forgery created by their enemies to convince humanity that they defeated the "evil Nazism". As far as I researched, they lied that his skull was displayed at a Museum in Moscow, if I remember correctly a laboratory from United States stated that was a female skull. As to what really happened with Hitler, people can talk many things.

If you expect present science and academicians to prove scientifically everything that is written on JoS about spirituality and other matters, you are looking in the wrong place. Scientific circles, Universities, Research Institutes, Laboratories, they all fall under the same blanket of enemy control as any other area of the Western society. They control the banks, the mass media, most major corporations, the science as well. Is quite common knowledge by now and has been for many years but if people keep treating these as "conspiracy theories" then nothing will ever change. This is why we speak about these things in the first place and try to shed light, to shift humanity from falling into enemy hands.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting to help end slavery in the US. Whether or not that was the primary cause of the US Civil War, ending slavery was a key psychological motivator behind the decision to fight.

The international slave trade was largely ended by a collaboration of US, France, England, and Russia. Forfeiture laws in the US owe much of their existence to the effort to combat the slave trade by seizing slave ships. In much of the non-white world, slavery remains legal to this day.

Whites are the only major ethnic group in the world that are seriously concerned about the well-being of other groups. Before the Industrial Revolution, almost everyone lived on the equivalent of less than a dollar a day. European innovations and works made almost everyone in the world much wealthier.

Out of all the major ethnic groups, Whites have the lowest amount of ethnocentrism. But it is only our ethnocentrism that is ever criticized. We are expected to be totally race-blind, when everyone knows that Blacks, Asians, and Arabs are ethnocentric and no one ever complains about that.

I have never seen a material amount of non-whites ever take the side of Whites on an issue. It would make cooperation so much easier if non-whites would just concede that we have the right to exist. But even this is too much to ask, while we are expected to be completely colorblind. At this point, it is a fool's errand to attempt to convince non-whites that we have the right to exist. We just have to take our own side.
That's absurd logic.

During that time, literally no human on earth cared about the other races. They only cared for themselves and their tribe, because humans are tribalistic by nature. Not even the African tribes cared for other African tribes, as their chiefs sold the slaves they had captured from other tribes to jews in exchange for gunpowder.
Today, most non-Whites are still like that, they only care about their own, according to polls, Only White people are guilt-tripped into caring for non-Whites or "not seeing color", which isn't natural and is the reason why Wokeness is a thing among White nations only. Non-Whites can't be guilt-tripped into caring for the "holocaust" either, this jewish trick only works on Whites because they currently are the most altruistic.
I mean, go to Japan and try to promote wokeness to Japanese and guilt-trip them. It doesn't work, they are simply immune to it.
Another thing, you do realize that there were many Black slave owners too, right?

Yes, they do, as the Romans kicked their asses in 70CE when they destroyed Jerusalem and the Spanish and others expelled them. So the jews have generational grievances against the Europeans for that reason.

Again, this is absurd logic. Ethiopia was never colonized, yet it is one of the poorest countries. In other words, it's a shithole. And if it wasn't invaded by Mussolini for 5 years, it would still have slavery, as the Italians abolished it.

Liberia is a country populated totally by freed slaves. It's a corrupt shithole, and worse than Brazil or America. Blacks in America or Brazil are much better than jn Liberia.

The Blacks in Haiti rebelled and killed all Whites. Their country is now a shithole, they eat cats and practice cannibalism.

So these "consequences" you say have literally nothing to do with slavery. There are those Black people who owned slaves that I mentioned. There's no evidence that their descendants are doing better than others of their race.

Poverty education are correlated to their IQ. You can't expect 80 IQ people to be as rich or educated as 100 IQ people, and Black people generally have much lower IQ. That's why they are poor, as there are equal opportunities and even anti-White affirmative action for them.

It's also obvious as when many Black people see one of their own be interested in education or making money, they shame him for "acting White", and they praise criminals and gangsters. To put it plainly, their culture sucks.
So all the blame for Ethiopia being poor lies not with natural disasters, Christianity, corruption, countless external and internal wars, lack of access to education, but with the population being black? If that's your logic, it would be better if the Gods hadn't created diversity at all.

It's not because the whites were "tribal" that this nullifies their guilt, it only reinforces their lack of empathy, the same with the Africans who sold others.

There is no study correlating race and IQ that takes into account the social and historical context, why weren't these tests done on Machado de Assis? Benjamin Banneker? Black people are in the situation they are today because of the past and a little of the present

I could cite a huge list of white countries that aren't in the best condition, but who would you blame this time? The whites themselves or the Jews? Lack of understanding

Black countries that are growing and doing relatively well are Rwanda and Ghana, is it their success or are we going to pass the trophy on to another country that helped?

You blame black people for where they are, but you don't look around, what led the black race to be like this? Have you ever stopped to realize how much the black population doesn't have access to education? Qi is formed this way, take education away from whites, put them on the street and in a few years they'll be in the same place as blacks, they'll have to choose between working to survive, or studying and starving to death
Out of all the major ethnic groups, Whites have the lowest amount of ethnocentrism. But it is only our ethnocentrism that is ever criticized. We are expected to be totally race-blind, when everyone knows that Blacks, Asians, and Arabs are ethnocentric and no one ever complains about that
Exactly right. What boggles my mind is Blacks and liberal Whites think that once Whites become a minority in the US it will be a peaceful utopia like Disneyland. And this is an unrealistic fantasy, because Mexicans are the fastest growing demographic, the second being Asians.

One thing about Mexicans and Asians is that they can't be guilt-tripped by Blacks for slavery. And the Mexicans have been ethnically cleansing Blacks from their neighborhoods, they don't absolutely care about them at all, they call them niggers and treat them like shit. They don't care and can't be guilt-tripped by jews and their holocaust either.

So the Blacks and jews would be wishing that US were majority White again if this happens.
Greetings brother.Are under domination cristianize.Can't to declare this aspects if didn't try of connections and experiences JOS.White race is of 7-8% in the world.Jews git all of effort destroy white race... .

The nazism is a desire a Gods... .

Read and acumulate connection and experiences and then will to have a other perspective about Joy Of Satan(JOS).

I've got seen grey and reptilians in astral.

Malice their is jutting out of common.

After experiences these an the have other perspective about enemy,etc. .

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
