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The Tripartite Nature Of Zeus: Satan/Beelzebul & Satanic Lore

I hope the above clarifies the topic a lot.

I've got some lingering confusion. I hope I'm not the only one that wants to ask or that this doesn't make me sound like I've completely missed the point.

Satan and Baal have different sigils. Is Baal's sigil the expression of this other primary aspect of Satan?
Baal's ritual states he's the brother of Satan. Is that allegorical?

Is Azazel actually a son of Satan?
I've got some lingering confusion. I hope I'm not the only one that wants to ask or that this doesn't make me sound like I've completely missed the point.

Satan and Baal have different sigils. Is Baal's sigil the expression of this other primary aspect of Satan?
Baal's ritual states he's the brother of Satan. Is that allegorical?

Is Azazel actually a son of Satan?
I was wondering the same thing. Satan from what I gather is Kronos. And this is sort of the formless Nirguna Brahman beyond the universe. While Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are his different manifested forms with attributes Saguna Brahman. Satan when manifested into form is the Trinity Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades or Trimurti, Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. That is why they are considered the sons of Kronos. Satan without form is Kronos or Parashiva beyond all attributes and outside the system of the universe.

I also wonder where Narasimha falls in our cosmological system as he is considered Kala (time) Mahakala (great-time) or Parakala (beyond-time). So I was thinking that this is one of the most interesting forms of Satan/Kronos.
A post like this would be a great intro into the section of "The Gods"
We will mention everything in the JoS as part of our historical evolution, it will all be there and very clearly so. But yes, we will be leaving the negative connotations behind and only state them as part of the enemy's rhetoric and focus on the original and the true that was present before they came in the scene to lie about the Gods.

So Spiritual Satanism will exist exactly in the same way [we will keep everything] but we will make additions to promote clarity and step out of the jewish forced context.

More updates very soon!
Lilith representa o Feminino Divino, assim como Astarte. Ambas são a Mãe, o princípio Criativo e Feminino. Claro, nenhuma é bem-vinda na doutrina do inimigo, pois eles erradicaram o aspecto feminino, em todos os seus pés, de seus programas de controle.

A diferença entre as duas é que Astarte é mais simbólica do "Feminino de Luz", ou seja, Deméter, Atena e assim por diante, enquanto Lilith representa o "Feminino Escuro" ou o Oculto; Hécate, por exemplo. As deusas também se dividem com base nisso.

Existem Deuses Chtônicos e Celestiais na tradição grega antiga; alguns que têm a ver com o que chamamos de "Escuridão" e outros que se referem ao que chamamos de "Luz". Como o dia e a noite, eles são partes de um todo e organizados dessa forma para a compreensão humana de sua natureza.

Na análise simbólica e baseada em forças, Lilith é para Satanás o que Shiva é para Shakti; Lilith é representante do aspecto sombrio, feminino e poderoso da criação, que ao se unir a Shiva/Satanás, ela se torna uma força de criação.

É por isso que o inimigo também escreve em seu livro inferior que "Lilith é a mãe de todos os Demônios", o que é um símbolo de como os Deuses foram criados a partir do poder Etético ou do Princípio Shakti no universo.

Lilith por definição é mais "oculta e oculta", então ela não aparece tradicionalmente "lá em cima" com as Coroas. No entanto, as escolhas do que as "4 Coroas" seriam, também estavam sujeitas a demonologistas [muitas vezes, cristãos, judeus ou relacionados] que as
Mencionaremos tudo no JoS como parte de nossa evolução histórica, tudo estará lá e muito claramente. Mas sim, deixaremos as conotações negativas para trás e apenas as declararemos como parte da retórica do inimigo e focaremos no original e no verdadeiro que estava presente antes que eles entrassem em cena para mentir sobre os Deuses.

Então o Satanismo Espiritual existirá exatamente da mesma maneira [manteremos tudo], mas faremos publicações para promover claramente e sair do contexto judaico proposto.

Mais atualizações em breve!
saudações Senhor Cobra, então Lilith seria contraparte de Satanás, parte feminina do nosso Lúcifer!? uma vez em uma meditação nosso pai Satan havia me mostrado!
Salve Satan Lucifer
Greetings everyone,

The reason we are making a transition now, is that we want to explore in fuller and accurate terms the deepest truths in spirituality that are present. One of these truths, is the tripartite nature of Zeus.

As we all know here, Zeus/Beelzebul and Satan were conflated in the works of the enemy as the "Devil" and the ruler of the realm of "Hell". The English word Hell, is actually also related to Hel or Helheim of the Norse, meaning literally, underworld. Having these points in mind, we will relate them later with the rest of the points that will be explained here.

In Ancient Greek knowledge, no evil in the conventional sense of Christianity existed. The same is the fundamental case in all the Spiritually Satanic Religions [those that emerged from Satya or the Eternal Truth and our Gods]. There was small mention on the realm of punishment, eternal torture, let alone eternal hellfire. The equivalent for this, was Tartarus, where only the most evil and corrupt of all souls go there [in contrast with Christianity, where everyone who watched a naughty video, is going there].

The tripartial Nature of Zeus, is actually a tripartite nature of 3 domains: Heavens [Elysian Fields], Earth [the domain we exist in] and the Underworld, also known as Hades [The realm of the dead where they go before they reincarnate]. These 3 dimensions were very clearly distinct and each of them, was a wholly different dimension. Of course, the aim is that the fully evolved soul, would eventually reach the Elysian Fields where the Gods themselves reside, while going through Earth many times, and passing from the realm of the Dead in between incarnations.

Zeus, or "Father of the Gods" was also frequently called "Pantokrator" which is an epithet meaning "He who holds all", "The One God", or literally, the owner of the universe or the "World". This is a code for the 3 distinct categories of existence, which will be explained below.

The Elysian Fields, were ruled by Zeus, because they represent ultimate clarity, empowerment and the highest domain realms of goodness.

The Earth or the "World of Idols", was the Earth or the Material Realm, which is ruled over by Poseidon. That is because Poseidon, is the lord of "illusion", but not necessarily to be conflated with evil. Zeus and Poseidon have fights in many epics, appearing as "separate entities" to show the struggle of the soul to overcome the world of delusions and to reach clarified consciousness.

Thirdly, we have Hades, or the Domain of the Dead, which is a lower astral realm where simpler souls go before their eventual journey to their next lifetime, where they will again have to confront the powers of Poseidon [or Illusion] until they finally develop well enough spiritually to reach the conclusive end of their existence; the Godhead.

All of the above, was a well known thing among all the Ancient Initiates of the Gods, who knew of this tripartial nature of Zeus [an original trinity] and they understood another topic: that the essence of what we call Zeus, does distinct itself into these other forms which encompass the other domains of existence, simultaneously as three different personas, but as one essence behind it all.

If any traditional "evil" existed in Ancient lore doesn't really exist. While there are malevolent beings and other negative entities in these realms. Interestingly, Saturn, who is a Titan and predates "Zeus", is actually the Father of Zeus - in regard to this topic, it's a very in-depth topic that deals with the existence of the universe before a structured concept of "Time". That is why Saturn, is also called the Lord of Time.

The rivalry between the Titans and the Olympian Gods, is a large allegory for how the forces of the human soul, spirit and mind, must conquer abstract concepts such as time, space (Hyperion), Uranus (Heavens), Gaia (Earth) and other forces that encompass us, so that humanity can adapt to them and advance.

Going into the context of Spiritual Satanism and knowing the above, Satan and Beelzebul, in the lesser knowledge of the enemy, were divided into let's say two entities; one that is supposed to be Satan/Lucifer and would rule what we refer to as the "Hell Realm", alongside his "Brother" Beelzebul. The symbolism here is that the two identities of Saturn and Zeus, were essentially taken wholly out of context and were intermingled.

In esoteric demonology of the enemy, similarly to how Zeus divides in 3 to "Run the Universe", as such Satan and Beelzebul and Belial do divide to "Run the realms of the damned". This represents a perversion, but the original thoughts before their corruption, are present in this thread that you are reading now.

What we need to keep from this enemy interpretation context, is that these two forces, Saturn and Zeus, are actually the leading and interplaying forces and powers that encompass everything that has to do with life and existence. The same is the case in Astrology. Satan traditionally was correlated with Kronus, while Beelzebul was correlated with Zeus and Baal-Zevul [the Lord of the Heavens].

Albeit as you can see here, the context of the enemy "Demonology" or what was known until today, cannot convey in a fuller way what we need to know, because the enemy has removed as many segments as possible from it and engaged into massive perversions exactly to disallow understanding of both the universe and the Gods.

Going further into this, the 4 Crowns as they were recognized in the enemy's demonology context, are these: Satan, Beelzebul, Astarte & Azazel. Satan, Beelzebul and Azazel, or Satan, Beelzebul and Astarte, have formed historically many "Pagan Trinities" such as Anu, Enki & Enlil and in Sumeria, oftentimes, Isthar was also part of the original trinity. These trinities, also fall under the same concept, the most famous one being Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu [well known in the East and operating in the same way like the Tripartial Nature of Zeus operates].

These entities, albeit they are "3 and separate" they also appear as a unified form of the universal will, or "God".

Going into mythology. The Gods, albeit primarily we know them to be "this or that" entity, in Mythology or Lore [that's why it's called Mythology, it's Mythological - meant for instructive purposes and conveying myths] they do the following:

1. Take many forms
2. Conflate identities - Sometimes take opposing sides (within the context of learning for the Initiates - such as Poseidon battling Zeus)
3. Show aspects that might have to do with other Gods
4. One God can take many faces, not necessarily one.

The above, is how knowledge is conveyed to the Initiates so they understand the deeper spiritual meanings of these things. All of these originate in the Gods and there is no notion of traditional "evil" or anything like this. These were written and the Gods assumed these positions to teach humanity. In contrast to the enemy, there are no real "evil antagonists" in the strict sense, and no hellfire damnation places appearing everywhere. Remember, that original Religion and not a systematic tool of control like the enemy.

Plato and Socrates do go into depth about how Myths, since they can be written by men and only some Myths are very meaningful, can be really taken out of context by people who are not initiated]. That should not concern anyone here as everyone is an initiate and therefore, they will not fall into the trap of morbid "material level analysis" when it comes to the myths.

We must therefore understand, it's not primarily concerning to think "Which God is what God", because it's very often the Gods conflate their roles in mythology. Sometimes it's very clear, in other cases, not that clear. It all depends on what we know and what one is reading. The Top Ranking Gods, who are most powerful, tend to have many of the powers that appear also in other Gods and so on, so forth.

We know the core knowledge of this, but we of course, must not stress about these things very much; it's the essence that the God represents at the given moment that must be understood.

I hope the above clarifies the topic a lot.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Is it just me or is this very hard to understand.

I get it from an occultic mythology view point and it makes sense but I feel it’s a bit hard to quantify and what does it exactly mean? Is Zeus, Satan?

If I pray to Zeus am I praying to father Satan? What if I’m not super comfortable with the Ancient Greek context, and have been very comfortable with father Satan as in his names Satan, Lucifer, Shaytan?

Also, I feel like we’re changing somehow with the name change and everything else, I felt at home with the dark and sacred themes of the Joy of Satan and it has been with me since forever. I feel like we’re moving into stuff I have trouble understanding which is weird because with the occult I always kinda “get it” easily. But I feel slower in understanding this change and what it means to me personally and our future as a community.

If someone asks me my religion do I say I worship Zeus? I always felt comfortable with the idea of Spiritual Satanism, as in we’re not antichristians we are spiritual and we worship the true God. I always said Satan is God despite any reactions, I don’t feel as comfortable saying Zeus is God, I don’t know who Zeus is on a personal level is how it feels.

Is this normal?
Is it just me or is this very hard to understand.

I get it from an occultic mythology view point and it makes sense but I feel it’s a bit hard to quantify and what does it exactly mean? Is Zeus, Satan?

If I pray to Zeus am I praying to father Satan? What if I’m not super comfortable with the Ancient Greek context, and have been very comfortable with father Satan as in his names Satan, Lucifer, Shaytan?

Also, I feel like we’re changing somehow with the name change and everything else, I felt at home with the dark and sacred themes of the Joy of Satan and it has been with me since forever. I feel like we’re moving into stuff I have trouble understanding which is weird because with the occult I always kinda “get it” easily. But I feel slower in understanding this change and what it means to me personally and our future as a community.

If someone asks me my religion do I say I worship Zeus? I always felt comfortable with the idea of Spiritual Satanism, as in we’re not antichristians we are spiritual and we worship the true God. I always said Satan is God despite any reactions, I don’t feel as comfortable saying Zeus is God, I don’t know who Zeus is on a personal level is how
I must admit that I sympathize with your uncertainty and confusion in this regard, and although Zeus and Satan are fundamentally a singular, or at least, highly intrinsically-connected entity, as this sermon seeks to clarify, I personally feel as though we have earned the right to refer to God as Satan, and to openly pray to and worship Satan, if for no other reason than by virtue of the struggles which we have endured throughout the years and the endeavors we have undertaken in bringing forth the truth and deprogramming mankind of the false notions surrounding Satan.

I understand why the Joy of Satan shall now largely be presented to the outside world as the "Temple of Zeus", but I do not believe that it will help to foster further understanding or counteract the deceitful and blasphemous falsehoods of the enemy if we are to eschew the name of "Satan" entirely. The name of Satan alone possesses genuine and tangible power, which is energy that many of us have felt throughout the years, and we have done our part both upon the Aether and in the corporeal world to detach Satan's name from all corrupted notions, lies and slander. It is ultimately not our failing if the willfully ignorant and poorly-educated refuse to read the materials which have been presented to them here regarding father Satan.

There is also genuine worth, in my opinion, in continuing to utilize the name of Satan in a prominent fashion within our organization. We must not forget that Satan's name, affiliated with a corrupted understanding or not, has become popular amongst the younger generations of our present day, and this is a part of our world's transition into a Satanic age.

We should also not forget that the name of Zeus is unfortunately connected to false notions perverted by the enemy likewise. Most of the world's understanding of the ancient religions and Gods has been corrupted by "mythology" and the inability to read deeper into the allegories and spiritual meanings of the so-called mythology. We have detached Satan's name from lies, but we shall likewise find ourselves with the need to detach the name of Zeus from falsehoods and from the imposter cults fixated upon the mythologies surrounding Satan/Zeus.

In any case, so long as I am present on this Earth, and so long as His name is remembered in any fashion, I shall always refer to myself as a "Spiritual Satanist" with Satan as my God, and I do not believe that it is the intention of the clergy to subvert or alter that in any fashion.
Is it just me or is this very hard to understand.

I get it from an occultic mythology view point and it makes sense but I feel it’s a bit hard to quantify and what does it exactly mean? Is Zeus, Satan?

If I pray to Zeus am I praying to father Satan? What if I’m not super comfortable with the Ancient Greek context, and have been very comfortable with father Satan as in his names Satan, Lucifer, Shaytan?

Also, I feel like we’re changing somehow with the name change and everything else, I felt at home with the dark and sacred themes of the Joy of Satan and it has been with me since forever. I feel like we’re moving into stuff I have trouble understanding which is weird because with the occult I always kinda “get it” easily. But I feel slower in understanding this change and what it means to me personally and our future as a community.

If someone asks me my religion do I say I worship Zeus? I always felt comfortable with the idea of Spiritual Satanism, as in we’re not antichristians we are spiritual and we worship the true God. I always said Satan is God despite any reactions, I don’t feel as comfortable saying Zeus is God, I don’t know who Zeus is on a personal level is how it feels.

Is this normal?

Don't worry, what you feel is understandable and if you give it time, it will settle and feel more natural.

No need to go into details if someone asks you about your faith. You can say you worship the true Gods of mankind regardless of how they're called in different cultures.

This change shouldn't make you feel uncomfortable because it's a change for the better, we're evolving and we will adapt each in their own pace.

He will always be Satan for you if that's how you feel.

Nothing is lost, quite the opposite.
;-) Each day, I spread my golden wings across the horizon, painting the sky with hues of hope and possibility. I whisper to the world, urging it to awaken, to shed the darkness of sleep, and to embrace the light of truth and clarity. My task is to bring forth the light, not just of the sun but of understanding, guiding souls from the shadow of ignorance to the bright clarity of knowledge.

[... and just to be clear, I'm only playing a bit. I try to embody Eos as much as I can, allowing her to by my Muse for my IRL actions and guide my thoughts]
Eos your profile picture really got me hooked ,is that queen Astarte...
Eos your profile picture really got me hooked ,is that queen Astarte...
It's just me, Eos the goddess of dawn ;-) Astarte is a little older than I in the mythological records and predates back to Canaanite mythology, while Eos is the Greek goddess of dawn, placing her(me) within the later Greek pantheon.
It's just me, Eos the goddess of dawn ;-) Astarte is a little older than I in the mythological records and predates back to Canaanite mythology, while Eos is the Greek goddess of dawn, placing her(me) within the later Greek pantheon.
I admire your appreciation for our Goddess Eos, but you should not use her name as a username. You are not her and it feels inappropriate. Same goes for others who choose Gods' or Goddesses' names as profile names.
I'm so thankful they teach Greek and Roman mythology in schools here in the US, perhaps a little more Anglo Celtic mythology will do given that i live in the Southern US where most Anglo-Celtcs in America live i don't care for all the others and i question why they even teach chinese or islamic history to me they seem so un Satanic and un American
I admire your appreciation for our Goddess Eos, but you should not use her name as a username. You are not her and it feels inappropriate. Same goes for others who choose Gods' or Goddesses' names as profile names
There is the user Dagon's Pupillum - he initially had 'Dagon' as his nickname. Fortunately, he was wise enough to have heeded our advice to change the nickname, and so he has.

This is no gaming forum where one can impersonate whatever God or Goddess one wants.

How about... Eos' Daughter? Scion of Eos?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
