This is the part 3 of 4.
Notes that with training, knowledge given in our site and forum we can extrapolate ideas of the Taoist training referred in the text. But only someone higher up can trace the details and real training.
Text often used the term called as to point the Chinese mantras, sometimes it just add the word spirit to point it out. Teacher in one chapter seems to indicate that the description is sometimes also the hidden name.
Chap 7- the supreme tao
Superior tao not complicated (and the secret) key (lies in) visualize the real (i.e shen) Mud pill 100 joints/segments all have shen (spirits) Hair shen ,black + white, flower alias supreme prime (tye yuen) Brain shen ching root alias mud pill (light yuen) Eye shen bright above alias strong mystical (ying yuen) Nose shen jade mound (a rise in land) alias divine secure (ling gean) Ear shen empty leisure alias deep field (yau tin) Tongue shen comprehend fate alias correct/proper order/regularity Teeth shen ngoc peak’s alias gather thousands (shens) The whole face’s shens presided by mud pill Mud pill 9 real all have chambers Square round one inch located in here All clothed purple clothes flying(light) lower garment Just thing of one part life not ending Not individually at random located residing brain inside Arranging position in order sitting facing external direction What is visualizes in the heart naturally mutually responding |
The supreme tao is not at all complicated and its secret lies in retaining the real Although there may be gods (divinities) throughout the 100 parts of the body The lay yuen (mud pill) is the god of all gods The god of hair being pale (or grey) is called the TAI YUEN (supreme origin) The god of brain being the root of ching is called LAI YUEN (mud pill) The god of eyes being clear abode is called YING LUEN (flourishing, mystical) The god of nose being jade wall is called LING GEAN (divine, solid) The god of ears being empty and leisurely is called the YAU TIEN (secluded field) The god of tongue being comprehending destiny is called JING LUN (proper order) The god of teeth being mountainous like is called LOR CHEEN (displaying thousands) The master of the gods in the head is the lai yuen The 9 reals in the lai yuen have chambers Each chamber occupies a space of 1 inch In each of these 9 gods are clothed in purple robes Just dwell on (contemplate) one part of it then one can enjoy and unlimited life-span These are not scattered throughout but all located in the brain And they are all positioned respectively facing outward The visualisation (of each of these gods) lies at the heart. |
*** the text explain training : key training is visualization of the gods in 6th chakra (mud pill), joints (joint got chakras on our site, we concentrate on them for arms and legs macrocosmic orbit). Following are names, the mantras for parts of head. Then it gives the visualization gods in 9 section dan tian, precising that the great leader is the general key. It must means that the general name mantra affect all head but as usual subordinates names are specialized effect . We can compare it to the example of Lakshmi mantra. Abundance in general that we program instead taking the specialized abundance corresponding to each planet (other name of lakshmi) . Last phrase explain the process; heart here is the mind.
9 Gods dan tian got purples robes face out. Since it is 4 identical rooms on 5 (wasn’t the 5th it will make a rectangle divided equally in 8), where is out ? Since entry upper dan tian is 3rd eye, we can deduct they all face it if we choose that the entry is also the exit and forget back doors.
Note that we have now the tongue name which is to be used in last chapter in my article part 2.
Due to purple here is upper dan tian, my commentaries chap2 article part one where I placed purple in lower dan tian can be wrong. Depending context, Purple is sometimes refine chi going out by 3rd eye as a smoke therefore by western idea that soul is seen through eyes ,it may be what is seen is contain of whole body or what is directly behing it, 6th chakra. Purple can also be combination sun and moon or fire and water or energy heart and kidneys. Note that From our site and forum indigo or bluish violet is 6th chakra. Violet and purple for humans are also hard to distinct (according to internet). So my corrected version training for chap 2 will be putting white (moon = water, white are sperms, 2nd chakra = water) in lower dan tian, yellow in middle one (sometimes said to be 3rd chakra / sun / yellow court, 4th as connector have direct exchange with 3rd (closest) which explain the game 4 = 3, 3 = 4... just catch it, it may explains why catholics repeat trinity / 3 =1 since 1+2+3+4 = 10, 1+0=1), and finally purple in upper dan tian.
In fact, I wonder how is applied the context. Example : The guarding one exercise (save jing/semen/water to program) after boiling it by adding fire has many variants. Fire is done by friction so easy to think of masturbation, sexual union since Phallus of man is connected to prostate (ejaculation of contains prostate, zone lower dan tian) and for ladies vagina is close to the zone too. Movement will increase fire, boiling jing, adding motion and pressure in it. Intéressant to precise that in technic The resulting energy/air of lower dan tian is used to pass in spine (microcosmic orbit, ouroboros) but to do so it pass first by perineum where is 1st chakra, kundalini. If we complicate our life, hot air only move up, therefore they must be an exit higher up but all training taoist that i have traced talk passing by perineum. My guess is due to the pomping /pulling energy. That may explain in part why kundalini is linked to sex, jing or chi move up attracting it like dragon in search of the flying moon/pearl (can be seen as condensed energy of..). The question remains in what we program generative energy. Just moving it of place energy is just one step. I am rereading the site, i is interessant to compare the magnum opus with this exercise.
The common interpretation repeated by teacher although true may be just an incomplete understanding (corruption or distraction ?) fire = heart = mind for taoist. As you know in chi kung mind attention/fire brings heat or energy where it focus. Fire is also motion, yang, ligth and what is a boiling ? Motion water/jing done by any means (spinning chakra , spin contains, shaking by friction, attention …), it implies like western alchemy how mutch you put in marmit (stimulation production jing) , how mutch fire to put . As you deduct, too fill imply overflow when it boils, to mutch fire and contains disappear rapidly. Naturally, it is one step, the enxt is what will be the programming .
But the easiest way to think based on a chakra system is energy of 3rd chakra (fire element is 3rd chakra) is moved in second (water element is 2nd chakra), an evident option that seems unsaid up to now.
Apart that 2nd chakra and 6th may have some hidden ties too. The link between sea and rain, W/v/u and M/n (combined mw = egyptian water sign) The symbol may be sea waves but also, pointing direction of the water, moving up because of heat, moving down as rain). Higher in sky coldness froze/immobilize water. To have rain heat current is needed which may explain our training to bring ligth of sun chakra (3rd) in moon one (6th) so energy 6th rain down (or heat melting ice by nordic cow aumdallha, the rythm of tongue is the rythm of focus, you do not wnat the tongue to get frozen stuck on ice). We can see that It is hard to figure out which version is to be applied. Let's resume possible combinations :
- mix sun chakra energy and moon chakra energy (3/6)
- mix yin and yang or opposite chakras energies (2/5, 1/7, 3/6)
- mix heart energy and kidney energy (5 organ are yin so receptacle of energy)
- mix fire chakra energy with water chakra energy (3/2)
- put mind/attention/consciousness on a receptable of energy (energy can be compared to water), a basic training that we do.
god of all gods brain | lay yuen (ligth yuen, variant sound leye) mud pill | Leader spirit head ( crown chakra ? but say mud pill = pineal , 6th one) | nai4 yun2 |
hair | TAI YUEN (tye yuen) supreme origin | He can change hair color, repair it | taai3 yun4 |
eyes | YING LUEN (variant yuen) (flourishing, mystical) | Visualise on is the moon other the sun | hing 1 or hing 3 yun4 (incredible) |
nose | LING GEAN (in French Lèng guin) (divine, solid) | To live we must breath by it | ling4 gin1 |
ears | YAU TIEN (Yao tine) (secluded field) | yau1 tin4 | |
tongue | JING LUN (Djing lone) (proper order) | One that regulate the order | jing3 leun4 |
teeth | LOR CHEEN (Lore tchin) (displaying thousands) | lou6 (show) chin1 | |
*** Intéressant that common actions after meditation (taoist, chi kung) are : move hand on hair (massage head hair, looks lime magnetizing scalp), massage on eyes, nose, ears, rolling tongue for saliva, knocking the teeth. It is not said in text but you understand it is big coincidence that they pinpoint particularly theses parts in the poem. The goal may habve been to combine to physical motion , concentratation on god name and visualisation . Naturally once done we program the energy.
Each part body have a spirit but 24 importants (keys) on 36000. Chinses foot shorter than ours.
Old lord = spirit (one inch inside 3rd eye) is root of your life, spleen. Bright hall = body. Earth is at center. Spleen link other organs.
With spleen center body, it is properly rules ( WON HON’G)
Is swallow saliva (use virgin nude girl, opent mouth at entrance |
She takes all (chi, saliva) |
Cultivating the 3 one : 3 1 9 palace
Use :
- Main town, 1 each inside eyebrow (bright mirror) joan quoan
- Main œil joan qouan, tehse 3 divinities shine, green clothing, baby, waist belt with 4 belt hanging on it, mirror in mouth are red jade, face one and other or ouside.
- Visualise 3 infant niside ming tong, few inches, no need imagine detials place. Well sit you are
- Mirrors give red bright light, shining all of yourself inside, going upper body to all rest and then cover all body
- Red light become red chi (moving red)
- Imagine swallow red chi slightly (9 basis)
- Red chi become fire, start burning all of you, incandescnt body (semi ransparent)
- After while, cofortable, slowly, fire diminish to dye down (shrink anywhere)
- Call chi 9 times, swallow 9 times, call name 3 spirits 3 times
Visualise organs, spirit inside organ (small child, boy orgirl) Alone do it, meditation, recite names of divinities
3 sky = 3 region body = dan tiean :
- Jade pure (yoke ching), real men
- Upper pure (seung ching) Hui wong is his ruler, Sage men
- Great pure (tai ching), lao tzu is his ruler, hsiens men
If fear, they use belt tand, do noise in the air with it (lasso way). Keep calling name. Noise like ringing bell; knock teeth
In meditation chi concentrated inside, no good wind outside
The HWAAA at end serve to spread it to limbs again. Wind in that time is 3 times dangerous
CHONG WA is hair god, to call them concentrate on it
*** i haven’t traced where is chong wa in translation chapters but we have here mantra hwaaa or wa to spread energy in body , question is how to pronounce in chinese and if we can use it for all cases of spreading (moving force any lhace body, chakra, aura, object) or if it is reserved to limbs/extremities . A coincidence here is mantra that we used to empower va vu vo.
**the following part, is tied to liver, it could be a chapter missing and as I started to read it, it had some repetition text of chap 4 yellow court (spleen parallel to liver and solar plexus). I have kept here only the difference of text.. Either it was a complement to the chapter or repetition in class of the same information followed by new one.
Upper dan tian in meditation is the most important region
Mud pill = pineal gland, upper dan tien
Lower dan tien for man, transform chi
Chi go up and after mud pill go down.
Other cannon is visualise the 9 real cannon
One inch Chinese is said to be the width of a finger. At least ½ inch English.
Purple = green + red = wood + fire, pure yang (both yang). If only use mind (visualize) there is no result. Use also the heart (where the spirits live) the thinking mind.
*** idea is if you sense problem/abnormality was to call the god of the corresponding part body
Chinese got normally 2 names at least : one by father one when develop career. That is why some organ got 2 names
** Probably the reason why the name change when you are in a religion (monks, etc…) . That concept is repeated in western magic for magicians groups, my teacher had also a Taoist name, even his oldest students (3). My guess is that a working name may change with level.
Visualise existence of the organ, roughly color shape and position. Not to be too materialize
*** he meant no need to be so obsess with details, finition. The goal is not here visualization training with 5 senses to a point it is real in front of you or anyone else.
Thunder in spring, yang is still rising
Yuen = black color (kidney)
Ming = deep
From all 6, master of spirits is in the heart. Without the mind nothing can do.
Day and night must be aware of their presence/existence, without stopping (keep continuity daily) cannot take a rest, take care of them.
Meditation with image spirit with color and shape inside
Chin toan sin = spirit name, left position about chi
From center eyebrows trace line
3 gods for 1st spot, the center is the ruler, the left is man and right the woman
1 inch further each tie for palaces
Upper dan tian in 3 inch inside. After dan tien just one god.
1 past inch is little more then ½ one today. That is 5 palace. One inch upper is another one
Tai chi chuan is tye gig in fact most important is upper dan tien and the one on it. For tye wong concentration depend sex.
Lower dan tien is 3 inch below navel
9 is extreme yang so begin yin
Meditation with image spirit with color and shape inside
All mental brightness is governed by liver while pulse lead to lungs
Liver =. Headache, rhiumatism (in old lady), highblood pressure
Visualise sun in left eye, moon in right
Visualise, recall by name = chuen. Mo yin is name spirit who governs liver. When illness come, stop disperse though…
7 days here mean full day
Seep is like magnetic stone, attract
Ghost, waan, sun.
Waan will got up when dye, park downstair. So stop wondering and call park to never die.
In teen gong wood comes first ater creation, color should be green layers (bright), highest position is lung, so liver is below.
Son of lord tend to be too emotional, argument, tend to be fire. Liver control temper. Whem anger fire is produced.
JAdebell is gallbladder. If gallblader work harmony L(iver) they can harmonise wun. Wood produce fire that control metal, lungs-park. Metal produce water. Fire and water help hsien obtention.
Too mutch fire => dry, no water (saliva), pimples…
Must return seeing of lungs for more production.
- Liver + green clothes (brocade) on wearing jabde bells
- Heart red clothes overlay jade costume
- Lungs whtie brocade, yellow cloud band/belt
Each opening has an excretion. Kidney is water so source of all liquid. Use chi sound FOU to help when trouble little. 20 times. More than 36 exhaust chi.
Inhale to replenish
In water fong month face north, inhale chi from there, rat hour, day … Month day hour = goke. No fixed inhalation
*** fong is cantonese for direction so it is here in pig rat boar month
Fall and winter time for hibernation
Cloting of god inside. Dark since is water. Little green becuase related to liver
Spleen, yellow , Standing, feast, meditation : white chi, west, hands do circle, half lotus, head slightly down (not look straight front) Chi coming in mouth, swallow it, stick tongue on top, swallow saliva, concentrate on one movement – image, virgin receive saliva. Open eyes, HA, rub so chi go again to limbs (in meditation it goes more inside)
- Gallbladder not only store but move energy too (like the 6…)
- Invoke name deity LOONG LYOU for his help. People in past has 2 names : 2nd is WAI MING.
All important body parts got a spirit. Each was given a name. recall name help activate corresponding parts.
1 =. Spirit
Chinese got normally 2 names at least : one by father one when develop career. That is why some organ got 2 names
When illness come, stop disperse though…
For problems with corresponding organs, fix attention consciously, invoke the corresponding gods. Most are like young children, concentrate on the spot 9 real chamber; are all lai yune in a sense.
*** basic is see organ rough shape and color, often inside a person, clothed in color organ with other color t with instrument, call his name (not said by teacher but for us mantra = vibrating). The inside clothe will be of the color element, usually oustide the kid.
Chap 7- the god of organs
The god of the heart being the origin of TAN is called SOU LING (guard divinity) The god of lungs being white flower is called HUI SING (void, successful) The god of liver being dragon smoke is called HUM MING (containing calrity) Directing the flow of smoke and monitoring its purity murkiness The god of kidney being mystical harmony is called YOKE YING (fostering child) The god of spleen being always present is called WUN TING (higher spirit stays) The god of gall-bladder being dragon radiant is called WIGHT MING (magnificent) It is the heart that regulates the gods of the internal organs Day and night dwell on them then one can live long |
heart | guard divinity | SOU LING | sau2 sing3 |
Lungs | void, successful | HUI SING | heui1 sing4 |
Liver | containing calrity | HUM MING | ham4 ming4 |
Kidney | fostering child | YOKE YING | yuk6 ying1 (baby) |
spleen | higher spirit stays | WUN TING | wan4 ting4 (stop, halt) |
Gall bladder | magnificent | WIGHT MING | wai5 (shine as sun, valuable) ming4 (brigth) |
*** you see here associations with ogans :
- no idea what is tan. Multiple meaning with sound tan : swallow, strike, rising sun, jupiter, etc… SInce it is origin, the word could be related to its kid, earth
- white is color lungs / metal heated
- ususally we have a green dragon for liver, liver organ is tied to purification so where do we send its energy here is not said. They remind us to keep it clean too. Same concept that we often forget, clean the cleaner sometimes so it remains more efficient in cleaning (diswasher / clothe washer,etc..). Naturally if line is separated from the above, it implies a general training for all organs : breathing energy in organ or charkas to make sure they are bright, pure, transparent
- No idea for harmony relationship except that the 2 for TCM do not have same function. The Kidneys (Shen) According To Chinese Medicine
- Spleen is earth element. Earth is in all 4 seasons (in between : boar dragon lamb dog) and center of 5 elements., it may imply whathever we train we must use it. It often refers due to same higth or zone to solar plexus. It may imply that in any practice done with chakras or chi, we finish there. Similar to that idea, if you have trained in chi kung, we put all in navel in ending the training (common is vertical but it exist a variant horizontal) . In tai chi we did it too then relax standing with hands on lower dan tian to think if the form was done correct, karate iaido has something similar. As said, t is easy for commoner to read a reference in book to navel and believe we talk physcial navel. (eg case 3rd chakra, called also navel chakra). It has to be checked. Circle / spiral training is probably in fact to bring all energy or excess energy at end training in 3rd chakra. (both ways are done with concept to reach then to bring)
- Dragon radiant is probably because gall bladder is close to liver spot.
- 2 last lines imply train a lot with the 5 organs by using your heart on it (here will be mind focus ). But as said before, heart = fire = motion, light. It may also mean put moving light in 5 lower chakras that correspond to 5 elements or 5 yin organs. They must be a rason that we never put in chi kung eneregy in yang organs. The do not store energy but get rid of it. But i do not believe totally this, in fact they seems to me as separating good and bad of us. EG : intestines send garbage out ( better term is what is useless to us) and keep the good to pass in rest body. But their power source is in the 5 batteries.
Chap 8- the shen of the heart
Heart shen red prime alias guarding divinity (sou ling) lung shen white flower alias empty achieve (hui sing) Liver shen dragon smoke alias contain bright (hum ming); kidney mystical dim alias nurture infant (yoke ying) Spleen shen always present Alias soul pause (wungtin); gall bladder shen dragon radiant alias outstanding bright (wight ming) 6 viscera 5 viscera shen substance essence All in heart inside cycle (wun = circle ) heavenly paths day night visualize it can long live |
*** the circle is the microcosmic orbit, as said heart/mind is the one directing the flow
Heart | Darn yuen Red prime | Sou ling Guarding divinity | Daan1 yun4 Sau2 ling4 |
lung | White flower Ho wah | Heuil sing (hui sing) Empty acheive | Hou6 wa4 Heui1 sing4 |
liver | Dragon smoke Loong yin | Contain brigth Hum ming | Lung4 yin1 Ham4 ming4 |
kidney | Yuen (yune) ming Mystical dim | Yoke ying Nurture infant | Yun4 ming5 Yuk6 ying1 |
Spleen | Seung joy Allways present | Wung ting Soul pause | Seung4 joi6 Wan4 ting4 |
Gall bladder | Loong yiu Dragon radiant | Wight ming Outstanding bright | Lung4 ??? Wai5 ming4 |
6 viscera, 5 viscera | Tight jing Substance essence | n/a | Tai2 Jing1 |
All important body parts got a spirit. Each was given a name. recall name help activate corresponding parts.
Chinese got normally 2 names at least : one by father one when develop career. That is why some organ got 2 names
Visualise existence of the organ, roughly color shape and position. Not to be too materialize
Thunder in spring, yang is still rising
Yuen = black color (kidney)
Ming = deep
From all 6, master of spirits is in the heart. Without the mind nothing can do.
Day and night must be aware of their presence/existence, without stopping (keep continuity daily) cannot take a rest, take care of them.
3 people, upper middle lower, serious and diligent (you accept it), try and stop, laught about it.
Better clean face with cold water.
Headache => highest part of the head, press with fingers
if sleep and concentrate on higher head part, then awake stop,
First 20 minutes = fight mind to be empty
*** I probably wrote fast here. It means In fact if you concentrate on top head, you stop from falling asleep. Easy to check, strong emotions will stop you from sleeping (rage. Anger, fear…) but also talking in mind (thinking). For me when I think I feel as concentrating in brain or my front. This is why ki in daily life book said bring back attention to lower dan tian or tip toes in insomnia cases.
As we normally should do before any exercise (even zevist one) , we must train trance or empty mind.
Chap 9- lung portion
Lung portion’s palace resembles flower lid (cover) Below there is (a) lad sitting in the jade gate 7 primes ‘s sons controls regulating chi (air, breath) Externally corresponds to central mount nose navel positions White brocade clothing yellow cloud band(belt) Gasping breath exhaling, inhaling body not comfortable Quickly visualise white primes to harmonises the 6 chis Gods, hsiens of long duration seeing without disaster harm Practise it not ending, shape (body) not inert/sluggish |
*** Jade is usually a term tied to 6th chakra. So here we may understand the root of nose is top of it 3rd eye
7 prime son if we think of chakra system will be 7 chakras that regulate energy received according to their speciality.
Next line indicate in half nose. Tie to navel idea (center of) may be spot for a training, feeling air passing inside middle nose or like navel chakra idea, we rise energy by nose (mount) to center head.
visualisation of kid in lungs : white clothe, belt yellow , white is metal, yellow is earth that givers birth to it, belt is put on navel in old time.
if problem breathing (eg : flu, asthma …) use white color. The word primes imply 7# white color to place.
Chap 10 – heart position
Heart portion ‘S palace lotus containing flowers Below there is lad red prime family Controls adjustments of cold hot yin yang balance Red brocade flying gowns overlaying jade costume Regulate blood manage life body not wither Externally corresponds mouth tongue giving out the 5 flowers When dying calling it instantly awaken For a long time practise it fly to highest sky |
*** same idea visualisation, role.
mouth tongue gives 5 flowers may seem to be a connection with saliva resulting from motion tongue that goes to 5 chakra/ flowers or 5 organs. Fly will mean that these 5 results (flower opened with sun and water) will move up to sky, so by microcosmic orbit to crown (top head/sky ) or 6th chakra (top spine)
Chap 11- the hepathic portion
Hepatic portion’s palace green strata/layers within Below there is green lad shen (liver = green) son of lord/master (indicating left position) Controlling various gates mirror ‘sharp of hearing, sharp of seeing beginning’ (collectively just mentally bright) Green (color liver)brocade to put (clothes) on wearing jade bells (symbolise the white pulse :hsien robe) Calm, retrain higher spirit, lower spirit secretions even Externally corresponds to eyes sun moon (left and right eyes) bright/clear 100 diseases (mostly cased by intense fire in the liver) fond of (appearing) visualise MO YING (the left shen in the nuptial chamber) Together (5 organs) use 7 days naturally full (referring to ching and chi) On the verge of extinction, think of the spirit (then) death return to life Collect the higher spirit return the animal spirit (then) never will be perdition |
*** since 2 lobes, a tie to 2 eyes, one for each ?
Together use 7 days may mean 5 organs use 7 chakras energies or delay raining forresults.
Higher spirit are 3 wun, animal are 7 park. Details on these are in my article of that trainings. At death the 3 goes out by crown, 7 by feet. So to survive death we call them back. IS there a particular place to call them back too ? liver = 3 wun, 7 parks are in lungs. In call back day training the 3 wun are put in 3 dan tian. As for the 7 we will have one day to decide if is in fact the 7 chakras. So either call them to liver and lungs, jupiter and mercury chakra or in 3 dan tian and 7 chakras
Spirit liver at left | Ching toan sun Green lad shen In other chapter my note is Chin toan sin | Ching1 tung4 (child) san4 |
Spirit liver | Mo ying | ??? |
loong yin and hum ming in other chapter |
Meditation with image spirit with color and shape inside
Green Used
Chin toan sin = spirit name, left position about chi
*** normally when the word spirit SUN (here sin) appear in texts it is not part of the name, I do not know why here he mande an exception
All mental brightness is governed by liver while pulse lead to lungs
Liver =. Headache, rhiumatism (in old lady), highblood pressure
Visualise sun in left eye, moon in right
Visualise, recall by name = chuen. Mo yin is name spirit who governs liver. When illness come, stop disperse though…
*** if you have read others chapters they are one or 2 names by parts body. There is 4 names in total for the liver,. Why say left position ? P probably because in case liver they are different spirits for the right one. Also if you check on internet they are 4 lobes but 2 main ones (shape liver look like 2 parts tied together). What will see first a surgeon of that time ? a container divided in 2 parts , left and right.
7 days here mean full day
Seep is like magnetic stone, attract
Ghost, waan, sun.
Waan will got up when dye, park downstair. So stop wondering and call park to never die.
In teen gong wood comes first ater creation, color hould be green layers (bright), highest position is lung, s oliver is below.
Son of lord tend to be too emotional, argument, tend to be fire. Liver control temper. Whem anger fire is produced.
JAdebell is gallbladder. If gallblader work harmony in L(iver) they can harmonise wun. Wood produce fire that control metal, lungs-park. Metal produce water. Fire and water help hsien obtention.
Too mutch fire => dry, no water (saliva), pimples…
Must return seeing of lungs for more production.
END part 3