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Zeus, Satya, Reforms & The Time Before "Satanism" - Moving Into the Golden Age [Update 1: Resources]

Yes! I've been looking forward to this ever since I got here. I was always confused why we insisted on using the very same names and words that were used to insult and blaspheme the gods instead of using their actual divine names. This is great news and a much needed adjustment. Thank you HP I hope to learn more in depth about Satya and Zeus in their uncorrupted forms and how they relate to the Vedic religions and Shiva and Vishnu.

Even the Names the enemy used in many cases, are not blasphemous or wrong to the Gods, but they are falsely perceived that way by the mindwashed folk.

Satan or Satanas is nothing bad of a Name, it has other origins; but the question is that the people have been strongly embed and instructed to not see it that way.

As they first encounter the real Gods and then they understand this was the nasty work of the Jews [in that order] they will see it more openly like we have seen it here ourselves.

Then it starts making far more direct sense, than let's say, starting from the Jewish standpoint and deconstructing it.

We want to bring people in with clarity and the full truth, not to hide anything.
Even the Names the enemy used in many cases, are not blasphemous or wrong to the Gods, but they are falsely perceived that way by the mindwashed folk.

Satan or Satanas is nothing bad of a Name, it has other origins; but the question is that the people have been strongly embed and instructed to not see it that way.

As they first encounter the real Gods and then they understand this was the nasty work of the Jews [in that order] they will see it more openly like we have seen it here ourselves.

Then it starts making far more direct sense, than let's say, starting from the Jewish standpoint and deconstructing it.

We want to bring people in with clarity and the full truth, not to hide anything.
Indeed I thought that using these names that have been so corrupted by the enemy would deter many people away who did not know any better from The JOS. For example many stupid people always blame the crimes of the jews on Baal, so they would see that name here and then immediately get scared away and not even give it a chance and none of them even know this is actually Zeus, Thor, Indra etc. Such a great god who appears in all cultures, but many are so brainwashed they see the name that the enemy has corrupted and then get scared away.

I do have a question that I have been wanting to ask you for awhile since we are on the topic, is Zeus the Adiyogi? The Trimurti, Shiva, Vishnu Brahma? Because I saw you post on the tripartial nature of Zeus and this made me wonder if this is connected and the same.
Indeed I thought that using these names that have been so corrupted by the enemy would deter many people away who did not know any better from The JOS. For example many stupid people always blame the crimes of the jews on Baal, so they would see that name here and then immediately get scared away and not even give it a chance and none of them even know this is actually Zeus, Thor, Indra etc. Such a great god who appears in all cultures, but many are so brainwashed they see the name that the enemy has corrupted and then get scared away.

I do have a question that I have been wanting to ask you for awhile since we are on the topic, is Zeus the Adiyogi? The Trimurti, Shiva, Vishnu Brahma? Because I saw you post on the tripartial nature of Zeus and this made me wonder if this is connected and the same.

We will give the people an easier gateway. They will know the Truth after getting in the gateway.

The enemy tries to create immediate aversion; ie, to never study or look into something reactionarily as a slave dog. That's their success. We remove this and people will see things very easily.

Trust me on that one, everyone will see what I mean 6 months from now. A little patience for the time being.

The Adiyogi, is in the Ancient Greek lore more related to Dionysus. Dion-ysus means "Little Zeus" and is a code for the power of Zeus who incarnates to teach humans the Mysteries, like Adiyogi did in Hindu Mythology.
We will give the people an easier gateway. They will know the Truth after getting in the gateway.

The enemy tries to create immediate aversion; ie, to never study or look into something reactionarily as a slave dog. That's their success. We remove this and people will see things very easily.

Trust me on that one, everyone will see what I mean 6 months from now. A little patience for the time being.

The Adiyogi, is in the Ancient Greek lore more related to Dionysus. Dion-ysus means "Little Zeus" and is a code for the power of Zeus who incarnates to teach humans the Mysteries, like Adiyogi did in Hindu Mythology.
Good to know thank you! So I am assuming then that the Trimurti is the same as the Tri-partial nature of Zeus as well?
(Zeus, Poseidon, Hades), = (Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma)
Wow, these are incredible news! First, with the "end" of the need to do FinalRTR, now this...! This is very exciting. JoS will finally be seen as a form of light, as it has always been.

India shows their/our Gods and Spirituality proudly and openly to the World while having millions of muslim monkeys inside of it.
India keeps building temples and their gurus share their presence and spiritual knowledge openly.

The western world has to grow some balls and do it as well. There are no excuses anymore.
those mosques of the muslim monkeys are being destroyed here , and the temples that were once constructed beneath them are being re-constructed. The ruling party , one of their agendas is to re-construct all of the temples that were once destroyed. Majority of them being Shiv temples, around 3000 temples of such , out of 60 thousand that were destroyed during the mughal rule , now there all being excavated and re-constructed.

Its also funny , that the opposition party in our country , preaches Xianity. They get so buttHurt when things like these happen its really amusing to watch them fail.
Trust me on that one

You have all my eternal trust in the most complete and positive way. I swear it, and it will be so in eternity. All of us here love you, despite the attacks you have often received (for always doing the right things), the people who really matter are on your side, to follow your noble guidance, High Leader and High administrative Priest. Lead us, Commander!

everyone will see what I mean 6 months from now

ONLY 6 MONTHS??? What I have been waiting for a lifetime, and probably for several lifetimes since I was told at the Ouija Board that I have at least one previous incarnation, WILL BE SEEN in such a short time? What a Great Age this is! Satya Yuga again indeed!

A little patience for the time being

I pray to the Gods that they may bless you in the best ways so that you may both obtain your just reward, but also the highest ways of manifesting all your nobility, justice and tendency toward the universal good of the Gods themselves and their People!
We will give the people an easier gateway. They will know the Truth after getting in the gateway.

The enemy tries to create immediate aversion; ie, to never study or look into something reactionarily as a slave dog. That's their success. We remove this and people will see things very easily.

Trust me on that one, everyone will see what I mean 6 months from now. A little patience for the time being.

The Adiyogi, is in the Ancient Greek lore more related to Dionysus. Dion-ysus means "Little Zeus" and is a code for the power of Zeus who incarnates to teach humans the Mysteries, like Adiyogi did in Hindu Mythology.
this finally solved my question , i was thinking about this since a long long time now. Than
Here are a few resources, in case anyone is wondering. Yes, Satan is literally Zeus.

For reasons later on explained in the topic, Baal and Satan are overlapped under the general title "Satan and Devil". Of course, there is more into this, but the facts below are undeniable. They overlap it all and confuse it, but the point stands.

The Pergamum Altar - the Temple of Zeus that Adolf Hitler restored in Germany and transferred it there...

"But I believe in Zeus (Satan)"

"Zeus and Baal the Prince of Rome"

https://www.academia.edu/39252068/Satan_Zeus_Baal_and_the_Prince_of_Rome [Satan, Zeus, Baal the Prince of Rome...]

"Where Satan Lives?"


What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.

The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.

The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.

Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.

Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".

The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.

This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.

As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:

1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.

In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.

Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.

We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.

This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.

Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.

Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.

I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".

We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.

The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.

By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.

Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.

Jews are not our authority.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
High quality post👏🏻, the things are going to change. I really like the new HPHC Gold!
Beautifully said and great idea, commander.

As someone who is hard at work in Outreach and brings in large audiences to our doctrine, having to answer endless questions about these things to people who would otherwise agree with us is tiring, and limits us.
A change like this is likely very delicate, so as to not forsake our essence, but I'm sure you and the Clergy will handle it in a great way.

I'll be waiting in excitement to see how these changes take shape.
Outreach, yes. I feel like the manifestation of these recent changes has been strongly pushed by the Outreach project.
We have interfaced ourselves with those who are without, and we have witnessed firsthand what it is that drives people away from us, and what is their logic to do so, and from that, we learn what changes we need to make to further grow into an acceptable religion for the mainstream.
Here are a few resources, in case anyone is wondering. Yes, Satan is literally Zeus.

For reasons later on explained in the topic, Baal and Satan are overlapped under the general title "Satan and Devil". Of course, there is more into this, but the facts below are undeniable. They overlap it all and confuse it, but the point stands.

The Pergamum Altar - the Temple of Zeus that Adolf Hitler restored in Germany and transferred it there...

"But I believe in Zeus (Satan)"

"Zeus and Baal the Prince of Rome"

https://www.academia.edu/39252068/Satan_Zeus_Baal_and_the_Prince_of_Rome [Satan, Zeus, Baal the Prince of Rome...]

"Where Satan Lives?"


What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.

The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.

The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.

Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.

Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".

The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.

This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.

As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:

1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.

In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.

Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.

We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.

This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.

Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.

Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.

I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".

We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.

The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.

By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.

Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.

Jews are not our authority.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Well going point on the whole we are Satan issue as that is used by the enemy and dumb fools to start automatically assuming we represent evil or the Xian fake devil or atheistic communist perversions of the fake Church of Satan. The Gods will shine and Truth prevail.
I think I now understand fully the need for our past framework and why we need to change now.

I think that using the enemy framework in our first 20-or-so years, where we used the rebellious rhetoric, and still very much thought in a way influenced by the enemy, has made it so the most Adept Souls joined even at that stage, because as the closest people to the Gods only we could see through the slander of the Names of Satan, Beelzebul, Astaroth (who we now rightfully call Astarte), Azazel, etc... Because what the JoS needed first and foremost was for the strongest Souls to come back to the Gods so that the Spiritual Revolution could begin.

Now this has happened and we have received its fruits, now that the people closest to the Gods in past lives have already joined and become established members, we need to become huge and, for a lack of better terms, "take over Earth", to fully reinstate the Reign of the Gods on Earth. And to do so, since the people we are to wake up are not as close to the Gods as we original members are (and this also ties with future plans HP told us about, like we becoming a special inner circle) we have to reinstate the Image of the Gods in their original splendor, as even if there's nothing wrong in using the names we always used (like Satan), those who are without are brainwashed into steering clear of it immediately without giving it any thought, and this harms our goals of expansion.

We are the same, these graphical changes are tactics.
It doesn't mean they are "fake", they're actually more accurate to what the Ancient Religions truly were, it's us modern people who got used to this Anti-Abrahamic framework which made no sense in a world where "Abrahamic" didn't exist.
I think that using the enemy framework in our first 20-or-so years, where we used the rebellious rhetoric, and still very much thought in a way influenced by the enemy, has made it so the most Adept Souls joined even at that stage, because as the closest people to the Gods only we could see through the slander of the Names of Satan, Beelzebul, Astaroth (who we now rightfully call Astarte), Azazel, etc... Because what the JoS needed first and foremost was for the strongest Souls to come back to the Gods so that the Spiritual Revolution could begin.
This makes sense a lot more than I thought: we, who have joined so earlier, most likely, are Souls who even in the Dark Ages strove for keeping the Ancient Knowledge alive, it's not too far fetched to think that many of us where already familiar with the names of our Gods that were popularized by the enemy, so to us these names resonated, they called to us, because during the Dark Ages we already followed them, while other people in the world might be younger Souls, or perhaps Souls that were around in Ancient times but were simpleton and when they reincarnated later they went mild christians or something like that, so they basically "skipped" a part of History, they did not go against the enemy belief system, their Souls jumped straight from Paganism to christanity and will potentially jump back to Paganism, but they have skipped the "Occultism", "Hidden", "Dark" transition of our religion.
...their Souls jumped straight from Paganism to christanity and will potentially jump back to Paganism, but they have skipped the "Occultism", "Hidden", "Dark" transition of our religion.
So to these Souls, the names Zeus, Thor, Odin, etc. will resonate, but not the name Satan or Beelzebul.
Tonight we lift all curses and attacks against your Name,
We remove all sins that have falsely been sent to you,
Your Name is detached from all corrupted Notions, lies and slander,
Now and Permanently, Your Eternal Power is Free.

I believe it is the manifestation of this, the Gods have brought together the best souls and now that the world is free from the tentacles of the enemy it is time to create, to reach our maximum potential with commitment and dedication. This also ties back to the sermon of “How Does the Enemy Lose?” the answer is by focusing on building and enhancing our "village" and detachment from corrupt notions is only the beginning of the "Creation" phase.

There is always another way to do a thing. That way is far away. But it is still a possible way. Destruction and terror will not always be the other way. But until the time comes when destruction and terror are removed the world you must work how the world works. Until that time, that will come in time, this is Me -- a PerfectBalance. This is necessary. Destruction and creation.

And finally I think this quote defines this perfectly.
It will all make sense in the end; so don't worry because of misplaced worries. If there are any, please relate them here for explaining.

When will the gods arrive on earth physically?
Who will probably be the designated ones?
And what will be the impact and greatness of this?
Even if it is just one.
(I want to give Lilith a hug in the material world)
I actually made a post about the concept of An (https://ancient-forums.com/threads/satan-is-the-sumerian-god-an-full-theory.292891/#post-1094690) in it I discuss the possibility that An is actually representative of Satan, at the time my theory was largely considered incorrect or at least that I was misunderstanding a lot, but the statement "Satan is literally Zeus" feels like it supports what I said in that theory, that the position of An in the Sumerian Pantheon would very much be His position and that Enlil, Enki and Nergal are aspects of Baalzebul much like the Greek Trimuative are aspects of Baalzebul (Zeus, Poseidon and Hades).

Please dont take what I am saying the wrong way, I am trying to approach in the spirit of discussion and learning and I am not making declarative statements, I do not know a lot of what you know so I might be misunderstanding a tremendous amount, but could it be I was right and that An otherwise known as Anu is another one of Satan's Divine Names, its mostly an academic discussion but frankly Theology is the only thing that really interests me and I love talking about stuff like this, because either I'm right and my research is validated or I am wrong and I learn something valuable.

Furthering this, when you mean Satan is literally Zeus, can I have more details as to what this entails? Are you speaking of Satan's nature and how it encompasses all aspects of Divinity? Or are you being hyper literal and that the being we know as Zeus is in fact one of Satan's Divine aspects, sort of like Shiva?

I have felt both Their energies and though the intensity is similar they both felt very different to me.

Once more I want to reaffirm I am just trying to discuss academically, obviously outside these forums there is literally nobody I can discuss these sorts of topics with, and those I could hold no sort of authority and thus cannot teach me unlike you.

And of course if I have not earned any of this information then that is also entirely fair, I do not feel entitled to answers but I am very curious.
Here are a few resources, in case anyone is wondering. Yes, Satan is literally Zeus.

For reasons later on explained in the topic, Baal and Satan are overlapped under the general title "Satan and Devil". Of course, there is more into this, but the facts below are undeniable. They overlap it all and confuse it, but the point stands.

The Pergamum Altar - the Temple of Zeus that Adolf Hitler restored in Germany and transferred it there...

"But I believe in Zeus (Satan)"

"Zeus and Baal the Prince of Rome"

https://www.academia.edu/39252068/Satan_Zeus_Baal_and_the_Prince_of_Rome [Satan, Zeus, Baal the Prince of Rome...]

"Where Satan Lives?"


What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.

The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.

The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.

Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.

Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".

The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.

This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.

As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:

1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.

In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.

Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.

We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.

This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.

Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.

Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.

I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".

We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.

The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.

By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.

Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.

Jews are not our authority.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This relieved me a lot, I always had a flea in my ear about the names of the Gods, and seeing this sermon cleared up all doubts, and ended the enemies' arguments. So, can we say "Joy of Satya" or/and "Satyanism"? ❤️
I agree with everything you said but I don't know if in my mind I could ever call him anything but father Satan. I am sure even the rituals will completely change what we call him over time and sort of have already, but mentally I still feel like it's 2003. JoS already has been redefined and I look forward to seeing it in it's purest form. I'd like to move forward with it and get out of the past.
We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.
Does it mean that any mentioning of Anton Lavey from JoS will be removed? I may be mistaken, but I think that HP Maxine Dietrich has mentioned him for some reason...
I agree with everything you said but I don't know if in my mind I could ever call him anything but father Satan. I am sure even the rituals will completely change what we call him over time and sort of have already, but mentally I still feel like it's 2003. JoS already has been redefined and I look forward to seeing it in it's purest form. I'd like to move forward with it and get out of the past.
The name Satan is not wrong. But we have to “reach out” to others as “safely” as possible and without “trouble.”

This “change” to “We believe in Zeus or Satya” instead of “Satan” is an alteration of perception for other people who are in the “dark.” This will have a different effect to break some deep mental resistance of people and “activate” some ancestral connections.

However, you can call it Satan, it is not a problem.
Finally, it's starting!
We will strike the enemy with unequalled force;
What could be better?
Our enemies will be deeply struck by misery ⚡.

O Zeus, watch us rebuild your temple
Before the eyes of all humanity.
We will make our enemies tremble! ⛈️

In this sacred enterprise,
May the heavens sing of our triumph 🏹
And the earth shakes 🌪️
With the echoes of our just fury!

For as the sun rises again, 🌥️
Our strength will shine also, 🌤️
Illuminating the path to glory. ☀️

Here are a few resources, in case anyone is wondering. Yes, Satan is literally Zeus.

For reasons later on explained in the topic, Baal and Satan are overlapped under the general title "Satan and Devil". Of course, there is more into this, but the facts below are undeniable. They overlap it all and confuse it, but the point stands.

The Pergamum Altar - the Temple of Zeus that Adolf Hitler restored in Germany and transferred it there...

"But I believe in Zeus (Satan)"

"Zeus and Baal the Prince of Rome"

https://www.academia.edu/39252068/Satan_Zeus_Baal_and_the_Prince_of_Rome [Satan, Zeus, Baal the Prince of Rome...]

"Where Satan Lives?"


What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.

The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.

The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.

Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.

Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".

The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.

This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.

As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:

1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.

In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.

Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.

We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.

This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.

Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.

Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.

I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".

We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.

The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.

By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.

Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.

Jews are not our authority.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's ridiculous to have to justify yourself for being with the Gods...

it must be a normal and sacred thing for every human. Finally it will be without the enemy having a say in the matter, they had their moment of "glory" but it's time to get the fuck out, we have a world to make flourish again.
Good to know thank you! So I am assuming then that the Trimurti is the same as the Tri-partial nature of Zeus as well?
(Zeus, Poseidon, Hades), = (Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma)

Correct, thanks for mentioning this. Zeus divides in Dias, Poseidon and Hades. As you can see, it's far easier to draw the parellels when one is aware of Hinduism.
Correct, thanks for mentioning this. Zeus divides in Dias, Poseidon and Hades. As you can see, it's far easier to draw the parellels when one is aware of Hinduism.
Great thanks for the clarification! I am a Greek and German man, but I study deep into a lot of Hinduism because they have much spiritual knowledge that has been preserved that cannot be found in Ancient Norse, or Greek texts, thanks to the kikes who burned the Library of Alexandria and many other archives of knowledge.

I love to connect all the ancient religions in a way that everything connects and makes sense, it brings me much fulfillment to know that this knowledge can be revived and saved. Thanks again for all your work HP. Stay blessed!
Here are a few resources, in case anyone is wondering. Yes, Satan is literally Zeus.

For reasons later on explained in the topic, Baal and Satan are overlapped under the general title "Satan and Devil". Of course, there is more into this, but the facts below are undeniable. They overlap it all and confuse it, but the point stands.

The Pergamum Altar - the Temple of Zeus that Adolf Hitler restored in Germany and transferred it there...

"But I believe in Zeus (Satan)"

"Zeus and Baal the Prince of Rome"

https://www.academia.edu/39252068/Satan_Zeus_Baal_and_the_Prince_of_Rome [Satan, Zeus, Baal the Prince of Rome...]

"Where Satan Lives?"


What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.

The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.

The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.

Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.

Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".

The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.

This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.

As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:

1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.

In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.

Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.

We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.

This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.

Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.

Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.

I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".

We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.

The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.

By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.

Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.

Jews are not our authority.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Interesting statue they have at the Vatican with pine cone, the head of Zeus and two peacocks.


  • Screenshot from 2025-01-29 20-03-40.png
    Screenshot from 2025-01-29 20-03-40.png
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Interesting statue they have at the Vatican with pine cone, the head of Zeus and two peacocks.

These are copies and they know what these mean; the Peacock is Hera's Symbol [3rd eye], Pinecone is the Pineal Gland.

They have stolen all the spiritual knowledge of mankind so they know and utilize this.
Our efforts finally are paying off, switching from "survival mode" to creative mode, looking foward for the future where interstellar or at least interplanetary travel become a thing(dream of mine), and also other beautifull things.
One quick question to everyone, I thought this over and feel it appropriate to ask. Is it ok if instead of using the term Zeus for father Satya, I instead use the term Odin, since he is also known as Odin in history. I am Norse/Nordic by heritage, Norwegian lineage to be precise, and for me it feels deeper.

Although, I do know who he is and am learning to speed with him slowly. The main issue is it is challenging for me to hear what he says, likely because my soul needs to evolve further.

Hail Satan/Satya/Odin/Zeus! All the same being, just different names, and the true highest of the God's!
For all it's worth I'd like to voice support for this endeavor. This is after consideration.

Satanism and being a Satanist has its context, meaning, and purpose. ''Even after Gods were separated from humanity, even when anything and everything was against following them, even though it was the most forbidden thing to do; we persisted in the Truth.''

Reclaiming words, indeed, is a powerful act and it has extreme political power. For those who don't know what it is, the most relevant example of today is ''nigger''. Literally just the color black, became a name for a group of people, then a derogatory term, now reclaimed and exclusive to those people. It has a political power. Key words also have agenda-setting power, they explain your whole argument and reveal your side. An example of this is calling an event genocide versus so-called genocide.

With these two mechanisms, being a Satanist compared to being any type of Pagan is different. Being a Satanist means that you followed Him when it was not the norm to do so. It means that you found Him when he was hidden away and silent. It means that you converted and dedicated when you were born into this world that gives no guidance to reach Gods. It means that you reclaimed it when he was named blasphemously. Satanists kept following the trace of light with blind eyes in pitch-black darkness. They often got lost, naturally, but preserved the seeds. A Satanist can be a rebel when conditions call for it and can be the most conservative when it is necessary to conserve things. I don't mind being called a Satanist witch, I will claim these as my own.

Obviously, only a minority of all people can do this. Satanism requires reclaiming an insulted name and it sets an agenda that is impossible for most people: concealing, preserving, and rebelling under oppressive, manipulative, and invading forces. High Priestess Lydia announced these forces are no more so why would we keep this agenda? If you say the agenda that Satanism stands for is fulfilled, I will choose to put my trust in you in the same way I trusted in Lady Maxine when I dedicated.

That being said, I'm surprised that not many people are expressing concern about the change. I would be concerned if I wasn't already convinced that this generation of Satanists will witness the reversal of the order to hide to protect yourself. I'm still concerned, scared even. How many temples were burned down? How many sanctuaries of Gods turned into churches and mosques? Too many. It is traumatic. Honestly every small change in JoS first incites fear in me, then acceptance. I understand the reasoning and I choose to trust but please only add and enrich, do not erase and destroy a thing.

With the age of Aquarius coming I'm not surprised Spiritual Satanism is becoming, for a lack of better words, less elitist and less cadre, and more populist in an organizational way. Not the most befitting words. Sticking the old ways would make it impossible to progress.
One quick question to everyone, I thought this over and feel it appropriate to ask. Is it ok if instead of using the term Zeus for father Satya, I instead use the term Odin, since he is also known as Odin in history. I am Norse/Nordic by heritage, Norwegian lineage to be precise, and for me it feels deeper.

Although, I do know who he is and am learning to speed with him slowly. The main issue is it is challenging for me to hear what he says, likely because my soul needs to evolve further.

Hail Satan/Satya/Odin/Zeus! All the same being, just different names, and the true highest of the God's!

Of course. Even more so Wōdanaz which is the Germanic Root of your Nordic people and close to Σατανάς.
I assume you have read this already but in any case it's good to read: https://www.joyofsatan.org/SatanOdin.html

‘He Is Odin’s Man’ oldest Odin inscription with an inclined Swastika:
Blessed is the Joy of Satan, Blessed is the Priesthood, Blessed are the Members, Blessed are the Ministers, Blessed are all those dedicated to Father Satan by Blood and members of the Joy of Satan!

Blessed are all our Dedicated and Loyal Members, now and permanently¡

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
