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Eternal Satan


New member
Jul 4, 2013
I've thought long and hard about it -I think Satan's "Grand Plan" is to spread His children throughout the universe, and to bring with it His love and truth - putting down evil and injustice!

The universe is infinite by nature and once we become gods, I think Satan expects us to spread out and start our own little empires!

I agree with this to a certain extent, but there is just one piece of clarification I have. You are correct in saying that Father Satan wishes to spread his children through the stars, that is His wish. However we will still be a part of His Glorious Empire of Orion. It has always been our destiny to become a part of His Reich, and we shall.And His Reich will last for all Eternity. HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!

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On Nov 26, 2016, at 17:03, "blutkrieger666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I've thought long and hard about it -I think Satan's "Grand Plan" is to spread His children throughout the universe, and to bring with it His love and truth - putting down evil and injustice!

The universe is infinite by nature and once we become gods, I think Satan expects us to spread out and start our own little empires!

Well said, Brother Sam! :)

On 11/27/16, Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I agree with this to a certain extent, but there is just one piece of
clarification I have.
You are correct in saying that Father Satan wishes to spread his children
through the stars, that is His wish. However we will still be a part of His
Glorious Empire of Orion. It has always been our destiny to become a part of
His Reich, and we shall.
And His Reich will last for all Eternity.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 26, 2016, at 17:03, "blutkrieger666@... [JoyofSatan666]"
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

I've thought long and hard about it -I think Satan's "Grand Plan" is to
spread His children throughout the universe, and to bring with it His love
and truth - putting down evil and injustice!

The universe is infinite by nature and once we become gods, I think Satan
expects us to spread out and start our own little empires!

Yeah, I reconcidered that after I posted. But the universe is infinite in it's expanse, what we want to do will basically be up to us, as long as it doesn't conflict with Satan's will.
Respectfully Sam, I disagree. We are not Nordics, we are Humans. The purpose of Satanism is to help us become the best Humans we can be, not to assimilate us into Nordic culture. As Satan's Children and creations, we will always have a close bond with Father Satan and the Nordics, but we are our own species with our own identity, and as such should forge our own destiny. 
Father Satans grand plan is actually non otherthan to free his children from slavery, to guide and help us compleat his work on humanity- which he failed to do due to the war that broke out hear on earth, only in onother realm, aspiritual war between the Demons and the enemy Nordics plus greys. Humanitys sole purpose was to work as slaves in mines of the Nordics, were we were to be destroyed after the project, but, Satan was to compassionate and could not bare to destroy his creation. So he worked to advance our DNA, and when He refused to destroy the humans and worked to protect them a war broke out, and he lost abattle. Thats why humanity is in shambles of atmost spiritual degredation. However. He lost a battle but not the war.!! Even until upto now Satan is still fighting for humanity. And it is a fact to say that he is winning the War!!!
Humanity is finally waking up from the jewish program and attaining spiritual knoweledge. Satans grand plan ~which he is carrying out- is to work with humanity to elavate themselves into achieving the magum opus aka acheaving the Godhead. This will bring humanity godly knowledge and power of tranforming our souls. Hence true Satnism is to advance ones mind and soul, and personal powers, working towards compleat indepence. Hail Satan
Hail all hell
Dark blessings brothers en sisters, comrades
DevilsAdvocate Nic
On Nov 28, 2016 5:08 PM, "blutkrieger666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Yeah, I reconcidered that after I posted. But the universe is infinite in it's expanse, what we want to do will basically be up to us, as long as it doesn't conflict with Satan's will.
"You are correct in saying that Father Satan wishes to spread his children through the stars, that is His wish. However we will still be a part of His Glorious Empire of Orion." Hmmm...
I advice that read well enough before you make a post in the groups. Becareful about posting ideas based on personal knowledge, assumptions and speculation. Because those who are new will take your word forit... Now if you say, "Satan wishes to spread his children through the stars"?
:) such a statement makes wonder. And you asert that "that is his wish"? I dnt know where to start to explain.
But you do your own home work alright...there are alot of sermons about man en how he came into existence ....i mean everything about humanities identity.
We are not part of Orion en we shall never be. We were creacted by ETs, Satan himself design us. It is true that he wanted us to be like the gods, strong, knowledgeable and powerful- that is why he gave us the advanced genetics of the of a soul, like the demons.(Nordics) But we are not demons, well, theres a ressemblence but we are not exactly like them and shall never be exactly like them even when we achive the godhead.
There DNA is diffrent from ours.
You can go a head and look up there characteristics and physical appearence. They are diffrent. We have a soul like they do but we are still our own spiece. So...do your home work. En post facts next time...not assumptions.

DevilsAdvocate Nic
On Nov 27, 2016 9:07 PM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I agree with this to a certain extent, but there is just one piece of clarification I have. You are correct in saying that Father Satan wishes to spread his children through the stars, that is His wish. However we will still be a part of His Glorious Empire of Orion. It has always been our destiny to become a part of His Reich, and we shall.And His Reich will last for all Eternity. HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!

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On Nov 26, 2016, at 17:03, "blutkrieger666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I've thought long and hard about it -I think Satan's "Grand Plan" is to spread His children throughout the universe, and to bring with it His love and truth - putting down evil and injustice!

The universe is infinite by nature and once we become gods, I think Satan expects us to spread out and start our own little empires!

Hmmm, i have constantly read otherwise. Something like this... " Humanitys sole purpose was for use as slave labourorers in the mines of the Nephililim. We were to be destroyed after the gold mining projeject was compleated. Satan along with many oyher Nephilim fathered children with human mothers...... But the version from the link you have attched is much more informative. Thank you :)
Things now make alot more sense. Hail Satan
Hail all hell
Dark blessings to you comrades. DevilsAdvocate Nic
On Nov 30, 2016 8:19 PM, "black_knight_4@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I am sorry devilsadvocate if I come off as rude or arrogant, but I perfectly understand what I said. And I do understand what it means to post here on the groups, I have been a member here for approximately 3 years, and dedicated for nearly 4. It was linked later in this topic, The Satanic Revelation by HP HoodedCobra, it answers many questions and dispels much misinformation one has in regards to these topics. 
And I totally understand what you are saying and to an extent I agree, we are not Daemons at this moment. And yes their DNA is different, but this is only because of the degeneration of the soul that has undertaken the Aryan race. We Aryans are the LITERAL children of the Gods, we were not just created by Satan, we ARE OF Satan. We have His Holy DNA in our veins. This means that Aryans are directly descended from the Nordics, and thru the purification of our own DNA via meditations, the Aryan race will become what it once was. This can be evidenced in the Aryan Nordic sub-race. The Nordic sub-race has the most common similarities with the race of Nordic Gods. They have similar bone structures, hair and eye color, skin tones, height, build, etc. This does not mean that the other Aryan sub-races are not Aryan however, for they are also descendants of the Gods. I think it is only logical for us to become part of His Glorious Empire. We WERE part of it once. When He directly ruled this Earth we were part of His Empire. It does not mean we will not forge our destiny, on the contrary, unity with Satan's Empire will yield us many benefits and is our duty to become part of it. Have you seen the various pieces in the JOS Daemons section that says for example "Beelzebub is The Lord of the East."? This means that when Satan and the Gods return, Beelzebub will return to His mantle as Lord of the East. This means that it is our destiny to have the Gods return to us, and we therefor return to them. Of course, please don't take any of this as a personal attack, I am merely debating for the purpose of enlightening those who see. HAIL SATAN!!
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 29, 2016, at 10:47, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  "You are correct in saying that Father Satan wishes to spread his children through the stars, that is His wish. However we will still be a part of His Glorious Empire of Orion." Hmmm...
I advice that read well enough before you make a post in the groups. Becareful about posting ideas based on personal knowledge, assumptions and speculation. Because those who are new will take your word forit... Now if you say, "Satan wishes to spread his children through the stars"?
:) such a statement makes wonder. And you asert that "that is his wish"? I dnt know where to start to explain.
But you do your own home work alright...there are alot of sermons about man en how he came into existence ....i mean everything about humanities identity.
We are not part of Orion en we shall never be. We were creacted by ETs, Satan himself design us. It is true that he wanted us to be like the gods, strong, knowledgeable and powerful- that is why he gave us the advanced genetics of the of a soul, like the demons.(Nordics) But we are not demons, well, theres a ressemblence but we are not exactly like them and shall never be exactly like them even when we achive the godhead.
There DNA is diffrent from ours.
You can go a head and look up there characteristics and physical appearence. They are diffrent. We have a soul like they do but we are still our own spiece. So...do your home work. En post facts next time...not assumptions.

DevilsAdvocate Nic On Nov 27, 2016 9:07 PM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I agree with this to a certain extent, but there is just one piece of clarification I have. You are correct in saying that Father Satan wishes to spread his children through the stars, that is His wish. However we will still be a part of His Glorious Empire of Orion. It has always been our destiny to become a part of His Reich, and we shall.And His Reich will last for all Eternity. HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 26, 2016, at 17:03, "blutkrieger666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I've thought long and hard about it -I think Satan's "Grand Plan" is to spread His children throughout the universe, and to bring with it His love and truth - putting down evil and injustice!

The universe is infinite by nature and once we become gods, I think Satan expects us to spread out and start our own little empires!

The website doesn't say that Beelzebub is Lord of the East, because the Lord of the East is Satan. Beelzebub is Lord of the North, mate.
And to the other guy who says we will never be part of the Orion Empire, you should be the one to the homeworks better. It has been stated in sermons that mankind was created also because the Orion Empire lost a lot of their people during the war between Maldeck and Tiamat, and that they created us because they wanted to replace them.
Rude? :) Naahhh...
I laugh at almost everything...even my own mistakes sometimes. There is nothing rude about yo post. Seems am the one who hasnt been doing the good digging. Hehe
Btw i did not mean to offend you....that is if i did :) Just that am very sarcastic en a very careless writter en sometimes i seem to pose like a know it all...which am not. Hehe In anyways. I perfectly get what you mean now.
I had based my knowledge on diffrent sources-that are obviously out dated.
But am greatful to the link i was directed to, it was very informative. En now i will know batter. Tanx Dark blessings Comrades Hail Satan
Hail all Hell

DevilsAdvocate Nic
On Dec 1, 2016 7:04 AM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Good to hear comrade :)HAIL SATAN!!!

On Dec 1, 2016, at 0:21, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Rude? :) Naahhh...
I laugh at almost everything...even my own mistakes sometimes. There is nothing rude about yo post. Seems am the one who hasnt been doing the good digging. Hehe
Btw i did not mean to offend you....that is if i did :) Just that am very sarcastic en a very careless writter en sometimes i seem to pose like a know it all...which am not. Hehe In anyways. I perfectly get what you mean now.
I had based my knowledge on diffrent sources-that are obviously out dated.
But am greatful to the link i was directed to, it was very informative. En now i will know batter. Tanx Dark blessings Comrades Hail Satan
Hail all Hell

DevilsAdvocate Nic On Dec 1, 2016 7:04 AM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
"Beelzebub is the Patron of all of the Orient [Far East], Martial Arts and Asian Culture. He was Prince of the Seraphim and He has a raspy voice"
I took this directly from the JOS page on Lord Beelzebub. HAIL SATAN!!!
GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!On Nov 30, 2016, at 23:18, "starduststreakoflightning@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  The website doesn't say that Beelzebub is Lord of the East, because the Lord of the East is Satan. Beelzebub is Lord of the North, mate.
And to the other guy who says we will never be part of the Orion Empire, you should be the one to the homeworks better. It has been stated in sermons that mankind was created also because the Orion Empire lost a lot of their people during the war between Maldeck and Tiamat, and that they created us because they wanted to replace them.
Guys! Guys!..I was referring to "the far distant future"!

Yes, most of us here know the history of the ancient Gods and the reasons ( yes the mining theory had been mostly discounted) why They came here - it's Satanism 101 to most of us!

It might just be me, but I find it easier to understand what's going on if I have a "broader" picture of it.

But, I'm glad I brought it up because it's great to discuss these things and exchange opinions - isn't that one of the main reasons we are in the group?


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
