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Extremist christian pastor Joel Webbon


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Claims "the World is ours" - christians are "destined to Colonise the stars"
I wonder which biblical verse that refers to.

In a live stream of a Right Response Ministries podcast, entitled "The Many Blessings of Colonialism", on the 16th of October 2024, speaking with Michael Belch and someone else, Joel Webbon claims "we - christians" are to colonise the stars and that Earth belongs to christians, because they are promised dominion over it, ignoring the other arguments that "heaven and Earth" will be destroyed and re-made. One wonders what christians would do if they managed to rape, pillage and desecrate Earth into subjugation and slavery.

Joel Webbon claims "the World is ours"; christians are "destined to colonise the stars"

As some of us know, in the jew language hebrew, "jehova" means "god of evil". Some may also realise that christians love to be co-conspiritors of evil, they love to accompany evil and be partners in crime with it. It's also more stupid than that - "god" "created" non-christians (except christians themselves were bOrN cHrIsTiAnS) and said to christians that they can rape, pillage and destroy them. It's as if I had a hunting dog, or just any dog with the correct genetic disposition and trained him and gave him a hare or fox to rip to shreds. I own the dog, like "god" owns christians and the heathens, so it's not a problem. Onward, fucking christian soldiers.

Christian Joel Webbon Explains How Jesus Was Wrong... What?

This xian fundamentalism extremism must be how the jew kept up the shit in history. xians think they are right, and think they are under "higher laws" so murdering innocent individuals is OK and means nothing to them. You might also have seen videos where xians say things like, or are asked things like and confirm it, if it weren't for "god"'s laws, they would go out and murder and steal, along the same lines of asking where morality comes from if were not from "god". Along this line of history (which I am presuming, because I simply cannot prove it) - name any non-christianised countries, including Black and Asian, which were raped, pillaged and razed to the ground into being xians, stealing their Lands and cancelling/deleting their respective customs and cultures into being xian shit... and now living in nothing but squalour, shit, disease, poverty, drug-ridden... existence, if you can call that existence, pestilence, etc.

In 200 years' time, when xianity is reduced again due to "atheists" - people's Human Brains and Thinking - realising the reality of the bullshit of xianity and "god", history will report that Whites raped and pillaged and destroyed and razed and decemated countries again, bolstering more anti-White racism and pro-Black/pro-Asian inter-continental nationalism. Then when Whites are subjugated again, Blacks and Asians will come in again, another wave of "migrants" "fleeing hardship, etc.", to attempt to destroy Whites in White Countries, while some Whites enjoy having non-White Babies ignoring and not caring about those non-White Babies being born from only 1 White parent not looking like them and not having their customs and culture and identity, etc...

Texas pastor suggests executing "a few women" to end false rape accusations

Chron -
Chron is an essential digital-first local news source serving more than 6 million unique readers a month in Houston and the surrounding region, including Galveston and the Gulf Coast.


Far-Right Pastor Wants False Sexual Assault Reports to Be Punishable by Death

This pastor won’t let his wife read unless he approves of her reading material

Current -
Current is an online journal of commentary and opinion providing daily reflections on contemporary ideas, culture, and politics. We offer critical and constructive insights on issues of national concern in a manner that strives to honor nuance, tolerate complexity, and resist crude partisanship.


It will occasionally become obvious that the positions taken by many of our contributors are informed by Christian faith. However, we are not a Christian publication per se. We welcome submissions from anyone. Above all, we as writers and editors aspire to produce a journal that is honest, charitable, catholic, and civic-minded.

I can't get archive.is to work properly.

Welp, when I was a christian I learnt that "god" doesn't want you to be luke warm; instead, it prefers if you are either hot or cold.


See also -

Project 2025

Images that describe xianity honestly
Yesterday I red some "torah", it's the most stupid thing ever, someone pretend to be "god" and to have created everything.

"allpowerful" then is scared of people who advance spiritually, and procede to curse and curse, while demanding useless sacrifices from his little thugs.

Then Satan is evil, because people worship him to advance, and all the crimes commited by "yhvh" are justified because they worship him to advance. Satan fault here.

Then he isn't capable of creating anything, and as a holy promise, he said that he will let his little thugs jews, loot cities and steal the results of others works, and take everything from humans, animals ecc...

Without Satan, nothing to loot I guess.

Then jews pretend that Brahman and Saraswati and all the civilizations came from someone that worship that pathetic "yhvh", and that these were jews. There are also messing with allegories in coded ways related to Demons.

Just a wet dream of playing gangsta, bloodshed and non-existent logic.

I can't believe that this is a cult of +5000 years. xianity played a major role on submiting to this bullshit.

Now I see more than ever, jews are super pathetic. Imagine dedicating your whole life to proudly study the "torah" and the bible. How stupid.

The may problem with xians is blind emotional bond of "yhvh"/"jc"=good Satan=bad. So they don't doubt "yhvh" and his "hidden ways". They never read it, and they don't understand it anyway. The bible gives mind fog and make you ask what the fuck are you reading. And I say this from the prospective of an SS who has logic, and understand more things then normies, or at least know them a bit.

xianity is based on children brainwashing, and on false interpretations of random verses without context, that make you behave like a sissy and a victim.
And also on medioeval literacture, like that of Dante, that isn't even biblical.
If marxism fail, jews will push christianity. They always promote a program of domination and slavery for the Gentiles, if one fails, the other arrives.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
