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I met Satan, He gave me powers, what is my role. (Hooded Cobra)

Ghost Mayana

New member
Aug 3, 2024
I was with Satan, a real encounter, and he gave me powers and legions, I need a Spiritual guide, and mentor. I need to understand my role to play. Right now I can control elements of earth and air. . My powers have been heightened since the last full moon and every piece of gem,steel, jewelry I wear gives me added strength.

My short reply to that entire paragraph is a "no" followed by an invitation to read the sites and sermons.

I'll let someone else explain the no in greater detail lol
In my sarcastic opinion we need you as a Spiritual guide, and mentor. Being that you are so advanced as you supposedly claim and since the JoyofSatan advocates freedom of knowledge, why don't you teach us such skills. Don't you think you should assume the role of a teacher? You can share with us the techniques on how to control the elements. How we can get to meet Father Satan. Teach us how we can be much beloved by Father Satan so he can bestow such powers on us. From what you posted. You could teach us clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, chanelling, magical willpower (to keep the legions), elemental control, Star energy invocation (moon), crystal and metal work. I thought your mentor and guide was Father Satan Himself. Why do you need one, when you have some siddhis already to even be able to receive bestowment of powers?. OR JUST GET LOST!!!!! :ROFLMAO:
I was with Satan, a real encounter, and he gave me powers and legions, I need a Spiritual guide, and mentor. I need to understand my role to play. Right now I can control elements of earth and air. . My powers have been heightened since the last full moon and every piece of gem,steel, jewelry I wear gives me added strength.
Father Satan give you all this power and didn't say a word were you need to use it, interesting.
I was with Satan, a real encounter, and he gave me powers and legions, I need a Spiritual guide, and mentor. I need to understand my role to play. Right now I can control elements of earth and air. . My powers have been heightened since the last full moon and every piece of gem,steel, jewelry I wear gives me added strength.
Look, it's my personal opinion and that's it:

I think it is truly much more productive to approach Satanism on our part by embracing the mission to advance, both as individuals and as a community, that is, the sacred mission of the Joy Of Satan, rather than hallucinating about the ONLY friends this world has, the Gods of Hell and Satan, since this world, apart from Them, seems to have only enemies (from ET Enemies, but even degenerate human beings such as members of the Vatican).

I don't know if you are serious in your post or not serious; but in any case, I urge you to take Satanism seriously. Yes, you could literally have a hundred hallucinations and make weird forum posts that no one will care much about, and that's it, you literally won't get anything out of it. Nothing productive for yourself, nor for others.

OR you could try to achieve something positive through seriousness and commitment. Accepting the nobility of the thing. True, this option is the most difficult, but it is also the most useful. Furthermore, I have NEVER seen ANYONE who, after starting to take Satanism seriously, regretted it and wanted to go back to their old life.

The only ones who have given up are those who never really wanted to commit and had no intention of doing so. Maybe when they were Christians they prayed three Catholic rosaries a day in a situation of slavery, and now that they are free and have true free will thanks to Father Satan, they waste it and don't use it to improve themselves even for 15 minutes of meditation a day ...

Some say that Satanism is not an easy thing, the truth is that it is the best choice of our life. Want to see something really not easy? Try living in the situations that Jehovah's Witnesses and similar people experience.

You have met JoS, and it could potentially turn out to be your greatest fortune, what you have to do is NOT give JoS (or Satan) a chance to prove to you that the writings on the site are real, you have to give YOURSELF the chance, do the your experiences and try to put yourself in the mental condition of awareness that you can truly elevate yourself.
I was with Satan, a real encounter, and he gave me powers and legions, I need a Spiritual guide, and mentor. I need to understand my role to play. Right now I can control elements of earth and air. . My powers have been heightened since the last full moon and every piece of gem,steel, jewelry I wear gives me added strength.
I have a plan for you, sent to me by Baalzebul Himself in a wet dream last night. Fieat, you control the earth beneath Blackrock HQ to make the entire building sink and end the company, or do this with every office they have just to be sure. Then you need to go with your legion and hit the federal reserve, and then cause a hurricane to send flying whomever is opposing your legion, which will be mostly military. You repeat this strat with a couple more big jewish companies and you're good.
Or maybe I need to be lead through, what do you mean by Neptune influence.. Because I'm lost and confused. I feel air like I touch it amidst other things and they're so real, but I wasn't always like that, they started the last full moon
I have a plan for you, sent to me by Baalzebul Himself in a wet dream last night. Fieat, you control the earth beneath Blackrock HQ to make the entire building sink and end the company, or do this with every office they have just to be sure. Then you need to go with your legion and hit the federal reserve, and then cause a hurricane to send flying whomever is opposing your legion, which will be mostly military. You repeat this strat with a couple more big jewish companies and you're good.
It's first instead of fieat, mobile keyboard sucks ass.
I was with Satan, a real encounter, and he gave me powers and legions, I need a Spiritual guide, and mentor. I need to understand my role to play. Right now I can control elements of earth and air. . My powers have been heightened since the last full moon and every piece of gem,steel, jewelry I wear gives me added strength.
I might laid this down rather too blunt, but I speak the truth, I have had a possession since the last full moon and I am seeking an explanation and someone to lead me through this and give me a good explanation of what might be going on with me
I was with Satan, a real encounter, and he gave me powers and legions, I need a Spiritual guide, and mentor. I need to understand my role to play. Right now I can control elements of earth and air. . My powers have been heightened since the last full moon and every piece of gem,steel, jewelry I wear gives me added strength.
You can't control both! Either you're an air bender or earth bender...
unless you're the next avatar
I was with Satan, a real encounter, and he gave me powers and legions, I need a Spiritual guide, and mentor. I need to understand my role to play. Right now I can control elements of earth and air. . My powers have been heightened since the last full moon and every piece of gem,steel, jewelry I wear gives me added strength.
So now that you can leap tall buildings with a single bound, and travel faster than a speeding bullet... did you manage to work your way up to that ability level, learning along the way? Do you know how to put on the brakes and land safely, without damaging or killing yourself or anyone else?

If you're going to post something, try harder try. Tell me what happened next. Thanks.
So now that you can leap tall buildings with a single bound, and travel faster than a speeding bullet... did you manage to work your way up to that ability level, learning along the way? Do you know how to put on the brakes and land safely, without damaging or killing yourself or anyone else?

If you're going to post something, try harder try. Tell me what happened next. Thanks.
My whole idea of sharing this experience is to find answers and not to be persecuted.. I don't know if it sounds like I wanna starr in the next superman movie to you.
I'm trying to be real and open here, and not make Foes. I am here only because I believe in Satan and know that Christianity is a big lie and a bigger conspiracy
I was with Satan, a real encounter, and he gave me powers and legions, I need a Spiritual guide, and mentor. I need to understand my role to play. Right now I can control elements of earth and air. . My powers have been heightened since the last full moon and every piece of gem,steel, jewelry I wear gives me added strength.

Well, if Satan "gave you powers" and you are high and mighty, what do you need a mentor for?

In all seriousness though, it's people like you that confuse a serious spiritual path with Dragonball Z that bring us down and have people think this isn't a serious path. Much like those who come here and claim to be Gods, vampires, aliens, antichrists or anything other than humans because they have an inferiority complex and hate themselves.

If you change your mind, read the JoS site, do the dedication ritual and practice power meditations.

There's no being that gives you instant powers. Satan teaches us how to develop our own powers, but it's much different from anime LARPing.
Well, I have practiced spirituality and astral travels on my own since I was little, possibly my energy is building and I need some mentoring. For the record, I'm not trying to be anyone, nor claim to be anything... Besides, man was Originally created with high powers and is a mighty force on its own if enlightened and shown secrets of the universe.. This Human body is a vessel and I am only occupying it to relate the physical.
Or maybe I need to be lead through, what do you mean by Neptune influence.. Because I'm lost and confused. I feel air like I touch it amidst other things and they're so real, but I wasn't always like that, they started the last full moon
Neptune energy produces the types of feelings and thoughts that you are having. Neptune can make you feel very strange things, and have strange thoughts. It can cause strong confusion, or even things as bad as insanity and schizophrenia. Neptune is also related to drug addictions, and bringing people to have a mindset that will make them want to consume mind altering drugs, which then makes all of the confusion even stronger.

The last full moon, or something else with another planet at that time, may have had a transit where it had an alignment with your Neptune position, which would cause the Neptune energy to suddenly become much more powerful at that time, and cause this feeling to suddenly exist for you.

You need to work with things which will make your mind more steady, and bring you closer with the truth and reality, and prevent you from going off into confused delusions. You need to work to build a steady foundation. You can do all of the Gods' rituals that are in the current schedule right now, and you can also do the ritual for Baal Zebul. These gods can give you help and guidance to fix this problem. You can also work with the Earth element to steady your mind, but be careful not to have too much because it can give you a feeling like your body is very heavy and not want to do anything.
Neptune energy produces the types of feelings and thoughts that you are having. Neptune can make you feel very strange things, and have strange thoughts. It can cause strong confusion, or even things as bad as insanity and schizophrenia. Neptune is also related to drug addictions, and bringing people to have a mindset that will make them want to consume mind altering drugs, which then makes all of the confusion even stronger.

The last full moon, or something else with another planet at that time, may have had a transit where it had an alignment with your Neptune position, which would cause the Neptune energy to suddenly become much more powerful at that time, and cause this feeling to suddenly exist for you.

You need to work with things which will make your mind more steady, and bring you closer with the truth and reality, and prevent you from going off into confused delusions. You need to work to build a steady foundation. You can do all of the Gods' rituals that are in the current schedule right now, and you can also do the ritual for Baal Zebul. These gods can give you help and guidance to fix this problem. You can also work with the Earth element to steady your mind, but be careful not to have too much because it can give you a feeling like your body is very heavy and not want to do anything.
Thank you very much.
Your contribution is highly appreciated.
Hail Satan!
I was with Satan, a real encounter, and he gave me powers and legions, I need a Spiritual guide, and mentor. I need to understand my role to play. Right now I can control elements of earth and air. . My powers have been heightened since the last full moon and every piece of gem,steel, jewelry I wear gives me added strength.

I believe you are very much excited you are with the Gods and these are good news. But please be aware there needs to be serious studying, meditation and insight developed over time. That's not only about excitement of one day the air blowing in the direction you think you controlled, and thinking you are like the movie with Jim Carey.

Please study further, be blessed and be well.
My whole idea of sharing this experience is to find answers and not to be persecuted.. I don't know if it sounds like I wanna starr in the next superman movie to you.
I'm trying to be real and open here, and not make Foes. I am here only because I believe in Satan and know that Christianity is a big lie and a bigger conspiracy
Alright. Well, what powers do you have? It's rather stupid (for e.g. yourself and the one who gave the powers) to have powers and then need to seek help with them after. Were you able to drive an F1 car before getting a licence in a Reliant Robin? It doesn't make sense that you have powers and then need help with them after. It's like doing parkour and then jumping from the Empire State Building without a parachute and net.
I believe you are very much excited you are with the Gods and these are good news. But please be aware there needs to be serious studying, meditation and insight developed over time. That's not only about excitement of one day the air blowing in the direction you think you controlled, and thinking you are like the movie with Jim Carey.

Please study further, be blessed and be well.
Thank you.
The "Jim Carey" part was really funny.
You're quite right I'm glad to have found special and real minds.
Ave Satana.
Or maybe I need to be lead through, what do you mean by Neptune influence.. Because I'm lost and confused. I feel air like I touch it amidst other things and they're so real, but I wasn't always like that, they started the last full moon

Following the path of delusions is the anteroom of the decline phase. Your logical thinking, in this case, does not vibrate on solid foundations. The comments here are not against you, they are for your benefit - stop this mentality because it will reward you with false ego and confidence. Meditate, do Yoga, perform Magic and gain experience. Once you reach a level, come back to this post and read it again.
Alright. Well, what powers do you have? It's rather stupid (for e.g. yourself and the one who gave the powers) to have powers and then need to seek help with them after. Were you able to drive an F1 car before getting a licence in a Reliant Robin? It doesn't make sense that you have powers and then need help with them after. It's like doing parkour and then jumping from the Empire State Building without a parachute and net.
Get off my ass FancyMancy.. I got my answers already. Go act funny with someone else. Maybe "Jim Carey" lol
I was with Satan, a real encounter, and he gave me powers and legions, I need a Spiritual guide, and mentor. I need to understand my role to play. Right now I can control elements of earth and air. . My powers have been heightened since the last full moon and every piece of gem,steel, jewelry I wear gives me added strength.
Maybe give us more details of your experience, if did you see or just hear Satan?

What do you mean by he gave you legions?

What can you do with air and earth, and how do you control them?

What did he teach you? How did he show you?

Hail Satan
Following the path of delusions is the anteroom of the decline phase. Your logical thinking, in this case, does not vibrate on solid foundations. The comments here are not against you, they are for your benefit - stop this mentality because it will reward you with false ego and confidence. Meditate, do Yoga, perform Magic and gain experience. Once you reach a level, come back to this post and read it again.
I am catching up fast...
Thank you.
Will do more meditations through the night.
Get off my ass FancyMancy.. I got my answers already. Go act funny with someone else. Maybe "Jim Carey" lol
If you notice how I first replied to you, and then how I replied to you the second time with "alright", you might notice a different tone in my second reply. As for the rest - that's how I speak (or type). I was also asking what powers you have.
If you notice how I first replied to you, and then how I replied to you the second time with "alright", you might notice a different tone in my second reply. As for the rest - that's how I speak (or type). I was also asking what powers you have.
I get it okay. It's cool
Now I feel stupid talking about it!😞
Though, now I know my magic has awakened, and I will approach it with more discipline and direction with a guide I'll find.

Maybe give us more details of your experience, if did you see or just hear Satan?

What do you mean by he gave you legions?

What can you do with air and earth, and how do you control them?

What did he teach you? How did he show you?

Hail Satan
Thank you Golden Garden Fairy.. Basically I figured I air bend...Till this moment I still do here and there
I felt him, not hear him, he moved my head by my hair all around voluntarily as I bowed and chanted hail Satan 3 times..
I have an health issue(Electromagnetic hypersensitivity) I noticed I have had metaphysical experiences after I developed that.
How do you invoke the bending or air? And what can you do with it.

I wear rings to feel the energy force Around me. I can sense electricity, network through their electromagnetic waves.. plus I can walk through any human body in my range. Starting from the point of any metal on them.. I'd rather explain this in private message. but I suffer a very hard pain on the left side of my head and my finger tips atimes.. suffering from electromagnetic Hypersensitivity has made my right arm react to batteries and my left arm react as negative poles. I need understanding and guidance. I wasn't trying to bluff. Only special minds can explain to me, and that is why I found my way up to this forum.
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I was with Satan, a real encounter, and he gave me powers and legions, I need a Spiritual guide, and mentor. I need to understand my role to play. Right now I can control elements of earth and air. . My powers have been heightened since the last full moon and every piece of gem,steel, jewelry I wear gives me added strength.
I think you have experienced some of the most basic effects of meditations, but be aware of illusions. You still have to do a lot of deprogramming, freeing works and purifications.

You don't controll any legions, the rullership of a legion is for Heroes, maybe if we speak about humans here, or High ranking Gods in general.

You don't controll the elements, this achivement is something really advanced.

Just do the basics for now, try to connect to the Gods and deprogram yourself. Living in delusions will bring you nothing.
Alright. Well, what powers do you have? It's rather stupid (for e.g. yourself and the one who gave the powers) to have powers and then need to seek help with them after. Were you able to drive an F1 car before getting a licence in a Reliant Robin? It doesn't make sense that you have powers and then need help with them after. It's like doing parkour and then jumping from the Empire State Building without a parachute and net.
Did I tell you I absorb energy from batteries too. Yes, For real. So basically I can drain energy and charge entities.

I have seen the documentaries
And I tell you I can be of some use in this war. Plus you should be careful to know that if all I say about myself is true and you're wrong about me throlling and hallucinating, then their may be others like me and alot more developments here already you're unaware of.
Did I tell you I absorb energy from batteries too. Yes, For real. So basically I can drain energy and charge entities.

I have seen the documentaries
And I tell you I can be of some use in this war. Plus you should be careful to know that if all I say about myself is true and you're wrong about me throlling and hallucinating, then their may be others like me and alot more developments here already you're unaware of.
You are excited and confused.

Start with the basic things, and practice everything. Have actual work and growth.

Lay off the dope.
Did I tell you I absorb energy from batteries too. Yes, For real. So basically I can drain energy and charge entities.

I have seen the documentaries
And I tell you I can be of some use in this war. Plus you should be careful to know that if all I say about myself is true and you're wrong about me throlling and hallucinating, then their may be others like me and alot more developments here already you're unaware of.
Can you even prove it?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
