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  1. Isisd

    Artifical smoke quartz

    Could you remove this zionist's fucking face out of the Forums? Thanks!
  2. Isisd

    Celtic/druid songs to vibe to?

    Thank you very much! I will listen to these during my free time. Blessed be ☽◯☾
  3. Isisd

    A question regarding Trance meditation

    You're welcome brother, and Hail Satan!
  4. Isisd

    Actual Self Love: Drugs & Addictions - Fixing One's Self

    This is very important. I am still a teenager, but I have seen many guys my age who had deeply rooted religious trauma, and, when finally made it to escape, turned to drugs. They were dependent from their false god precepts and their parents approval related to religion, slave of the feelings of...
  5. Isisd

    A question regarding Trance meditation

    Being capable to enter in a trance state is the key of most magick. In this state you're capable to program your subconscious or the energy around you to get desired results in reality. In trance you can train the right-side of your brain, which governs your astral senses, your unconscious, your...
  6. Isisd

    Describe the lesser demons.

    They are actually a thing 😄 They don't share the same species of the goetic demons but they are very ancient and powerful despite their appearance. They are great protectors, and pretty humorous too. Creatures full of life and joy. Pazuzu and Bes are the most popular ones.
  7. Isisd

    severing family ties.

    Hello brother. I would do the procedures linked below+ a traditional cord cutting spell https://joyofsatan.org/Freeing_the_Soul.html https://joyofsatan.org/Detaching.html
  8. Isisd

    Celtic/druid songs to vibe to?

    I basically know by heart all of the Loreena Mckennit ones. It would be nice to try something new... (I still love you Loreena). And I think this is the best place to ask for music recommendations of this kind. Any kind soul that wants to share their favorites? 🙏🏻
  9. Isisd

    The Greek Sacred Vowels

    This is fascinating. I never got so much in the depths of isopsephy. I remember it was used by the phytagoreans as a divination method. I would like to go into detail and do some research. The link between isopsephy and sacred geometry really intrigues me. I never thought about it in that way.
  10. Isisd

    The Greek Sacred Vowels

    Oh I understand your question now. I don't know if you're american or not, but I'll assume you are to give you an example and explain better. In america you speak english, and the language is the same in every state, the accent may vary. In Italy and Greece the thing is more complex. We have a...
  11. Isisd

    #313 Learning methods

    The method of loci by Simonides.
  12. Isisd

    #310 The stories

    What stories are you referring to? A lot about the Gods and Magick was lost during the various burnings of the Library of Alexandria
  13. Isisd

    The Greek Sacred Vowels

    Chat and cat are not pronounced like leg or jet in the UK. Maybe you're american. I study IX a.C -VI d.C sec ancient greek at university. The majority of scholars agree that this is the most attested pronounce for upsilon. However you can't be certain about the pronounciation of the letter in...
  14. Isisd

    I'm looking for a friend, a girl who loves cats and real men

    How are y'all actually getting mad at a troll writing those long ahh responses... ? Just ban him or ignore him already😂
  15. Isisd

    Meet an experienced satanist?

    Personal encounters between SS via the JoS are still not possible due to safety reasons.
  16. Isisd

    The Greek Sacred Vowels

    Good morning to all of my brothers ans sisters in Satan. My Guardian Demon wanted me to write this small thread about something that I integretad in my practice some years ago, long before my dedication, as She said: "It doesn't get enough recognition". I'm speaking of the use of the Seven...
  17. Isisd

    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    I think we are approaching dark times... Jewish lobbies are exposing themselves for what they are, and the hate towards jews and judaims is emerging once again on a global scale. I think almost everyone can see this change in their own life. As Henu said, I fear they're planning to enlarge the...
  18. Isisd

    #301 How can you tell if a person is gay or bi?

    Maybe yes, maybe not. I don't think there's better or worse, right or wrong in love magick. It all depends on the morals of the practitioner. I answered him with what he asked, cause what he asked is not impossible to achieve with magick. Yes, maybe it's immoral, unethical, but it's possible.
  19. Isisd

    Lost object's/locator spell

    Yes, I had it saved in my phone.
  20. Isisd

    #301 How can you tell if a person is gay or bi?

    Well, actually, magick can do miracles regarding this matter... I've seen it so many times that it's not questionable anymore for me. The real question here is if it's ethical or not
  21. Isisd

    About LGBTXYwhatever

    Literally!! So many people are sleeping on this
  22. Isisd

    Meditations #296 Sexual energy

    If you direct the energy and don't just waste it, it can make the spell stronger. Sexual energy is one of the most powerful!
  23. Isisd

    #294 terrible nightmare

    May it be unconscious religious trauma from your childhood coming back to the surface?
  24. Isisd

    #301 How can you tell if a person is gay or bi?

    People who are 100% gay or 100% straight are rare. The majority of people are in between the spectrum's scale without even knowing it or accepting it. For the latter question: vibrate ingwaz+gebo and properly program and direct their energy into him (better when the person in asleep). You can...
  25. Isisd

    Meditations #300 How to open the third eye

    How many mantras have you tried?
  26. Isisd

    Daily Meditations

    When I was in school till one year ago I found it difficult too. I studied and weight-lifted during the afternoon and did my yoga and meditation routine after dinner, some hours before bed. It worked out well for me because I felt that I had completed my day in the best of ways and my mind was...
  27. Isisd

    Romantic Relationship

    Miscegenation is an abomination in front of the Gods. Satanists have to seek the purity of the race. If race mixing is tolerated, human races can't thrive in their purity and advance forward reaching the level of divinity and perfection.
  28. Isisd

    #278 IOEA meditation

    Io and Ea are deities, their names carry deep allegorical meanings, I always thought this meditation was about this. I may be wrong though.
  29. Isisd

    Meditations #286 African witchcraft (zombies)

    I'm not well informed, but I studied something about voodoo haitian practices some months ago. Basically, a lot of their rituals and ceremonies involve a serious amount of spirits that "possess" the practitioners in the process, talking through them or actually possessing their body. It's full...
  30. Isisd

    #277 Failure to stop

    Void meditation is the solution. Controlling your own thoughts is very useful in situations like this one. Bad thoughts can't bother you anymore... cause you can banish them from your mind!
  31. Isisd

    #283 I need an advice

    I asked a similar question some days ago. HPS Lydia mentioned this method and it really helped me. Seriously it's very good. Call your eudaimon and do it. https://ancient-forums.com/threads/feeling-yes-no-during-astral-communication-method.71495/
  32. Isisd

    #288 Helping my Close Friend

    In my opinion you should use your energy with parsimony in this cases. If you help her, let's say with healing magick, but then she goes out there ruining her health doing these kind of things you mentioned, what good could it do? None, and you could harm yourself too. One thing you can do at...
  33. Isisd

    #284 Wanting to save people but their stubbornness (brainwashed.)

    In my opinion, wanting to save people because you think you're the only one following the "right path" doesn't make you any different from xian priests, clergymen and similar people. You can't "save" anyone, people have to save themselves. Pure knowledge is out there within everyone's reach, we...
  34. Isisd

    Overcoming the Fear of Religion

    A great amount of people will understand this gradually during this century. Our Gods are patient and present, their false god is dead.
  35. Isisd

    My Dedication Ritual, Autumn Equinox 2024

    Thank you brother! Unfortunately, I know of the author's allegations. When I first discovered about them, I was full of resentment, cause this is one of my favorite fantasy's, and I read it when I didn't know any of it. However, some quotes of this book give me deep Satanic inspiration and...
  36. Isisd

    Tired as a zombie all day, energetic all evening

    You may have the "night owl" gene, 10% of the population in Europe has it. If that's the case (and maybe it is, if you've been struggling with this for years) it is in your DNA. In the past, some people (in tribes, comunities...) had the task to remain awake all night and sleep through the day...
  37. Isisd

    #264 The occult tarot deck

    If you purify it regularly, yes. I have a classic rider waite tarot I've been using for 4 years, I established a deep bond with it and can't imagine myself using another deck, at least for now. If the Jewish symbols bother you (like the letters on the wheel of fortune) you could cover them with...
  38. Isisd

    My Dedication Ritual, Autumn Equinox 2024

    Grazie mille!
  39. Isisd

    My Dedication Ritual, Autumn Equinox 2024

    Thank you, High Priest Hooded Cobra! It is indeed, thank you very much brother. Hail Satan!
  40. Isisd

    My Dedication Ritual, Autumn Equinox 2024

    Today, Autumn Equinox 2024, at twilight, I dedicated my soul to Satan and the Great Gods and Goddesses of the Universe. May this path guide me in this life and the other, to experience Truth and Divinity in eternity. "But remember the oath we swore... Swore in a temple now lost under the sea...
  41. Isisd

    What do you do that usually makes a jesus follower convert?

    Just make them read their own horrid bible.
  42. Isisd

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    Savitri Devi: introduction and relationship with the Hindus. Savitri Devi, the "Sun Rays Goddess" (a sanskrit pseudonym for Maximiani Julia Portas) was a fascinating greek-italian poetess, writer, activist and occultist during the 20th century (1905-1982). She has always nurtured a deep hatred...
  43. Isisd

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    I'll start working on it instantly. This project will become a great inheritance for our offspring and all the SS that will join us soon. And Hail Satan!
  44. Isisd

    Romantic Relationship

    Personally, I couldn't bare it. But you can fall in love with whoever you want as long as they're the same race as yours. Don't believe to anyone saying otherwise. As long as each of you keeps their spiritual boundaries and is respectful of their mate's practice, it can be. Furthermore, I'd say...
  45. Isisd

    #213 What women can I aspire to with relatively weak genetics?

    Monica Bellucci, one of the most beautiful women in the world, married and had children with Vincent Cassell... yes appearence is important, but charisma... and personality. Those are the keys
  46. Isisd

    The Gods #219 When To Know You Need And Or Require A Familiar

    Familiars are not precluded to advanced practitioners. I've read of Initiates that received their Familiar as a gift by Satan directly after their initiation. Are they necessary? Like all things in the Satanic Path, it depends by the individual. There's nothing that is "one size fits all" in...
  47. Isisd

    İs there any low-tier spell to test my power

    I'm originally italian, but the word's meaning can also be applied to things or abstract things (both in Italian and English), you can look it up on the Oxfrod and Cambridge dictionaries. Extended meaning.
  48. Isisd

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    The great Savitri Devi (her works regarding Hitler and Nazism), The Vril Damen, Leonardo Da Vinci, Napoleone and Josephine Bonaparte, Apuleius, Rasputin, Maharishi Kartikeya, Giosuè Carducci (his "Hymn to Satan" ), the list goes on...
  49. Isisd

    İs there any low-tier spell to test my power

    In my opinion you could practice these as a beginner -basic divination (tarot, runes, water...), ask about something that could happen the next day and see if your divination was right. -basic money manifestation, programming your aura or with material spellwork. -Small spells to get...
  50. Isisd

    Empowering a scrying mirror.

    Is 96% of moon brightness (tonight) sufficient to empower a black mirror?
  51. Isisd


    From the alchemical point of view is the overlapping of the fire/masculine energy symbol (upright triangle) and the water/feminine energy symbol (pointed down triangle). The union between the masculine and the feminine, the lower and the upper chakras, the material and the spiritual realms, the...
  52. Isisd

    #211 why this happens?

    I experienced this sometimes. Law of detachment and proper spellwork was the best way to overcome it for me.
  53. Isisd

    #181 What to do with my gf?

    I would prioritize my kid. Imagine your child growing up with the psychological and emotional consequences that a divorced parents situation inevitably carries (especially if he/she is still very young) and discovering his own FATHER leaved him because he said he didn't have enough time or...
  54. Isisd

    Sensing the smell of someone who isn't there.

    It happens to me frequently. I don't imagine the smell, it's like it "appears" out of nowhere, and it's so real that I need to look if the person is around me, realizing right after that this person lives far away or can't possibly be there with me. I'm not referring to a specific perfume or...
  55. Isisd

    A night out…

    Indulging in this kind of hedonism sometimes it's not that bad to make you feel this way. Especially if you're young. Greeks and Romans had specific festivities aimed to drunkness and orgiastic rituals. They knew that getting loose sometimes was healthy for the soul. "Semel in anno licet...
  56. Isisd

    #154 Love spell

    You writing that the spell "it's not working" is already a great way to sabotage your spell. You overthinking about it's effectivness and the time for the results, and searching for another method, is another. You have to respect the law of detachment (it's fundamental), and be sure that the...
  57. Isisd

    #169 what's it like with an incubus/succubus?

    See? You didn't understand a thing about what I wrote. Reading comprehension must be low.
  58. Isisd

    #169 what's it like with an incubus/succubus?

    I remember having some recurrent experiences with an Incubus when I was entering puberty at around 13-14. At least, I'm now convinced it was, since I didn't even know what Satanism was back then. He was enchantingly beautiful, with blonde wavy hair and a body similar to a greek statue (like my...
  59. Isisd

    #167 What was this?

    Sounds like a nightmare. If not, definitely an astral parasite, or a trickster spirit. If this is recurrent, it may be a spiritual attack, there are methods to haunt the dreams of hated people out there. Protect yourself.
  60. Isisd

    #99 Hecate’s Wheel

    It's an ancient magical symbol, sacred to Lady Hecate. It represents Hecate's wheel, it was a spinning top which was passed by a cord. Apparently, the symbol was carved over the spinning top. The cord was used to make the symbol spin inward or outward during ritual practices or spells. Spinning...
  61. Isisd

    #79 Initiation Ritual

  62. Isisd

    Feeling bad after FRTRs

    Maybe practicing FRTR after a month of practice is just too much. Try not to force yourself spiritually too much. Exhausting yourself can get you the opposite results and drain your energies. I hope you casted a powerful AoP upon yourself, but since you're really new, I'll recommend you doing...
  63. Isisd

    Family #54 university

    Go in the Satan's Library section of the Joy of Satan. There are two pdfs that can suit your needs. The titles are: "Money Spells" and "Powerful Working for Money". Blessed be
  64. Isisd

    Meditations #49 Is it possible to do a love spell for someone else?

    yes it is possible, you can use magic to make two people fall in love and also to cause the separation of a couple
  65. Isisd

    The Gods #30 Question about sigils

    I rectify, my bad. I misread "day" with "row".
  66. Isisd

    The Gods #30 Question about sigils

    The latter.
  67. Isisd

    How to read emotions

    Empowering your third eye can allow you to see auras when you advance further. If you're adept in seeing auras and colors you can easily understand the current mood, feeling, or undergoing emotions of someone just by looking at him. You can also achieve this with the "ball of light meditation"...
  68. Isisd

    why xian or catholic scared using sigil/symbol ?

    I got an headache reading this one
  69. Isisd

    ESP - Advice needed

    I had this problem too. You can overcome this with two meditation I found in Bardon's Initiation to Hermetics. The first being void meditation (you can also find it in the JoS), with void meditation you train your mind to shout your thoughts at command. When you're adept in this, when using ESP...
  70. Isisd

    Started dreaming again.

    Having more vivid dreams can be a consequence of raising your energies through meditation (but I'm not sure if that's the case). I'd say these dreams reflect some of your inner fears and maybe even anxiety. Your second dream has a recurrent pattern frequently present in the dreams of people who...
  71. Isisd

    Did my first summoning last night

    Well I'd say Foras definitely heard your call. Wild candle flames can be a sign that the demon is trying to reach out to you or that the connection was successful, a flame flaring up can represent a positive answer if you were calling Foras asking him a specific question (is also a recurrent...
  72. Isisd

    Has any advanced SS here developed a Siddhi or more than one?

    I am curious and fascinated by this topic. I'd love to hear the experiences of advanced brothers and sisters in developing siddhis or the path they had to go through in order to regain them (as some of use remember having such abilities as kids, but forgot how to use them as we grew up due to...
  73. Isisd

    Retrograde planets beginning September 1st

    Yes, I'd love to read the effects of all these planets being retrograde too
  74. Isisd

    Question regarding family member (father)

    I feel sick in my stomach. Curse him, chthonic deities can help you take care of him. You're so strong, we are here for you
  75. Isisd

    Question #5789: Yantras

    Yes, in my experience is the most powerful way to charge them together with vibration of specific mantras.
  76. Isisd

    Spell for financial position

    It was a question, not a statement. Thank for the advice.
  77. Isisd

    has weight lifting any spiritual benefits?

    I've been into consistent weight lifting for 4 years and I was wondering if it has any spiritual benefits, other than the physical ones
  78. Isisd

    Spell for financial position

    Isn't tomorrow good to start a sun square? Thanks for the advice though
  79. Isisd

    Spell for financial position

    It's a specific position regarding a scholarship and accommodation.
  80. Isisd

    Tips to help make contact with Demons

    In my experience, doing periodical offerings to a demon related to their corrispondences (incenses, herbs...) learning the history of a specific demon, doing acts of dedication: dedicating letters, poems, art, beauty to the demon. Doing the above can help to make a bond of spiritual friendship...
  81. Isisd

    Spell for financial position

    I need to do a spell to gain a specific financial public position, this is related to higher education purposes. I wanted to start a Jupiter square but I saw that the planet has 0 force right now as it's in Gemini. Any optimal alternatives?
  82. Isisd

    Satanism is paganism through the lens of christianity?

    You don't necessarily get rid of someone who doesn't share your identical opinions on things, even if it's spiritual matter in my opinion. If this friend is open for conversation, try to share your pov, substantiate it with historical/religious informations. Proof is by our side, and the devil...
  83. Isisd

    Question #5735: Resources for to learn ancient languages and some questions

    Hello👋🏻. I study classical languages (ancient greek and latin) and cultures at University, so I can give you a few recommendations. You will need: Two grammars (one for Latin, one for ancient greek) and two lexicons for each language. I would firstly recommend you to buy a good ancient greek...
  84. Isisd

    Question #5764: How to empower chakras?

    it doesn't really matter, some see them spinning clockwise, others counterclockwise
  85. Isisd

    Important: divination for important decision.

    Thank you HPS Lydia 😊 I always struggled with indecisiveness since a really really young age. Sometimes I come up with a decision and suddenly regret it later. And when life puts two optimal prospects in front of me, for me is pure struggle. But I know that constant practice and reaching out...
  86. Isisd

    Important: divination for important decision.

    As I'm in a stressful situation right now, I'm feeling disconnected from my tarot when it comes to personal readings. I understood that my fears and indecision are deeply influencing the readings I do for myself. I'm here asking for an alternative divination method that can help me make and...
  87. Isisd

    September's supermoon 2024

    Hello brothers and sisters, what can we expect from the next full moon on September? What will be the best workings to do on this date? I'm not well versed in occult astrology, so I'd love to read advices/informations from advanced astrologers regarding the next Full moon. Also, a friend of...
  88. Isisd

    Question #5623: a little impossible?

    I didn't understand, this guy would lose his job if he had a romantic affair? Anyways, if you really like him, shoot your shot. It is, indeed, that simple
  89. Isisd

    What is true about the adrenochrome conspiracy?

    I knew that they don't physically ingest blood but feed off the energy released by terror, crying and screams of the children that they kidnap, rape and kill during their rites against gentiles. For example in the blood Easter ritual ( rabbi ariel toaff published a book about this, and it was...
  90. Isisd

    Hematite uses

    I recently received two Hematite stones as a gift. Could someone explain to me their properties and influences, and for what they're best for? I don't trust most of the informations I find on new age books, since they're full of angelic crap.
  91. Isisd

    jewish horror filmography, disrespect toward Satan.

    The last decade is FULL of movies where the names of Satan and the Demons are disrespectfully used as weapons of fear, full of subliminal sounds, cryptic messages and lies... a short research can show you how the producers of these movies are all jews. This is a small list of the most recent...
  92. Isisd

    jewish horror filmography, disrespect toward Satan.

    The last decade is FULL of movies where the names of Satan and the Demons are disrespectfully used as weapons of fear, full of subliminal sounds, cryptic messages and lies... a short research can show you how the producers of these movies are all jews. This is a small list of the most recent...
  93. Isisd

    Tattoo with nazi simbol

    Idk why my phone decided to sent a ghost response previously. By the way, I thought everyone is free of tattooing whatever he wants on his body. I think some public places won't allow explicit Nazi tattoos though, people could call the police on you if you don't respect the boundaries of...
  94. Isisd

    Printer-friendly God Rituals archive - Enjoy

    This is great! Thank you!
  95. Isisd

    Question #5574: san lorenzo

    Come al solito questa religione risibile non ha mezza festività che non sia rubata. La tradizione di san lorenzo risale all'Antica Roma. Nel mese di Agosto, dedicato all'imperatore Augusto, si tenevano delle processioni e cerimonie in onore di Priapo: dio della fertilità e del sesso. Si credeva...
  96. Isisd

    tap water, fluoride, pineal gland

    Hello everyone 👋🏻, due to personal reasons I'll have to move abroad soon and won't be able to drink water from my natural source near home anymore. I'll probably have to drink water everyday, do you have any food/drink recommendations that could counterbalance the flouride effects and decalcify...
  97. Isisd

    Proper pronunciation of 'Bifrons'?

    That's the correct roman pronounce, but without the h
  98. Isisd

    Astonished by the results, hail JoS!

    Yesterday, after my night meditation session, I was astonished by the results. I was working to develop my astral senses, specifically engulfing with light the clairvoyance and clairaudience points. I now know that when I believed I was talking to a God in the past, it was probably a delusion...
  99. Isisd

    Contributing to the community: JoS tarot readers

    Oh well, I am still far younger than that. I proposed for this cause I always had a very positive feedback for my readings and I know divination (in various forms) is the spiritual practice I'm currently best at. But, honestly, I understand your reasoning has a valid point. If that's the case...
  100. Isisd

    Question #3518: Gay sex

    Monoteistic religions made it a taboo. Sex is one of the most beautiful things we can experience as humans, if properly done. It keeps us healthy and happy, together with meditation and yoga, regular sexual activity increases witchpower.
  101. Isisd

    Question #5473: Friends

    Hello 👋🏻 Aura of Protection to protect you from any kind of toxicity + programming your aura to attract healthy, beneficial and meaningful friendship in a good and happy way for you. https://www.joyofsatan.org/Protection.html https://www.joyofsatan.org/AURA.html If you're an adept in...
  102. Isisd

    Question #5477: Lana Del Rey

    She isn't, but she publicly sympathized for Israel back in 2023, that lead to her ending up in a social media pillory. A lot of people wanted to boycott her for this. She also signed this letter to Biden with a bunch of other Hollywood celebrities back in 2023. For those who get it, get it...
  103. Isisd

    Question #5478: confused and need help

    So, in my opinion, before dedicating and making such a meaningful promise to a deity (and it can be any deity), one have to study first, months, years, even decades if necessary, to clear their mind out. This said, no one in this community will tell you to have blind fate in a one true god. The...
  104. Isisd

    Question #5470: The powers of the Gods, the manifestation of the Gods, the ability of the Gods to deify.

    Hello 👋🏻 1) Our Gods are souls who reached an extreme level of spiritual advancement and live blessed in the Duat. In order to advance we have to free ourselves from the hoaxes, evil and nefarious karma we have as a species. Our gods support, give knowledge and take care of their people, but...
  105. Isisd

    Contributing to the community: JoS tarot readers

    I most certainly will, blessed be 🙏🏻
  106. Isisd

    Contributing to the community: JoS tarot readers

    Hello😊 I recall reading a post by HPS Lydia where she wrote about the potential idea of having official astrologers/tarot readers providing their help and guidance for the JoS community. I understand that you, clergy members and moderators, do a lot of work for the wellness and thriving of the...
  107. Isisd


    It's so pretty
  108. Isisd

    Questione riguardo Nietsche

    Come fai a dire di provare un sentimento vicino all'odio per un filosofo e non saperlo giustificare con una motivazione valida? O con degli argomenti in proposito?
  109. Isisd

    Blue Satanic Fire, God Rituals, and Cleaning Aura

    Hello 👋🏻 1- Yes, I use it to clean and empower my tools, especially tarots. 2- After working with negative energies you should, but it depends, it's not always necessary. blue fire it's not an obligation, I do clean my house (energetically speaking) periodically with fumigation and/or...
  110. Isisd

    Violence in my life and confusion

    Sounds like a really toxic environment. I would recommend everyday AoP, in the morning and before sleep. You can call on your GD for guidance, this thread by HPS Lydia may help, it surely helped me in the past ⬇️ https://ancient-forums.com/threads/getting-inner-guidance-or-guidance-from-gods.59526
  111. Isisd

    Questione riguardo Nietsche

    Personalmente amo Nietzsche, uno fra i miei filosofi preferiti. È innegabile che alcune delle sue opere come "Così parlò Zarathustra", "L'Anticristo" o "al di là del bene e del male" contengano riflessioni ed idee chiave del pensiero Satanico. Nonostante l'evidenza di ciò, un "vero" satanista...
  112. Isisd

    Assistance: Pinklotus into pdf?

    Please keep up with your good work! I'm sure this pdf will be of great assistance for me and many others SS who practice KY on a daily basis. May the positive influences of this mercury retrograde be with you
  113. Isisd

    Blessed By Satan

    Thank you all for your support 🙏🏻
  114. Isisd

    Blessed By Satan

    Thank you brother <3
  115. Isisd

    Question #5286: My guardian demon, Hagenti, also known as Bastet, Bast.

    As far as I know an initiate can experience the "change" of different GD's in relation of many things: their current life situation, what they need to learn in the present time, what they lack of etc. I'm not sure if this "change" can be frequent. It depends on what he/she meant by frequent. A...
  116. Isisd

    Blessed By Satan

    Tonight, I am thankful "You open the gateway to True understanding, With you, eternity arrives." - Satan's Psalm I I've been attracted by the occult since a really, really young age; and I've been studying and practicing it for what it seems to be a lot of time. Around 4 years ago I came...
  117. Isisd


    I always trust my gut feeling. I've been in your situation and this helped a lot ⬇️ https://www.joyofsatan.org/Reading_Thoughts.html At first i couldn't really read a specific person's thoughts, but i could feel their intentions towards our relationship or a specific matter. After a few times...
  118. Isisd

    Question #5433: DEMONS

    Hello 🙂 Demons are very powerful souls, their power is beyond human comprehension. You can't control a demon to assume a certain form when he/she comes to you (if that's what you meant). The thing you can do is to work efficiently on your astral senses, more you open and empower them, more...
  119. Isisd


    If you don't have enough privacy and you fear someon could often interrupt you, you can create an astral temple and practice your rituals there till your situation changes ⬇️ https://www.joyofsatan.org/Temple.html
  120. Isisd

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Ave Satanas!
  121. Isisd

    I met Satan, He gave me powers, what is my role. (Hooded Cobra)

    You can't control both! Either you're an air bender or earth bender... unless you're the next avatar
  122. Isisd

    Protection for couples

    There is the need to protect a couple against evil eye and black magick attacks. What magical working would you recommend?
  123. Isisd

    Question #5420: Necromancy

    Yes, it is very real. Necromancy has been practiced since the beginning of human civilization. It's a greek word that literally means "divination through the dead". Despite what witchy tv series, movies or books want you to believe, the practice of necromancy is not intended to resurrect dead...
  124. Isisd

    Question #5422: Black magic

    Wdym you don't know the person? You don't know their full name but have their face in mind? I think that knowing it's name can help, but it's not fundamental, you can focus on their face and body only. I don't think practicing black magic against someone's house it's a good idea, especially if...
  125. Isisd

    1947 Roswell Alien Interview

    Of course, not everything written has to be taken for granted, ever. Leaving these particulars about the billion years and the doll-body aside, I think that the core informations of the text are very interesting to analyze and contain lots of hidden truths. I also think that the whole "Alien...
  126. Isisd

    1947 Roswell Alien Interview

    Greetings! I recently found and read this curious text, based off an apparent alien interview after the Roswell 1947 accident, pdfs or links can be found online...
  127. Isisd

    Unwanted Ghosts

    Good evening brothers and sisters. A friend of mine who lives abroad asked me help for a ghost problem. Unfortunately, this friend is very far away so i can't help him directly, neither i can discern if in that house there really are ghosts or they're just thoughtforms or imagination (but the...
  128. Isisd

    About Blood Donations

    I always thought there is something wrong about blood donations. I can't actually figure out what. At school they usually tell us to donate to help people, they tell us that it is gratificating and helpful. But Thinking that my blood, a print of my soul, is going to circulate into someone else's...
  129. Isisd

    Very strange noises

    Concerning Astral projection, i did very little progress since this summer when i contacted Bathin for help. But I think that even little progress is much when it's done toward a concrete ability like OBE. I never gave up. Now i can say I achieved the concentration needed to go out from my body...
  130. Isisd


    During my practice no demons or spirits has found my wand disrespectful. It's a totally natural tool charged with the energy of the moon and the Gods. It's usage has been attested in lots of gentile magical practices before the arrival of yaweh and it's disciples. Also pentagrams and athames...
  131. Isisd

    Question #3589: Hell

    It's a word derived from the Proto-germanic, old English word "hel", that was a synonym for the other world, or the ethereal world, were the dead would go after the end of their life on this earth. Hellheim in norse mythology was one of the realms of the afterlife. Hel is also a norse goddess...
  132. Isisd


    I used it as a substitute for the athame since it was more difficult for me to get one back in the days. So basically for opening circles, calling forth the elements, directing energy and other ritual purposes. It isn't offensive to the gods at all
  133. Isisd


    I think I already said it in a previous post, I have never used or had an athame. When i started practicing some years ago (i was still a child and a lot unexperienced) I remember looking up in the celtic calendar to see what kind of tree i had affinity with based on my date of birth. I made out...
  134. Isisd

    Question #3581: What to do about my boyfriend and life

    All of these actions and behavior are symptoms of hidden insecurities and unresolved inner problems. Try to talk with him and get him to open himself to you. Try to help him getting out of this state of laziness and to stand up for himself, cheer him up also for little progress if you see some...
  135. Isisd

    question about time

    Ancient pagan civilizations had a very different concept of time compared to ours. Before Greece and Rome the succession of years wasn't really enumered, the difference between past present and future wasn't so scanned, time was an eternal cycle, a seasonal circle, all years were the same. Lunar...
  136. Isisd

    Soros visits Pope Francis

    As we start feeling the influence of the age of Aquarius, Truth begins to reveal itself in plain sight. Recently the son of George Soros, Alexander (who has recently inherited all of his father's good and honest ;) work), visited Pope Francis in the Vatican together with Bill Clinton and other...
  137. Isisd

    An Honest Answer

    Thank you very much for your precious time and help
  138. Isisd

    An Honest Answer

    Let's say that in the past I had sex with multiple persons that are really horrible, old, low vibrational, ugly and potentially jews and i want to begin a working to detach these awful energies from my soul; will I be able to completely banish these energies in a matter of months/years or some...
  139. Isisd

    Happy Yule!

    Happy Yule and Blessed Be <3
  140. Isisd

    Aiuto negli studi

    Per tutto ciò che riguarda studi ed intelletto il quadrato magico per eccellenza è il mercuriale. La meditazione sul vuoto fatta costantemente (passando da pochi minuti fino ad arrivare a mezz'ora consecutiva o più) può aiutarti a sviluppare una concentrazione laser, fuori dalla norma. Non...
  141. Isisd

    JoS Wiki : New JOS Site Annoucement [https://joswiki.org/]

    Hello and thank you! I recently talked about the JoS to a dedicated brother who doesn't have access to internet. He didn't know about the site and was extremely curious, so I promised him to print some informations, especially from the Satanic Witchcraft section. Do you think it's best to print...
  142. Isisd

    THE NEW JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE LAYOUT IS NOW LIVE! [Update 2 - Changelog 15/Dec/2023]

    I will always be grateful for your work :D Ave Satanas
  143. Isisd

    Baal Sigil's Analysis

    I think that the crosses may represent the human soul, and the three triangles on one cross the upper chakras and the triangles of the other cross the lower chakras (the latter is a personal interpretation). I remember reading on the site that the triangles at the extremity of the crosses...
  144. Isisd

    Question #3390: Trouble with my Mother

    Hello :D, I would recommend you these readings: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Freeing_the_Soul.html https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Detaching.html...
  145. Isisd

    Greetings Friends!

    Welcome :D
  146. Isisd

    Baal Sigil's Analysis

    As Yule approaches I'm fortunately finding more and more time to get closer to our Demons and I'm sending blessings to the Joy of Satan for providing such sacred and beneficial informations, I'm very grateful for this site. I'm recently feeling drawn to Baal and I really wanna know him more...
  147. Isisd

    Some questions

    Hi :) As Invictvs said giving energy to the Gods through our sacrifices is a form of gratitude and respect, it also helps us getting closer to them, simplifying contact. We could also advance alone through our path, but the reaching of certain goals or understandings would be objectively...
  148. Isisd

    (edited)About initation ritual

    Everyone path is unique and different, and extremely Individual. If I was in your shoes I would seek guidance from Satan, asking for a visible sign to understand if my dedication was welcomed or if (for one or another reason) has to be repeated or not done at all
  149. Isisd

    voice of a catholic

    What do you mean by his voice is attacking you exactly?
  150. Isisd

    Crystal Balls: Scrying, Spiritual Communication

    Thank you very much for sharing this!!
  151. Isisd

    Filippo è ebreo?

    Affibbiare la colpa di qualsiasi evento negativo accada sul pianeta terra ad una specifica categoria di persone con uno schema mentale binario non ti rende poi molto diverso da un ebreo, o da un cristiano inquisitore o da qualsiasi altro esponente di una religione chiusa ed estremista. Le cose...
  152. Isisd

    Question #3327: increase focus in my studies

    I consider void meditation the best to increase focus exponentially, for both spell workings or study or whatever requires a certain amount of total focus. To improve focus and studies I suggest you the mercury square. I rarely work with runes so idk what to suggest :)
  153. Isisd

    Question #3333: Holiday?

    Hello! Read this: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HOLIDAYS.html As for the birthdays, they are sacred days too, it's the individual decision if and how to celebrate them.
  154. Isisd

    Other Meditation Question

    Thank you very much for clarifying this! Blessed be
  155. Isisd

    Other Meditation Question

    Hello and thank you for your reply :D I always thought that for this meditation elements should be invoked in the body first and then passed through the Chakras, I also thought that the elements invoked could also remain in the Chakras or expelled based on the choice of the meditator, so for...
  156. Isisd

    Other Meditation Question

    It could indeed be dangerous. It really depends on how advanced you are and what's your experience with the elements, which elements you lack of and which you have in excess etc. (a good exercise for knowing this is to meditate on your soul and write down which characteristics of your...
  157. Isisd

    Where to get an Athame online

    When I was a little child I would look up in the celtic tree calendar of my father to see what kind of wand was the best for me based on my birth Date. I always practiced with a fig tree wand that I consacrated with a little ritual at that time. I'm not planning on replacing the wand but I never...
  158. Isisd

    Question #3309: Turn the other cheek?

    I always like to see conversations as an exchange of energy. If you're in a good mood and you have a good and clean energy and someone with really low energy start cussing at you and talking to you in a bad manner and you reciprocate this, what you do is literally an exchange of energy, she will...
  159. Isisd

    Question #3290: Scoliosis... Perhaps with minor complications... Help me, brothers and sisters!

    I started noticing I had a non advanced type of scoliosis when I was around 14/15. Two different doctors told me that I couldn't have done nothing to "fix" it since my body was already a lot developed at that age (I reached 6ft height at around 15) so they suggested me to adjust my posture and...
  160. Isisd

    Question #3199: tejas

    Yes sanskrit words for the elements can be used and vibrated also to charge and empower the tools of the craft.
  161. Isisd

    Question #3284: Anger Issues

    As a lot of people during our childhood taught us that some emotions are bad and not to be "felt" cause if you do you're a bad guy, a lot of people may bring this kind blockages like yours into their adolescence and adult life. I don't know if this is your case, but I think Ares is the best God...
  162. Isisd

    Question #3282: how to make a person call me

    This is actually more simple than it seems. There are lots of valid methods, I tried this one in the video and it works everytime. https://youtu.be/OpC5TC2rHdg?si=GFOfiRn4Vh1C4HjN p.s you need to have you third eye open, clean and empowered
  163. Isisd

    Question #3226: Alexander the Great

    It isn't a lie. A lot of great conquerors starting from Alexander to Caesar and so on used multiculturalism and "race-mixing" as a way to gain power and stability. This was well diffused mostly in Ancient Rome, that rapidly became a multicultural Empire (and this was one of the many reasons of...
  164. Isisd

    Gods and demons

    In ancient Greek the word Δαίμων (Daimon) represented a divine being. A powerful spirit between Earth and Αιδης (Hell). God and Demon were essentially synonymous words in ancient cultures. In mythology fractions and struggles between the Gods were frequent, but there wasn't such thing as a...
  165. Isisd

    Goddess Eris

    I'm recently feeling a lot drawn to the goddess Eris/Discordia. I also got a lot of signs from her. Do you know if she has a sigil from goeteia or any other names so I could know more? Is she in the list of Demons?
  166. Isisd

    Question #2462: how to make someone your bitch?

    Program their aura to be weak and submissive at your will, purple energy works the best for me. You can also vibrate Thurisaz in this working. Then you can practice the merging consciousness excersise (you can find it either in the JoS site or in initiation to ermetics by Franz bardon) on them...
  167. Isisd

    A question worth asking

    What kind of answer is even that? It's been three years we need to know something out of respect
  168. Isisd

    My Cat - Saddle Thrombosis

    May he rest well in the goddess's arms
  169. Isisd

    Cleaning and unblocking chakras along the spine

    Thank you very much ☀️
  170. Isisd

    Question #2439: can I imagine that I am sitting inside sun when I am doing aura cleaning

    Not at all, in my experience this method is even more powerful for aura cleaning and empowerment. Even better if did under the direct sunlight
  171. Isisd

    Cleaning and unblocking chakras along the spine

    Where can I find this meditation?
  172. Isisd

    In Watchtower meditations

    For me using Thaum and Thoth were the most powerful vibrations for the third eye.
  173. Isisd

    Being a nudist?

    Be proud of your body, it is your temple, it is a gift from the gods!
  174. Isisd

    Hello everyone and help me

    I don't think fear should be the main reason of people turning to Satan. In my opinion you should first read the page about exposing Christianity, Islam and Judaism, then study a all you can about Spiritual Satanism and our Gods and then choose your path moved by critical thinking, sure that...
  175. Isisd

    Mantras / Squares

    Y'all need seriously to chill out. Everyone is free of putting whatever name or picture they want, he's just an actor. Let's not bring chains and impositions even here.
  176. Isisd


    Together with their male counterpart, the incubi, they are lower demons. Some of them were born human and completed the Magnum Opus, others (like the one I had interaction with 1 year ago) are the offspring of two gods.
  177. Isisd

    Struggle with Astral Projection... again

    Thank you! I never red about that specific method. I will definitely try and let you know about my progress
  178. Isisd

    Struggle with Astral Projection... again

    If I'm practicing Astral travel there is a reason. How could you assume I'm a beginner and I didn't even open my chakras if I started satanic meditation when I was literally a child following the instructions on this site? And I didn't even found them boring back in the days.
  179. Isisd

    Consequences of overdoing it with a curse

    I think that maybe by still checking her profile once in a while you're still unconsciously taking up hateful and destructive feelings you once had, thus "charging" the curse in an unconscious way. Maybe you should just forget about it all and continue with your advancement, letting her deal...
  180. Isisd

    Struggle with Astral Projection... again

    Unfortunately, despite my training, I wasn't able to Astral project but I'm not getting tired of trying. I just want to know what the problem is, since I clearly remember I Astral projected before even though it was involuntarily and only for a few seconds. The JoS method doesn't work for me and...
  181. Isisd

    Question #2372: A question

    Of course
  182. Isisd

    About Highpriesthood

    Thank you Korpi for the sermons linked, I found them very inspiring even though I'm not even close at becoming a priest and if I was an active member back in the time were it was a joke to become one, I wouldn't even have accepted or tried to cause I'm aware of myself and of my capabilites. It's...
  183. Isisd

    About Highpriesthood

    What determines one to become high priest, and mostly, who chooses who is worthy of becoming one?
  184. Isisd

    Question #2345: My life is basically over. Why doesn't Satan or my GD help when I seriously need it.

    Satanism is not Christianity or Judaism. You don't flick your fingers and "God" will rush to help you to gain your trust and see you kneel down to him. Sometimes the Gods put us through shit to make us stronger, to test if we are worthy of this path. Cause this path is not for everyone and...
  185. Isisd

    How to discern Astral projection from lucid dreaming?

    Crazy how I didn't think of something like this myself, I will do it with my Tarots. Thanks for the trick, I'll let you know on this topic how it goes
  186. Isisd

    How to discern Astral projection from lucid dreaming?

    As long as I remember I didn't see no one during the projection, only some birds and other animals.
  187. Isisd

    A Meditation to Connect to the Gods

    Thank you so much, I love when someone shares their knowledge. Definitely trying
  188. Isisd

    How to discern Astral projection from lucid dreaming?

    Hello everyone. This morning at 9 I was doing my meditation routine. Around 10, I decided to try Astral projecting. This is been part of my practice for like 2 months now and I think I finally Astral projected today. At first it was like I was remote viewing the place I wanted to visit. It...
  189. Isisd

    Question #2295: can one increase lifespan upto 300 years?

    Genuine question out of curiosity, how is it historically and practically proven? Can you give me your pov?
  190. Isisd

    Revenge on someone

    if it's worth it, black magic spell
  191. Isisd

    Question #2282: Do you generate negative karma from cursing people?

    Karma is an old fairytale just as hell damnation, used to keep black magic at bay (cause it can be a real menace if used properly). If u practice black magic you will inevitably produce negative energy. The thing is that you only have to evocate dark energy (from Latin E-vocare, calling outside)...
  192. Isisd

    Astral Projection problem

    Hello, thank you. You targeted my exact problems. The euphoria that comes when i'm about to project is too big and I feel that it keeps me stuck "inside". My heart starts racing and eventually, if i can project after i calmed myself, my sight is very poor like something is veiling my eyelids...
  193. Isisd

    Astral Projection problem

    Lately I haven't been able to Astral project properly. When i go out of my body my sight is very poor, almost blind. I can't also go very away far from my body feeling something pulling me in it after few minutes of projection. If someone has ever heard of this problem and knows solutions please...
  194. Isisd

    Ars Vercanus and other books

    to anyone who knows the book Ars Vercanus, what do you think about it ? Also do you recommend any valuable books for practicing the Craft?
  195. Isisd

    question about demonic sigils

    thank you all for you answers

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
