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Taoism - a book commentary / part one


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Mar 10, 2024
Taoist Yoga: Alchemy & Immortality : Charles Luk : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

This book as I said contains a lot of information about the microcosmic orbit and Taoist alchemy. I will do my best to summarize it with my own understanding. Since it is mainly technical with theories, signs to know your level, best is to read it. The author often goes backward to explain an old chapter. Each chapter is a level. I wanted to go in details in each chapter but remarked that referencing text with commentaries gives more than 15 pages. Therefore I will concentrate on main points and put it in different parts. The paragraphs may not follows in the commentaries since we may jump subjects tied to chapter any time.


You will remark if you read it it is only talking about man, not woman. I guess womans must alter it a little. Following the Chinese medicinal and Taoist concept that at rat hour all energy goes close to phallus, I can only guess energy will manifest also in the clitoris and at a moment at vagina. Does a woman like man have wet dreams, I can only suppose so. Therefore the training called guarding the one in the book just have to be adjusted.

A long time I was wondering how come a tongue is needed to connect the microcosmic orbit. What if you do not have one ? The person will still live, will it be impossible to use the wheel ? No, either the connection is etheric and therefore not affected by physical cut a little like a ghost arm or they are other passages like in medical chi kung. My guess will be that such person will have to visualize the connection so ghost tongue touch palate.

Physical tongue touching palate imply skin to skin connection. Referred contraction muscles of yin sections may therefore be a way to facilitate the connection and avoid lost of energy. Imagine a hoose with 3 holes, bigger the hole ,bigger pressure water means that some follow out on the hoose path, some get out by the holes in same time the normal exit. Since humans have a limit of prenatal energy, you can understand the Taoist importance of controlling the holes. They are 2 yin holes for man, 3 for woman. Slight Anus contraction not only contact each side tube it reduces waste if intent is added. That may explain why some shools apart anus add for man contraction on base front of phallus or if they are old fashion will prefer say pull perineum up due to corrupted religions (sex is evil so hide reference to it) . Interessant that for man part perineum is closed to jonction of urinary tubes and expelling semen tube. Therefore pulling imply for us closing the tube. In case man that part get bigger in the act until a point jing get out. I am no yogic expert but all this seems to be partially tied to mula bandha. But the real question here is does it means that ladies contract the middle yin too ?

Apart that mantak chia use each zone around anus to push energy to a point by pulling the corresponding section to the destination. He divide vertical body in 5 section (center and 4 direction) corresponding to 5 of back lower yin. Tien tao chi kung used also anus contraction but with the goal to bring energy where the body is striked to protect it. Not said anywhere but what stop to do the same with the other holes ?

Overall, I find dull that only a few woman has written in Taoism and it’s a pity that themselves and man never though that a woman need different instruction to train . Woman fo my teacher had to concentrate on middle dan tien directly not lower. The only justification given was that they had an advantage of chi, man of jing. Therefore, man must train down more to make what they lack , the chi needed for the elixir. Progress is faster at start for woman but at some point it becomes inverse. At final both finish in same time at the goal line.


It resumes most of the book without details of the chapters.


Infos are everywhere in the book. So I put them together for facility.

,chap 1 is fixing spirit in its original cavity, cultivation of heart to preserve nature. Meditate with heart at rest to fix spirit in higher dan tien. It shows to concentrate first on higher dan tian to cultivate nature.

Chap 3 keep cleaning 8 channels . All 8 channels are clear in prenatal state and prenatal vitality is cut off with cut umbilical cord.

Chap 4 help transmute jing in chi

If still arousal not appear, there is a viscera problem, use chap 5 to heal.

Chap 6 traiing avoid chi to regress as jing. So microcosmic to transmute vitality in spirit until light appear.

Chap 7 teach return spirit to nothingness to avoid shen regress to chi.

CHAP 9 show transmute jing and ch into immortal seed but efore it matures tend to bibrate at nigh (erect) and drain.

CHAP 1 to 6 teach that true light of nature in cultivation nature and life is spirit.

CHAP 7 to 12 light is vitality in jing.

Chap 1 to 10 is to unite shen and chi to produce the immkortal seed. If prenatal vitality dain at night, you cannot produce the immortal seed.


Details posture, mudra for general meditation. There is missing details for the mudra, I suppose you pass right thumb between index and auricular or auricular/annular to reach center palm

As Won tin king cannon of the yellow emperor, concentration is first on higher dan tian. As satanist we do the same. General Taoist books only put emphasis on lower dan tian. My teacher sais once that won tin king is done for woman and golden flower book for man.

If you have done meditation and concentate on 3rd eye or middle 6th, after a certain period of time blue light appears with variant shapes more visible if you are in darkness. Lefebure use these in phosphenism with specific intent. My master said to not put attention to it, he considered them a distraction and said keep focusing on lower dan tian. In this chapter the color appearing is white. In other chapter he will specify sound effects due to training as the tiger and dragon roar. Tiger roar description correspond to acouphens (if you relax in meditation correctly you will hear a noise of blood passing in ears called acouphen, society makes us ignore it so we can focus on hearing). As for dragon roar, the source is unclear, I can only suppose it happens when energy pass jade pillow or back 6th chakra as do microcosmic orbit. But I haven’t yet remark it.

You may also think here about the training in site of the ball of light meditation in brain. We just do not apply a brain rhythm in our practice or balancing head or body as hindu, jews and some old schools. One general rhythm was the path back and forth done in 2 second , there are other rhythms, you may trace them in book called initiation of Pietro of dr francis lefebure . If you combine with the head motion remember it is not heavy metal, it is little smooth motion fllowing the ball. The training of phosphenism is onein he site and 40 days training too without the physical motion. Since in this book he keeps same spot, the brain rythm is elsewhere, contract expand ball in 2 second may be done. Also one of Lefebure training was to squeeze to infinite a shining ball, curiously it reappears by itself as a shining point. The question is what gains in this book for longevity apart documented easiness to learn (memory) and emotional balance (2 side brain training).

Page 3 talk about a zone under heart above sex where spirit/shen and vitality/chi return to form a circle of light . That may point to a line on 3rd chakra and 1st with 2nd in between as a visualization exercise. Haven’t try it yet but if you have phosphens and circle eyes, you have a circle of light that appear instead of a point, may be a tied here since through all the book spinning eyes is used.

But it is funny that this circle is in some animes , Chinese jademan comics, asiatic paintings , or other modern movies as the girl in Netflix with the ring of angel put in upper back instead on top crown … Many animes and movies, novels are inspired with different sources of informations. When you know martial arts and chi kung, you will be surprised of the infos in jademans Comics as if because of communism people were trying to pass hidden messages, I like the 9 lotus spins concept where the ring curiously is at level chakras, the 9 sun kung fu where points are 7 chakras plus palm and feet…. The circle over the crown of angels and saints or around head/body may just be pointing to a robben pagan training . Think about sun over ra, think idea we do of shen ring.

Irony is that the classic catholic wedding ring is usually plain and golden, Mexican use also the lasso representing the infinite sign that attach 2 people, same was done in middle age but with tissue band around 2 arms. A possible trail similar to the exchange of rings to remember training together the microcosmic orbit as a couple and the result for both. You will see that the color change in the book white to golden, he indirectly say the energy represented will move of place so you can deduct white ball pass in microcosmic orbit and at a step it becomes golden ball making therefore a golden ring. 9 rings of gold in Tolkien ( 2 knots + 7 chakras), 8 copies made by the original ring of odin draupnir (8 + 1 = 9). Apart the belt road at navel (common said) or solar plexus (my teacher) will it be useful to invent a ring training at each major chakra ?

Hasard that yule trees had a ribbon done touching bottom going to edge circling up around the tree to reach the star/angel as making a shape of snake motion. For my family tradition we used to do 9 turns. It will be intessant to check if others family have the same. Tradition. 9 circles seems also important in magic : roger de laforest (radionics) was making a zone impenetrable with a programmation of consequences for trespassers by circling around the zone 9 times. He also said part of books text weren,t traduced or put too with same technic.


Classic of return senses Taoist training but detailled. You return them on a spot body, here higher dan tian. One main difference is through the book, he uses a form of hindu yoga for the eyes (converging eyes to a point : tip nose, lower dan tian, 3rd eye, 6th central….) and specify to return the senses at that point . EG: in upper dan tian, converge eyes, but you must feel inside of it as if touching seeing smelling hearing . Since mind i for Taoist, imply tought/emotion concentration on the spot imply 6th sense mind is place there too, still no info about the taste or a 7th sense. Tongue as said on forum and in chi kung does a circuit but here it serves also as a a prop to concentrate more on higher dan tian. Remember mantak chia beginner technic of pressing on points on microcosmic line to help feel where it is, a training since similar to a phosphenism technic with touch. All senses can be used in the overall technic of phosphenism and have a different name. The concept is using the sensation of senses that remains inside us and focus on it.

As in many chapters the author of the book keeps explaining and repeating that the wheel increase jing and risk overflow And precise this :

The sexual energy is used to make the elixir of life.

Some details correspond to what my teacher said : erection (fire) heat jing (semen/water) transforming it in chi/air . And we have the same concept as my teacher erection must come naturaly (empty mind is natural state) and not by lust, porno (mind and emotion stimulus)… Accumulation jing by lust is useless, corrupted for making the elixir and harm body. Taoist following nature, It is more idea to let erection happen by itself as it its stimulated by touch (masturbation or partner) or at rat hour in night or as meditate. And since water as you know is easy to charge in magic or magnetism, you understand where comes from the concept of impurity or if you prefer in modern words wrong programmation.


yogic mudra eyes Shambhavi Mudra: Meaning, Benefits, & How to do |Siddhi Yoga

francis lefebure Le Fondateur : Le Dr Francis Lefebure ancien médecin scolaire (no idea if there is a version in english)

2 books of matak chia on sexual kung fu

Le Qi Gong du soulèvement de l’anus (périnée) | Lokmane Benaicha

Chi Kung for Prostate Health and Sexual Vigor


Left and right side wheel are connected to eyes this is why he spins them at each point . He is not saying spinning at the spot we concentrate on but doing eyes gives me the impression that at the point of focus, heat spin . Since back is yang and front yin for Taoist, but spin eyes is done anti-clockwise on points seen by outsider . 9 times back is yang, 6 is yin. New age said spin chakras like a clock seen by outsider is white magick, anticlockwise is black. Think of the nazi swastika why is it reverse of hindu ? Simple, Taoist emphasis is inward to us. If you folllow idea choa chok sui (pranic healing) chakra spin clockwise to emit energy out, opposite to take in. Therefore if an enemy want you to waste your energy what do you thing he should say ? Spin clockwise to me and do not close the door, stay open to all, in one word let your energy flow to me or out . And as you remember we align outside chakras pointing to us as we train for ourselves.

Now what is the spin speed ? It is not said. When I try with closed eyes I felt resistance and by chrono tooks a little more than 2 seconds. I supposed that eyes are close since we meditate but page 144, in an other training he sayd to open them to spin, I guess it is your own choice. Since He said to pause longer at heart points the only way for me was to slow down the 9 spins.

I remark that the spin could be visualised differently . I prefer 3d sphere blocking the tube. Spinning pull/push energy up or down depending intent, but ball stop energy send up fllowing backward since a sphere block a tube.. My idea by experience is that if you lack concentration an instant in sending up, put attention to the sex, forget to slow the breath that keep accelerating, forget focus on crown, you will loose too fast. Sex increase rhythm breath like fanning a fire. As I read again introduction in Necronomicon with the dick of a god becoming flask after fire was out and the guy trying to bring back the fire, I deduc it is about sexual magik, fire is gone and member is flask, check the rhythm pattern as you try to start a fire the old way, it looks like yogic fire breath.

Evan wong in one of my article was saying to use also a small wheel as we do the microcosmic orbit. But this spot was upper part of front (seen often in chinese painting of sages with exageration front) not 3rd eye and same direction wheel. To resume, The spin by itself in direction ceterline may therefore be a clue to help rise jing/chi/shen up and we switch direction spin at front to us to help press down.

There is 2 types of spin eyes :

  • Gathering of jing in spot
  • Other advance chapter say Eyes must follow microcosmic orbit so by deduction they rotates same rhythm. The rhythm seems to be your choice. But other part he said inhale = back rising and exhale = front descending. The changes of training eyes are due to fact that you already secured jing. At one moment it will be shen rotation, chi rotation. (again if its decided 2 4 and 6 chakra are the dan tian, it means like our alchemical training moving their respective energy in the ring)
  • As you guess, try spin and keep inhaling together will be hard (9*2 second for 6 spots).
  • Exhale less than inhale (less spin) is with the idea of keeping imore nside your energy. (6*2*6)

The stove in the lower dan tian becomes golden when generative force develop and vitality manifest (jing in chi),

He explain the problem of ages. If as adolescent , you have train meditation you would have remark that the bare repeated focus on lower dan tian gives heat and provoke soon or later a strong firm erection . But as you age the generative force (jing) lower (lost quality and quantity erections) once gone vitality follow (chi) then shen then you die. It is like 3 vase of water connected once one is empty it empties next one than next at the level it was used (shen lost by lost attention, chi by mouth nostril and anus, jing front yin )

Old people may rebuilt vitality artificialy (masturbation). And After arousal the energy is put in wheel. My master called that guarding the one, but he avoided masturbation and preferred to use the natural one that happen at night for the reason said higher up. Still one exercise was warming hands by rubbing them agains each other then one hold the little kidneys/ testle and the other massage prostate where is dan tian. It may be a variant to avoid impures desires or though that pollute the jing. The rising and lowering testle by Mantak chia and tien tao chi kung also increase jing. As for the night system ,you must create an instinct to wake you up when erection happen to use it.

To calm and use erection, breath 9 times at each point ( B C) but at middle D back wait a little before continuing. Still erected, keep on from rat again.If after 36 breath still erect, breath bottom to top. As breath out see generative force down in 6 descent To stove. Stop (pause longer) at middle front BACK HEART point (Cardinal east is in back, west front) to clean energy, same for FRONT ONE to purify it.

No details what to do at heart points. Since heart organ is fire, do we put fire on both sides ? Since back is east, wood, do we use wind to clean out dirt?

That exercise is first like pomping up, switch focus energy between 2 point. Where atention goes chi follow. Sexual couple kung fu was not accepted by my teacher since too hard to control. I say 2 points since if you Focus too mutch in spine erection subside, focus too mutch front erection is renewed and may means loosing too fast. Just remember the principle in the forum : orgasm is not ejaculation although they are close. This is why in the past people corrupted or by choice said avoid both. People now are usually weak of mind and body.

Since he says focus each eye on lower dan tien and that Taoist ,hindu ,egyptians keep saying that the eyes are SUN and MOON. Focussing may in fact be an allegory of bringing energy of sun chakra and moon chakra to lower dan tian . That possibility must be cleared. Later on sun and moon are not the eyes. Same allegories seems to change meaning with context. Corruption comes by misdirections or being out of context.

**** I failed to paste the pictures : so if link failed look at pages 28 and 32 of 225, ***

closed image to book pâge 28/225

Closed image to book page 32/225

The microcosmic path is a variant of water one. We pass in medulla spine in brain at border between flesh and bone .Unspecified but we can deduct we must use width bone where there is only flesh (throat front, stomach) for the pathway. You will find interessant to remark that rat (A) position is at perineum . As I remember our site said like hindus that the first chakra is above it. HIndu sites by memory precise one finger width over perineum. That training differs of mantak chia and others chi kung where you concentrate on border skin and air. But since Taoism is focus inside by returning all senses inside to avoid lost energy, therefore it is a logic conclusion of pathway.

The dot close to 5 is the higher tan tien and as I said close to center line 6th chakra.

You will remark that there is 12 division and the letter at center section which ironicly gives 7 chakras . Crown for us has no back and front line chakra points, but we do have for the 1st which differ here.. As I remember, when site started there were no front and back extension for first. Coiincidence is edge border zones seems to be quite close to the level of 3 knots as if knots are frontier between zone chakas.

We have something similar in western astrology but as standing up not sitted (tarot card, statues) which makes me wonder if it was in fact it was a hidden training for western initiates. Remember that 3d drawing did’nt existed so you draw the wheel a way so people understand details of its contains, just a line crown to phallus will not point that a circle must be use.

JG in diagram will be heart point front line and back line chakra. M is heart, O is fire in the stove Note here that east (wood direction) is in the back. Since for Taoist the back body is yang and front yin, metal is the heaviest of element therefore west is in front line and yin motion , trees floats and grows up therefore a yang motion. This is probably the reason behind the diagram which is opposite traditional Asiatic placement (chinese rotate directions western compass where north is top so south is utop which moves east to left, traditinal set up for 8 wonderful doors, flying palaces ...).

generative force is jing, spiritual jing is prenatal, physical or postnatal jing is semen. Obviously semen won’t move from the stove except when you loose it, it is an allegory for the energies in the charging done in water/semen and it is that charged power that we recuperate and move in the wheel. It could be also a reason to try avoiding lost of jing. A battery have juice in it, no juice and the battery become useless until refilled. Just remember that the book is about meditation, we do not talk here of what is necessary for reproduction of species. But you may understand that the best of your training goes there and this is why jews are scared and later asked priest to be single, quality wil be greater in jing and be transmitted to the kids..

reversed breathing imply pull abdomen in as inhale out as exhale. So normal to read that abdomen relaxes as exhale. I prefer do full beathing of our site but modified as mantak chia. First is expansion down then sides (loving handles) then lower back then front, etc ... I remarked that for unknow reason as you meditate body start doing partial reverse by itself as if body want to keep pressure on expansion. Silly as look the idea, reverse beathing may not be about bringing back stomach in as inhale, but slight natural resistance training against expansion, similar to hard chi kung that I explained in an other article.

When jing move by itself by breath we force it to lower dan tian under navel where it transform and them transform the result in vitality (chi) in solar plexus . Lowea tan tien in lower abdomen is therefore a stove supporting generative force ready to go up.

Regular meditation increase jing and provoke spontaneous uncontrolled natural erection. Goal is to bring back to 2ndh chakara sexual energies after the wheel (so is cleaned and purified) then we send it to 3rd chakra to vaporize it, vitality = chi = air. Since 3rd chakra is fire putting there jing/semen/water will vaporize it.

Hic all Taoist books that I have read before say middle dan tian is at heart chakra line and result wheel is send to solar plexus. but here solar plexus is middle dan tian. And Chinese element assign to it is in the book is earth (close to spleen). Again is it an allegory ? Earth was considered the center of all before. Remember that the 3rd chakra was called navel chakra but it never meant as new age that the chaka is at navel. Navel was used as a symbol since it is the power source of all nadis. Same concept with the stone of apollo in greece. Myths said it was the center of the world. Archeologist decided center grece but it was never the physical center of that land nor the center of its economy, it is an allegory, sun is life for all . Stone is contraction of soil, so the stone was the contraction of the sun energies. Sun is golden, the Greece pagan religion to venerate the stone may well be an allusion to the philosophal stone.

If we follow that new concept my training is wrong. Believing that dan tian are 2 4 6 chakra, I added fire in the chakra below transforming jing in chi, moving result in wheel than placing it int next dan tian, 4th,. I put fire in solar to transform the resulted chi in shen, tehn transform shen in tai chi (tao in motion) in 6th chakra. But trasnformation must keep on to tao then beyond tao . Where will be put tai chi to transform ? I have choose once to restat down 2 4 6, my other option was to use the chakras over head. Each dan tian is 2 after, 8th chakra is 1st out... Naturally, cooking imply control heat, when it boils, we take off cover sosteams goes up and reduce heat (water will flow out marmit) . The final result Is put in golden core or 3rd chakra. Then I did the 5 elements of chakras instead organs. Mixing well ingredients in marmit imply spinning them making them one sphere instead 2. Following idea of concentration inside, I use now repetition in the 3. Dream were weird with water inondating the house from the floor. Other time they were 3 vases conencted with fire under, but first contains was burned, 2nd has less 3rd even less. I understood from that that my concetrattion was too long on 1st chakra. If my idea was correct there is missing something important in refinement , enough cumulation and a place to put the result.

Also, thate book say that The fire always remain at 2nd chakra, what change of spot is the marmit that was put in 2nd chakra region to 3rd then 6th. His idea is switching the place of concentration and its contains. Obviously when you do barbecue when food is cooked closed to your liking, you place the food higher up, it will keep cooking but slower and kept warm enough to eat after. I believe here to be the same concept. Heat will be in all chiminea, but as go up heat is less and less but product still cooking slowler. Naturally it is useless to cook food if we do not eat it up after. or cook just air . Which is kind of funny allegory since, the book keep saying at some point to bring all result in 6th, merged jing chi shen then send it to solar plexus (stomach zone) by the help of saliva.

P in diagram is center brain which is higher dan tian.

END part one. The second part will follow if the article pass.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
