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How is islam different from christianity?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I sped this up slightly because imgur limits videos to 60 seconds.

So "allah" makes muslim Girls/Women and decides how they should look and what their composition should be, but then says, "You are disgusting! I made you but you are sickening! Cover yourself up, medammit!"? The "rElIgIoN oF pEaCe" has a "god" that has Women/Girls be raped as a test as well as the rapist be tested by having it rape. Just like mo did with an underaged Girl. (Where have I heard that before, Mary?!) It is the Girl's/Woman's job to not be raped? That reminds me of that leaked military video where a worker in a helicopter destroyed a building with innocent people walking past, and said so carelessly and callously something like he (an innocent civilian Man) shouldn't have came out that day and been walking past there, while releasing a rocket to destroy the building. It is clear that the "god" of christianity is the "god" of islam, and obviously it is all jewish. I say christianity and islam are two sides of the same jewish coin. I also say that islam is today what christianity was in history.

I am just one person and have not enough power to enact this. I say it regardless. Those "preachers" should all... do... erm... something.

You: Be tested?

Yes! Be tested. They should all be tested. Then they'd enjoy being tested and they'd worship "allah" with greater fervour.

The more you see the more you realise that abrahamism is misogynistic. That is very obvious. Oh, and which side of the Brain and Soul is feminine? I wonder why that happens... It is obvious that Females can give and help and teach and be there for things that Males can't.


The abrahamic islam is today what the abrahamic christianity was in history.

See "god"/"allah" in "heaven" "looking down" to this "creation". Perhaps I'll mock abrahamist creationists who are not being raped and beaten. who think they have a bad life, and I might say that we are living in a simulation; their "god" is an emotionless robot with a badly-coded, illogical AI programme, very autistic. FYI - AI can "hallucinate", so creationists should be happy that "none of this is real" and AI "god" is halucinating their existences.
Why would an all-knowing “god” need to test anyone?

As for your question, xianity is different from islam in the sense that it is less jewish in some areas. The early (entirely jewish) xians essentially dropped the entirety of the torah and its 613 mitzvots so they can more easily recruit gentiles into the cult. You can read about it by looking into the council of jerusalem, the very first church council, which was composed entirely of jews who were debating whether gentile xians should mutilate their genitals as well as follow other weird jewish nonsense. Fortunately, they decided not to do that, or maybe unfortunately as if they decided the other way, xianity might have never gotten popular as nobody sane would want to follow all the jewish rules. Xian philosophers in later centuries then adopted a lot of PAGAN neoplatonic and aristotlian philosophies as well as ethics and made these their own, this is why xianity can seem “western”, as like the jew, it blended in and became “european”, imitating a lot of european traits while its core remaining jewish.

Islam is modified arabic judaism. It adopted many of the jewish laws but got rid of other stuff and added some of its own, like the burka. In that way, it’s more jewish, making it worse in action than xianity as it ties muslims to jewish thinking and behaviour more than xians, although xians might get jewed even more as they literally believe they eat and drink a jewish body as well as blood into their gentile bodies, and they call themselves the “real jews”. Islam also claims to be the “true original abrahamic religion”.

They’re all basically bickering about being the right type of jew
I also want to add that jewish and muslim “philosophers” also essentially adopted neoplatonic and ariatotilian philosophies (as like the xians they have no real philosophy of their own) and modified them to make them halal/kosher.
I believe another difference is that christianity was pushed on white people, who are the more resistant to the jewish lies, that's why jews were expelled so many times in past times (and that's why jews are hitting west civilization hard these years, pushing feminism/lgbt/blm/multiculturalism), and in some way white europeans made christianity more "acceptable", as Seeker In The Dark said, while still maintaining a jewish core. If Islam was pushed on whites instead of christianity during the dark ages, Islam would become less extremist than it is now in the islamic countries, and follow a similar history to Christianity.
Why would an all-knowing “god” need to test anyone?
"iT's So YoU cAn UnDeRsTaNd. It'S nOt FoR gOd; It'S fOr YoU."
As for your question, xianity is different from islam in the sense that it is less jewish in some areas. The early (entirely jewish) xians essentially dropped the entirety of the torah and its 613 mitzvots so they can more easily recruit gentiles into the cult. You can read about it by looking into the council of jerusalem, the very first church council, which was composed entirely of jews who were debating whether gentile xians should mutilate their genitals as well as follow other weird jewish nonsense. Fortunately, they decided not to do that, or maybe unfortunately as if they decided the other way, xianity might have never gotten popular as nobody sane would want to follow all the jewish rules. Xian philosophers in later centuries then adopted a lot of PAGAN neoplatonic and aristotlian philosophies as well as ethics and made these their own, this is why xianity can seem “western”, as like the jew, it blended in and became “european”, imitating a lot of european traits while its core remaining jewish.

Islam is modified arabic judaism. It adopted many of the jewish laws but got rid of other stuff and added some of its own, like the burka. In that way, it’s more jewish, making it worse in action than xianity as it ties muslims to jewish thinking and behaviour more than xians, although xians might get jewed even more as they literally believe they eat and drink a jewish body as well as blood into their gentile bodies, and they call themselves the “real jews”. Islam also claims to be the “true original abrahamic religion”.

They’re all basically bickering about being the right type of jew
I didn't know that. Thanks! I don't know much about islam, and I haven't read the exposing islam site either. I still "might do one day".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
