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Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Israel overall, if one believes even in the official numbers, they have slain indiscriminately 40k people.

They just bomb everyone; "airstrikes". They slaughter everyone, for a "chance" of slaying 1 supposed Hamas terrorist, they slay around 100 normal people.

No sweat or anything. And still the world observes this and they wonder why Israel is declared internationally as a criminal state and why Benjamin Nethanyahu needs to be arrested.

The case of Hamas is very simple; excuse for genocide. Chances are extremely high, that Israel also allowed the "initial attack" against them. Israel claims they killed approximately a thousand jews on this attack. We can never know the figures, it could be way less. So as retaliation, they have slain 40 times over the people they were at "war with".

If any of these figures are even true, which they are not, we could easily assume that not even a thousand jews have died in this so called "war", and that the other side of Palestinians, has lost 80k+ or maybe 100k people [not to count the displaced, starved, diseased, amputated and destroyed], over this subject. We can also never be sure, but the reported injured are also about 100k.

If we go by "official numbers", we have 140,000 dead and maimed people from this. Most of them innocents. And 1,100,000 currently in a state of total starvation.

Further, Israel, since it conducts a mass sacrifice Ritual and is drunk by the blood of the slain, now demands WW3. All of a sudden, the United States now has to go against Iran; whole world has to be mobilized.

Let us not mention the exaggerated "Co-Vid", ruined lives from this, or the Russian and Ukrainian war; more creations by the "people of the goodness" that are beyond questioning. Or a few financial crashes who left who knows how many tens of millions globally destitute. Sponsored by the "Good people". We the "evil people of the Satan" can actually talk about it. Basic math, anti-semitic.

Worthless and blind people "in power" want to march behind this, as if all this was some sort of just "cause" or anything. The people worldwide which 8 out of 10 can see this and hate Israel, are likely in terrorist "watchlists" now.

The numbers of the supposed Israeli dead by "Hamas Terrorists", is rather similar to the numbers of the people in Europe who have been slaughtered by Islamic Terrorists over the last years. Everyday we have hundreds of unreported deaths happening to Europe by the unceasing criminal invasion.

But Europe did not ask for WW3, or start blaming Iran or anyone else. They decided to push integration and internal security instead. Overall, it would make no sense.

If one takes a few steps back, they will see Israel is filled with a bloodlust against humanity and nothing else.

As I stated many times before, what is going now in Palestine, is overall reflective of how the jews see all non-jews worldwide. Many people think this is too far, but it is the case. In the beliefs of Judaism, even if one person does something against the "Chosen People", to raze down the whole city of these people and 99.99% of the innocents in it, is wholly "justified.

The world is currently run by an eclipsing criminal mafia, that cannot hold any discrimination. Even mafias do have some sort of code and discrimination; Israel does not. Even if the literal mafias did run the planet, even they would target only related targets and not hospitals and schools for no reason and over so obviously false pretext.

Somehow by writing the above one is branded and anti-semite even if the jews fully warrant this objective judgement. Because somehow also Israel is supposed to be beyond any judgement. We should somehow not even question the genocide of 200k people and 1.1 million who are being starved.

That's 1,100,000 and 100,000 injured and 40,000 people dead, over supposedly 1200 jews who perished in an attack. Do any of these numbers add up, or I am an evil anti-semetic Satanic Goy for knowing any basic mathematics here?

1,240,000 people ruined and so many others, for 1200 jews. Let's outlaw math here, as this offends Israel. You know math and this looks surreal to you? Then you are a terrorist. Out of the 1,240,000 ruined people, about 13,000 are reported to be "Hamas Terrorists" for real.

The rest is just the giant sacrifice of Israel who throws bombs indiscriminately, paid for by the United States. How fair and noble of us to pay this.

Makes me wonder why I am still the evil goy in the story of the jews. Because obviously I speak against these topics such as slaying and crippling 140k people randomly, and starving another 1.1 million because the Torah "said so" and because I mention the jews are criminally insane, and want to even take down the planet over mindless evil that presides inside them.

Some Rabbi is praying against my soul in Israel so that I am condemned in eternal torture in this and all my existence, because apparently, this Rabbi is mentally ill enough to think that God, the presiding power of the Universe is fine with this. He "prays" with his kabbalah helplessly, as he slaughters Palestinian children, and thinks that "God" and the presiding power of the Universe, is blind to this.

I guess they don't know the full story. Only their own limited one. Deep down, they know how the Gods see this. So, their option? To try to bury the Gods also alongside the people. The "Evil Gods" and the "Evil People", everyone but them.

Fair enough, I will be evil then as I always was. If the above is "good", then I am very fine to be "evil". Clearly, everything has been inverted in our mentally ill world.

Be fine with being evil; it's honorable in the eyes of the Gods to detest Israel and to curse them spiritually until they cease all of this.

One can only imagine, if their power spreads, what does that entail for the rest of the world? That's how they treat their so called "neighbors", what about the Western World or everyone else who they brand as "Goyim" or "Offspring of Satan", or other people in the Arab world?

With this mentality, we should be expecting a mass genocide of everyone else also. It's fine to be evil and as it seems, one is evil for wanting to stop international and globalized or widespread genocide.

Then be "evil" everyone, if the jews are good. Leave the side of the "good", the "good" has proven itself so much. Be honorable and with the Gods and Satan instead.

The "definition" of "Evil", be it for the Gods or Men, by the writings of Israel, is anyone "crazy enough" to not want them to mass genocide the planet or something. How "Evil" of them to want to preserve existence and life...

I am evil for wanting to disempower and disable a globalized danger like Israel via education and wanting to impose a logical understanding that is humane, and to stop the Nation which plans a world scale holocaust, and whose writings say 2/3rds of the planet must "perish" in order for "Mosiach" to arrive in the book of Revelations.

Only the "Plan of Greater Israel" that many Israeli soldiers wear on their soldier patches, means that 100m people are going to be displaced, starved, migrated, and killed. But that is "God's plan and the plan of the Good People". What about the rest of the narcissistic talk about world domination under "Mosiach"?

If that is "good", then I am entirely evil, as I stand against this.

It appears only the evil will be going to "heaven" now (Hell, inverted), while Israel, the "good and noble" are going straight into "Heaven" - the revised version of Tartarus.

False morality aside, it's a moral imperative for everyone to curse Israel and pray against it. The situation has went very far with them, and still that is 1% of what they plan to do. Good people, who are now called "evil" and other things like even "terrorists", must stand against Israel now and permanently. We must do the Rituals ceaselessly. Do what is provided.

Grand Rituals, Demon Rituals & RTR until the "Evil" prevails then, against the "Good" that seeks to genocide everyone but "it's own goodness!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Genuinely, I see no way someone could justify this genocide.
As these inhumane crimes keep surfacing and their propaganda keeps failing, if a Gentile is still pushing pro-Zionist, pro-genocide apologetics today, they are either stupid beyond repair or just mean beyond repair.
I'm glad to be called evil by people like that.
Everybody's doing weird stuff or they've gone crazy.
Isr*el is already in a wet dream.

We should continue our rituals, our rtrs, our meditations. People with a little bit of social power should rebel.
The rest of the things that we cannot do we should leave to the gods...
Israel overall, if one believes even in the official numbers, they have slain indiscriminately 40k people.

They just bomb everyone; "airstrikes". They slaughter everyone, for a "chance" of slaying 1 supposed Hamas terrorist, they slay around 100 normal people.

No sweat or anything. And still the world observes this and they wonder why Israel is declared internationally as a criminal state and why Benjamin Nethanyahu needs to be arrested.

The case of Hamas is very simple; excuse for genocide. Chances are extremely high, that Israel also allowed the "initial attack" against them. Israel claims they killed approximately a thousand jews on this attack. We can never know the figures, it could be way less. So as retaliation, they have slain 40 times over the people they were at "war with".

If any of these figures are even true, which they are not, we could easily assume that not even a thousand jews have died in this so called "war", and that the other side of Palestinians, has lost 80k+ or maybe 100k people [not to count the displaced, starved, diseased, amputated and destroyed], over this subject. We can also never be sure, but the reported injured are also about 100k.

If we go by "official numbers", we have 140,000 dead and maimed people from this. Most of them innocents. And 1,100,000 currently in a state of total starvation.

Further, Israel, since it conducts a mass sacrifice Ritual and is drunk by the blood of the slain, now demands WW3. All of a sudden, the United States now has to go against Iran; whole world has to be mobilized.

Let us not mention the exaggerated "Co-Vid", ruined lives from this, or the Russian and Ukrainian war; more creations by the "people of the goodness" that are beyond questioning. Or a few financial crashes who left who knows how many tens of millions globally destitute. Sponsored by the "Good people". We the "evil people of the Satan" can actually talk about it. Basic math, anti-semitic.

Worthless and blind people "in power" want to march behind this, as if all this was some sort of just "cause" or anything. The people worldwide which 8 out of 10 can see this and hate Israel, are likely in terrorist "watchlists" now.

The numbers of the supposed Israeli dead by "Hamas Terrorists", is rather similar to the numbers of the people in Europe who have been slaughtered by Islamic Terrorists over the last years. Everyday we have hundreds of unreported deaths happening to Europe by the unceasing criminal invasion.

But Europe did not ask for WW3, or start blaming Iran or anyone else. They decided to push integration and internal security instead. Overall, it would make no sense.

If one takes a few steps back, they will see Israel is filled with a bloodlust against humanity and nothing else.

As I stated many times before, what is going now in Palestine, is overall reflective of how the jews see all non-jews worldwide. Many people think this is too far, but it is the case. In the beliefs of Judaism, even if one person does something against the "Chosen People", to raze down the whole city of these people and 99.99% of the innocents in it, is wholly "justified.

The world is currently run by an eclipsing criminal mafia, that cannot hold any discrimination. Even mafias do have some sort of code and discrimination; Israel does not. Even if the literal mafias did run the planet, even they would target only related targets and not hospitals and schools for no reason and over so obviously false pretext.

Somehow by writing the above one is branded and anti-semite even if the jews fully warrant this objective judgement. Because somehow also Israel is supposed to be beyond any judgement. We should somehow not even question the genocide of 200k people and 1.1 million who are being starved.

That's 1,100,000 and 100,000 injured and 40,000 people dead, over supposedly 1200 jews who perished in an attack. Do any of these numbers add up, or I am an evil anti-semetic Satanic Goy for knowing any basic mathematics here?

1,240,000 people ruined and so many others, for 1200 jews. Let's outlaw math here, as this offends Israel. You know math and this looks surreal to you? Then you are a terrorist. Out of the 1,240,000 ruined people, about 13,000 are reported to be "Hamas Terrorists" for real.

The rest is just the giant sacrifice of Israel who throws bombs indiscriminately, paid for by the United States. How fair and noble of us to pay this.

Makes me wonder why I am still the evil goy in the story of the jews. Because obviously I speak against these topics such as slaying and crippling 140k people randomly, and starving another 1.1 million because the Torah "said so" and because I mention the jews are criminally insane, and want to even take down the planet over mindless evil that presides inside them.

Some Rabbi is praying against my soul in Israel so that I am condemned in eternal torture in this and all my existence, because apparently, this Rabbi is mentally ill enough to think that God, the presiding power of the Universe is fine with this. He "prays" with his kabbalah helplessly, as he slaughters Palestinian children, and thinks that "God" and the presiding power of the Universe, is blind to this.

I guess they don't know the full story. Only their own limited one. Deep down, they know how the Gods see this. So, their option? To try to bury the Gods also alongside the people. The "Evil Gods" and the "Evil People", everyone but them.

Fair enough, I will be evil then as I always was. If the above is "good", then I am very fine to be "evil". Clearly, everything has been inverted in our mentally ill world.

Be fine with being evil; it's honorable in the eyes of the Gods to detest Israel and to curse them spiritually until they cease all of this.

One can only imagine, if their power spreads, what does that entail for the rest of the world? That's how they treat their so called "neighbors", what about the Western World or everyone else who they brand as "Goyim" or "Offspring of Satan", or other people in the Arab world?

With this mentality, we should be expecting a mass genocide of everyone else also. It's fine to be evil and as it seems, one is evil for wanting to stop international and globalized or widespread genocide.

Then be "evil" everyone, if the jews are good. Leave the side of the "good", the "good" has proven itself so much. Be honorable and with the Gods and Satan instead.

The "definition" of "Evil", be it for the Gods or Men, by the writings of Israel, is anyone "crazy enough" to not want them to mass genocide the planet or something. How "Evil" of them to want to preserve existence and life...

I am evil for wanting to disempower and disable a globalized danger like Israel via education and wanting to impose a logical understanding that is humane, and to stop the Nation which plans a world scale holocaust, and whose writings say 2/3rds of the planet must "perish" in order for "Mosiach" to arrive in the book of Revelations.

Only the "Plan of Greater Israel" that many Israeli soldiers wear on their soldier patches, means that 100m people are going to be displaced, starved, migrated, and killed. But that is "God's plan and the plan of the Good People". What about the rest of the narcissistic talk about world domination under "Mosiach"?

If that is "good", then I am entirely evil, as I stand against this.

It appears only the evil will be going to "heaven" now (Hell, inverted), while Israel, the "good and noble" are going straight into "Heaven" - the revised version of Tartarus.

False morality aside, it's a moral imperative for everyone to curse Israel and pray against it. The situation has went very far with them, and still that is 1% of what they plan to do. Good people, who are now called "evil" and other things like even "terrorists", must stand against Israel now and permanently. We must do the Rituals ceaselessly. Do what is provided.

Grand Rituals, Demon Rituals & RTR until the "Evil" prevails then, against the "Good" that seeks to genocide everyone but "it's own goodness!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Evil till the day I die. Let’s wake the people to evil; let’s show them our “evil” the Jews and their related ilk will fall to us; time for Israel to get burned.
We must embrace the necessity of destruction with our entire essence, for only through annihilation can we pave the way for creation. Those idiots will face the consequences of their actions and will ultimately meet their demise. Remember to frequently reflect upon the "Spiritual Warfare Message from Satan". It invigorates our souls, channeling our anger and hatred into a focused, powerful force.

There is a positive and negative side to all things to keep them in balance —to keep the Universe going. There are awful and terrible things that must happen, destructive deathly things, and there are good and miraculous things that must happen full of life and creative construction. It seems this would come to each randomly and it seems thus it should continue this way for eternity. This is not true. And this is the essence of Who I Am.

The world is to evolve out of this. There is always another way to do a thing. That way is far away. But it is still a possible way. Destruction and terror will not always be the other way. But until the time comes when destruction and terror are removed the world you must work how the world works. Until that time, that will come in time, this is Me -- a Perfect Balance. This is necessary. Destruction and creation.

Since the time is not yet, and you are in the time that is not yet, destruction and creation are in your hands as they are Mine. Do not be afraid to do these things. Until the time comes where these things have found more peaceable means you must keep the earth in balance. Do not be afraid to destroy. Do not be afraid to create. LISTEN to Me. Create with all of your being. Destroy with all of your being. You will not be more created by creating any more than you will be destroyed by destroying. Are you more created now? Are you here or are you destroyed? You are here. You will be here as long as I am here and that is forever. Listen to what I tell you. If I tell you to create —do it. And do it with perfection and pleasure. And if I tell you to destroy, do it. Do not hesitate. Destroy with all of your might and pleasure; yes, I tell you to delight in what you have destroyed.

The students of the Gods had spread mathematics around the world, so since the math is a gift of the Gods, the jews consider math to be antisemitic.

That "book" called talmud is against math, since they consider one jew equivalent to a lot of Gentiles, but 1=1, 1 is not equal to 500. It may be the opposite, since the Gentiles have 13 main Chakras and jews have 10, so proportionally, Gentiles are superior, so 1 Gentile is superior to a lot of jews.
Is the Grand Ritual something we can use daily as part of the FRTR or is it more for when you schedule us to do so?

Keep up the good work, despite what it looks like things are not going to pissraels plan, they fully expected the world to fall into line and celebrate their genocide they were utterly shocked by the worlds response, maybe they get an army of goy to march on Iran, then again they did that once before with a different nation and one single veteran did not appreciate what they did to his people.

Their own acts undo them, the jews self destruct as a matter of course, they make enemies everywhere but their spellwork is nulled their material control is slipping and the world is waking up.

But most importantly WE ARE FINE! We the people of the Gods are watched and guarded, the more I have learned of the Gods the more I have come to understand just how doomed isreal is, they are literally trying to beat literal Gods, beings whom can divine the future, who use the most advanced science, mathematics and AI to determine probability and the best course forward, isreal is playing checkers but the Gods arent playing at all.
The sacrifice of the Palestinians is not in vain.

1- They have managed to expose the sadism and genocidal spirit of the Jews to the world. Ordinary gentiles around the world have come to see Israel as villains after the incidents in Gaza.

2- Even at a very high price, they are managing to degrade Israel's economic and military resources. Israel, due to its low demographics, had to recruit civilians for the war in Gaza who will be missed by the Israeli economy. In addition, Israeli men and Israeli military equipment that could be used on the northern front against Lebanon are being eliminated in Gaza.

Israel cannot even deal with Hezbollah in Lebanon. They lost the last war in 2006 when Hezbollah was much weaker than it is today, let alone with Persia (which is modern Iran) or with the entire "axis of resistance" together.

The day of Total War is the day of Israel's destruction, even with the US and the UK unconditionally defending the Jews in the equation, as they have always done as a state.

In reality, the Jewish state only exists because of the US and the UK, just as a parasite only lives if there is a host to provide it with protection and resources.

Liberal and democratic countries are perfect hosts for the Jews to manipulate the culture, dominate the economy and occupy key positions of power in the country, thus making it serve their interests.

Wherever the Jews put their hand, they rot, just look at the state of Western Europe and the US, although the fault is not exclusively theirs, but also the European and American people who were complacent or failed to overcome them.

If Westerners could exert political pressure on their countries to stop supporting Israel in every way, this would make the destruction of that country much easier, but they have not been able to do so in the last 76 years of Israel's existence and I believe that they will not be able to do so now.

And that is why, among other reasons, the liberal-democratic-capitalist globalized order led by the USA MUST END! And it will only end with the destruction of the USA! Yes, the destruction of the USA will be a powerful blow to the Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world.

After all, the destruction of the State of Israel will not mean the destruction of the Jewish conspiracy to dominate the planet, if they still have millions of Jews living in other countries and the USA under their control.

Legend has it that there is even internal friction between the Jews who want to use the USA to defend Israel and those who do not care about Israel and want to maintain the integrity of the American state.

After all, the USA entering a war in the Middle East against the axis of resistance (Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, part of Iraq and Yemen) to "protect" Israel is counterproductive, because the destruction of Israel is already guaranteed and the US's entry into this conflict would wear the country down too much.

And the US cannot weaken too much in a lost war in the Middle East, as it has bigger enemies to deal with, such as China and Russia, who would take advantage of a moment of US weakness.

In this scenario, the largest host of the Jews, as well as their greatest tool in the geopolitical game, which is the United States of America, would be destroyed and it would be incomparably more difficult, perhaps impossible, to parasitize a state like China to the same extent that they managed to parasitize the USA.

The future does not look promising for Western countries and Israel.

Let us continue to follow the events on this planet.

Indeed, we are living in a decisive and epic moment in the history of this planet and of humanity.
The quotent here is 1033 lives ruined for every single jew that dead, the specific quotient relating to death being 33, and 33 reduces to 6. What a fucking quinkydink, eh?
Indeed, how dare we analyze this through an objective, rational lense and call out the self-proclaimed "chosen", how dare we take the side of justice and morality over the self important bloodthirsty midget mafia. What a fucking joke. They want to dub us evil, chuck feeble pathetic curses at us that will ultimately bounce back and manifest ten and one hundred fold on themselves, so be it.

Jilwah 1⛧3
"I am thine evil in all those events which those without name evils because they are not done according to their desire."

So let us take his lead and be the so called "evil" in all that opposes and exposes them. Let us be the redeemers and persecuting force for every man, woman, and innocent child they have violated and murdered, every life that has been ruined by their selfish insanity. Let us be more unrelenting and unwavering in our mission than we ever have before!

Glory Be to the Heavenly Assembly, The Time is NOW.
ᚺᚪᛉᛃᚪ ᛋᚪᛏᚪᚾᚪ!!!
The sacrifice of the Palestinians is not in vain.

1- They have managed to expose the sadism and genocidal spirit of the Jews to the world. Ordinary gentiles around the world have come to see Israel as villains after the incidents in Gaza.

2- Even at a very high price, they are managing to degrade Israel's economic and military resources. Israel, due to its low demographics, had to recruit civilians for the war in Gaza who will be missed by the Israeli economy. In addition, Israeli men and Israeli military equipment that could be used on the northern front against Lebanon are being eliminated in Gaza.

Israel cannot even deal with Hezbollah in Lebanon. They lost the last war in 2006 when Hezbollah was much weaker than it is today, let alone with Persia (which is modern Iran) or with the entire "axis of resistance" together.

The day of Total War is the day of Israel's destruction, even with the US and the UK unconditionally defending the Jews in the equation, as they have always done as a state.

In reality, the Jewish state only exists because of the US and the UK, just as a parasite only lives if there is a host to provide it with protection and resources.

Liberal and democratic countries are perfect hosts for the Jews to manipulate the culture, dominate the economy and occupy key positions of power in the country, thus making it serve their interests.

Wherever the Jews put their hand, they rot, just look at the state of Western Europe and the US, although the fault is not exclusively theirs, but also the European and American people who were complacent or failed to overcome them.

If Westerners could exert political pressure on their countries to stop supporting Israel in every way, this would make the destruction of that country much easier, but they have not been able to do so in the last 76 years of Israel's existence and I believe that they will not be able to do so now.

And that is why, among other reasons, the liberal-democratic-capitalist globalized order led by the USA MUST END! And it will only end with the destruction of the USA! Yes, the destruction of the USA will be a powerful blow to the Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world.

After all, the destruction of the State of Israel will not mean the destruction of the Jewish conspiracy to dominate the planet, if they still have millions of Jews living in other countries and the USA under their control.

Legend has it that there is even internal friction between the Jews who want to use the USA to defend Israel and those who do not care about Israel and want to maintain the integrity of the American state.

After all, the USA entering a war in the Middle East against the axis of resistance (Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, part of Iraq and Yemen) to "protect" Israel is counterproductive, because the destruction of Israel is already guaranteed and the US's entry into this conflict would wear the country down too much.

And the US cannot weaken too much in a lost war in the Middle East, as it has bigger enemies to deal with, such as China and Russia, who would take advantage of a moment of US weakness.

In this scenario, the largest host of the Jews, as well as their greatest tool in the geopolitical game, which is the United States of America, would be destroyed and it would be incomparably more difficult, perhaps impossible, to parasitize a state like China to the same extent that they managed to parasitize the USA.

The future does not look promising for Western countries and Israel.

Let us continue to follow the events on this planet.

Indeed, we are living in a decisive and epic moment in the history of this planet and of humanity.
Hopefully Pissrael is destroyed by Iran or whoever. RIP Palestinian. Western people hold keys to not allow any false flags lead them to allign with a war against Iran or Lebanon. Govts sold out long ago.
The quotent here is 1033 lives ruined for every single jew that dead, the specific quotient relating to death being 33, and 33 reduces to 6. What a fucking quinkydink, eh?
Indeed, how dare we analyze this through an objective, rational lense and call out the self-proclaimed "chosen", how dare we take the side of justice and morality over the self important bloodthirsty midget mafia. What a fucking joke. They want to dub us evil, chuck feeble pathetic curses at us that will ultimately bounce back and manifest ten and one hundred fold on themselves, so be it.

Jilwah 1⛧3
"I am thine evil in all those events which those without name evils because they are not done according to their desire."

So let us take his lead and be the so called "evil" in all that opposes and exposes them. Let us be the redeemers and persecuting force for every man, woman, and innocent child they have violated and murdered, every life that has been ruined by their selfish insanity. Let us be more unrelenting and unwavering in our mission than we ever have before!

Glory Be to the Heavenly Assembly, The Time is NOW.
ᚺᚪᛉᛃᚪ ᛋᚪᛏᚪᚾᚪ!!!
Yes! 🔥😍
Ideologies that wouldn't have existed if Jews didn't:
Leftism in all its forms
Feminism in its anti-male, anti-child form
Capitalism in its corrupt cronyism form
Neo-liberalism, which has destroyed the minds of billions
Anti-White Ideologies which tie to Leftism
Misanthropy, I am convinced that most misanthropes when they say they hate "humanity", they mean Jews and the people brainwashed by the above-mentioned ideologies ruining the world, even if they don't realize it.

A good 90% of the global problems we're dealing with right now would have never happened if it wasn't for Jews.
Israel overall, if one believes even in the official numbers, they have slain indiscriminately 40k people.

They just bomb everyone; "airstrikes". They slaughter everyone, for a "chance" of slaying 1 supposed Hamas terrorist, they slay around 100 normal people.

No sweat or anything. And still the world observes this and they wonder why Israel is declared internationally as a criminal state and why Benjamin Nethanyahu needs to be arrested.

The case of Hamas is very simple; excuse for genocide. Chances are extremely high, that Israel also allowed the "initial attack" against them. Israel claims they killed approximately a thousand jews on this attack. We can never know the figures, it could be way less. So as retaliation, they have slain 40 times over the people they were at "war with".

If any of these figures are even true, which they are not, we could easily assume that not even a thousand jews have died in this so called "war", and that the other side of Palestinians, has lost 80k+ or maybe 100k people [not to count the displaced, starved, diseased, amputated and destroyed], over this subject. We can also never be sure, but the reported injured are also about 100k.

If we go by "official numbers", we have 140,000 dead and maimed people from this. Most of them innocents. And 1,100,000 currently in a state of total starvation.

Further, Israel, since it conducts a mass sacrifice Ritual and is drunk by the blood of the slain, now demands WW3. All of a sudden, the United States now has to go against Iran; whole world has to be mobilized.

Let us not mention the exaggerated "Co-Vid", ruined lives from this, or the Russian and Ukrainian war; more creations by the "people of the goodness" that are beyond questioning. Or a few financial crashes who left who knows how many tens of millions globally destitute. Sponsored by the "Good people". We the "evil people of the Satan" can actually talk about it. Basic math, anti-semitic.

Worthless and blind people "in power" want to march behind this, as if all this was some sort of just "cause" or anything. The people worldwide which 8 out of 10 can see this and hate Israel, are likely in terrorist "watchlists" now.

The numbers of the supposed Israeli dead by "Hamas Terrorists", is rather similar to the numbers of the people in Europe who have been slaughtered by Islamic Terrorists over the last years. Everyday we have hundreds of unreported deaths happening to Europe by the unceasing criminal invasion.

But Europe did not ask for WW3, or start blaming Iran or anyone else. They decided to push integration and internal security instead. Overall, it would make no sense.

If one takes a few steps back, they will see Israel is filled with a bloodlust against humanity and nothing else.

As I stated many times before, what is going now in Palestine, is overall reflective of how the jews see all non-jews worldwide. Many people think this is too far, but it is the case. In the beliefs of Judaism, even if one person does something against the "Chosen People", to raze down the whole city of these people and 99.99% of the innocents in it, is wholly "justified.

The world is currently run by an eclipsing criminal mafia, that cannot hold any discrimination. Even mafias do have some sort of code and discrimination; Israel does not. Even if the literal mafias did run the planet, even they would target only related targets and not hospitals and schools for no reason and over so obviously false pretext.

Somehow by writing the above one is branded and anti-semite even if the jews fully warrant this objective judgement. Because somehow also Israel is supposed to be beyond any judgement. We should somehow not even question the genocide of 200k people and 1.1 million who are being starved.

That's 1,100,000 and 100,000 injured and 40,000 people dead, over supposedly 1200 jews who perished in an attack. Do any of these numbers add up, or I am an evil anti-semetic Satanic Goy for knowing any basic mathematics here?

1,240,000 people ruined and so many others, for 1200 jews. Let's outlaw math here, as this offends Israel. You know math and this looks surreal to you? Then you are a terrorist. Out of the 1,240,000 ruined people, about 13,000 are reported to be "Hamas Terrorists" for real.

The rest is just the giant sacrifice of Israel who throws bombs indiscriminately, paid for by the United States. How fair and noble of us to pay this.

Makes me wonder why I am still the evil goy in the story of the jews. Because obviously I speak against these topics such as slaying and crippling 140k people randomly, and starving another 1.1 million because the Torah "said so" and because I mention the jews are criminally insane, and want to even take down the planet over mindless evil that presides inside them.

Some Rabbi is praying against my soul in Israel so that I am condemned in eternal torture in this and all my existence, because apparently, this Rabbi is mentally ill enough to think that God, the presiding power of the Universe is fine with this. He "prays" with his kabbalah helplessly, as he slaughters Palestinian children, and thinks that "God" and the presiding power of the Universe, is blind to this.

I guess they don't know the full story. Only their own limited one. Deep down, they know how the Gods see this. So, their option? To try to bury the Gods also alongside the people. The "Evil Gods" and the "Evil People", everyone but them.

Fair enough, I will be evil then as I always was. If the above is "good", then I am very fine to be "evil". Clearly, everything has been inverted in our mentally ill world.

Be fine with being evil; it's honorable in the eyes of the Gods to detest Israel and to curse them spiritually until they cease all of this.

One can only imagine, if their power spreads, what does that entail for the rest of the world? That's how they treat their so called "neighbors", what about the Western World or everyone else who they brand as "Goyim" or "Offspring of Satan", or other people in the Arab world?

With this mentality, we should be expecting a mass genocide of everyone else also. It's fine to be evil and as it seems, one is evil for wanting to stop international and globalized or widespread genocide.

Then be "evil" everyone, if the jews are good. Leave the side of the "good", the "good" has proven itself so much. Be honorable and with the Gods and Satan instead.

The "definition" of "Evil", be it for the Gods or Men, by the writings of Israel, is anyone "crazy enough" to not want them to mass genocide the planet or something. How "Evil" of them to want to preserve existence and life...

I am evil for wanting to disempower and disable a globalized danger like Israel via education and wanting to impose a logical understanding that is humane, and to stop the Nation which plans a world scale holocaust, and whose writings say 2/3rds of the planet must "perish" in order for "Mosiach" to arrive in the book of Revelations.

Only the "Plan of Greater Israel" that many Israeli soldiers wear on their soldier patches, means that 100m people are going to be displaced, starved, migrated, and killed. But that is "God's plan and the plan of the Good People". What about the rest of the narcissistic talk about world domination under "Mosiach"?

If that is "good", then I am entirely evil, as I stand against this.

It appears only the evil will be going to "heaven" now (Hell, inverted), while Israel, the "good and noble" are going straight into "Heaven" - the revised version of Tartarus.

False morality aside, it's a moral imperative for everyone to curse Israel and pray against it. The situation has went very far with them, and still that is 1% of what they plan to do. Good people, who are now called "evil" and other things like even "terrorists", must stand against Israel now and permanently. We must do the Rituals ceaselessly. Do what is provided.

Grand Rituals, Demon Rituals & RTR until the "Evil" prevails then, against the "Good" that seeks to genocide everyone but "it's own goodness!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Looks like the jews may have chosen their moshiach Trump maybe.
And then you look at the VP that Trump chose JD Vance
Many connections with surveillance infrastructure and hi tech corps.
Infrastructure is developing for the possible social credit score system for the USA
Israel overall, if one believes even in the official numbers, they have slain indiscriminately 40k people.

They just bomb everyone; "airstrikes". They slaughter everyone, for a "chance" of slaying 1 supposed Hamas terrorist, they slay around 100 normal people.

No sweat or anything. And still the world observes this and they wonder why Israel is declared internationally as a criminal state and why Benjamin Nethanyahu needs to be arrested.

The case of Hamas is very simple; excuse for genocide. Chances are extremely high, that Israel also allowed the "initial attack" against them. Israel claims they killed approximately a thousand jews on this attack. We can never know the figures, it could be way less. So as retaliation, they have slain 40 times over the people they were at "war with".

If any of these figures are even true, which they are not, we could easily assume that not even a thousand jews have died in this so called "war", and that the other side of Palestinians, has lost 80k+ or maybe 100k people [not to count the displaced, starved, diseased, amputated and destroyed], over this subject. We can also never be sure, but the reported injured are also about 100k.

If we go by "official numbers", we have 140,000 dead and maimed people from this. Most of them innocents. And 1,100,000 currently in a state of total starvation.

Further, Israel, since it conducts a mass sacrifice Ritual and is drunk by the blood of the slain, now demands WW3. All of a sudden, the United States now has to go against Iran; whole world has to be mobilized.

Let us not mention the exaggerated "Co-Vid", ruined lives from this, or the Russian and Ukrainian war; more creations by the "people of the goodness" that are beyond questioning. Or a few financial crashes who left who knows how many tens of millions globally destitute. Sponsored by the "Good people". We the "evil people of the Satan" can actually talk about it. Basic math, anti-semitic.

Worthless and blind people "in power" want to march behind this, as if all this was some sort of just "cause" or anything. The people worldwide which 8 out of 10 can see this and hate Israel, are likely in terrorist "watchlists" now.

The numbers of the supposed Israeli dead by "Hamas Terrorists", is rather similar to the numbers of the people in Europe who have been slaughtered by Islamic Terrorists over the last years. Everyday we have hundreds of unreported deaths happening to Europe by the unceasing criminal invasion.

But Europe did not ask for WW3, or start blaming Iran or anyone else. They decided to push integration and internal security instead. Overall, it would make no sense.

If one takes a few steps back, they will see Israel is filled with a bloodlust against humanity and nothing else.

As I stated many times before, what is going now in Palestine, is overall reflective of how the jews see all non-jews worldwide. Many people think this is too far, but it is the case. In the beliefs of Judaism, even if one person does something against the "Chosen People", to raze down the whole city of these people and 99.99% of the innocents in it, is wholly "justified.

The world is currently run by an eclipsing criminal mafia, that cannot hold any discrimination. Even mafias do have some sort of code and discrimination; Israel does not. Even if the literal mafias did run the planet, even they would target only related targets and not hospitals and schools for no reason and over so obviously false pretext.

Somehow by writing the above one is branded and anti-semite even if the jews fully warrant this objective judgement. Because somehow also Israel is supposed to be beyond any judgement. We should somehow not even question the genocide of 200k people and 1.1 million who are being starved.

That's 1,100,000 and 100,000 injured and 40,000 people dead, over supposedly 1200 jews who perished in an attack. Do any of these numbers add up, or I am an evil anti-semetic Satanic Goy for knowing any basic mathematics here?

1,240,000 people ruined and so many others, for 1200 jews. Let's outlaw math here, as this offends Israel. You know math and this looks surreal to you? Then you are a terrorist. Out of the 1,240,000 ruined people, about 13,000 are reported to be "Hamas Terrorists" for real.

The rest is just the giant sacrifice of Israel who throws bombs indiscriminately, paid for by the United States. How fair and noble of us to pay this.

Makes me wonder why I am still the evil goy in the story of the jews. Because obviously I speak against these topics such as slaying and crippling 140k people randomly, and starving another 1.1 million because the Torah "said so" and because I mention the jews are criminally insane, and want to even take down the planet over mindless evil that presides inside them.

Some Rabbi is praying against my soul in Israel so that I am condemned in eternal torture in this and all my existence, because apparently, this Rabbi is mentally ill enough to think that God, the presiding power of the Universe is fine with this. He "prays" with his kabbalah helplessly, as he slaughters Palestinian children, and thinks that "God" and the presiding power of the Universe, is blind to this.

I guess they don't know the full story. Only their own limited one. Deep down, they know how the Gods see this. So, their option? To try to bury the Gods also alongside the people. The "Evil Gods" and the "Evil People", everyone but them.

Fair enough, I will be evil then as I always was. If the above is "good", then I am very fine to be "evil". Clearly, everything has been inverted in our mentally ill world.

Be fine with being evil; it's honorable in the eyes of the Gods to detest Israel and to curse them spiritually until they cease all of this.

One can only imagine, if their power spreads, what does that entail for the rest of the world? That's how they treat their so called "neighbors", what about the Western World or everyone else who they brand as "Goyim" or "Offspring of Satan", or other people in the Arab world?

With this mentality, we should be expecting a mass genocide of everyone else also. It's fine to be evil and as it seems, one is evil for wanting to stop international and globalized or widespread genocide.

Then be "evil" everyone, if the jews are good. Leave the side of the "good", the "good" has proven itself so much. Be honorable and with the Gods and Satan instead.

The "definition" of "Evil", be it for the Gods or Men, by the writings of Israel, is anyone "crazy enough" to not want them to mass genocide the planet or something. How "Evil" of them to want to preserve existence and life...

I am evil for wanting to disempower and disable a globalized danger like Israel via education and wanting to impose a logical understanding that is humane, and to stop the Nation which plans a world scale holocaust, and whose writings say 2/3rds of the planet must "perish" in order for "Mosiach" to arrive in the book of Revelations.

Only the "Plan of Greater Israel" that many Israeli soldiers wear on their soldier patches, means that 100m people are going to be displaced, starved, migrated, and killed. But that is "God's plan and the plan of the Good People". What about the rest of the narcissistic talk about world domination under "Mosiach"?

If that is "good", then I am entirely evil, as I stand against this.

It appears only the evil will be going to "heaven" now (Hell, inverted), while Israel, the "good and noble" are going straight into "Heaven" - the revised version of Tartarus.

False morality aside, it's a moral imperative for everyone to curse Israel and pray against it. The situation has went very far with them, and still that is 1% of what they plan to do. Good people, who are now called "evil" and other things like even "terrorists", must stand against Israel now and permanently. We must do the Rituals ceaselessly. Do what is provided.

Grand Rituals, Demon Rituals & RTR until the "Evil" prevails then, against the "Good" that seeks to genocide everyone but "it's own goodness!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I'm an evil anti-semitic and proud of it.
Israel overall, if one believes even in the official numbers, they have slain indiscriminately 40k people.

They just bomb everyone; "airstrikes". They slaughter everyone, for a "chance" of slaying 1 supposed Hamas terrorist, they slay around 100 normal people.

No sweat or anything. And still the world observes this and they wonder why Israel is declared internationally as a criminal state and why Benjamin Nethanyahu needs to be arrested.

The case of Hamas is very simple; excuse for genocide. Chances are extremely high, that Israel also allowed the "initial attack" against them. Israel claims they killed approximately a thousand jews on this attack. We can never know the figures, it could be way less. So as retaliation, they have slain 40 times over the people they were at "war with".

If any of these figures are even true, which they are not, we could easily assume that not even a thousand jews have died in this so called "war", and that the other side of Palestinians, has lost 80k+ or maybe 100k people [not to count the displaced, starved, diseased, amputated and destroyed], over this subject. We can also never be sure, but the reported injured are also about 100k.

If we go by "official numbers", we have 140,000 dead and maimed people from this. Most of them innocents. And 1,100,000 currently in a state of total starvation.

Further, Israel, since it conducts a mass sacrifice Ritual and is drunk by the blood of the slain, now demands WW3. All of a sudden, the United States now has to go against Iran; whole world has to be mobilized.

Let us not mention the exaggerated "Co-Vid", ruined lives from this, or the Russian and Ukrainian war; more creations by the "people of the goodness" that are beyond questioning. Or a few financial crashes who left who knows how many tens of millions globally destitute. Sponsored by the "Good people". We the "evil people of the Satan" can actually talk about it. Basic math, anti-semitic.

Worthless and blind people "in power" want to march behind this, as if all this was some sort of just "cause" or anything. The people worldwide which 8 out of 10 can see this and hate Israel, are likely in terrorist "watchlists" now.

The numbers of the supposed Israeli dead by "Hamas Terrorists", is rather similar to the numbers of the people in Europe who have been slaughtered by Islamic Terrorists over the last years. Everyday we have hundreds of unreported deaths happening to Europe by the unceasing criminal invasion.

But Europe did not ask for WW3, or start blaming Iran or anyone else. They decided to push integration and internal security instead. Overall, it would make no sense.

If one takes a few steps back, they will see Israel is filled with a bloodlust against humanity and nothing else.

As I stated many times before, what is going now in Palestine, is overall reflective of how the jews see all non-jews worldwide. Many people think this is too far, but it is the case. In the beliefs of Judaism, even if one person does something against the "Chosen People", to raze down the whole city of these people and 99.99% of the innocents in it, is wholly "justified.

The world is currently run by an eclipsing criminal mafia, that cannot hold any discrimination. Even mafias do have some sort of code and discrimination; Israel does not. Even if the literal mafias did run the planet, even they would target only related targets and not hospitals and schools for no reason and over so obviously false pretext.

Somehow by writing the above one is branded and anti-semite even if the jews fully warrant this objective judgement. Because somehow also Israel is supposed to be beyond any judgement. We should somehow not even question the genocide of 200k people and 1.1 million who are being starved.

That's 1,100,000 and 100,000 injured and 40,000 people dead, over supposedly 1200 jews who perished in an attack. Do any of these numbers add up, or I am an evil anti-semetic Satanic Goy for knowing any basic mathematics here?

1,240,000 people ruined and so many others, for 1200 jews. Let's outlaw math here, as this offends Israel. You know math and this looks surreal to you? Then you are a terrorist. Out of the 1,240,000 ruined people, about 13,000 are reported to be "Hamas Terrorists" for real.

The rest is just the giant sacrifice of Israel who throws bombs indiscriminately, paid for by the United States. How fair and noble of us to pay this.

Makes me wonder why I am still the evil goy in the story of the jews. Because obviously I speak against these topics such as slaying and crippling 140k people randomly, and starving another 1.1 million because the Torah "said so" and because I mention the jews are criminally insane, and want to even take down the planet over mindless evil that presides inside them.

Some Rabbi is praying against my soul in Israel so that I am condemned in eternal torture in this and all my existence, because apparently, this Rabbi is mentally ill enough to think that God, the presiding power of the Universe is fine with this. He "prays" with his kabbalah helplessly, as he slaughters Palestinian children, and thinks that "God" and the presiding power of the Universe, is blind to this.

I guess they don't know the full story. Only their own limited one. Deep down, they know how the Gods see this. So, their option? To try to bury the Gods also alongside the people. The "Evil Gods" and the "Evil People", everyone but them.

Fair enough, I will be evil then as I always was. If the above is "good", then I am very fine to be "evil". Clearly, everything has been inverted in our mentally ill world.

Be fine with being evil; it's honorable in the eyes of the Gods to detest Israel and to curse them spiritually until they cease all of this.

One can only imagine, if their power spreads, what does that entail for the rest of the world? That's how they treat their so called "neighbors", what about the Western World or everyone else who they brand as "Goyim" or "Offspring of Satan", or other people in the Arab world?

With this mentality, we should be expecting a mass genocide of everyone else also. It's fine to be evil and as it seems, one is evil for wanting to stop international and globalized or widespread genocide.

Then be "evil" everyone, if the jews are good. Leave the side of the "good", the "good" has proven itself so much. Be honorable and with the Gods and Satan instead.

The "definition" of "Evil", be it for the Gods or Men, by the writings of Israel, is anyone "crazy enough" to not want them to mass genocide the planet or something. How "Evil" of them to want to preserve existence and life...

I am evil for wanting to disempower and disable a globalized danger like Israel via education and wanting to impose a logical understanding that is humane, and to stop the Nation which plans a world scale holocaust, and whose writings say 2/3rds of the planet must "perish" in order for "Mosiach" to arrive in the book of Revelations.

Only the "Plan of Greater Israel" that many Israeli soldiers wear on their soldier patches, means that 100m people are going to be displaced, starved, migrated, and killed. But that is "God's plan and the plan of the Good People". What about the rest of the narcissistic talk about world domination under "Mosiach"?

If that is "good", then I am entirely evil, as I stand against this.

It appears only the evil will be going to "heaven" now (Hell, inverted), while Israel, the "good and noble" are going straight into "Heaven" - the revised version of Tartarus.

False morality aside, it's a moral imperative for everyone to curse Israel and pray against it. The situation has went very far with them, and still that is 1% of what they plan to do. Good people, who are now called "evil" and other things like even "terrorists", must stand against Israel now and permanently. We must do the Rituals ceaselessly. Do what is provided.

Grand Rituals, Demon Rituals & RTR until the "Evil" prevails then, against the "Good" that seeks to genocide everyone but "it's own goodness!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yeah i think a fair few jews have died in this conflict HAMAS fights well with what they have got which is not a lot but yes the amount of gentiles being killed on the gaza side by comparison to israel side is a massive difference however the numbers are a little more even in the northern conflict lets be real here they are at war with hezbollah as well no one wants to call it that though they are begging for extra tank parts because Hamas can just pop out of the ground right next to them fire an rpg round and disappear again its a giant game of whack a mole except you dont know how many moles there are or how many holes there is they aren't having the best of times and now Russia is arming the middle east with much more capable weapons not as powerful as the USA but still highly effective i can only hope and pray that Trump will abandon Israel and let the Israel reap what it sows but he sometimes loves them and sometimes hates them if he does not abandon israel im not seeing how they are going to be destroyed by 2030 if he does then they could get annihilated very shortly that is their main base of operations they still infest our society's abroad.
To try to bury the Gods also alongside the people. The "Evil Gods" and the "Evil People", everyone but them.
we cannot be as evil as them even if we want to be, even the Satan they mention and describe in the Qur'an or Torah is not as bad as the one themselves are in the same books.

besides, the enemy is weakening. that's why yhwh needs "blood". it needs to feed himself with blood sacrifices.

thank you for the sermon Hphc 🙏🏻
The rotten whore called israel shall get what she deserves, absolute oblivion.
Almost everyone here is aware of the real goals and objectives of Israel and the Jews. In short, their goal is to destroy the Gentiles. Every breath they take and every second that passes by they pray against us. But people sometimes doubt or forget.
I’m proudly saying I’m evil if Israel is saying they are good! I’m proud to be in opposition to this disease called Israel,
The maniac Israel is once again on a rampage to mass murder the goys so their disgusting moshiac comes, the thought form bullcrap that they conjured up, and now they want slaughter a percentage of the world’s population and enslave the survivors,
but Israel you are only dreaming it’s never going to come true, your plans are not coming through, you are getting the destruction you deserve, we here at JOS are bringing you down, we are powerful, your Rabbis are weaklings and cannot save you Israel, we have power we have strength we are the children of the Gods, we will crush you with our RTR’s with our Demon empowering Rituals, we have powers you could only dream of! Down you go Israel down to the pits of burning sulphur the lake of fire!

Hail to God Father Satan Lucifer ❤️
Hail to the Gods and Goddesses of Orion ❤️
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Good people, who are now called "evil" and other things like even "terrorists", must stand against Israel now and permanently. We must do the Rituals ceaselessly. Do what is provided.

Grand Rituals, Demon Rituals & RTR until the "Evil" prevails then, against the "Good" that seeks to genocide everyone but "it's own goodness!".

Thank you HPHC 666!
Enough of their rule over this world. The world was never theirs and never will be. We will reclaim every bit of our wonderful planet. With the support of the Gods we will eliminate every enemy. Now as the total censorship begins in the UK we need strong actions, more RTR
Jews embedded in the West, be it media or politics, have spent the last decade telling everyone how we should accept and tolerate Muslims in our countries. For even longer, white people worldwide have been reprimanded and made to feel like they have to atone for things that have happened in generations passed. Colonialism. Apartheidism.

And yet, here we have Israel blowing up these aforementioned Muslims in droves, down to the children. Here we have Israel engaging in colonialism and apartheidism, by their most negative definitions. The Jews scratch their heads and wonder why they're being screeched at by the leftists that make up the Palestinian protest mob. These are the very same people who were listening to them when they spent years preaching love and tolerance for Muslims, and yet, they still act surprised. This is idiocy on another level. So the Zionist Jews have fled back to be shielded by the Christian goyim, like in previous ages. They've somehow made enemies out of the most brainwashed elements in Western society, which is a feat unto itself.

Of course, like anyone here, I despise Islam. However, one must also understand Islam in its most radical forms has been fostered by Israel and its puppets, so that Israel may appear surrounded and beset on all sides by its enemies. Look back at a lot of Middle Eastern nations even as late as the 70s and you'll quickly see what was lost. So long as Israel continues doing what it's doing in the Middle East, any movement wishing for betterment, outside of the shadow of Islamic fundamentalism, will be kneecapped. It's well known Israel had put to death the most "moderate" elements of Hamas. Netanyahu even admitted to having Palestine's fully legal political wing destroyed as a means of fuelling Hamas' most radical aspects. If October 7th wasn't orchestrated, and that's a big if, it was his fault regardless.

Again, despite my hatred of Islam knowing no bounds, any sane, rational mind has to see Israel's crimes for what they are. Thousands of dead children, who never had a chance or a choice to be anything different. A line is drawn, at the ethnic cleansing of an entire peoples. And for what I've written about the absolutely shocking, horrendous crimes of Islam, some of the worst historical things I've ever heard about weren't from the medieval past. No, they were from recent months, and they were coming from reports about what Israeli soldiers get up to when left to their own devices.

One has to ask what level of psychopath you have to be to be out there, actively defending and supporting Israel's right to commit these atrocities.
Apparently it's a duty here to be "evil", and I don't mind being the bad guy in the situation at all. If being "good" means supporting Israel, then I would rather die as a hateful evil than turn to the side of "good"... They will call us "evil", but meanwhile Israel will be devastated by our rituals and the billions of future lives they must come instead of being sacrificed to YHWH by the crazy Jews, they will have the chance to follow the Gods, evolve and do the right thing. Men and women all over the planet, we are evil and we are glad to do so.
Israel overall, if one believes even in the official numbers, they have slain indiscriminately 40k people.

They just bomb everyone; "airstrikes". They slaughter everyone, for a "chance" of slaying 1 supposed Hamas terrorist, they slay around 100 normal people.

No sweat or anything. And still the world observes this and they wonder why Israel is declared internationally as a criminal state and why Benjamin Nethanyahu needs to be arrested.

The case of Hamas is very simple; excuse for genocide. Chances are extremely high, that Israel also allowed the "initial attack" against them. Israel claims they killed approximately a thousand jews on this attack. We can never know the figures, it could be way less. So as retaliation, they have slain 40 times over the people they were at "war with".

If any of these figures are even true, which they are not, we could easily assume that not even a thousand jews have died in this so called "war", and that the other side of Palestinians, has lost 80k+ or maybe 100k people [not to count the displaced, starved, diseased, amputated and destroyed], over this subject. We can also never be sure, but the reported injured are also about 100k.

If we go by "official numbers", we have 140,000 dead and maimed people from this. Most of them innocents. And 1,100,000 currently in a state of total starvation.

Further, Israel, since it conducts a mass sacrifice Ritual and is drunk by the blood of the slain, now demands WW3. All of a sudden, the United States now has to go against Iran; whole world has to be mobilized.

Let us not mention the exaggerated "Co-Vid", ruined lives from this, or the Russian and Ukrainian war; more creations by the "people of the goodness" that are beyond questioning. Or a few financial crashes who left who knows how many tens of millions globally destitute. Sponsored by the "Good people". We the "evil people of the Satan" can actually talk about it. Basic math, anti-semitic.

Worthless and blind people "in power" want to march behind this, as if all this was some sort of just "cause" or anything. The people worldwide which 8 out of 10 can see this and hate Israel, are likely in terrorist "watchlists" now.

The numbers of the supposed Israeli dead by "Hamas Terrorists", is rather similar to the numbers of the people in Europe who have been slaughtered by Islamic Terrorists over the last years. Everyday we have hundreds of unreported deaths happening to Europe by the unceasing criminal invasion.

But Europe did not ask for WW3, or start blaming Iran or anyone else. They decided to push integration and internal security instead. Overall, it would make no sense.

If one takes a few steps back, they will see Israel is filled with a bloodlust against humanity and nothing else.

As I stated many times before, what is going now in Palestine, is overall reflective of how the jews see all non-jews worldwide. Many people think this is too far, but it is the case. In the beliefs of Judaism, even if one person does something against the "Chosen People", to raze down the whole city of these people and 99.99% of the innocents in it, is wholly "justified.

The world is currently run by an eclipsing criminal mafia, that cannot hold any discrimination. Even mafias do have some sort of code and discrimination; Israel does not. Even if the literal mafias did run the planet, even they would target only related targets and not hospitals and schools for no reason and over so obviously false pretext.

Somehow by writing the above one is branded and anti-semite even if the jews fully warrant this objective judgement. Because somehow also Israel is supposed to be beyond any judgement. We should somehow not even question the genocide of 200k people and 1.1 million who are being starved.

That's 1,100,000 and 100,000 injured and 40,000 people dead, over supposedly 1200 jews who perished in an attack. Do any of these numbers add up, or I am an evil anti-semetic Satanic Goy for knowing any basic mathematics here?

1,240,000 people ruined and so many others, for 1200 jews. Let's outlaw math here, as this offends Israel. You know math and this looks surreal to you? Then you are a terrorist. Out of the 1,240,000 ruined people, about 13,000 are reported to be "Hamas Terrorists" for real.

The rest is just the giant sacrifice of Israel who throws bombs indiscriminately, paid for by the United States. How fair and noble of us to pay this.

Makes me wonder why I am still the evil goy in the story of the jews. Because obviously I speak against these topics such as slaying and crippling 140k people randomly, and starving another 1.1 million because the Torah "said so" and because I mention the jews are criminally insane, and want to even take down the planet over mindless evil that presides inside them.

Some Rabbi is praying against my soul in Israel so that I am condemned in eternal torture in this and all my existence, because apparently, this Rabbi is mentally ill enough to think that God, the presiding power of the Universe is fine with this. He "prays" with his kabbalah helplessly, as he slaughters Palestinian children, and thinks that "God" and the presiding power of the Universe, is blind to this.

I guess they don't know the full story. Only their own limited one. Deep down, they know how the Gods see this. So, their option? To try to bury the Gods also alongside the people. The "Evil Gods" and the "Evil People", everyone but them.

Fair enough, I will be evil then as I always was. If the above is "good", then I am very fine to be "evil". Clearly, everything has been inverted in our mentally ill world.

Be fine with being evil; it's honorable in the eyes of the Gods to detest Israel and to curse them spiritually until they cease all of this.

One can only imagine, if their power spreads, what does that entail for the rest of the world? That's how they treat their so called "neighbors", what about the Western World or everyone else who they brand as "Goyim" or "Offspring of Satan", or other people in the Arab world?

With this mentality, we should be expecting a mass genocide of everyone else also. It's fine to be evil and as it seems, one is evil for wanting to stop international and globalized or widespread genocide.

Then be "evil" everyone, if the jews are good. Leave the side of the "good", the "good" has proven itself so much. Be honorable and with the Gods and Satan instead.

The "definition" of "Evil", be it for the Gods or Men, by the writings of Israel, is anyone "crazy enough" to not want them to mass genocide the planet or something. How "Evil" of them to want to preserve existence and life...

I am evil for wanting to disempower and disable a globalized danger like Israel via education and wanting to impose a logical understanding that is humane, and to stop the Nation which plans a world scale holocaust, and whose writings say 2/3rds of the planet must "perish" in order for "Mosiach" to arrive in the book of Revelations.

Only the "Plan of Greater Israel" that many Israeli soldiers wear on their soldier patches, means that 100m people are going to be displaced, starved, migrated, and killed. But that is "God's plan and the plan of the Good People". What about the rest of the narcissistic talk about world domination under "Mosiach"?

If that is "good", then I am entirely evil, as I stand against this.

It appears only the evil will be going to "heaven" now (Hell, inverted), while Israel, the "good and noble" are going straight into "Heaven" - the revised version of Tartarus.

False morality aside, it's a moral imperative for everyone to curse Israel and pray against it. The situation has went very far with them, and still that is 1% of what they plan to do. Good people, who are now called "evil" and other things like even "terrorists", must stand against Israel now and permanently. We must do the Rituals ceaselessly. Do what is provided.

Grand Rituals, Demon Rituals & RTR until the "Evil" prevails then, against the "Good" that seeks to genocide everyone but "it's own goodness!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I'm focusing on doing RTR and Rituals both on my self and on JoS, to eliminate curses and to open the doors for the success of the JoS and for the Gods in this world.

Now I'm not focusing to much on israel alone.
Israel overall, if one believes even in the official numbers, they have slain indiscriminately 40k people.

They just bomb everyone; "airstrikes". They slaughter everyone, for a "chance" of slaying 1 supposed Hamas terrorist, they slay around 100 normal people.

No sweat or anything. And still the world observes this and they wonder why Israel is declared internationally as a criminal state and why Benjamin Nethanyahu needs to be arrested.

The case of Hamas is very simple; excuse for genocide. Chances are extremely high, that Israel also allowed the "initial attack" against them. Israel claims they killed approximately a thousand jews on this attack. We can never know the figures, it could be way less. So as retaliation, they have slain 40 times over the people they were at "war with".

If any of these figures are even true, which they are not, we could easily assume that not even a thousand jews have died in this so called "war", and that the other side of Palestinians, has lost 80k+ or maybe 100k people [not to count the displaced, starved, diseased, amputated and destroyed], over this subject. We can also never be sure, but the reported injured are also about 100k.

If we go by "official numbers", we have 140,000 dead and maimed people from this. Most of them innocents. And 1,100,000 currently in a state of total starvation.

Further, Israel, since it conducts a mass sacrifice Ritual and is drunk by the blood of the slain, now demands WW3. All of a sudden, the United States now has to go against Iran; whole world has to be mobilized.

Let us not mention the exaggerated "Co-Vid", ruined lives from this, or the Russian and Ukrainian war; more creations by the "people of the goodness" that are beyond questioning. Or a few financial crashes who left who knows how many tens of millions globally destitute. Sponsored by the "Good people". We the "evil people of the Satan" can actually talk about it. Basic math, anti-semitic.

Worthless and blind people "in power" want to march behind this, as if all this was some sort of just "cause" or anything. The people worldwide which 8 out of 10 can see this and hate Israel, are likely in terrorist "watchlists" now.

The numbers of the supposed Israeli dead by "Hamas Terrorists", is rather similar to the numbers of the people in Europe who have been slaughtered by Islamic Terrorists over the last years. Everyday we have hundreds of unreported deaths happening to Europe by the unceasing criminal invasion.

But Europe did not ask for WW3, or start blaming Iran or anyone else. They decided to push integration and internal security instead. Overall, it would make no sense.

If one takes a few steps back, they will see Israel is filled with a bloodlust against humanity and nothing else.

As I stated many times before, what is going now in Palestine, is overall reflective of how the jews see all non-jews worldwide. Many people think this is too far, but it is the case. In the beliefs of Judaism, even if one person does something against the "Chosen People", to raze down the whole city of these people and 99.99% of the innocents in it, is wholly "justified.

The world is currently run by an eclipsing criminal mafia, that cannot hold any discrimination. Even mafias do have some sort of code and discrimination; Israel does not. Even if the literal mafias did run the planet, even they would target only related targets and not hospitals and schools for no reason and over so obviously false pretext.

Somehow by writing the above one is branded and anti-semite even if the jews fully warrant this objective judgement. Because somehow also Israel is supposed to be beyond any judgement. We should somehow not even question the genocide of 200k people and 1.1 million who are being starved.

That's 1,100,000 and 100,000 injured and 40,000 people dead, over supposedly 1200 jews who perished in an attack. Do any of these numbers add up, or I am an evil anti-semetic Satanic Goy for knowing any basic mathematics here?

1,240,000 people ruined and so many others, for 1200 jews. Let's outlaw math here, as this offends Israel. You know math and this looks surreal to you? Then you are a terrorist. Out of the 1,240,000 ruined people, about 13,000 are reported to be "Hamas Terrorists" for real.

The rest is just the giant sacrifice of Israel who throws bombs indiscriminately, paid for by the United States. How fair and noble of us to pay this.

Makes me wonder why I am still the evil goy in the story of the jews. Because obviously I speak against these topics such as slaying and crippling 140k people randomly, and starving another 1.1 million because the Torah "said so" and because I mention the jews are criminally insane, and want to even take down the planet over mindless evil that presides inside them.

Some Rabbi is praying against my soul in Israel so that I am condemned in eternal torture in this and all my existence, because apparently, this Rabbi is mentally ill enough to think that God, the presiding power of the Universe is fine with this. He "prays" with his kabbalah helplessly, as he slaughters Palestinian children, and thinks that "God" and the presiding power of the Universe, is blind to this.

I guess they don't know the full story. Only their own limited one. Deep down, they know how the Gods see this. So, their option? To try to bury the Gods also alongside the people. The "Evil Gods" and the "Evil People", everyone but them.

Fair enough, I will be evil then as I always was. If the above is "good", then I am very fine to be "evil". Clearly, everything has been inverted in our mentally ill world.

Be fine with being evil; it's honorable in the eyes of the Gods to detest Israel and to curse them spiritually until they cease all of this.

One can only imagine, if their power spreads, what does that entail for the rest of the world? That's how they treat their so called "neighbors", what about the Western World or everyone else who they brand as "Goyim" or "Offspring of Satan", or other people in the Arab world?

With this mentality, we should be expecting a mass genocide of everyone else also. It's fine to be evil and as it seems, one is evil for wanting to stop international and globalized or widespread genocide.

Then be "evil" everyone, if the jews are good. Leave the side of the "good", the "good" has proven itself so much. Be honorable and with the Gods and Satan instead.

The "definition" of "Evil", be it for the Gods or Men, by the writings of Israel, is anyone "crazy enough" to not want them to mass genocide the planet or something. How "Evil" of them to want to preserve existence and life...

I am evil for wanting to disempower and disable a globalized danger like Israel via education and wanting to impose a logical understanding that is humane, and to stop the Nation which plans a world scale holocaust, and whose writings say 2/3rds of the planet must "perish" in order for "Mosiach" to arrive in the book of Revelations.

Only the "Plan of Greater Israel" that many Israeli soldiers wear on their soldier patches, means that 100m people are going to be displaced, starved, migrated, and killed. But that is "God's plan and the plan of the Good People". What about the rest of the narcissistic talk about world domination under "Mosiach"?

If that is "good", then I am entirely evil, as I stand against this.

It appears only the evil will be going to "heaven" now (Hell, inverted), while Israel, the "good and noble" are going straight into "Heaven" - the revised version of Tartarus.

False morality aside, it's a moral imperative for everyone to curse Israel and pray against it. The situation has went very far with them, and still that is 1% of what they plan to do. Good people, who are now called "evil" and other things like even "terrorists", must stand against Israel now and permanently. We must do the Rituals ceaselessly. Do what is provided.

Grand Rituals, Demon Rituals & RTR until the "Evil" prevails then, against the "Good" that seeks to genocide everyone but "it's own goodness!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
What about the Demonic Authority Ritual ?
Apparently it's a duty here to be "evil", and I don't mind being the bad guy in the situation at all. If being "good" means supporting Israel, then I would rather die as a hateful evil than turn to the side of "good"... They will call us "evil", but meanwhile Israel will be devastated by our rituals and the billions of future lives they must come instead of being sacrificed to YHWH by the crazy Jews, they will have the chance to follow the Gods, evolve and do the right thing. Men and women all over the planet, we are evil and we are glad to do so.

Those who oppose this madness in the eyes of the Gods are the truly good and moral people of the planet. That goes beyond what Israel says. What Jews are doing is pure evil madness and nothing else.
What about the Demonic Authority Ritual ?

We will do this on a later schedule [not that far from now]. We do not want to over-extend here. If anyone has been doing the Demon Rituals, that is perfect in itself for the time being, and a few extra RTR's here and there.
It makes me laugh when idiots say: "jews are peaceful! Look at them walking down the street without problems! They integrate just fine!!!". Or perhaps they still think israel is the innocent victim, and blame everything on the Arabs, instead.

Some even claim that they've made "contributions" to civilization. Sure, if you want to refer to them as contributing to misery, death and suffering, worldwide, I guess.

Yeah... Putting the genocide aside in Gaza for a moment, do these people really have no idea what these beings get up to in the synagogues? Cursing humanity, child sacrifices, etc... Doesn't exactly sound "peaceful" to me. Oh, and not to forget, the tunnels in Brooklyn. People should not be fooled by their outside appearances. And of course, outside of the synagogues, they work hard to fund and organize the mass immigration of muslims etc. into Europe.

Anybody who "denies" the holohoax, is met with a "How dare you! Anti-semite!!! Six trillion hooman beings died in that!", but whenever you question them on Gaza, they'll turn round and smugly say: "there is no genocide in Gaza". Who's denying genocide, now? The "good guys"???

So yes, let's be the "bad guys" and do the RTRs. More and more people around the world have had enough of this bullshit.
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Israel overall, if one believes even in the official numbers, they have slain indiscriminately 40k people.

They just bomb everyone; "airstrikes". They slaughter everyone, for a "chance" of slaying 1 supposed Hamas terrorist, they slay around 100 normal people.

No sweat or anything. And still the world observes this and they wonder why Israel is declared internationally as a criminal state and why Benjamin Nethanyahu needs to be arrested.

The case of Hamas is very simple; excuse for genocide. Chances are extremely high, that Israel also allowed the "initial attack" against them. Israel claims they killed approximately a thousand jews on this attack. We can never know the figures, it could be way less. So as retaliation, they have slain 40 times over the people they were at "war with".

If any of these figures are even true, which they are not, we could easily assume that not even a thousand jews have died in this so called "war", and that the other side of Palestinians, has lost 80k+ or maybe 100k people [not to count the displaced, starved, diseased, amputated and destroyed], over this subject. We can also never be sure, but the reported injured are also about 100k.

If we go by "official numbers", we have 140,000 dead and maimed people from this. Most of them innocents. And 1,100,000 currently in a state of total starvation.

Further, Israel, since it conducts a mass sacrifice Ritual and is drunk by the blood of the slain, now demands WW3. All of a sudden, the United States now has to go against Iran; whole world has to be mobilized.

Let us not mention the exaggerated "Co-Vid", ruined lives from this, or the Russian and Ukrainian war; more creations by the "people of the goodness" that are beyond questioning. Or a few financial crashes who left who knows how many tens of millions globally destitute. Sponsored by the "Good people". We the "evil people of the Satan" can actually talk about it. Basic math, anti-semitic.

Worthless and blind people "in power" want to march behind this, as if all this was some sort of just "cause" or anything. The people worldwide which 8 out of 10 can see this and hate Israel, are likely in terrorist "watchlists" now.

The numbers of the supposed Israeli dead by "Hamas Terrorists", is rather similar to the numbers of the people in Europe who have been slaughtered by Islamic Terrorists over the last years. Everyday we have hundreds of unreported deaths happening to Europe by the unceasing criminal invasion.

But Europe did not ask for WW3, or start blaming Iran or anyone else. They decided to push integration and internal security instead. Overall, it would make no sense.

If one takes a few steps back, they will see Israel is filled with a bloodlust against humanity and nothing else.

As I stated many times before, what is going now in Palestine, is overall reflective of how the jews see all non-jews worldwide. Many people think this is too far, but it is the case. In the beliefs of Judaism, even if one person does something against the "Chosen People", to raze down the whole city of these people and 99.99% of the innocents in it, is wholly "justified.

The world is currently run by an eclipsing criminal mafia, that cannot hold any discrimination. Even mafias do have some sort of code and discrimination; Israel does not. Even if the literal mafias did run the planet, even they would target only related targets and not hospitals and schools for no reason and over so obviously false pretext.

Somehow by writing the above one is branded and anti-semite even if the jews fully warrant this objective judgement. Because somehow also Israel is supposed to be beyond any judgement. We should somehow not even question the genocide of 200k people and 1.1 million who are being starved.

That's 1,100,000 and 100,000 injured and 40,000 people dead, over supposedly 1200 jews who perished in an attack. Do any of these numbers add up, or I am an evil anti-semetic Satanic Goy for knowing any basic mathematics here?

1,240,000 people ruined and so many others, for 1200 jews. Let's outlaw math here, as this offends Israel. You know math and this looks surreal to you? Then you are a terrorist. Out of the 1,240,000 ruined people, about 13,000 are reported to be "Hamas Terrorists" for real.

The rest is just the giant sacrifice of Israel who throws bombs indiscriminately, paid for by the United States. How fair and noble of us to pay this.

Makes me wonder why I am still the evil goy in the story of the jews. Because obviously I speak against these topics such as slaying and crippling 140k people randomly, and starving another 1.1 million because the Torah "said so" and because I mention the jews are criminally insane, and want to even take down the planet over mindless evil that presides inside them.

Some Rabbi is praying against my soul in Israel so that I am condemned in eternal torture in this and all my existence, because apparently, this Rabbi is mentally ill enough to think that God, the presiding power of the Universe is fine with this. He "prays" with his kabbalah helplessly, as he slaughters Palestinian children, and thinks that "God" and the presiding power of the Universe, is blind to this.

I guess they don't know the full story. Only their own limited one. Deep down, they know how the Gods see this. So, their option? To try to bury the Gods also alongside the people. The "Evil Gods" and the "Evil People", everyone but them.

Fair enough, I will be evil then as I always was. If the above is "good", then I am very fine to be "evil". Clearly, everything has been inverted in our mentally ill world.

Be fine with being evil; it's honorable in the eyes of the Gods to detest Israel and to curse them spiritually until they cease all of this.

One can only imagine, if their power spreads, what does that entail for the rest of the world? That's how they treat their so called "neighbors", what about the Western World or everyone else who they brand as "Goyim" or "Offspring of Satan", or other people in the Arab world?

With this mentality, we should be expecting a mass genocide of everyone else also. It's fine to be evil and as it seems, one is evil for wanting to stop international and globalized or widespread genocide.

Then be "evil" everyone, if the jews are good. Leave the side of the "good", the "good" has proven itself so much. Be honorable and with the Gods and Satan instead.

The "definition" of "Evil", be it for the Gods or Men, by the writings of Israel, is anyone "crazy enough" to not want them to mass genocide the planet or something. How "Evil" of them to want to preserve existence and life...

I am evil for wanting to disempower and disable a globalized danger like Israel via education and wanting to impose a logical understanding that is humane, and to stop the Nation which plans a world scale holocaust, and whose writings say 2/3rds of the planet must "perish" in order for "Mosiach" to arrive in the book of Revelations.

Only the "Plan of Greater Israel" that many Israeli soldiers wear on their soldier patches, means that 100m people are going to be displaced, starved, migrated, and killed. But that is "God's plan and the plan of the Good People". What about the rest of the narcissistic talk about world domination under "Mosiach"?

If that is "good", then I am entirely evil, as I stand against this.

It appears only the evil will be going to "heaven" now (Hell, inverted), while Israel, the "good and noble" are going straight into "Heaven" - the revised version of Tartarus.

False morality aside, it's a moral imperative for everyone to curse Israel and pray against it. The situation has went very far with them, and still that is 1% of what they plan to do. Good people, who are now called "evil" and other things like even "terrorists", must stand against Israel now and permanently. We must do the Rituals ceaselessly. Do what is provided.

Grand Rituals, Demon Rituals & RTR until the "Evil" prevails then, against the "Good" that seeks to genocide everyone but "it's own goodness!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Magnificent Sermon :love:(y)

Israel will be destroyed! 🔥🔥🔥
Every jew will feel all the Torments and Suffering! 🔥🔥🔥
Hail Satan! ⚡⚡
Blood is what they want, and blood is what they'll get, but it will not be ours. Let them die from their own stupidity, while we advance the cause from behind the scenes. Outreach is going well from what I know, and I am excited to see the people around me find the JoS.
Probably the Muslims will destroy Israel first. then they will be destroyed from within.
When Baalzebub manifested and appeared to me, we/me were told to relax.
I just came across this post, don't why I didn't catch it then but whenever I read "statistics" online, I always learn to put on my "They Live" glasses and take it all with a grain of salt. I have familiars who work in statistics-based careers, and I also took courses on it in college, it doesn't take a conspiracy theorist or an "evil Satanic anti-semitic goy" like ourselves to know that statistics can be ultra-prone to all sorts of bias and exaggerations.

That's before even adding the kike lies into the equation, now just add kike lies to the mix, and you get an atrocious kosher entree like "6 million" holohoax "statistic" or whatever nonsense Tel Aviv wants to make about the Palestinians.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
