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Taoist - a book summary – part two


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Mar 10, 2024

Taoist Yoga: Alchemy & Immortality : Charles Luk : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


This is the 2nd part of the last article. I reread the part one and hope it wasn’t too confusing


It explains why the wheel is important and the pathways of 8 major psychic channels (variant of macrocosmic orbit). The circuit referred differ from chi kung. Difference seems to come from medical books. Qicong empowerement book has its own way to do it (Taoist and chi kung), tien tao chi kung too.

Motion in tubes clean the inside channel like wind dirt. But cleaning dirt in a house (sweeping) means accumulate it in a spot then moving it out of the house otherwise you just switch dirt of place. In fact real cleaning do not exist, we just move what is cleaned of place. Idem case when you clean a pool : sand filter will cumulated garbage but at one time backwash is done to send garbage away. In our cleaning auric field we send the garbage to our enemies or give it to satan so he use it as he wish. Should we do the same here ?

Is there a contradiction in the text ? No. Strong current in house plomery particularly hot water clean the copper or pvc tube, this is why we wait a few seconds letting water flow out before drinking it . Therefore it may just be a complementary information to explain the process of cleaning. It is the translation that push to confusion. Rocks in strong current move, knock each other and strike sideway tube making unclear water. Then we clean out by back heart point (back line chakra by coincidence). Still what part will be the filter is not said. If back heart is a filter like for swimming pool, garbage will cumulate and soon or later must be evacuated. And once done you must add water/energy to compensate the loss (backwash which spin sand reduce level water of pool). Since back heart is middle body when you sit, will elbow and knees that are middle members be cleaner too ? Old time Catholics used a bench to knee and elbow were put on a piece of wood to pray. Pain force people to focus where it hurts. Since Knees for mantak chia are stockage excess energy, is it just a coincidence or a robben pagan training ?

For info, Did you know that to make strong alcohol you need first to do wine ? As you do wine you loose part of it (sediments and wine at bottom, 1/10th) as you switch of recipient and again when yout bottle them up. Wine put in ambilic is separated again in 2 garbage and alcohol. At final what is left for drinking instead 24 bottles of wine will be 1 liter of drinkable strong alchool. (my friend dit whisky even if forbidden in the country, my Russian friend did vodka with potatoes). Just do one bottle that you drink in one day make it costly. The process of taoism yoga may be in fact endless with a time to make, drink, and do some more. It is interesant also that there is a lot of alchohool in myths (drunken Chinese god, vedic soma, thor, dyonisus, Osiris , odin brew, etc…).


The interessant part apart the wheel in arms and legs that we now have in the site with chakras is the adding of the belt road (not yet on site) and what I consider the middle line chakras . Why he stops in center line before heart instead doing like thibetans up to crown is not said .

I do not remember where the site was so I cannot check its source but it said : Kundalini by curses cannot follow its natural path which is center line chakra. To compensate the problem people learned to bypass the curses by passing by the spine. Wether it is true or not, all I can think off is that spine is safer, after all center line imply passing where are the 5 main organs. Uncontrolled too strong energy may damage them therefore he choose in text to stop the flow before reaching them.

Path Summary :

  • Inhale air backline base rat to horse (crown)
  • Breathe out as flow front line to rat (perineum)
  • In from rat to navel by front line split it 2, pass belt up back line to shoulder
  • Exhale passing yang channels (outer sides arms) to middle finger then center palm
  • In from palms inner side to chest
  • Out back line back navel dividing ball in 2 moviing in belt joining at anvel down front line to rat
  • In center line chakra to solar plexus
  • Down center line to rat ball divide in 2, pass yang channel leg (outer sides) goes to toes tehn center sole feet.
  • In as raise from soles inner side up to rat than by center line to lower dan tian
  • Out as down center line to rat
breathing by heel is referred here and can be found also in tao te ching without details. We may deduct here that we breath( inhale ) by center sole feet as in chi kung . Japonese has a variant of it , kozo Nishino and koichi tohei. Just concentrating at bottom feet seems to increase spiritual power (empy force, aikido…), both varies for the reason : one is mind follow so attention lower members increase stability in lower dan tian other is more application for empty force training. The 4 ways of tohei may be used for calling back shen. I suppose that you breath by sole at step 9 as keep attention to the spot when you start inhaling, not clearly said but center palm can be used too at 5. That may explain emphasis symbols for westerners due to cruxifiction (nails on center palm and feet, old nails were pyramidal), the copy of the lance piercing spleen (quite close to solar plexus) of odin, the black hole in old animes in the center of the palm. They are symbols of fixing something at a specific time.

BY the way I have remarked that breathing by heel help to stay present here and now. Could be hazard, but have you remarked that to save jing and chi we concentrate on the upper part of the body 6th or 7th chakra), The far opposite of the exit ? Since all the senses are in the head apart touch it may be one of the reason to breathe by the heel or more precisely keeping attention of the inside the sole. It may also be combines with the phene when you walk, touch-phene, an explanation of chi kung walking. A said lefebure phene are useless and often problems if no mind/programmation in it. EG : my father had acouphen so strong all day that he coud’nt focus on what people said. Sadly, ear machinery up to now only make sound bigger including acouphen. So program the phene training with goal . EG: phos-phene can be combine with reading to understand faster, or learn something by heart focusing on what to remember as closed eyes. Remember kids reading as they block their ears. Acou-phene is more hearable.

When prenatal spirit manifest it is send into lower dan tian, move up and down by trusting channel .As a step your breath by heel , marcrocosmic orbit.

What I understood is idea to keep, save then transmute ijing chi shen in a higher level that will go after to higher dan tian stimulating pineal gland . But we also see inverting birth ideas. Postnatal becomes prenatal which is considered pure (we use postnatal at firsth breath when we are born with food/air causing death by separation with the source / tao). Result of Ambrosia pass in saliva that go down avoiding stomach to lower dan tian . Again the same deducted idea appear that saliva will serve as a transport of the combined energies worked in 6th chakra, and we separate the energies vehiculated in it to put in 3rd or 2nd chakra, normal uncharged water will just go to lower yin.

Training make white light and at a moment golden light as reddish yellow manifsest. The junction of both produce immortal seed. Then concentrate on vital breath of heart stomach liver lungs and lower abdomen to produce the macrocosmic agent gather then for the final step.

Colors of chakras sometimes have variant. Once forum said that red is 2nd chakra, 1st had an other color then, got to find where (if red 2nd ,brown or black is 1st) . Yogic traditions, new age has variants too and like to put rainbow order as said recently one person in the forum.

Just a coincidence here but color red is of mars and also fire Chinese element. Mars for us is , 2nd chakra and have ties then to a specific fire too. Since 2nd chakra seems to be lower dan tian and in text is made as a furnace at different steps you can see why he talks of reddish yellow a mix of red and gold. A friend of mine that does jewels explained to me that pure gold is too soft to work with and too easy to break therefore it is combined with others metals to make it more solid which will modify its color. So if we put in training gold in a chakra we will not have pure gold color but a mix of them, here golden red.

11 Types of Gold (And Which Is Best) | Jewelry Guide


Classical explanation where we loose shen. (6 senses).

Jing is lost by urethra for men (phallus) as we do number one or lost jing. For woman it will be by clitoris. And for info they can have orgasm/ ejaculation with the clitoris too , but the friend (girl) of my partner said it is rare and hard to get. .

Chi is lost by breathing nose and mouth and anus. Farting is not loosing chi if it smells (my teacher).

Unsaid but the loss of shen is because we forget to maintain concentration inside as an anchor. Attention, presence focus is consciousness. We must retain consciousness of the object/ subject and ourselves, the outside and inside. How mutch do you remember of sigth touch, smell, etc… Like dreams you just remember what impress you more in the day. How can you guard inside shen if no ones control borders of the country ? Anything can gets in or out. A way to train, is see things as babies as if it is always a new thing (Taoist refers always to babies) stimulating attention (boring often brings lack focus), and follow the lucid dreaming training of casteneda which implies switch fast focus back and forth between object and ourself. That way you remember yourself (present here and now) and object, you call back your shen to you. But it is not easy training. A though, a desire, a movie, and you start to participate and loose presence and oops how long were you gone ? Movie, work is already over. What have you done meanwhile and what do you remember ? Your body was here like a robot but not spirit/shen. We must remember one Taoist training, which is focus on crown as do #1 or #2, in one word we let out garbage but keep the charge in. The same must be done with spirit.

The chapter resumes the reverse birth And precise that chi jing shen must combine into one to produce the elixir.

gathering the 5 elements are talked here and other chapters to bring in higher dan tian. . Could it be that in fact the reference is to the 5 chakras since 5 organs = 5 elements = 5 chakras ? Taoist likes to play with associations for coding. If I say green dragon must rise to the sky, will we click that we are talking about liver energies (green = wood = liver) moving to the 6th ( central chakra (center sky/head) by spine (dragon = kundalini path done but Asiatic one move as snake) ? Taoist in text and my teacher do not talk at all about chakras system. May be the knowledge was oral and lost.

Blocking the genital
duct gathers the outer flowing agent ( pressure with middle finger on mortal cavity/perineum)., use in sexual chi kung of mantak chia when you go to far. In fact they are chances that the real goal is not avoiding discharge since some will go out anyway (as phallus subside, or do #1) . The REAL GOAL is to get enough time to bring back the energy cumulated by training in the jing to the spine. Lost appears often too fast if you are distracted and do not see the signs when to slow down the fire. Imagine 10 000$ in your bank cumulated by hard working, you click the wrong thing on internet and oups all is gone dollar by dollar at high speed. I am sure you will try to avoid starting from scratch. Of course if you do not work, bank account is empty or negative, will you care ?


Details on saliva

He talk about an other training with the wheel based on fixing crystall ball or top incense fire so tears comme from eyes, you close eye then the fire of the eyes pass in the wheel to finish to lower dan tian . That eyes exercise is used by us with pĥosphenism (as 40 days training with bulb of light or candle or fixing image on retinea), in magnetism (shining object as crytal on black towel), chimenea fire fixing; fixing mirror (one little light must reflect, think of Nostradamus training with moon reflection on mirror), sunlight reflected by any means as lake or wheat field or water in bowl, crystall ball with slight reflection ligth. What differ is the goal : he is not training magnetic eye or clearsight or phosphenism but taking energy from that light and move it in him. I failed for the moment to understand the goals of that fire exercise.

He explain then the next stage once golden light appear. And start applying holding breath as we do (hold as increase brightness in chakras). Breath and pulse will keep slowing down


Is achieved by uniting sun and moon which here are heart and lower dan tian.

Lights sun and moon mingle in front of the original cavity (middle brain = 6th chakra) is macrocosmic alchemical agent.

you understand that corruption may have changed the meaning, we may have here a training of putting energy/light done by activation or spinning of moon and sun chakra and place it after in a specific part of the body (lower dan tian, higher one). An other possible relationship is that Heart organ for Chinese is fire, moon being tied by its influence on he sea is water which correspond to 2nd chakra or lower dan tian region.

he talk about bringing to 6th chakra the results then putting in saliva energies making it gold to put in solar plexus instead stomach. Looks like all energies in all chapters will goes to solar plexus. But why nothing on 1st and 7th chakra or rat and horse position , could it be that when in an other chapter he says unite now heaven and earth to bring again to solar plexus, he meant in fact these 2 ? (in prenatal bagua heaven is at the place of horse , bai hui or crown chakra , earth is at rat/perineum tied to 1st chakra)


Basically is returning 5 elements inside us or 5 senses on a target.

He talk also move up and down, center line between heart and lower dant tian. And collecting spirit/shen in lower dan tian.


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The pathway differs from the wheel, but no reasons are given. From heels energy goes to perineum where a tube join fom the front of lower dan tian. We bypass the phallus zone.

Since the main book is about sexual kung fu we may deduct that the trajectory differs since at some level, doing the wheel will just maintain erection . Therefore, to avoid losses of what has been cleaned and purified and too much fire in the chimenea (think of recent article of santa claus), we avoid passing close to the exit of jing. That path remembers me of a specialist of iron armor in internet. Corrupted since he refuses orgasm, but the basic idea was to not pass at phallus as do microcosmic orbit to avoid the erection and temptation of youngster to expell jing. What he seems to not understand is that all training at start is to provoke that urge, so we use that reproductive/sexual energy to create something else. At higher level when you are overfilled of jing, you avoid the zone, your goal is to transform the energy cumulated not adding more since marmit is already full. No need overflow. This clarify this iron shirt pathway .


He precise an other mudra and a way to sleep to avoid wasting jing.

Accumulation jing and chi at some level need no more fire (no longer regulate breathing) to produce the macrocosmic agent. Turning the wheel is no more needed. Keeping fire then will cause nocturnal emission.

Just take image of a chauldron filled to the top. Boiling will make it overflow.


Jing shen chi sublimated are gather in brain will intime produce ambrosia (kan li) that pass by mouth in saliva to stomach. The ambrosia produces and nurtures the immortal seed in lower dan tian whence it radiates up the heart. Light reveals formation seed when all breathing seems to cease and pulses stop breathing.

To be immortal, sublimate jing, when refined vitality full it will manifest (chi). If vitaility is used to nurture jing when full, will produce immortal seed.

All secret is transform jing in chi, chi in shen, returning shen to great emptiness.

He explains effects training and symptoms showing our progress. He is talking here of prenatal.

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I believe that image is tied to chapter 9 and explain more the avoiding of pathway L to A as I explained. (avoiding section where is phallus)


Reason to concentrate in head vital breaths (5 organs energy) is to gater macrocosmic agent. To gather roll eyes once collected gather macrocosmical agent. If not seed cannot rise to head


This talk of high level, where the wheel is done with artificial means to close back yin , nostrils to avoid any lost. A helper is there to pinch part spine to help move energy. Goal is mastery holding breath but this as pointed out by others chi kung master may well be pore breathing and for my part auric breathing or even ombilical breathing (new on internet). Since he consider outside air as post natal, impure; does it means that the breathing must be done from inside us like a portal ? What I remarked is that breathing slow down when you visualize breathing from the inside of the body . If you try by force by concentrating on breathing or lungs to slow down breath, body resist and you are out of breath.

I event tried as inhale from inside expansion/contraction distance stars or galaxie filling body and aura but haven’t remarked differences in health or power. Therefore either I do it wrong or my idea was wrong. OF course if you do with outside air it slows down too, but it will mainly help feeling auric field expansion if you do auric breathing (just remember that aura is also inside you (each cell, each organ…) so you fill first body then aura.. The concept of breathing imply that The vessel receiving the air/energy increase in size like lungs. It is the same with chakra breathing, pore one imply body expansion.. Since navel was in the womb the passage of air, I tried like breathing directly from it (intent) but I have seen no difference as breath from outside apart from inside, heat start fast (taoist focus on inside usually)


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How interessant the chapter, energies 5 organs will merge as they pass in each other to go in higher dan tian following reverse birth cycle heart to spleen (fire to wood,) etc…. The beginning process at 1 for vitality heart on image is not at heart level but solar plexus, an error of drawing ? . Once full reverse is done, it will follow spine and go to higher dan tien where emerge 3 forces 7/8/9. Full vitality imply golden light in head. Ring a bell ? Chronos myth where zeus lead the fight at the palace of chronos. Technicly mountain is spine, temple gods was said to be on top but I just click now , apart that a king reside at center of his land , the spine stop at base skull so the palace above is the 6th chakra where 2 brothers and 3 sisters joined with zeus to overthrown chronos (time, Saturn). Coincidences but the chronos myth may mean bringing the 5 purified elements/energies of chakras 1 to 5 in 6th as in this chapter.


It is about helping shen to form the immortal foetus. MIcocosmic automatic (not think about it) of 2 vitalities. Breathing appear to stop so pulses.

It probably mean so slow you cannot detect it like cases yogic master or zombies of Haiti. By memory books on the subject said even if the person was buried , a tube for air was left so the person could breathe otherwise real death occur.

True foetal breath lift to solar plexus by 3 ascension (ing chi shen) and as said they are fusionned into a bright moon light that rises from lower to middle to upper dan tian

Sublimation jing in chi in lower dant tian, chi to shen in solar plexus, shen to flight in space in higher dan tian.

if we were thinking about chakras like hindu, seems like kundalini taking in her ascension all impurities then once clean and purified a new word or body is built after


Although the book explains Taoist codes, they are probably practical parts missing that were only oral.

Microcosmic and macrocosmic orbit is done by many matial artist, chi kung practitioner, buddhist, Taoist but without succeeding to become immortal in spirit (creating a spiritual body) or physicly prolonging life or even rejuvenation (getting back lost abilities due to age and maintaining result of youth). They all focus on lower dan tian too but without results known.

The book mainly talk about replenishing the jing lost, transforming postnatal jing in prenatal, idem chi and shen, the 5 elements of 5 organs are purified to be used to provoke with fusion of the 3 (chi shen jing) ambrosia from 6th chakra down to be purified in 3rd chakra to become the golden elixir of life to nourish the immortal foetus. (white from 6th becomes gold color).

Although bare assumption, the gold fixed and seen at high level all around the trainee in text remember me theories of western alchemy corrupted or not . Golden elixir flows and fill all at end process the whole body including aura, the alchemist is pure vibrating gold (radiation off the stone ?) and whatever he touches can become gold at will. Midas myth could be a warning of uncontrolled golden elixir or an attempt to divert people of making it.

Gold was considered sacred in old civilisations (eg : inca going in lake and going out clothed in gold powder, golden body) . Vikings, Egyptians cumulated gold for their passage in death. Remember the movie called gods of egypt, . The blood of the gods were liquid gold (moving). Once dead or a part of their body separated it becomes a physical hard gold piece (not moving). The movie shows jewish twist : seth rob powers of gods build his tower, then tower is crushed, powers are given back to the gods and horus change the rules . Your worth after death is not anymore how mutch gold you cumulated in your life but good deeds. Clearly the original faith was an allegory, since gold is said to be the purest metal, how pure can we be if there is no spiritual training ? Good deeds is new age stuff and do not make you pure.

To resume concepts :

  • Said by my teacher shen chi jing are same energy at different level. Goal is to make the contains of the 3 dantian pure again by reverse birth concept. Same with 5 elements

  • 8 channels must be purified and trained . Teacher as this book said that they must be open first to make the elixir of life.

  • Nails of jewish jerk, piercing of spleen may be about fixing energy at a particular time, a particular place. Crown of thorns may well be a training (ring level at 6th chakra instead belt, thorn is also a name of the rune thurisaz, I am sure you see the tied to the mantra used in 6th : th, thor, thaur) . Emphasis of physical belt in martial arts may be in fact a remember to train the ring at level navel section . Try to do full breath expanding all section at that level , belt resist, it looks like using resistance like hard chi kung training. Kung fu belt and iaido one cover hip to solar plexus and is suppose to be tight not like in new age karate or judo (it is level navel and loose). We may say it is touch-phene, we concentrate on the resident inside feeling of the touch once it finish expanding..

  • Lower dan tian is both the fire purifying all and a container to place what is to be purified. . Best way to compare will be a closed object (cooking pressure marmit) with fire around as cremation instead fire under marmit, a sphere in a sphere. Still I prefer traidtional way (fire under) since it is more logic. You need after all to remove the top to drink or mix contains by spinning.

  • Jing chi shen is to be saved by the principle of calling back. Call back attention to us (intent on a point inside us) as use 6 senses for shen and call back jing and chi by concentrating on 6th chakra or 7th when we use the 2 lower yin. For woman I guess it includes also the middle one. But teacher said a woman must not train in her period (no call back from vagina at that time). I guess it is because it is polluted (ovullum destroyed). Taoist woman train as said mantak chia and others text to stop emitting ovullum for nothing ( the red moon) but you can restart the process if you want kids. The principle of calling back shen is like myamoto Musashi principle to apply to all : if look far, look close; if look close look far or if you prefer dividing attention. Statue of janus may well be a symbol also of that training, looking back and forth in same time.

  • Front and back Heart points are used to clean and purify but no details if automatic or what to do to make sure of it. Nothing about what to do with the garbage that will cumulated.

  • Spinning eyes timing may point to delay of the rotation of the big wheel.

  • Microcosmic orbit serves to clean and purify many types of energies ( shen jing chi, 5 elemetns…). Mantak chia didn’t explain that in fusion of 5 elements. He just used a place (bagua section) to mix and purify them by spinning. The concept seems of new age, all is good, we do not destroy or get rid of impurities, we transform, transmute them back as they were before corruption as if darkness can become light. This may explain why there is no details for the heart point, everything is kept inside and by miracle will be pure.

  • What saved is purified (jing ,chi ,shen, 5 elements in 5 organs) and merged in a container as a pill or sphere that once gold is circulated to finish in 6th chakra creating ambrosia that is brought to solar chakra by saliva (center line),a step for making elixir of life apart creating and nourishing the golden foetus.

  • Water/liquid is used as a vessel of transport or container (saliva, semen in prostate) like charging.

  • The concept that at end all is seen as gold around your body may imply gold color finish to be in all aura including body. Once grown the golden foetus is the spiritual body that we train to use by passing it by crown in and out as we place in it our shen/spirit/consciousness. That look more like getting out of our body exercise with astral body. The last chapter just scratch an alternative to the immortal spiritual body, the immortal body itself.

  • Naturally all these are my understanding and possible trails worthy or not of investigation.

  • NOTE :

  • I haven’t yet talked about some training of my teacher but they may be interessant references or clues. I will bring one day the compilation of his teaching on the calling back 3 spirit (shen), controlling the 3 worms and 7 animals and the little he explained about won tin king. I simply have to trace back the Cantonese pronunciation which may take a while.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
