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Expanding the Mind to Grasp Higher Truths


Active member
Sep 22, 2017
Yogic Supreme
I know many members here have difficulties in grasping the new change and transformation that has taken place in our domain; from being Joy of Satan (JoS), to now being the Temple of Zeus (ToZ). In this case, I want to delve into the intricacies and importance of actively working upon to the mind and soul to further the expansion of the mind, the awakening of awareness, and the elevation of ones Consciousness and Spirit. For it is through this journey of intellectual and spiritual refinement that we come to understand the deeper truths of life, science, and the mysteries of the universe. Thus, our very Gods.

For starters, perception is the process by which individuals interpret and make sense of sensory information from their environment. It involves selecting, organizing, and interpreting stimuli through the senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and the psychic/occult/spiritual) to create an internal representation of reality. Since perception is influenced by attention, past experiences, emotions, and cognitive biases, it is inherently subjective and varies from person to person.

Perception is inherently selective because the human brain in its limited state cannot process all the sensory information available at any given moment. Instead, it filters and prioritizes input based on factors like attention, past experiences, beliefs, and expectations. This selective filtering shapes an individual's awareness, meaning that what a person perceives is not an objective reality but a personalized version of it.

Since perception is tied to consciousness, each person's reality is constructed based on what they focus on and how they interpret it. This leads to differences in understanding, as two people can experience the same event but perceive it in entirely different ways. Ultimately, our knowledge and comprehension of the world are limited by this selective process, which reinforces the idea that reality is subjectively experienced rather than universally perceived.

Therefore, it is crucial to make a conscious effort to expand one’s awareness and consciousness. This process helps to free the mind from limiting biases and allows for a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of complex concepts and matters. By broadening our perception, we can engage with the world, the universe, and our Gods, in a more open, informed, and nuanced way.

As HPHC stated in his Sermon 'Away From Evil': "True consciousness highlights in our awareness the ability to recognize evil, and only then can evil be defeated and conquered against. One must gain the vision of the Gods to see it, to comprehend it, in order to finally rise above it."

Throughout history, the greatest civilizations have understood that knowledge is not a passive possession but an active pursuit. The ancient Egyptians, with their vast libraries and intricate philosophy, sought wisdom beyond the physical, understanding that the mind must ascend to grasp higher realities. The Greeks, too, devoted their lives to intellectual inquiry, which laid the foundation for the sciences, philosophy, and mathematics that guide us even today.

Socrates, who proclaimed, "An unexamined life is not worth living." What does this mean for us? It means that ignorance is not merely the absence of knowledge but a choice to remain in the shadows of understanding. To refuse to question, to explore, to seek, is to deny ourselves the gift of wisdom that nature, the universe, and, not least, our very Gods have set before us.

Plato, the great student of Socrates, illustrated this in his Allegory of the Cave. He described men who lived their entire lives seeing only shadows, and believed them to be reality. But when one of them ascended from the cave and saw the world in its fullness, he realized the profound truth - that reality was far more than he had ever perceived. And so, we must also step out of our own caves, out of the darkness of ignorance, and into the light of knowledge and wisdom, into the light of our Gods.

Aristotle, too, reminds us of our divine capacity for learning, where he stated, "All men by nature desire to know." This is our calling - to seek understanding not only in faith but in science, in reason, in philosophy, in all matters that elevate the human spirit. The mysteries of the cosmos, the workings of the mind and soul, the intricacies of life itself are all waiting to be explored by those who are willing to expand their consciousness. This is imperative and precious.

In the context of perception; the levels of perception can be seen as a hierarchy of consciousness and awareness, that expands from basic human perception to an all-encompassing divine perception:

Low-Level Human Perception is a person functioning at a base level of awareness, and is primarily focused on survival, ego, and material reality. Their perception is limited to the five senses and conventional thinking, bound by societal conditioning and personal biases.

Advanced Human Perception (heightened awareness & paranormal abilities) is an individual who has expanded their perception through spiritual and mental development, and can access deeper layers of reality, beyond the physical. This includes intuition, psychic abilities, telepathy, energy manipulation (witchcraft, telekinesis, pyrokinesis), remote viewing, astral projection, and/or altered states of consciousness. Their brain operates at higher frequencies, which allows them to perceive subtle energies, dimensions, and hidden truths that ordinary perception cannot yet grasp.

Divine or God-Level Perception is a being at a level that perceives all things at once, beyond time, space, and duality. This is can be compared to omniscience, where the entire fabric of existence is understood effortlessly. A God does not "sense" reality in a fragmented way but experiences all perspectives simultaneously - past, present, and future as one. Such a perception transcends form, logic, and even individuality (as can be seen in the tripartite nature of Zeus), where one sees existence as a unified whole.

Thus, expanding one's awareness, consciousness, and spirit can be understood through the three realms of Greek mythology as already explained by HPHC: Elysian Fields, Earth, and the Underworld. The Elysian Fields represent the pursuit of clarity and spiritual enlightenment, which urges us to strive for higher states of awareness. The Earth symbolizes the world of illusions, where we must overcome distractions and falsehoods to deepen our understanding. The Underworld reflects the necessary process of introspection and transformation, where we confront past limitations and grow as a result. We evolve spiritually and expand our consciousness by navigating these realms, shedding illusions and becoming more connected with higher truths.

So, the fluidity and symbolism of the Gods in mythology directly relate to one’s perception because they teach us how to perceive reality beyond rigid and materialistic boundaries. Just as the Gods take many forms and roles, our perception must be flexible, where we are open to seeing multiple perspectives and truths. By understanding that the Gods conflate identities and show different aspects of the same divine essence, we learn that reality isn’t fixed or absolute, but rather it is dynamic and multifaceted with a complex essence.

Again, this ties into our perception by encouraging us to look beyond surface-level appearances or literal interpretations. When we encounter challenges, we should recognize that they may present different "faces" of the same deeper truth or lesson. Our awareness expands when we understand that every experience, like every myth, can have multiple layers of meaning, depending on our spiritual maturity and perspective. The myths remind us to view the world not just as a series of disconnected events, but as interconnected lessons designed to guide our growth and advancement.

In addition and in closing; last night, I spoke with Father Satan about the transformation of JoS into ToZ. I asked Him about the connection to Zeus, and Father Satan immediately confirmed that He is, indeed, Zeus. I highly recommend that those of you who have yet to fully grasp this transformation, to enter a deep trance and visualize the sigils of Zeus/Satanas/Beelzebul, and seek His guidance. You can perform His rituals and contemplate upon the Tripartite nature of Zeus, and the new Aeon to receive further answers.

Hail the Almighty Zeus!

Further reading:
1. The Tripartite Nature Of Zeus
2. They Observe Us
3. The 5 Ages & Zeus

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
