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Our Head God: Updated With All Identities

Beelzebub/Enlil was a very popular and well-known God who had cities named after him with the prefix "Baal" all over the Middle East.

Most people who have studied the occult know he is very close to Satan and they both go back to the "beginning of time" here on earth; Enlil and Enki. He is Father Satan's half-brother."

The sentence is wrong since Beelzebul is Satan.

Beelzebub/Enlil was a very popular and well-known God who had cities named after him with the prefix "Baal" all over the Middle East.

Most people who have studied the occult know he is very close to Satan and they both go back to the "beginning of time" here on earth; Enlil and Enki. He is Father Satan's half-brother."

The sentence is wrong since Beelzebul is Satan.

It will be explained that "half-brother" is from the enemy grimoires and what it means. No worries about that.
Amon Ra is another name of Zeus? Many of us, inluding myself, based on his description in the Gods/Pantheon section felt that he was our GD.
But if he's literally Zeus and not a son of Zeus as we previously thought then he wouldn't be any average Zevists guardian.
What do we make of this if we were sure until now that Amon was our guardian and a son of Zeus? Is it time to figure out all over again who our GD is?
Amon Ra, despite being listed as 'Amon' in Goetia for maximum confusion, is not Zeus.

Amon Ra is a sun, healing and life God wielding the activated, expressed powers of Amon, fused with those of Re. This is explained in the article. The two have separate sections in Egyptian papyri.

Confusingly, the two (Amon and Amon Ra) also use the same symbols with different meanings. Egyptian culture is very cryptic and the same symbol like a drawing or statue of something can have distinctly different double, triple, quadruple meanings depending on which 'aspect' you are thinking of.

Marduk also has this aspect of Zeus and then the different being with activating solar powers related to Shammash, hence why Amon Ra is known as 'Merodach'. The Gods informed me Belenos among the Celts is a similar case where the Belenos-Apollo inscriptions refers to Amon Ra (not Zeus or Apollo as everyone assumes), but Belenos/Great Bel himself is Zeus. These are titles based on what the God does.
I am extremely proud of having done some work that ended up on the main site.
The section is frankly amazing, I've been reading it for the past couple hours, taking notes and so on.

Very proud of our evolution.
Man I was reading this page and thought this is damn good then I realised, I could click the boxes to get more information on the names of Zeus and I was like DAMN! All that information, then I realized that whole page I clicked on wasnt for each name of Zeus it was just Dyeus Pater AND THAT ACTUALLY EACH NAME HAD ITS OWN UNIQUE PAGE! And each page is filled with incredible knowledge!

Honestly fantastic work, really out did yourselves.

Hail Zeus!
OH MY LORD, This is absolutely amazing and looks beautiful!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
