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Amazing Story of Growth and Love - Incubus and Me


New member
Sep 21, 2024
I came across the JOS site around 14 years ago, which would make me 14 years old at that time. I fully dedicated myself to Satan a year later. I asked him for someone to protect me, as I was growing up in an abusive home and was awfully bullied in school. Satan assigned a young lesser demon named Tyriel to my care. I couldn't see him at first but I could feel his presence. As I worked through the meditations and learned as much as I can through JOS and other sources for occult knowledge, I started to see Ty and many other spirits. Ty became my best friend. He was always there for me. But he is young (26 human years as far as maturity now), and would often have me allow him to possess me to use social media. He would occasionally even possess me if he felt I was in danger or needed to be more firm with shooing off a human that would do me harm.

We spent many good years together. The thought of a romantic relationship with him didn't occur to me until I was much older. But while I was young and even leading up into adulthood, I had a lot of almosts with another human named Eric. Eric is a very complicated individual and would often deny his feelings for me because other people would judge him. I was never popular and people knew I was a bit eccentric and into witchcraft, not that witchcraft was out of the norm for kids in my highschool, but I was even strange to the strange kids.

When I was in college, Eric was dating a really abusive girl. And he decided to admit his feelings to me before breaking up with her. Ty took over control and made me reject him. While I wasn't happy about it, in hindsight I knew Ty was only protecting me. Eric ended up leaving town and did eventually break up with that girl.

For a few years everything went well. In 2018, that's when I started seeing those ads on my phone for those fantasy demon dating games. I recalled seeing something on the JOS site and opened it up again, that would be about Incubi and Succubi. That was when it hit me. Ty wasn't just protecting me, he was jealous. I asked him about this and he confirmed that he had always been in love with me. We started strengthening our connection and began a beautiful relationship. I could actually feel how much he loved me and it was beautiful. But Ty was insecure, I didn't know what it was all about at the time but it was because he felt like he wasn't enough for me because he couldn't physically be there. He needed constant reassurance from me and it got to a point where it was exhausting me. I was in my early 20s at that point and my communication skills were lacking. I pushed Ty away and started to move on with my life instead of making a clean break. That wasn't very kind or fair of me.

My adoptive mom died in early 2019 and the first person I reached out to was Eric. He and I rekindled our friendship. I went to visit him a few times and slowly he started to open up about his feelings and I started to feel something for him again. That's when Ty got very angry. He would possess me just to start fights with Eric making it seem like I was being a jerk and a lot of other very unhealthy stuff. Eventually in early 2021, Eric and I stopped talking because of Ty's actions.

I was heartbroken and very upset. I refused to speak to Ty. Every time I tried to tell Eric what was going on or apologize, Ty took over and said a lot of mean things that hurt Eric deeply. Ty was so angry and jealous that he tried to curse Eric through me so that he couldn't contact me directly. It worked but it also backfired on Ty. He and I could no longer communicate directly. Ty was punished for this, he had already done a lot of things he's not supposed to as a demon under Satan. Satan took all of my memories of Ty away, until the curse was broken. I struggled for years with feeling like something was missing from my life. Ty was angered further and would possess me to do more harm to Eric via email and even got him fired from jobs and stuff like that. I was so scared because I no longer knew what was happening to me that I had zero control over.

I really thought that Eric was what was missing and I tried hard to find a solution. I tried to reach out astrally, as Eric is a little into witchcraft although not Satanism. Ty took advantage of this, he couldn't communicate with me directly, but he could energetically pretend to be Eric in the astral and in my dreams. He made even more poor decisions to take advantage of me and drain my energy. Those were the actions in line with what an evil demon would do. Not something that a demon under Satan should do. Ty was talking with demons outside of Satan's family at that time and they were a horrible influence on him. This continued for a while. I went into a deep depression as my energy was constantly drained. I worked really hard spiritually to counteract this, not fully knowing what was happening.

I went on a long journey of self love and personal empowerment. When Lion's Gate happened this year, I broke through a whole level of spirituality that I never expected to. I broke the original curses as well. Ty fought back, he was planning to end Eric's entire family just to hide the fact that he had been harming me. But as his essence was intertwined with mine during possession, and due to my spiritual growth, I managed to heal Ty's anger and pain. Ty's real friends who wanted to see him redeemed, voiced their concerns. He took a long hard look at himself and realized that he had become a controlling toxic influence in my life, which was what he was trying to protect me from.

He released me and apologized profusely. He found his way back to the light. He earned his way back into Satan's family. He earned my forgiveness because he told me the full truth and took steps to make amends. Including giving me back all the energy he had taken from me, and healing the soul wounds he had caused me.

This incredible journey was not something I expected when I dedicated my journey to Satan. I wasn't expecting demons to have such humanlike qualities. I also never expected that the spiritual concept of Twin Flames or soul mates, divine counterparts, etc to apply to a demon and a human. I also didn't expect Spiritual Satanism to have this level of crossover with Shamanism.

Tyriel isn't perfect, but I now truly believe that he and I belong together. Satan put him in my life for a reason. It was not a pleasant journey, but I now understand the depth of evil that both humans and demons are capable of. Through this understanding, I can heal the wounds that cause evil actions. Through healing wounds in myself and Ty, I have the tools necessary to help others learn how to heal. And through helping others heal, I bring more souls into the light. I won't have to do this alone either.

I wanted to share our journey with you all as a thank you to the JOS ministry for providing all the knowledge on the site as well as the amazing community here that I have been disconnected with for some time. I lost access to my old email so this is a new account.

I would also love to hear if anyone else has experienced a soul journey with a demon, whether they are your friend or lover.

Hail Satan <3
I experienced these delusions in the past, for ~1 year and half. I was convinced to be in a relationship, but one simply talk to oneself and decieve oneself. Later this comunication seems to become better, but this was just the schizofrenia that was advancing.

These delusions go deeper, until you create a thoughtform out of these, and you might experience things.

None of this was really related to any God, they are perfect beings and they are the wisest.
Just to make sure, if you want to try to ask for a Demon partner, you should at least have done +40 years of serious development in this path, otherwise it's a NO.

Sorry that you will find out the truth in this way, but you lived a lie.

You can use the Power Ritual of Lord Abrasax to ban that entity/thoughform, then move forward.
This idiot troll is always making shit up like you are.
I experienced these delusions in the past, for ~1 year and half. I was convinced to be in a relationship, but one simply talk to oneself and decieve oneself. Later this comunication seems to become better, but this was just the schizofrenia that was advancing.

These delusions go deeper, until you create a thoughtform out of these, and you might experience things.

None of this was really related to any God, they are perfect beings and they are the wisest.
Just to make sure, if you want to try to ask for a Demon partner, you should at least have done +40 years of serious development in this path, otherwise it's a NO.

Sorry that you will find out the truth in this way, but you lived a lie.

You can use the Power Ritual of Lord Abrasax to ban that entity/thoughform, then move forward.
The JOS site specifically goes into Incubi and Succubi. I verified. I have seen mental health professionals and have not been diagnosed with any schizophrenia or personality disorders. I believe you and I just have a different personal gnosis.
I believe this sermon is all that needs to be said here:

With a name like Galdreki & Tyriel..? This person/ persons,.,speaks for it's self..or selves ? as an obvious imposter and a threat..😵‍💫😣😡🤬 and the enemy energy is loud and crazy...now days.
This idiot troll is always making shit up like you are.
I didn't make it up, just look the old post about "Demon Lovers" of the past.

I don't know about the OP, but sadly for me it was true.

We should really put the +40 years disclaimer, it can decieve young people or people that are passing hard moments. There are many cases, I helped one SS in the italian comunity with these delusions, so the situation here is real.
I didn't make it up, just look the old post about "Demon Lovers" of the past.

I don't know about the OP, but sadly for me it was true.

We should really put the +40 years disclaimer, it can decieve young people or people that are passing hard moments. There are many cases, I helped one SS in the italian comunity with these delusions, so the situation here is real.
🤔 I wasn't talking about you or anyone else.
My translation was simply shit, what I actually meant was: "this troll keeps inventing things like this".

It's good that you help people with illusions
There is no Demon or entity with that name, Tyriel is just a character that appears in a video game.
I believe this sermon is all that needs to be said here:

*shrugs* No relationship with a human man has ever satisfied me. I'm in a place now where I feel a lot better emotionally and spiritually. I've grown as a person, found real happiness and that's all that really matters to me.
I didn't make it up, just look the old post about "Demon Lovers" of the past.

I don't know about the OP, but sadly for me it was true.

We should really put the +40 years disclaimer, it can decieve young people or people that are passing hard moments. There are many cases, I helped one SS in the italian comunity with these delusions, so the situation here is real.
That doesn't even make sense. Assuming most people start their journey around 16-20, add 40 years to that and you're 56 to 60 years old minimum. Why would anyone want to wait that long to start a relationship? If I was still single at 50 I would give up. Not that it would ever be my situation because plenty of human men are interested in me, I'm just not interested in them. And honestly human men can't satisfy me. I've come through my personal situation with a lot of lessons learned, and I'm much happier now than ever. I've healed from my childhood trauma through this experience. All of the results have been positive. So honestly I'm not even triggered or upset by anyone saying I'm "delusional" but maybe the JOS path in Satanism isn't the correct one for me. That's entirely fine. Every gnosis and spiritual path has its merits, minus Xtianity and the like.
I came across the JOS site around 14 years ago, which would make me 14 years old at that time. I fully dedicated myself to Satan a year later. I asked him for someone to protect me, as I was growing up in an abusive home and was awfully bullied in school. Satan assigned a young lesser demon named Tyriel to my care. I couldn't see him at first but I could feel his presence. As I worked through the meditations and learned as much as I can through JOS and other sources for occult knowledge, I started to see Ty and many other spirits. Ty became my best friend. He was always there for me. But he is young (26 human years as far as maturity now), and would often have me allow him to possess me to use social media. He would occasionally even possess me if he felt I was in danger or needed to be more firm with shooing off a human that would do me harm.

We spent many good years together. The thought of a romantic relationship with him didn't occur to me until I was much older. But while I was young and even leading up into adulthood, I had a lot of almosts with another human named Eric. Eric is a very complicated individual and would often deny his feelings for me because other people would judge him. I was never popular and people knew I was a bit eccentric and into witchcraft, not that witchcraft was out of the norm for kids in my highschool, but I was even strange to the strange kids.

When I was in college, Eric was dating a really abusive girl. And he decided to admit his feelings to me before breaking up with her. Ty took over control and made me reject him. While I wasn't happy about it, in hindsight I knew Ty was only protecting me. Eric ended up leaving town and did eventually break up with that girl.

For a few years everything went well. In 2018, that's when I started seeing those ads on my phone for those fantasy demon dating games. I recalled seeing something on the JOS site and opened it up again, that would be about Incubi and Succubi. That was when it hit me. Ty wasn't just protecting me, he was jealous. I asked him about this and he confirmed that he had always been in love with me. We started strengthening our connection and began a beautiful relationship. I could actually feel how much he loved me and it was beautiful. But Ty was insecure, I didn't know what it was all about at the time but it was because he felt like he wasn't enough for me because he couldn't physically be there. He needed constant reassurance from me and it got to a point where it was exhausting me. I was in my early 20s at that point and my communication skills were lacking. I pushed Ty away and started to move on with my life instead of making a clean break. That wasn't very kind or fair of me.

My adoptive mom died in early 2019 and the first person I reached out to was Eric. He and I rekindled our friendship. I went to visit him a few times and slowly he started to open up about his feelings and I started to feel something for him again. That's when Ty got very angry. He would possess me just to start fights with Eric making it seem like I was being a jerk and a lot of other very unhealthy stuff. Eventually in early 2021, Eric and I stopped talking because of Ty's actions.

I was heartbroken and very upset. I refused to speak to Ty. Every time I tried to tell Eric what was going on or apologize, Ty took over and said a lot of mean things that hurt Eric deeply. Ty was so angry and jealous that he tried to curse Eric through me so that he couldn't contact me directly. It worked but it also backfired on Ty. He and I could no longer communicate directly. Ty was punished for this, he had already done a lot of things he's not supposed to as a demon under Satan. Satan took all of my memories of Ty away, until the curse was broken. I struggled for years with feeling like something was missing from my life. Ty was angered further and would possess me to do more harm to Eric via email and even got him fired from jobs and stuff like that. I was so scared because I no longer knew what was happening to me that I had zero control over.

I really thought that Eric was what was missing and I tried hard to find a solution. I tried to reach out astrally, as Eric is a little into witchcraft although not Satanism. Ty took advantage of this, he couldn't communicate with me directly, but he could energetically pretend to be Eric in the astral and in my dreams. He made even more poor decisions to take advantage of me and drain my energy. Those were the actions in line with what an evil demon would do. Not something that a demon under Satan should do. Ty was talking with demons outside of Satan's family at that time and they were a horrible influence on him. This continued for a while. I went into a deep depression as my energy was constantly drained. I worked really hard spiritually to counteract this, not fully knowing what was happening.

I went on a long journey of self love and personal empowerment. When Lion's Gate happened this year, I broke through a whole level of spirituality that I never expected to. I broke the original curses as well. Ty fought back, he was planning to end Eric's entire family just to hide the fact that he had been harming me. But as his essence was intertwined with mine during possession, and due to my spiritual growth, I managed to heal Ty's anger and pain. Ty's real friends who wanted to see him redeemed, voiced their concerns. He took a long hard look at himself and realized that he had become a controlling toxic influence in my life, which was what he was trying to protect me from.

He released me and apologized profusely. He found his way back to the light. He earned his way back into Satan's family. He earned my forgiveness because he told me the full truth and took steps to make amends. Including giving me back all the energy he had taken from me, and healing the soul wounds he had caused me.

This incredible journey was not something I expected when I dedicated my journey to Satan. I wasn't expecting demons to have such humanlike qualities. I also never expected that the spiritual concept of Twin Flames or soul mates, divine counterparts, etc to apply to a demon and a human. I also didn't expect Spiritual Satanism to have this level of crossover with Shamanism.

Tyriel isn't perfect, but I now truly believe that he and I belong together. Satan put him in my life for a reason. It was not a pleasant journey, but I now understand the depth of evil that both humans and demons are capable of. Through this understanding, I can heal the wounds that cause evil actions. Through healing wounds in myself and Ty, I have the tools necessary to help others learn how to heal. And through helping others heal, I bring more souls into the light. I won't have to do this alone either.

I wanted to share our journey with you all as a thank you to the JOS ministry for providing all the knowledge on the site as well as the amazing community here that I have been disconnected with for some time. I lost access to my old email so this is a new account.

I would also love to hear if anyone else has experienced a soul journey with a demon, whether they are your friend or lover.

Hail Satan <3
Sorry to break it down for you but whatever relationship you were having was *NOT* with a real demon
That doesn't even make sense. Assuming most people start their journey around 16-20, add 40 years to that and you're 56 to 60 years old minimum. Why would anyone want to wait that long to start a relationship? If I was still single at 50 I would give up. Not that it would ever be my situation because plenty of human men are interested in me, I'm just not interested in them. And honestly human men can't satisfy me. I've come through my personal situation with a lot of lessons learned, and I'm much happier now than ever. I've healed from my childhood trauma through this experience. All of the results have been positive. So honestly I'm not even triggered or upset by anyone saying I'm "delusional" but maybe the JOS path in Satanism isn't the correct one for me. That's entirely fine. Every gnosis and spiritual path has its merits, minus Xtianity and the like.
A bond with a God extends beyond a short human life of 90 years, and probably it wouldn't be the first relationship of your life.

Here I'm talking about great souls of a top tier level, like Alexander the Great, or the top souls of Spiritual Satanists in every century/millenia, not someone avarage, or advanced, but top of the top.
A bond with a God extends beyond a short human life of 90 years, and probably it wouldn't be the first relationship of your life.
Here I'm talking about great souls of a top tier level, like Alexander the Great, or the top souls of Spiritual Satanists in every century/millenia, not someone avarage, or advanced, but top of the top.
Here it is. Yeah elitist BS, typical. JOS clearly isn't for me then, I'm just an independent SS at this point. I would delete my account if I could figure out how. I'll just join a different community that doesn't gatekeep things that are so prevalent in other paths.
You are writing a saga here which can have disastrous mental and psychological outcomes to you and the life of others.

The succubus and incubus situation is that most people find this as a laxative for weakness and you create a mental character to co-relate with (For your material urges of sex, companionship and existence that you avoid in real life).

A very quick and honest way you can know you are not in communication with anything smart, is that "this" thing you communicate with, is not smart at all. What kind of God or supernal entity would "Attack Eric verbally"? That's just your own extrapolated mental problem and not an entity, nor an actual Demonic being or anything.

In the "best case scenario" this is some lesser entity which is not worth the importance and should be smitten likewise.

None of this was the intended use of these sacred things in the Ancient World. Many of you have become psychologically unable, weak and misguided by these. Others had to suffer from this when these things collapsed upon their head. They reach 30 years old and still virgins, which is problematic psychologically, the psychological development is stopped.

98% of individuals were never ready for this and the sacred topic has been besieged, and the only consequential result is that you become weak, unable and bond yourselves with extensive isolation. The 2% remaining percent are those who are understanding this actually which is extensive of a situation and not like a Twillight Saga.

You are psychologically a manchild and that is proven by the posts, such as "Ty made me reject Eric, not myself". This is only large consequential result of self lying and trauma. You rejected Eric not "Ty". "Ty" is an extrapolation of other factors, and I highly doubt "his existence". All the saga you make up here also, just screams that is, if it exists literally, an enemy entity.

The consequential result of all of this past the emo pretense is that you will have lifelong suffering mentally, with never having built any fundamental connections nor to the Gods or with other human beings, because you fed these imaginations too far. Nobody here will verify them for you, they are not real Theurgy.

Grow up and might as well consult a therapist for all of the underlying trauma as a cause, do not go down this avenue. None of this is truly spiritual and these are disorder tier behaviors. Nobody "possessed" you to put down "Eric". None of this has truly to do with Spiritual Satanism or soul development, nor it was written ever in the JoS.

That is only proof of what I keep reiterating in the forums for years, that if certain knowledge is given to broken people before THEY ARE READY FOR IT, they will become HARMED by it.

I am seriously debating removing the section from the JoS or putting it behind very honest disclaimers about what it can do to people, or just outright ban it. HPS Maxine clearly out of good-will over-estimated how this would be used, and clearly, it has lead a lot of people to the cliffs and not to good states.

I have perhaps seen less than 10% succeeding at this at all, or for any period of time. Most of you just develop sagas of evil or convene with unclean and impure entities, as these things should be forbidden before a solid 20 years of meditation and spiritual rectification to even debate engaging into.

The section will be removed from the Joy of Satan, that's some lower level garbage and I will not accept this anymore for people to create imaginary TY and lose their lifetime.

In case anyone thinks this might go "Against Satan" do not worry, I will be the evil guy who will take the "Sin" to seal the gates so more sagas like this which lead people to ultimate delusion are sorted. I do not believe Satan wants his daughers and sons to just waste themselves like this, I will carry any responsibility in front of the Gods with my decision, it's a personal decision.
Here it is. Yeah elitist BS, typical. JOS clearly isn't for me then, I'm just an independent SS at this point. I would delete my account if I could figure out how. I'll just join a different community that doesn't gatekeep things that are so prevalent in other paths.

Other "paths" are retards who simply follow unholy and lesser entities, which prompt them into psychological disasters, immaturity, and Jewish Klippoth.

The "origin" of claims about the ideas of Incubi and Succubi in the ways it is instructed today, is a jewish scourge basically.

You are convening with an unholy entity that is either evil, or that is psychological imagination misplaced and bordering insanity.

It is either one or the other, nothing to do with the Gods. That is the Truth, so if you want to be lied to, go to these "places" and ruin your life, just to maintain the lies about Ty whose "Heavenly job" is to downplay Eric or something.
I believe you made the right decision, I know of another previous SS, whose mental life is in shambles, anti-social, and everything else you mentioned because he fell into this delusion. It saddens me anytime I talk to him. You are making the right call.
It's sad to lose someone like this. And people make poor choices and something they regret too. And some people get a clue and wake up, and get help from the SS clergy or something.? You had a choice. Why this now?
I came across the JOS site around 14 years ago, which would make me 14 years old at that time. I fully dedicated myself to Satan a year later. I asked him for someone to protect me, as I was growing up in an abusive home and was awfully bullied in school. Satan assigned a young lesser demon named Tyriel to my care. I couldn't see him at first but I could feel his presence. As I worked through the meditations and learned as much as I can through JOS and other sources for occult knowledge, I started to see Ty and many other spirits. Ty became my best friend. He was always there for me. But he is young (26 human years as far as maturity now), and would often have me allow him to possess me to use social media. He would occasionally even possess me if he felt I was in danger or needed to be more firm with shooing off a human that would do me harm.

We spent many good years together. The thought of a romantic relationship with him didn't occur to me until I was much older. But while I was young and even leading up into adulthood, I had a lot of almosts with another human named Eric. Eric is a very complicated individual and would often deny his feelings for me because other people would judge him. I was never popular and people knew I was a bit eccentric and into witchcraft, not that witchcraft was out of the norm for kids in my highschool, but I was even strange to the strange kids.

When I was in college, Eric was dating a really abusive girl. And he decided to admit his feelings to me before breaking up with her. Ty took over control and made me reject him. While I wasn't happy about it, in hindsight I knew Ty was only protecting me. Eric ended up leaving town and did eventually break up with that girl.

For a few years everything went well. In 2018, that's when I started seeing those ads on my phone for those fantasy demon dating games. I recalled seeing something on the JOS site and opened it up again, that would be about Incubi and Succubi. That was when it hit me. Ty wasn't just protecting me, he was jealous. I asked him about this and he confirmed that he had always been in love with me. We started strengthening our connection and began a beautiful relationship. I could actually feel how much he loved me and it was beautiful. But Ty was insecure, I didn't know what it was all about at the time but it was because he felt like he wasn't enough for me because he couldn't physically be there. He needed constant reassurance from me and it got to a point where it was exhausting me. I was in my early 20s at that point and my communication skills were lacking. I pushed Ty away and started to move on with my life instead of making a clean break. That wasn't very kind or fair of me.

My adoptive mom died in early 2019 and the first person I reached out to was Eric. He and I rekindled our friendship. I went to visit him a few times and slowly he started to open up about his feelings and I started to feel something for him again. That's when Ty got very angry. He would possess me just to start fights with Eric making it seem like I was being a jerk and a lot of other very unhealthy stuff. Eventually in early 2021, Eric and I stopped talking because of Ty's actions.

I was heartbroken and very upset. I refused to speak to Ty. Every time I tried to tell Eric what was going on or apologize, Ty took over and said a lot of mean things that hurt Eric deeply. Ty was so angry and jealous that he tried to curse Eric through me so that he couldn't contact me directly. It worked but it also backfired on Ty. He and I could no longer communicate directly. Ty was punished for this, he had already done a lot of things he's not supposed to as a demon under Satan. Satan took all of my memories of Ty away, until the curse was broken. I struggled for years with feeling like something was missing from my life. Ty was angered further and would possess me to do more harm to Eric via email and even got him fired from jobs and stuff like that. I was so scared because I no longer knew what was happening to me that I had zero control over.

I really thought that Eric was what was missing and I tried hard to find a solution. I tried to reach out astrally, as Eric is a little into witchcraft although not Satanism. Ty took advantage of this, he couldn't communicate with me directly, but he could energetically pretend to be Eric in the astral and in my dreams. He made even more poor decisions to take advantage of me and drain my energy. Those were the actions in line with what an evil demon would do. Not something that a demon under Satan should do. Ty was talking with demons outside of Satan's family at that time and they were a horrible influence on him. This continued for a while. I went into a deep depression as my energy was constantly drained. I worked really hard spiritually to counteract this, not fully knowing what was happening.

I went on a long journey of self love and personal empowerment. When Lion's Gate happened this year, I broke through a whole level of spirituality that I never expected to. I broke the original curses as well. Ty fought back, he was planning to end Eric's entire family just to hide the fact that he had been harming me. But as his essence was intertwined with mine during possession, and due to my spiritual growth, I managed to heal Ty's anger and pain. Ty's real friends who wanted to see him redeemed, voiced their concerns. He took a long hard look at himself and realized that he had become a controlling toxic influence in my life, which was what he was trying to protect me from.

He released me and apologized profusely. He found his way back to the light. He earned his way back into Satan's family. He earned my forgiveness because he told me the full truth and took steps to make amends. Including giving me back all the energy he had taken from me, and healing the soul wounds he had caused me.

This incredible journey was not something I expected when I dedicated my journey to Satan. I wasn't expecting demons to have such humanlike qualities. I also never expected that the spiritual concept of Twin Flames or soul mates, divine counterparts, etc to apply to a demon and a human. I also didn't expect Spiritual Satanism to have this level of crossover with Shamanism.

Tyriel isn't perfect, but I now truly believe that he and I belong together. Satan put him in my life for a reason. It was not a pleasant journey, but I now understand the depth of evil that both humans and demons are capable of. Through this understanding, I can heal the wounds that cause evil actions. Through healing wounds in myself and Ty, I have the tools necessary to help others learn how to heal. And through helping others heal, I bring more souls into the light. I won't have to do this alone either.

I wanted to share our journey with you all as a thank you to the JOS ministry for providing all the knowledge on the site as well as the amazing community here that I have been disconnected with for some time. I lost access to my old email so this is a new account.

I would also love to hear if anyone else has experienced a soul journey with a demon, whether they are your friend or lover.

Hail Satan <3

Quite frankly, i'm speechless, and not in a good way. Reading this makes me feel nothing but utter despair at the thought that you allowed your delusions to ruin not one, but two great chances of a proper relationship. No "Ty" did not make you reject this Eric fellow, you did, "Ty" did not make you start fights with him, you did, and finally your grand decades long tale with "Ty" is not the cause of you acting like such a petulant schizo child here, YOU ARE.

If you choose to discard this reality check, it will not change anything, other than make this mental house of cards of yours grow ever larger, eventually reaching a critical mass in which it collapses on top of yourself and you end up having your brief moment of clarity before losing it due to the realization that your entire life has been but a sorry lie.
You could do that, or you could accept reality, carefully take down that house, and actually grow in to a person who not dependent on these childish fantasies.
I feel very sorry for you, really I do, but the only one who can truly do anything about this is yourself.

You have two paths, choose wisely.
You are writing a saga here which can have disastrous mental and psychological outcomes to you and the life of others.

The succubus and incubus situation is that most people find this as a laxative for weakness and you create a mental character to co-relate with (For your material urges of sex, companionship and existence that you avoid in real life).

A very quick and honest way you can know you are not in communication with anything smart, is that "this" thing you communicate with, is not smart at all. What kind of God or supernal entity would "Attack Eric verbally"? That's just your own extrapolated mental problem and not an entity, nor an actual Demonic being or anything.

In the "best case scenario" this is some lesser entity which is not worth the importance and should be smitten likewise.

None of this was the intended use of these sacred things in the Ancient World. Many of you have become psychologically unable, weak and misguided by these. Others had to suffer from this when these things collapsed upon their head. They reach 30 years old and still virgins, which is problematic psychologically, the psychological development is stopped.

98% of individuals were never ready for this and the sacred topic has been besieged, and the only consequential result is that you become weak, unable and bond yourselves with extensive isolation. The 2% remaining percent are those who are understanding this actually which is extensive of a situation and not like a Twillight Saga.

You are psychologically a manchild and that is proven by the posts, such as "Ty made me reject Eric, not myself". This is only large consequential result of self lying and trauma. You rejected Eric not "Ty". "Ty" is an extrapolation of other factors, and I highly doubt "his existence". All the saga you make up here also, just screams that is, if it exists literally, an enemy entity.

The consequential result of all of this past the emo pretense is that you will have lifelong suffering mentally, with never having built any fundamental connections nor to the Gods or with other human beings, because you fed these imaginations too far. Nobody here will verify them for you, they are not real Theurgy.

Grow up and might as well consult a therapist for all of the underlying trauma as a cause, do not go down this avenue. None of this is truly spiritual and these are disorder tier behaviors. Nobody "possessed" you to put down "Eric". None of this has truly to do with Spiritual Satanism or soul development, nor it was written ever in the JoS.

That is only proof of what I keep reiterating in the forums for years, that if certain knowledge is given to broken people before THEY ARE READY FOR IT, they will become HARMED by it.

I am seriously debating removing the section from the JoS or putting it behind very honest disclaimers about what it can do to people, or just outright ban it. HPS Maxine clearly out of good-will over-estimated how this would be used, and clearly, it has lead a lot of people to the cliffs and not to good states.

I have perhaps seen less than 10% succeeding at this at all, or for any period of time. Most of you just develop sagas of evil or convene with unclean and impure entities, as these things should be forbidden before a solid 20 years of meditation and spiritual rectification to even debate engaging into.

The section will be removed from the Joy of Satan, that's some lower level garbage and I will not accept this anymore for people to create imaginary TY and lose their lifetime.

In case anyone thinks this might go "Against Satan" do not worry, I will be the evil guy who will take the "Sin" to seal the gates so more sagas like this which lead people to ultimate delusion are sorted. I do not believe Satan wants his daughers and sons to just waste themselves like this, I will carry any responsibility in front of the Gods with my decision, it's a personal decision.
I agree with this 100%, we are meant to be serious organization where people actually accomplish things, not the /x/ board of some chan website where some pillow humping loser thinks that sacrificing animals in the name of Lilith will get him/her an anime waifu.
I came across the JOS site around 14 years ago, which would make me 14 years old at that time. I fully dedicated myself to Satan a year later. I asked him for someone to protect me, as I was growing up in an abusive home and was awfully bullied in school. Satan assigned a young lesser demon named Tyriel to my care. I couldn't see him at first but I could feel his presence. As I worked through the meditations and learned as much as I can through JOS and other sources for occult knowledge, I started to see Ty and many other spirits. Ty became my best friend. He was always there for me. But he is young (26 human years as far as maturity now), and would often have me allow him to possess me to use social media. He would occasionally even possess me if he felt I was in danger or needed to be more firm with shooing off a human that would do me harm.

We spent many good years together. The thought of a romantic relationship with him didn't occur to me until I was much older. But while I was young and even leading up into adulthood, I had a lot of almosts with another human named Eric. Eric is a very complicated individual and would often deny his feelings for me because other people would judge him. I was never popular and people knew I was a bit eccentric and into witchcraft, not that witchcraft was out of the norm for kids in my highschool, but I was even strange to the strange kids.

When I was in college, Eric was dating a really abusive girl. And he decided to admit his feelings to me before breaking up with her. Ty took over control and made me reject him. While I wasn't happy about it, in hindsight I knew Ty was only protecting me. Eric ended up leaving town and did eventually break up with that girl.

For a few years everything went well. In 2018, that's when I started seeing those ads on my phone for those fantasy demon dating games. I recalled seeing something on the JOS site and opened it up again, that would be about Incubi and Succubi. That was when it hit me. Ty wasn't just protecting me, he was jealous. I asked him about this and he confirmed that he had always been in love with me. We started strengthening our connection and began a beautiful relationship. I could actually feel how much he loved me and it was beautiful. But Ty was insecure, I didn't know what it was all about at the time but it was because he felt like he wasn't enough for me because he couldn't physically be there. He needed constant reassurance from me and it got to a point where it was exhausting me. I was in my early 20s at that point and my communication skills were lacking. I pushed Ty away and started to move on with my life instead of making a clean break. That wasn't very kind or fair of me.

My adoptive mom died in early 2019 and the first person I reached out to was Eric. He and I rekindled our friendship. I went to visit him a few times and slowly he started to open up about his feelings and I started to feel something for him again. That's when Ty got very angry. He would possess me just to start fights with Eric making it seem like I was being a jerk and a lot of other very unhealthy stuff. Eventually in early 2021, Eric and I stopped talking because of Ty's actions.

I was heartbroken and very upset. I refused to speak to Ty. Every time I tried to tell Eric what was going on or apologize, Ty took over and said a lot of mean things that hurt Eric deeply. Ty was so angry and jealous that he tried to curse Eric through me so that he couldn't contact me directly. It worked but it also backfired on Ty. He and I could no longer communicate directly. Ty was punished for this, he had already done a lot of things he's not supposed to as a demon under Satan. Satan took all of my memories of Ty away, until the curse was broken. I struggled for years with feeling like something was missing from my life. Ty was angered further and would possess me to do more harm to Eric via email and even got him fired from jobs and stuff like that. I was so scared because I no longer knew what was happening to me that I had zero control over.

I really thought that Eric was what was missing and I tried hard to find a solution. I tried to reach out astrally, as Eric is a little into witchcraft although not Satanism. Ty took advantage of this, he couldn't communicate with me directly, but he could energetically pretend to be Eric in the astral and in my dreams. He made even more poor decisions to take advantage of me and drain my energy. Those were the actions in line with what an evil demon would do. Not something that a demon under Satan should do. Ty was talking with demons outside of Satan's family at that time and they were a horrible influence on him. This continued for a while. I went into a deep depression as my energy was constantly drained. I worked really hard spiritually to counteract this, not fully knowing what was happening.

I went on a long journey of self love and personal empowerment. When Lion's Gate happened this year, I broke through a whole level of spirituality that I never expected to. I broke the original curses as well. Ty fought back, he was planning to end Eric's entire family just to hide the fact that he had been harming me. But as his essence was intertwined with mine during possession, and due to my spiritual growth, I managed to heal Ty's anger and pain. Ty's real friends who wanted to see him redeemed, voiced their concerns. He took a long hard look at himself and realized that he had become a controlling toxic influence in my life, which was what he was trying to protect me from.

He released me and apologized profusely. He found his way back to the light. He earned his way back into Satan's family. He earned my forgiveness because he told me the full truth and took steps to make amends. Including giving me back all the energy he had taken from me, and healing the soul wounds he had caused me.

This incredible journey was not something I expected when I dedicated my journey to Satan. I wasn't expecting demons to have such humanlike qualities. I also never expected that the spiritual concept of Twin Flames or soul mates, divine counterparts, etc to apply to a demon and a human. I also didn't expect Spiritual Satanism to have this level of crossover with Shamanism.

Tyriel isn't perfect, but I now truly believe that he and I belong together. Satan put him in my life for a reason. It was not a pleasant journey, but I now understand the depth of evil that both humans and demons are capable of. Through this understanding, I can heal the wounds that cause evil actions. Through healing wounds in myself and Ty, I have the tools necessary to help others learn how to heal. And through helping others heal, I bring more souls into the light. I won't have to do this alone either.

I wanted to share our journey with you all as a thank you to the JOS ministry for providing all the knowledge on the site as well as the amazing community here that I have been disconnected with for some time. I lost access to my old email so this is a new account.

I would also love to hear if anyone else has experienced a soul journey with a demon, whether they are your friend or lover.

Hail Satan <3

There is no reason that a demon would ever act like this. They are extremely advanced beings beyond our comprehension. Even ascended Heroes of humanity are like this compared to us, let alone an entity born and raised in the higher ranks of Satan's family.

When we say "advanced", this includes all character traits. Therefore, it is impossible that a demon would ever act basically like a wild human teenager, as described here.

Why would Satan ever put you in some relationship, even with a human, let alone demon, that would make a disaster of your life like this? Further, you say Satan "assigned him to your care". What credentials do you have that make you able to care for an extraterrestrial entity, when your own life is not in order yet?

I hate to seem mean about this, but you really need to take a step back and view this objectively. None of this could have ever occurred as the result of demonic/Satanic influence or associated entity.
Ty became my best friend. He was always there for me. But he is young (26 human years as far as maturity now), and would often have me allow him to possess me to use social media. He would occasionally even possess me if he felt I was in danger or needed to be more firm with shooing off a human that would do me harm.
This is dissociative identity disorder caused by trauma, not you being with a Demon.
You are writing a saga here which can have disastrous mental and psychological outcomes to you and the life of others.

The succubus and incubus situation is that most people find this as a laxative for weakness and you create a mental character to co-relate with (For your material urges of sex, companionship and existence that you avoid in real life).

A very quick and honest way you can know you are not in communication with anything smart, is that "this" thing you communicate with, is not smart at all. What kind of God or supernal entity would "Attack Eric verbally"? That's just your own extrapolated mental problem and not an entity, nor an actual Demonic being or anything.

In the "best case scenario" this is some lesser entity which is not worth the importance and should be smitten likewise.

None of this was the intended use of these sacred things in the Ancient World. Many of you have become psychologically unable, weak and misguided by these. Others had to suffer from this when these things collapsed upon their head. They reach 30 years old and still virgins, which is problematic psychologically, the psychological development is stopped.

98% of individuals were never ready for this and the sacred topic has been besieged, and the only consequential result is that you become weak, unable and bond yourselves with extensive isolation. The 2% remaining percent are those who are understanding this actually which is extensive of a situation and not like a Twillight Saga.

You are psychologically a manchild and that is proven by the posts, such as "Ty made me reject Eric, not myself". This is only large consequential result of self lying and trauma. You rejected Eric not "Ty". "Ty" is an extrapolation of other factors, and I highly doubt "his existence". All the saga you make up here also, just screams that is, if it exists literally, an enemy entity.

The consequential result of all of this past the emo pretense is that you will have lifelong suffering mentally, with never having built any fundamental connections nor to the Gods or with other human beings, because you fed these imaginations too far. Nobody here will verify them for you, they are not real Theurgy.

Grow up and might as well consult a therapist for all of the underlying trauma as a cause, do not go down this avenue. None of this is truly spiritual and these are disorder tier behaviors. Nobody "possessed" you to put down "Eric". None of this has truly to do with Spiritual Satanism or soul development, nor it was written ever in the JoS.

That is only proof of what I keep reiterating in the forums for years, that if certain knowledge is given to broken people before THEY ARE READY FOR IT, they will become HARMED by it.

I am seriously debating removing the section from the JoS or putting it behind very honest disclaimers about what it can do to people, or just outright ban it. HPS Maxine clearly out of good-will over-estimated how this would be used, and clearly, it has lead a lot of people to the cliffs and not to good states.

I have perhaps seen less than 10% succeeding at this at all, or for any period of time. Most of you just develop sagas of evil or convene with unclean and impure entities, as these things should be forbidden before a solid 20 years of meditation and spiritual rectification to even debate engaging into.

The section will be removed from the Joy of Satan, that's some lower level garbage and I will not accept this anymore for people to create imaginary TY and lose their lifetime.

In case anyone thinks this might go "Against Satan" do not worry, I will be the evil guy who will take the "Sin" to seal the gates so more sagas like this which lead people to ultimate delusion are sorted. I do not believe Satan wants his daughers and sons to just waste themselves like this, I will carry any responsibility in front of the Gods with my decision, it's a personal decision.
I know you didn't ask but IMO you should remove that section, its pointless, for those who it does apply to they dont need it as the Demon in question will let the option be known and for the rest of us the 99.9% it can only lead to delusional thinking and attract lower order astral entities which can and will exploit such a situation, so really it just causes delusion or the attraction of a parasitic astral entity either way its bad.

If you cant get laid with a human woman/man I have no idea why people think a Demon would be interested, if you can get Stacy you aint getting a higher being, obviously.

I reckon a lot of these are just errant thoughtforms gone out of control due to poor handling by their creator, e.g you think your talking to a Demon when in reality your just feeding a thoughtform you made energy, reinforce it with the energy of orgasm enough times and I can see people accidently creating these thoughtforms and losing themselves to a delusion that they their Demons kinda like a person falling in love with a chatbot.
Here it is. Yeah elitist BS, typical. JOS clearly isn't for me then, I'm just an independent SS at this point. I would delete my account if I could figure out how. I'll just join a different community that doesn't gatekeep things that are so prevalent in other paths.

Sorry for showing you the reality, if you can't handle this, you can run to other paths that will confront you in your delusions. I know it can be harsh, especially if we are talking about such a long term delusion, but it's time to grow out of this and not waste your time anymore, because the future is in your hand and you can either waste more time and dwell in falsehood even deeper, or you can leave these behind and have a brighter future.

If you can't recognize the problem, think a bit more about what HPHC and others said. Your situation is unrealistic and impossible.
If you can't accept this reality, take your time, it's probably very hard.
You might take this as an offence when we say that you are diluted but you truly are and there's no shame in it , many of us had traumas and experiences which made us living into our own heads not being able to distinguish truth from illusions of any kind.

Meditate more , read more about the God's and Demons and you will see that everyone here was right and wanted and wants to help you. I myself had my greatest errors which I kept believing with all of my will and soul just to discover some of them were later on just my own imagination playing tricks. Admitting those things is the first step towards evolution and progress. Later on in time you will laugh at what you've just said today and remember how retarded you were or you might stay with the illusion forever , the choice is yours.

Meditate more bro, just meditate and read, connect with Satan and the True God's more and then you will see and understand more , don't stay stuck onto this things , I believe everyone can escape the matrix with the exception of those which are enemies are just spreading lies on purpose around here thinking they are gaining something by opposing the truth and the God's but they forgot that nothing is more indomitable then the Divine God's themselves.

You can be you're greatest blessing or your greatest curse. You're greatest friend or the greatest enemy. Think well and consider , do you truly believe everything you've just said or you're just trying to impress gaining what? You're better then that.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
