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  1. OttoHart

    House of the Gods: Welcoming New Members

    Very important announcement for us to not turn away potentially good future SS. I know I personally wouldn't want to have "making someone give up on this path" on my conscience.
  2. OttoHart

    Does the jew perpetually win by virtue of its existence?

    They are born losers who got lucky, or more accurately were permitted to get these small wins for the sake of the greater narrative. They are only "winners" in the Goebbelsian sense that they have evolved to be very efficient at being rats, scammers and wannabe victims.
  3. OttoHart

    #884 Thoughts on Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    I could put up a ruse like that on reddit myself, with the info JoS teaches. I wouldn't take any random interview with an "elite" too seriously. Some of the stuff is good, some is meh.
  4. OttoHart

    Some questions about Hitler and the Nazis

    Magnum Opus does not mean omnipotent. Hitler's situation is an Avatar, in which case many events are beyond our understanding. The Nazi party was acting in accordance with principles of Spiritual Satanism, so you can consider them all Satanic. But we know members of the Thule society knew that...
  5. OttoHart

    Amazed by the twitter presence

    Outreach is hard at work in order to bring our message to a wider audience. You'd be surprised at the results. If you see any accounts on X supporting JoS, do offer your support in likes, reposts etc., as long as your account does not show off your real identity.
  6. OttoHart


    Welcome. I'm glad more people are choosing to study our path and join in on the work done for advancement. If you need any sort of help, feel free to use the Chat feature, ask in a Forum post, or message members like me. You can message members only after a certain amount of messages sent in...
  7. OttoHart

    My drawing for Father Satan / EOSFOROS shines upon this world

    Love it. You've got a great, realistic and proportioned artstyle. You should look into how to scan these drawings and convert them into higher quality digital art. If the end result of that is good, I'm sure there are a lot of places in JoS where we could use some art, such as Outreach.
  8. OttoHart

    The 7 Sons of Satanas:

    Yes, or new Gods we are yet to get Rituals and explanations for. Treat each deity in a Pagan pantheon like its own individual lesson the Gods taught. Satanas is Godhead, in a very complex way. You can not reach God status without his principles and the things he has embodied through eternity.
  9. OttoHart

    Slavs, Romani, Black People, gypsies and certain other ethnicities racially in Nazi Germany

    Most gypsies are heavily mixed with jews, and jewish influence is all over them. Not 100% of gypsies are jews, in my opinion, some are just a very low caste of migrating Punjabs. So technically not completely doomed similarly to the jews. Still, not the greatest people most of the time, pretty...
  10. OttoHart

    Info about the SATANAMA Meditation

    I've had really good effects for practicing a meditation on the SATANAMA mantra, daily, or sometimes every other day, based on the info I found on the JoS. But I haven't really seen a comprehensive article all about the meditation, the amazing info I've read was spread out, from satanslibrary...
  11. OttoHart

    Workings #873 Greetings fellow Satanists , I need urgent assistance with a spell / working that might with a job interview. I know the names and Surnames of in

    If you are a beginner in your practice, I wouldn't advise doing a Runic working or any kind of thing like that, as you are unlikely to have the necessary skills to raise and program enough energy for it to be effective. Make sure to properly clean your aura and chakras before the interview. This...
  12. OttoHart

    The Gods #875 Theory

    Different phases exist to the manifestation of the Gods' glory. We are at a point where a "defeat" (I wouldn't go as far as calling it a literal defeat since the details are unclear) like that can never happen again. And regardless, we shouldn't dwell on these things because it does not (or...
  13. OttoHart

    My drawing for Lord Thoth

    When I saw "Hebrew Kabbalah" as an answer, I instantly knew it was probably something Hellene. I was curious if you had sources on its origin or Gentile knowledge about it more specifically.
  14. OttoHart

    My drawing for Lord Thoth

    Where do the B and J pillars come from? The only source I can find on them is jewish Kabbalah.
  15. OttoHart

    My week

    I've been loving your information on healing work and habits to improve corporal balance, JG. Great work that ended up in a lot of my notes, and a few of your answers have helped my stomach feel better in the past. You should make a general post with a little bit of advice for many cases, as...
  16. OttoHart

    Joy of Satanas Final Response: About “Jews”, “Hitler”, “National Socialism” & Politics

    What a nail-in-the-coffin type of post. I'm glad these things are fully clarified, so the slander against us is seen as what it is.
  17. OttoHart

    A call to community and socializing.

    I want to take this time to encourage us to be more united in our actions, and to interact more. The JoS is a very beautiful thing, a united community of people researching and practicing spirituality together, under the guidance and protection of the Clergy and the Gods. We must remember that...
  18. OttoHart

    how NOT to be tired so fast?

    You'll have more energy as you advance, your regular habits should help with this. Chakra Spinning daily will raise your natural energies. Cleaning will remove blockages that prevent energy flow. Hatha Yoga improves many things. The SaTaNaMa meditation will help with literally everything. The...
  19. OttoHart


    Lucifer is a title of Father Satan, and Shiva is one of the identities Father used as well. You can find additional info by using the search feature (ctr+f) to search for the topic you want on Satan's Library.
  20. OttoHart


    Lucifer is a title of Father Satan, and Shiva is one of the identities Father used as well. Satan's LibraryYou can find additional info about this by using ctrl+F on
  21. OttoHart

    Giving energy back

    The most you can do to contribute is to do your part. Clean and empower your soul, make good decisions for the environment, help others, help the JoS, etc. Things tend to naturally snowball when a lot of us are doing our jobs.
  22. OttoHart

    [Re-Read] Extremism

    I like the idea of reposting these articles like this, if extra information and thoughts are also added. If not, a bump on the original post actually achieves the same effect.
  23. OttoHart

    The Runes and Their Numbers

    Interesting. What were your sources on this? I haven't really used these multiples in my Runic workings, but rather used numbers that were numerologically relevant. If the Runes had specific multiples that would be more useful to use, I'd like to see a JG or someone else more advanced verify...
  24. OttoHart

    Meditate Together

    I will, from now on, be using this every single time I meditate. With your new Path and Tracker, I genuinely believe you are on the path to create the single best meditation ecosystem over time. I'm excited for it, and if you need any extra help on your projects, while I suck at coding, I am...
  25. OttoHart

    Help with Azazel

    Ask Him directly to guide you in learning more about him after Ritual, you'll naturally find your answers: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/azazel-power-ritual.html
  26. OttoHart

    Health #758 Nose.

    A larger nose is not always jewish. When seen by the untrained eye, many Greeks and Romans had a larger nose. This Greek nose is ridged, not hooked like a jew's. Nonetheless, you having this feature shouldn't affect you if you are a Gentile. Most cosmetic surgery is self mutilation, and as one...
  27. OttoHart

    Meditation Roadmap | Web App

    This is very beneficial for everyone's routine. Your work is commendable.
  28. OttoHart

    We must work more on Internet Presence

    These things are being actively worked on. If you want them to be done faster, do contribute. Outreach is the project for growing our online presence, and you would be flabbergasted at the traffic we are bringing. If you have SEO optimization ideas or want to contribute to working on the sites...
  29. OttoHart

    The Occult Path: "Closed Be The Doors To The Andrapoda"

    Abrahamic religion gave people a bad, surface level view of spirituality. It works incrementally, just like any other thing in life.
  30. OttoHart

    A Happy and Growing Community

    In my time here, I have gained a lot, learned a lot, and already feel a special closeness to our community. I, too, find it really pleasant to just look at all that we've achieved.
  31. OttoHart

    Reminder about the Outreach Project

    Pushing this up. I am very engaged in Outreach as a project. It gets results and it's a great place to be.
  32. OttoHart

    The TV Paradox

    This is a phenomenon that can also be attributed to scrolling on social media. So, when it comes to perceiving time, there are usually differences between how we perceive time happening right now, and how we remember it. In a healthy individual, the difference should be inverse proportionality...
  33. OttoHart

    Lord Satan's Day, the longest day of the year!

    This is a fun thing that I thought about, that honestly impressed me. I was studying astrophysics and ran into a concept I already did loosely know, but studied it a bit more: how days work. A day is the amount of time required for the Earth to complete a full rotation. However, the Earth...
  34. OttoHart

    Gay e Nazisti

    Hitler never focused on the issue of homosexuality, but was opposing the rhetoric generated by the Jews on homosexuality and gender. Transgenderism is a product of a movement's Jewish corruption, as it is not necessary to cause irreversible physical and spiritual damage to oneself to be more...
  35. OttoHart

    Calendar Systems

    Very interesting takes. Thirteen months would result in each month being 28 even days, with every year ending on Sunday and beginning on Monday. As for when the day starts, it already does start based on a natural occurrence. The day begins when the Sun officially starts "moving towards you"...
  36. OttoHart

    Calendar Systems

    Let it also be known that counting years to begin with is not necessary, as many ancient cultures didn't. Key points in history would be recorded, and people would know how many years it has been since any key event, but there was no specific number for the year, as life is cyclical and without...
  37. OttoHart

    Calendar Systems

    The current calendar system, as far as months are concerned, is not Christian. Many of the months were named during a time of Paganism, and the overall system works, although matematically it would be better to have 13 months, as they would be proper lunar months. Regardless, the elephant in the...
  38. OttoHart

    New God Rituals: Raum & Asclepius

    Quickly went over the Rituals, I will perform them tomorrow, or when the Ritual schedule goes up. I've actually been reading about Asclepius in recent time, so this is a nice coincidence.
  39. OttoHart

    Multiple interests and many gods... can I contact several?

    The God Rituals are here for this specific purpose. Do the God Ritual for the specific God, then take the time afterwards to meditate on their sigil, and talk to them. You may not receive immediate signs, and you may struggle to interpret the signs you do receive. But as you improve your third...
  40. OttoHart

    #450 Reincarnation question

    Reincarnation generally takes longer than jumping one generation. It's also not guaranteed you will reincarnate in your own family line, especially if your father was not spiritually advanced, or wasn't at least an honorable person that the Gods keep an eye on. Overall, we can't tell you. But...
  41. OttoHart

    #453 this is in my birth chart and I confirm

    aren't common was supposed to be "are".
  42. OttoHart

    #453 this is in my birth chart and I confirm

    Porn is not inherently bad, people who think porn as a whole is degenerate are misinterpreting JoS. Both HPHC and Lady HPS Maxine have talked about the fact that sex work is neutral. The problem with porn is that it is run by jews and perpetuates bad ideas. Quasi-rape, huge age differences...
  43. OttoHart

    AI and universe (deep dive)

    The extraterrestrial incarnation of Satan, from Orion, is the first ever conscious being (as far as our linear interpretation of time is concerned) to achieve Godhood and Enlightenment. The level of awareness and mental abilities this incarnation has is incomprehensible vs anything we can make...
  44. OttoHart

    #439 Who is lucifer ?

    It is a name that certain cultures have used to describe certain aspects of Lord Satanas. The identity of all mythological beings is a complex thing where answers will come in time, but every name and portrayal has value to be learned.
  45. OttoHart

    Question #5684: confused by hps maxine words

    Appreciate the good words. A lot of the world finds itself caught in false dichotomies, mostly spawned by the Jews. The JoS teaches to push past these delusions, which is one of the reasons why I've called this place home.
  46. OttoHart

    Studying the Vedas - A tale about a dance.

    I have done this too. Some verses I intuitively understood, and notes poured out, some verses I needed to meditate on. Ponder the idea, vibrate the idea, and so on. I have done this on a deeper level on key words, but have also delved into it on a verse level. An analysis verse by verse...
  47. OttoHart

    Studying the Vedas - A tale about a dance.

    I have always been fascinated by Hellenic knowledge like Platonism, as well as Kemetic knowledge. The Sanskrit side of this eluded me before I joined the JoS. The past month, I have been focusing my studies and meditation on the Vedas and Vedic knowledge. On Dharma, on the Vedic writings, on...
  48. OttoHart

    For the sacral

    I wasn't present myself, interested too about some of the explanations on why Vaum was picked, but I don't think a Mars Bija correctly encompasses the nature of the sacral chakra either.
  49. OttoHart

    40-day HP Cobra program break at work

    You can keep going. The program is meant to introduce you to these concepts and your future routine, so be a bit more lenient with yourself. Still diligent, but don't consider it like a working, a square, or more advanced meditations. Ideally, there wouldn't be breaks, but this is because it's...
  50. OttoHart

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) Possibly one of the most influential Anti-Abrahamic figures of that period. He was a Renaissance philosopher who was deeply critical of Christianity and Judaism, particularly doctrines of monotheism and their aversion to psychic abilities and spiritual development...
  51. OttoHart

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    I do recommend Hyperborean Dacia next, but Eliade is a great author.
  52. OttoHart

    Please help

    1. Herbs, crystals and the like have their uses, nobody said they don't. But they are ultimately props and/or conduits for energy. The essential element of magick is energy and the practitioner's ability to raise, direct and program that energy. Herbs can help, but just using the herb itself, if...
  53. OttoHart

    The SS is portrayed slightly more negatively at the start, only in the anime. Partly because of...

    The SS is portrayed slightly more negatively at the start, only in the anime. Partly because of ominous visuals, Stroheim being a bit of a dick early on, the ominous music. The manga actually (obviously, no music) keeps a far more neutral attitude in colors and portrayal down from the start.
  54. OttoHart

    Other than a throwaway line from Joseph of: "I guess I can't exactly meet him anymore, since...

    Other than a throwaway line from Joseph of: "I guess I can't exactly meet him anymore, since we're apparently at war with the Germans", there is no negative portrayal of the SS in Part 2. Partly because it's a japanese work, and partly because Hirohiko Araki is a very studied man. He portrays a...
  55. OttoHart

    Dating - destroy these things inside you.

    Thank you for your input and fast reply time, HPS. I further discussed the topic in Outreach and I believe this bit is valuable for the post, as it elaborates on your point on Number 3, and why it might not actually be that difficult. The thing is, that never happened to me. Despite acting...
  56. OttoHart

    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    *project was supposed to be topic, no idea how autocorrect did that.
  57. OttoHart

    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    Do RTRs regularly, at whatever rate you are able to within your energies, schedule and other goals. That's literally all. The rest will handle itself, as it has. Do not despair or fall into negative images of the future, this will only hurt us. Us SS, of all people, need to be the single most...
  58. OttoHart

    Meet an experienced satanist?

    About what? It will be easier for advanced SS to engage in discussion if you gave them the topic of discussion. Any particular questions or topics?
  59. OttoHart

    Dating - destroy these things inside you.

    I have seen many men here struggle with attracting women or having dating success. It would be fine, as struggle is normal. You learn, you overcome. But for many, this lack causes trauma that builds up, and problematic opinions. This post is addressed to you, and to your specific issues. I will...
  60. OttoHart

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    Couldn't agree more. In articles I've written about dating (on personal blogs) and a radio podcast I run for college, I have talked about this extensively. One quote of mine resonates with this: "You are either dating or looking for a relationship. These things are antithetical." Forced...
  61. OttoHart

    I'm looking for a friend, a girl who loves cats and real men

    I do not know how to put this politely. So I won't put it politely. Henu has years of experience in here, has a golden badge, and multiple other badges, for contributing to the JoS. You are routinely getting mustered here, and have been timed out before. If Henu receives this praise, and you...
  62. OttoHart

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    Romanian Satanic Personalities I left out a few bigger personalities that will get their own longer essays, but this does have 10+ of the greatest Satanic Personalities of Romanian history. I'll be working on similar documents for other nations. Any personalities mentioned here or their works...
  63. OttoHart

    #301 How can you tell if a person is gay or bi?

    I don't know if you've heard of this, but humans can actually communicate using speech. You can ask. And you can't "seduce a straight man", straight men are straight. At best, a man might realize he is bisexual when he thought he was straight. But he was always bisexual.
  64. OttoHart

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Happy to see that more people are being welcomed into this project. It truly is an important part of our movement, growing our presence and showing people the way to Lord Satan. I can only speak positively on it. If your English is good and you want to help out, this is absolutely a project to...
  65. OttoHart

    Can someone help me from the warfare i just been put through

    Too little details to really help here. It's very unlikely that you are being directly attacked, at least not this bad. This might sound rude, but as a new person here and clearly new to spiritual warfare, you are likely not important enough to be worth attacking to this level. This is likely...
  66. OttoHart

    Question #58: Mythical beings

    Lots of possible answers here. As stated above, some of these beings could be elemental, on a different make-up than us, which sets them in different dimensions, and they travel here or affect things here. Some of these beings are mythological. Some could be lesser Demons, like Gargoyles. It's...
  67. OttoHart

    I'm looking for a friend, a girl who loves cats and real men

    Please do elaborate on this, Sun Squad. What does this mean? Your posts have been nothing but suspicious. Please explain this exact phrase with zero subversion and zero avoidance.
  68. OttoHart

    I do not think that Enki is Satan (theory).

    Very true, this is a technique used in interrogation. When faced with very serious accusations, the natural reaction of someone innocent is disgust. Imagine you were in a perfectly normal conversation, and out of the blue you are asked if you have ever had sex with a child. Someone who is...
  69. OttoHart

    Yoga: Throat Chakra

    Amazing info here, and I was just looking for a change to my Hatha sessions. Greatly appreciated, HPS Lydia! I already meditate on one Chakra a day, I might do a different Yoga session for each Chakra each day, while also adding some asanas that I've found just generally useful.
  70. OttoHart

    Tired as a zombie all day, energetic all evening

    Forgot to mention that a good way to tell is to look at your sleep schedule as a child. Children under 10 generally get tired very easily around 10PM, since their natural circadian rhythm hasn't been altered. I, however, would routinely fall asleep at 4AM as an 8 year old. Medical check-up after...
  71. OttoHart

    Tired as a zombie all day, energetic all evening

    I am a night owl with the CRY1 gene, I found that out when doing some genetic examinations for potential diseases I could be predisposed to and whatnot. My experience does not align with yours. I simply enjoy the night far more, I'm most productive when working a night shift and I generally have...
  72. OttoHart

    Amazing Story of Growth and Love - Incubus and Me

    This is dissociative identity disorder caused by trauma, not you being with a Demon.
  73. OttoHart

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania - An undying Pagan flame Reigning in 1275–1341, Gediminas was the Grand Duke of Lithuania at a pivotal time for the country. Lithuania was one of the very last kingdoms in Europe to "convert" to Christianity. Lithuania was an island of Paganism in a sea of...
  74. OttoHart

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    I was advised to drop this here in Outreach. I've got a lot to say on Satanic personalities, so more will be coming. Our Romanian SS should enjoy this. Mihai Eminescu, The Satanist Mihai Eminescu is the most widely known Romanian poet, and arguably the most widely known Romanian artist period...
  75. OttoHart

    #212 Mirror

    This is what is supposed to happen in the process of scrying, and is a sign you are doing it correctly. On the main JoS site, search about "scrying" and "ectoplasm", and you will learn a thing or two about what to do with this.
  76. OttoHart

    The Gods #216 Other alien races

    Yes, there are many neutral species out there.
  77. OttoHart

    #209 Hatha Yoga Related Question

    It's better than not doing it, but there is a flow to Yoga. If you can help it, don't do this. But if you must, do the corpse pose (laying down) for at least 5 minutes after every "chunk", so you can at least store some of the energy.
  78. OttoHart

    About Lord Belial

    In my research, I've found that both the Goetic Baal and Belial are demonized aspects of Baalzebul. Baal represents a direct bastardization of the core concepts of Baal Zevulon / Zeus, as a storm and fertility God, praised for caring for his people. Belial represents a direct bastardization of...
  79. OttoHart

    I feel confused and ashamed

    Satan could read your thoughts. He doesn't do that. Satan has better things to do than look at the little decisions of every being out there. He's not watching over your every move, that is not how this works. It's not that you can't follow any other system or belief. Anyone is free to do...
  80. OttoHart

    #179 after death..

    There is no dogmatic need for a burial, and one can choose cremation. But there is no right way to handle a dead body after one's death. Do something meaningful would be my advice. If you choose to be cremated, set up plans for what happens with the urn. If you choose to be buried, maybe you can...
  81. OttoHart

    #181 What to do with my gf?

    You have a family, abandoning it because your girlfriend (not wife?) doesn't have spiritual inclinations. As long as she isn't devout to Christianity or Islam (if she is, why did you have a child with her?), you should be fine. I don't see how she is holding you back by not wanting to advance...
  82. OttoHart

    #183 me, myself & I

    Generally, look for someone of the race you share the most DNA with, or someone with a similar race mixture. If you live in a country where there is only one major ethnicity, and are of that ethnicity, it shouldn't be much of a problem. If you're in the minority where you live, you might likely...
  83. OttoHart

    #188 Self improvement

    Void meditation helps still the mind. Cleaning your Aura and Chakras will get rid of many things that are impediments in your life, over time. You can also breathe blue energy into your Aura, by simply visualizing it so. This energy will be calming and help you over time, if done for, say, a...
  84. OttoHart

    #187 Membership

    Get an account here, study things, see for yourself that we are right, and when you have decided out of logic, not faith, that this is the correct path, do the Dedication Ritual. You can find it on the main site. That is the official point you are a Spiritual Satanist. Then, it's up to you to...
  85. OttoHart

    A night out…

    You spent a lot of your energy having fun, likely engaged in excess and also blasted yourself with yin energy from the weed, so you are probably feeling dizzy, overwhelmed, like your body is ringing and tired. This is normal. Get some rest and things will get better. Obviously, your meditation...
  86. OttoHart

    Meditations #149 Can AoP defend you from death spell and misfortune?

    It's as powerful as the time you spend on it, the amount of energy you can generate for it, whether you are advanced enough to be able to use Runic vibration for it, how many days you have done it, and how consistently. How much each helps, in exact numbers, is impossible to say.
  87. OttoHart

    I need a working for a new house

    I have a friend (Pagan, fairly spiritual) who has been trying to move, and wants to find a good apartment for him. He's been looking for quite a bit and can't seem to find one that fits his needs and that also allows for single men to live there. What working can he do to attract/discover the...
  88. OttoHart

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    I am incredibly excited for these changes, and trust that the Clergy will handle them well. Let's usher in a new era!
  89. OttoHart

    Why are there some differences ?

    Also interested in knowing this.
  90. OttoHart

    What happens to a person who commits suicide after they take their own life? Do they reincarnate or cease to exist forever?

    Suicide in itself wouldn't cause the ceasing of reincarnation, but reincarnation is a process that takes energy. Someone brought to the point of suicide might be so spiritually weak and their soul so low on light that they would dissipate in the astral too fast to be led to a new life. It's...
  91. OttoHart

    The Gods #86 Satan's family tree

    What is the name and birthdate of your father? ...see how that sounds? This is not useful information to know, and if we are to know we will be told
  92. OttoHart


    Welcome. Enjoy your stay, and don't hesitate to ask questions.
  93. OttoHart

    About proving things / sharing knowledge

    It is widely known to us Spiritual Satanists that Judaism and its offshoots are actively mocking Pagan/Satanic concepts, symbols and Gods in order to brainwash the masses and hide important knowledge from them. This is because a lot of us intuitively know this to be true, and each has had their...
  94. OttoHart

    Spiritual Satanism & Enemy "Religions": Here Answers Will Always Arrive

    Many will probably see this as newcomers into our group, or as skeptics doing their research. I can fully testify that this is a great path that will yield results, and that, after delving pretty deep into many spiritual systems, this one is the best when it comes to connecting to real Divinity...
  95. OttoHart

    #69 How big are the chakra's?

    The side Chakras not along the Kundalini's path (Third Eye, temples, etc.) are probably smaller, yes. But the 6th chakra centered on the pineal gland and the crown chakra with the base on the crown of the head shouldn't clash even at fist size. Or maybe I have small fists. lol
  96. OttoHart

    #74 Attack

    Ritual to Lord Alastor + a prayer to Him to help you. Don't expect all work to be off your hands, but you might get the required energy or get help where you can't succeed yourself. Final RTR focused on yourself (visualize the energy emitted by your vibrations in and around you) in case it's an...
  97. OttoHart

    #75 Hexagram Question

    The magic used by jews focuses a lot on Saturnian things, because of the Enemy's understanding of existence and because they are focused on material wealth. But one can't do any serious work with a symbol unless they have a good understanding of the meaning. So while Abrahamists "use" the...
  98. OttoHart

    #69 How big are the chakra's?

    Size is a characteristic of objects in the material dimension. Chakras are not material, they are part of the astral body. Size isn't a thing in the astral in the same way it is here. So even if we were to have an answer for that, the answer would be nonsensical if we tried to explain it in...
  99. OttoHart

    Sons the Forest

    Both the Forest and Outlast have similar enough inspirations of occult research from the 20th century. It's a surface level interpretation of "Daaaamn, so the nazis wuz doin occultism and shiet" and interpreting that as "messing with nature". Outlast is far more in your face with this, The...
  100. OttoHart

    Art: Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty

    The most surface layer of spiritual mythologies across cultures was the "Exposure to symbols". All mythology had layers upon layers of meaning, but the Ancients knew that even without learning those layers of meaning, the symbols and imagery used would evoke powerful energies that shaped the...
  101. OttoHart

    When To Give Help & On "Helping Others"

    Help is passing someone the book, not reading it for them.
  102. OttoHart

    Why haven't the Gods destroyed "Yahweh" yet?

    To the Gods, these enemies are nothing but flies at this point. Surprisingly enough to us, they have far more important things to do. This is our problem to fix. Had they just fixed this themselves, we would never learn to not let these things happen again on Earth. There are probably many...
  103. OttoHart

    has weight lifting any spiritual benefits?

    Not directly per se, but there are physical health benefits for it. Lifting weights is not essential, but resistance training is. Either weights, bands, plyometrics or calisthenics, one must train their muscles under resistance for functional strength, protection from injury, and healthy active...
  104. OttoHart

    Satanic guide to Weight Training

    These kinds of methods are good to employ when you are no longer being physically stimulated by the basics and you need variety, periodization and the like. Nobody without at least a year's experience under a barbell should bother with isometrics, pauses, supersets, myo-reps, and whatever other...
  105. OttoHart

    Satanic guide to Weight Training

    Honestly didn't praise this enough. If you have any questions and don't want to ask them here, it might honestly be better just to read this book. The best I could do would probably just be a worse repackaging of the content in it, as there's only so many ways you can phrase the truth.
  106. OttoHart

    Satanic guide to Weight Training

    Cardio, stretching, resistance training (Calisthenics or weightlifting) and Yoga should be in EVERYONE's routine. Not sure why people think lifting weights and training your muscles is a hobby thing but cardio is a health thing. Not doing either of them can mess you up big time.
  107. OttoHart

    Q. about sigils and demons?

    Think of them less like Ranks and more like jobs. And the current Demons section is a little outdated, and being updated.
  108. OttoHart

    Satanic guide to Weight Training

    I have five years of experience in weight training, three years of experience in professional powerlifting (nothing huge, I'm not famous, but I do have a couple podium finishes in National competitions for my category), and have helped train friends. This is a comprehensive guide to getting...
  109. OttoHart

    Question #5748: An easier way?

    The fact that you aren't actively brainwashed by any Abrahamic cult and you're studying this place puts you in a pretty good position already. Satan doesn't demand or want "worship". We acknowledge His greatness, but His greatness would exist even without us acknowledging it. A being whose...
  110. OttoHart

    A short guide for people coming to Spiritual Satanism from different religions

    Very well written post, brother! I hope more people see this and bring it up the feed regularly, and I will link to it for people as well. I've taken the liberty to add some more introductions for religions you did not include, for the sake of completeness. Sikhism You were playing with very...
  111. OttoHart

    Þorn 🙵 Ƿynn: Reviving Runes in the English Language

    Someone hasn't socialized outside of the high school debate club.
  112. OttoHart

    Does Hebrew have any value for you guys?

    And don't call me sir, haha, makes me feel old. I'm 99% sure I'm younger than you.
  113. OttoHart

    Does Hebrew have any value for you guys?

    No one specific place, but the simple fact that the Final RTR exists proves this, and there's been some talk about the fact that this is the source of their power (and why sacred alphabets like Ancient Greek and the Runes are so hidden and attacked). The FRTR is as effective as it is because...
  114. OttoHart

    Does Hebrew have any value for you guys?

    The only thing I've learned studying Judaic mythology, jewish mysticism, Hebrew and Aramaic a few years ago is: - All of what they use is stolen. Not in the sense that it evolved from other languages/mythologies, like how Gentile cultures are, but literally taken deliberately and modified...
  115. OttoHart

    I found out that my best friend is Jewish.

    This is possible, but the general instinct of spreading jewishness is done through the mother in Jewish tradition, hence the sheer amount of powerful people with Jewish wives, in history and today. Yes, there are cases where there is this distancing. OP's idea of a throat feeling is absolutely...
  116. OttoHart

    I found out that my best friend is Jewish.

    Firstly, jewishness is generally passed through the mother as far as judaism says. This doesn't affect us, but it does imply that it's a little rare for a jewish man to have kids with a non-jewish woman, as jews would not consider that kid a jew. The reverse would usually happen, which is seen...
  117. OttoHart

    This post is for HP.Hooded Cobra666

    Do you have even the slightest idea how busy HPHC is, literally every day? That, and these things come with time. The Rituals, Psalms, etc. are not just a little poem that you ask Mr. Cobra to compose for you so you can show it to the Gods. Ignoring the fact that I don't really get how you...
  118. OttoHart

    Question #5690: Odin

    Death in battle being the "Nigredo" surprisingly didn't come to me. But yes, that's very true.
  119. OttoHart

    Question #5714: Help me with a boy

    Politely ask your Guardian Demon (no need to know their name) in your mind to help you with the confidence to approach him, give it 5 seconds, then just do it. The chance it goes badly for you is very small. Most men these days don't want to take the first step, and it sucks, but if you're that...
  120. OttoHart

    Question #5721: fast money

    You are essentially a child asking for your parent to do your homework for you. It is your job to build wealth.
  121. OttoHart

    Retrograde planets beginning September 1st

    Replying to bump the post up, I'd like to know as well.
  122. OttoHart

    Question #5682: White race, Jew And mixer

    Yes, that would probably be most accurate. Whatever Hominid species we came from had the potential to carry a Soul that can advance. Otherwise, we'd have cat-like species, dog-like species etc. just as intelligent as us. Some alien life is also probably incapable of this. Through studying...
  123. OttoHart

    Can a God "admire" a human being if he works hard and advances?

    Would you be proud your child when they show you good test results they had in 3rd grade, despite you yourself being far beyond that? I think so, yes.
  124. OttoHart

    Question #5700: Why call Covid a hoax?

    Nobody is claiming the virus itself isn't real. It's just that a total lockdown was definitely not the way to handle it and blew the economy to bits, as intended by those who set it up. Don't confuse us.
  125. OttoHart

    Question #5701: Cthulhu

    Sort of. HP Lovecraft designed Cthulu based on a textbook cult behavior of "awakening the God from the Dark". A lot of these depictions were based on mystery schools and occult lodges, where (if they are legitimate), this awakening is a metaphor for an internal process. I don't think the...
  126. OttoHart

    Introductory Meditation to Runes

    Thank you for the advice, JG. "Rigorous and overmeticulous" is my approach to everything, haha, but I understand your point of view. I'm also definitely as immersed as can be into the JoS meditations and practices, I'm practicing basically everything that isn't just too advanced for me. I...
  127. OttoHart

    Introductory Meditation to Runes

    This meditation has been designed after I studied and connected with the God Thoth. While this meditation is not directly from Him, I believe He deserves a lot of credit. Often enough, after I grow in closeness to a God a bit, I get answers to questions I didn't even directly ask. I've had some...
  128. OttoHart

    Question #5684: confused by hps maxine words

    Things like a sexually open relationship (and even prostitution, as has been mentioned in the past) are possible and permissible. There are two pitfalls here, and we strive to avoid both. Pitfall 1: There is a rigid social structure that literally everyone needs to abide by. The people who say...
  129. OttoHart

    Question #5691: Japanese

    I will not speak a lot on this, as I'm still studying these things myself. But a deep quote should be sufficient for you, as it will make more sense as you advance and learn. "History is written by the victors." Nobody is forcing you to agree with anyone, and we especially don't want people...
  130. OttoHart

    How can someone get a girlfriend in a muslim country like the arab gulf countries?

    Program your aura to attract a partner that is appropriate to you, with a proper affirmation. You seem to be very new, so I wouldn't recommend runic vibration this early. Work on cleaning your Aura and Chakras daily, get into a Yoga routine and work on spinning the chakras, as well as taking...
  131. OttoHart

    Question #5690: Odin

    Can absolutely recommend this book, as it kickstarted my study of Norse Paganism. To reply to OP, war can mean many things, and there are deep aspects to the Brave Warrior archetype. This archetype has been praised in many cultures, and the fact that only the Norse is "mainstream" has to do...
  132. OttoHart

    My Intermediate Spiritual Program and Routine

    I use Obsidian for organized notes and paper notebooks for more hasty notes taken right away, after meditating or similar things. It's definitely helpful.
  133. OttoHart

    The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

    Spiritually, absolutely. Most animals are sacred, mammals moreso, and certain animals even moreso. Cats themselves are highly symbolic, make good familiars and have a powerful connection to nature. Their chakras also allow for a great sensing of energy. Me and many others have had cats wanna...
  134. OttoHart

    My Intermediate Spiritual Program and Routine

    !Use this PDF File Instead! The version that I uploaded is a bit messed up as far as page spacing due to an error on my part. This version should look more neat.
  135. OttoHart

    My Intermediate Spiritual Program and Routine

    This is a document containing the program I use for meditation, Yoga and the like, tweaked and chiseled to be used by others as well. Read carefully, note the warnings and information on the first page, and see if it's a fit for you, or just give your opinion on it, or any suggestions, etc...
  136. OttoHart

    An idea for the advancement of JoS and Spiritual Satanism

    As far as I know, sites are being updated for this exact purpose. Having more people work on these guides would run the risk of diminishing their quality. Which is why there are few people working on actually writing content for the sites, mostly Clergy. That being said, a more dedicated site...
  137. OttoHart

    Beautiful Experience with Lord Valefor

    Truly appreciated to see a post like this from you. Your info on Yoga, magick and astrology are nothing short of genius level. I've been doing my best to catch up on reading.
  138. OttoHart

    Question #5655: Clarify inconsistencies.

    The Gods are of dual, extradimensional, esoteric, mysterious nature. This has a point. Mystery leads the journey until wisdom is achieved and sheds light upon mystery. Those reveals are an apotheosis that must be earned. In layman's terms, probably very reductive of the deeper nature of the...
  139. OttoHart

    Beautiful Experience with Lord Valefor

    Oh, Kundalini session done and my post is already up. Kundalini felt surprisingly more physically taxing, as my spine doesn't usually get a lot of stretching in. However, I kept in mind not to strain and did pretty well. Similar buzz, albeit more on the mindful and relaxed side, as opposed to...
  140. OttoHart

    Question #5647: Vegetarianism

    The person above wrote amazing advice that you should think about. Ultimately, you can do whatever you want. Lord Satan won't impose dietary rules on you, you have free will to act in any way. If it works, whatever. But once you get into the habit of meditation to develop yourself, Hatha...
  141. OttoHart

    Beautiful Experience with Lord Valefor

    After about 2 months of getting on a meditation program and following it, I was seeing a lot of improvements, and for this particular story, a big improvement was motivation to get physically healthier. I am making good strides in improving two health issues I have. After a while, and after I...
  142. OttoHart

    Israel is collapsing, economy collapsed

    Fair, brother 🤣
  143. OttoHart

    How to help JoS community?

    1. Study and practice what is taught on our sites to improve yourself. 2. Be active in the Forums and help people in need. Don't answer things ignorantly, a lot of answers are already found on our sites or in sermons, linking to those is best. 3. If you're interested in promoting on social...
  144. OttoHart

    Israel is collapsing, economy collapsed

    Where can that map be found on the JoS? I'm 2 months deep into reading both the sites and the forums and never stumbled upon it. (To be fair, it's not like studying the jews is exactly my priority right now, haha)
  145. OttoHart

    Israel is collapsing, economy collapsed

    Oh, I didn't necessarily mean to give them any credence, brother. I know the war is essentially lost for them if things progress like this. I was just pointing out the fact that it isn't wise to just "let the jews leave to their homeland" as a way for them to stop bothering us. Them getting...
  146. OttoHart

    Is There a Negative Vibe in the Astral Lately?

    You should be comforted by the fact that the Gods are telling us this war is all but over. Not in the sense that you don't still make efforts for spiritual warfare, you should. But in the sense that the Enemy is not to be feared at this point, at least not astrally. Physically, the jews are...
  147. OttoHart

    Israel is collapsing, economy collapsed

    You would rather the Jews establish their country in their "promised land" that is key to their occult goals, and that they themselves claim will become the New Jerusalem once they expand? Brother, you are literally buying Zionist propaganda. They won't leave us alone or be easier to defeat if...
  148. OttoHart

    Is There a Negative Vibe in the Astral Lately?

    The "downfall" part of the Age of Aquarius is still in full swing, so it makes sense that this is what you are feeling. And all your advice is great, both for yourself and for some others. I personally am too busy with my own advancement to tune in to the general vibe of the astral. As I tend...
  149. OttoHart

    Question #5629: why was I created

    You were created because your parents decided to have unprotected sex. Your soul was created and protected through reincarnation by Father. Learn what you want to do with this life you were given as opposed to asking why you're here. Only you can answer that, and it takes time.
  150. OttoHart

    Question #5625: I can feel the energies, but I can't see.

    https://satanisgod.org/Clairvoyance_Points.html If you already have performed the Opening for the Major Chakras (or at the very least the Third Eye), use this meditation to improve Clairvoyance, which is what you want. But just know that things still work if you feel them and don't see them.
  151. OttoHart

    Creation of Humanity

    Why do we paint, write, or do anything?
  152. OttoHart

    I wanted to ask this

    https://satanisgod.org/Satanic-Ethics.html Read this mindfully. That's your answer.
  153. OttoHart

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Our Universe has, to a degree, always existed. Existence has a "source" of sort, that Abrahamic religion has turned into a monotheistic God. This "God" does not exist. Satan "created" our souls by modifying the DNA of a hominid species on Earth. He is our Creator and spiritual Father. He...
  154. OttoHart

    The importance of Symbols.

    Many of us spiritually understand the power of symbols, from experience. Symbolism has spiritual power. That much is a fact. But not as many of us understand the mental, psychological need for symbols. I've studied this in my study of psychology, and I've found it goes hand in hand with the...
  155. OttoHart

    Why I can not feel Satanas even though I can feel rest of our Gods?

    This could be blockages on your interpretation of Satan. Deep down, some things from your past might still affect how open you are to His energy. This will be fixed over time with daily Cleaning and studying. You might also need to just generally get better at perceiving energy, which comes with...
  156. OttoHart

    Could I’ve been a jew in a past life?

    As far as the christian reincarnation thing, abrahamic Gentiles are only in danger of "going to the light" when they are genuinely believers. Fully bought into the lie and either follow the abrahamic laws or hate themselves for not being able to follow them. Only then are their souls both...
  157. OttoHart

    Could I’ve been a jew in a past life?

    You will soon find, if you keep studying and meditating, that "As within so without" also means that the body mirrors the soul. As much as New Age wants to say otherwise, the body and the soul are deeply connected, and your spiritual identity isn't as much of a blank slate as people claim...
  158. OttoHart

    JoS game?

    As far as the idea is concerned, I think it would best fit a traditional RPG. RPG Maker can be used to make surprisingly good games if one has the talent and puts in the effort art-wise. Maybe something depicting the life of a student in the Brotherhood of the Serpent? All the trials, lessons...
  159. OttoHart

    About the Bottomless Pit Of Stupidity: Do NOT Get In

    I've made quite a few changes to my life since Dedicating, and it's been liberating to take better decisions and take control of my life. I was where I was before Dedicating, and I still have much work to do and many problems to fix. But knowing I have upward movement relaxes me and doesn't let...
  160. OttoHart

    My personal Sigil Meditation

    In addition to God Rituals and the meditations on the JoS for connecting with the Gods (which, now from experience, I absolutely praise) I also have my own meditations I do. This one should be done in addition to the usual, not to replace it. Some of my meditations are my own idea, some I am...
  161. OttoHart

    Doing things for Joy Of Satan, Gods and yoursef.

    It really takes that little to sway some people against JoS, huh. If whether one follows the JoS depends on how streamlined a process is, like talking to clergy, that person has a fundamental misunderstanding of what is going on here. I know the Gods are real, and I know how they have guided...
  162. OttoHart

    Question about reincarnation

    Nobody can know whether this will be the life you achieve the Magnum Opus in. If it is, the telltale sign is that you were already very advanced. You would have been a prodigy in many things as a child, many unusual fascinations for deep subjects since childhood, and an affinity and ease at...
  163. OttoHart

    Advice to protect myself in the church?

    If you are already doing Cleaning and your Aura of Protection daily, you probably shouldn't worry. Simply do another cleaning when you get the chance, after going there. If you still feel you need additional protection, you can program your Aura of Protection in the morning with a more specific...
  164. OttoHart

    Question #5467: Maxine

    Lord Satan's entire message is that you WON'T die one day, if you do the right things and empower yourself. "There is always another way to do something." Maybe not within this lifetime for everyone, but someday, for all upward moving souls.
  165. OttoHart

    Experiences with Uruz for Energy

    This is a log of my experiences with vibrating Uruz for energy raising. This was a pretty useful Forum post that I saw a month or so ago, and I decided to use Uruz for energy from there. (I already had a pretty good system going for my Aura Cleaning and Meditation. Once I get a few more months...
  166. OttoHart

    Question #5470: The powers of the Gods, the manifestation of the Gods, the ability of the Gods to deify.

    Earth is ours to fix. The Gods are busy and doing their own work. The Gods acting upon this earthly plane would cost far more energy in comparison to how much they can achieve in other duties with that same energy. And we are here for a reason. Besides developing spiritually, and all the other...
  167. OttoHart

    Question #5467: Maxine

    She is alive and effectively immortal now, reaching the Rank of Hero. Whether she is inhabiting her body and here among us, or she moved on to more important duties in the Astral, or perhaps plans to reincarnate at some point, we don't know. Don't speak where you don't know. But we know for a...
  168. OttoHart

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    The best thing you can always do as an SS is put your own oxygen mask on first. Develop yourself and protect both yourself and the people close to you. Additionally, new members who are Dedicated and want to help the cause can always join Outreach, it's not exclusively for people who are more...
  169. OttoHart

    Voices testing my faith

    Get into the habit of a daily Aura and Chakra cleaning and setting up your Aura of Protection. Just generally, get into power meditation, it will help things like this. But for the most part, these intrusive thoughts are a very common issue you shouldn't worry too much about. Let them pass.
  170. OttoHart

    any tips on spinning chakras faster

    I visualize the chakras spinning "normally", like an object would spin, but then I imagine them changing shape as they spin faster. I find this is key in my visualization of the spin. They might look slightly more circular, start showing trails of their spin, but otherwise look "motionless". You...
  171. OttoHart

    Hail Lord Azazel! My Ritual Experience

    Hi! I've posted a lot here before, and still do, but I've been slower because I've been taking the time to do a lot of work. I'm free from studying all summer, so I've literally taken most of the day to meditate, do Rituals, study the JoS, and otherwise further my goals (left time for leisure...
  172. OttoHart

    Question #5461: Question about Moon Squares

    A Sun square feels like the thing to do in this situation, but only you can really know. Whenever I need indications in regards to Astrology or a working, I do Azazel's Power Ritual, and it always gives me the clarity needed to find the right thing to do. Maybe it will help you too. Do the...
  173. OttoHart

    Question #5463: House purification

    Naturally, as you meditate, do Rituals and empower yourself, you living there will help with protection. Besides this, you can decorate your house with Pagan symbols, sigils of the Gods, Satanic symbols and more, as decor like this will stimulate the mind and raise the overall energy of your...
  174. OttoHart

    Would anyone like to be my friend?

    Welcome! It's a great place to be and a great community to find yourself in. Make sure to keep reading up on the sites and sermons, they have a lot of useful information. Start meditating, become familiar with the Gods, and slowly work to improve yourself. If you ever want to make friends...
  175. OttoHart

    Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics

    Genuinely, I see no way someone could justify this genocide. As these inhumane crimes keep surfacing and their propaganda keeps failing, if a Gentile is still pushing pro-Zionist, pro-genocide apologetics today, they are either stupid beyond repair or just mean beyond repair. I'm glad to be...
  176. OttoHart

    Please help me with this problem. (About meditation.)

    First, believe me, you worrying about this issue is doing more than the issue itself. This is a simple case of your mind running a bit wild during meditation. For many who are new to meditation, the act of sitting by yourself with your thoughts is something you didn't do often. And since we're...
  177. OttoHart

    I met Satan, He gave me powers, what is my role. (Hooded Cobra)

    Damn. My short reply to that entire paragraph is a "no" followed by an invitation to read the sites and sermons. I'll let someone else explain the no in greater detail lol
  178. OttoHart


    At the end of the day, people seem to have different interpretations of how their third eye operates, due to different levels of advancement, different perspectives and just... people being different. As long as you are regularly cleaning your chakras, and you did the opening of the third eye...
  179. OttoHart

    I am deeply thankful.

    Ummm, there was supposed to be a "daily" there. Obviously not 1 and 3 hours total.
  180. OttoHart

    When does one become a member of the JoS?

    Let's go over them. Believing to be a member? Yes, in some way. If you follow Satan and the Gods, you are a Spiritual Satanist. This is a mental thing, and it is related to how you feel about it. Yes. Dedicating? Also yes, in a way. Obviously, many people have been with Satan before officially...
  181. OttoHart

    I am deeply thankful.

    Besides the usual daily spiritual work, I've taken Lammas Day to relax and enjoy life. It's been a great day, and a very nice coincidence happened which made it all the better. Now, at the end of the day, I wanted to post something I've been wanting to post for a few days. I started delving...
  182. OttoHart

    Communication with Gods (need help)

    1. Do your Dedication if you haven't already. 2. Doing a God Ritual before attempting communication will help you a lot. Just in general, do the God Rituals. They are there for this exact reason. 3. Void meditation will improve your ability to maintain a trance state for longer. However, you...
  183. OttoHart

    "Every mouth must sing" - Ode to Lord Azazel

    As I have developed, I have gained a deep attraction and connection to Lord Azazel. I plan to do his Power Ritual for the first time today. I believe I have much work ahead in learning about this God that has given me many signs. This prose is a gift to His greatness. Happy Lammas day! This...
  184. OttoHart

    Past lives, the power of the soul and becoming like the Gods (Question)

    Someone who has reached the rank of Hero would fully remember every single reincarnation, and will be able to choose between incarnating on Earth or staying in the astral realms at will. Demons and those above them have responsibilities they can only fulfill in the Astral. Lord Asmodeus could...
  185. OttoHart

    The RTRs DO work, obviously.

    Satan's Library has all the JoS's past RTR work.
  186. OttoHart

    The RTRs DO work, obviously.

    Some people will flame you for this. I will only retaliate with one point. Do you understand that, if you are right, which is a big if, then your attitude is part of why the Rituals aren't "impressing" you. You didn't refute the arguments I made, so you probably just haven't studied enough to...
  187. OttoHart

    The RTRs DO work, obviously.

    "There is a positive and negative side to all things to keep them in balance -- to keep the Universe going. There are awful and terrible things that must happen, destructive deathly things, and there are good and miraculous things that must happen full of life and creative construction. It seems...
  188. OttoHart

    The RTRs DO work, obviously.

    For the people who may be visiting and have some doubts, and for the people who are actively doing the RTRs and just want to see the fruit of their work, here is pretty clear evidence that they do, with these effects that manifested in recent time: 1. Israel is officially recognized by the ICJ...
  189. OttoHart

    Satan isn't "true", Satan is the truth!

    Honestly, I agree. This post is a bit funny in retrospective, as at this time I was chatting in here while having read about... maybe 5% of what the JoS has published? Now, I'm essentially done reading everything and also started to practice the things I learnt. With my current viewpoint, I was...
  190. OttoHart

    Question #5395: How do you achieve peak enlightenment?

    1. Remove your sense of entitlement, thinking you are "supposed" to achieve these things. This creates an overall bad thought pattern, I know this from experience. 2. These things come with time. Learn to live in the moment and appreciate your present, while making you sure you are taking steps...
  191. OttoHart

    The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

    Please note that this classification applies only to humans. Humans, in the sense of human beings of origin from the Gods. Jews do not come from the Gods, their development follows different systems from ours. As for the answer to that, I don't have one. You can't really draw direct parallels...
  192. OttoHart

    Question #5391: Doubt about Rituals of the Gods

    You can understand their purpose if you read all of them, and even moreso if you do them. They are designed in private by the Clergy with the guidance of the Gods. Each Ritual is meant to establish who the God truly is, remove slander and expose you to the original nature of that God and the...
  193. OttoHart


    I am personally very excited for Lord Asmodeus' Ritual, but I'm so happy that we got four different ones this time. There really is a lot of progress being made in cleaning up the names of the Gods.
  194. OttoHart

    "The Gods of Hellas"

    Graphic with the Greek portrayal of our four Crowns. Their position is according to their cardinal direction. Lord Satan as bigger for obvious reasons. Hail Satan! Hail Baalzebul! Hail Astarte! Hail Azazel!
  195. OttoHart

    Teaching family members

    1. Maintain imposing a negative attitude towards abrahamic religion, it's the most important thing you can do to protect them. 2. You can easily still explain working on your chakras. 3. Most people are surprisingly open to Pagan culture. Give them ancient mythology and philosophy.
  196. OttoHart

    Do the Gods decide?

    They don't deliberately withhold information that would magically instantly make you more advanced. Yes, Lord Satan could probably let you see through a God's eyes for a few moments, but it would be like showing a baby the blueprints for a rocket ship. The baby can't suddenly just build it...
  197. OttoHart

    Post-Dedication: Uncanny feelings

    You've just taken a great step in your spiritual journey, and for many this is a life-changing event. This can feel chaotic and your mind can run wild. This could be an enemy attack, or it could simply be your mind being overwhelmed, or processes you might not be aware of that are happening...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
