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    by the way, alot of people know th[/IMG].         <var [/IMG]</var>HAIL SATAN. From: kvnfidler <kvnfidler@... To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 7:32 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Smoking   If anyone is trying to quit smoking, or thinking about I can...
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    Fucking swamp people

    yes theywork , or [/IMG]</var> From: Enki's Friend <enkisfriend@... To: "[email protected]" <[email protected] Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 4:11 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Fucking swamp people   Once I was flipping through chanels looking for a show...
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    What's with the Illuminatie???

    the [/IMG]</var> From: donttrustgreys <donttrustgreys@... To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 2:25 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] What's with the Illuminatie???   I have been surfing youtube lately and noticed a cult or religion called the Illuminatie now from...
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    Very Important excercise

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    Is this Aura?

    not sure about the de[/IMG]</var> From: jhd4412 <jhd4412@... To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 9:42 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Is this Aura?   I can see clear outlines around people, animals, somethings but I have to try to see it by focusing on the...
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    Problem with heart chakra

    [/IMG]</var>meditations for working on the extensions is circulating energy and the serpent meditations(just do the back chakras instead of the middle chakras) those should clear up any stagnant energy. other than that i dont know what will help. and i dont know about the money spell. sorry. ...
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    Ninjutsu & invisibility

    surround[/IMG]</var> helps with subtle invisibility. its also under the witchcraft section.  HAIL SATAN From: littletigerclaw <capnslappn@... To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 7:55 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Ninjutsu & invisibility   Ok, so I have two...
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    tan tien

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    Population: 7 billion

    <td val[/IMG]when the jews are gone there will be no pedophiles... Hail all the powers of Hell.:)  [/TD]
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    Help for a nooby

    <td val[/IMG]Hail Satan!!!(thats all you need to know) [/TD]
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    What is wrong with them?!?

    <td val[/IMG]i think most people dont realize how rediculous the jews are getting. they are obvoiusly taunting us all as a final desperate attempt to say "fuck you" before they get ahhnihalted. its apparent if you watch in the media, movies .they are not trying to hide anymore. they are going...
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    Unsure where to start

    <td val[/IMG]ive been dedicated for the same amount of time. heres what helped me.at first i had problems with the beginners meditations. i took an epsom salt bath a few times in a three weeks span. after this i could clearly see my aura sparkling clean and my body naturally started to relax...
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    Opinions on the over diagnosing of kids

    <td val[/IMG] i agree.since i was younger,  ive always noticed people, kids and adults, being treated medically for things that i felt could be treated better with energy work(i didnt know it was called energy work at the time). i always knew that the government was flawed and even talked about...
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    "The Perfect Affirmation"

    <td val[/IMG]yes thats a good one. as long as your confident that it works. heres a special one that i use, its kinda funny but works perfectly (wink)  " I am perfectly building my aura of protection like on the Joy of Satan website"  yes it sounds rediculous but it works with all my...
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    Tibetan Rites

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    Does this actually help?

    <td val[/IMG]heres what i think. it is sometimes usefull to wear pendants in order to help you focus on meditation. also you can wear it to show respect to satan, but the real act of loyalty comes when you start getting deep into your workings and you start going through painfull...
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    how do I Banish?

    <td val[/IMG]maybe you can fill the entire room with blue flames on the walls if you know how. also the more you clean your aura the harder it is for them to attack. i always use flames to burn away energies i dont need. i also heard you can use silver light to deflect energies. just work with...
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    Thanks to Satan

    <td val[/IMG]yes Satan is wonderful. hes helped me realize that humans are the second most powerful beings in this intire universe, next to nordics. think about that... we are able to become immortal which is THE SINGLE BEST THING this universe has to offer. ive felt demons' energy and...
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    <td val[/IMG]hello. i just wanted to say that first of all there are lots of people out there that try to act as mediators and tell you that Satan said things about you. joyofsatan says there are NO mediators in satanism. this means that you should contact Satan himself to get to know him. he...
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    cleansing the aura

    alright, ive found yet another wonderful picture showing a very bright aura. i look at this picture for a few minutes everyday and it helps me to clean my aura. just visualize a light similar to this surrounding you, and then cover your chakras with this...
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    I need answers (two, to be exact)

    well I dont know what you mean by your first question.  Regarding Laveyan Satanism, it is not something you should completly believe.  Ive read His satanic bible so I know the facts. Lavey says that Satan is not a actual god, but rather a force or current.  This is obviously not true.. He...
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    i read the meditation  on the spirit . the last line seemed interesting. its says you will learn to eventually strengthen or eliminate the aspects in yourself or others. does this mean that you can completley destroy a soul so that the person has no existance and your left with just a bunch of...
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    Spinning Chakras

    i used to have trouble spinning and visualizing my chakras . and i know that lots of new people also have this problem. here is a picture that helped me alot.    http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ewTLRnnrpqo/T ... hakras.jpg   just try to imagine them on your body like in the photo and spin them...
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    chakras sounds?

    everyones different. ivedone some of the other meditations on intermediate and advanced when i first started out. or i tried atleast. id say its okay to do it, as long as your comfortable. just make sure all your chakras are open... ask Satan for guidance if you need.  HAIL SATAN  From...
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    Very Important Question!.....

    well when I fisrt dedicated, i had trouble visualizing too. when your new, you have to get the FELLING of energy. I started out with the SA-TA-NA-MA chant. i would chant it and id feel a pressure in the center of my body that would spread. the pressure is energy. also you can chant this with a...
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    Power Meditation questions

    From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@... To: [email protected] Sent: Wed, February 23, 2011 10:44:10 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Power Meditation questions   I's also a nice idea to vibrate mantras every day together with other things you do.
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    i was wondering if there was anyway to heal a psychopath with magic. maybe you could “fix” his brain, or something. this is a serious question.  ive done the research and most sites say that the psychopath brain functions completley different than a normal brain. If anyone knows anything about...
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     are you sure? there are videos on youtube showing that hillary clinton is a reptilian.. i dont know if its true but it seems like a lot of people believe so. same thing with george bush. it sounds kind of odd... but then agian maybe they are not human.. From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
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    for my brothers and sisters.

    From: Indigo Warrior <darkmonkey87@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sun, February 13, 2011 2:10:59 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: for my brothers and sisters.   Sorry I didn't realize that either. I thought it was a love song.
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    Some random thoughts I had about being healthy...!

    basically I agree with the drugs causing holes part. but as we progress, Im sure that people will be able to use drugs occasionally and still maintain a healthy physical and spiritual state. it depends on how strong the person is. im sure there are people who can use drugs, then get rid of the...
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    Being Proud

    ive always tried to have a firm handshake when someone shakes my hand. it lets them know that i am aware of whats going on and that i am wide awake.  Hail Satan From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sat, February 12, 2011 11:33:23 AM Subject...
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    i have a strange problem.  I seem to have some kind of deja vu going on. it feels like its been going on for a while, but i cant tell how long..  it seems like its going to happen forever, its scaring me. everyday feels like it has already been lived before, like i have seen this coming before...
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    New zodiac sign and the dates changed

    i read that we (the U.S.) follow the tropical zodiac, which is fixed to seasons instead of constellations. So nothing has or will change concerning horoscopes and such.  this is what I read on some website.  From: kvnfidler <kvnfidler@... To: [email protected] Sent: Fri, January 14...
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    Question about the dream. Help? THX.

    if the person is directly making you dream of them, then work on an aura of protection.  otherwise it may just be your subconsious or something. try affirming before you go to sleep, “I will fall asleep and have a pleasant dream”. say this to yourself every night. affirmations are very strong as...
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    are these blockages???

    i dont think they are blockages. i know that vovim baghie’s website talks about the christian enemies attaching links to people in order to feed off of them. it may be a link that you are feeling. www.ageofsatan.co.cc/severing_the_link_high_priest_vovim_baghie.html  .  this may not be the...
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    you probably will get better results. the better your breath, the easier it is to work with energy. healthy lungs brings more energy in. this is from my experience.   From: vicious1_wcl <vicious1_wcl@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sun, December 5, 2010 8:47:55 AM Subject...
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    Spirituality and Drugs

    My experience with pot: i wouldnt recommend smoking anymore than that. sometimes pot will make me think that im doing better with my meditation, but in reality im just stoned and thats it. do NOT make a habit of smoking often. if you smoke alot then you will more than likely have trouble quiting...
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    need a good curse

    when [/IMG]     break their fingers, hit them in the head , stretch their limbs . thats some of the ways i tortured the poppet of him. this is probably my favorite method of cursing, as you have complete control over what happens to the person.  good luck... Hail Satan!!!!!!!!! ...
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    Has anyone ever heard of someone missing a chakra? I’e read online about people with damaged astral bodies(subtle body) that result in chakra problems or having one destroyed temporarily or permanently. people can supposedly be attacked by others or be in traumatic accidents that damage the...
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    the pressure means that it is fully opened, but if you stop meditating on it it will close. so keep meditating on it Every Day.also if you close your eyes and look at it and you see colors and patterns spinning around or light, then it is open. you have to keep meditating on it until it gains a...
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    meditations not long enough?

    you should worry about going until you can feel the effects of the meditation. for some people 15 minutes is enough for a session. others can go for and hour and longer. just start out small, maybe a  few minutes. it doesnt matter how short the meditating is , as long as you can feel it...
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    Where exactly is Hell?

     Satan originated from Nibiru(not Hell) and he is currently in Duat (Hell) which is on Orion's Belt. Nibiru is located somewhere else in the solar system. I think this is correct. Hail Satan. From: PamelaL <evilalien@... To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, July 26, 2010 10:26:21 AM...
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    i doubt that you have to re-dedicate in order to come back. but you can if you think it will help. however, I will say make sure your serious this time. Try not to be disrespectful to Father Satan by leaving again. He might not welcome you back with open arms, so to speak. Then again, he...
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    just go to this website, you will find everything you need. www.joyofsatan.org  the main goal in Satanism is to become like a god. you have to learn to meditate and empower your soul. this can take your whole life or many lifetimes. the best advice i can give you is to keep studying and reading...
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    sacral chakra

    i also have trouble locating all the chakras. but i think the sacral is located about 1 inch below the navel. also, i found that the ball of light meditation kinda helps with locating the chakras. if you can locate the front or back extension of it, then place a white ball of light there and...
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    Psychic Vampirism Explained

    yes, there is a way to filter peoples energy. it works well, and it helps to clean the aura and chakras after feeding. i cant quite explain how to filter, but it explains it on <em>www.psivamp.org</em>[/B]  you basically visualize the negative energy and as you feed, imagine a net holding back...
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    I cannot feel the LOVE emotion

    i think i know where your coming from. before i got into satanism i had all kinds off problems . i was the weird one that hated everyone and everything. i thought i might have some kind of disorder or something. after studying about satanism and meditating for about a year i realized that my...
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    well satan and his demons are very kind and understanding, so I dont think youll get a bad experience as long as your intentions are good and you are respectful. however, you should be a dedicated satanist before you perform ANY rituals involving demons or satanism. you need father satan to...
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    maybe the nervousnous is just repressed emotions trying to surface and you should deal with them. Thats just my opinion... I recommend just going with it and see what happens. also, you might need to open all your other chakras to make this feeling go away. hope i helped. From...
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    Negative energies from the planets

    probably the meditation for protection( breath in white-gold and program it to protect you).   From: Yoyo <kung_fukistas@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sat, July 3, 2010 6:19:17 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Negative energies from the planets  
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    Pendalum experience

    [/IMG] From: "runemaster117@..." <runemaster117@... To: Tfs <[email protected] Sent: Sun, December 20, 2009 7:07:58 PM Subject: [Teens4Satan] Pendalum experience   I used a pendalum for the first time and it was amazing. I tried to ask it how many letters were in the name and...
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    idk whats happening

    [/IMG] From: Jessica <live4satan@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sun, December 20, 2009 12:20:48 PM Subject: [Teens4Satan] idk whats happening   almost every nite for the past couple months i randomly wake up to see a flash of somthing tall and thin standing right next to my...
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    thats energy, probably from your 6th chakra.  i feel like that all the time when i meditate. From: Adam <adamalkemis@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sun, December 20, 2009 10:53:44 AM Subject: [Teens4Satan] Re: meditation   I felt like a bubble snapped inside of my head and...
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    Astril Temple

    you can ask for h[/IMG] From: David Duku <david.duku666@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sun, December 20, 2009 10:17:39 AM Subject: [Teens4Satan] Astril Temple   Hi guys i realy want to make an astril temple now,so i can do rituals and meet with Satan and the Gods of Hell,And...
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    ok why not. how long have you been satanic? just asking. From: rokkaro <rokkaro@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sun, December 20, 2009 11:35:30 AM Subject: [Teens4Satan] Sharing.   Any one want to be my buddy for satanism like talk about stuff share knowleg and expierience...
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    Its true isn't it?

    con[/IMG] From: "blackandwhitefantasy@..." <blackandwhitefantasy@... To: [email protected] Sent: Fri, December 18, 2009 6:50:25 PM Subject: [Teens4Satan] Its true isn't it?   I always wondered why my family (christian) always glared at me because I didn't like/love 'god' johova...
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    it will take a while before you become open enough to sense demons, sometimes even months or years.  Try meditating on your upper 3 chakras as much as possible.  Sometimes demons will come to you on their own when they are ready.  Im still working on sensing demons too, so dont feel discouraged...
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    More than meets the Eye

    i know axactly how you feel. ive always known there\s more to this world than what the bible teaches. the bible keeps us weak spiritually.  Satan opend our  eyes and lets us know everything about the universe and so on.  Sometimes, people like you and me can see more than others can.  If you...
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    purpose of life?

    try meditating on your base chakra alot.  Thats the one at the bottom of your spine.  It helps with de pression.  Dont kill yourself.  get some help. maybe medication.  Im serious. good luck. Hail Satan!!! ;) From: Ryan <platinumsquid93@... To: [email protected] Sent: Wed, December...
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    What's needed for satanic practices?

    you can buy them anywhere you want.  There are no rules, although there are some recommendations:  1. Chidren and animals are sacred and innocent beings.  2. Only kill animals for self defense or for food. Never kill them for fun. 3. Dont be stupid. 4. Dont believe ANYTHING from the bible.  It...
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    I need some some help >.<

    the heart chakra is naturally a hard chakra to open.  you dont have to have your fingers that way, just meditate on it anyway.  On the exhale, vibrate  AMON a few times.  It should sound like aaahhhmmmooonnn.  Good luck. ;) From: The Darkness <snydernm@... To: [email protected]...
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    Strange feeling...

    actually, yes this is good if you feel it while or after you meditate.  This is what energy feels like.  After a while, it may get more intense, but your body will get used to it.  Also, energy can be burning hot. HAIL SATAN!! ;) From: Diro <deathisonthecards@... To...
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    (no subject)

    www.Joyofsatan.org  ;) From: Mike <r8tedrdude@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sun, December 13, 2009 8:58:44 PM Subject: [Teens4Satan] (unknown)   My name is mike. im 19, from NY. Teach me Everything!
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    lay down and do some deep breathing. relax. close your eyes.  focus on the energy from the left side of your body. then focus on your right. then make both sides combine to the center of your body. now focus on your lower body energy. then your upper, then make them combine to the center. then...
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    What's needed for satanic practices?

    the items do not have to be blessed. yes you can use any knife, thats what i did. for an altar, just use anything like a table that  you can place your items on.  try to hide your items in a closet or somewhere they wont find them.  you can use a small square board for an altar. Be creative.  do...
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    3rd eye meditation

    i know a beatiful meditation that i am still working on: focus on your third eye for a few minutes.  Breath into your third eye and fill it with light. do this a few times. Now breath into it, send that energy into your sixth chakra, then to your crown chakra, all in one breath. remember to...
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    interesting books?

    there is a book called Western Body, Eastern Mind.  It talks about the chakra system and i found it usefull.  you should find it in your local library.  ;) From: Jessica <black_is_my_heart_2160@... To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, December 7, 2009 5:49:01 PM Subject: [Teens4Satan]...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
