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Our Head God: Updated With All Identities

Beelzebub/Enlil was a very popular and well-known God who had cities named after him with the prefix "Baal" all over the Middle East.

Most people who have studied the occult know he is very close to Satan and they both go back to the "beginning of time" here on earth; Enlil and Enki. He is Father Satan's half-brother."

The sentence is wrong since Beelzebul is Satan.

Beelzebub/Enlil was a very popular and well-known God who had cities named after him with the prefix "Baal" all over the Middle East.

Most people who have studied the occult know he is very close to Satan and they both go back to the "beginning of time" here on earth; Enlil and Enki. He is Father Satan's half-brother."

The sentence is wrong since Beelzebul is Satan.

It will be explained that "half-brother" is from the enemy grimoires and what it means. No worries about that.
Amon Ra is another name of Zeus? Many of us, inluding myself, based on his description in the Gods/Pantheon section felt that he was our GD.
But if he's literally Zeus and not a son of Zeus as we previously thought then he wouldn't be any average Zevists guardian.
What do we make of this if we were sure until now that Amon was our guardian and a son of Zeus? Is it time to figure out all over again who our GD is?
Amon Ra, despite being listed as 'Amon' in Goetia for maximum confusion, is not Zeus.

Amon Ra is a sun, healing and life God wielding the activated, expressed powers of Amon, fused with those of Re. This is explained in the article. The two have separate sections in Egyptian papyri.

Confusingly, the two (Amon and Amon Ra) also use the same symbols with different meanings. Egyptian culture is very cryptic and the same symbol like a drawing or statue of something can have distinctly different double, triple, quadruple meanings depending on which 'aspect' you are thinking of.

Marduk also has this aspect of Zeus and then the different being with activating solar powers related to Shammash, hence why Amon Ra is known as 'Merodach'. The Gods informed me Belenos among the Celts is a similar case where the Belenos-Apollo inscriptions refers to Amon Ra (not Zeus or Apollo as everyone assumes), but Belenos/Great Bel himself is Zeus. These are titles based on what the God does.
I am extremely proud of having done some work that ended up on the main site.
The section is frankly amazing, I've been reading it for the past couple hours, taking notes and so on.

Very proud of our evolution.
Man I was reading this page and thought this is damn good then I realised, I could click the boxes to get more information on the names of Zeus and I was like DAMN! All that information, then I realized that whole page I clicked on wasnt for each name of Zeus it was just Dyeus Pater AND THAT ACTUALLY EACH NAME HAD ITS OWN UNIQUE PAGE! And each page is filled with incredible knowledge!

Honestly fantastic work, really out did yourselves.

Hail Zeus!
OH MY LORD, This is absolutely amazing and looks beautiful!
Thank you very much. I'm still only halfway through but it's outstanding work.

Thank you for this, HPS, and for your writings over the years on the ancient Celtic/Gaelic holidays at large, as they're very important to me personally. Traditional Irish/Scottish Gaelige is very hard to approach even compared to some of the other tongues (I'm friends with a very rare native speaker, so I'm pretty familiar and it baffles even me sometimes).
I found Welsh/Cymraeg easier to understand but it may depend on the individual.
Greetings to everyone,

We are continuing with the updates in the Temple of Zeus. I want to thank all our writers and TG Karnonnos, GoldenChild, Arcadia, OttoHart and others for the articles, and TG ApolloAbove for the website implementation on TG Thomas's excellent divine design. As such the names of the writers are now also immortalized under the pages of our Head God.

Through their work the power of the Gods is now properly reflected. I have given the general directions for the articles, which have been checked for accuracy and they are pristine to guide you through the Identities of our Head God.

You will find many of His Identities; Deyus Pater, Zeus, Hammon, Indra, Tengri, Atum/Amun, Odin/Thor, Satan/Beelzebul - and many others. The list has 25+ Identities.

Enjoy reading so you gain a whole idea of who our God is and how much His importance is. This will bolster your faith and help you understand, why rightfully we have went into this direction in restoring the identities of the Gods.

https://templeofzeus.org/Our_God - Our Eternal Head God: Zeus, Eternal Truth & His Identities

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A huge thank you to everyone who played a part in this monumental update! May Zeus and the Gods bless you all!

It fills me with immense joy to witness how far the restoration of the Original Religion has progressed and to see the Temple of Zeus advancing in such a promising direction. I have no doubt that this is just the beginning.
Greetings to everyone,

We are continuing with the updates in the Temple of Zeus. I want to thank all our writers and TG Karnonnos, GoldenChild, Arcadia, OttoHart and others for the articles, and TG ApolloAbove for the website implementation on TG Thomas's excellent divine design. As such the names of the writers are now also immortalized under the pages of our Head God.

Through their work the power of the Gods is now properly reflected. I have given the general directions for the articles, which have been checked for accuracy and they are pristine to guide you through the Identities of our Head God.

You will find many of His Identities; Deyus Pater, Zeus, Hammon, Indra, Tengri, Atum/Amun, Odin/Thor, Satan/Beelzebul - and many others. The list has 25+ Identities.

Enjoy reading so you gain a whole idea of who our God is and how much His importance is. This will bolster your faith and help you understand, why rightfully we have went into this direction in restoring the identities of the Gods.

https://templeofzeus.org/Our_God - Our Eternal Head God: Zeus, Eternal Truth & His Identities

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Thank's very match to all the authors who have done such an Important work, I am eternally grateful to you and I am very glad that there are such talanted people among the Zevists (y)

These days, I will carefully study each section and expand my knowledge and gain a clearer understanding about our Supreme God Zeus :)
Greetings to everyone,

We are continuing with the updates in the Temple of Zeus. I want to thank all our writers and TG Karnonnos, GoldenChild, Arcadia, OttoHart and others for the articles, and TG ApolloAbove for the website implementation on TG Thomas's excellent divine design. As such the names of the writers are now also immortalized under the pages of our Head God.

Through their work the power of the Gods is now properly reflected. I have given the general directions for the articles, which have been checked for accuracy and they are pristine to guide you through the Identities of our Head God.

You will find many of His Identities; Deyus Pater, Zeus, Hammon, Indra, Tengri, Atum/Amun, Odin/Thor, Satan/Beelzebul - and many others. The list has 25+ Identities.

Enjoy reading so you gain a whole idea of who our God is and how much His importance is. This will bolster your faith and help you understand, why rightfully we have went into this direction in restoring the identities of the Gods.

https://templeofzeus.org/Our_God - Our Eternal Head God: Zeus, Eternal Truth & His Identities

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Totally beautiful, thank you HP, we thank you. All is coming together, all confusion is disappearing, it's all making sense, thanks a lot
Wow, I'm more-than impressed with the Shangdi section (Zues in Chinese mythology)! I think the Chinese Zevists will appreciate it (THEY BETTER). An expansive section on Zues' Asian mythologies, as well as others, was much-needed and very thoughtful of @Karnonnos [TG] which also defeats that notion that ToZ is "racist" or "pro-White only". I also really enjoyed the inclusion of native Chinese and Japanese translations for the names, and quite frankly, I felt like I was reading an article posted by a Taoist master! It encourages me continue promoting Asian Zevism, still thinking of a good name......Temple of Shangdi, Temple of the Jade Emperor to name a few....

The overwhelming majority, and even the source books in the article is consistent with the research I've done and saved me lots of headaches having to search for copies of historical Chinese texts, just before I came to this post I was on Amazon looking for good copies of Chinese records on the Shen or Di, or Gods, but the article helped clarify the allegories as I had a hard time deciphering what in Chinese mythology were allegories, esoteric, exoteric and etc. I'm still not good at detecting allegory vs. literal.

The mention of the Chinese emperors and their rituals to the Shangdi/Huangdi/Tian, well as the Temple of Heaven confirmed my earliest suspicions about the imperial dynastic era of China, they were indeed, no less closer to Zeus/Jupiter/Satan than per say, the Greeks and Romans, as Chinese civilization is often referred to as the "Greece" of Asia, not my mere opinion either as I learned this from a college class I took on East Asian history.

I really appreciate the mention of this symbol:


When I first researched the "Shangdi" back in May of 2023, I had a gut feeling these symbols bore significance to Zevism (or "Satanism" as we referred to it then), couldn't pin-point the exact significance as I was just beginning my journey.

I can't help but notice that these other variants bear some resemblance to the Kronus sigil:

Another very noteworthy mention, I feel this would go good in the "Tengri" section is Manchurian Shamanism, as the Manchurians come from the same sub-race as the Mongolians, Turks and Central Asians:

It's essentially just Tengrism to the Manchus and people of northeastern China and the emperors of the Qing dynasty followed a mix of Manchu Shamanism and Chinese Folk Religion.

As @Hellenic SS pointed out, the symbol for the Manchu people has a visible swastika, as well as the "5 Colors/5 Gods/5 Faces" of Chinese tradition:

Well Hail Shangdi! I'm tackling Philippine and some lesser-known Amerindian mythologies next.
Greetings to everyone,

We are continuing with the updates in the Temple of Zeus. I want to thank all our writers and TG Karnonnos, GoldenChild, Arcadia, OttoHart and others for the articles, and TG ApolloAbove for the website implementation on TG Thomas's excellent divine design. As such the names of the writers are now also immortalized under the pages of our Head God.

Through their work the power of the Gods is now properly reflected. I have given the general directions for the articles, which have been checked for accuracy and they are pristine to guide you through the Identities of our Head God.

You will find many of His Identities; Deyus Pater, Zeus, Hammon, Indra, Tengri, Atum/Amun, Odin/Thor, Satan/Beelzebul - and many others. The list has 25+ Identities.

Enjoy reading so you gain a whole idea of who our God is and how much His importance is. This will bolster your faith and help you understand, why rightfully we have went into this direction in restoring the identities of the Gods.

https://templeofzeus.org/Our_God - Our Eternal Head God: Zeus, Eternal Truth & His Identities

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Thanks HPHC
I enjoyed it
Hail Zeus and the gods!!!
In Short the god Belbebub is another name for Father Satan/Zeus? Because in the old list of gods are two entities...is a bit confusing now. I hope soon in a sermon can clarify this, i am so curious HP! ^^
Thank you High Priest, and to everybody else involved in this. This is incredible.

I must take this opportunity to study the Gods more, and to push myself a bit again in this regard. I strive to become closer to Them, and I need to do more.

I very much look forward to reading. Hail Zeus.
I'm not sure is correct to mixing different deities together.
Of course jewish knowledge call every God as "Satan" and "Lucifer", but there is no reason to use it in same way.
People often blend names, because at "surface" of psychical communication some aspects aren't cleary visible due overload at these frequencies. The only solution is to dig deeper your soul to unlock different more specific frequencies. Enki/Satan and Enlil/Beelzebul have completely different personalities and nature of acting, sometimes opposite or colliding, that often helped Hell alot to choose wisely in hard decisions like warfare strategy or accurating even difficult judges against Godlike characters, which fates aren't and weren't simple.

What Can I agree, that both of them have a lot of common, because the link (relation) between them is powerful and in most of untrained eyes of humans - their personalities mashing up together. So basically calling Beelzebul by name "Satan" is technicaly correct, but only at trivial, sketchy surface. LEAVE IT ALONE. Surface help alot to disassemble complicated truth into simple ingredients, but we should avoid it if we can, because it makes only Chaos. Deeper communication is safety, even if Apocalypse approch, because in vortex of madness, miserry and death the surface frequencies of psychical communication will be totally overkilled by people stimulies. Simply - We actualy enterning into noiser times with rapid brutal impact nearby, so please make friend with 6th and Moon.
As I see some people here got in dazed by "Who is who"

Next point is, that some of God names in history were created to protect the links between Gods, becuase enemy didn't attacked only directly them, but relations, which are can even same worth as Their personal being. For example Freya is character made from relation of Astaroth and Ki.
Situation with names is clear mess, but not only because sometimes what is deeper and what at surface have different narrations. So people can argue even if both of them "are right" but in different enviorments. Like: "Square is rectangle". To confirm knowledge is to find what is true and when and what is not and never was.

The last important thing is that some of informations are outdated, because some names, positions and relations between Gods are changing even now by continuously processing. We should merge efforts together to obtain what it is and what was. The past is a Great master of present, but only present create future.
Thank you @Karnonnos [TG] and other brothers/sisters who worked on this page.
Will be added more identities?
Praise be to all who made this update happen!

⚡⚡⚡ Hail Batala Maykapal! Hail Zeus! ⚡⚡⚡
As soon as I saw the name "Dagda" something deep in my soul basically screamed YES! I Do no not recall ever getting into contact with this name yet it seems like my soul is very familiar with it. Very unexpected to feel this, very eye opening as well.

Great job on the new site in its entirety, all updates are absolutely amazing!
Saudações a todos,

Continuamos com as atualizações no Templo de Zeus. Quero agradecer a todos os nossos escritores e TG Karnonnos, GoldenChild, Arcadia, OttoHart e outros pelos artigos, e TG ApolloAbove pela implementação do site no excelente design divino de TG Thomas. Como tal, os nomes dos escritores agora também estão imortalizados sob as páginas do nosso Deus Chefe.

Por meio de seu trabalho, o poder dos Deuses agora é refletido adequadamente. Eu dei as instruções gerais para os artigos, que foram verificadas quanto à precisão e são imaculadas para guiá-lo através das Identidades de nosso Deus Chefe.

Você encontrará muitas de Suas Identidades; Deyus Pater, Zeus, Hammon, Indra, Tengri, Atum/Amun, Odin/Thor, Satan/Belzebul - e muitas outras. A lista tem mais de 25 Identidades.

Aproveite a leitura para que você tenha uma ideia completa de quem é nosso Deus e o quanto Ele é importante. Isso fortalecerá sua fé e ajudará você a entender por que, corretamente, seguimos nessa direção para restaurar as identidades dos Deuses.

https://templeofzeus.org/Our_God - Nosso Deus Eterno: Zeus, Verdade Eterna e Suas Identidades

Greetings to everyone,

We are continuing with the updates in the Temple of Zeus. I want to thank all our writers and TG Karnonnos, GoldenChild, Arcadia, OttoHart and others for the articles, and TG ApolloAbove for the website implementation on TG Thomas's excellent divine design. As such the names of the writers are now also immortalized under the pages of our Head God.

Through their work the power of the Gods is now properly reflected. I have given the general directions for the articles, which have been checked for accuracy and they are pristine to guide you through the Identities of our Head God.

You will find many of His Identities; Deyus Pater, Zeus, Hammon, Indra, Tengri, Atum/Amun, Odin/Thor, Satan/Beelzebul - and many others. The list has 25+ Identities.

Enjoy reading so you gain a whole idea of who our God is and how much His importance is. This will bolster your faith and help you understand, why rightfully we have went into this direction in restoring the identities of the Gods.

https://templeofzeus.org/Our_God - Our Eternal Head God: Zeus, Eternal Truth & His Identities

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So Satan is Zeus? I'm really lost since the site changed its name
Are there any etymologic connections between Greek ταώς and Zeus or other versions of Father's name? Yezidi Melek Taus originates from Iranian word which comes from Greek taos, and before that, probably an older Sanskrit word तवस meaning bright, light, etheral beauty, and spiritual power. M-l-k root in Arabic (Yezidis were persecuted and assimilated into arabs greatly, they have a lot of arabic words even though their native language is under the Iranian branch of Indo-european family) means owner and king so Melek Taus means Owner of the Light in literal translation and the Angel of Light in modern translation.

Indo-european Teu ➜ तवस ➜ ταώς ➜ Taus
Indo-european Dyeu ➜ Zeus, Deus, Jupiter, all other names

Indo-european Teu(h), possibly the origin of Taus, means power, and later in Sanskrit it means light and power. Light is power.

I'm basically wondering if unknown proto indo-european origin of Taus is same with the other names of Father or is it from another origin.
Indo-european Teu ➜ तवस ➜ ταώς ➜ Taus
To not mislead anyone, know that this is a possibility. Another possibility is Teu(h) ➜ Taošā (from Avesta) ➜ Taus. Greeks and Persians were interacting so both are possible.

This is the bird of Hera. That is the only connection I know with Zeus and Taus.
Greetings to everyone,

We are continuing with the updates in the Temple of Zeus. I want to thank all our writers and TG Karnonnos, GoldenChild, Arcadia, OttoHart and others for the articles, and TG ApolloAbove for the website implementation on TG Thomas's excellent divine design. As such the names of the writers are now also immortalized under the pages of our Head God.

Through their work the power of the Gods is now properly reflected. I have given the general directions for the articles, which have been checked for accuracy and they are pristine to guide you through the Identities of our Head God.

You will find many of His Identities; Deyus Pater, Zeus, Hammon, Indra, Tengri, Atum/Amun, Odin/Thor, Satan/Beelzebul - and many others. The list has 25+ Identities.

Enjoy reading so you gain a whole idea of who our God is and how much His importance is. This will bolster your faith and help you understand, why rightfully we have went into this direction in restoring the identities of the Gods.

https://templeofzeus.org/Our_God - Our Eternal Head God: Zeus, Eternal Truth & His Identities

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Hail lucifer 🤘

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
