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Taoist - 3 wun days training / calling back your soul

What training does it correspond to us

  • 3 main chakras = 3 dan tian

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Mar 10, 2024

Gong sun (yang metal monkey) day training was to repel the worms from their residence in 3 dan tian. In one word a type of cleaning and holding back out new impurities.. These worms are probably what we call gross of the chakras that has became a sentient thougthform. But it is true that even if one day we clean perfectly all chakras, interactions with the universe may add new gross. This is therefore an endless process. As I said coincidence is that there is in total 9 worms (7 chakras + 2 knots).

But we do not have 9 wun (hun on internet) just 3 which are our higher spirits residing in 3 dan tien. They tend to go out, so this is a similar training talked in other article calling back shen/consciousness/presence. The concept here is opposite of 3 worms, we want to call these 3 part of our soul back in us since they tend to go out body some date like 3 worms.

On internet, you will find that there is one of sky, earth, humanity, in one word one for each the 3 words (body is divided in 3 section) which center are 3 dan tian. They help perceive and communicate with spirit and divinities and are part of our soul. Different technics are used to nourish and purify them. But as usual nothing detailed about the training.

On Taoist sorcery :

Before going to sleep at night, knocking the teeth and call three souls, repeat three times, if do daily can enhance divinity energy, essence surrounding body, disease does not invade the body, ghosts afraid of to come close.

Like other times I just put the notes and if needed commentaries.If yous see dots it is because they are notes on different years or courses learning



Les Trois Ames Hun : Une Exploration des Dimensions Spirituelles dans la Philosophie Taoïste

Hun and po - Wikipedia

Understanding the Human Soul | Daoist Gate

Taoist Models of Hun and Po, Part Two | Acupuncture Today


Wun mean soul/spirit, are the higher spirits, usually stay in the liver.

2 days 6 month = gong sun + 3 spirit. These 3 month they leave body.

At night theses 3 goes in the eyes (so they moved), in day they stay in the liver.

3 wun – highest spirit, is in liver, the shape is like human, they wear green clothes, inside is yellow clothing.

InTCM wood is green, liver, jupiter so the dressing out is green and yellow is earth, Saturn, spleen. There is probably a relationship here. Zeus, sky, air is covering planet earth. References to eyes is because they are exit liver.

Abandon the body and wandered outside.

3 tan tien = 3 keys = jade pure (sky for sage), upper pure (for real one) supreme pure (for hsien/saint)


on 3, 13,23 lunar calendar of each month

Use 1000 calendar or tong shu one :

3rd is 31/1/2025; 13th 10/2/2025; 23rd 20/2/2025

As you guess real lunar calendar corresponding to your emplacement may differ for the date. 1st day is new moon. For montreal, new moon is 29/1/2025 so real 3rd day is still 31/1, 13 is 10/2; 23 20/2/2025. But after checking different 4 time zones, it seems more to affect the hour of the starting lunar day itself. Since I am no expert about astrology, it has to be verified.

Moon Phases Calendar - January 2025, Lunar Calendar 2025 January


  • Permission (visualize and mantras)
  • Visualization fire
  • Call names of your 3 soul (mantras)
  • Invocation (programming energy)


Before performing either the controlling of the 3 wuns or restraining the 7 parks, secrets invoke the name of the 3 shens in the 3 ones (sam yut) and at the same time imagine they are jade in colour, radiant gold with the form of a newly born baby, the upper and middle yuens in scarlet clothes while the lower yuen in yellow clothing

These Shen are higher spirit, the big bosses, the 3 ones responsible of the 3 dan tian. Before doing something we need permission . As satanist I prefer idea that we are referencing to a way to empower the container, the chakra itself before working with what is inside. Imagine heating ceramic pot instead metal one, excess heat will break the pot in ceramic before melting metal one.Therefore my belief is that their name is a mantra to enhance the power of 3 dan tian. But teacher did not like us apply it as mantras (elongate consonant and vowels sound as we do) he just say the name.

Their names are :

Upper In the headcheck ji alias yuen seenCheck2 ji2 vs yune4 sin1 red son vs chief/1st ancestor
Middle in the heartjun yun alias ji darnJan1 yan4 vs ji2 daan1true person vs son cinnabar
Lower in the navelying yi alias yuen yeung jiYing1 found similar but sound is maau6) vs yune4 yeung4 ji2infant (appearance) vs chief/1st yang son

2 First column are from notes, next 2 ones are by searching.
Remember that Chinese in the past always had 2 names : one for stranger, one for the family.
We are lucky that I have the Chinese character. There is only one that I have found but prononciation do not correspond.


Visualise red fire, at night 11 o clock

Empty mind first.

He in bed like corpse, no pillow, as flattest as possible. Close feet (touching) + arms like pharaohs. Close eyes

Hold breath 30 second to 1 minute

Think, visualise red air of chicken size grow and rises up to throat, surround and wrap all body.

Obviously vapor in this case get out by mouth to fill aura

Suddenly burst to flames, like red hoar (charcoal). No stop before feel heat in body then relax

Red is color of fire. When we rob wood sticks it is heat first then appear flames, so this a type of invocation of heat to a point that all burst in flames around you (aura), and body will look like a red charcoal

Before saying that visualise fire, red chi at the low dan tien, lay down in bed, clear mind, comfortable than imagine small candle flame at navel gradually growing surrounding (color red) all the body. When feel warmer you are burn by fire. 15 min at least then say incantation one time and rest 2 min on bed. You can use the visualisation anytime, better on the nights.

More effective on the nights said. Can do it every time.

Place must be clean no excess in darkness and light or else.

You should lye in bed flat, take away the pillow, stretch out your legs, cross you hands on you heart, close your eyes

Hold your breath 3 times
Knock teeth 3 times
Visualise the inside your heart there is red chi, the size of it begins in a small size,. Inside it goes to the throat, it Spread out with light

Many variants of the teacher, but you know that heart in TCM is fire and red, therefore here the source of fire

Cover the whole body then when become fire burning the body until you feel the body slightly hot (warm)
Then you call the name of the 3 wun in a low voice (Secretly)

Knock teeth
Use red dragon (tongue) in mouth, swallow the jade liquid (saliva) in 3 separate times.
Hold breath
Start visualisation (arms cross on heart, left on top)

western have variant of pharaos posture for meditation. One is sit on chair, here we lye down like the death. Since no instruments in hands it is closed fist but he just put palms face to body. Western like put right on left like all images traced in Egypt, here is left on right. There is a reason here : left seen from outside is yin or calling, opening, inviting. Right is yang, therefore guarding from outside influences, protection, pushing back. Same concept as where must face the trump of Ganesha (remove or put obstacles). The main goal here is not repulsing our 3 souls that are gone out but calling them back in us so we must be opened to receive them

Red chi go out throught the 2 eyes to the foot
Red chi around body becomes big flame
When fell warm say incantation

This is an other variant or a precision : In upper text he said red move to throat thant out, here it is by eyes.


Visualise black and white

Ancient technic is green bull Taoist

Imagine the 3 chi (balls black on top white on top yellow)

Just coincidence that black and white gives grey, grey and yellow gives green on internet, green is color liver, residence In day of the 3 wun.

3 elemetns, 3 chi grow independently until they merge into one big mist and become a fire in the same time independently.

The 3 = green clothes out and yellow inside

  • we do not want them to wander away
  • flat in bed like corpse, no pillow, hands crossed as pharaos right on left
  • eyes closed. Empty mind.
  • Hold breath knock teeth 3 times
  • in heart red gaz grow then up through throat out to cover body, no stop. Red gaz becomes at end flames burning all around inside and out like red hot charcoal.
  • Stop when warm then call 3 names


call these 3 , 3 times :

Song2 ning6fresh divinesong2 ling4ling is spirit soul, internet and lowee down showa that i mispelled it
Toy1 gwong1
womb liketoy 4 gwong1gwong means light, since i am french i misunderstood it
Yao1 jing1dark essence/sperm

In drawing that goes with incantation, son ling is at left toi gwong, yao ching is at his right, both facing toy. tacher said Song is 1st, toy 2nd, yao 3rd. Not said by teacher but it may be their emplacement in dan tian.

3 Wun / sam wouan :

  • Song ling
  • Toy gouang - fresh divine
  • Yao ching -stop

Seeing that other note, it is ling not ning. So use ling4. Other divergence of writing here is the way i heard it. Translation fresh divine is not here assigned to right hun and must be my mistake (diverge from chracter meaning and internet)

Pronunciation must be correct for invocation

  • (up diagonal) toy gouang (straight up) – fresh divine
  • (up diagonal) song ling (down diagonal) ling is really low
  • (up diagonal) yao jing (straight up) stop
  • (up diagonal) sarm wouan (down diagonal)
  • (up diagonal) gop jue (horizontal) quickly say

There is 2 way to write Cantonese, with number or different accents over the vowel


When do incantantion pure mind, serious

Do not analyse it

Visualization without incantantion is not performant

Cantonese text :

1st column is prononciation of my teacher, 2nd the result of searching with chinese character. 3r column is meaning and bold is my result of searches

Ji2 mé6 yuen6 goan1
joan1 wong6 chi2 ching1
loy8 lin8 sam1 wun6
toy1 gwong1 on1 ling6
sun6 bo2 yok9 sut4
yu7 ngoh7 keuil1 sung1
but4 duk4 mong7 doan8
garm1 je2 tai3 ling6
yeuk9 yok9 fe1 hung 6
wai6 ngai3 seung 8 ching1
yeuk9 yao7 gé1 hot5
duk4 yum2 yoke9 jing1
song2 ling6 woo8 ngoh7
sam1 toy1 yeurn7 ngoh7
yao1 jing1 bo2 sung1
gup4 gup4 yu6 leurt9 ling8 chik4
ji2 mei4 yuen4 gun1
jung1 wong4 chi2 ching1
noi6 lin6 (quite close looking) saam1 wan4
toi1 gwong1 on1 ning4
san4 bou2 yuk6 sut1
yu5 (character closest to) ngo5 keuil1 sang1
bat1 dak1 mong5 dung6
gaam 1 (got only bottom) je2 taai3 ling4
yeuk6 yuk6 fei1 hang4
? ngai6 seung6 ching1
yeuk6 yau5 gei1 hot3
? yam2 yuk6 jing1
? ling4 wu6 ngo5
saam1 toi4 yeung5 ngo5
? jing1 bou2 sang1
gap1 gap1 yu4 leut6 ling6 closest is chik1
(name constellation ) black official
middle yellow (together is earth/navel ) begin blue/green
inside train/perfect 3 soul
foetus light/ray safe peace
god treasure (sun bo is name emperor) jade room
with me completely gives birth to
not get rash motion/action
prison/supervise just/merly , greatest soul/mind
as if wish fly conduct/travel
? go to upper clean up/pure/clear
as if have hunger thirsty
? drink jade energy/semen
(name wun= ? soul) protect me
(name wun = 3 support) support me
(? energy/sperm) preserve/defend life
(standard ending) emergency emergency in accordance with under control command imperial decree)

Dificulty is that each character have many separate meanings , there is combination character that change too, same sound correspond also to many characters

Teacher Cantonese traduction :

ji may mystical palace yellow cord (central yellow) (spleen stomach) beginning coming green

Inside purify
internally purify the 3 wun
toy 6 wong peaceful
the divine treasure jade chamber
join together with me
you cannot move around
those who supervise are supreme divine
if you want flying around
you only need to reach upper high
if you have hunger thirsty
then you can drink the jade essence

SON LING protect me (song2 ling6 woo8 ngoh7
SARM TOY nourish feed me (sam1 toy1 yeurng7 ngoh7
YAU SING preserve life (yao1 sing1 but later say jing1 … bo2 sing1 )

** note sing is jing1 whith character traced)

commanding the spirit

** TOY GWONG YIN SUNG (extend life) = Toy1 gwong1 …
** SONG LING YICK LOKE (bring benefit) = Song2 ning6 …
** YAU JING JUET SAY (keep away death) = Yao1 jing1 …

** It is not part chinese text invocation given , must be his adding as a variant but here it is curious same character toy gwong in poem is real name on a wun to call back

GUP GUP YUE LEUT LING = gup4 gup4 yu6 leurt9 ling8

End by knocking teeth 3 times
Hold breath 3 times
Stay for few minutes

As said incantation are often tips training. Fist we look at meaning then We can extrapolate the training :

  • Ji2 mei4 or purple tiny is said by teacher to be a constellation.I found out that it is tied to purple forbidden (2 characters). the character are used in left and right wall. Since the right wall includes ursa major (great bear), draco and camelupardalis and called the 7 guardian stars (again 7 chakras ties?), it cames to my mind the importance of great bear for Taoist and mantak chia. And also in Necronomicon where pointing its tail has importance for training (depend season).
  • Cord imply attaching 2 things or a passage so bring the energies of great bear to 6th chaka then to solar plexus by tongue / saliva. Still an other in interpretation could be tye each chakra to each star, one purple in them bring all to 6th etc… I enjoyed once an old witch anime with a cane with 7 balls in form of great bear or saint zeia fighting the 7 heroes of the great bear (Nordic).
  • In stomach region (solar plexus) see yellow becoming green (Saturn becomes Jupiter).
  • This light purify after the 3 wun that reside in 3 dan tian (2 4 6 chakra)
  • Toy wong is a general, not found on internet. Important here it is also the name of one hun. By tracing yao jing is sex / earth soul but considered the most subtle; song ling is mind / middle and for Chinese mind is heart; toi gwong is vitality and said to be the lower of the 3. Vitality is jing, lower dan tian.
  • At peace means not at war, so administrative task, since the ties found it is lower dan tian, 2nd chakra but higher up I described the image coming with incantation placing toy at center. If it is middle dan tian, why say join with me if he is already at 4th ?
  • Divine treasure jade chamber => jade liquid is a name of saliva, jade chamber therefore is 6th chakra, bringing energy from 6th .
  • where is me ?. Westerner when they say I am they knock their heart, in one word 3 purified soul/energies of 3 dan tian mix at middle dan tian. And you program energy so they stay here in you, in body with help toy wong
  • Upper high is in head. 3 wun tend go up, so we are saying no further up then crown. But what goes up must come down, probaly microcosmic orbit reference.
  • Jade chamber is upper dan tien, jade essence is ambrosia or result energy training in 6th pass in saliva. Therefore it means fusion all energy rise from 4th (last emplacement wun) to 6th chakra them bring ambrosia by swallowing saliva to stomach (3rd chakra). Funny thing the term jing means also semen. Could it be that jing 2nd must be send to 6th then once transformed goes to stomach ?
  • Other programming energy according to each function of the 3 wun. But logicly it means they are separated and back at their home first.
  • Ending confirmation of program


  • Visualise great bear in star (marmit), each star purple, purple rays of each converge to crown then 6th down pathway charging saliva, then swallowing saliva , at solar plexus separate charge and vessel, in solar plexus charge make yellow green
  • Once fully green separate in 3 dantian were are placed after the 3 wun, purifying its contains including 3 wun there (intent and visualization)
  • mantra toy wong in 2nd chakra to activate and brought to 4th
  • energy 6th chakra goes to 4th too. (variant may be jing energy from 2nd up to 6th then to 4th.
  • Program energy 3 wun in 4th to not move out
  • If wanna move, only permit to higher or crown may be probably programming them only to move in microcosmic orbit.
  • Concentrate , again on 6th, energy 6th produce ambrosia, saliva, nourish the 3 wun in 3 dan tian. (imply wun are in 3 dan tian)
  • Program 3 wun according to their function.
  • Program to fix firm all suggestions . Translation could be like emergency emergency in accord with imperial decree I keep you under control and command you to follow orders.


First the notes are sometimes the sound as I heard them and after the teacher gave the tone. But sometimes he wrote down the word and tone on blackboard. How come when I find the Chinese character the Cantonese sound differ ? It may be because now there is only 6 tones not 9.

Recurrence seems old 4 become 1, 7 become 5, 8 and 9 become 6, old 6 new 4…

If you want the real original sound Counting number in these order "394052786" in Cantonese, will give the nine tones in order Romanization (Yale) saam1, gau2, sei3, ling4, ng5, yi6, chat7, baat8, luk9) even if now dictionary tones for numbers differs. There a video on you tube to gives rough idea how to pronounce the old way.

In summary we understand that we are purifying the body like case 3 worms with red fire then specificly put in the 3 dan tian green. Since hun are said to reside in liver in day (green), it looks like more making the best residence with good food and drink to charm the wun to stay.

Starting the fire can be done different ways (variants starting fire ) and go out either by throat or eyes to fill aura. Calling is a code for mantra. If I say i am calling god to manifest in my heart it means vibrating a god name (akasha) and put it in heart either 4th or 6th chaka (egyptians said we have 2 heart).

In satanic perspective, my understanding is :

  • Gong sun day is best day to clean 3 dan tian and destroy gross there. Nothing stop us for doing same for 9 worms or basicly 7 chakras and 3 knots or on daily basis (back middle and front line chakra). But the 3 wells are the most important in us, the center of 3 word that affect the whole of each corresponding section body. This is why emphasisis of taoist on these 3 even in magic (article on it). In the gong sun days the responsible of bad things (illness…) go out of body. Idea is we purify their garbage left and close the gates so they cannot come back.

  • We can resume the 3 wun technic as cleaning 3 dan tian, empower the container itself (chakra) with their regent name then making them best residence to attract and place the 3 wun by their name that we nourish after with ambrosia. My understanding is that you can do it each day, but as 3 worms, on specific days they go more out of body. Too long out body may imply difficulties like illness, walking dead (part soul mising), so we do the best room to attract them back and maintain them there or in body (wanna move just move in microcosmic orbit).

  • Can we alter this since we are no chinese. Well the chakras have each 3 gods : woman and man and an other responsible of containing element. So using their bijas or god names may help reinforcing the chakra. But we have no wun name for the 3 dan tian apart like greek (zeus poseidon hades are regent heaven ,earth/sea, hell). Still 3 gods allways come back in hindu myth : shiva vishnu (defend lot human = earth, mostly assigned to heart chakra) brahma . I am sure satanic equivalent gods could be use : enki enlil and erkshigal (sister inanna) or satan belzebuth and our responsable of hell which could be is astarte , osiris or ???? .

  • I am sure it could even be simpler : for cleaning we have on site our variant (ligth) on the site for aura and chakras, next we empower chakras by spining them and using mantras we found corresponding. The question remaining will be after what must be invoked in the 3 wells with mantras to finish to program energy put in. Only thing on site we have in splitting soul section is aura, ligth body , mental body. Are the 3 wells tied to them ? If so they are the one to bring in them. But we haven't found yet mantras that affect directly each part of our soul or the 3 wells.

Next article will be 7 park.

Other REF :

Cantonese phonology - Wikipedia

Nine Tones - Cantonese - Hong Kongese Speak Cantonese

Ziwei enclosure - Wikipedia

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
