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White supremacy

Daniela G

New member
May 28, 2005
I'm new to this jos. Going through the website I've run into some disturbing things that screams white supremacy. In Satan's Library there's a section with a bunch of pdfs and one of them says this might be offensive to non-whites. I downloaded the material and was shocked there's racial slurs on it. Can anyone explain it to me because it's confusing that Satanism, metaphysics and white supremacy are mixed in this site. How is this possible?
I noticed that too and was confused about it. I thought SS was about becoming spiritually aware and knowledgeable about spirituality. I'm white but I thought anyone could join if they truly believe Satan to be the real God and Father of humanity.
Lol the other day a guy came to preach at our school how we should help some tribes in Africa, because we should feel guilty for our ancestors enslaving them... And than he also said we should take responsibility because some people from Russian government want to make them go extinct... And than his wife complainted because she wasn't allowed to tell this on the radio, because Africa is too far away... Basically promotion white guilt -.-

And they expected kids, aged 15-18 year old, to give them money, because they should feel guilty for something they did do...

Any volunteers to teach kids to be proud about who they are & to embrace their Aryan race? Ohhh no evil nazis! Dat is nut gud, vey!
OMG! Thats terribly shocking! Not at all PC! By the Gods! Whites standing up for their race?!? That certainly IS shocking! We can't have THAT! OY VEH!!
LOL (Aldrick) 
Daniela, start by reading the Sermons. I started with those of HPS Maxine D when I was new. You'll find a lot of your questions will be answered in them. And then start Studying in Satan's Library. Exposing Christianity is a must read. It's on Audio now as well:
http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Sa ... _AUDIO.htm

Listen to understanding National Socialism audios by Aldrick Strickland, he explains it very well.
Start with those.
Daniela, what you have run into is not disturbing in the slightest. The jews have programmed you through brainwashing into believing that White superiority is wrong. Think about all the arguments that jews make. They say how it isn't right for whites to be proud! How they shouldn't think they are superior.However, if you look at ANY major civilization, you will see how they are all White. The Roman Empire, Ancient Egypt, Babylon, The British Empire, Nazi Germany etc. ALL were lead by whites and whites thrived. Do some reading of The White Man's bible in Satan's Library (the text you referred to as offensive), it is very enlightening.HAIL SATAN!!!
On Apr 23, 2017, at 23:21, Daniela G dlg85fu@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I'm new to this jos. Going through the website I've run into some disturbing things that screams white supremacy. In Satan's Library there's a section with a bunch of pdfs and one of them says this might be offensive to non-whites. I downloaded the material and was shocked there's racial slurs on it. Can anyone explain it to me because it's confusing that Satanism, metaphysics and white supremacy are mixed in this site. How is this possible?
Lydia, you're not wrong. Everyone can join and we have HPs that are White, Black & Asian. There are also seperate groups for each race. Just the thing is, that here the White race is aware of itself & we're proud of what we are. We realise the importance of racal purity & that by race mixing you hurt everyone: you, your partner & both of your races. Humanity is so brainwashed by the media, that saying 'I'm Black and I'm proud of it' is seen as a good thing but as soon as you change it to 'I'm White and proud of it' it turns into white supremacy BS... Think about it and read Zola's post & the links in it.
I'm not huge on slamming other races either but having pride and caring about your race is important. We shouldn't be shut down because of what our ancestors have done to each other. The point is living in peace. We don't want to blast one another for being different. 

I don't know about Native Americans as far as where they classify. But isn't it sad how almost all tribes are extinct because blood lines have crossed too much? Could you imagine how great it could be, to learn about them as a group- if we didn't bastardize crossing them and making them extinct in a way? Well that's what happened- christian settlers decided that they didn't like their ways so they "domesticated" them. How would you feel if that was done to your race?

It's an excellent point but it's up to you to take it as you want it. Afterall, Satanism is all about seeking the truth.

Good luck and best of wishes to you all.. 
There are NO racial slurs there. Spiritual Satanism is for everyone. I believe you just interpreted it how the Jew wanted you to. Continue reading the Joy of Satan website and you will get a better understanding of what Spiritual Satanism truly stands for.

Open your eye to see that Spiritual Satanism is for everyone. Yes, whites WILL stand up for their race, but so should every other race entirely.
White people are the Master Race but it is different than the enemy projects. You see, the Jew projects its own version of supremacy(which is its natural state of mind) onto white people about being some race that wants to rule the world and make slaves of all of the other races. This is far from the Truth.

White people have had many associations with other races of the planet for many thousands of years for many reasons. And all of these associations were healthy, natural, and beneficial to all parties involved.

If you cannot find satisfactory information on the Joy of Satan then ask Satan personally to guide you to other information sources.

White people care about all races not just their own. And all races are free to join Spiritual Satanism.
I thought all races (white, black, asian) were in this together. Like I said, I'm white, but I would never use slurs to get my point across. Yes, I did use the term white supremacy because that's what I'm getting at. I literally laughed when you called me a Jew. That seems to be the norm when others question the JoS site or if you are challenged.
I also have white, black and asian friends and in between (mixed race) so the slurs caught me off guard. 
On Apr 26, 2017 1:41 AM, "whiterabbitsouth@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Daniela how did you even find JoS Spiritual Satanism while still so racially unconscious as to blatently still believing the anti-racist lies? And the fact you use the term "White Supremecy" says you either know nothing about the subject OR that your just a filthy Jew/Anti-White pretending to be the morally outraged innocent

Hoping on the former will give this brief summary of Racial pride: Its the outward expression of an inner search for the truth that calls us from the spiritual realm thru our genetic memory encoded by the lives of our ancestors, which tells us their stories in symbolic languages distinct among the main racial divisions like Africans/Asians/Aryans etc so that the symbolism ISNT universal among all 'humanity', and its to break this connection to our pasts that the Jew promotes miscegenation! Whereas 'White Supremecy' is like the weaponsized exaggeration/distorion of that inner search for the truth to turn people against it. It appears to be a very common tactic of the Jew to promote the exaggeration/excess of ostensibly innocuous/harmless things in order to weaponize them against their enemies. Fuck the Jews!

Hail Satan
Hail the God's of Hell
Indeed it does happen often that people on the groups immedietly call people who question our beliefs a jew. The reason for that is because jewish infiltraitors often come here and try to cause confusion or some kind of uproar in our groups by asking questions about these things.

I do not think that Daniela is a jew and it is not strange to see people question our beliefs because of how the jews have warped society, the minds of people and the natural state of life here on earth.

Daniela, we here on the JoS are not prejudiced negatively against any of the gentile races, I am white and certainly don't hate black people or asian people, we don't hate the other gentile races or advocate that whites should be the only people on the planet or something.

Satan and the Gods created all 3 of the Gentile races, to fullfill their own purpose here on earth, the three races working together to make this world a better place for all beings here, making use of their natural talents and things they excel at to supplement each other, but living seperately in our own seperate countries and empires, blacks among blacks, whites among whites and asians among asians. Seperated yet working together in unity on a global scale.

There are plenty of terrible white people, as well as plenty of terrible blacks and there are also plenty of terrible asians. All three of our races have degenerated a lot over the many years of jewish influence.

Percentage wise though, the black race, especially the black people who are living in white countries are in a much worse condition than the people of the other races. The jews have specifically targeted the black race a great deal in an attempt to turn them into a weapon against whites. There are a lot of degenerate blacks in the world, which is very sad, but in my eyes those degenerate blacks are not real black people, they are niggers not worthy of respect, literally worse than trash because they behave worse than trash and ruin the existence of our people and their own people with their degenerate behavior.

Like I said though, there are plenty of degenerate whites too and as a white SS I do not look at those degenerates as whites either, they are the excrement of our race, not worthy of being called Aryan, they are racial trash too just like niggers in my opinion.

They are lost, many of them beyond saving. Like the middle eastern people who blindly follow pisslam, slaughter each other and disrespect their woman in the most vile ways. Arabs are origionally whites, just by looking at them you can see how far they have fallen, how terribly they have degenerated. Not a speck of Aryan pride and beauty left in them.

The same is with the degenerate blacks, perhaps their skin color is the same as that of other blacks, but they posses none of the beauty of the black race, none of their pride or anything, the spirit of the black race is long detached from those degenerate wastes of life.

Currently there aren't a lot of black SS, but the ones that are with us are amazing people, they are doing a great thing working hard to discover their divine purpose and learning from the Gods about the true history of their people, the true natural talents and their uniquenes, their beauty. The few I have spoken with all dislike a great deal how far some of their race have degenerated.

White people feeling proud about their race and our accomplishments which have enlightened the world, made it a better place and created the blue print for great civillizations to be build is natural. It is what we are, if you look throughout all of history whites have done the most incredible things here on earth, we are amazing people and it is evident everywhere.

I feel great pride for my race, my ancestors and our great potential as a race and people, but my Aryan pride and my love for my race does not hurt blacks or asians, as I don't think ill of them. I simply love my people and feel great pride for my people, a normal thing to do.

When you feel pride about something, it does not mean you have to hate something else because of it.

We SS despise all things degenerate, whether they be jews, muslim invaders raping our white woman in europe, white xians beating their wives and treating their children worse than garbage, or blacks in america wasting their life away smoking drugs and yelling "kill whitey", promoting white genocide.

It is not that we dislike blacks as a race, but we hate what many of them have become and we do not tolerate how those degenerates treat our people, how they invade our lands, ruin our culture, ruin our people and rape or kill our woman and children.

Maybe you don't know how bad it really is, but white people are the most persecuted race on the planet, because the jews do not want us to exist, since our existence is the greatest threat to their plans for humanity. We are the ones that transformed the world and made it civillized, livable.

While whites were sailing the oceans, living in beautiful cities with great temples to honor the Gods, a Rich culture and an Abundance of riches, the tribes of native americans did what? They build tipi's, and made some cave paintings. They didn't even build roads, or settlements, they didn't even know argiculture and for thousands of years their civilization had remained the same as it is today, they didn't develop at all. The left over tribes people there still live in the stone age, the same way as they lived thousands of years ago.

Africans are largely the same, with very little development happening over thousands of years. Whites are the civillizers of the world, we helped out the other races a lot throughout history, giving them knowledge of advanced architecture and argiculture, two of the most important things required to allow large civillizations to sustain themselves and develop.

America was settled by whites thousands of years ago, way before the first native american ever set foot on that land. The inca's and maya's and all those other large civilizations of south american and such sprouted up much later and they actually wiped out the white populations who origionally lived there, Aryans that sailed across the ocean from Egypt and other places where we had large scale advanced civillization. Whites shared their knowledge with the peoplw who would later become the inca's and mayans, and in return what did we get? Our people were slaughtered for bringing civillization to an uncivillized people and giving them the means to develop.

Still though we SS whites do not hate the other gentile races, historically there are many accounts of other races killing us out of spite and other things, yet whites have always extended their hand to the other races and people on earth since it is in our nature to uplift everything we can see, everything we can reach.

Adolf Hitler gave the German people back their racial pride and instead of those Germans thinking ill of other gentiles, they showed great respect to them, Adolf Hitler had great respect for the Japanese and their race, and he had great respect for the Blacks that were enlisted in the SS. NS Germany was more respectful to the other gentile races than many blacks and asians are to their own.

Our people are the most advanced and most celebrated race on the planet, but the other Gentiles have their own racial purpose and they have unique qualities that make them specialized in different ways. Make them superior in certain aspects.

When all the gentiles find their true racial roots and their divine racial purpose the beauty that the Gods intended each Race to have will manifest and all the gentile races will then find their rightful place in the world, living in their own communities, developing their own civillizations and each developing what makes them unique, expressing themselves as their nature intended for them. Seperated from each other, but working together using each races unique talents to make this world as beautiful and advanced as it can be. In a world where everyone can be proud of themselves and their people without having a jew tell them otherwise.

Hail Satan!
Which part said by whiterabbitsouth you don't get and where did he/she calls you directly a jew? Satan stands for racial separation. That's it. The White race's existence is at stake and it's in dire need of protection. If the White Race of Satan is eradicted, all the other races are hopeless in this planet at the hands of the Jews.

---In [email protected], <dlg85fu@... wrote :

I thought all races (white, black, asian) were in this together. Like I said, I'm white, but I would never use slurs to get my point across. Yes, I did use the term white supremacy because that's what I'm getting at. I literally laughed when you called me a Jew. That seems to be the norm when others question the JoS site or if you are challenged.
I also have white, black and asian friends and in between (mixed race) so the slurs caught me off guard. 
On Apr 26, 2017 1:41 AM, "whiterabbitsouth@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
 Daniela how did you even find JoS Spiritual Satanism while still so racially unconscious as to blatently still believing the anti-racist lies? And the fact you use the term "White Supremecy" says you either know nothing about the subject OR that your just a filthy Jew/Anti-White pretending to be the morally outraged innocent

Hoping on the former will give this brief summary of Racial pride: Its the outward expression of an inner search for the truth that calls us from the spiritual realm thru our genetic memory encoded by the lives of our ancestors, which tells us their stories in symbolic languages distinct among the main racial divisions like Africans/Asians/Aryans etc so that the symbolism ISNT universal among all 'humanity', and its to break this connection to our pasts that the Jew promotes miscegenation! Whereas 'White Supremecy' is like the weaponsized exaggeration/distorion of that inner search for the truth to turn people against it. It appears to be a very common tactic of the Jew to promote the exaggeration/excess of ostensibly innocuous/harmless things in order to weaponize them against their enemies. Fuck the Jews!

Hail Satan
Hail the God's of Hell
"There are NO racial slurs there."
Wrong. If you download "Little White Book", go to page 12 and #9 clearly uses the n word and calling others "mud races". 
If SS is for everyone, those words would not be used. I am white myself but there's no need for crap like that.

On Apr 25, 2017 11:38 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  There are NO racial slurs there. Spiritual Satanism is for everyone. I believe you just interpreted it how the Jew wanted you to. Continue reading the Joy of Satan website and you will get a better understanding of what Spiritual Satanism truly stands for.

Open your eye to see that Spiritual Satanism is for everyone. Yes, whites WILL stand up for their race, but so should every other race entirely.
This is clearly marked:
The Little White Book.pdf
Please be Warned, this Book is extremely White Nationalist and may be very offensive to non-Whites 

Offensive to non-whites and also, apparently, to some whites who have bought into the jew propaganda and Libertard brainwashing. 
A name is a name. And there are plenty of names that white people get called too. The mudslimes call white europeans 'white slag.' Whatever. If everything has to be fucking candy coated and made PC to satisfy Muh Feelings, then this is a symptom of the multigenerational brainwashing to create these supersensitivities between races, so a name is immediately percieved as a 'slur'. 'hate'.'racism'. This is what the jew has created in the gentiles psyche. Negros call other negros niggers. When a whitey does it, its 'derogatory'. Many decades ago it was merely descriptive. Same with calling Asians Asians. This is apparently not PC anymore, they are now to be referred to by some other fucking name according to the region they come from. I still just say Asian. Sorry if thats not PC. Indians are now 'Native Americans'. They are names, take the emotionalism and knee jerk reaction that is programmed into you by the jew out of it. You are interpreting it exactly as the jew wants you too. This just shows how deep their programming goes in Gentiles, due to the lies and divisions created by the jew. Remember the jews main axiom is Divide and Conquer. This squabbling over a name divides, as it is meant to do. This is the poison of the jew.
Little white book was written and published back in 1991 by a person who was born in 1918. Back in those days nigger just meant a black guy. If its too offensive for your 'feelings,' well, thats why there was a warning label on it. For people in this time who can't handle that reality. A name is a name is a name is a name. It's the Jews who want people to think a name means 'hate.' I don't hate the other races. Hitler didn't either. The white SS here aren't about hating the other Gentile races. Mud is brown coloured. Thats how they described someone who isn't white nor black. Mud coloured. That said; a lot of the non-white races have seriously degenerated. The advanced blacks themselves call them crazy niggers. 
They are seeking now to take it to another level and divide us among gender. No more man and woman. Now they have all these other names. And so it goes on and on. Divide and conquer. 

 This person is obviously trolling. By their comment that who ever questions the JOS gets called that. They just happen to come out of no where with this question. They are intentionally trying to start shit during a mercury retrograde as a means to make everyone pull their hair out. 
 Unfortunately for Rothy Poo this has shown to be ineffective as no one gives a shit. The book was not written by JOS and it clearly says if this offends you to not read it. Yes when whites get in to their own race and see what is going on they begin to classify races together that are trying to destroy them. Then create slurs for these threats as a means to release anger. 
 You act as though we are suppose to have sympathy. I love how everyone plays this obnoxious card. Oh thats racist. You wanna know something honey? Yes it is racist. Is that bad? Yes. it makes me love it even more. We are Satanist who do not give a fuck about what you think is good or bad. We do not think oh my this person thinks it is wrong or it offends them! My response is really? Yes! Lets do it even more. 
  Lets fawn it in your face until you cry and scream. Till you show us those adorable little crocodile tears. Then yell us at in rage for the level of hurt it has brought you. Then when you are done whining and calling us names. We go to rub the salt in the wound and listen to your agony and pain. 
  Oh the bliss and ecstasy thinking about it. 
  If your so superior, if you are so wonderful? Then why oh why do you think we have to baby you all the time. We get called the worst things imaginable. We have white guilt attempted to be instilled in us at every corner and we cannot even mention we have the slightest pride in our race. Or that we are nothing but monsters. Yet when it comes around the other way, you cant stand a simple slur in a white supremacist book written by those who dared to stick out. 
  It is so laughable how pathetic you really are. If you were in our position the only words out of your mouth would be yes masta. While we forge ahead to build a revolution, with even other Gentiles getting in our way. Does that offend you? Good. I hope you get butthurt and run away, because obviously you cannot run with the big dogs. For those who are not offended, we can have respect for you. In that your not a little cry baby bitch. 
  We wish to build your race up. Could we just ask in return that you merely do not try to tear ours down? Is that really such a horrible deal to other Gentiles? Leave us to build ourselves up and we will help you. If we were to ask other Gentiles for help I feel we would never hear the end of it. It would be the ultimate sign of defeat, in which their response would be to genocide us. It is truly amazing that after all this we wish to help other races in the first place. 
 We have no desire to destroy other races. But we will build ours up and we will destroy that which threatens it. This can cause problems with some I am sure. But as I recall... WE didn't ask your permission. 

   If our race wishes to use the occasional harmless words against other races. In an attempt to break free and build themselves up. Then I support that completely. I hope that is fully understood my Nigga. 

Guys in the Library, on these 'offensive' books, it says they are for WHITE NATIONALISTS. This is something on its own, a category, that is for STUDYING only.

White nationalism is an ideology that may have some useful elements for some readers, but we are not WN. We consider them interesting for study, from a SATANIC mindset. We are not 'this' ideology.

We are National Socialist, which focuses of love on one's race, not hate on others.

WN is whole other thing, that has other focuses. We need to study material however, so that we are aware. There are some good points in them, others are flat out worthless and whack.

The same goes for all people of other Races who should read manuscripts by racial leaders of their own people, but we look at them as wiser people and as SS.

Let's not pretend and lie about that similar things from black or other supremacists places who call out heavily or other things. Do not exist. For they do, and one can find them easily online. Any such texts need to be looked upon with a critical eye, and from a higher level of us being SS and analyzing the situation.

Because these things do actually exist, so don't play the victims here, everyone does that. We all know the source of the issues and that's what matters.

As for the saving of the world at large, we have, as wiser people than the mob, understand that we have to be draconian in our understanding and in our willingness to understand what is right. The mob will never understand it, as they are not us.

Στις 9:37 π.μ. Παρασκευή, 28 Απριλίου 2017, ο/η "aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

 This person is obviously trolling. By their comment that who ever questions the JOS gets called that. They just happen to come out of no where with this question. They are intentionally trying to start shit during a mercury retrograde as a means to make everyone pull their hair out. 
 Unfortunately for Rothy Poo this has shown to be ineffective as no one gives a shit. The book was not written by JOS and it clearly says if this offends you to not read it. Yes when whites get in to their own race and see what is going on they begin to classify races together that are trying to destroy them. Then create slurs for these threats as a means to release anger. 
 You act as though we are suppose to have sympathy. I love how everyone plays this obnoxious card. Oh thats racist. You wanna know something honey? Yes it is racist. Is that bad? Yes. it makes me love it even more. We are Satanist who do not give a fuck about what you think is good or bad. We do not think oh my this person thinks it is wrong or it offends them! My response is really? Yes! Lets do it even more. 
  Lets fawn it in your face until you cry and scream. Till you show us those adorable little crocodile tears. Then yell us at in rage for the level of hurt it has brought you. Then when you are done whining and calling us names. We go to rub the salt in the wound and listen to your agony and pain. 
  Oh the bliss and ecstasy thinking about it. 
  If your so superior, if you are so wonderful? Then why oh why do you think we have to baby you all the time. We get called the worst things imaginable. We have white guilt attempted to be instilled in us at every corner and we cannot even mention we have the slightest pride in our race. Or that we are nothing but monsters. Yet when it comes around the other way, you cant stand a simple slur in a white supremacist book written by those who dared to stick out. 
  It is so laughable how pathetic you really are. If you were in our position the only words out of your mouth would be yes masta. While we forge ahead to build a revolution, with even other Gentiles getting in our way. Does that offend you? Good. I hope you get butthurt and run away, because obviously you cannot run with the big dogs. For those who are not offended, we can have respect for you. In that your not a little cry baby bitch. 
  We wish to build your race up. Could we just ask in return that you merely do not try to tear ours down? Is that really such a horrible deal to other Gentiles? Leave us to build ourselves up and we will help you. If we were to ask other Gentiles for help I feel we would never hear the end of it. It would be the ultimate sign of defeat, in which their response would be to genocide us. It is truly amazing that after all this we wish to help other races in the first place. 
 We have no desire to destroy other races. But we will build ours up and we will destroy that which threatens it. This can cause problems with some I am sure. But as I recall... WE didn't ask your permission. 

   If our race wishes to use the occasional harmless words against other races. In an attempt to break free and build themselves up. Then I support that completely. I hope that is fully understood my Nigga. 


Thank you for taking the time and effort to write/type this.
Hail Satan Forever. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Thursday, April 27, 2017, 12:25, voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Indeed it does happen often that people on the groups immedietly call people who question our beliefs a jew. The reason for that is because jewish infiltraitors often come here and try to cause confusion or some kind of uproar in our groups by asking questions about these things.

I do not think that Daniela is a jew and it is not strange to see people question our beliefs because of how the jews have warped society, the minds of people and the natural state of life here on earth.

Daniela, we here on the JoS are not prejudiced negatively against any of the gentile races, I am white and certainly don't hate black people or asian people, we don't hate the other gentile races or advocate that whites should be the only people on the planet or something.

Satan and the Gods created all 3 of the Gentile races, to fullfill their own purpose here on earth, the three races working together to make this world a better place for all beings here, making use of their natural talents and things they excel at to supplement each other, but living seperately in our own seperate countries and empires, blacks among blacks, whites among whites and asians among asians. Seperated yet working together in unity on a global scale.

There are plenty of terrible white people, as well as plenty of terrible blacks and there are also plenty of terrible asians. All three of our races have degenerated a lot over the many years of jewish influence.

Percentage wise though, the black race, especially the black people who are living in white countries are in a much worse condition than the people of the other races. The jews have specifically targeted the black race a great deal in an attempt to turn them into a weapon against whites. There are a lot of degenerate blacks in the world, which is very sad, but in my eyes those degenerate blacks are not real black people, they are niggers not worthy of respect, literally worse than trash because they behave worse than trash and ruin the existence of our people and their own people with their degenerate behavior.

Like I said though, there are plenty of degenerate whites too and as a white SS I do not look at those degenerates as whites either, they are the excrement of our race, not worthy of being called Aryan, they are racial trash too just like niggers in my opinion.

They are lost, many of them beyond saving. Like the middle eastern people who blindly follow pisslam, slaughter each other and disrespect their woman in the most vile ways. Arabs are origionally whites, just by looking at them you can see how far they have fallen, how terribly they have degenerated. Not a speck of Aryan pride and beauty left in them.

The same is with the degenerate blacks, perhaps their skin color is the same as that of other blacks, but they posses none of the beauty of the black race, none of their pride or anything, the spirit of the black race is long detached from those degenerate wastes of life.

Currently there aren't a lot of black SS, but the ones that are with us are amazing people, they are doing a great thing working hard to discover their divine purpose and learning from the Gods about the true history of their people, the true natural talents and their uniquenes, their beauty. The few I have spoken with all dislike a great deal how far some of their race have degenerated.

White people feeling proud about their race and our accomplishments which have enlightened the world, made it a better place and created the blue print for great civillizations to be build is natural. It is what we are, if you look throughout all of history whites have done the most incredible things here on earth, we are amazing people and it is evident everywhere.

I feel great pride for my race, my ancestors and our great potential as a race and people, but my Aryan pride and my love for my race does not hurt blacks or asians, as I don't think ill of them. I simply love my people and feel great pride for my people, a normal thing to do.

When you feel pride about something, it does not mean you have to hate something else because of it.

We SS despise all things degenerate, whether they be jews, muslim invaders raping our white woman in europe, white xians beating their wives and treating their children worse than garbage, or blacks in america wasting their life away smoking drugs and yelling "kill whitey", promoting white genocide.

It is not that we dislike blacks as a race, but we hate what many of them have become and we do not tolerate how those degenerates treat our people, how they invade our lands, ruin our culture, ruin our people and rape or kill our woman and children.

Maybe you don't know how bad it really is, but white people are the most persecuted race on the planet, because the jews do not want us to exist, since our existence is the greatest threat to their plans for humanity. We are the ones that transformed the world and made it civillized, livable.

While whites were sailing the oceans, living in beautiful cities with great temples to honor the Gods, a Rich culture and an Abundance of riches, the tribes of native americans did what? They build tipi's, and made some cave paintings. They didn't even build roads, or settlements, they didn't even know argiculture and for thousands of years their civilization had remained the same as it is today, they didn't develop at all. The left over tribes people there still live in the stone age, the same way as they lived thousands of years ago.

Africans are largely the same, with very little development happening over thousands of years. Whites are the civillizers of the world, we helped out the other races a lot throughout history, giving them knowledge of advanced architecture and argiculture, two of the most important things required to allow large civillizations to sustain themselves and develop.

America was settled by whites thousands of years ago, way before the first native american ever set foot on that land. The inca's and maya's and all those other large civilizations of south american and such sprouted up much later and they actually wiped out the white populations who origionally lived there, Aryans that sailed across the ocean from Egypt and other places where we had large scale advanced civillization. Whites shared their knowledge with the peoplw who would later become the inca's and mayans, and in return what did we get? Our people were slaughtered for bringing civillization to an uncivillized people and giving them the means to develop.

Still though we SS whites do not hate the other gentile races, historically there are many accounts of other races killing us out of spite and other things, yet whites have always extended their hand to the other races and people on earth since it is in our nature to uplift everything we can see, everything we can reach.

Adolf Hitler gave the German people back their racial pride and instead of those Germans thinking ill of other gentiles, they showed great respect to them, Adolf Hitler had great respect for the Japanese and their race, and he had great respect for the Blacks that were enlisted in the SS. NS Germany was more respectful to the other gentile races than many blacks and asians are to their own.

Our people are the most advanced and most celebrated race on the planet, but the other Gentiles have their own racial purpose and they have unique qualities that make them specialized in different ways. Make them superior in certain aspects.

When all the gentiles find their true racial roots and their divine racial purpose the beauty that the Gods intended each Race to have will manifest and all the gentile races will then find their rightful place in the world, living in their own communities, developing their own civillizations and each developing what makes them unique, expressing themselves as their nature intended for them. Seperated from each other, but working together using each races unique talents to make this world as beautiful and advanced as it can be. In a world where everyone can be proud of themselves and their people without having a jew tell them otherwise.

Hail Satan!
+HC  People hear the term national socialists and they think we're "extreme right" but when you actually look at what we believe we're really quite liberal in a lot of ways, men and women have equal status, we're open and accepting of human sexuality and support Third Sex people, we believe in a socialist economic model, the common benefit over the individual etc, we'd provide healthcare, housing and needs for our people and care about the enviroment.

We believe in autocratic rule and a strong military defense and are strict when it comes to criminals, those are about the only ways anyone could say we was far right.

The thing that really drives the enemy crazy is just the fact that we love our race and want Whites to have a homeland. They HATE that. But what is so wrong with wanting your people to have a homeland? That's the most natural desire there is to want what is best for your own people, your own family and children. Only the people who truly hate Whites would condemn that.

Jews themselves have a homeland, Israel is a Jewish state. They have over 100 organizations in the US alone dedicated to Jews and Jewish interests only. It's only Whites who are ever judged for wanting what is best for our own people. It's never "extreme right" when Jews do it. There are even many Jews who are loved by the left who are still Zionists (Jewish nationalists) when it comes to Israel.
I think I'd rather wanna be called a monster than that emo kid in the corner. Apparently don't give me sharp things because I'm white. Lol Aldrick tho coming up to blaze. Lol the screaming In pain gives you ecstacy literally sounds like me.
On Thu, 4/27/17, aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: White supremacy
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2017, 10:59 PM


 This person is
obviously trolling. By their comment that who ever questions
the JOS gets called that. They just happen to come out of no
where with this question. They are intentionally trying to
start shit during a mercury retrograde as a means to make
everyone pull their hair out. 
 Unfortunately for Rothy Poo this
has shown to be ineffective as no one gives a shit. The book
was not written by JOS and it clearly says if this offends
you to not read it. Yes when whites get in to their own race
and see what is going on they begin to classify races
together that are trying to destroy them. Then create slurs
for these threats as a means to release
 You act as
though we are suppose to have sympathy. I love how everyone
plays this obnoxious card. Oh thats racist. You wanna know
something honey? Yes it is racist. Is that bad? Yes. it
makes me love it even more. We are Satanist who do not give
a fuck about what you think is good or bad. We do not think
oh my this person thinks it is wrong or it offends them! My
response is really? Yes! Lets do it even
  Lets fawn
it in your face until you cry and scream. Till you show us
those adorable little crocodile tears. Then yell us at in
rage for the level of hurt it has brought you. Then when you
are done whining and calling us names. We go to rub the salt
in the wound and listen to your agony and
  Oh the
bliss and ecstasy thinking about it. 
  If your so superior, if you are
so wonderful? Then why oh why do you think we have to baby
you all the time. We get called the worst things imaginable.
We have white guilt attempted to be instilled in us at every
corner and we cannot even mention we have the slightest
pride in our race. Or that we are nothing but monsters. Yet
when it comes around the other way, you cant stand a simple
slur in a white supremacist book written by those who dared
to stick out. 
is so laughable how pathetic you really are. If you were in
our position the only words out of your mouth would be yes
masta. While we forge ahead to build a revolution, with even
other Gentiles getting in our way. Does that offend you?
Good. I hope you get butthurt and run away, because
obviously you cannot run with the big dogs. For those who
are not offended, we can have respect for you. In that your
not a little cry baby bitch. 
  We wish to build your race up.
Could we just ask in return that you merely do not try to
tear ours down? Is that really such a horrible deal to other
Gentiles? Leave us to build ourselves up and we will help
you. If we were to ask other Gentiles for help I feel we
would never hear the end of it. It would be the ultimate
sign of defeat, in which their response would be to genocide
us. It is truly amazing that after all this we wish to help
other races in the first place. 

 We have no desire to destroy other
races. But we will build ours up and we will destroy that
which threatens it. This can cause problems with some I am
sure. But as I recall... WE didn't ask your

   If our race wishes to use the
occasional harmless words against other races. In an attempt
to break free and build themselves up. Then I support that
completely. I hope that is fully understood my


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How the fuck am I trolling?? I just asked a question. Challenged? I'm Dani, not "Rothy Poo", the hell you get that from?
Also, if it's to offend non-whites, why even have the jos for non-whites? It's stupid to call jos for "all gentile races" then put reading material to be offensive to non-whites. How about you put pdfs for blacks and Asians as well?

On Apr 28, 2017 1:37 AM, "aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
 This person is obviously trolling. By their comment that who ever questions the JOS gets called that. They just happen to come out of no where with this question. They are intentionally trying to start shit during a mercury retrograde as a means to make everyone pull their hair out. 
 Unfortunately for Rothy Poo this has shown to be ineffective as no one gives a shit. The book was not written by JOS and it clearly says if this offends you to not read it. Yes when whites get in to their own race and see what is going on they begin to classify races together that are trying to destroy them. Then create slurs for these threats as a means to release anger. 
 You act as though we are suppose to have sympathy. I love how everyone plays this obnoxious card. Oh thats racist. You wanna know something honey? Yes it is racist. Is that bad? Yes. it makes me love it even more. We are Satanist who do not give a fuck about what you think is good or bad. We do not think oh my this person thinks it is wrong or it offends them! My response is really? Yes! Lets do it even more. 
  Lets fawn it in your face until you cry and scream. Till you show us those adorable little crocodile tears. Then yell us at in rage for the level of hurt it has brought you. Then when you are done whining and calling us names. We go to rub the salt in the wound and listen to your agony and pain. 
  Oh the bliss and ecstasy thinking about it. 
  If your so superior, if you are so wonderful? Then why oh why do you think we have to baby you all the time. We get called the worst things imaginable. We have white guilt attempted to be instilled in us at every corner and we cannot even mention we have the slightest pride in our race. Or that we are nothing but monsters. Yet when it comes around the other way, you cant stand a simple slur in a white supremacist book written by those who dared to stick out. 
  It is so laughable how pathetic you really are. If you were in our position the only words out of your mouth would be yes masta. While we forge ahead to build a revolution, with even other Gentiles getting in our way. Does that offend you? Good. I hope you get butthurt and run away, because obviously you cannot run with the big dogs. For those who are not offended, we can have respect for you. In that your not a little cry baby bitch. 
  We wish to build your race up. Could we just ask in return that you merely do not try to tear ours down? Is that really such a horrible deal to other Gentiles? Leave us to build ourselves up and we will help you. If we were to ask other Gentiles for help I feel we would never hear the end of it. It would be the ultimate sign of defeat, in which their response would be to genocide us. It is truly amazing that after all this we wish to help other races in the first place. 
 We have no desire to destroy other races. But we will build ours up and we will destroy that which threatens it. This can cause problems with some I am sure. But as I recall... WE didn't ask your permission. 

   If our race wishes to use the occasional harmless words against other races. In an attempt to break free and build themselves up. Then I support that completely. I hope that is fully understood my Nigga. 

Give it up already. HP Hooded Cobra answered you on this. To continue to beat a dead horse is just...trolling.Quit your stupid Libertard whining about ooohhh...its 'offensive' to non whites. OMG, you have to put out PDFs for blacks and asians. You miss the point entirely. This was answered by Hooded Cobra. Why have the JOS for non-whites. Because, you stupid fuck, we don't hate the other gentile races.
At first I was amused and thought your questioning was just some ignorant newbie. But now, in light of the fact that one of our HP's has actually taken the time to answer and you are STILL pushing this Jewish agenda....you reveal yourself for what you are: a jew slave and a troll. So....fuck off already. We don't need you. You fucking Libertard feminist liberal pieces of shit are so offensive. You are poison. You are just so far off base, so deluded....fuck the hell off already. I HATE you stupid pieces of shit. You serve the enemy. If stupid cucks like you were to rule this world, this world would be done for, because you are a slave to the jew. And the jew is the enemy of mankind. Take your PC BS and FUCK OFF.
It is not intentionally meant to be offensive to non-whites.

It isn't even authentic Joy of Satan material.Did you even read what High Priest Hooded Cobra 666  had to say?

 Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah 
 The Aryans are rising up and WE will fight the jew and destroy them. If other Gentiles want to join us in this fight, they are welcome too. I harbor no Hate for other Gentiles. 
  I don't really care if the Non whites living off us in OUR country do not like this or that. We have Asian only and Black only Groups, that WE gave to our members out of what we created. The JOS was founded by Whites, we created these groups. 
  We are not Responsible for other races. Yet we go out of our way to help them. Then we get those like you, ungrateful, who wish to tell us how we are so horrible. I guess we are just suppose to roll over and show our belly to you. Announce you as the greatest. Let you live off us. Anything else would be racist. 
  The Days of Vladmir are returning and the Arabian Race, is going to learn their place with us. 


Damn right brother! Soon enough those mudslime fucks will wish they had never been born! 
 Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah 
 The Aryans are rising up and WE will fight the jew and destroy them. If other Gentiles want to join us in this fight, they are welcome too. I harbor no Hate for other Gentiles. 
  I don't really care if the Non whites living off us in OUR country do not like this or that. We have Asian only and Black only Groups, that WE gave to our members out of what we created. The JOS was founded by Whites, we created these groups. 
  We are not Responsible for other races. Yet we go out of our way to help them. Then we get those like you, ungrateful, who wish to tell us how we are so horrible. I guess we are just suppose to roll over and show our belly to you. Announce you as the greatest. Let you live off us. Anything else would be racist. 
  The Days of Vladmir are returning and the Arabian Race, is going to learn their place with us. 


You'd better specify which people you mean every-time you post, especially when posts are meant to be demeaning or whatever.

Rather than saying things that will just raise useless quarrels just to feel fine about whatever.

These can be misunderstood easily. There is no need for such misunderstandings. If one cares to comment, they should care to explain too.

If anyone is to comment, better care about all the others in the group as well. Who may take falsely a statement at heart, for example.

This is not for 'you'. This is for Satan's followers. And to cause strife in such goes against his interests. So it's better comments are focused.

Rather than sounding like (((Neo-Nazi))) useless slurs and baseless crap. Or name calling and flaming, are not good or acceptable.

If these are the comments here, they will have to be removed. There is a reason in the group rules, it says to not flame.

Στις 3:58 μ.μ. Πέμπτη, 4 Μαΐου 2017, ο/η "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Damn right brother! Soon enough those mudslime fucks will wish they had never been born! 
On May 2, 2017, at 21:21, aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

 Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah 
 The Aryans are rising up and WE will fight the jew and destroy them. If other Gentiles want to join us in this fight, they are welcome too. I harbor no Hate for other Gentiles. 
  I don't really care if the Non whites living off us in OUR country do not like this or that. We have Asian only and Black only Groups, that WE gave to our members out of what we created. The JOS was founded by Whites, we created these groups. 
  We are not Responsible for other races. Yet we go out of our way to help them. Then we get those like you, ungrateful, who wish to tell us how we are so horrible. I guess we are just suppose to roll over and show our belly to you. Announce you as the greatest. Let you live off us. Anything else would be racist. 
  The Days of Vladmir are returning and the Arabian Race, is going to learn their place with us. 



@ Aldric  That was an excellent answer. That's exactly what I was thinking as well I'm just not quite as epic with my wording haha.

The days of White guilt and turning on our own people are over. I love my White brothers and sisters especially those who follow father Enki and the Gods and who care about their people like those of you in this group. I love our ancestors, I love Hitler and I love being the person I am. I make zero apologies for that.
Apologies. I've thought that when you hit "reply" under the particular message, that it replies to that particular message, not entire thread. At least, I think it was that way before.

 Those who we have been fighting for thousands of years. Those who wish to come into our lands. Rape and Brutalize our People. To murder us to extinction. Gentile or jew. Shall be met with the sword. 
 We must all look beyond ourselves and realize this is not just about us. This is about Our People who are dying. The days of turning the cheek are over. If this offends anyone, I really couldn't care less. 
  The turning point in this battle is when our people stop being so god damn nice. Sure will take you, refugees come on in, were stupid, we will let you in our house. It stops when Our people fight back, if that means using the word Nigger in an attempt to release anger, then so be it. For those who are Dedicated, who work in line with Satan, You will already understand this. 
  If this Offends you because you read it in a book somewhere. My people fighting off that which is trying to enslave them and kill them is more important to me then your feelings. 
HP HoodedCobra: Mudslimes is a slur directed at Muslim enemies, not really an ethnic group. Many of us have a lot of hatred for them, and even just cursing them with slurs can alleviate some of that anxiety and hatred a tiny bit. Not trying to be argumentative, just explaining. HAIL SATAN!!!

On May 4, 2017, at 10:09, HC hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  You'd better specify which people you mean every-time you post, especially when posts are meant to be demeaning or whatever.

Rather than saying things that will just raise useless quarrels just to feel fine about whatever.

These can be misunderstood easily. There is no need for such misunderstandings. If one cares to comment, they should care to explain too.

If anyone is to comment, better care about all the others in the group as well. Who may take falsely a statement at heart, for example.

This is not for 'you'. This is for Satan's followers. And to cause strife in such goes against his interests. So it's better comments are focused.

Rather than sounding like (((Neo-Nazi))) useless slurs and baseless crap. Or name calling and flaming, are not good or acceptable.

If these are the comments here, they will have to be removed. There is a reason in the group rules, it says to not flame.

Στις 3:58 μ.μ. Πέμπτη, 4 Μαΐου 2017, ο/η "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  Damn right brother! Soon enough those mudslime fucks will wish they had never been born! 
On May 2, 2017, at 21:21, aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

 Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah 
 The Aryans are rising up and WE will fight the jew and destroy them. If other Gentiles want to join us in this fight, they are welcome too. I harbor no Hate for other Gentiles. 
  I don't really care if the Non whites living off us in OUR country do not like this or that. We have Asian only and Black only Groups, that WE gave to our members out of what we created. The JOS was founded by Whites, we created these groups. 
  We are not Responsible for other races. Yet we go out of our way to help them. Then we get those like you, ungrateful, who wish to tell us how we are so horrible. I guess we are just suppose to roll over and show our belly to you. Announce you as the greatest. Let you live off us. Anything else would be racist. 
  The Days of Vladmir are returning and the Arabian Race, is going to learn their place with us. 


Aldric, well said brother!

I completely agree. Aryans are too naïve these days, but when they come back to their senses and stop being nice to everyone and stop letting everyone take advantage of them and take what is rightfully ours everyone who has harmed us or believed themselves capable of taking advantage of us will know their place in the world.
@ashley and aldric. Ref white
Hail Satan88

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 5:42 PM, ashleyslade0124@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   @ Aldric  That was an excellent answer. That's exactly what I was thinking as well I'm just not quite as epic with my wording haha.

The days of White guilt and turning on our own people are over. I love my White brothers and sisters especially those who follow father Enki and the Gods and who care about their people like those of you in this group. I love our ancestors, I love Hitler and I love being the person I am. I make zero apologies for that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
