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Taoist - the 7 park training


New member
Mar 10, 2024

There is 7 animals/ 7 park. Like the 3 wun, they are part of our soul, for a total of 10 which are 3 wun / higher spirit and 7 animal / lower spirit. Coincidence is 3 + 7 = 10 = 3 knots and 7 chakras. The 7 park are also called poh on internet.

In taoist sorcery site :

The 7 Po(s)(七魄) correspond to seven emotions: happy, anger, sad, joy, love, hate, fear. Also correspond to seven sounds: shout, laugh, hoot, moan, sing, cry, whistling, which correspond to human organs.

Note that it is intéressant : to curse, they attach one of 3 hun and one of 7 po of the victim to a doll with a 49 days ritual.

Now if 7 poh correspond to human organs, by association it will imply 5 elements, 5 planets therefore 5 chakras, 2 left not included in chinese classification are the 2 other chakras moon and sun . Can we find a correspondance between 7 park and 7 chakras ?

If we follow order poh in internet site we have these assignations (the = sign are my searches) :

Tun zeiShout = wood = jupiterImmunity = according western and chinese internet is tied to liver, woodMiss 5th hearing = 5th chaka, 5th is tied to immunity/purification, venus, akasha
Shi gouLaugh = fire = marsTactileTouch = air, 4th, mercury
Chu huiHoot = owls sound similar, mocking. Laugh is a kind of mocking depending situation so is fire, marsAwareAwareness = consciousness, may be 7th, buddhi, for us is jupiter, intéressant that owl is tied to athena born by front zeus
Chou feiMoan = groan = water = mercuryNose = metal = venus1st chakra = smell saturn
Qiao yinSing = earth =saturnTongue = fire = marsTaste/tongue = water, 2nd chakra, mars
Fei duCry = metal = venusEyes = wood = jupiterFire = sight 3rd chakra = sun
Fu shiWhitsling = can be used in music like singing = earth / saturn.

Intéressant to point samael aun weor had a mantra to empty mind base on a chinese story, sound air (woo, oo as ooze) difference in whistling is using teeth and tongue
ManasManas= mind = moon = 6th chakra based on hindu order creation. Coïncidence or not, We use bija maum for 6th and 7th. For info maum is bija yama, god of hell so 1st chakra, saturn. Coincidence.

You can see that it is hard to trace a correspondence. Chinese use only 5 elements to classify everything so sun and moon are not present. Here depending assignations to 7 poh, based on Chinese 5 elements, it seems to contradict themselves between 1st and 2nd column .

But if instead classifying in 5 elements to trace the planet, we choose the symbol, we found a pattern in 3rd column. May be for assignation to chakras we must use the general symbol without referring to classification to 5 elements.

Now I wonder if they could have more then one planet assigned to a chakra., a major one and minor ones. Think of hindu gods, general names can be ties to a unique planet, but they are different names for each planet of the same god like as if there is a general function and specifialized ones : eg Lakshmi, abundance is used by us for general abundance energy that we program after to what type we want.. But she got different names tied to each planets too. Each planet have a classification . One name tied to a planet will be more abundance of sex, relationship, physical strength, money, position, knowledge, etc… General name can be used for anything but they will be more effect with the name corresponding to each planet. It may explain in the table why sometimes 2 saturn, 2 jupiter or 2 mars... Jupiter is center of all TCM divination system, calendar. Who is the center of galaxy ? sun. So in 5 system classification eyes = jupiter but in 7 sight is 3rd chaka which is for us sun. But that can be just coincidence.

Not knowing for sure which animal goes to which chakra, best just follow tradition until someone clarify all these.

Like other times I just put the notes and if needed commentaries. If you see dots it is because they are notes on different years or courses learning


Hindu cosmology - Wikipedia


Understanding the Human Soul | Daoist Gate

Taoist Models of Hun and Po, Part Two | Acupuncture Today


Colors becomes animals.

Means ghost, animals spirit. When die wun go up, park go down, some park do not disintegrate so got haunting houses, spirit merge with void, chi. If 3 and 7 stay there cannot dye. In this 3 times they got crazy, wild, so use Technic particularly these times

Remember what said the shaman of merida. The soul go out by feet instead head like westerners. That shaman didn’t know the possibility of higher souls and lower ones in same body. Higher ones are yang and tend go up there fore exiting by crown, lower ones are yin so they tend go down exiting by feet. (taoist view)


new moon (see nothing) full moon (15) crescent (1/4) half moon. At night. Color transform into animals


Practice night time during the first last (new moon) and 14th day of the lunar calendar

They seem to have here a contradiction : I have 4 dates here but in general part in beginning article and second version here they are only 3 dates : Confusion comes with crescent note, it may imply not 3 but 5 dates : new moon, 1st crescent, full moon, last crescent, last day month.

Two same version against one so lets use only 3 for each month :

  • Full moon (15 or 14th lundar day or half the lunar month),
  • New moon (beginning month for chinese, some hindu region have a variant starting at full moon)
  • last day moon which is day before new moon
Curiously full moon and new moon (no moon in sky), by eyesight may be 2 days lasting even if by technology we can now precise the exact time and hour . The 0% or 100% for the time it last is often in between 2 days. Technology wasn’t there in the past, people were just looking at the sky, seeing 1st crescent starting they conclude it is 2nd day. The practice is a fixed hour, will exact period 100% or 0% have an impact ? No idea.

I already spoke of book 10 000 calendar or tong shu one to help trace the dates but you may search on internet Chinese lunar calendar and take 1st lunar day, middle and last day (29, 30 days rotation system) :

New moon 1st 31/12/2051st 29/1/2025
Full moon14th 13/1/2025 15th 12/2/2025
Last day 29th 28/1/202530th 27/2/2025

Coincidence real date full moon for montreal correspond if we choose the 14th in a 29 days lunar month and 15th in 30 days cases. I haven’t check other regions.

Not part of the article but we are so close to valentine that I wonder if real valentine day was as so many pagan date moved of a few days. EG : winter solstice 21 switch to 25 december , summer solstice 21 switch to 24 june (st john day). Full moon is 12/2/2025 and valentine 14/2/2025. Valentine day may be a specific day to practice alchemy of uniting sun and moon in us apart a tie to sexual magic (heart symbol is 2 people joined kissing) . Full moon have more spiritual power that waning days, postponing the date may be an ennemy way to reduce effect training day. Apart that Pagans often use full moon in rituals or meditation, particularly hindu. This is why church have tried so much to scare us of full moon with witches, werewolves, demons, etc… Even a solar eclipse is said to be an important practice by hindu, but church will say it is the time of the devil and made movies to scare us.


Moon Phases Calendar - January 2025, Lunar Calendar 2025 January


Chinese Calendar of January 2025: Lucky Things to Do, Holidays, Lunar Dates


That part was talked in 3 wun, it is the same but I fail to see here the importance, we do not use the 3 dan tian in the training Here. The only clue may be that Taoist have a lot Emphasis on 3 dan tian.

Before performing either the controlling of the 3 wuns or restraining the 7 parks, secrets invoke the name of the 3 shens in the 3 ones (sam yut) and at the same time imagine they are jade in colour, radiant gold with the form of a newly born baby, the upper and middle yuens in scarlet clothes while the lower yuen in yellow clothing

Their names are :

Upper In the headcheck ji alias yuen seenCheck2 ji2 vs yune4 sin1
Middle in the heartjun yun alias ji darnJan1 yan4 vs ji2 daan1
Lower in the navelying yi alias yuen yeung jiYing1 ?? ( found similar but sound is maau6) vs yune4 yeung4 ji2


1) call 3 shen for permission

2) wash face, get up
Probably an error of order here since we go to bed after. I believe it should be at the end (11) since once we finish meditation it is part of exercises before standing
up. Just rub palms first so they are warm before washing face with hands.

3) Lying flat in bed, no pillow, stretching out legs (midnight, straight)

4) Rubbing the 2 palms then covering the ears with fingers reaching the neck

5) Holding breath 7 counts (both possible, do not breath extreme) *** Both possible may mean hold empty or/and hold full.

6) Visualization

7) Knocking teeth 7 times (multiple of 7)

8) Swallowing the divine liquid 7 times
No details but it will normally be 7 times to solar plexus but due to coïncidence of 7 poh and existence 7 major chakras it may well be one for each chakra

9) Invoking the name of the 7 parks :

10) incantation :


Rub until hot. Park related to lung

Keep on imagine time want, these 9 rings

Sacred beasts at the weakest points 5 senses

9 Holes body = 2 nostril 2 ears 2 eyes 1mouth 2 lower yin which give 5 general items, 5 senses = 5 elements which imply mouth and tongue. Naturally ladies got 10 holes (3 lower yin), it is 9 because cannons were mostly written by man. Lower down are detailed visualization

Tiger is west. The beast are visualised more longer (2/3 time and 1/3 on white chi). Follow order creation, there just few inches.

Pronounce names one after an other, don’t link them.

  • Imagine white chi the size of a bean from the nose starting to enlarge till encircling 9 time the whole body from head to feet. Eyes or not opened. Better close

  • Imagine white chi again turning into heavenly beasts :

  • The 2 green dragons in the eyes (face outside), 2 white tigers in the nostrils facing outwards, green tortoise below left foot, divine green serpent below the right foot; 2 young virgins in black brocade torches at the opening of the ears. Torch is outside helded, torch outside hold.

Why white color ? because that color is tied to lungs, and lungs are said to be residence of 7 park

Element cycle of creation : wood/eyes/green gives birth to fire/tongue, fire to earth/mouth in general , next metal/nose/white, water/ears/black , wood. But he does not protect mouth and tongue he starts with eyes jumps to nose then jump to 2 feet then ears.

The animals are the classic one of mantak chia : green dragon for wood, white tiger for metal. They should be 5 beasts but here we have 4 and persons.
Since he already use a tortoise for feet, my guess is that he use instead 2 virgin dressed in black instead of a black tortoise.

Why use 2 feet ? It may be because at death 7 park pass by there so we must prevent that. I cannot have an answer why no animals in front of mouth and tongue (earth and fire) when he says to protect the 5 senses (5 entries elements). But there may be a trail : fire is erected phallus, earth is 1st chakra close to anus (we usually do solid). Judaic corruption due to ties to sex may have moved the animals to feet. Snake = kundalini, yang, fire at right leg (yang), a turtle is more yin and supporting. Leg are attached to hips.

Internet do not gives lot details about green tortoise and green serpent. Green serpent is Xiaoqing tied to the Chinese/Japanese white snake myths.Turtle could be tied to vishnu to support earth. In that story earth was below water (makes me think of land/ island sinking or rising). He became a turtle move under earth and rise earth up over sea so humans had a land. As for green I do not believe it here to be tied to wood. There is viper green snake (also white), many green types serpent (venenous or not). I never thought they were so many dangerous snake in china.


Turtles & Tortoises In Chinese Culture: Art, Symbolism, History – The Turtle Hub

Xiaoqing (character) - Wikipedia


The site Understanding the Human Soul | Daoist Gate Gives the Chinese character missing so prononciation has been retraced (wasn’t in notes).

1Si gougoouCorpse dogSi1 gau2Corpse – dog
2Fook chitchiConceal arrowFuk6 chi2Call down/ 4 pattes - arrow
3Jeuk yumyomSparrow Yin/moonJeuk3 yam1Bird - increase negative
4Tun charkTonn - tcharkSwallow thiefTan1 chaak6swallow – teeth
5Fay dokedokFly poisonFei1 dok6Fly - poison
6Chui wightTcheuil - whyRemove dirtCheuil4 wai3lower, absorb ,remove - dirt
7Chou fiteChoou - fightStink lungChau3 fai3lower smell - lung


(no tones)
SO HAY GOU WUI, JITE PARK KURK GARNSou3 hei3 gau2 (wui4 closest character) ,
jai3 paak3 keuk3 gaan1
White air 9 (rotate)
Restrict/control soul
Repel illitcit sex/debauchery
Giu1 (Closest character) neui5 jap1 gwaan1 (closest)
Heaven beast guard gate/door charming girl hold frontier
CHUT PARK WOR YAU, YUE NGOR SEUNG ONChat1 paak3 wo6 yau4 ,
(closest character) yu5 ngo5 seung1 on1
7 soul temperate gentle with me mutually calm
hon3 chaat3 ying4 yun4
No can foolish move watch examine shape/form source/rrot
YEUK YUE GAY HOT TING YUM YUET WONG YUT JINGYeuk6 yu5 gei1(closest character, there is a difference, but hot3 = thirst) ,
ting1 yam2 yut6 wong4 yat6 jing1
If you hunger thirst listen drink moon
Yellow/surfur sun/day energy/sperm

Translation teacher :

Regulate chis 9 rounds, restrict park repel evil
Heavenly beasts guard door, graceful girl hold gate
7 park restful, gentle with me in harmony
Shalt not in vain, move, watch, examine shape source
If you hunger, thirst, listen, drink moon yellow sun ching

This incantation is simple, it describes the visualisation technic and programming energy :

  • goal white air is control park (9 circles), so once have done them program energy risen to restrict park and repel evil
  • place beast to guard doors, by teacher is 3 elements holes in head + 2 feet . But if we decide one day that 7 park = 7 chakras, one guardian will be in front each gate, like Ganesha guarding house or classics text, one guardian on each side door.
  • Suggestion of controlling
  • takes energies moon and yellow sun to feed 7 park but where ? lungs residence or 7 chakras. ? In calling back 3 wun green was placed in 3 dan tian , then the resident placed (3 wun) in it were nourished by 6th chakra ambrosia, but here there is no talking about putting the white somewhere not the placement of 7 park
  • Still, Moon technicly is usually white (but sometimes color moon change). So we may say bring white from 6th and yellow from 3rd to park residence . Not having placement, we can take lungs, lung region (4th chakra is in between , usally food isn farm is close to living room of animals), 7 chakras or aura/body in general.
  • since part below traced , conclude incantation with general order. affirming your autoriy on the animals.

Sam si (3 names) Incantation

Chout (means out)

Gup (tone rising) gup yug (down down) lurt ling

How mutch this with control of the 7 park

no idea why it is here, it is not in his part of translation lines of the incantation but it looks more like the standard ending incantation talked in gong sun and 3 wun.

gup4 gup4 yu6 leurt9 ling8 chik4 => gap1 gap1 yu4 leut6 ling 6 chik1 => (standard ending)

Translation could be like emergency emergency in accord with imperial decree I keep you under control and command you to follow orders


Teached said the trainings can be done each day. But there is specific date for more effect. Similar for chakras we use astrology, specific days and magical hours to focus on them.

To resume last articles :

- Gon sun day training is like keeping at bay cause of impurities (3 worms) and purify their garbage left in the 3 dan tian. (my idea 2 4 6th chakra center line) with red fire and putting a guardian to prevent their coming back

- Calling back 3 wun is making a good clean comfortable house (3 dan tian) to bring them back to us . Clean house with fire, good food is green energy (3 wun tied to liver/wood/green), good drink is ambrosia

- 7 pak training is controlling, guiding the animals soul responsible of physical body so they are calm and do not get wild. (eg: emotions). No indices to link them to 7 chakras. Like any animals they must be educated and tamed. We do not want a dog wounding people for nothing or a horse throwin gaway in air his rider. . Energies of sun and moon are here used to feed them. (6th and 3rd chakra). Question is where to put their food since contrary to other case there is no indices. Either part incantation is missing either knowledge is lost or hidden.

We can summarise these 3 training as purifying 3 dan tian and all our chakras , energising them , programming them. I remark more on forum ideas of purifying (take out grey out) , spinning as energising (ligth) without protecting them first or programming once energize their interaction with the world. For my part as old way magician, protection room comes first then detailed one (chakras) after we purify after we empower and program their goals.

Reason I recently decided to share the training of gong sun, 3 wun and 7 park was because with new technology I was finally able to trace nearly all pronunciation. Without that, only thing to train was visualization.

I still have come doubts to share the won tin king information training since I do not have all gods names characters. They are around 19 pages of comments of my teacher. And the wole book gives by memory more than 1 000 spirits names (organs yin and yang, general dan tian, dan tian leader and subordinates names of its detailed zones, parts body: muscle bones hair eyes.....). it is close to be like hindu nyasa where you place gods names (vibrate) on part body for different reasons (manifest deity for a goal, empower by elements or planets, armor deity, etc... ) . These chinese gods names bring health or more correclty said the vibration of the name raise energy that is programmed to bring health to what they manage. Knowing the keys in the book gives also visualization training that amplify the results. I Finding the chises text and being able to read it in cantonese would help to trace the gods names and validate the impact of all these mantras. After all the won tin king is the book of the yellow emperor . (Azazel ?)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
