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My experience in learning of the JoS shift to ToZ - Divine help with hesitation


New member
May 11, 2022
Hello all, I am so delighted to be here with all of you and share one of my many experiences for the first time. I've been a dedicated Satanist since I was a 14 year old girl, but in truth Father Satan has been with me for much longer. Father Satan has the most beautiful way of appearing when you need Him most, guiding with unwavering love and wisdom. He is, in every sense, a Father.

The Joy of Satan website has been an anchor in my life for nearly a decade. Seeing the name change, the colors shift, the symbolism transform shook me. Where was the red and black that had felt like home? Why did it no longer bear the name "Satan?" Questions that I'm sure many of us asked ourselves during the initial shift. My mind raced with questions, but something kept me grounded - Him.

The night I had seen the change, I experienced a very strong thunder storm with lightning bolts raining down from the sky. An electrifying sort of phenomenon, mystifying and powerful. I settled into a meditation, a simple nightly cleansing meditation I do every night. As I breathed deeply, I received visions of my childhood, images of myself as a little girl. I suddenly felt a deep mahogany red warmth, an ancient loving and Fatherly sensation surrounding me. I recognized that energy immediately - it was undeniably our beloved Father Satan's presence. That ancient, solid, and extremely wise guiding energy He has. This was not the norm for my simple nightly meditation, so I made an effort to really listen to His energy and see if there was something He wanted to tell me. I listened hard, and was directed toward my incense drawer and altar. He very directly told me to clean off my incense burner and burn an incense stick for Him, one associated with the crown chakra. He also told me to specifically light the candle I used when I first dedicated my soul to Him. This was a very personal request, so I obliged immediately. I felt a very calming and loving energy from Him, as if He was wrapping His energy around me to pacify me. I didn't quite understand why He was trying to calm me so. As the incense filled the room and I settled back into my bed, a deep calm washed over me. He was surrounding me, reassuring and lovingly just... being there with me. I didn't understand why - until the urge to open the JoS website overwhelmed me.

I understand now that this was Him guiding me. When I did, I was very shocked. "Temple of Zeus." The red and black vanished, the name Satan erased. I could feel myself wanting to panic, but the calming sensation washing over me was too strong. His presence remained strong, steady, unwavering, like a mountain that had stood for eternity.

I couldn't think of anywhere to go but these ancient forums. It all began to connect for me after reading our wonderful High Priest's reasoning, his helpful explanations, and I am so grateful to ring in this new era with all of you. The new symbolism is powerful. The name Zevists - it rings with a golden light and electrifies the soul. The new knowledge of Beelzebub and Satan being different facets of the same, the known and the unknown. This change only serves to strengthen and unite us further.

I wanted to share my experience of seeing and accepting the great shift we've gone through as a community. The Gods held my hand tightly and walked me through it, and I hope that my experience can help ease the minds of those who are still experiencing hesitation. I've been with this community for seven years now, and have seen and experienced many things with our wonderful Gods. I, like many others, was quite shocked to see the change to the Temple of Zeus. The Joy of Satan website has been a large factor in my life for nearly a decade. But, I now understand (and do agree with) the change and trust in our wonderful High Priests and Priestesses.

It's almost embarrassing to admit that our Father felt the need to hold my hand through this, but I thought maybe someone here could relate to the feeling of initial shock, maybe some hesitation. I hope that someone who is still on the fence might feel comforted by the fact that He does always watch over us. Father Satan - Zeus - our All Father loves us, protects us, and guides us! He is truly the most powerful, amazing, loving God and I cannot express how grateful I am to Him!! It is the beginning of something greater.

I am honored to walk this path with all of you.

Hail Father Satan.
Hail Zeus.
Hail the Ancient Gods and the TRUTH!!!
I was panicked too when the Gods told me that we have to make a forward move, I was resistant for years about it on a personal level.

However, knowledge, understanding and hardcore evaluation, led me to a point that I reached the capstone of what we could do collectively with our prior identity. I understood we have had to make a deep-dive at the core. I did this on a personal level first, and I transformed about a hundred times over in very quick interval.

Then I was confronted with this choice: leave everyone behind and comfortable, not say anything to inform further, or risk everything and tell people that we need to make a hard-reset and adopt our Gods in their highest forms and standard (which predates what we had also, and is proven to that end), and proceed the community with leaving trauma and wounds to our original culture behind; honoring and commemorating these historical intervals, but adopting ultimate power for the future.

So the question became this: Do we stay under the enemy with a half-half situation and comfort for now, or do we move forward for full restoration?

Leaving others behind would be selfish and essentially help nobody but myself. So I took as always, the other way. Of course, I almost underwent public trials and quite a few attacks about this, but that is okay. In the end of the day, when it's all pieced together, solace and power will answer for itself.

The Gods reassured me it was going to be okay and that everyone was advanced enough to see it and understand it. They told me to go ahead. Before anything, I also consulted the JG's and there were many cross verification to that end. The same is the case for top members of the JoS who are in direct communication. It was not a dictatorial move on my end, I asked those who are close to the Gods and verified of being close to them.

If they had said unequivocally "NO", nothing would have moved on. Yet, the Gods were telling "YES" to all of them, without one person saying something else, and while they were fully able to say "NO".

Regardless, I take full responsibility about this and seek to not bring anyone else into this.

As you mention, of course, the Gods are going to help in putting the pieces together. In the end, if the emotional factors are understood, it's all the same but frankly, x100 upgraded.
I was panicked too when the Gods told me that we have to make a forward move, I was resistant for years about it on a personal level.

However, knowledge, understanding and hardcore evaluation, led me to a point that I reached the capstone of what we could do collectively with our prior identity. I understood we have had to make a deep-dive at the core. I did this on a personal level first, and I transformed about a hundred times over in very quick interval.

Then I was confronted with this choice: leave everyone behind and comfortable, not say anything to inform further, or risk everything and tell people that we need to make a hard-reset and adopt our Gods in their highest forms and standard (which predates what we had also, and is proven to that end), and proceed the community with leaving trauma and wounds to our original culture behind; honoring and commemorating these historical intervals, but adopting ultimate power for the future.

So the question became this: Do we stay under the enemy with a half-half situation and comfort for now, or do we move forward for full restoration?

Leaving others behind would be selfish and essentially help nobody but myself. So I took as always, the other way. Of course, I almost underwent public trials and quite a few attacks about this, but that is okay. In the end of the day, when it's all pieced together, solace and power will answer for itself.

The Gods reassured me it was going to be okay and that everyone was advanced enough to see it and understand it. They told me to go ahead. Before anything, I also consulted the JG's and there were many cross verification to that end. The same is the case for top members of the JoS who are in direct communication. It was not a dictatorial move on my end, I asked those who are close to the Gods and verified of being close to them.

If they had said unequivocally "NO", nothing would have moved on. Yet, the Gods were telling "YES" to all of them, without one person saying something else, and while they were fully able to say "NO".

Regardless, I take full responsibility about this and seek to not bring anyone else into this.

As you mention, of course, the Gods are going to help in putting the pieces together. In the end, if the emotional factors are understood, it's all the same but frankly, x100 upgraded.
You are a wise and thoughtful leader. Your resonance with the Gods is pure and true - they placed immense trust in you and you gave back to your people in a selfless way, much like Maxine Dietrich herself. You radiate energy similar to the Light Bringer Himself; you took on great personal risk to bring truth your people, and we will never forget it. I hope you are rewarded tenfold. I know you don't need to hear this from me, but we are immensely proud of you.
You are a wise and thoughtful leader. Your resonance with the Gods is pure and true - they placed immense trust in you and you gave back to your people in a selfless way, much like Maxine Dietrich herself. You radiate energy similar to the Light Bringer Himself; you took on great personal risk to bring truth your people, and we will never forget it. I hope you are rewarded tenfold. I know you don't need to hear this from me, but we are immensely proud of you.
Most definitely! I feel the same way. May the Gods bless the HP hundredfold!
One of the great things you could do in return is be supportive and active here, being part of the people sustaining this place that we hold dearly. 💙
I hade my doubts and concerns at first, not gonna lie but then I contacted Sat/Zeus and I understood , why was needed , and what we stand to gain.
I don't understand those people who will judge you , not only because of the change but overall of everything, you never done anything wrong or bad, quite the contrary , you're very wise and good soul then seeing others going against you is just stupid as fuck, don't mind them tho, no point, they will understand at their time. It is true that we should not remain under the enemy context.

With what has came and will come in the soon future , this change was extremely crucial and NEEDED, if there were to be any hope for a lighter world and existence to say at least.

It's so silly and stupid seeing two people fighting [from different parts of the world] against each other for the same God/Gods just because they call them different name, they literally fighting against each other under the name of the same God which proven that they both were not in accordance with that God.

  1. Greeks vs. Romans (Zeus/Jupiter)
    • God: Zeus (Greeks) / Jupiter (Romans)
    • Conflict: Political and cultural rivalry, despite venerating the same god under different names.

  1. Ancient Egypt vs. Babylonians (Amon-Ra and Marduk)
    • God: Amon-Ra (Egyptians) / Marduk (Babylonians)
    • Conflict: Rivalries over power and territory, both civilizations venerating supreme deities with similar roles.

  1. Ancient Egyptians vs. Phoenicians (Isis and Astarte)
    • God: Isis (Egyptians) / Astarte (Phoenicians)
    • Conflict: Disputes between two cultures over religious influence and territorial control, with similar goddess figures.

  1. Romans vs. Germanic Tribes (Mercury and Wodan)
    • God: Mercury (Romans) / Wodan (Germans)
    • Conflict: Rivalries over trade, travel, and territory, worshipping similar gods of commerce and war.

  1. Phoenicians vs. Carthaginians (Baal and Melqart)
    • God: Baal (Phoenicians) / Melqart (Carthaginians)
    • Conflict: Territorial disputes, as both groups venerated gods with similar roles under different names.

What I mean by that is we must not do the same mistake again, therefore the 'leave the garment' and focus on 'we are all what we are and should collaborate and be together'.

Also , as a final thing, no matter how much you would spell for people that 'I AM GOOD AND IM HERE FOR YOU AND THE GODS' whatever you say , they will simply not open their eyes just yet, it's a normal emotional reaction due to attachment , but eventually, the seerers will see and understand, give time to the time and all things will settle and blend in better.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
