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New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

Au trecut câteva zile de când sa încheiat timpul nostru împreună. Din prima zi în care am început să fac ritualul lui Big Maxine, m-am simțit liniștit și liniștit, de parcă mi-ar fi vorbit ea însăși, dar de ce să te enervez, nu are rost. Astăzi este 23 iunie și sunt încă compuse și plin de credință.
Au trecut câteva zile de când s-a încheiat timpul nostru împreună. Din prima zi în care am început să fac ritualul lui Big Maxine, m-am simțit liniștit și liniștit, de parcă mi-ar fi vorbit ea însăși, dar de ce să te enervez, nu are rost. Astăzi este 23 iunie și sunt încă compus și plin de credință. A fost cel mai bun program pentru mine și sper și pentru alții. Pot efectua ritualuri pentru demoni independent de credință

It's been a few days since our time together ended. From the first day I started performing the ritual to Big Maxine, I felt calm and composed, as if she had spoken to me herself, but why get irritated, it serves no purpose. Today is June 23 and I am still composed and full of faith. It was the best schedule for me, and I hope for others too. Can I perform rituals to demons independently from the plan?

It's been a few days since our time together ended. From the first day I started performing the ritual to Big Maxine, I felt calm and composed, as if she had spoken to me herself, but why get irritated, it serves no purpose. Today is June 23 and I am still composed and full of faith. It was the best schedule for me, and I hope for others too. Can I perform rituals to demons independently from the plan?
How many times, do the rituals, can I do it only once a week or as many times as I want?
How many times, do the rituals, can I do it only once a week or as many times as I want?
As much as you want whenever you want.
Can you explain to me what happened to Mrs. Maxine .
I didn't really understand if she is still with us, please explain, am I very confused?
How can we keep in touch with Maxine and Hitler. I personally have never talked to them, there is a way to talk to them, I would like very much, I appreciate if there is any way to talk to them and to the Gods.
HPS Maxine recently got her own sigil as a Shen Ring. Hitler's sigil is commonly believed to be the Swastika.
What else could Hitler's sigil be?
Something that is not based on assumptions.

With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166
More Details About Magnum Opus: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/post-1070506

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
Thank you for these! And very grateful for schedule.. it's been such an amazing feelings happening doing these the last couple of days with you JoS...yeSS! Home is where the heart is and so I'm with you all also..we.. in the heart of 💧🌠🌹Sa⸸an❤️‍🔥🪷✨🐍🦚
This is perhaps the greatest news I have received in the last few years, and I cannot express the joy and love that fills me.

Blessed to Our Mother, who gave us JoS as a present and always guided us in the midst of so many difficulties, to become a Goddess as a fruit of all her work!

Hail Satan!
Hail Lady Maxine!
Hail Lord Balaam!
With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166
More Details About Magnum Opus: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/post-1070506

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand
its still possible to participate/

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
