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ToZ - The Last Bastion of Truth - Do not lose hope


Sep 5, 2024
For decades, many highly skilled and gifted individuals have been involved in building and sustaining the existence of this Temple; of this safe-space held dearly by all of us.

Tell me. Have you ever come across something like this? There is no substitute for this right here. We have stood through years of struggle and years of fighting against our enemies.

Now we have won the battle.

Some of you have began feeling quite alienated by the recent changes, as if the High Priest who sustained this Temple was turning it into something you don't seem to recognize anymore.
Why do you feel that way? What would you, yourself, consider the "end game" stage of the JoS? Okay so we defeated our enemies spiritually but what now? Are you planning on deprogramming the entirety of humanity to shed its abrahamic perception of Father Satanas? Are you aware of how unrealistic and conflicting this is with our values?
All of our Heavenly Father's names are just perspectives, cultural lenses that assign a name to our unconceivable God.
So tell me, are we losing our core simply by adapting another ancient name of OUR SAME HEAD GOD?
We are not losing our essence, we are reclaiming one of the ancient names of our Head God; we will not stay a small religious organization, we are planning on GROWING.
I have been working tirelessly to contribute to outreach with our dear JG @Alexandros Iowno [JG] (previously known as NakedPluto) and the rest of our much appreciated outreach team.
We have seen it; how many people are willing to open their minds to "Satan" and how many are willing to open their minds to "Zeus", the answer was clear.

"Well but how can we not dilute our knowledge" What exactly is being diluted here? The only thing we are detaching from is the name "Satan", all the knowledge, practices, and methodology stays the same.
Feel free to be an edgy teenager that loves bragging about being a Satanist, but the rest of us want to grow up and detach from most of the public's notions associated with this.
"HPHC is going on a power trip" Is he? Was he going on a power trip every time he replied to you with not a single ounce of condescendence?
Was he going on a power trip when he tirelessly took care of the JoS for years?
Was he going on a power trip when he calmly explained deep spiritual concepts to you?
Was he going on a power trip every time he wrote one of his countless article?
Was he going on a power trip when he decided to sacrifice everything he had to sustain this sacred and beloved place?
The High Priest did everything for all of us, he was here to guide us when we were lost and rejoiced when we collectively achieved victory.
So why do you doubt him in the most critical of times? He has explained everything multiple times, all it takes for you is to visit his profile and check out his latest replies to comments.
If you have doubts then just simply ask the Gods. "What happened to HPS Maxine?" Ask the Gods. "Is HPHC truly following the Gods' Will?" Ask the Gods.
We all need to stay together and embrace a new era of our collective, now unchained from abrahamic dirt and ready to ascend to the next level.
The work we do here is essential for our own future incarnations, DO NOT lose the only hope we have.
If we lose hope we'll all have to reincarnate for whoever knows how many reincarnations so we all come back to this position of collective enlightenment again so let's make the most out of the "now".
Remember, this right here is the Temple of the Gods, one led by people appointed by the Gods.
I plan on earning my place among the top, how about you?
You're doing great Sister April! Keep up the good work!
May the Gods bless you! HAIL ZEUS!
Age Of Mythology Trailer GIF by Age Of Empires Community
Yessir, sis got the swag in this one 🫡 🔥 I’m glad we’re a better community than way before.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
