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taooist- won tin king / part 1


New member
Mar 10, 2024


Hi everyone

As before I have tried to trace the names either by the character I had or their translation. They are dozens of character tied to a translation but due to sound without tone I was able in many cases to trace the right character. In case failure, it is the way I heard it in class. For the case of upper dan tian and 3 last chapters I had the Chinese character.

Each chapter have practices. I will highlight them since they are everywhere. As I already explained His teaching style was no order of subjects in the course itself and between courses.

Yellow emperor made many poems and books .Note that the book in my notes was sometimes refer as won ting loi ging ging instead won tin king. And on last chapters the title of reference was (chinese character) wong ting noi ging, the yellow court inner scene canon , wong4 ting4 noi6 ging2 or yellow court/main hall inside scene

I have traced on internet an other name huangting neijing jing, scripture of the inner radiances of the yellow court or also named yellow court scripture or jade book. Their partial translation are nearly the same as some chapter or introduction of my teacher. So this must be the corresponding book to it.

16 chapters cannot be put in one post : I will subdivided them in 4 parts.


The Supreme Superior’s Jade Canon on the External view of the Yellow Court - Daoist Textual Studies - The Dao Bums (seems to be an other part, the external one said by my teacher)



Huangting jing

The Yellow Court Illumination Teachings - Sanctuary of Tao

Scripture of the Inner Radiances of the Yellow Court in running-standard script 行楷書《黃庭內景經》四節 (冊・十二頁) - National Museum of Asian Art


Yellow emperor - inner cannon name is (wong tin king)

It is the few most important Taoist canons on cultivation of the way especially indispensable to women. Many woman had achieved the way by following the method and practising the techniques of this canon. The canon consist of 2 volumes: the yellow court inner canon and the yellow court outer canon

Also called :
  • The harmonised/regulate heart scripture of the great high
  • The golden book of the great emperor
  • The jade chapter of the eastern flower


Teacher explained The title himself (wong ting loi ging ging) word by word then with combinations of words, I put here what I felt to be the most important part :

The narrow sense : the empty space 3 inches inside the navel and includes the portal of life, the spleen and the bright hall
The upper and lower halves of the human body from the navel may be compared to the trunk and roots respectively of a tree. The real life force of a plant resides at the dividing line between the roots and the trunk while for man, it is in the navel. A baby inside the womb breathes through placenta cord ending in the navel. After birth the function of the navel cord ends and the orifice of breathing (the nose) opens. The key to hsienship lies in womb breathing which is every breath returning to the root and the root is the pace inside the navel region and this is the wong ting.

*** Is navel middle height of a person (dividing line tree is soil) ? Not my case, half my standing height gives me level lower dan tian. And sitted in Indian posture, my middle will be level heart chakra. My spleen and liver (lower rib cage) are above my navel . But each person is different and unique, this is why compagnies now hire specialist in ergonomy to adjust the environment (desk, screen, chair…) to the individual. I can only conclude that teacher here talk more about a global zone not specific spots on the same line 0f navel and theses spots are tied together somehow.

*** They are internet site that refer embryo breathing to pore/cell breathing or auric breathing. Other say we can reactivate breathing again from navel as if the ombilical cord was still there. As silly it may seems, could we have a ghost part of the ombilical cord ? People that loose an arm often feel as if it is there. Science say that their brain still believe they were there. Occultist said etheric/astral part cannot be destroyed and cause the feeling . But since birth we have no relationship with the onbilical cord tied as the navel. Can rebuilding consciousness of that part reactivate the functions lost (visualisation, breathing by navel, focus) and be in fact a real hidden taoist practice?

From what I found on internet, it is the mother that does the breathing process for the foetus, he do not use his lungs at all, in one word inhalation(o2) and exhalation (co2). . It looks like meridians points are similar to chakras which explain why mantak chia pass energy of planets by the crown chakra (top head, bai hui) or take earth by bubble spring of soles feet. Therefore breathing by navel chakra could be an other training so obvious that no ones though about it. So using chakra breathing (in out) of the site with navel is one step.

Now, breathing from navel stop at first taking of air by lungs which cause the 8 wonderful meridians to close. Someone may conclude that to reverse process we must stop breathing by mouth/nose . This explains the importance of Holding beath (or slow breath), hoping reopening of what was close. In one world, The real goal of holding the breath is breathing from navel again (intent as holding breath) to reopen the 8 meridians closed. The energy by navel once in lower dan tian (zone) pass is send doen to perineum to do the macrocosmic orbit (training chakras ofthe 8 wonderful meridians) . Interrestant that for TCM the 8 are only to store extra energy and untrained people (not spiritual) have normally no extra to put in it.

Note that divinities of organs may well be in fact a representation of the main chakra of the organ. (choa chok sui theory) We do not charge an organ with an element as bardon way but in reality the chakra of it. That chakra will manages the energy as needed. 7 chakras, are assigned to manage section of body ex: (by memory) 2nd chakra is tied to water, the close prostate, urinary system. The 2nd chakra receiving extra energy will redistribute it according to the needs. You can say that The Taoist / chi kung 6 breath technic is a form of invocation of the chinese element in the main chakra of the organ.

EF : How Do Babies Breathe in the Womb?


It can regulate the 3 higher spirits (sam wun) to control the 7 animal spirits (chut park) exterminate the 3 worms (sam see), calm the inner viscera. After practising or even reading it properly for some years, the hearing, sight will improved, grey hair turn black, new teeth will appear and eventually rejuvenation, neither disease nor disaster can harm the person (immunity strong, foresee it, feel it, help to be calm) At this time one can see spirits and ghosts externally and his own viscera internally. It helps to drive out evil spirits and cure sickness. I sickness reciting the canon even one (by heart) or even calling upon the name of the 13 divinities of the various part of the body will help a lot in relieving pain. It was said that if practised devoutly a dying person may be saved.

*** with searches, it seems to be part of the introduction chapter of won tin king

*** Inner viscera on internet are tied to 5 organs, in one world we bring harmony in them and since 5 elements = 5 planets, it may refer to 5 chakras of elements. Of course we miss sun and moon and planet earth chakra. Wasn’t of our classification, 3 dan tian (center line) which are center heaven earth hell zone may have ties to them . Based on descriptions of placements of 3 dan tian , they seems to be 2 4 and 6th chakra on center line even if only one book say middle dan tian = solar plexus, 3rd chakra.

*** IT seems they are a traditional emphasis of 3 gods in charge of zones in many myths. Greek case => sky is zeus, water/earth poseidon, hell hades. These 3 zones are also in the body, and a king reside at the center of his country. Note new age assign sun at 4th not 3rd like us and spleen being quite close to solar plexus is earth, saturn for chinese. By its position it is part lower world. 1st chakra is said to be saturn, element earth but name element earth is also the name of goddess of planet earth itself. Some taoist texts seems to point solar plexus is earth where all comes from and goes back to. With speed planets through zodiac, sun speed is 365 days but in fact it is not the speed of the sun, it is the one of our planet earth moving around the sun. It seems that there is symbolic play here to clarify; in which context we talk about sun or planet earth or zone earth/hell ?


External is shorter

*** we talk about the text or cannon (complilation for chinese is called cannon)

Inner one is a poem, easier to recite

Exclusively for meditation – breathing – visualisation

Ladies can stop easier wandering of the mind. Above medium level.

8 verses * 7 characters * 36 chapters (inner)

*** you will remark that i have commentaries just for 16 chapters.

Won ting : everything when destroy at end turn to earth source. 3 outside empty space (heaven earth inside human)

*** there is always as said up to a recurrent idea tied to number 3 in all myths and religions, Heaven earth hell, heaven human earth, 3 principal gods. In chi kung you can see it too, breathe from sky is heaven, breath from ground is earth , breath from horizon to us is human energy. In my taoist magic articles they link the 3 dan tian by a shaft of ligth to makes things happen and use 3 words as body, aura, ouside aura to work with. You may remark taht usually the magic room have 3 zones : center circle , 2 circular zone including scripts, outside circle. They can be considered as prop to body/etheric (inches following shape body) , circle drawing with program (aura invocation), outer part aura.

Just to tell my experience, I remarked that it is easier charging fire in aura as guarding body and etheric place empty instead putting directly fire in body or in contact skin. In the physical world, whathever the source of heat, we do not touch it or we get burned (charcoal, wood in cheminea, heathers…). But it is probably due to goal /intent or society programmation.

Ref : Taoist Views of the Human Body


To benefit :
  • visualisation meditation breathing and induction (for initiates) => oral keys and special techniques required
  • Recitation, reading aloud with intonation (for laymen and initiates) attentively and diligently reading aloud with intonation (avoid 5 garlics, 6 meats (some) vegetarian except if need it.
If ever read once a day all the book 27 years and have good life, you will be hsien (lowers level)


Loi ging: should be able to call name of spirit (organ) and incantation then that part will get better. It’s names of chi governing that part. 13 major divinities, they are enough for all the body (we visualise it)

** 13 = 13 chakras ? Hic he never gave their names or placements to decide. Apart that we can only suppose 10 is 5 organs yin and yang plus 3 dan tian (just funny coïncidence : 5 chakras front line are yin and back line yang and 3 dan tian at center line).


Meditation is quiet sitting.


In meditation chi concentrated inside, no good wind outside

The HWAAA at end serve to spread it to limbs again. Wind in that time is 3 times dangerous.

Sound :

  • SI … betweern teeth = lungs
  • Hra … = heart

Air go inside organ first 8 time, swallow, drums beat. Since it is autumn can do more lungs.

If smell something (blood) sintky and got nothing = ill omen or if ear sound (thunder..) when nothing doing it

So clean bath, stop all, clean clothes, good heart to others, incense, it is all empty (tolerant..) do not panic, may happen in few days, do not let spirit wander.

*** since it is in won tin king section, you can deduct that he is combining the seasons training of éléments (direction, hour, color, sound…) with calling the respective god of organ.


*** This was probably tied to one chapter not given to us.

I want to point that tien tao chi kung talk about 10 chambers for each dan tian instead of 9 as said in won tin king.. The 10th one is used as a point of entry

  • Upper is horizontal 4 cubes on 6, entrance is behind 3rd eye
  • Middle as lower, the point entry is throat
  • Lower 6 vertical in back 4 in front , the extra room at each extremity. One room in front each other. Entry is spleen
Entry may be just a reference to help placing the 9 rooms. The 9 rooms are in brain so real entry will be after sinus that is behind 3rd eye (rooms are 1 chinese inch as cubes) . Middle dan tian will be in thoracic cage after throat. Lower dan tian will be below spleen (soft part body) . But the last info is probably wrong, spllen is at left body so they probably meant solar plexus (often mix up with spleen)

I guess there were also gods for each chamber middle and lower dan tian but we do not have them..

Just for info, by memory some sites of new age were placing sections like an horizontal person at level 3rd eye and were training these spots as 7 sub-chakras . I wonder if they took it from here ?

You will find that is No easy to vibrate with tones but it gives sensation in brain . Coïncidence may be.

The upper tan tien and the various shens (9 palace)

In one word 4 on top 5, lower row has one more to back
*** usually 3 gods and one on top
1 inch insideBrigh hall palace

Ming tong choan

Ming4 tong4 Gung1
Bright Hall
Imperial palace/temple

Ming toan jun gwun (I heard maing tone john gouan)

Bright lad true one

Ming4 tung4 jan1 gwan1

Bright chid/virgin true ruler

CenterMing gang sun gwun

Bright mirror divine one
Ming4 geng3 san4 gwan1

Ming lui jun gwun

Bright girl true one
Ming4 neui5 jan1 gwan1
1 inch above the ming tong goanHeavenly court palace

Tin ting goan

Tin1 ting4 gung1

Seung ching sun lui

Upper pure divine girl
Seung6 ching1 san4 neui5
2 inch insideNuptial chamber

Dung6 fong4
LeftMo ying gwunMou4 ying1 gwan1
CenterJoan yeung wong lo gwun
Central yellow old one
Jung1 yeung1 wong4 lou5 gwan1

Middle center (2 character combine) …
rightBark yuen gwun
White prime one
Baak6 yun4 gwan1
.. first/head ..
1 inch above the nuptial chamberGig jun goan

Gik6 Jan1 gung1
Extremity true palace

Tai gig dite fay

The tai chi emperor’s concubine
Taai3 gik6 dai3 fei1

Greatest extremity emperor concubine/wife prince
3 inch insideTan tien
Darn tin goan

Light yuen goan
Soil pill palace

Daan1 Tin4 gung1
Red/cinabar Field palace

Nai4 Yun2 gung1
mud Ball/pill palace
LeftSeung yuen chek ji gwun (I heard seurn yun)
Upper prime scarlet son
Seung6 yun4 chek3 gwan1

Up first kinf of red
CenterSeung yuen jun yut gwun
Upper prime true one emperor
Seung6 yun4 jan1 yut1 dai3 Gwan1
rightDight hing gwun
Emperor’s comcubine
Dai3 hing1 gwan1

Emperor minister
1 inch above the tan tien goanSarn yuen goan
Tan mystic

Yuen darn goan
Mystic tan palace

Joan wong tye yut gwun

Central yellow supreme one
Jung1 wong4 taai3 tay1 gwan1
4 inch insideLou jue goan

Flowing pearl palace

lau4 jyu1 gung1

Lou ju jun sun

Governing life
Lau4 jyu1 jan1 san4
1 inch above the lou jue goanTye wong goan
Supreme emperor palace

taai3 wong4
Yao seung gwun
Supreme high one

Male : hoan yut (male one)

Female: chi yut (female one)
taai3 seung6 gwan1

hung4 yut1

chi 1 yut1
5 inch insideYoke dight goan
Jade emperor palace
Yoke ching sun mo
Jade pure divine mother
Yuk6 ching2 san4 mou5

Pronounce with intention

9 squares palaces on head are much used in won tin king. Visualisation is always child

Ming tone john (up) gouan (up)

Ming eye

Ming gang sun (low) gwun

Down middle = low guttural

Up middle = more female voice

Baby wearing green brocade (dress…)

4 belts, mirror hold by mouth (flat) they face outside human body in front or face one an other.

If sound annoy you visualise them ring a bell. Feel something do not like, mirrors send red light

After 10 minutes knock teeth, swallow saliva, invoke their name

Left = female, middle both sex right = male.

Wong = yellow = earth= central

Ting = court = void

The central void is inside the navel : place of kidney who is the door of life. Concerned about tis place because of womb breathing (purpose of cannon) Womb breathing is prenatal, after birth is antenatal or postnatal.

  • Knock teeth (ch 4 won tin king) : thunder roar and lightning strike.
  • Nose rubbing (ch6) : mountain in heaven
  • Swallow saliva (ch 3 and 4) : irrigate 5 flowers, swallow divine liquid
  • Rub face all (ch6) : heart of the cloud
  • You can in all theses cases call names won tin in same time.
After 7/10 massage, rub palm again (must got heat). Any time wonder away, reverse seeing for man lower dan tian, lady upper dan tian.

*** since there is no chakras in taoism, 5 flowers are 5 organs but for us we know chakras and they are often at points used by taoist for training, therefore irrigate 5 lower chakras (5 elements) is an option. SInce no details, we may have one gulp for each. Do we must follow an order ? Since 5 chakras are in order hindu creation of the worls, we may supposes a birth cycle top bottom or reverse if we choose bottom up. I believe no details given is because main goal is just to send the flow to them.

Call names is not clear about to which one. Since we are in section upper dan tian, it must be them. But there is gods for teeth, nose, tongue, face too so it could mean calling them for a better work of these parts.

Steps for work (general) :
  • Refinement of the cereals from ching
  • ….. the ching for chi
  • …. The chi for shen
  • … shen for void
  • … void for tao

Cereals => transform what we eat, take the best from it; for (avoid specially beef) nourishing body.

Won tin king begin at stage 2 of refinement, correspond to the opening of the 8 channels. Naturally, you won’t like meat and want to go further. Second is cutting the 3 worms, guarding the gong sun.

For 3rd, better have guardian and be far from society, you will look like unconscious, earthly sin (help). At 3rd they are hallucination, just mental practices, mental problems.

** Funny, the book that i commented talk about these stages where you have all symptoms to be dead with illusions to figth against. You may compare the stage as yogic masters (slow breath, slow cardiac rythm), you are dead for people (cannot sense pulse or breath) but not new technology. Sometimes I wonder if stories of vampires or catholic saints (look dead but body alive) may not be tied to it, a training of pagan (so hey are evi, vampire) or a robben training by the church. Of course vampire in the sense of robbing energy wilingly or not does exist and if hey do not have their dosis they have problems of health. Put a vampire body face to ground in a culshion makes it hard to breathe. No heart (physical crushed) or no heart (spiritual in head, cut it) imply no circulation of energy/blood in body.

For 4th and 5th are golden sin.

The 5 organs is to store ching, chi, 5 elements.

Prenatal organ for man is kidney, woman is liver

Postnatal organ for both is spleen and stomach

*** Sin is sound heard, but it is often written hsien and means saint.

Man produce jing/semen from kidneys, woman produce blood (ovulum destroyed) which is tied to liver / blood. We can deduct that this is the reason for choosing them as prenatal organs since we need jing to make the body.

What is the Wood Element in TCM? Unlocking the ... - Guided By El

Chap 1 – Upper pure

Upper pure ,purple cloud palace , void emperor before
Supreme high grand tao jade morn lord
At ease dwelling (at) pistils and stamens palace compose 7 characters (stanza)
Spread out, transform 5 shapes change 10 000 divinities(spirits)
Called yellow court said inner chapter
Harmonize heart 3 piles (tan-tin) dance embryo hsien
The 9 chis reflecting, bright, out from heavens
Spiritual cover lad giving of purple smoke
This is jade book (that) can (be) meticulously (whole heartedly) examined
Reading it 10 000 times then rise above the 3 heavens
1 000 disasters then disappear, 100 diseases cured
Not afraid of tigers, wolves fierceness(ferocity)
But also as banishing old age life forever prolonged.

Teacher comments :

Seung ching / literally upper pureIs one of the 3 realms in Taoist religion
Ji ha, yui hu (purple cloud , pistil & stamens in flowersAre names of palaces in heaven
Kum sumHarmonized the heart
Sam deepThe 3 tan tien in man
Toi seenEmbryonic hsien, an immortal who breathes as an embryo inside the womb
Sun goi, toan ji (spiritual cover lad)Imply respectively the eye-brows and the eyes
Sung ji yeen (giving off purple smoke)mean that purple smoke the refined chi emerge from eyes
Jade bookAn alternate but euphemistic name of the won tin king
Joan ji marn gwor sing sarm tin (reading it … 3 heavens)Reading with intonation 10 000 times then ascend to the 3 heavens; means primarily practise the skill as often as possible then tao can be achieved through the normal familiar steps of lower middle and upper tan tin and only secondarily actual reciting or reading the canon

*** I see it as : energy from void down 7 chakras (stanzas) then 3 dan tian to finish in all being; 10 000 is often a symbol of infinite training. Breath 9 chis of heaven as light flow down so eyes and eyebrows become purple, from them smoke fill aura. It is quite similar to 7 park training, 3 wun one. The 9 chis source, the purple color seems to be tied by tradition on internet to the 7 visible star of great bear combine with the 2 assistant (one on each side tail) . As for hindu taoist probably have a god assigned to it.

The Big Dipper is the mother of the stars of the Dipper. Her complete name is ‘Nine-Spirited Supreme Subtle Grandma Primordial Sovereign of the Night Rays and Golden Essence of the White Jade Tortoise Platform”. She is also called ‘Pure Vital Breath Sovereign of the Big Dipper of Middle Heaven”, ‘Primordial Queen of Supreme Simplicity, Purple Rays, Bright Wisdom and Kind Benevolence, and Heavenly Lord of Golden Perfected Holy Virtue”. She is also called ‘Great Perfect Queen of Moonligh. Breathing the numinous wind, gathering the purple void energy, she has attained the mysterious and numinous Sublime Dao, and releases infinite subtle rays penetrating the Pool of Essence. Nine golden lotuses, as incarnations of the rays, give out greater and greater light after seven days in the pood he Nine Emperors of the Dao Body are the Nine Stellar Sovereigns of the Dipper. According to the Seven Slips of a Cloudy Satche, “the Nine Stars are the numinous root of the Nine Heavens, the bright bridge of the sun and moon, and the ancestral abyss of all things. Therefore, Heaven has nine Vital Breaths corresponding with the Nine Stars .

This is why 9 basic steps of big dipper rituals were created atthe beginning of taoism. The 2 extra star are alcor A and B.


taoism 9 stars of big dipper - Recherche Images

The Big Dipper: Origins & Function in Taoism, 9 Steps of Yu - Healing Tao USA

Apart that purple = red and dark blue/black, so fire and water. Eyes are sun and moon. It may imply once energy in, use 3rd and 6th chakra mixing their contains. Remember for westerner eyes are soul mirror. Many movies shows possessed people with black eyes, energetic one red eyes color (werewolf serie), witches or monster with golden eyes, demon black eyes, angel white ligth. In one world the whole inside of the body has a color/ force and because of holes we remark them (ears, nose, open eyes, open mouth).

Tiger and wolf here should be our own impurities (we kill / stop them before they kill us, a purification to do). The whole text is probably just a summary of the details of next chapters (gods name/mantras, function of each organ and what to visualize )


Especially suitable for woman

jade liquid = refinement of the body (technic of won tin ging 8 psychich channes opens)

Golden elixir = refinement of the body (when spirit can go out an appear to people)

Can be used to heal, calm mind

All classics are classified by this 3

2 ways of practice :

  • Visualise organs, spirit inside organ (small child, boy or girl) Alone do it, meditation, recite names of divinities
  • Ordinary people is read it one time by day 27 years, read words distinctly undisturbed

Seung chingjade liquid refinement (opening the 8 channels, heart region
Purple cloudsIs golden elixir
Opening is the basic level, 1st stage to obtain before going through 1st level

Golden elixir in order proper work :
  • Refinement ching to chi
  • Refinement chi to shen
  • Refinement shen to void
  • Refinement void to tao
So means that this wong tin contain 1st refinement.

Purple = red + black = fire + Water , water on fire trigram, means they are balanced, condition for refinement, cloud is chi, mental concentration + …

For man begin to concentrate lower dan tian, 2nd is middle one….
Dwelling at wase
for practice stay at ease
embryoWhen reach it no need breathe by nose, result practicing wong tin king
Can draw energy from heavens, 9 chi = 5 organs + 4 others, they do not consider the 6
Eye is the soul so eye brow is spiritual cover so under it there is a young boy (eyes). Real chi will come there
readRead mean practice it really often, incense, direction
3 heavenFor men is 3 dan tien

3 sky = 3 region body :
  • Jade pure (yoke ching), real men
  • Upper pure (seung ching) Hui wong is his ruler, Sage men
  • Great pure (tai ching), lao tzu is his ruler, hsiens men

*** just to do a remark, since it is not clear. His comments may imply that we put a boy in each eye for a practice.

It is funny emphasis on animes where the powerful guy got fots over eyebrows or huge eyebrows mispalced higher. I haven’t search but it is possible that they are 2 small chakras there ? It could explain why we see the ingwaz (Germanic) on front of an evil girls with mind powers in superman serie . 4 dots will be : 3rd eye, 2 dot over eyebrow (are higher than 3rd eye) and an extra which may be manas. It may imply also to use that rune of fertility there. The hindu circle may have been a losange at first as correction of runes to current latin letters (most are same, an angle becomes a circle eg : kenaz, a line is moved up or down eg: tiwas or either shorten or longer : othala, half is taken out : dagaz, )

He explain now here the 9 chi which scrap my theory of great bear. No specification what are the 4 others. But since it is in the sky, it may well be sun, moon, stars (other planets), great bear (due to its importance in taoism) . also In chap 2 he gave a reference for the 4 chi which may point to stars or prime chi of the season (used 5 breath in respective season, earth being in section fire for training, it means only 4). As for 6, on internet TCM say 6 yang organs which are 5 yang organs (2 intestine, stomach and 2 bladder) and triple burner.

REF : The Triple Burner (San Jiao) According To Chinese Medicine

If the article pass, other will follows.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
