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Does the jew perpetually win by virtue of its existence?

Heulender Wolf

New member
Nov 9, 2024
Let us say this is Earth...

One can conclude if it exists as it is now, there will be many iterations of Earth, perhaps in different timelines, perhaps in different places under different names in different languages, following this same sequence of events, perhaps with different souls. Therefore, we can also conclude jewry will exist even if it is spiritually destroyed.

Does that not mean, by virtue of their very existence, they are the perpetual winners? For instance, this is not about Europeans pushing themselves physically, as was the case with Olympians, nor academically, as was the case with early mathematicians, nor in a craft as per Michelangelo, nor in any other way that Europeans have struggled internally to better themselves.

Our fight right now is against an external source, the creators of discord and communism that do not allow European descendants to thrive and express their inner natures and manifestations, the pursuit of truth and pristine quality.

Part of me feels ashamed of even having to fight such an evil rather than struggling within myself to be great... As though by fighting it, by perhaps defeating it, we absorb it and take their existence upon ourselves, as though we justify it by even paying attention to them. I want nothing to do with them, EVER. It is not part of my blood and never will be.

And yet, pay attention we must.
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Therefore, we can also conclude jewry will exist even if it is spiritually destroyed.

No. If something does not exist energetically, it cannot exist physically.

they are the perpetual winners?

They are eternal losers, as only the truth can win at the end.

we absorb it and take their existence upon ourselves


Part of me feels ashamed of even having to fight

It's a necessity, it's what we are supposed to do and this is the Gods' will. We become noble souls with fighting, and the unworthy ones will only sit back and watch.
They are born losers who got lucky, or more accurately were permitted to get these small wins for the sake of the greater narrative.
They are only "winners" in the Goebbelsian sense that they have evolved to be very efficient at being rats, scammers and wannabe victims.
Let us say this is Earth...

One can conclude if it exists as it is now, there will be many iterations of Earth, perhaps in different timelines, perhaps in different places under different names in different languages, following this same sequence of events, perhaps with different souls. Therefore, we can also conclude jewry will exist even if it is spiritually destroyed.

Does that not mean, by virtue of their very existence, they are the perpetual winners? For instance, this is not about Europeans pushing themselves physically, as was the case with Olympians, nor academically, as was the case with early mathematicians, nor in a craft as per Michelangelo, nor in any other way that Europeans have struggled internally to better themselves.

Our fight right now is against an external source, the creators of discord and communism that do not allow European descendants to thrive and express their inner natures and manifestations, the pursuit of truth and pristine quality.

Part of me feels ashamed of even having to fight such an evil rather than struggling within myself to be great... As though by fighting it, by perhaps defeating it, we absorb it and take their existence upon ourselves, as though we justify it by even paying attention to them. I want nothing to do with them, EVER. It is not part of my blood and never will be.

And yet, pay attention we must.
The kikes will not ever win..
There so caught up in trying
To brain wash everybody of the
Foul lies there losers and there
Time is short may the enemy
Wither to nothing
Hail Satanas! !!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
