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A summarized introduction of myself and my important experiences.


New member
Jun 8, 2024
I have been a Satanist since January 2015, and I am 24 years old.

I was raised in a Catholic family until the age of 18 when I moved out for college.

My soul awakened at the age of 3, when I starred at a spruce tree in that was in the neighbors property against the fence of my yard. I woke up and realized, everything was moving, making frequencies, everything was alive. At this point I wanted to know more, and why.

From that point I focused on how the Church was ran. How there was something subtle about magic (as I thought the Arch Bishop holding a giant staff was a wizard). And how the stories told through the their blasphemous book didn't add up. As I figured this out and confirmed it more and more, I got very bored of church within the weeks after my soul awakened, and it became more of a chore to sit through it all.

Since my soul awakened, in my childhood I was tortured by souls, constantly having the same nightmare over and over. Though later on a demon in the form of a human came to train me spiritually. Each time I could resist the souls attacking me, the card they held up with a number, went up.

The training consisted of a few things, ominous force (spiritual pressure), Mimics, and a type of demon that took the form of a white hand and could mimic family members, and lucid dreaming.

Eventually I was able to befriend these daemons, and started my delve into ancient texts about the soul, ghosts, and daemons. I came across a phone game in 2015 that spoke of daemons with the correct spelling of the name that eventually got me interested in Yokai. So I studied Yokai for a bit. From there I went to studying different kinds of ghosts/daemons, Egyptian mythology, and Norse mythology.

When studying all these things, as game settings which took place in these worlds based off mythologies, I felt a connection to my soul, as if I have been there before. So then my goal was to find out if I was an old soul.

Years later as my interest grew more and more, and after doing meditations (albeit inconsistently), I started having dreams that were cryptic, though something was talking to me in them. A voice that was soft and caring. Though, a lot of those dreams were interrupted by the alarm set to wake me up for work.

I recall one saying, "Don't sleep in the sun, remember... ... ... ... " and another time saying "The meaning of life is to ... ... ... ...". Some parts I could not remember from the lucid dreams, but the voice that spoke was the same. The realm of dreams is also something I am looking into, as dreaming is not as simple as science makes it out to be.

I have also had possession attempts on me twice. If you want to know what it feels like... it's like your crown chakra is being pulled on, and the feelings goes right down to the base chakra. It takes a LOT of spiritual energy to resist attempts like this, and when hearing the entity afterwards in their defeat is quite chilling.

Additionally, I was always able to sense when a spirit was close due to the pressure exerted by them. I could sense by the energies they gave off if they were friendly, or intrusive.

I am still delving into figuring out the soul and all of the intricacies of one.

That is all I can really speak to as of now. But will be posting about my experiences every so often when one of interest arises.

[My old account I lost was Syntic. I lost the password for it a many years ago when the forum was still with Yahoo.]
Feel free to ask questions, I'll do my best to answer them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
