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Just a personal journal on my experience with enemy religions


New member
Sep 8, 2024
When I was a baby, I was essentially taken else where to live with my ’family’,

I lived a very isolated sort of life and, I stopped going to school in elementary.
Both my mother and father I suppose were supposed to raise me, although I actually spent what is apparent not much time with them considering they often did leave for sometimes full weeks, and I left the house every year, in the summer during elementary but I could travel more sporadically. When I left I had a father who raised me, with no other word for it introduced me to a cult he was in. It was not christ like in the beginning, at least with these occultist, not Judaism, Islam, Christianity or any of those religions, It was more just occultism in a broader sense, it was never labeled with “satanism” If anything it was close to I suppose gnosticism and chaos magic, ill never understand what made him turn to christianity really, I suppose its better for a social and governmental status, or I would even guess the most logical answer was a relationship that changed. When I came back, My parents were strangely religious, never in a way that left me I guess really included like when I left, eventually my father here took it upon himself to establish his own sect of religion with everything that would be expected of a judeo-christ based religion.

I was considered different down the very basis of how I thought, they expected me to change everything, to act a certain way, to talk a certain way. I had to pretend, When I just couldn't pretend, they keep telling me that I had some sort of gift, and I HAD to help them in their church.

They kept calling me demonic, they said even the way I wrote, the pictures I drew, It was because I was literally possessed by the devil.
That was the only thing they could say, when they were met with things I knew I could do they did not understand. They rejected me, they outcasted me, they burnt my possessions to ash, they tried to exorcize the demon out of me.

I don't care what anyone says, how many christians tell me I simply need to see the light if anything I feel like I met the truth. That these sorts of religions are not here to truly uplift rather, It feels like they desperately wanted to have control over potential they were afraid of. when they could not have it they wanted to destroy it.
This is such a typical Xian mentality. They are misusers and exploiters as they constantly tries to control or suppress other people. They preach all about love and acceptance, yet they manipulate people to instill fear or demand total obedience, especially when difference or strong individuality comes into play.

They’ll push all kinds of beliefs onto you and have an obsessive need to demand you to follow their belief and specific behaviors. They’ll even go as far as to gaslight you, claiming you're "possessed" simply because they feel threatened by anything that challenges their worldview.

They even go so far as to declare themselves holy or divinely chosen, often as a way to elevate their own importance and validate their authority. This is all a fantasy and a legend in their own minds. Unfortunately, many people blindly follow them without question, as they are drawn in by their charisma or the promise of a holy certainty. This blind allegiance is sickening, especially since it empowers these individuals who are more interested in self-glorification, than genuine spiritual guidance and advancement.

You are better off. Satan and our Gods are truly here to uplift us - they show us the way and actually gives us the tools we need to IMPROVE our lives, and ELEVATE our existence.

My advice to you is what helped me remedy out of the xian/enemy mental sphere infecting you:

Do the RTR schedule, all 3 of them, everyday:

Also do aura cleaning and aura of protection, 2 min each :

Open your soul:

Finally as a way of connection to Satan, do his rituals, that will awaken Satan’s aspect within you and his presence in your life will increase. For me that has made more positive, clean and confident:

When I was a baby, I was essentially taken else where to live with my ’family’,

I lived a very isolated sort of life and, I stopped going to school in elementary.
Both my mother and father I suppose were supposed to raise me, although I actually spent what is apparent not much time with them considering they often did leave for sometimes full weeks, and I left the house every year, in the summer during elementary but I could travel more sporadically. When I left I had a father who raised me, with no other word for it introduced me to a cult he was in. It was not christ like in the beginning, at least with these occultist, not Judaism, Islam, Christianity or any of those religions, It was more just occultism in a broader sense, it was never labeled with “satanism” If anything it was close to I suppose gnosticism and chaos magic, ill never understand what made him turn to christianity really, I suppose its better for a social and governmental status, or I would even guess the most logical answer was a relationship that changed. When I came back, My parents were strangely religious, never in a way that left me I guess really included like when I left, eventually my father here took it upon himself to establish his own sect of religion with everything that would be expected of a judeo-christ based religion.

I was considered different down the very basis of how I thought, they expected me to change everything, to act a certain way, to talk a certain way. I had to pretend, When I just couldn't pretend, they keep telling me that I had some sort of gift, and I HAD to help them in their church.

They kept calling me demonic, they said even the way I wrote, the pictures I drew, It was because I was literally possessed by the devil.
That was the only thing they could say, when they were met with things I knew I could do they did not understand. They rejected me, they outcasted me, they burnt my possessions to ash, they tried to exorcize the demon out of me.

I don't care what anyone says, how many christians tell me I simply need to see the light if anything I feel like I met the truth. That these sorts of religions are not here to truly uplift rather, It feels like they desperately wanted to have control over potential they were afraid of. when they could not have it they wanted to destroy it.
I also would suggest to change your name to a positive one. I’d ask one of the mods to allow you to change your name as soon as possible as you’ll have to wait a while before you can change it normally.

You’re polluting your subconscious by calling your profile misfortune. This invites more misfortune into your life.

Drop the victim mentality and become the hero instead.
When I was a baby, I was essentially taken else where to live with my ’family’,

I lived a very isolated sort of life and, I stopped going to school in elementary.
Both my mother and father I suppose were supposed to raise me, although I actually spent what is apparent not much time with them considering they often did leave for sometimes full weeks, and I left the house every year, in the summer during elementary but I could travel more sporadically. When I left I had a father who raised me, with no other word for it introduced me to a cult he was in. It was not christ like in the beginning, at least with these occultist, not Judaism, Islam, Christianity or any of those religions, It was more just occultism in a broader sense, it was never labeled with “satanism” If anything it was close to I suppose gnosticism and chaos magic, ill never understand what made him turn to christianity really, I suppose its better for a social and governmental status, or I would even guess the most logical answer was a relationship that changed. When I came back, My parents were strangely religious, never in a way that left me I guess really included like when I left, eventually my father here took it upon himself to establish his own sect of religion with everything that would be expected of a judeo-christ based religion.

I was considered different down the very basis of how I thought, they expected me to change everything, to act a certain way, to talk a certain way. I had to pretend, When I just couldn't pretend, they keep telling me that I had some sort of gift, and I HAD to help them in their church.

They kept calling me demonic, they said even the way I wrote, the pictures I drew, It was because I was literally possessed by the devil.
That was the only thing they could say, when they were met with things I knew I could do they did not understand. They rejected me, they outcasted me, they burnt my possessions to ash, they tried to exorcize the demon out of me.

I don't care what anyone says, how many christians tell me I simply need to see the light if anything I feel like I met the truth. That these sorts of religions are not here to truly uplift rather, It feels like they desperately wanted to have control over potential they were afraid of. when they could not have it they wanted to destroy it.
I can tell there is still a lot of abrahamic influence in your soul. The eye in the triangle is quite a popular symbol in abrahamic mystism, although originally it was a pagan symbol.

Enemy “spirituality” can be summarised as this:

“Prosperity for the jews, poverty for everyone else.”

Christianity especially promotes poverty for its adherents.
I also would suggest to change your name to a positive one. I’d ask one of the mods to allow you to change your name as soon as possible as you’ll have to wait a while before you can change it normally.

You’re polluting your subconscious by calling your profile misfortune. This invites more misfortune into your life.

Drop the victim mentality and become the hero instead.
Hmmm, well it rather difficult to change my name.

I would say, Its better to remember me as a Miss. Fortune. This site feels like a bit of a labrynth if I knew how id make it official.

Working it is rather difficult for me i cant work government jobs, I have trauma amnesia, its hard for me to enter public spaces, Id say Im excellent artist and weaver though Im never really sure how to market it.

my “mom“ was my manager, and I cant say working with her felt like anything less than being a slave.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
