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Sep 10, 2024
So...I am openly a therian. For those who don't who what a Therian is....
What is a therian?

Identifying as therian means that a person identifies as a non-human being, typically an animal, which might be a wolf, bear, cat, or maybe even a worm. It has a lot of overlap with the general "otherkin" community of people who may identify with fantasy characters - elves, dragons, faeries, wizards, and so on)

my Therian types are a cross Fox, a bear, and a lion. I sometimes practice quadrobics like, running around on all fours in my backyard, climb my trees, practice jumping on all fours on my trampoline and so on.

My question is... I was wondering if satan is okay with me worshipping him. I know this may seem a bit weird since us Therians aren't seen as often. we're pretty small and usually social outcasts since we don't really fit into this generations perspective of 'Normal'
I was wondering if satan is okay with me worshipping him

Satan accepts and is pleased that you follow him, and precisely because he is a father and you his child he wants what is best for you. This includes knowing well what is really best for you in a much more conscious way than your immediate family member might understand.

.I am openly a therian

You are not a Therian. To be a Therian would be to actually be one. One example is transsexuals. A transsexual man is not a woman for real. He certainly feels like a woman (it is due to unbalanced situations in his soul, but that is another matter). But in practical facts when he was born he was not a woman; he had a penis and in general the male physical structure.

Now, he may as well mutilate his penis and take drugs to make it feminine. But he will not be a woman just because he artificially changes his physical appearance by destroying his body. He will continue to be a ruined male.

I don't think you feel like a therian either. Because unlike women and men who are real creatures and we know scientifically how they feel about being themselves, a therian is a fictional character. So he has no real feelings about him (do I feel Chtullu? What does it feel like to be a huge monstrous octopus? Everyone could say something different about that, because it doesn't exist). Your situation is more like "I like therians, I wish I was a therian." Of course it's deeper, but that's basically it.

Identifying as therian means that a person identifies as a non-human

But identifying is not being. When you play an RPG video game, you can choose the character you most identify with. Maybe the Thief or Knight Wanderer class because you are a romantic and a melancholic. But being like that does not mean you are really a knight errant in real life.

Even without entering the game world. Think of the Internet tests of "which TV series character are you?" When you take the quiz, you'll come up with the character who looks most like you, and with whom you identify IN RELATION WITH THE SERIES. But if you come up with Batman/Bruce Wayne, it doesn't mean you are actually the main character in Detective Comics created by Bob Kane. It only resembles you with respect to how the comic book was written.

typically an animal, which might be a wolf, bear, cat, or maybe even a worm

Yet believe me. If you were at your full consciousness, you wouldn't even want to be a therian. This is because as a Satanist you have the free chance to become something REALLY much better than a therian. As a human being you have the potential to do so, and as a Satanist the chance to succeed.

Let me give you a practical example. You can identify yourself as a cat. Or you could think of Bastet. Bastet might identify herself as a cat, but what she does is to be the Goddess of the most powerful connection with the Divine Spiritual with which she protects her people (just as cats protected people's food from rats). This is MUCH better than being a worm, a cat, a moose or a generic therian.

community of people who may identify with fantasy characters

Yet I tell you that reality far exceeds fantasy. What you can find in real life and become through Satanism is priceless. I would, for example, love to be a druid. A druid is a real character. He would be a sorcerer of Celtic affiliation who bases his power on nature.

Of course I am not a Celtic from millennia ago. But really in my life I can love nature and respect it instead of polluting like social parasites, connect to the energies of the Earth that I honor (there are meditations for this), etc. I have always felt connected to the Earth, which is why I really liked the American Indians on a cultural level, literally a people who embodied the spirituality of nature.

Reality is much better than fantasy. Of course today the outside world is made up of pornographic site trappers who spend their time doing drugs. But you are your inner world and you can literally be a person of spiritual power and material success.

elves, dragons, faeries, wizards, and so on

These things exist in a really better and more advanced form than in a fantasy book. Take me for example. Even advanced spells work for me and I have Kundalini symptoms. I'm not dressed as a Magician from Lord of the Rings and I don't have a fire-breathing dragon in my room.

But having the developed Divine and Witchcraft powers, along with the manifestation of Kundalini energy (Kundalini is energy that is associated with a typically Oriental snake-like dragon, which breathes fire in reference to the searing heat of this Divine energy). I am basically the purest version there is of a Wizard riding his fire-breathing Dragon. You don't need to hope that fantasy books exist, you already have reality which is much better.
Satan accepts and is pleased that you follow him, and precisely because he is a father and you his child he wants what is best for you. This includes knowing well what is really best for you in a much more conscious way than your immediate family member might understand.

You are not a Therian. To be a Therian would be to actually be one. One example is transsexuals. A transsexual man is not a woman for real. He certainly feels like a woman (it is due to unbalanced situations in his soul, but that is another matter). But in practical facts when he was born he was not a woman; he had a penis and in general the male physical structure.

Now, he may as well mutilate his penis and take drugs to make it feminine. But he will not be a woman just because he artificially changes his physical appearance by destroying his body. He will continue to be a ruined male.

I don't think you feel like a therian either. Because unlike women and men who are real creatures and we know scientifically how they feel about being themselves, a therian is a fictional character. So he has no real feelings about him (do I feel Chtullu? What does it feel like to be a huge monstrous octopus? Everyone could say something different about that, because it doesn't exist). Your situation is more like "I like therians, I wish I was a therian." Of course it's deeper, but that's basically it.

But identifying is not being. When you play an RPG video game, you can choose the character you most identify with. Maybe the Thief or Knight Wanderer class because you are a romantic and a melancholic. But being like that does not mean you are really a knight errant in real life.

Even without entering the game world. Think of the Internet tests of "which TV series character are you?" When you take the quiz, you'll come up with the character who looks most like you, and with whom you identify IN RELATION WITH THE SERIES. But if you come up with Batman/Bruce Wayne, it doesn't mean you are actually the main character in Detective Comics created by Bob Kane. It only resembles you with respect to how the comic book was written.

Yet believe me. If you were at your full consciousness, you wouldn't even want to be a therian. This is because as a Satanist you have the free chance to become something REALLY much better than a therian. As a human being you have the potential to do so, and as a Satanist the chance to succeed.

Let me give you a practical example. You can identify yourself as a cat. Or you could think of Bastet. Bastet might identify herself as a cat, but what she does is to be the Goddess of the most powerful connection with the Divine Spiritual with which she protects her people (just as cats protected people's food from rats). This is MUCH better than being a worm, a cat, a moose or a generic therian.

Yet I tell you that reality far exceeds fantasy. What you can find in real life and become through Satanism is priceless. I would, for example, love to be a druid. A druid is a real character. He would be a sorcerer of Celtic affiliation who bases his power on nature.

Of course I am not a Celtic from millennia ago. But really in my life I can love nature and respect it instead of polluting like social parasites, connect to the energies of the Earth that I honor (there are meditations for this), etc. I have always felt connected to the Earth, which is why I really liked the American Indians on a cultural level, literally a people who embodied the spirituality of nature.

Reality is much better than fantasy. Of course today the outside world is made up of pornographic site trappers who spend their time doing drugs. But you are your inner world and you can literally be a person of spiritual power and material success.

These things exist in a really better and more advanced form than in a fantasy book. Take me for example. Even advanced spells work for me and I have Kundalini symptoms. I'm not dressed as a Magician from Lord of the Rings and I don't have a fire-breathing dragon in my room.

But having the developed Divine and Witchcraft powers, along with the manifestation of Kundalini energy (Kundalini is energy that is associated with a typically Oriental snake-like dragon, which breathes fire in reference to the searing heat of this Divine energy). I am basically the purest version there is of a Wizard riding his fire-breathing Dragon. You don't need to hope that fantasy books exist, you already have reality which is much better.

Just so you know, this is something that I took from Google. - - >
"What is a therian?
Identifying as therian means that a person identifies as a non-human being, typically an animal, which might be a wolf, bear, cat, or maybe even a worm. It has a lot of overlap with the general "otherkin" community of people who may identify with fantasy characters - elves, dragons, faeries, wizards, and so on)"
Just so you know, this is something that I took from Google

I wasn't thinking bad of you because of that, don't worry. But my answer remains the same. I assure you that you can become much, much, MUCH more than a therian. Of course it will take time, but it will be progressively more and more worth it.
You can play/mimic animals, that´s fine. Just stay sane, don´t harm someone.
If you want to, you can have a look in the ethic section:

for further guidance.
What you describe is a very severe and deep psychological disorder.

there is a very high probability that you are not in tune, of who you really are. You probably do not accept yourself. You probably do not love yourself. You probably look into the mirror and hate yourself.

You need to overcome this. This is a very huge source of distress, pain and suffering.
With this very severe hang up you will not be able to advance.

Think about it… how can someone who does not love and accept himself/herself advance to highest heights, and withstand the test of time? The test of Evolution?

All souls will perish at a certain point. This is the struggle of life. The only way to ensure your own survival, is to be like the Gods, and become a Demon. People who hate themselves, they will stagnate and perish.

So, if you really want to be happy, to Advance and be strong - you really need to get out of this psychosis.

The point is… SATAN ACCEPTS YOU!
Satan knows you. Satan knows you better than you know yourself. He knows everything, what is in your past, present and future, what is in your heart and soul. The true nature and cause of things.

Satan knows you. Satan accepts you.

The issue is…
You do not accept yourself!

Satan does not see you like mythical fox. He sees you as a human being, as a child of Satan, who is under his protection.

That you play around as a fox, does not mean that Satan accpts you as an animal.

Satan accepts you as a human, who is destined to advance, stand on his own two feed, and take step by step. And even go through the „flames“ so to speak, as to advance even through pain, and build yourself up again.

So short answer, Satan accepts you. But as things are right now, you do not accept yourself. - This is causing a lot of pain, stagnation and atrophy, which will eventually lead to your downfall.

You need to get out of this.
Satan's thinking is as follows

He doesn't like the "illusion" of identifying yourself as something that isn't you - to him, it's stupid, and it will prevent you from making progress with yourself
Instead of a fictitious version of yourself, you won't make any progress because you don't do anything real.

For example, will you become as good at hunting as a lion or a wolf is?
Will you develop like them, to the point of being given an empowering position in the group?
Will you achieve true greatness?

Or, for example, will a Cat be able to fly?

No, he won't.

Personal opinion, do what you think is good.
The result of the action will come anyway and will certainly bring clarity to things.
If I saw Therians on the street, I would just find it funny and be happy to see something so idiotic.

Their behavior is theirs alone, I have nothing to do with it and I'm happy to have nothing to do with it.

I'd much rather let people do whatever the fuck they want than warn them about something.

If they're heading for the abyss, why bother? Haha
If this is a hobby for you or a part of how you experience yourself, then keep in mind you have the option to keep this private, as strangers are not entitled to know it. Simply by principle, if you consider yourself something other than human, you're unlikely to be understood by a community full of humans. As such, perhaps you should avoid being open about it unless you're in a community of like-minded people; this goes for any deviation from social norms, as you will learn as you grow up more. For further information, you can look up what "masking" is.

Satan understands the full truth of who you are, on a level in which this categorization is unnecessary: you are simply you in your entirety, including all your feelings and experiences, regardless of what you or other people choose to call it. If you wish to understand more about what this means subconsciously, I recommend you look up what "substitute beliefs" are.
Consider the following example: Shapeshifting is a common occurrence in the realm of dreams. Does experiencing this mean you aren't human? No, because physically you are. Yet the words that you're something else may be the simplest way to express what you experienced in a dream, and such a dream is full of meaningful signs about matters within your subconscious, all of which factors into who you are as a person.

Talking about this can be a way to explore what this really means about you as a person. But when you use categorical phrasing such as, I quote: "my Therian types are a cross Fox, a bear, and a lion," the actual meaning of it and what you actually experienced will be lost on most people.

If you want to be understood, you have to frame things in a way the audience can understand it. It's not necessarily your hobbies or feelings that would make you an outcast, but it's the inability to mask the things that make you different from most people when appropriate. Or to put it in a way that might be easy for you to understand: in order to live in a human society, you have to play by human rules (though it is true that some "rules" will depend on the local culture and the kind of people you surround yourself with).

Regardless, the crux of this is that Satan understands your subconscious, and therefore things like identity or phrasing are irrelevant - so yes, Satan accepts you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
