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A short guide for people coming to Spiritual Satanism from different religions


Jul 12, 2024
Depending on your previous religion, it can be easier or harder to familiarize yourself with Spiritual Satanism, so this will explain what you need to be aware of. I'm writing only about those religions I'm familiar with and have studied, as I don't know anything about Sikhism or Shintoism or other small non-Western religions.

What do you need to know if you are coming from:


First, you need to unlearn everything as Satanism is completely different. Satan isn't who Christianity says he is and we don't follow Christian beliefs. A few important things to understand:

  • Satan is an ancient Pagan God and predates Christianity
  • The Christian/Jewish god doesn't exist and isn't accepted as a real entity in SpiritualSatanism.
  • We don't believe Satan is a being who created the universe like the Christian God. He isn't omnipresent or omnipotent and he doesn't spy or interfere in people's private lives, nor does he care about them or monitor every single thing people do in order to punish them
  • Satan and the other Gods/Demons will only get offended if you intend to offend them, such as slandering them or attacking their people or trying to abuse the Demons using enemy grimoire methods or doing horrible things in their name
  • He isn't "worshipped" blindly, but he is seen as a spiritual guide who helps us become Gods like him
  • If you are coming to Satanism thinking it's just like Christianity with a different god but a more real one and you want to pray like Christians do and do nothing else, you will be wasting your time
  • The most important practice here is power meditation, so you will not see any difference until you start doing power meditations (and possibly other things like kundalini yoga) every day.
  • If we want to improve our material life, we don't "pray" but we use magick.
  • We don't accept the Christian version of heaven and hell and we don't believe in an eternal afterlife. There is reincarnation instead.
  • There's not any such thing as selling your soul and Satan isn't an evil entity who buys souls. He created our souls and wants to empower and perfect them.
Make sure to read the Exposing Christianity website before doing anything else, as it's important to deprogram of all your previous hang-ups before doing anything else:

Most of the info above also applies to Islam, as it's similar to Christianity.


Read the above paragraphs about Christianity, as many atheists and agnostics are only aware of Christianity so they assume all other religions are like Christianity and often use the same strawman arguments against us that they use against Christians, or they assume we're just like Christianity because they haven't looked into what we do.

In Spiritual Satanism, you don't need to have any sort of "faith", only to practice and see things for yourself. But don't dismiss anything you haven't practiced.

Another important thing some atheists don't understand is there's free will here. We don't seek to convert people like Christians do, and it's been said that Satanism isn't for everyone. So if you are skeptical you can try our practices and see for yourself, and if you aren't satisfied or you find this isn't for you you can stop practicing. We don't need to "prove" anything to you, it's up to you to do it. Nor do the Gods do silly things like knocking objects off in order to prove you something, that would be disrespectful to ask them that.

Read this page too:


Jews cannot become Satanists and the Dedication Ritual will not work for a jewish person. This also includes atheist jews and everyone who is ethnically jewish, not just religious jews.


If you are coming from Wicca, it's much easier to adapt to Spiritual Satanism than if you were coming from mainstream religions, because there are many things in common:

  • Same holidays
  • We also use magick and witchcraft
  • We use runes
  • We are practice-based rather than faith-based
But there are also some important differences:
  • We don't cast circles, circles are considered disrespectful because they were used to abuse the Gods.
  • We do practice black magick and don't believe in the Threefold Lie (law).
  • Magick is mostly about using your mind and vibrating words of power in Satanism, rather than using tools, herbs, incense and other props.
  • The most important practice is power meditation, which is why for a lot of Wiccans magick doesn't work, because they haven't empowered their souls with power meditation.
  • The Gods and Goddesses are separate living beings of their own, not aspects of one God or Goddess or parts of nature


We do accept Satan as a real being here and we don't accept many things in Lavey's philosophy, like extreme greed and radical individualism. Spiritual Satanism is, well, Spiritual and focused on empowering your soul.

Much of what I said about Atheism also applies here too.

Theistic Satanism:

Two important things to understand:

  1. Satan is an ancient Pagan God, he predates Christianity and the Christian/Jewish God doesn't exist. Spiritual Satanism doesn't depend on Christianity or the jewish mythology/cosmology.
  2. Everything jewish is against Satan, including things like the Qliphoth. These aren't Satanic at all, but jewish slander against Satan and our Gods/Demons.
Also, a reverse Christian is someone who follows Christianity upside down and believes in Satan instead of Jehova and accepts what that religion says about Satan. Not someone who knows Satan is a balanced being and doesn't harm his loved ones, only his enemies. I feel the need to clarify this, because Theistic Satanists often misuse that word a lot.


Satanism also has some things in common with Hinduism, but mostly non-mainstream Hinduism. We practice kundalini yoga, empower our chakras and use Sanskrit mantras, but unlike in Hinduism we don't need a "guru" to teach us how to do that, we are free to use a technique we read on the internet. But there are many differences. There are no restrictions here, like vegetarianism or celibacy, and we seek to become Gods rather than merge into some mind-hive of oneness. The ego is important in Satanism. Many things in Hinduism are corrupted.

Another thing, Satan is Shiva and the Hindu Gods are our Demons. Many Hindus falsely think our Gods are the "asuras", as if Hinduism is the same as Christianity and what they call "demons" are the same. But it isn't. The word Demon here means an ancient Pagan God, not an "evil" being. And Christianity comes from Zoroastrianism which inverted the whole Deva/Asura thing and calls the divine beings "A(s)huras" while their evil ones are called "D(a)evas" and slandered. Indra and Rudra, the powerful Vedic gods are two of the "evil" D(a)evas in Zoroastrianism which supposedly bring misery to humanity.

Mantras here are vibrated, not sung here and we use them in magickal workings or to empower our chakras and souls, not to "worship" a god. For example, there's a money working using the Mahalakshmi mantra.

In Satanism we don't seek to extinguish ourselves, but we to become Gods. We also know the self is real. Buddhist meditation can help, but it isn't everything, as we practice a different type of meditation here which is important. I've seen many who come to Spiritual Satanism hear that daily meditation is important and scoff saying "well, duh, I already meditate!" except the meditation they are practicing has limited use here, it's only good for focusing your mind but it doesn't empower your soul or chakras.

What I said applies mostly to the Western Buddhists, as I've recently learned that Asian Buddhists are completely different and common laypeople don't meditate (only the monks do) and they do worship various Buddhas. I don't know much about that type of Buddhism, to be honest.
Very well written post, brother! I hope more people see this and bring it up the feed regularly, and I will link to it for people as well. I've taken the liberty to add some more introductions for religions you did not include, for the sake of completeness.


You were playing with very basic spiritual concepts up until now. "We are all one small part of existence experiencing it" is not deep philosophy for you to meditate on for decades. It is something 7 year old children in the Golden Age were able to comprehend. Yes, we are all energetical facets of the Akasha, move on.
You and me, and humanity, are special, because we have these amazing batteries called souls, which grant us our consciousness and many other things.
Ditch the idea of the One. Not all religions are perfect individual paths to the Divine. This is very obvious, as while humans looking into spirituality have found similar concepts and explained it in many diverse ways, some interpretations are simply backwards, bad for you and bad for society, and bad for existence. Please recognize this.

Your "prophet" did say one great thing. There is one "God", and his name is True.
You will meet Truth here, and gaze upon His beautiful face. If you put in the work.

Mainstream, Neo-Paganism

It's beautiful that people that were otherwise atheists are taking advantage of this time of greater freedom from abrahamic persecution, and looking into the Gods.
Some of you looked into your ancestral Gods and theology, some of you are kids or young people who saw someone making an offering to Lady Aphrodite on TikTok.

We all start somewhere, but please understand that all the mythological stories you are reading were:
-written for communities that knew things that we (or maybe you) don't.
-written to have layers upon layers of meaning. When taking the mythological stories at face value, you are essentially on the level of a child in an Ancient Pagan society. Children were read these stories to instill powerful images in them, and connect them to the Gods on the level they could understand. Deeper meaning was left for when the child grew older, and they could recognize how concepts in their real life connect to these. Even deeper, practical knowledge, was reserved for the brightest who could find it themselves, or for advanced members of secret "Mystery Schools". We, Spiritual Satanists, want to be more like the Mystery student, and less like the child.
-written, because of the above mentioned Mystery Schools, with meanings that were not passed down on purpose. No need to write explanations to these things, half the wisdom comes from figuring it out.
-corrupted over time, by the simple telephone game effect of history, or by aggressive censorship and slander from Abrahamic religion.

With this in mind, I won't explain literally every piece of mythology, but I will give a few very important ones that might cause confusion when you study our doctrine or result in accidental blasphemy:

Norse Paganism: Odin is the All-Father, the Creator of Humanity, Lord Satan Enki. Thor is the Heavenly Power, Zeus, Baalzebul, Enlil, raining thunder into the world (manifesting concepts into reality). Enki and Enlil are brothers. Odin and Thor are father and son. Whenever family relations are mentioned in mythology, they (most of the time) don't refer to actual genealogy, but rather spiritual meaning. We don't know for a fact whether Baalzebul and Satan are biological brothers of the same mother, and that is not relevant to your development.
Greek Paganism: Zeus is not the "Supreme God". The 7 Olympian Theoi are representative of real Gods, but their stories are meant to reflect the 7 main Chakras. Zeus rules the Gods (Chakras) as the Crown Chakra, the strongest creative force and the connection to the higher realms.
Kemetic (Egypt) Paganism: The Gods are not animal hybrids. This, again, is allegory. The Gods in their purest essence are beyond the concept of a body, but their physical manifestations in the Universe as extraterrestrials look very similar to us. This is partly because we were made in their image, and partly because the shape of the human body is the most sacred shape of a lifeform and gives the best potential for power.
Extra: No, the Gods aren't fighting each other. No, the Gods never killed each other.


See Hinduism.
To add to it, Buddha is just a person with opinions. Did you know you can form opinions as well?
Comitting spiritual suicide and being blissful about it is still comitting spiritual suicide.

Sadly, for many historical reasons, Buddhism is one of the most corrupted eastern religions. The Eightfold path you have is corrupted, Karma is corrupted, and you have reincarnation backwards. Similarly to Christian doctrine, just forget what you knew.

Stop hating the concept of being alive and learn to be truly happy.


Surprisingly enough, a lot of your teaches are pretty pure and the idea of spiritual alchemy and Ethics is very much alive. You will find yourself right at home here, there isn't much I have to write.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
