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They Observe Us: Our Eternal Gods

Something I have asked Christians in the past who claim to pray and worship the "one true god" is: Are you sure you are praying to the "one true god". I'm sure most of them are trying to reach the True God but they are limited by their indoctrination. If they knew who yahweh was they would never worship such a being. On one hand the Gods know who we are really praying to or worshiping. Its also important for us to be able identify the True God(s) energy so we are not deceived by malicious entities masquerading as the Gods. I really like this sermon about not being too attached to the garments of the Gods. Its way more important to awaken the Godhead within in order to validate and work with the Gods directly in whatever form they appear to us in.

When listening to stories of UFO abductees what always stands out is how they are overwhelmed by the enemy's energy then manipulated either as a positive feeling or negative feeling. Growing up seen christians "speak in tongues" and sensing strange energies naturally put me on guard (couldn't see anything at the time), it was always claimed to be "holy spirit". When asked do you know what are saying the answer is "No" they have a religious experience through channeling entities. I remember being a in a church as kid and someone starting "speaking in tongues" and then a Chinese person translated the message and it was big deal "behold proof". When its a small feat to for the enemy to manipulate people low spiritual power. I only bring this up because today we have access to the resources/knowledge to commune with the True Gods if we cultivate the Godhead within. If we don't cultivate this spiritual power we can and will be deceived by the enemy wearing fake garments.
Muslims are violent and dangerous in a feigned humble way. Christians are super ignorant fake smiley and deceptive been dealing with both lately around me too often at work.
Thank you HP for the great sermon. This will definitely clarify many questions for many members.

If feels "surreal" for people to be born and live their life whilst also having been born and living lives in "previous times" so to say, most likely in similar ways and having very similar personalities. The Soul does carry with it a lot of package from previous lifetimes. The Soul has a well defined and specific "personality" which manifest gradually in each lifetime as the physical body grows and matures, and of course it is our duty in each lifetime to keep advancing and empowering ourselves and contribute to the development of our civilization.

The Gods don't necessarily see the "human" in us as they see the Soul in us and we should do exactly the same with Them. Instead of seeing them through their "Egyptian, Sumerian, Greek, Hindi" etc. clothes, it will be far more constructive and revealing for us to see Them as much as possible in their real personalities and Souls, which can only be done by actually interacting, communicating and learning from Them.
About the Gods, I want to make everyone understand something deeper than what we knew prior. To go deeper and to unite you with them permanently, beyond space and time.

If you were a man living in the Middle Ages, incarnated back then, and you requested the care or help from "Satan" in that perspective, the same God would answer you. He can clearly see you and all your circumstances.

If you were a man living in Ancient Egypt and you went to pray to Amun, the same God would answer you. They understand your cultural context.

If you were a man in Ancient Greece and you went to pray to Zeus, the same Being would answer you and start guiding you.

Your Guardian Demon recognizes the original you and the original soul, despite on if this lifetime you are Thomas from Belgium and in another you where Bjorn in the time of the Vikings, or Ioannes from Mesopotamia. They know, through all the lifetimes who you are and they recognize you. The bond is based on the deepest fundamental bond and not on your surface identity.

While humans should also be able to recognize them, due to the fact that we are incarnated and every time we in-take impressions from our incarnations, we have to start over and over again. The Gods stay constant, they do not die or age. The same God that was called Satan in the late centuries, was called Zeus in another century, or Beelzebul, or whatever confusion or articulation of the human concept. This does not affect them. This is a process that takes form inside the world of our own.

The eternal underlying Truth is always present, your Guardian Demon has always been there, whether you will approach them through a misperceived Goetia or now through ToZ. Difference is now, with clear lenses, you will see the matter more directly and without alterations.

When that concept becomes better, we clarify lenses and we can see clearly. The goal is to have a crystal clear perception, so we can connect more powerfully. The Gods however in their essence, they are the same.

In the same way the Gods see you, I want to show you how you can see them, to bolster your faith and create eternal bonds that extend beyond the surface. Through this you will have stronger faith. Bjorn, Thomas and Ioannes are the same being, but for Thomas, Bjorn or Ioannes to understand it, he had to awake every single time in his lifetime to start perceiving the larger ideal of himself.

When one spends all their time on the surface of this, they are not truly engaging in divine union. It matters not if the Gods wear a mask in Egypt to teach you about a universal form, or if in Ancient Greece, the same entity, assumed another perspective. And if one obsesses over the garments, they are distancing themselves from the true and eternal bond. One focuses on Bjorn or Ioannes and they are losing the True and Eternal essence, that will follow them everywhere if they grasp it. And it's worthwhile to grasp the whole idea, if one wants to go all the way with the Gods.

The surface is easy to understand and comfortable, but reality begins when one combines that surface, understands it and goes deeper. We wake up when we start understanding more and the greater scene of life.

All of these different garments, are garments of the same primary force that is our side and our Gods. You must understand reality and open up to it, by looking behind the garments.

When you obsess over the garments, it's like you obsess over what your wife wears and not who your wife is. This means you are not truly connected to her. You do not obsess with your child over what it wears, you love it because of WHO IT IS fundamentally. Only bad parents and bad lovers would focus solely on the externalities of a relationship.

I am therefore showing you what the Gods ARE and not what they WEAR. I am showing you truly and verily, that no matter what face the Gods wear, they are the same underlying, loving and eternal beings, that you must appreciate and understand. This is a step to showing you the ARE, the True Being and not the surface.

As the Gods see us clearly, we must learn to see them clearly and understand that their garments can change, but they are fundamentally the same. You are also removed from fear. If anything the recent centuries have shown us, is that no matter what any enemy might do, rename, pervert or try to hide the Gods, they will resurface because they are integral, true and powerful.

They cannot be deleted from the world, only lied about. These lies affect humans and their perception, not the Gods themselves. We remove all their lies and here they are again, as they always were. Nothing has changed; only our delusions have been an obstacle. When these are removed, we reconnect.

This was always the basic premise of the JoS. And if the Gods are to wear a garment, it should be the finest we have to give them as a civilization and the most pure one, that helps us recognize them and makes the process of initial bonding easier. But the point here extends past this; to eternal bonds that will lead us, over the cycle of time, to the destiny that we have.

That is the divine essential and their essence: the unchangeable and eternal, which you must also seek with them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666Thank you for this amazing Sermon

About the Gods, I want to make everyone understand something deeper than what we knew prior. To go deeper and to unite you with them permanently, beyond space and time.

If you were a man living in the Middle Ages, incarnated back then, and you requested the care or help from "Satan" in that perspective, the same God would answer you. He can clearly see you and all your circumstances.

If you were a man living in Ancient Egypt and you went to pray to Amun, the same God would answer you. They understand your cultural context.

If you were a man in Ancient Greece and you went to pray to Zeus, the same Being would answer you and start guiding you.

Your Guardian Demon recognizes the original you and the original soul, despite on if this lifetime you are Thomas from Belgium and in another you where Bjorn in the time of the Vikings, or Ioannes from Mesopotamia. They know, through all the lifetimes who you are and they recognize you. The bond is based on the deepest fundamental bond and not on your surface identity.

While humans should also be able to recognize them, due to the fact that we are incarnated and every time we in-take impressions from our incarnations, we have to start over and over again. The Gods stay constant, they do not die or age. The same God that was called Satan in the late centuries, was called Zeus in another century, or Beelzebul, or whatever confusion or articulation of the human concept. This does not affect them. This is a process that takes form inside the world of our own.

The eternal underlying Truth is always present, your Guardian Demon has always been there, whether you will approach them through a misperceived Goetia or now through ToZ. Difference is now, with clear lenses, you will see the matter more directly and without alterations.

When that concept becomes better, we clarify lenses and we can see clearly. The goal is to have a crystal clear perception, so we can connect more powerfully. The Gods however in their essence, they are the same.

In the same way the Gods see you, I want to show you how you can see them, to bolster your faith and create eternal bonds that extend beyond the surface. Through this you will have stronger faith. Bjorn, Thomas and Ioannes are the same being, but for Thomas, Bjorn or Ioannes to understand it, he had to awake every single time in his lifetime to start perceiving the larger ideal of himself.

When one spends all their time on the surface of this, they are not truly engaging in divine union. It matters not if the Gods wear a mask in Egypt to teach you about a universal form, or if in Ancient Greece, the same entity, assumed another perspective. And if one obsesses over the garments, they are distancing themselves from the true and eternal bond. One focuses on Bjorn or Ioannes and they are losing the True and Eternal essence, that will follow them everywhere if they grasp it. And it's worthwhile to grasp the whole idea, if one wants to go all the way with the Gods.

The surface is easy to understand and comfortable, but reality begins when one combines that surface, understands it and goes deeper. We wake up when we start understanding more and the greater scene of life.

All of these different garments, are garments of the same primary force that is our side and our Gods. You must understand reality and open up to it, by looking behind the garments.

When you obsess over the garments, it's like you obsess over what your wife wears and not who your wife is. This means you are not truly connected to her. You do not obsess with your child over what it wears, you love it because of WHO IT IS fundamentally. Only bad parents and bad lovers would focus solely on the externalities of a relationship.

I am therefore showing you what the Gods ARE and not what they WEAR. I am showing you truly and verily, that no matter what face the Gods wear, they are the same underlying, loving and eternal beings, that you must appreciate and understand. This is a step to showing you the ARE, the True Being and not the surface.

As the Gods see us clearly, we must learn to see them clearly and understand that their garments can change, but they are fundamentally the same. You are also removed from fear. If anything the recent centuries have shown us, is that no matter what any enemy might do, rename, pervert or try to hide the Gods, they will resurface because they are integral, true and powerful.

They cannot be deleted from the world, only lied about. These lies affect humans and their perception, not the Gods themselves. We remove all their lies and here they are again, as they always were. Nothing has changed; only our delusions have been an obstacle. When these are removed, we reconnect.

This was always the basic premise of the JoS. And if the Gods are to wear a garment, it should be the finest we have to give them as a civilization and the most pure one, that helps us recognize them and makes the process of initial bonding easier. But the point here extends past this; to eternal bonds that will lead us, over the cycle of time, to the destiny that we have.

That is the divine essential and their essence: the unchangeable and eternal, which you must also seek with them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you so much for this sermon! amazing
About the Gods, I want to make everyone understand something deeper than what we knew prior. To go deeper and to unite you with them permanently, beyond space and time.

If you were a man living in the Middle Ages, incarnated back then, and you requested the care or help from "Satan" in that perspective, the same God would answer you. He can clearly see you and all your circumstances.

If you were a man living in Ancient Egypt and you went to pray to Amun, the same God would answer you. They understand your cultural context.

If you were a man in Ancient Greece and you went to pray to Zeus, the same Being would answer you and start guiding you.

Your Guardian Demon recognizes the original you and the original soul, despite on if this lifetime you are Thomas from Belgium and in another you where Bjorn in the time of the Vikings, or Ioannes from Mesopotamia. They know, through all the lifetimes who you are and they recognize you. The bond is based on the deepest fundamental bond and not on your surface identity.

While humans should also be able to recognize them, due to the fact that we are incarnated and every time we in-take impressions from our incarnations, we have to start over and over again. The Gods stay constant, they do not die or age. The same God that was called Satan in the late centuries, was called Zeus in another century, or Beelzebul, or whatever confusion or articulation of the human concept. This does not affect them. This is a process that takes form inside the world of our own.

The eternal underlying Truth is always present, your Guardian Demon has always been there, whether you will approach them through a misperceived Goetia or now through ToZ. Difference is now, with clear lenses, you will see the matter more directly and without alterations.

When that concept becomes better, we clarify lenses and we can see clearly. The goal is to have a crystal clear perception, so we can connect more powerfully. The Gods however in their essence, they are the same.

In the same way the Gods see you, I want to show you how you can see them, to bolster your faith and create eternal bonds that extend beyond the surface. Through this you will have stronger faith. Bjorn, Thomas and Ioannes are the same being, but for Thomas, Bjorn or Ioannes to understand it, he had to awake every single time in his lifetime to start perceiving the larger ideal of himself.

When one spends all their time on the surface of this, they are not truly engaging in divine union. It matters not if the Gods wear a mask in Egypt to teach you about a universal form, or if in Ancient Greece, the same entity, assumed another perspective. And if one obsesses over the garments, they are distancing themselves from the true and eternal bond. One focuses on Bjorn or Ioannes and they are losing the True and Eternal essence, that will follow them everywhere if they grasp it. And it's worthwhile to grasp the whole idea, if one wants to go all the way with the Gods.

The surface is easy to understand and comfortable, but reality begins when one combines that surface, understands it and goes deeper. We wake up when we start understanding more and the greater scene of life.

All of these different garments, are garments of the same primary force that is our side and our Gods. You must understand reality and open up to it, by looking behind the garments.

When you obsess over the garments, it's like you obsess over what your wife wears and not who your wife is. This means you are not truly connected to her. You do not obsess with your child over what it wears, you love it because of WHO IT IS fundamentally. Only bad parents and bad lovers would focus solely on the externalities of a relationship.

I am therefore showing you what the Gods ARE and not what they WEAR. I am showing you truly and verily, that no matter what face the Gods wear, they are the same underlying, loving and eternal beings, that you must appreciate and understand. This is a step to showing you the ARE, the True Being and not the surface.

As the Gods see us clearly, we must learn to see them clearly and understand that their garments can change, but they are fundamentally the same. You are also removed from fear. If anything the recent centuries have shown us, is that no matter what any enemy might do, rename, pervert or try to hide the Gods, they will resurface because they are integral, true and powerful.

They cannot be deleted from the world, only lied about. These lies affect humans and their perception, not the Gods themselves. We remove all their lies and here they are again, as they always were. Nothing has changed; only our delusions have been an obstacle. When these are removed, we reconnect.

This was always the basic premise of the JoS. And if the Gods are to wear a garment, it should be the finest we have to give them as a civilization and the most pure one, that helps us recognize them and makes the process of initial bonding easier. But the point here extends past this; to eternal bonds that will lead us, over the cycle of time, to the destiny that we have.

That is the divine essential and their essence: the unchangeable and eternal, which you must also seek with them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you commander, for your words.
I like to think I feel that I understabd what you explain here. Even when we are by ourselves, we are never truly alone.
About the Gods, I want to make everyone understand something deeper than what we knew prior. To go deeper and to unite you with them permanently, beyond space and time.

If you were a man living in the Middle Ages, incarnated back then, and you requested the care or help from "Satan" in that perspective, the same God would answer you. He can clearly see you and all your circumstances.

If you were a man living in Ancient Egypt and you went to pray to Amun, the same God would answer you. They understand your cultural context.

If you were a man in Ancient Greece and you went to pray to Zeus, the same Being would answer you and start guiding you.

Your Guardian Demon recognizes the original you and the original soul, despite on if this lifetime you are Thomas from Belgium and in another you where Bjorn in the time of the Vikings, or Ioannes from Mesopotamia. They know, through all the lifetimes who you are and they recognize you. The bond is based on the deepest fundamental bond and not on your surface identity.

While humans should also be able to recognize them, due to the fact that we are incarnated and every time we in-take impressions from our incarnations, we have to start over and over again. The Gods stay constant, they do not die or age. The same God that was called Satan in the late centuries, was called Zeus in another century, or Beelzebul, or whatever confusion or articulation of the human concept. This does not affect them. This is a process that takes form inside the world of our own.

The eternal underlying Truth is always present, your Guardian Demon has always been there, whether you will approach them through a misperceived Goetia or now through ToZ. Difference is now, with clear lenses, you will see the matter more directly and without alterations.

When that concept becomes better, we clarify lenses and we can see clearly. The goal is to have a crystal clear perception, so we can connect more powerfully. The Gods however in their essence, they are the same.

In the same way the Gods see you, I want to show you how you can see them, to bolster your faith and create eternal bonds that extend beyond the surface. Through this you will have stronger faith. Bjorn, Thomas and Ioannes are the same being, but for Thomas, Bjorn or Ioannes to understand it, he had to awake every single time in his lifetime to start perceiving the larger ideal of himself.

When one spends all their time on the surface of this, they are not truly engaging in divine union. It matters not if the Gods wear a mask in Egypt to teach you about a universal form, or if in Ancient Greece, the same entity, assumed another perspective. And if one obsesses over the garments, they are distancing themselves from the true and eternal bond. One focuses on Bjorn or Ioannes and they are losing the True and Eternal essence, that will follow them everywhere if they grasp it. And it's worthwhile to grasp the whole idea, if one wants to go all the way with the Gods.

The surface is easy to understand and comfortable, but reality begins when one combines that surface, understands it and goes deeper. We wake up when we start understanding more and the greater scene of life.

All of these different garments, are garments of the same primary force that is our side and our Gods. You must understand reality and open up to it, by looking behind the garments.

When you obsess over the garments, it's like you obsess over what your wife wears and not who your wife is. This means you are not truly connected to her. You do not obsess with your child over what it wears, you love it because of WHO IT IS fundamentally. Only bad parents and bad lovers would focus solely on the externalities of a relationship.

I am therefore showing you what the Gods ARE and not what they WEAR. I am showing you truly and verily, that no matter what face the Gods wear, they are the same underlying, loving and eternal beings, that you must appreciate and understand. This is a step to showing you the ARE, the True Being and not the surface.

As the Gods see us clearly, we must learn to see them clearly and understand that their garments can change, but they are fundamentally the same. You are also removed from fear. If anything the recent centuries have shown us, is that no matter what any enemy might do, rename, pervert or try to hide the Gods, they will resurface because they are integral, true and powerful.

They cannot be deleted from the world, only lied about. These lies affect humans and their perception, not the Gods themselves. We remove all their lies and here they are again, as they always were. Nothing has changed; only our delusions have been an obstacle. When these are removed, we reconnect.

This was always the basic premise of the JoS. And if the Gods are to wear a garment, it should be the finest we have to give them as a civilization and the most pure one, that helps us recognize them and makes the process of initial bonding easier. But the point here extends past this; to eternal bonds that will lead us, over the cycle of time, to the destiny that we have.

That is the divine essential and their essence: the unchangeable and eternal, which you must also seek with them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Lovely. Very beautiful and ground to earth sermon. It's very important see and feel out of the garments. Thank you HP.
This really reminds me of the "Three Pure Ones" of Daoism, the Primordial Gods in their purest form as the Chinese saw them:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
