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Question #58: Mythical beings

HPS Maxine has written that many of these are elementals, only having 1 or 2 elements making up their soul. They reside on the astral, or perhaps another world entirely but are adept on astral projection, I am not certain. It might be a while before the JoS touches on such subjects with certainty.
Elves are directly from Norse mythology, in which they are called Alfs from Ljosalfheim and Svartalfheim respectively (which means Home of the Light Alfs and Home of the Dark Alfs). Alfs changed to Elves over time, as the language changed.

Gnomes, Undines, Sylphs, and Salamanders were the names given to nature spirits by the alchemist known as Paracelsus. I believe these correspond to Nymphs such as Dryads and Oceanids and the like from Greek mythology, and I think I remember studying of the same concept as well in Japanese mythology/Shinto religion (IIRC, they are classified as Yokai). In any case, it seems these elemental nature spirits are ubiquitously known in Pagan religions the world over.
الكائنات الفضائية هي المستوحات من الجان ربما الكثير من الناس الذي يقلون أنهم شاهدو الكائنات الفضائية لكن في الحقيقة هيا من الجان على حد علمي الجان مخلوقات تستطيع التشكل على شكل اشخاص وحيوانات وأشكال غريبة أنا أقول هذا الكلام لاني تعرضة لموقف غريبة جعلتني أؤمن بها لهذا أنا هنا أو من الممكن أن كلامي غير صحيح و إني شخص مجنون لهذا يجب عليك أن تبحث بنفسك ولا تصدق كلام الآخرين
Lots of possible answers here.
As stated above, some of these beings could be elemental, on a different make-up than us, which sets them in different dimensions, and they travel here or affect things here.
Some of these beings are mythological.
Some could be lesser Demons, like Gargoyles.
It's a case by case basis, and you can find the answers directly if they genuinely matter to you. If it's a being in a mythology you find yourself very attached to, there are spiritual means to gain these answers if one is advanced enough. Simply immerse yourself in these symbols and research, and meditate on these things.
If you're just curious, probably not important enough for you to know.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
