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We must work more on Internet Presence


New member
Nov 2, 2024
I feel like JoS is stagnating technologically, which isn’t great since our online presence is our entire thing. I do like the new JoS template – it looks more modern, serious, and trustworthy without that "edgy" 2000s emo vibe. While I know that darker colors like red, blue, and black have Satanic symbolism, a lot of newcomers (and even some SS) might find it uncomfortable on the eyes, so a white theme on all pages would be a solid addition.

We’re running over 40 websites, but most are built on outdated software. Getting one or more dedicated servers with a secure panel like cPanel and migrating everything there would be the best move for stability. Plus, it would likely be cheaper than relying on obscure platforms where JoS might be the last remaining client. For example, our Romanian pages are on Blogspot without a custom domain (e.g., 666soarelenegru.blogspot.com), which just doesn’t give us the presence we need.

This might also be why we're almost invisible on search engines, not only due to “enemy attacks.” SEO is essential in 2024; we need to recognize that things have advanced, yet we’ve focused mostly on translations and so-called “advertisements” (even though I haven’t actually seen any ads). A better advertising idea might be donating to streamers and simply pasting the JoS link.

Having someone who’s ready for the public eye go on podcasts could be huge, and I think many would be happy to donate to support someone willing to risk their image (and possibly more). While "life risk" might sound a bit schizo, with media and courts around, they can’t just silence a popular person without repercussions. We have a 10-year plan, but if we don’t get serious about making progress, we won’t achieve it.

Lastly, translations are something we can automate these days, especially with tools like ChatGPT – so why not?
I feel like JoS is stagnating technologically, which isn’t great since our online presence is our entire thing. I do like the new JoS template – it looks more modern, serious, and trustworthy without that "edgy" 2000s emo vibe. While I know that darker colors like red, blue, and black have Satanic symbolism, a lot of newcomers (and even some SS) might find it uncomfortable on the eyes, so a white theme on all pages would be a solid addition.

highly disagree, dark pages are much better for the eyes to read.

especially with tools like ChatGPT

Not reliable.

This is how we get our public exposure.
I feel like JoS is stagnating technologically, which isn’t great since our online presence is our entire thing. I do like the new JoS template – it looks more modern, serious, and trustworthy without that "edgy" 2000s emo vibe. While I know that darker colors like red, blue, and black have Satanic symbolism, a lot of newcomers (and even some SS) might find it uncomfortable on the eyes, so a white theme on all pages would be a solid addition.
JoS is actually evolving constantly. Over the short period of time I've been around here (2020 forward) I have seen multiple iterations of our platforms, always taking a step forward.
We’re running over 40 websites, but most are built on outdated software. Getting one or more dedicated servers with a secure panel like cPanel and migrating everything there would be the best move for stability. Plus, it would likely be cheaper than relying on obscure platforms where JoS might be the last remaining client. For example, our Romanian pages are on Blogspot without a custom domain (e.g., 666soarelenegru.blogspot.com), which just doesn’t give us the presence we need.
Blogspot pages and the like are not official JoS pages but instead set up by various members over the years. Many other similar web pages in many other languages are not official JoS content.
This might also be why we're almost invisible on search engines, not only due to “enemy attacks.” SEO is essential in 2024; we need to recognize that things have advanced, yet we’ve focused mostly on translations and so-called “advertisements” (even though I haven’t actually seen any ads). A better advertising idea might be donating to streamers and simply pasting the JoS link.
You have a valid point about SEO, but that is only part of the story as the Joy of Satanas has been censored in the most popular search engines over the years, although it has gotten better for us in this regard this year. Advertisements are in the pipeline, and you are free to pay money to drop links. :) People do the same in the outreach project, among other things related to it.
Having someone who’s ready for the public eye go on podcasts could be huge, and I think many would be happy to donate to support someone willing to risk their image (and possibly more). While "life risk" might sound a bit schizo, with media and courts around, they can’t just silence a popular person without repercussions. We have a 10-year plan, but if we don’t get serious about making progress, we won’t achieve it.
Yeah, we do not need this kind of approach just yet. Later, sure, there will be more and more public exposure of the kind you mentioned, but the time is not yet.

Just like the plan as a concept, the contents of the plan are dictated from top to bottom, so do not worry about success in this regard, as we are working towards this goal every day.
Lastly, translations are something we can automate these days, especially with tools like ChatGPT – so why not?
We have done this. Automated translations still need to be curated after the translation as there are many errors in the automatically translated text as the language model does not recognize some of Satanic content in this context and the tone needs fine-tuning anyway.
Also, I'm begging for someone to public the Source code of the latest interactive RTR with language selector and count by click or for HP Cobra to add it back on JoSRituals. It glitches on Internet Archive (https://web.archive.org/web/20210523173035/https://evilgoy.com/RTRS/A/index.html) and it was amazing.
Yes, I remember using this interactive for quite some time but I moved on to simply using a downloaded html file of a paintable ritual web page.

While I would like to see a functional version of the page you linked or something similar from scratch I do not think it will happen as there is not a long line of doers in this regard while also considering that JoS Rituals has received the much-needed attention as the primary source of rituals...
Blogspot pages and the like are not official JoS pages but instead set up by various members over the years. Many other similar web pages in many other languages are not official JoS cocontent.
I am pretty sure that they are. The one I sent is the official translation in Romanian of the "666 Black Sun" from bucurialuisatan.com (Official Romanian JoS Page). Members help doing them but these should be considered JoS property.
a lot of newcomers (and even some SS) might find it uncomfortable on the eyes, so a white theme on all pages would be a solid addition.
Dark mode is easier to read with. High Priest Hooded Cobra has also stated on multiple occasions that the JoS will always use dark mode. Whether a secondary option for light mode will be added at some point in the future is uncertain, but even then dark mode will likely be the default.

We’re running over 40 websites, but most are built on outdated software. Getting one or more dedicated servers with a secure panel like cPanel and migrating everything there would be the best move for stability. Plus, it would likely be cheaper than relying on obscure platforms where JoS might be the last remaining client. For example, our Romanian pages are on Blogspot without a custom domain (e.g., 666soarelenegru.blogspot.com), which just doesn’t give us the presence we need.
I'm not an expert regarding IT, but I trust our IT team and migrating to other servers could risk being censored or banned, as has happened many times in the past. A lot of security measures have been introduced just this year.

SEO is essential in 2024; we need to recognize that things have advanced, yet we’ve focused mostly on translations and so-called “advertisements” (even though I haven’t actually seen any ads). A better advertising idea might be donating to streamers and simply pasting the JoS link.
It has been stated that all translated websites will undergo an SEO process once translations are finished; that is after May 1st 2025, which is the general deadline for translations.

Lastly, translations are something we can automate these days, especially with tools like ChatGPT – so why not?
DeepL is the best tool for translations as far as I know, but it still makes various errors. Proofreading is necessary.
These things are being actively worked on. If you want them to be done faster, do contribute.
Outreach is the project for growing our online presence, and you would be flabbergasted at the traffic we are bringing.
If you have SEO optimization ideas or want to contribute to working on the sites, contact one of our JGs and they will point you to who you need to talk to to do that.
AI translation still needs to be checked and approved, which takes time. Same here, you can work on translations yourself.

"Why are we not doing this faster?" - I can ask you that too. We all can contribute in some way.
I am pretty sure that they are. The one I sent is the official translation in Romanian of the "666 Black Sun" from bucurialuisatan.com (Official Romanian JoS Page). Members help doing them but these should be considered JoS property.
The Joy of Satanas is not and has not been in any way affiliated with Blogspot. Blogspot and every other similar service for publishing information are freely and openly accessible to the public. Certain Spiritual Satanists in the past have published various pages for various reasons and thus we have these pages, and again, these pages are not official JoS content because the Clergy has not approved these as an extension of JoS. It is the same as if I for any reason at all copy-paste JoS content and publish it on my own blog. Although I do not in any way alter the content, this is not curated/approved by those above me and thus it can not be official content.

The 'presence' you are seeking can be had by translating the official JoS content under the supervision of Priesthood and Guardians (this is ongoing, more translators and languages are needed) who then direct when and where this information is published. In recent years we have expanded in dozens of languages, something that when ready will then be 100% hosted on the infrastructure that the Joy of Satanas either has outsourced or is in charge of.
I have light mode unless you are talking about the main site? There is a little light bulb icon by my user name that switches everything to white a blue. There are browser addons that can change the color themes of websites.
I don't know if you all will agree with this - but as of late I have been battling this idea that fear is largely (if not entirely) an evil thing. Now, it can manifest in different ways so let me explain a little and get to my ultimate point here: being "afraid" to walk through a fire, or to jump into the ocean if you can't swim, or to approach a wild grizzly bear, is not quite the same type of "fear" as is random, intrusive and possibly obsessive thoughts that intrude into your mind and discourage you from living to the fullest or reduce your quality of life otherwise and cause stress and agony in you needlessly. So while fear does have that age-old notion of being an evolutionary defense tool, it can manifest differently than just that. Sometimes it's not very rational or protective and it just overtakes the mind and causes misery.

So, with this all being said, I have started to believe that much of the fear I have felt in my life is possibly evil (archons, enemy) in origin. Without digressing into methods to combat it, let's just focus for a second.

My point is that, I find myself afraid to speak what I believe is the truth (about spiritual things like Satan and the gods) - afraid to express it in certain ways, and afraid to share it with others. I give credit to evil forces for this..

For instance, I assume I am not the only one that would not want certain people who know me or that I come into contact with to see pentagrams or god sigils and to consequently charge me with being associated with them or with magic.

Being that the archons, enemy, flyers, etc are said to hijack consciousness and influence the way you perceive reality, how would they do this if not primarily or exclusively through fears? And interruptions to focus and memory.. because memory loss is mostly a hypnotic process I believe, in very basic definition.. if we wanted to get a little more complex we could say also that it has to do with priorities in the brain - which is why I always discourage people from believing that they have memory issues, and instead I try to tell them that it is likely normal and less serious than they think - with it just being a matter of how their mind has organized it's priorities.. which can always be changed.

With the fact that emotions and thoughts contain a magnetic pull in them coming from our "will" as souls, and I believe that at a certain point thought converges with reality and becomes one, we manifest much or maybe even entirely, the experience we have in this world, from the thoughts or energy that is high up in the semi or sub-conscious mind/soul..
Plus the fact that they say that a lot of truth is not absolute but is just simply accepted.. many things are really a matter of feeling or opinion. If you go through life believing you have poor hand writing, does that not manifest itself? Truly believing something throughout your entire being manifests a magnetic pull on reality to create that thing, or so I believe.

If truth is love, light, good, then is fear not evil? Is it sane or possible to go through life intending to never feel fear?

I know Satan has warned us not to share with everybody his name, or that we follow him.. and I know part of this has to do with the fact that the enemy lurks in great presence in this world, jews are not just an ethnicity but also a manifestation of energy within the soul that is plaguing many people. They are like an inversion of the way humans were intended by Satan to be.

My whole point here is that I agree with us needing a greater presence on the internet. The more we let fear hold us back from spreading the truth to those in the dark, the more easily evil will run amok.. will it not?

I am sure a lot of what I have talked about here is more complex than I could grasp - and I am not afraid of being wrong. Two heads are better than one.. if anyone can say anything insightful in response to what I have written here than I would gladly evaluate it and even be thankful if you helped me in my quest for the truth. I hope some of this has been insightful for some of you, too. I am starting to think that, (unless I misunderstand duality), the source of fear is reptilian in nature.. because, is duality not simply a word that defines our universe as having two opposing magnetic polarities? Love seems to be generative, and fear degenerative. Maybe sometimes it is necessary to degenerate temporarily in order to ultimately generate even more.. I don't know. Or being that it is said that other entities exist in higher dimensions, are the enemy simply exploiting the design of our dimension, and they are not in fact the origin of fear?
I feel like JoS is stagnating technologically
No way, in these latest years we had big graphical changes and the Outreach project is going smoothly.
But yes, we're not progressing very fast. The reason being that the people working constantly hours and hours on the JoS are VERY few.
It's all volunteering, basically. One day this won't be the case anymore. The only thing we can do now is push harder, work more.
I am doing my little part, but thanks for posting this, you've reminded me I can and must do more.
But yes, we're not progressing very fast. The reason being that the people working constantly hours and hours on the JoS are VERY few.
It's all volunteering, basically. One day this won't be the case anymore. The only thing we can do now is push harder, work more.
"Those who suffer for my sake I will surely reward in one of the Worlds."
Lmao I didn’t expect this amount of dankness here at all.
Lol yeah it came up in my mind to make the meme as I was saying this parallel conversation with Hellenic SS about memes on his thread
I was having*

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
