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Does Hebrew have any value for you guys?

i know hebrew fluently to some very high degree but what i never understood is the hebrew bible. it used with a little bit different kind of hebrew which is strange to me since as far as i know the quran for example does not written in different kind of source languge.

anyway let me know if it ever going to serve a purpose or benefit someone πŸ˜‚
You're definitely new here

But to answer, no, in fact the opposite
Esp. given the context of the Goetia and many Medieval and Renaissance Grimoires like the Grimoire Verum.

This sermon could be useful for understanding the "validity" of what you can find in the so-called grimoires.
Overall, this rubbish has no validity whatsoever.

I have also noticed that some academic scholars speak precisely of the medieval era to narrate when certain unrepeatable blasphemies against our Lords and Ladies of Hell were conceived by the Jewish mind. (I would give you some concrete examples, but I don't want to repeat some truly disturbing Jewish doctrines).

The monstrous blasphemies about our beautiful Demons are Jewish lies and have never been anything more than that:

We must study Demons from satanic sources (Joy of Satan that is), not from Jewish sources!
The only thing I've learned studying Judaic mythology, jewish mysticism, Hebrew and Aramaic a few years ago is:
- All of what they use is stolen. Not in the sense that it evolved from other languages/mythologies, like how Gentile cultures are, but literally taken deliberately and modified deliberately, sometimes in the course of one generation. The Satan of the Torah comes from the concept of the Sanskrit "Satan" Priests, which reffered to followers that would reveal information, meaning "truth bearer". The jews interpreted someone who brings the truth to surface as an "Accuser".
Likewise, their alphabet (their Kabbalistic power, as has been explained in JoS before) isn't something derived from other languages naturally, it's an alphabet that was directly stolen and modified to serve a purpose, in addition to the fact that ancient hebrews had no writing system at some point.

- their language has surprisingly low info per word. A language like, say, Japanese, or Ancient Greek, conveys a lot of meaning in very few words. Hebrew, quite the opposite, needs very complex compound words to create simple meaning, which is expected of a desert tribe that stole their language from more advanced civilizations.

- Etymological studies of Hebrew point to literally zero cultural exchange between Ancient Egyptian and Hebrew, which would be scientifically impossible had there been a large period of jewish slavery in Egypt, as the Torah claims.

- their worship of the One, the Uncreated is literally forgery. It has no bearing on their doctrine, as they still very clearly act like their God is a tribal God of the jews, not the Uncreated Creator. This idea of monotheism is stolen and heavily corrupted from Plato. Jewish polytheism gave way to monotheism when the jews decided for good what their course of action would be, and you could call that the turning point of them becoming our Enemy (despite the fact that it's obvious they have been working with Reptillian beings long before that, similarly to some ancient cultures in the Americas, but they made a bold move that cost them) and that's where they corrupted the idea of a "Fall" from the theoretical to the material (often represented as Lightning in Gentile cultures) into an idea that the realm of the theoretical is guided by an Eternal supreme deity, which is anathema to the entire concept of Spirituality.

There, saved you months of research. The only value you get from studying these is that the jewish lies become more obvious.
One small bit of value of hebrew is knowing that "jehova", i.e. "god", has the meaning of "god of evil".
Esp. given the context of the Goetia and many Medieval and Renaissance Grimoires like the Grimoire Verum.

I hope this is a joke question and you do not seriously believe that those abusive kike grimoires which slander our Gods, portray them as hideous monsters and advocate controlling and cursing them in the name of the fake jewish god using circles and triangles have any value.

It's been explained on JoS that everything jewish/xian is offensive to Satan and the Gods, especially those horrible grimoires and other jewish slander like the "Qliphoth".

Satan and the Demons are slow to anger and take offense, but using those insulting methods in those enemy grimoires is guaranteed to piss them off.
The only thing I've learned studying Judaic mythology, jewish mysticism, Hebrew and Aramaic a few years ago is:
- All of what they use is stolen. Not in the sense that it evolved from other languages/mythologies, like how Gentile cultures are, but literally taken deliberately and modified deliberately, sometimes in the course of one generation. The Satan of the Torah comes from the concept of the Sanskrit "Satan" Priests, which reffered to followers that would reveal information, meaning "truth bearer". The jews interpreted someone who brings the truth to surface as an "Accuser".
Likewise, their alphabet (their Kabbalistic power, as has been explained in JoS before) isn't something derived from other languages naturally, it's an alphabet that was directly stolen and modified to serve a purpose, in addition to the fact that ancient hebrews had no writing system at some point.

- their language has surprisingly low info per word. A language like, say, Japanese, or Ancient Greek, conveys a lot of meaning in very few words. Hebrew, quite the opposite, needs very complex compound words to create simple meaning, which is expected of a desert tribe that stole their language from more advanced civilizations.

- Etymological studies of Hebrew point to literally zero cultural exchange between Ancient Egyptian and Hebrew, which would be scientifically impossible had there been a large period of jewish slavery in Egypt, as the Torah claims.

- their worship of the One, the Uncreated is literally forgery. It has no bearing on their doctrine, as they still very clearly act like their God is a tribal God of the jews, not the Uncreated Creator. This idea of monotheism is stolen and heavily corrupted from Plato. Jewish polytheism gave way to monotheism when the jews decided for good what their course of action would be, and you could call that the turning point of them becoming our Enemy (despite the fact that it's obvious they have been working with Reptillian beings long before that, similarly to some ancient cultures in the Americas, but they made a bold move that cost them) and that's where they corrupted the idea of a "Fall" from the theoretical to the material (often represented as Lightning in Gentile cultures) into an idea that the realm of the theoretical is guided by an Eternal supreme deity, which is anathema to the entire concept of Spirituality.

There, saved you months of research. The only value you get from studying these is that the jewish lies become more obvious.
your writings always on point sir thank you for all the info, could you please refer me to where its discussed about their alphabet and the khabbalistic power it contains? i want to amplify my workings with the final rtr and the counter attack it brings and i want to imagine and understand the proccess of all that.
No, everything related to the Hebrew alphabet and everything created from it, has to disappear and go away forever.
your writings always on point sir thank you for all the info, could you please refer me to where its discussed about their alphabet and the khabbalistic power it contains? i want to amplify my workings with the final rtr and the counter attack it brings and i want to imagine and understand the proccess of all that.
No one specific place, but the simple fact that the Final RTR exists proves this, and there's been some talk about the fact that this is the source of their power (and why sacred alphabets like Ancient Greek and the Runes are so hidden and attacked).
The FRTR is as effective as it is because you're vibrating the reverse of the hebrew alphabet. This is mentioned in the actual Ritual page.
i know hebrew fluently to some very high degree but what i never understood is the hebrew bible. it used with a little bit different kind of hebrew which is strange to me since as far as i know the quran for example does not written in different kind of source languge.

anyway let me know if it ever going to serve a purpose or benefit someone πŸ˜‚
Why are you fluent in hebrew?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
