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A praise and an update.


Feb 11, 2023
First i wish to start this post off with a praise to our Father Satan/Zeus. He is an amazing being and even when life is dragging you thru a hard time he stays by your side giving you signs that this hard time won't last. Sometimes these signs can be hard to see but that is only because you let yourself get wrapped up in the clouds of darkness. The signs are still there no matter what. Our Father is a wonderful being who does in full truth understand each of his children and guides each of us IF we let him do so. If we keep to his path and not give up then he will guide us thru the darkness. Praise be to his might and love great Father Satan/Zeus.

My update: Yesterday I had an interview which turned into two and a third that ended up with me getting a job. After a year of putting in applications and doing interviews and praying I finally have a job. It will start in march. Of course i have full plans on starting making donations as soon as possible. I'm grateful for Father staying by my side even when i felt like nothing was going ever to change.
All of the praise be to our wonderful Father.

Hail Father Satan/Zeus

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
