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Could I’ve been a jew in a past life?


Sep 3, 2023
Im sorry if this is common knowledge about the past lives.I starting to read about it and i see how important it is for example we if we had good spiritual knowledge and power in the past life, we would have greater starting spiritual power in this life.

So long story short is it possble that we were a jew or something like that in a past life?

Bonus question if all christians muslims etc. go to the white hole of power that the jews use how do we then get reborn and have a “new life” after the past one.

i’m just curious about the topic as it is new to me and the important thing about Satanisam is the knowledge that the Gods bestow upon us so i hope no one gets angry about this thread.

Hail Satan!
Do the FRTR and you'll find out if you were a jew.

Souls under the protection of Satan get taken to Hell until it is time for them to reincarnate.
One is either racially a jew or they are a gentile.

There is no switching between as the soul structure is completely different.

What one is currently is what one will be in a striking majority of cases.

The only real exceptions are race mixing. As in the case of sub-races.

But even then I do not think a Gentile can "become jewish". This would take one just following in the path of lizard scum and just reaching levels of evil and depravity that shouldn't be possible.

Maybe perhaps with many lives ones soul structure could become close to this or even in very rare cases one can become this. Jews are a vile abomination and even in the eyes of the enemy they are just worms.
Im sorry if this is common knowledge about the past lives.I starting to read about it and i see how important it is for example we if we had good spiritual knowledge and power in the past life, we would have greater starting spiritual power in this life.

So long story short is it possble that we were a jew or something like that in a past life?

Bonus question if all christians muslims etc. go to the white hole of power that the jews use how do we then get reborn and have a “new life” after the past one.

i’m just curious about the topic as it is new to me and the important thing about Satanisam is the knowledge that the Gods bestow upon us so i hope no one gets angry about this thread.

Hail Satan!

You will soon find, if you keep studying and meditating, that "As within so without" also means that the body mirrors the soul.

As much as New Age wants to say otherwise, the body and the soul are deeply connected, and your spiritual identity isn't as much of a blank slate as people claim.
Your sex is inherent to your soul.
Your personality (at least the nature part, not necessarily the nurture, although where you're born is spiritually linked as well) is inherent to your soul.
And your race is also inherent to your soul.

If you are currently a specific race that isn't very mixed, you likely kept that race throughout your past lives. Mixed race people are more complex, generally in a bad way. No offense to them, and it's no issue if you right now are mixed, it just makes things more complicated, development can still happen.

Nonetheless, as long as you have no jewish ancestry, you were not a jew in a past life.
Additionally, if you were a jew in a past life, you'd be a jew now. And you'd definitely know by now if you were.

Don't bother with DNA tests, they're wonky. The best way to know if you're a jew is whether RTRs or vibrating Satanama literally hurt you to do. Actual physical pain, like a heavy migrene. There's other ways, but this is the most obvious.
So long story short is it possble that we were a jew or something like that in a past life?

You should really search past posts before asking anything, as questions like this one have been answered many times.

It's been said that the jews have different, vampiric souls which aren't compatible with Gentile bodies and so they can't reincarnate into a Gentile or vice versa.
As far as the christian reincarnation thing, abrahamic Gentiles are only in danger of "going to the light" when they are genuinely believers. Fully bought into the lie and either follow the abrahamic laws or hate themselves for not being able to follow them.
Only then are their souls both obedient enough and weak enough to be either "absorbed" or "discarded".
Most Christians nowadays are incredibly lukewarm, basically atheist, and only "believe" because it's the thing people do. And a lot of modern christians "love God but hate the church". That's their soul rejecting the garbage and sticking to what little of the Gods they still have in them, and they lack knowledge to take that any further.
A lot of christians in early xian history were just Pagans who were lied to about their practices coming from christianity. They were practicing (heavily watered down and stripped of power) Paganism with the christian symbols pasted over the Gods.
You should really search past posts before asking anything, as questions like this one have been answered many times.

It's been said that the jews have different, vampiric souls which aren't compatible with Gentile bodies and so they can't reincarnate into a Gentile or vice versa.
But for example what if a gentile and jew have a kid is the kid then jewish?Thats why i asked sorry if this was alredy answerd but i didin’t find it.
The best way to know if you're a jew is whether RTRs or vibrating Satanama literally hurt you to do. Actual physical pain, like a heavy migrene. There's other ways, but this is the most obvious.
I feel very good and happy after doing RTR so i guess im fine.
One is either racially a jew or they are a gentile.

There is no switching between as the soul structure is completely different.

What one is currently is what one will be in a striking majority of cases.

The only real exceptions are race mixing. As in the case of sub-races.

But even then I do not think a Gentile can "become jewish". This would take one just following in the path of lizard scum and just reaching levels of evil and depravity that shouldn't be possible.

Maybe perhaps with many lives ones soul structure could become close to this or even in very rare cases one can become this. Jews are a vile abomination and even in the eyes of the enemy they are just worms.
Thank you!
But for example what if a gentile and jew have a kid is the kid then jewish?Thats why i asked sorry if this was alredy answerd but i didin’t find it.
Yes, he who has Jewish blood is Jewish, he behaves like a Jew (the Jew that he is) and his nature is Jewish.

In most cases, being Jewish is no surprise. I know Jews, some who (though rarely) hung out with my group of friends, others at the same gym as me. It is no surprise to them that they are Jewish. They know well that they come from a Jewish family.

For example, a Jew who was friends with some of my friends talked about how his mother was Israeli and this was part of his life. A Jewish woman at my gym told me, however, how her mother (or her grandmother, I don't remember now) are still complaining today about what they went through during Hitler's reign (probably she still cries because in those days, Lord Hitler has taken away their favorite toy: world domination and the power to destroy it.)

Jokes aside, this is to tell you that those who are Jewish often know very well that they come from a family in which they had Jews.
I feel very good and happy after doing RTR so i guess im fine.
If you were Jewish, the ritual that destroys the alphabet of Jewish power, the veil and protection of the Jewish soul would not make you feel good at all on an energetic level. It would be the spiritual equivalent of stabbing yourself and suggesting that you are still cheerful and happy. You simply can't.
It is as others here say. Your body is the manifestation of your soul. Your sex, race, sexual orientation, and even usually your general phenotype are consistent throughout lifetimes, as these are the physical manifestations of the energy frequencies in your soul that make you what you are. There is no changing this. If you aren't a jew now you certainly were not a jew in a past life.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
